#i don't care if those posts are jokes i've seen that one single type of post like
chaoticartistan · 1 year
this is a hater-free zone if you’re the type of guy that complains about music just because some specific songs got popular on tiktok i‘m shoving you in the meat grinder
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I just want to cleanly describe to you that you consistently engage in behavior that shows you are more interested in having an unpopular opinion then attempting to mentally wrap yourself around a topic and understand it. After scrolling back for two weeks I've repeatedly seen you engaging in absorbing the narrative of others without bothering to check to see if they were right, claiming others are "making up people to be angry about" while they very clearly are showing you the person they are angry at and another half dozen signs that you are more interested in arguing then understanding.
You are very dispassionate towards any problems with your own stances and don't seem particularly intent on acknowledging or addressing them as much as trying to dress down the one you are speaking to, dismissing those problems as if they aren't fundamentally destructive to your supposed belief of being right. More aptly, you just want to be a contrarian.
As a short example, J.K Rowling clearly engaged in Holocaust denial and it's very strange you think "that's out of left field for her" considering she has been making friends with those types for years now. See:
Your response to her statement that trans people being targeted by Nazis is a "fever dream" is to try and argue semantics while she very clearly was just doing what she always does, constantly screeching about how trans people are babies and have never ever been harmed. It's her entire schtick, she deleted the tweet because it was going to get her in actual trouble because it was ACTUAL HOLOCAUST DENIAL.
In short, rethink most of your stances and recognize that you've created this stupid label for yourself that you need to be constantly engaging in unpopular opinions.
You don't need to reply to this because I'm not going to see it or care, but I highly doubt you'll resist the urge as you clearly are taking these unpopular opinions on for a reason, and I think that reason is as transparent as J.K Rowling's holocaust denial.
Man, if you're gonna chastise me for my crimes, at least make sure your example of me committing those crimes actually has me committing those crimes. This entire ask falls apart because the example you chose to hinge it on doesn't even exhibit the issues with me that you brought up.
It's very obvious from the get go that despite trying to make this sound like a generalization of my blog as a whole, it was actually entirely predicated on one single post of mine that ticked you off, clearly well enough that you weren't even capable of coming up with a good excuse as to why it ticked you off.
Like I'm not joking when I say that this reads like you wrote this as you read the thread and then you got to the end of it where your entire argument falls apart because I do the exact opposite of the things you claim I do, but you'd already written all of this out so you just decided to hit send anyways.
Next time, leave it in the drafts, buddy. But anyways, to break this down in earnest:
The reason my URL is what it is is for two reasons:
Back when I originally created this blog in, oh probably 2013-14 I'd say, I used to be way more into fandom spaces than I am now, and when I was coming up with what to call this blog, I recalled how I often tend to have the opposite, less popular opinion on things people enjoy. Not to be ironic, of course, these opinions are completely genuine. The description of my blog actually used to read something like: "The Star Wars Prequel Trilogy is better than the Original Trilogy" to give an example of the kind of unpopular opinions I tend to have.
The reason my URL has stayed as it is for so long now is because of people like you. I cannot express enough how funny it is to me when people dismiss whatever it is I have to say because of my URL. They usually try and attach some hurtful line like "maybe you wouldn't be so unpopular if you blah blah blah". It's endlessly humorous to me because it just goes to show that they don't have an actual leg to stand on in an argument.
As I said though, my opinions are my own first, and unpopular second. Meaning I'm not out here needlessly contradicting people for fun. I do find writing out needlessly long responses to people to be somewhat enjoyable, case in point, but I'd never stoop so low as to be a baseless contrarian.
You are very dispassionate towards any problems with your own stances and don't seem particularly intent on acknowledging or addressing them as much as trying to dress down the one you are speaking to, dismissing those problems as if they aren't fundamentally destructive to your supposed belief of being right. More aptly, you just want to be a contrarian.
I actually find this line curious because, if anything, I focus far far too often on the problems in my own stances. Most of the time when I'm staking my claim, it winds up full of numerous caveats where I acknowledge either the failings in my argument, or my own lack of knowledge on a subject. Sure, I don't do it on every single thing I post but I also have a life and don't wish to subject myself or others to me needlessly caveating every single time I make a point. No one sensible does that.
What's funny though is that in the exact post you referenced, I acknowledged and addressed the problem with my argument, that being that we were arguing two completely different points.
Now, of course, to the actual reason you sent me this:
As a short example, J.K Rowling clearly engaged in Holocaust denial and it's very strange you think "that's out of left field for her" considering she has been making friends with those types for years now. Your response to her statement that trans people being targeted by Nazis is a "fever dream" is to try and argue semantics while she very clearly was just doing what she always does, constantly screeching about how trans people are babies and have never ever been harmed. It's her entire schtick, she deleted the tweet because it was going to get her in actual trouble because it was ACTUAL HOLOCAUST DENIAL.
This is why I said it's funny that you chose this post out of everything to use as your example of me supposedly trying to be a needless contrarian, or always be right, while ignoring any problems with my own arguments when I quite literally did none of those things in this one post.
My interaction with that post quite literally ends with me pointing out the fact that I was arguing from a completely different perspective than the person I was arguing with was, and that it was "on me" for not realizing that sooner. When the post called JK Rowling a "Holocaust denier", I was purely arguing from a semantics perspective.
Semantically-speaking, she's not a Holocaust denier. Up until that post however, I wasn't aware there was a legal definition of what it means to be a Holocaust Denier, and that that was the perspective the other person was arguing from. Legally-speaking, I gather that she is in fact a Holocaust Denier, granted I'm not a huge fan of that label being applied since, again semantically-speaking, it doesn't fit. She's more of a Holocaust Revisionist, rather than an outright Denier, but legally-speaking these mean the same thing, so whatever.
In short, rethink most of your stances and recognize that you've created this stupid label for yourself that you need to be constantly engaging in unpopular opinions.
I rethink most of my stances every minute lol. I've stated on numerous occasions that my political opinions have a way of changing with the wind purely because I have a shite memory and quite often just forget what my stance the previous day was.
I also run into this issue of differentiating my pessimistic, optimistic, and realistic opinions from one another. I have completely different opinions based on whether we're talking about the way I want the world to work, the way it does work, or the way it probably will wind up working.
I also don't "engage in unpopular opinions", I engage in my opinions which might not always be the popular one. Very important distinction.
You don't need to reply to this because I'm not going to see it or care, but I highly doubt you'll resist the urge as you clearly are taking these unpopular opinions on for a reason, and I think that reason is as transparent as J.K Rowling's holocaust denial.
Contrary to your belief about me, I don't actually write this blog solely for yours or others benefit. I don't care if you see this response or not, though given that I know what you're like, I highly doubt you won't troll my blog for this response later.
I also don't care about your weird little goading tactic meant to make this a "win-win" for you, since apparently a win is what you're looking for here. Again, I don't write this blog for you or anyone else. I'm responding to you because I can, and because I want to, nothing else.
Anyways, hope I cleared things up for you, anon. Take care.
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ghost-of-you · 2 years
hmmm what do you think??
Okay, I have thoughts ™️. First, go Halsey, i support the shit out of them speaking up because this is a definitely problem, second I, personally, am fascinated by the power TikTok has in the music industry. There's the bridgerton musical, that started as a silly TikTok and now has Grammy, driver's license only got that big because of tiktok, there's this one girl who had a song go viral and for two hours in the itunes sales charts, she's was above Harry Styles and Taylor Swift. For 2 hours, an indie artist from TikTok was above 2 of the most influential artists in the moment, and the Harry song was watermelon sugar, so like that was something. TikTok made the only Katy Perry single that hadn't chatted, chart after years. I'd love to ready a study about it.
But that creates a major problem, labels don't give a fuck about quality, they care about sales, and right now, the easiest way to get that, is by going viral on tiktok. So we have a bunch of artists doing stuff like that, and that's been going on for a while, Joshua Bassett has a whole series where he's "leaking" demos because his label won't let him release stuff, I've seen Florence from Florence and the Machine making the type of tiktok Halsey did, Charlie Puth and the whole light switch series that hyped the shit out of that song, Conan Gray and the insane amount of telepath tiktoks, Maisie Peters whole promotion for Cate's Brother. And Halsey is not the only one that spoke about the fact that the labels are forcing people to put out tiktoks, she's just the first one I've seen go viral for it, because she's not making it into a joke, they spoke about a serious issue and she continues to do so, i was seeing her twitter and the whole thing is ridiculous. So honestly, yeah, i think some of the stupid tiktoks are desperate attempts of creating a trend, the hug your friends to take my hand was definitely was one, TikTok is a sucker for transitions so maybe the snippet of mm&i one was also one of those. The me myself and cry was definitely one. Them posting for people to use the filter and share tour videos too. I do strongly believe that they are this active out of label pressure not just because they want to. But their contract with BMG is for distribution only, so maybe they have a little more wiggle room and that's why we're not seeing anything too drastic. But I also don't think it's all of them, like the "here's Michael eating a grape" or the "things i dig on tour" where probably just Calum, the cake date one too, but the voiceover one was most likely a promotion thing, so was the chomp one. Issues of the industry, unfortunately, i guess.
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anti-transphobia · 2 years
My problem with the tone indicator "community" of sorts is less about how they actively impede learning to communicate with others and more about forcing that on others
Yes I think tone indicators are useful in certain situations. Yes I think the idea that if people don't put a /gen behind every regular ass sentence or question they're suspicious or being rude is very harmful and will get you nowhere. Yes I think that tone indicators are so totally misused even by the people who claim to use them right. The same people that say "you can't judge tone indicators by the people who use them wrong" will put /nm after saying horribly rude things to other people, they'll put /j on posts so they don't look bad for supporting something (but they then later show clear support of it). When the people who use it "right" are the ones using it wrong I feel like it does reflect on the overuse of tone indicators.
But going in to how harmful they can be and often is now that it's spread beyond 2 or 3 indicators isn't my point
People can communicate how they want. I mean they really can. If this has negative consequences on them, so be it. Like that is totally up to them. It's useful for a lot of people! They can have at it, I don't really care!
It's when you suddenly start telling other people that if they don't use or don't like tone indicators that they're ableist. Like. What? Lmao. I'm perfectly able to communicate what I'm saying with those around me. They understand what I'm saying and I understand what they're saying. People who wouldn't understand my typing style and humor...I wouldn't subject them to. Like if I HAVE to clarify that I'm joking and not being mean to a total stranger then I probably shouldn't be saying it in the first place. I don't feel the need to put /pos over every clearly positive message, especially because it creates the implication that every other positive message in the replies is somehow negative and actually just mocking the op. "Clarification" is more "instilling the fear that only one person is being genuine"
I don't like most tone indicators because I've seen how they're contradictory. I don't like most tone indicators because I've seen how they're just an excuse to be a dick - but it's totally okay if you follow it up with /nm. I don't like tone indicators because adding so many of them that there's one for every single scenario is stupid. Something meant to help autistic people in a world full of confusing language expectations shouldn't seek to recreate it. I don't like tone indicators because they make me feel like I'm being babied
But it doesn't matter why I don't like them! Other than a /s when appropriate, which I've been doing for the past 6 years, I don't use them and I'm not going to start. There is no reason to try to force this language on to others. It's not "autistic people vs allistic people" it's "autistic people vs other autistic people". Like it is just a fucking preference and trying to say your autism and your needs that can directly clash with other autistic people's needs is shitty. And ableist! It's okay to have different needs. Use all the god damned indicators you want just stop calling people ableist, whether or not they're autistic, for not using them
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donnerpartyofone · 5 years
This is so not a story at all, so get ready for a whole bunch of nothing about what a gigantic snob I am!
I can't stop thinking about this journey I went on with this person on Instagram. I'm obsessed with the area my dad's family is from, which is this weird tiny Finnish-but-culturally-Swedish, autonomous, demilitarized archipelago in the Baltic Sea. I'm always looking for Instagram users who live there, to see what daily life is like. I happened upon this one middle aged guy, and quickly noticed that he liked comics and genre film, which seemed lucky--the smaller a population, the less likely I am to find somebody with all my "weird" interests. So I followed him, even though I objected to his Van Dyke facial hair and consistently douchey uniform of a trench coat and porkpie hat. Then, I slowly began to realize that I didn't think he had very good taste in general; we generally liked the same kind of cult cinema, but he always seemed to find anything remotely cerebral to be really boring, and he skewed more toward Troma-style attention grabs, which *I* find really boring. His preferred comics ranged from boringly mainstream, to weirdly bad--cheapo revivals of musty old strip comics that absolutely nobody cares about. I knew the very slim population of guys who actually bought those books in the states, old duffers who a) think everything is a collector's item, and b) think their encyclopedic knowledge of e.g. seldom-seen silent era actors makes them geniuses. These guys also usually wore trench coats and porkpie hats, so I guess some things stay the same all around the world. On a side note, there's something distinctly European about loving both stuffy old genre material that has pretty much turned to dust by now (sword and sandal dramas, swashbuckling pirate adventures, etc), AND raunchy "in your face" splatterpunk satire. I can't describe why but it's definitely a thing, I encountered it a lot when I was spending time in France on and off, and it always gave me the willies for some unnamable reason. Uh anyway, I eventually figured out that this guy actually WRITES some of these throwback comics. I was thinking to myself, why the fuck would ANYBODY be obsessed with The Phantom, a property so boring that even in our creatively bankrupt post-everything era, the only attempt to mine it for contemporary interest is that forgotten Billy Zane movie? But no, it all makes sense, because this guy occasionally writes for a Phantom series that comes out of Australia. Let's take a quick look at some covers for that series, which will give us a good idea of why most rational people don't do this jungle adventure shit anymore:
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I especially "like" the last one, where the Phantom is fucking some girl in a pool of native blood. The other thing this guy writes for occasionally is a comedy serial that I guess has been running forever, that's another kind of thing that lets me know the limits of my own taste. I guess it's kind of an Archie type of thing about conscripted military service:
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The drawings are absolutely hideous, the jokes barely exist, and I don't even know how the scenario in the last one is supposed to have happened--did he phase shift through the tree or something? I had two jobs in the span of about 15 years where I saw all kinds of comics, so I'm not unfamiliar with this kind of thing, I just never ever "got" it. Even when the material is actually good, I never had good feelings toward the hairy, bulbous, hyperactive drawings that characterize a lot of European comedy output. Some of this would be forgivable if it were strictly for children, but Wikipedia tells me that this 91:an series is mostly read by older audiences. I would assume that this is because the existing fans mainly caught onto it in THEIR childhood, but who fucking knows, I have no idea what would attract anybody to this stuff in the first place.
Anyway, I just looked at this guy's Twitter page, and it lists him as a journalist and movie critic as well. I scrolled through about a year's worth of tweets to see if I could find any of his movie reviews. I could not. And, it's not an exaggeration to say that 85-90% of his tweets are just links to obituaries (not written by him) of like, every single remotely show business-y person who died, the second they died. This is another classic attribute of the kind of nerd who cares about Prince Valliant and shit, they always know everybody who is dead and they're really pushy about telling you for some reason. I find all of this kind of understandable when the person is in their 70s or something and has seen a lot of changes in the world, but this guy is only in his 40s or so. It's as if he fell in with a "bad crowd" of elderly nerds at a rummage sale (or at the very comic shop where I worked for many years, because they were all friends with the owner!) and just patterned his whole life after them.
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Anyway, I don't really know what point I'm coming to. Probably none, I've just been thinking about this obsessively ever since I realized that this guy doesn't just innocently read bad comics, he actually writes them. I always knew there must be people who wrote these comics, I just never imagined them before, and now I got a whole profile going. Apparently this dude has a couple of screenwriting credits too, but I'm too scared to watch them.
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