#i don't even fully ship it. second post abt them tho
tabr1-s · 2 years
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mostlikelytofangirl · 2 years
(only answer if you're comfortable discussing nsfw)
You know that post about the characters' kinks (idk if you rbed it or someone else)?
I think it's mostly right about a-yao. he def would have a power kink (i was origanally sold on this by a topping from the bottom chengyao fic), but i could also imagine him enjoying some pampering in sex. the phrase 'princess treatment' comes to mind (although i think that phrase might be a spa thing).
and this complements the ships
like. imagine lxc servicing him. for once, lxc's isn't having to make choices where the options are Thing That Will Hurt People A and Thing That Will Hurt People B. JGY is getting some well deserved time not thinking about which role he has to play in the social hierarchy. it's all just cozy hours that he and JGY have squirrelled away.
nmj gets to express all his Mother hen instincts while simultaneously getting laid! he can let go off all that Important Leader BS and be soft and tender with the person he wants to take care of.
also. i know people talk abt jiang cheng being a praise-kink having sub who cries during sex (very true and not at all shameful), but i'm sure some gentle service topping would make him very happy. he's making jgy happy! a feat rarely accomplished by man. he's doing a good job even if he's the one telling jgy *he's* doing a good job. jiang cheng loves projects and 'make a-yao feel special' is the best kind of project.
then there's wrh. the perfect man to tell jgy he's perfect and make him feel pampered and special. specifically because of jgy's daddy issues. if he's at a point where he actually trusts wrh, i'm sure jgy would love this.
nhs. praising giving. likes being in charge of things that are fun. has laways kept tabs on nmj's wellbeing and would be doing the same for jgy if they were close/dating. now just apply this to the bedroom! i need'nt say more.
xue yang tho. not sure what to do with that one.
-regular anon
Hey, regular anon!! Haha sorry this took so long, I have no problem talking about nsfw stuff actually!
I don't remember the post you mention (so it probably wasn't me who reblogged it lol), but I totally agree with you!
I'm sure that JGY would normally be one great power bottom, even a mean top XD, as he absolutely has a thing for control, and I firmly believe that it comes basically from his need to feel safe: the more in charge of a situation, the safer he is. And he would enjoy that!
But I also believe that if he was to trust his partner enough, he would let himself be taken care of. Or at least it would be something that would do him good, even if he would be hesitant about letting someone else do the work for a change and being shown that he can receive without having to earn it.
And yes, it works well in the context of ships.
LXC would certainly appreciate having the worst dilemma he has to face being where to start pampering JGY xD. He's a kind and gentle person, so doing his best to shower his A-Yao in affection would be like second nature. Making a loved one feel good, what a joy!
There are not a lot of chances for NMJ to show his tender side, and he is also one to appreciate hard work and reward it accordingly, not to mention he is very protective. There's the saber spirit too, so having something else to distract him from that, making him focus on little A-Yao fully would do him well too.
With JC I think it's a situation similar to JGY in some regard, not so much about control, but about feeling fully accepted and reassured, and being a top is another way to achieve that: procuring someone pleasure, making them feel safe with him, lower their guard and trust him, seeing the effect he has on someone and being encouraged. JC is also a protective person who is fiercely devoted to the few he holds dear, caring for JGY is a sense a very personal thing bc they share so much similar baggage. Also he just likes to know he is doing a good job.
Oh, WRH. As you can imagine, this one is my favorite in this scenario bc of how much it would mean coming from him XD. Just imagine you are a smol guy who everybody looks down on and who has to continuously prove himself... and THEN you have the most imposing, powerful man caring for you, servicing you, telling you how perfect you are, how good you are... it'd be easy for him to crash you, and YET here he is, pampering you, validating you, making you feel like the most special person bc how could you not be when you have This Man telling you about how he would burn down the world for you :').
I can see it all being very playful and sweet with NHS. He is known for being a lazy guy who would normally prefer himself getting pampered, but him doing it for JGY would feel like a fun experiment, and I imagine NHS of all ppl being one JGY would trust easily (if we don't include canon ending lol). Maybe not having a lot of faith in how would NHS perform a first, but being pleasantly surprised and it's all giggles and jokes. All part of his evil plan to get JGY to relax and stop worrying about work!
OMG XY. Tbh I can only see these two having some nasty, disrespectful sex XD, JGY trusting the delinquent enough to actually be intimate with him, but XY is too much of a wild card to be fully service top imo, much less a gentle selfless one that would pamper him. It would still be a good session of catharsis tho :P.
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viscountessevie · 2 years
another s2 only watcher here. I watched the Tudum panel and it was basically my intro to the show. My 2 big takeaways were Simone and Jonny’s chemistry is 🔥🔥 and Nicola talked over everyone (the 🤧 insertion was pathetic). Her crying over the show’s diversity on KC, saying she “let” s2 have its moment, the constant clout chasing, etc really turned me off of her. And she shaded RJP huh? But she gets treated with kid gloves even by the anti 🤧
Related to this ask and gave you a emoji and nickname in this post.
I also added another ask from an anon asking about the Met Gala drama and since I mentioned that in this post yall got coupled together - second anon your answer will be under the cut!
Eyyy it's Sneezy 🤧 Anon hi! Thanks for this ask!
Honestly aside from the NC of it all, that's a pretty good intro to the show. I wish I could back to that moment. I was so happy and excited to have Jimone as Kathony who had amszing chemistry. Sweet Chari as the lovely and wholesome Edwina and a wonderfully adapted version of TVWLM that was similar to S1's close adaptation and I was interested to see how the sideplots would connect to the main story and romance while elevating the characters and setting Ben up for his season.
I was a Capital C Clown🤡🤡🤡
So I've talked abt the things you've listened do Imma just link to those previous posts so that I don't sound like a broken record:
The Time Bullshit and KC Interview are covered here
Got an ask about her being a clout chaser back in the Met Gala drama day (wow we are going THROUGH the archives today)
She's shaded Rege so many times I cannot. I can't access the Liked Tweets anymore cos girlie deactivated. Also got a recent ask, asking about Met Gala so I'm adding the ask here:
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Related to the mention of Met Gala in this ask
Here is a run down of The Met Gala bullshit:
[As for the last part of your ask anon, the last line felt like a pretty loaded jab at CC and I'm not answering anymore new asks about her for the time being and also other blogs have covered what you asked so feel free to search for those opinions 👌🏾 hence the crop]
About the Love Shirt:
[Lmao it took me an obscene amount of time to find it cos it was a story and I kept looking at her posts 🤡]
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Imma be nice and say she looks adorable here and it's always great to have an ally or maybe even a fellow Community member 👀 but I'm not one to speculate sexualities on a public platform like this so we'll leave it at this. Though the meltdown from those creeps - who ship N&N despite Newts being in loving relationship with Jade - would be funny af
The Choose Love organisation also seems to be a good cause and she does bring the eyeballs so at least the attention on the organsation is good!! Tho I am side eyeing the POC inclusion flag colours esp after the way she's treated Regé and Marina.
As for JVN Hair Deal, I can't find anything new? The last post she made was in September being excited for it to launch. Even if she is their brand girl now, honestly her getting brand deals isn't a crime. Good for her I guess if she wants she can go retire and be an influencer.
The annoying part was how Simone our S2 LEADING LADY was sidelined by production when they partnered up with Pat McGrath. I'm giving Pat McGrath the benefit of doubt in that situation (I did an ask on it here) and they didn't get to pick who from the show would rep them. Because let's be real it was founded and is being run by a black woman, the titular Pat, you think she wouldn't jump at the chance to promote the products catered to darker skin people??? So that one I fully blame production and their brand coordinator for deciding a white woman was a better representative for a black owned make up brand over their literal Indian Lead of that season.
Also for this alleged current deal - not trying to excuse it but rather explain why NC got it again - it's finally her season 😒 how can we forget they remind us every fucking second and she's friends with JVN so she has that personal connection. He probably knows her best out of the cast and asked for her. And of course as Production's Sweetheart, the show sent her to do it.
As for the kid gloves thing, it's mostly with her fans. Most people I know who dislike her now like I do after being burnt by her, we're pretty scathing towards her actions. But I will say we are very cautious of how we talk about her because her fans LOVE to scream about how every single person crictising her racially ignorant bullshit is fatphobic. I don't disagree that there is a nasty part of the fandom that is fatphobic towards her but not most of us. Like we literally do not care about her weight, that was never in the question, her personality and behaviour is. All in all I assure you there's no treating her with kid gloves here.
(Also calling you Gloves 🧤 Anon that just stuck out to me shksjs)
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