#i don't keep a mental tab of every post I've ever made and i don't think this is about anything I've said recently
thedreadvampy · 1 year
Autism doesn't equate to neurodivergence, it's a developmental disability that's present from birth. And physically disabled people who are born disabled as a result of brain damage in the womb are more likely to have comorbid autism. Just because allistic people on social media have defanged autism and call every specifically autistic trait "neurodivergence" doesn't mean it shouldn't be considered the separate thing that it is. "Neurodivergent traits" don't exist. Able-bodied men with autism being annoying doesn't make it okay for allistic physically disabled people to downplay autism. Most of us who have multiple disabilities end up under conservatorships bc of how debilitating our autism is, combined with presumed incompetence due to being visibly disabled as well.
babe what are you talking about for real.
#red said#i don't keep a mental tab of every post I've ever made and i don't think this is about anything I've said recently#bc like i don't THINK I've made any posts about autism or neurodivergence in a while#if i had to hazard a guess I'd say this was about a post I vaguely remember making like a year ago#in frustration about specifically able-bodied ''''high-functioning''''' autistic or adhd cis men dominating SPECIFIC conversations#as in. an observable pattern in lived experience.#i put high functioning in heavy quotes bc i think that's flawed and stigmatising language but clearly it's a relevant distinction to you#but. having said idk wtf you're on about. i still. disagree.#'neurodivergence' doesn't imply anything about the degree of impact a thing has on you#it implies a socially punished distance from an invented norm of neurotypicality#Mad people are neurodivergent. people with congnitive disabilities are neurodivergent. people with neurological issues like dyspraxia too.#autism is a subcategory of neurodivergent and most of the 'symptoms' overlap with other diagnoses which is why ppl call them nd#it isn't a defanging it's a recognition of shared struggle#and of the muddiness of diagnosis#also i feel like whatever you're referencing you think i was saying 'autism isn't a disability it's a neurodivergence'#which. no. i use a social model of disability. neurodivergence usually causes people to be disabled. it's usually a disability.#many people find their autism causes them to be disabled. some don't. those who do are disabled.#also the line about 'allistic physically disabled people' makes me think you are taking about me. I'm autistic. fyi.#whatever post you're responding to i think you're responding to a point different to the point i was making in it#i think. from your message. that you like a lot of autistic people have had your experiences regularly downplayed as convenient#and that you're reacting to that with a pretty understandable amount of anger#but like. i do not think i was saying what you think i was saying bc that doesn't. line up with anything i believe about autism???
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Bea & Fraze
Bea: [A suitable amount of time before Ali's bday which was a Friday apparently so vday was Saturday, even less excuse not to get home to Dublin girl so] Bea: So Bea: What's the plan for Ali's birthday? Fraze: They're going camping Fraze: Fuck knows where Fraze: But we ain't invited, sorry to say, Red Bea: Fair enough Bea: Bit old for family functions now Fraze: Speaking purely for the two of us, yeah? Bea: Probably Bea: though if you want jelly and ice cream for YOUR 19th, better let 'em know now, like Fraze: 'Course Fraze: I'll pass that on with your regards, like Fraze: Kill every bird with the one stone Bea: Depends how much postage is on her gift Bea: but yeah Bea: guess so Fraze: Knowing you, it ain't a shit load Bea: Charming Fraze: It is Fraze: I'm saying you've thought it through Bea: How could I Bea: I was expecting to have to come back Fraze: That don't mean you ain't also considered the alternative Bea: You might have too much faith in my planning abilities at present Fraze: You reckon? Bea: I'm just saying, my mental faculties have been otherwise engaged Bea: no need to tell the Birthday princess that, not that I think it would be all that surprising, or that she's not used to it 💔 Fraze: Well, if you're that burned out, visiting anywhere my ma's in the vicinity of, ain't gonna be the wisest decision you've ever made Bea: I'm not burnt out Bea: just busy Fraze: You always keep yourself busy, if that's what you meant you wouldn't have felt the need to mention it Bea: Well that's exactly what I meant Bea: my mind has been more floor plans than party, that's all Fraze: If you say so, babe Bea: What Fraze: You know what Bea: Why I asked Bea: Are you burnt out? Fraze: You asked to put off what you actually wanna ask me, but here we fucking go Fraze: Cheers for that Bea: I asked 'cos I need to know what I'm doing, simple as Bea: go talk to the college counselor Fraze: I ain't the one complaining about my work-life balance Bea: Good for you then Fraze: Yeah Fraze: I'll leave you to get on before you have a breakdown then Bea: Nice Fraze: Helping you with your homework, nice as the offer sounds, would fuck everything up Fraze: What else is there? Bea: No, you don't need to reiterate Bea: I heard you the first time Fraze: That's a first Bea: You'd have to say something for me to hear it Fraze: You'd have to properly ask me something for me to properly answer it Bea: Clearly not Bea: you've managed fine Fraze: Come on Bea: Why would I subject myself to further embarrassment? Bea: not for your amusement, nice as the offer sounds Fraze: You've gone this far Fraze: I know you don't give a fuck about Ali's birthday Fraze: What do you want, Bea? Bea: Its obligation Fraze: Bullshit Fraze: It's an excuse Bea: You're so fucking arrogant Fraze: Do you reckon that's news to me or are you that desperate to play for time, like? Bea: I reckon you don't get told nearly enough Fraze: By your own admission, you've got enough on your plate Fraze: Give it a rest, babe Bea: Piss off Bea: I never said that nor would I Bea: I keep busy Fraze: Whatever Bea: Sounds about right Bea: Enjoy yourself then Fraze: One of us has to Fraze: And it clearly ain't gonna be you Bea: Fuck you, Fraze Fraze: Yeah, sounds about right Bea: What do you expect me to say Bea: to any of that Fraze: Hit me with a few more excuses, why the fuck not Bea: I'm not the one that needs them Bea: But don't feel the need to give me any more Fraze: I ain't giving you any, end of Fraze: Don't worry about it Bea: That's what you'd like to think, fine Fraze: That's how it is, whether you like it or not Bea: Let's not pretend you've given any consideration to what I would like or not Fraze: We don't need to pretend 'cause I have and I do Bea: Jesus Bea: You're ridiculous Fraze: You wish Fraze: You'll need a better excuse to hide behind if you wanna ignore me Bea: I'm not the one with all the plans Fraze: It ain't my fault you're fully booked til your breakdown's over and done with Bea: Would you stop Fraze: Ladies first Bea: Fuck off then Fraze: Fine Bea: Like I said, enjoy Fraze: Like I said, I will Bea: Great Bea: I really wanted to hear that Fraze: I know Bea: I know you're a dick Fraze: You never had a problem with it before Bea: Things are different now Bea: clearly Fraze: Yeah, there's that consideration to what you would like that you're trying to pretend I don't give you Bea: If you had any consideration you wouldn't stopped at least three hurtful digs ago Fraze: 'Cause it's that easy Fraze: Alright Bea: Why is it so hard for you Bea: That's an actual question, have at it Fraze: Why have you suddenly forgotten who the fuck I am? Fraze: Jesus Bea: I know who you are Bea: So sorry Fraze: Act like it then Bea: How dare you Fraze: Calling out your bullshit is hardly a daredevil move Fraze: What are you gonna throw at me from there? Bea: The bullshit is you thinking I have anything to be sorry for Bea: You be sorry then we can talk Fraze: Sorry for what? Fraze: Fuck you Bea: You seriously want to be that stupid? Bea: That's on you then Fraze: If you reckon you've got it in you to be that entitled over nothing after hanging around with one too many posh cunts, that's on you Bea: If you call telling me not to come back because you have plans I'd ruin if I did nothing Bea: then I don't know what to say to you anymore Bea: genuinely Fraze: Christ's sake Fraze: How am I the stupid one? Fraze: You're having a convo all on your own Bea: No I'm not Bea: Its exactly what you said, never mind all that you've implied too Fraze: Yeah, you fucking are Fraze: I didn't say sod all about you coming back or not Bea: Yeah exactly Fraze: It ain't the same thing as a no Fraze: Don't act like it is Bea: Yeah 'cos bragging how much you're gonna be enjoying yourself is encouragement Bea: Like I said, I got the message Fraze: Like I said, don't be stupid Bea: Stop calling me stupid Fraze: I've told you so many times that no other girl compares Fraze: Come on Bea: Well that doesn't count for shit does it Fraze: Well it should Bea: Words are just that Fraze: I ain't getting on a plane for you to slam a door in my face Bea: You aren't getting on a plane Bea: who's got the excuses Fraze: Cheers for the echo Bea: There's only so much I can say Bea: and have, so Fraze: Do something then Fraze: Or let me Bea: Who's stopping you? Fraze: You and your busy schedule Fraze: I got the message too, like Bea: But I'm stupid and having my own conversation when I do it? Bea: Come on Fraze: I ain't putting any words in your mouth, babe Fraze: You said it Bea: You said all of that too Fraze: Don't twist it round Fraze: Making the most of not seeing you ain't the same as not wanting to see you Bea: Well you jumped to that being the outcome Fraze: Well you jumped down my throat the second I refused to jump through any bullshit hoops Fraze: I ain't gonna fucking beg Bea: You've forgot who I am then, have you? Bea: and I don't believe you don't know what you were saying no matter how you try and sell it Bea: you knew that would piss me off Fraze: And like I fucking said already, you deliberately started this convo lumping me in with Ali as another obligation Fraze: So fuck you Bea: That isn't what I was doing Fraze: Whatever you are well busy doing, go ahead Fraze: If you don't wanna make time for me then don't Bea: Like my work, like I fucking said Bea: why are you mad at me, I'm not the one with all the fun plans Fraze: I can't help you there, we covered that, babe Bea: Then there's no need to ask Fraze: Why are you mad at me for staying out of your way? Bea: For Christ's sake Bea: Why don't you want to see me? Fraze: I do Bea: Then do it Fraze: Alright Bea: Would a little enthusiasm kill or what Fraze: [confirmation of his speedily booked flight] Bea: Good Fraze: Yeah Bea: Where have you been? Fraze: How far back do you wanna go and keep tabs? Bea: Don't Fraze: I'm sorry Bea: No you aren't Bea: I was just asking Fraze: I am Bea: Are you gonna tell me how you've been or not then Fraze: I'm fine, like Bea: Cool Fraze: How are you? Bea: This is strange Bea: Just talk to me like normal Fraze: I've asked how you are before, ain't I? Bea: I don't know Bea: Didn't really need to before Fraze: 'Course I would've Bea: People who live together don't need to make small talk Fraze: Fair point Fraze: Are you gonna answer or what then? Bea: Just been having loads of breakdowns tah, spot on, like Fraze: Don't start Bea: You started that one, babe Bea: nothing to write home about though, obviously Fraze: You know I didn't mean it Bea: It's fine Bea: The post-Christmas workload is intense Fraze: Yeah but you can easily handle it Bea: 'Course Bea: didn't come here to slack off Fraze: Once a swot, 'course you're gonna be one always Bea: Hey Fraze: You wanted normal Bea: I do Bea: that's what swots are 'round here Bea: nothing special about that Fraze: No shit, they're all too soft to be anything else but 🤓 Bea: Nah, it's like Bea: anyone who had to work to be here, you have to keep up that level and act like its nothing Bea: but the ones who have had it all handed to 'em by mummy and daddy don't even care if they graduate with a third, long as they can say they went here Fraze: Do that then, not like it's your first time Bea: I am Bea: never mind Fraze: Nah, if you mind, I mind Fraze: Come on Bea: I don't know Bea: Obviously this is what I wanted Bea: want Fraze: That don't mean you have to want all of it every second Bea: But it kinda does Bea: there's no room to drop the ball Fraze: I'm not telling anyone or letting you Fraze: It's alright Bea: Is it? Bea: This is just the beginning Fraze: Trust me Bea: I must Fraze: All that faith you took the piss out of me having in you earlier, it's actually there Fraze: And for good reason Bea: I know Bea: I'm just letting everyone else's freakouts get to me, clearly Bea: but when you're here we don't have to talk about deadlines and word counts and all that boring bullshit Bea: just you and me Fraze: Exactly, forget 'em Fraze: Think about where I'm taking you for the Valentine's bullshit Bea: Am I using my imagination 'til you actually come up with a plan? 😏 Fraze: Unless you wanna use your imagination to contribute to the plan Bea: Not very romantic, is it Bea: Besides, I have my own plans to formulate Fraze: Fine Fraze: Leave it with me Bea: I missed you, you know Fraze: Yeah, 'course I do know Bea: 🙄 Fraze: I've missed every 🙄 I could've had off you, like Bea: That's more or less what you were meant to say Bea: I'll allow it Fraze: Cheers babe Bea: I figure you have enough you need to get right Bea: Let you have it Fraze: Fuck off Fraze: What's there that I can't handle? Bea: Hopefully nothing Bea: I wanna miss you more when you're gone Fraze: Uncross your fingers Fraze: You're gonna miss me loads Fraze: It's easily done Bea: We'll see, babe Fraze: Yeah Bea: How's everyone else anyway? Bea: Is my sister going camping? Fraze: Standard Fraze: Do you reckon Ali would let her stay at home? Fraze: Or that she'd wanna be anywhere but stitched to my sister's side? Bea: That'll be a laugh Bea: shame we're not invited really Bea: almost anyway Fraze: We could gatecrash if you're that gutted Bea: Nah Bea: her girlfriend will be there and she'll just try and flirt with you Fraze: Don't pretend you're bothered by her when we both know it's 'cause you don't wanna get leaves and shit in your hair Bea: Like we didn't used to spend all our time in parks and shit Bea: Not that princess Fraze: Like I ever left you without my coat to lie on if I couldn't put a (shed) roof over your head Fraze: Treated you as decent as the princess you ain't Bea: I never said you weren't chivalrous Fraze: You still ain't saying it Bea: You want me to tell you what a good boyfriend you were? Fraze: Nah, I wanna tell you I miss you too Bea: There you go Bea: I know, too Fraze: That don't mean I can't say it though Fraze: Or that I won't Fraze: Tell you and show you Bea: Good Bea: That's Bea: what I want too Fraze: Good Bea: Better finish this coursework now then Fraze: You gonna get pissed off if I offer to leave you to it this time? Bea: Not funny Fraze: Just as well it's a serious question then, yeah? Bea: Like you're seriously worried about pissing me off now Fraze: Now we're finally getting somewhere, I ain't trying to go back to where we were Bea: It's not like we've been actively avoiding each other Bea: is it? Fraze: 'Course not Bea: Right, just hectic Fraze: Exactly Bea: 'cos avoiding me would be a pointless thing to do Fraze: Pointless ain't the first word that springs to mind but yeah Bea: However you wanna say it Bea: don't, yeah Fraze: I won't Fraze: I can't Fraze: You know that Bea: 'Course Fraze: Don't add it to your list of stresses Bea: Considerate as always Fraze: Cheers for the recognition Bea: Take a bow if you're feeling it Fraze: I will Bea: Cute Fraze: Obviously Fraze: Gotta get in the Valentine's spirit or whatever Bea: I really felt that Bea: So convincing, boy Bea: Not expecting rose petals and a 300-word essay in a sickly sweet Hallmark card, don't stress Fraze: Good Fraze: You're getting me, as gifts go I reckon we're covered, like Fraze: With or without scattering rose petals every step I take Bea: Not disagreeing Bea: even though you're being pretty insufferable with it Fraze: What can I say? There's no posh cunts here looking down their nose at me or sticking it into my business in the name of self improvement Fraze: And even less nuns about trying to save me the old fashioned way Bea: Lucky, lucky you then, eh Fraze: Yeah Bea: Do you have reading week or do you need to go back? Fraze: Ours is at the beginning of March Bea: Ahh Bea: Oh well, I've actually got loads to do, lack of breakdowns aside Fraze: Fair enough Bea: Is your course that boring? Fraze: 'Course Fraze: Can't all be a laugh a minute like yours, babe Bea: What's your problem, like Fraze: I don't have a problem Bea: Well you could at least try and sound happy for me then Fraze: I am, you know that Bea: Yeah, in theory Fraze: And you know what it's like in practice Fraze: So what's your problem? Bea: You being moody about it don't help the situation Bea: all I'm saying Fraze: You being dramatic don't either Bea: fuck off dramatic Fraze: Whatever you wanna call it, like Bea: No, why are YOU calling it that? Fraze: 'Cause that's what I'd call your reaction to me not jumping for joy over the way things are Bea: For God's sake Fraze: Forget it Fraze: We've both got shit to do Bea: Fine Fraze: Well convincing, Red Fraze: See you soon then Bea: I'm not trying if you aren't Fraze: Fucking hell Fraze: Do you want blood? Bea: Don't act like I'm being unreasonable Fraze: Yeah, you're being proper level-headed about this Fraze: As per Bea: Well you're being proper boring Fraze: Says you, who ain't talked about fuck all but uni Bea: And you've got, what, to say, exactly? Fraze: Christ's sake Bea: This is why things are the way things are Fraze: It ain't my fault Bea: So it's mine Fraze: If you're gonna throw it about Fraze: Like you said, Cambs is what you want Bea: If that's how you feel Fraze: You know how I feel Bea: Now I do Bea: so there's no need for you to come Fraze: Bea, don't Bea: You don't Bea: This is what I want and what I'm doing Bea: if you can't handle that then don't Fraze: Come on, I won't get refunded for my fucking flight Bea: Not my problem now Bea: Go do something fun Fraze: Nah, it's all my fault and all my problem that you've fucked off to another country and I ain't ecstatic about it Bea: It ain't like I sprung that on you Bea: or I ain't letting you do whatever you want 'cos I know how not ecstatic you are about it Fraze: And it ain't like that matters Fraze: Or makes it any easier Bea: I'm not feeling sorry for you Fraze: Good Fraze: Fuck that Bea: Then stop expecting it Fraze: Stop putting all the blame onto me Bea: I'm blaming you for your part in it Fraze: And accusing me of not handling it Bea: No, sure, let's just pretend some more Fraze: Fuck you Fraze: I'm doing my best Bea: Yeah, I know Bea: Me too Fraze: I know Bea: Well we have to do better Fraze: Give me a chance Bea: Opposed to what Bea: What do you think I'm going to do Fraze: Opposed to telling me not to come Bea: We can't even have a conversation Fraze: We'll do better Fraze: What else are we gonna do? Bea: I don't know Fraze: Trust me Bea: I do Bea: Its just Bea: Its not going to get any easier than this Fraze: But it's like I told you when we first got together, there's nothing we can't do, yeah? Bea: Yeah Fraze: It's hard but it ain't the hardest thing we've ever done Bea: Just don't forget that its worth it Fraze: I won't Bea: Swear Fraze: On what? Bea: Yourself Fraze: Alright, I swear on my life Bea: 'til I can get blood from you, it'll do Fraze: I love you Bea: I love you so much Fraze: Don't stop Fraze: It ain't gonna be like this forever Bea: I can't Fraze: Don't regret any of it Bea: Don't want easier and find someone else Fraze: I want you, I don't give a shit about anyone else Bea: You better not Fraze: Why would I? I told you then you're better and it's still true now Fraze: It'll be true forever Bea: Because its easier Bea: and I'm not there Fraze: It ain't easier Fraze: You know that Bea: I don't Bea: I don't need to hear about that Fraze: I'm not talking about that Bea: What then Fraze: I'm saying it's always gonna be harder to not be with you at all than whatever the bullshit alternative has to be for now Bea: As long as that stays true for both of us Bea: we'll be alright Fraze: Then we'll be alright Fraze: 'Cause I'd rather fucking die than try to stay away from you Bea: You don't have to Bea: I don't want you to, you know that Fraze: We ain't those kids anymore, we can't ever go back Fraze: It's too far Bea: Don't regret it Fraze: I don't have any regrets about us Fraze: Never have done Bea: Me either Bea: Its not easy but Bea: it's us Bea: there was never an alternative, like Fraze: Good Bea: You're mine Bea: end of Fraze: Yeah Fraze: No takebacks however old we get Bea: Okay, deal Bea: you've made me miss you Fraze: I ain't sorry Bea: You're coming so you don't have to be Bea: too much, anyway Fraze: You ain't gonna be either Bea: I already know but not mad about the reminder Fraze: I don't have to swear then Bea: It is very inconvenient that you aren't here right now though Bea: I miss that Fraze: Count to 100 and answer your phone Bea: 50 Fraze: 75 Bea: 60 but I'll start again Fraze: Alright
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lalka-laski · 3 years
How did it feel outside today? It's chilly but really nice. I think it's gonna warm up a bit later.
Who did you last text? My groupchat of college friends
Are there any animals in the room with you? Lord there BETTER NOT be
Do you like the color of your eyes? I love them. It's one of the few features about myself I don't nitpick
When you watch T.V. what are you usually watching? Reruns of my favorite comfort shows
Can you open up to others easily? Yeah, I'm a little too trusting
Are you one of those girls who already have baby names picked out? Sure am! But I don't think it's that crazy considering my age and relationship status
Elaborate about the drunkest you’ve ever been? That could be any number of times...
Is there anything that you think is just simply beautiful? Love. Oh and babies!
Is there a friend of the opposite sex you can confide in? Mhm
How did you spend yesterday afternoon? It was lovely! I finished a book (that I had only started that morning, couldn't put it down), while Glenn watched football. Then I made us homemade alfredo & shells for dinner. It was my ideal Sunday!
Are any of your siblings taller than you? Kathleen and I are about the same height
Do you think anyone hates you? I honestly don't think so
Is anyone angry with you at the moment? Nope, not that I know of
Who’s in the room with you right now? Nobody
Ever did something you regret while under the influence? Too much
What car would you like to have, but know it’s way out of your reach? I don't desire any car
What religion were you raised on? Do you agree with those beliefs? I wasn't raised with any religion. I was christened in a Protestant church (just for tradition's sake, I guess) but we never attended church beyond that. Otherwise, my mom has a lot more Pagan/New Age beliefs (I struggle to define them aptly) and I find myself identifying a lot more with those practices and sentiments. Spirituality is an ongoing process of discovery.
Would you say that you’re flexible? Not at all. In any form of the word.
Keep the peace or finish out the fight to prove your side? I'm more of a keep the peace person but then everything left unsaid comes back to haunt me
Do you believe in giving second chances? Yes, because I'd be nothing if it weren't for the second chances granted to ME
Can people really change? Yes
Has anyone ever told you they loved you, but you didn’t believe them? Yes
What’s one of the worst experiences you’ve had so far? Idk, my childhood sex abuse prob ranks high on the list. Among other things.
Can anyone be described in one word? Humans are multi-dimensional but I think it's our nature to try to condense each other into single categories like that
When did you last have a nightmare? Last night! I've been having them quite a lot lately and that's a sure sign my mental health is failing.
Do you sleep well? I do but that's mostly because I take a sleep aid every night
What are you thinking about right now? How hungry I am and how hard this fast is gonna be today
Last person you spoke to, what did you say? "Have a good day" to a patient
Is there anyone in this world you would do absolutely anything for? Glenn, my babies, my sisters
Is there any certain thing you’re always thinking about? Whatever my Worry du Jour is
Do you have any other tabs open right now? What for? Thesaurus.com & Facebook because I'm working on a Facebook post for a company I write for
Are you hot or cold? Or neither? I'm ok for now but I'm almost always too hot
Rich and miserable, or poor and happy? How POOR are we talking? Because poverty is hell. This question was obviously written by someone who's never had to worry about money
What’s one of the weirdest things you believed in as a kid? That Maleficent lived behind the pool in my backyard
What’s your favorite type of weather? Crisp with clear skies & some sun
Do little kids and toddlers get on your nerves? No, I love them and much prefer them to adults
What’s the goriest thing you’ve ever seen? Umm...
Have you or do you attend pep rallies regularly? They were required in high school and took place during the actual school day
What’s the name of the city you live in? Rochester
Is anyone getting on your nerves right now? Meh, not really
Are you good at coping with stressful situations? I'm TERRIBLE at it, thanks for asking
Time? 10:52 am...just about halfway through my day. Woot!
Do you really think Lil Wayne is the greatest rapper alive? No
Have you ever seen a building on fire in real life? Yes
How many weddings have you been to? I just counted 6 but I can't help think I'm forgetting some
Have you kissed anyone and their first name started with an F, D, or L? D
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toycarousel · 7 years
If you don't mind me asking I'd like to know if you can give me a bit of advice. So I'm kind of a self cannibal and it's starting from me eating the tips of my fingers, and to my thighs now. I'm starting to get scars on my fingers and I'm scared someone will notice. I've been eating my lips for a while now too, and I'm trying to stop. One problem is I like how my blood tastes, and I just get stressed and nervous and start biting away. I find it scary when people look at my cannibalistic scars.
- same self cannibal continue: And I play a violin, and am asked to play, and am learning the piano. Some days I eat away my fingers so much it hurts to type. I find it oddly satisfying and without eating myself I get weirded out and have weird withdraws and it just, is odd..
Hi there, Anon!!! To start off with, I need to make it clear that I’m definitely not a medical professional, and I don’t want to lead you astray in any way.  I’m offering my advice and support, but it’s purely from my own perspective, and what I think may help! I do, however, strongly believe that this is something you should bring up with a medical professional (if you have access to one -- even free professionals online might have more helpful advice).
I also just want you to know that I’m glad you talked to me about this -- I know it’s probably not easy to talk about... it doesn’t make you a strange/bad person in any way, even if some folks don’t understand it (though I know that far more people practice this than ppl realize).  You’re not “too weird,” or anything like that, not to worry (srsly, every single time I try to answer this, something has gone wrong -- I’ve accidentally clicked out of the tab, swiped the back button without saving my answer, etc.) I don’t want you to have to feel isolated or like you’ve said anything wrong to me, okay? It’s always alright to talk about this with me, and I’m not judging you.
When I was a kid, I used to eat the sloughed-off skin of my inner cheeks, and I still kinda bite my lips out of anxiety and eat what peels off.  This isn’t an addiction for me, however.  It’s more something that happens incidentally, based on an anxious reflex, and it’s more occasional.  But I can see why it could become a strong habit for some folks, for sure.
While you are still doing this (as I know that completely healing from it is likely going to be a process), make sure that you’re taking care of the wounds on your body, for harm-reduction’s sake.  On your legs and fingers, be sure to clean the wounds immediately after they’re made (I recommend swabbing the area with hydrogen peroxide, but rubbing alcohol can work as well), and using bandaids and Polysporin/other disinfectant topical treatments to prevent infection.  On your mouth and lips, don’t use rubbing alcohol or peroxide, since those are toxic when ingested orally, but make sure to gently wipe the area down with a clean cloth dampened by warm water.  On your lips, you can also try using a medicated lip-balm, after washing the area with the cloth.  It may also be a good idea to swish your mouth out with an antibacterial mouthwash (use this only as prescribed on the label).
Try not to lick your lips too much, and be mindful of anything that triggers this desire (it’s already a really huge first step that you’ve realized you tend to do this when anxious/nervous and stressed -- it’s great that you’re mindful of the causes, because that will be instrumental in preventing harm in the future).  Target the aspects of your life that are causing the stress, and problem-solve them to any extent possible.  Research healthy coping mechanisms for anxiety and stress that may help reduce these feelings, and the urge to chew on your skin!!! I have a lot of resources for anxiety/nervousness and stress in my mental health resources tag, but google comes up with most of the stuff I’ve provided there as well.  Following blogs that tackle intense anxiety may also be a good idea!
Also, if you find that you cannot resist the urge to bite yourself -- as another aspect of harm-reduction, be sure not to bite too often in the same place, or very deeply in any place, at any one time.  I’ve read that this can cause permanent nerve damage in some cases, and I don’t want to scare you (I’m sure you’re going to be alright, since you’re tackling this right away), but be aware of any risks of biting certain parts of the body, including the fingers.  And always be on the lookout for signs of infection, in case you need to see a doctor immediately!!! 
There are many, many resources on this specific issue, and I’ll link them below; especially ones where you can hear from people who have more similar experiences to yours!!!
https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/ypwnjk/dermatophagia-the-psychological-disorder-that-makes-people-bite-their-own-skin (this is info on what might be going on for you, and it also talks about people who’ve recovered.  That being said, it’s more an info piece!!!)
https://www.skinpick.com/node/1883 (this is an older post by someone who overcame their desire to pick and eat their skin; it sounds like they’re not certain how far they’ve come, but recovery is like that -- there are ups and downs.  Either way, they may have some valuable tips!)
http://www.experienceproject.com/stories/Have-Dermatophagia/300197 (another forum, this site is more generalized, and this thread is older, but I think you could start your own thread and see what people have done to limit their desire to practice this!)
https://www.doctorshealthpress.com/general-health-articles/dermatophagia/ (this article lists actual treatments that you can discuss with your doctor(s), and with other people... and even try to practice on your own, if you feel it’s safe to do so!)
https://www.skinpick.com/node/682 (another article from this site -- the site seems more tailored to what you’re experiencing, so it may be an excellent idea to start your own thread and see what responses you receive! Checking out the site in general is a good idea, imo, just to see what’s available for help, and to get the chance to speak to people who are in the same boat).
https://ocdla.com/abcs-dermatillomania-compulsive-skin-picking-1979 (this is more info on skin-picking without the autocannibalistic portion, but the treatments listed here would also apply to you as well, and they’re something to read through and consider!!!)
http://www.skinpickingsupport.com/about/body-focused-repetitive-behaviors-bfrbs/ (this link has more info on a variety of skin picking behaviours, some pertaining to what you’re experiencing, and the site itself is another one I think you could read through and gain insight from!)
https://www.psychforums.com/impulse-control/topic57565.html (this is another generalized forum, and this thread is older, but reading through the responses might provide you with more helpful tips, and you can start your own thread here as well -- the more conversations you safely open up regarding this, the more likely you are to find people who understand, and who can also offer valuable info and support!)
Again, if you want to talk/vent about this, or anything else, I’m here and I’m listening.  I can’t promise I’ll ever get back to you right away, as I receive hundreds of messages, and I’m overwhelmed, but I do care about what happens to you, and I want you to be safe (and to know that you don’t have to keep this a secret or be alone in this!) Take care, Anon!!!
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