#i don't know i triedddd
nwluxx · 1 year
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Surfer!Naruto 💕☀️
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eriexplosion · 7 months
Time for our breather episode, Common Ground
The scenery in this show is so damned good, the way I am instantly in love with Raxus and the gold tones.
Honestly this episode fits much better given what we see in Spoils of War/Ruins of War, emphasizing the humanity of the people in every system. TCW triedddd to do this with the 'heroes on both sides' but they really just kind of said it and then showed us like one lady that didn't suck in the entire show. She died immediately. So I appreciate these episodes.
Also I just love the Senator's droid she's hilarious to me.
Avi Singh is voiced by Alexander Siddig and it made me trust him immediately like all those people in the crowd cheering that is me hearing Julian Bashir's voice come out of this little animated man.
HOW can the scene of them just walking contain so many of my favorite character moments? Omega feeding Wrecker a piece of Mantell Mix, Tech steadying Omega when Hunter helps her off Wrecker's shoulder to make sure she doesn't fall over, her smiling up at him, this expression of UTTER DUBIOUSNESS and SUSPICIOUS SNIFFING from Echo
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I headcanon that Echo has hella digestive problems after a large portion of them was replaced by technology so every food must pass this sniff test and 90% of them do NOT but especially not whatever sugary concoction goes on this space popcorn.
I do NOT get why people thought for so long that we don't see Tech caring for Omega because every time she stumbles Tech is right there to steady her, he takes such good care of Omega oh my god. Sometimes love is making sure your baby sister never ever falls over!
Which he also does when she gets on a chair and he is right there like JUST IN CASE.
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Adolescents often exhibit lack of balance as they grow best to be within two inches of her at all times in case she wobbles.
I do think it's very funny that the one time Hunter successfully keeps her out of a mission by leaving her on another planet, she immediately becomes central to a gambling ring.
I want a count of how many times Echo complained about this job while Tech is just YOU KNOW WHAT'S GREAT, EARNING MONEY TO EAT WITHOUT PUTTING IT ON CID'S TAB. And Wrecker is just excited to mark off a new system on his Visited Locations list.
"Now are you convinced?" "No >:[" Echo has very valid reasons to not be thrilled about this job but unfortunately separatist doesn't mean much anymore and also they're so cute when they're Grumby.
When you clean SO sadly that Cid comes over like STOP BEING A MOPE. Omega's really leaning into her early teens attitude with SOR-RY.
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Bolo and Ketch's DISAPPOINTED HEAD SHAKING is so fucking funny. You UPSET the CHILD Cid. Go fix it. Like they weren't taking bets on her fucking up her bow training earlier.
I know Hunter's mentioning Omega is supposed to be Feelsy a little but I do admit it misses a little bit because it's not like she's missing or anything. I do wish they had done something like this with Crosshair early on, like in Rampage when he orders Echo to be eyes in the sky, switch it to him saying Crosshair's name instead and then correcting.
You know the senator is in real trouble because they took his hat.
Quite a bit of time is spent on Grand Theft Walker in this episode. Also I'm glad they're using stun bolts but oh boy is it concerning to stun a bunch of clone troopers in the same area where walkers are fighting, this is such a way to get squished.
As always I'm a big fan of Tech getting Punchy I love that he's not at all a docile nerd.
Echo stepping forward to encourage Avi to leave because he can't help his people in custody is sweet but would have been slightly better if we got a little more one on one interaction between the two of them. Even just one solid scene would be good.
I'll give the batch one thing, their success/failure rate is slightly better than I remembered, they are up to 3 successes and only 1 major failure
Frankly they should stop doing merc work though and just let Omega gamble her way through the galaxy.
SHOW A LITTLE GRATITUDE TO MY FRIEND. Cid is officially Affectionate towards this small child.
Another good character moment is Wrecker giving Hunter an EXTREMELY SERIOUS *TALK TO THE CHILD* LOOK
Really the main plot of this episode is a good breather but it really shines in tiny moments that make me Squeal a little. Just those little character interactions that I ADORE.
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readyforit · 5 years
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you throw your head back laughing like a little kid
moodboard for @loudwithlaughter ♡
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forsworned · 3 years
hello~;w; may I please ask for a reader x Kyojuro Comfort ,,?/female pronouns pls// Specifically, his s/o had started a new job, and has worked themselves too hard— ultimately becoming very ill and sore. It’s been a very rough few weeks and I’d really appreciate some words of praise to keep me going…!
a/n: i triedddd sorry it took so long bruv
genre: fluff
warnings: none
categories: f/m
relationships: renguko kyōjurō /reader
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It had been a long day for [name]. She had been overworking
herself ever since she had taken up a new job. Weekends felt like nothing but a blur because she'd be right back at the office at 7AM continuing her mind-numbing work. Recently though, [name] had fallen ill from putting in too many hours and not enough self care. Kyoujurou, her lover, had noticed this and urged her to stay home from work and call out sick. Of course, stubborn [name], refused and ended up collapsing. Luckily, Kyoujurou had been there to catch her before she ended up with a concussion. She had awoken to her lying in bed and a towel that smell of vinegar on her head. She jolted awake trying to get her stuff together to bolt out the door, but Kyoujurou was having none of that. "Oh no, you don't. You are sick [name]! You need to rest. So forget about work and get back in bed." He gently pushed her back into their shared bed with a concerned look on his face.
"I need to get work, Kyo!" She whined and then soon groaned in agony. Her body was not allowing her to even sit up. Every muscle felt sore and going against her will to move. A smile on his face as she finally complied and lied back down and he tucked her. "I already called your boss and he said that he has been telling you to take some time off, but you refused?" He cocked an eyebrow at her. She averted her gaze from his. "Care to explain?" She stayed silent, hoping that he would let this slide just this time, but Kyo was not going to let her get away with it. "[name]..." His voice was on edging on reprimanding her. "I'm not going anywhere until you tell me why you weren't taking your sick days." She let out an exasperated sigh before turning her back to him and burying herself in the plushy sheets. "Because! You're always working so hard for the both of us and I finally got this new job and I just wanted to feel like i was making it up to you!" She exclaimed. Kyoujurou softly smiled at her as he poured herbal tea into a glass mug. "[name],"He began but she did not want to hear a thing from him. She merely stuffed her face deeper into their sheets as she tried to block out his retorts. A kiss was placed on her hair as she lied there miserably. He chuckled moving her body to shift towards him. "You don't have to make up anything to me. We are a unit." He brushed the hair out of her feverish face. Her cheeks were scattered with pink from the fever she was developing. "Plus you are the hardest working person I know! So you deserve to relax, darling." He held out the tea to her and she sat up. "Careful, it's hot." He started to blow on the surface of the liquid to cool it down for her to sip at it. "Please, don't think any less of yourself, [name]. It hurts me to see you like that." His voice was soft and his eyes were sad for a moment as he stared beyond the cup in his hand. "Now, drink!" The dejected attitude of his was tossed out the window and now replaced with a jubliant one. She felt her visage get warmer as she took it from him this time and took a sip. "Thank you, Kyo." She murmured against her glass. He took her free hand in his calloused one and kiss her cheek. "Anything for you, my love."
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Thank you for replying to my ask and having this blog! I didn't want to tell any detail about my ed I thought that would be very triggering for some people cause it's about losing and gaining weight and dieting so trigger warning!!
But I guess I have always had since high school disturbed body image because diet culture starts affecting you very early on.
In college when I have had depressive episodes one way to cope was restricting my eating and then when I lost the weight I gained when depressed I started to feel better and it was like this yo-yo ish many years.
But oh god last year I had so many things that caused me stress I was living in a survival mode the whole 2021 and maybe still am, and idk why I gained weight guickly maybe it was many things combined. Then when things were bad my bf left me and my friends didn't help me and I was left kinda alone and the only way to cope again was thinking of losing weight. So this is such a classic but my ed was the symptom of my hard life situation and way to cope with the anxiety and stress.
But restricting my eating didnt 'work 'like it used to in the past, I havent been able to lose the gained weight and so my energy and time is still focused on losing that weight even now when im my life situation has improved a bit.
I have talk about my issues with doctors and I feel they haven't been taking my symptoms seriously or have focused just on my depression and anxiety (which are caused by ed so this is a fun cycle). Yesterday I talked to a nutritionist for the first time since applying help and she just said what I already know that even tho ed is a mental health problem the only way to cure is by eating. And that I should stop thinking about losing weight cause that only worsens everything (yeah no shit). And that she can't help me cope with the anxiety it's the other healthcare system that should (have) do(ne) that.
The thing is I have triedddd so much this whole time to take care of my eating but if I had succeeded I wouldn't be having any problems with it still u know?
It's kinda ironic how much I know about ed without being able to do anything. First I need to fix my nutritional status I think that's where everyone starts. And after that maybe intuition eating. I need to learn dbt skill to cope with anxiety and depression. And stop stressing about everything everywhere qll the time. Buying new clothes that fit so looking at my too small clothes wouldn't be so triggering. I need to learn self compassion and find a therapist but they are in high demand so that's really hard. I need to find things that I like about myself and repeat those. But everytime when I fail at trying to fix my daily routine and fix my eating routine I think of it as a setback and its a cycle very hard to get off (I need to wake up early to eat breakfast and lunch early so I wouldn't be so hungry at evening and night cause then I can't sleep properly and then I sleep in and then I eat late and then im hungry at evening and night cause I don't wanna eat too much in the evening and then I sleep in cause my blood sugar is so low from not eating enough in the evening does this make any sense at all) and I think I have ibs from so much stress and I think that's actually the reason I have gained weight like I'm bloated all the time. And i dont have any support cause my depression/ ed made me also isolate from my friends and/or they kinda left me also so yeah. Ummmmm this became a lot longer than i thought. if you read this all thank you and also sorry for dumping all my problems here
Sorry that it took me so long to respond to this - my own life situation is kind of taking a toll on me rn, and I've been slow to respond to people. That will continue to be the case, most likely.
But I'm sorry you've found the system so unhelpful! I really think a competent nutritionist should at least be a little understanding of mental health problems, especially when a lot of people coming to them with additional health needs will probably be coping with a lot and might need a little empathy. I mean, yeah, that's not her main job, but healthcare requires a multipronged approach, especially since her "just eat" directive won't be helpful without someone assisting with the mental health aspect simultaneously. I mean, if she frequently works with ED clients she should know that - "just eat" is such an ineffective directive. I hope you find a therapist or a team of therapists that are capable of helping you.
My advice, though? Break it down for yourself. All of these things are a cycle that feed into one another, so making progress in ANY of these areas you struggle in is still progress. And if you let yourself focus on one thing at once, it might not seem so overwhelming. Also remember that everyone struggles with hard days/moments, so if you slip, it doesn't mean you've lost all your progress. It seems an all-or-nothing approach can be really self-defeating. I get it, though - that's definitely something I still find myself struggling with!
I really hope you find more social support! I don't know if you have any online support groups. I also hope it's okay that I published this ask - I tend to do it unless otherwise specified so that people on here don't feel alone in their struggles. I bet there have been lots of ED sufferers who struggled during the pandemic, who have been feeling a lot of overwhelm and who struggle with finding adequate support and on trying to accept their bodies as-is and who are triggered by things like buying new clothes. I'm wondering if anyone else would like to share their experiences.
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lydiacollins · 8 years
It was a little after three o’clock in the morning and there Lydia stood, outside of Andrew’s apartment. Her arms wrapped herself, fingertips clutching at the fabric of her cardigan like she was holding on tightly to her grip on reality, balancing her phone in her left hand as she did so. A couple of moments before, she sent her boyfriend a message, asking if he was awake but to no response. It was stupid to be stood out here anyway, looking the way she did: hair somewhat disheveled, eyes rimmed red which implied she’d been crying (which she had -- out of frustration and out of letting everything build on top of her until she cracked), dark circles underneath them due to lack of sleep, looking rather pale and peaky. Was it selfish to disturb him this late of night? Absolutely. However Lydia was borderline desperate to be around someone’s comforting presence and he was the only person she could think of right now, that she wanted to be with. She would apologise to him, at length, later. She would make it up to him, Lydia promised herself of that. 
Isolating herself from the world wasn’t a good sign; people kept showing up unannounced or she’d accidentally come across them when trying to sneak around town without being spotted and it seemed like most people were beginning to see through the facade she was putting on. Even replying to texts at a delayed pace, she knew that other people - even Andrew - were sensing something was wrong. And without another question, she clenched a fist and rapped lightly against the door, quickly wiping at her face as she felt some stray tears trickle down her cheeks, waiting to see if he would open the door whilst also partially wondering if she should just go home. No matter how much that thought came to mind, she couldn’t find the energy to move her feet. So instead, she waited.
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