#i don’t think white like fully white girls with typically white traits that are hyped up in media as the beauty standard realise that
riarevenge · 3 years
Stupid question from a dumb American. In England is it a thing where white girls who have some questionably dark tans use POC emojis? I feel like I’ve seen that a lot recently from English white girls I’ve run across on Insta. (Also this is not me saying white girls in America aren’t ignorant. Just that the two groups seem to do ignorant differently)
yeah, i see it quite a bit. and really, not to rant, but i just think it’s a marker of other behaviours for most of em. people are shocked jesy nelson still has supporters but it doesn’t shock me, she got away with this for YEARS when poc were the only ones talking about it because it sparks a conversation i think many girls, especially british ones, find uncomfortable. the fact is, it feels like the majority of white girls here tan and/or get lip fillers. and that in itself isn’t an issue, but a very large portion of these girls do this to the point of looking almost racially ambiguous. and for a lot, they’re tanning very dark, to the point it’s problematic, and getting lip fillers but it doesn’t hide the fact it’s clearly a white woman. and i think these girls keep quiet during conversations about jesy nelson, or defend her, because it’s easier to do that than have to examine your own behaviours and inspect if you also are a culprit of stn like this. it’s to the point where a lot of woc are being accused of black/brownfishing themselves, like jade thirwall! because people can’t even tell who’s white half the time here. i have olive skin, (my fam calls my natural skin colour light caramel but i hate the food reference😭), but because i live in a fucking cold country, have severe anemia/vitamin deficiencies and an ED, im a lot paler than usual at the minute and yet, for the most part, people can tell i am not white by my features. these girls that overly tan, a lot of them you can tell, but some get so many fillers and work done that you can’t even discern who is under all of that work. and let me be clear, i don’t care at all about people tanning, getting surgery or cosmetic procedures done but i do care when it makes woc have to constantly explain ethnicities and backgrounds bc nobody can tell who’s white anymore! it’s frustrating because they get to look how they want to look without facing what woc have to because of looking that way. nobody is racially abusing lydia smith from edinburgh because no matter how hard she tries, she’s a white woman! she can still make herself look racially ambigous and not receive the abuse woc get. and like under all that tan, you’re still 👱🏼‍♀️ this! i don’t care if you make it the slightly tanner emoji, the older members of my fam use 👩🏽‍🦱 for all the girls in our family bc they deem it the most similar even if certain ones of us don’t use it ourselves, i have poc friends who use a shade lighter or darker depending on hair colour. but when emily from newcastle and lydia from edinburgh are using 👱🏿‍♀️ instead of 👱🏻‍♀️. that’s weird.
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obxdrewseph · 4 years
Tik Tok - Rafe Cameron
Description: Rafe Cameron falls for a girl he often sees in a cafe and is too nervous to talk to her, so his best friend, Topper, decides to take matters into his own hands and makes a tik tok asking if anyone can identify Rafe’s crush. Of course, she sees it and confronts him. 
P.S. pretend covid doesnt exist in this LOL
“Bro, just do it.”
“Rafe, c’mon man. When did you become such a pussy?”
“Shut the hell up man, I’m not.” 
“Then ask her out!” 
It was your typical Wednesday afternoon-- the college cafe was bustling with students coming in and out from classes and from students mingling with their friends.
Rafe and Topper sat in the midst of all the chaos, ignoring their econ homework to stare at Rafe Cameron’s current obsession.
“How is this girl different from any other you’ve liked? Just man up and ask for her number or something.” 
Rafe Cameron. 
Notorious player on campus. And douchebag. He was the type to sleep with a girl and kick her out of his room at 3 in the morning. He never had strong feelings for a girl, which is why Topper was baffled at the fact he kept staring at the dark haired, brown eyed plain Jane in the corner of the coffee shop. 
“Look, she’s just a pretty girl. And she just looks... shy I guess.” Rafe lamely said. He didn’t know why he wasn’t just barging up to her like he normally did at parties. Of course, those girls were clawing to get to him. He didn’t have to work as hard. 
Topper sighed loudly. “Fine, fine. If you’re gonna force my hand.” 
Rafe raised a brow as Topper slowly pulled his phone from his pocket. 
He then began to film the girl and zooming in on her face. 
“Top, what are you--”
After 30, long, agonizing seconds for Rafe Cameron, his best friend finally stopped filming the poor girl.
“Does anyone know this girl? This loser wants to ask her out...” He spoke as he typed.
“No wait--”
“Done. Just posted on tik tok.”
Rafe’s jaw dropped.
“Now, we wait.” 
You had a long day of classes and all you wanted to do was fall in your bed. 
But no, as a history major, you had to read 250 pages (the entire book needed to be read by the end of the week, but you were spacing), write detailed notes on them, and then start on your essay that is due next week. 
You always liked to get ahead of schedule so that your work wouldn’t pile up. 
After sitting in the cafe for an hour, you had to go home to cook dinner. You hated eating at cafes since bread just wasn’t your thing. 
Once you hit your dorm room, you checked your phone that seemed to have hundreds of notifications.
"The fuck?” You whispered out loud. As an RA, you could say whatever you wanted to in your room, but you still felt weird swearing in front of others. Which is why you whispered the words to yourself.
You dropped your bag at the door and quickly opened your phone. 
Congrats, you’re famous! don’t forget me lol
rafe cameron ?? honeyyy get itttttt 
Confusion. That’s all you felt. You quickly clicked on the link on of your friends sent you. 
You watched the video set in as Topper, the owner of the account, zoomed in on your face at the cafe you were just in. You didn’t think you looked pretty as your hair was a mess and you hadn’t showered in a couple of days. 
Not to mention you were wearing jeans and a baggy t-shirt-- the normal college attire. 
As you read the caption, you felt your heart race at an abnormal rate. 
The words became blurry fairly quickly as your stress started to build up. You set your phone down on the counter to avoid dropping it-- you were rational enough to do that. 
You kept getting texts from your closest friends saying two words: Call me. But at this point, you couldn’t even think straight. What was a hot, popular guy like Rafe Cameron doing pining over you? And apparently being too afraid to ask you out?
Honestly, you had never been hit on in your first two years of college and you didn’t think it was going to start with Rafe Cameron, the richest guy at the school. And every straight college girl’s wet dream. 
You heard your phone buzz on the counter and you checked caller ID. It was your best friend.
You took a deep breath and answered it.
“Hey, you didn’t tell me you were dating Rafe Cameron.” She joked. 
“Shut up! Tell me what to do!!” You screamed. 
“Ok, ok, I can tell you’re freaking out and nervous, but this is a good thing! A happy thing! A guy liked you so much that he put a video--”
“His best friend posted the video--”
��As I was saying, put a video out about YOU! This is your chance to finally have the romance you’ve always dreamed of, right? You’re always pining after those book boyfriends or whatever who AREN’T REAL.”
She emphasized the last part which made you cringe. Your obsession with fictional characters was justified-- if she read, she would know. 
“Dude, this is Rafe. Rafe fucking Cameron.” She gasped at your swearing, a joke both of you had because you’ve known each other since you were children.
“Exactly, it’s Rafe motherfucking Cameron, meaning, you HAVE to go after him.” 
“No, you’re wrong! He’s Rafe Cameron! If he was really into me, he would’ve asked me out already. Literally no one can say no to him nor does anyone want to.” You bit your lip, thinking of ways to get out of this. “You know what? I bet this is a prank or something.”
“A prank?”
“Yeah, like Topper trying to embarrass Rafe by making an ugly girl ask him out--”
“First of all, don’t talk about yourself like that. And second, no, tik tok is not the place to embarrass girls. They would get roasted so hard. And third, THIS IS YOUR CHANCE.”
Contrary to your best friend, you never seriously wanted a relationship. You were the type to fantasize about falling in love and hyped up all of your friends when they had crushes, but you never truly found someone you wanted to get to know or wanted to date. 
It just seemed so outlandish to you. 
Plus, you wrote off college boys when one followed all of your roommates on instagram besides you. That kinda knocked your ego down. 
“Look, I’m just going to ignore this. I don’t think it’s going to be the love story you think so I’m gonna go.”
“Wait, y/n--”
You hung up before she could finish. 
You just couldn’t deal with her hopeless romanticism right now. 
You sighed and tied your hair into a messy bun. How could you finish your homework now? 
“I don’t think she saw it.” 
Topper laughed at his nervous looking friend.
“Dude, she definitely saw it. It has thousands of likes the last time I checked and I’m pretty sure people were tagging her in the comments.”
Rafe fixed his hat so it covered his face. He definitely didn’t want his friend to notice it turning beet red. 
“I hate you dude.” 
“No you don’t.” 
Once again, the two rich boys were sitting in the same cafe they were in yesterday. They had been sitting in there for two hours now, and there was no sign of the mysterious girl who did or did not know she was tik tok famous.
“I don’t think she’s coming.” Rafe commented. On one hand, he was relieved he wouldn’t have to talk to her. But on the bigger hand, he desperately wanted to see her again. He didn’t know why he was so captivated by her brightly dyed hair or the 10 pins stuck on her backpack. She seemed so normal, yet she stuck out with all the book stickers she had on her laptop. Rafe would never tell a living soul that he liked reading YA romance novels but he felt like he could confide in this mysterious girl. 
“I don’t know. It’s still early.” Topper noted. 
“Um, excuse me?” 
The two boys’ heads shot up at the dainty voice.
You were wearing black ripped jeans with a white top; it was the most simple outfit Rafe had seen you in as you usually dressed in bright colors. He would never admit it, but he even noticed when you changed your nail polish.
What Rafe didn’t know was that your best friends held an intervention last night and told you to dress “more to his style” which included simple attire. Yet, you couldn’t fully immerse in the role and wore your favorite bucket hat that was covered in white daisies. 
“Hey,” Rafe said lamely. 
Topper immediately gathered his stuff and left you two alone. What a homie.
At Rafe’s bland answer, you smiled politely. 
“Can I sit?” You asked. Rafe nodded and gestured towards the seat. He didn’t know why he was acting so weird, but you were just so much prettier up close. 
He could see the bright red earrings you wore that matched your Nikes and noticed your clumsily applied makeup (which he knew because his sister was so good at it). It only made his heart race even faster.
“Um, so I saw the video... I’m sure you know which one I’m talking about.” 
The boy blushed.
“Yeah?” He tried to act suave and calm, but his nerves were all over the place. He felt a bit calmer seeing the girl start to play with her hair: a nervous trait his sister said most girls had. 
“Um, well, I... I was wondering...” The girl trailed off, her face turning a darker red. He almost felt bad for her, but she was so darn cute and wanted her to continue.
“Look, I’m really bad at this... and I know you’re good at it, so...” 
The boy’s ego inflated slightly. 
This wasn’t going the way you wanted it to go. You felt frustrated that you couldn’t even get the words out that you practiced. Your eyes prickled with tears from embarrassment; you wanted to get out of the situation as soon as possible. You didn’t know what you were thinking approaching the hottest guy in campus and expect not to be tongue tied. 
And his lack of words made you think he was just messing with you. 
You felt a gentle hand on top of yours which burst your drama bubble. You looked up and saw Rafe’s bright blue eyes full of concern, and... something else.
Dammit, he probably thinks I’m a weirdo. 
“Hey, it’s ok. Honestly, it was my friend, the one who left earlier, it was his idea to put the video up and he did it without my permission. If it were up to me, it would’ve taken a lot longer to pluck up the courage to approach you...” He confessed. 
This shocked you. Rafe Cameron... tongue tied around you?? 
“Look, let’s start over. I’m Rafe Cameron, junior, business major, and fun fact: I’m on the hockey team.” You knew all of those details, but you let him give a formal introduction. You thought it was cute that he felt the need to explain all of this to you because there wasn’t anyone at your campus who didn’t know who he was.
You held out your hand.
“Y/N, a sophomore and a history major. Fun fact: I’m an RA.” His eyes brightened at your response and shook your hand with a smile. 
He had to practice his stern handshake with businessmen his father forced him to meet, but your hands were gentle and soft, like they were afraid of hurting him. It’s been a while since someone has treated him so delicately. He liked it. 
“Well, y/n, it’s a good thing I don’t live in the dorms because I definitely would’ve tried to act up to get your attention.” He teased. 
You laughed at the response because you knew a couple of the young freshmen who made a ruckus in the lounges so that you had to come in and yell at them. 
You shrugged. “I don’t know, we could’ve met sooner if you were.” 
The flirty words flowed from you naturally and you wanted to take them back as soon as they left your mouth.
But they made Rafe Cameron blush, so you let it go.
Suddenly, his watch buzzed and he swore under his breath.
“Shit, I’m so sorry, I have a business meeting to get to. Can I get your number for uhhh... for future purposes?” 
His slight fumble of words made you grin.
“Of course.” 
I guess tik tok is good for something. 
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