#i don’t exclusively read that but those are the ones that came to mind hxhchsks
11x13kyle · 1 year
well now the question is what are your other fave sp fics i could use recs
omg now i gotta think hard about it bc its been a while since i’ve actually sat and Finished a fic (i love to just kind of Start them) my brain is also a little asleep so it’s gonna be a short list for now but i may add on later! all of these are on ao3 btw
most recently i reread like a couple of cosmonauts by tulliefullest and it was so so good i really recommend. i love the perspective on good end pcov style and i found it really sweet!
i also remember enjoying hollycomb’s ascent of stan but i haven’t read it in like. 5 years. so my memory is super foggy (i almost reread it last night but totally forgot to lmao) that said i remember enjoying it as like. a character study on stan while he’s going through a midlife crisis
another one in that same vein is offering garden finery with a frown by julads, which i also haven’t read in a while, but stuck in my mind as being just very sweet and quiet which i like in a fic
i reread ✔️✔️read by boyue a couple months ago and it was SO cute and even though the style and humor are very 2016/2017 i think it holds up! it’s a wrong number au which i’m always a sucker for
also if you have recs i’d love to hear some too!!! i may even read them if i can relearn how to read
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