#i don't know if he has access to licorice he can eat but he would love it if he did
bumblewarden · 2 years
Unusual OC Associations
>>-Novhen Tabris--|>
tagged by @apostacism (ty!) tagging you back in case you want to run another oc through and also tagging @heniareth @icy-warden and @scarletkilometers if any of you want to do this as well
Seasoning: star anise (technically a spice but w/e)
Weather: the morning fog after a long night of rain
Colour: so sage green (i know that's not sage but i'm not messing with html today) is the novhen color, but i often also tie him to a lot of blues due to his heavy association with the wardens
Sky: late at night when the moon and stars are just barely visible from behind fast-moving clouds
Magic power: invisibility
House plant: baby tears plant
Weapon: bow and arrow 🏹
Subject: history!
Social media: he wouldn't really use social media, but maybe tumblr for the relative anonymity. blogging platforms generally might be more his speed 🤔
Make-up product: ...kaddis? (i don't know make up sry)
Candy: black licorice
Fear: causing harm to those he's been trying to protect
Ice cube shape: i want to say regular, spartan cubes, but also, i imagine he'd get a good kick out of those novelty ice cube molds and would want one with little fishies for special events
Method of long distance travel: until someone invents the train, the answer is wagon
Art style: more of a technique than a style but ✨chiaroscuro✨
Mythological creature: is it cheating to say griffon? yes? probably a sphinx then. both are tricksy guardians
Piece of stationery: rubber band
3 emojis: 🌙🙄🧵
Celestial body: the moon :3
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mynameis-noe-body · 1 year
For those wondering: I closed the previous mynameis-noe-body blog and opened a new one, to make it a main blog and have free access to dm.
First of all, rules. This is a list of my works, and I will rate them accordingly to Ao3 guidelines. This means they may be explicit and so, strictly +18.
I will write for the following fandoms and more (find more in others).
I will not write underage. I am comfortable with a certain amount of angst and/or violence but it's still up to me to decide what I am okay with.
I will not write for The Marauders fandom, since I do not appreciate those characters.
Requests are closed for the moment. And thank you for reading.
▪️Wizarding World
Shot through the heart
Professor Severus Snape × Original Female Character
Rating: Mature
Status: Complete (multiple chapters)
Summary: Licorice Hatch has traveled the world, fulfilling her dream of becoming one of the most famous writers and reporters in the Wizarding World. Now, she is coming back. Merlin only knows the turmoil she has caused in the heart of her dark, splendid professor. And at the very thought — eager to hold her in his arms again — Severus can't help but relive their whole story, from the very beginning, when it all started with a Wilbur Smith's book and... a two-month detention!
The Old Mill at the Hogsmeade's Eastern Forest
Post-Second Wizarding War Severus Snape × you (F)
Rating: Mature
Status: in progress (multiple chapters)
Summary: A year and a half after the end of the war, Severus still hasn't managed to leave Britain. No one knows of his survival, and for months he enjoys a life of silence, solitude and well-deserved peace. Everything would be absolutely perfect, were it not for you, sitting on his empty tombstone everyday to bring condolences and read some poetry. When it's said that curiosity killed the cat...
▪️Adam Driver Fandom
How to (not) kill a stranger
Kylo Ren × you (F)
Rating: Explicit
Status: Complete (multiple chapters)
Summary: He glances at you. "A young lady like you shouldn't travel alone, on a night like this." You want to roll your eyes and send him to hell, but he was kind to help you and you don't want any more trouble. "I couldn't really stay in Aberdeen. I knew my old Corolla wouldn't hold up for long, not in this weather, but I wanted to at least get to the Motel for the night." He nods, raises the temperature of the car and you thank him again. He doesn't acknowledge your words. But he smirks. "Aren't you afraid you just crossed your path with a murderer?" You grin. "What are the odds that we are both murderers?"
▪️Stranger Things
Catch me if you can, Chief!
Chief Jim Hopper × you (F)
Rating: Explicit
Status: Complete (one shot)
Summary: It's the 4th of July in Hawkins, and while everybody's having fun at the amusement park, the only one who's catching your attention is Jim Hopper, Chief of Police — and he's looking at you, equally interested.
This Friday night
Chief Jim Hopper × you (F)
Rating: Mature
Status: Complete (one shot)
Summary: All alone on a Friday night, after a long week of college classes, you just want to eat some ice cream and watch a movie. You didn't expect Jim to pay you visit — but god, if it isn't a nice surprise. OR — you and Jim (your father's best friend) get intimate on your parents' couch.
“Nothing to say, hm?”
Chief Jim Hopper × you (F)
Rating: Mature
Status: Complete (one shot)
Summary: You let Billy flirt with you a little... that might not be a good idea. Jim will find a very passionate way of showing his jealousy.
Sunday morning: pancakes and...
Chief Jim Hopper x you (F)
Rating: Mature
Status: Complete (one shot)
Summary: You make Jim breakfast and decide to wake him up with your hands and mouth.
▪️John Wick Fandom
🖤 Marquis Vincent Bisset De Gramont 🖤
I am your slave
Marquis Vincent Bisset De Gramont × you (F/GN)
Rating: Teen & Up Audience
Status: Complete (one shot)
Summary: You and Vincent play the jealousy game at a public evening gala of the High Table. You end up revelieng almost all of your feelings to each other.
Safe in his arms
Marquis Vincent Bisset De Gramont × you (F/GN)
Rating: Teen & Up Audience
Status: Complete (one shot)
Summary: Vincent, who has fallen in love with you and made you his beautiful wife, has never really told you about his true life of crime and murder. What will you do the first time you catch him red handed?
Little dove
Marquis Vincent Bisset De Gramont × you (F)
Rating: Explicit
Status: Complete (one shot)
Summary: You're the Marquis' favorite tailor — and you always act so innocent and pure it would just too much fun to ruin you (corruption kink).
🖤 John Wick 🖤
John Wick × reader (F/GN)
Rating: All
Status: Complete (one shot - drabble)
Summary: A casual encounter lead you and John to looking for each other, wishing to meet again.
▪️Others (open to write for: Alice in Wonderland, Joker(s), Johnny Depp fandom)
Wonderland Chronicles
Tarrant Higtop (Mad Hatter) × Alice Kingsley
Fandom: Alice in Wonderland
Rating: Explicit
Status: Complete (one shot)
Summary: Alice and Tarrant get inspired by fruit juices and enjoy smutty time, all alone during a tea party.
🔹A list of k*nks without explanation
Severus Snape
Lucius Malfoy
Eddie Munson
Billy Hargrove
Chief Jim Hopper
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alicewhimzy · 9 months
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Willy Wonka and Lego Dimensions! 🍫🎩🏭
@321spongebolt and I have talked a lot about this, so here we go!
(Disclaimer! I've unfortunately never played LEGO dimensions, instead I have to look things up online, so please excuse me if it seems like I don't know precisely how things work. Because I don't. I have however played LEGO Batman 2 DC superheroes, and Lego the Hobbit, so I'll also be drawing from my experiences with those a lot. 🤪)
I love this idea and I want it to happen. Here are my suggestions. 😁
There's a lot under here just so you know.
I like the idea of including the whole tour group. Willy Wonka of course, plus all the kids and an Oompa-loompa for good measure (for the sake of fun I'll call them Ginger).
Willy Wonka could use his cane as a sword for a melee weapon and he could throw exploding candy for your enemies as a ranged weapon that could destory silver bricks. I think I like the round-truffle-cartoon-bomb better than the licorice dynamite design. A lit fuse or a clock is good because that's how we know when it goes off, but it's not a must-have. He could throw his cane into a wall and then swing on it (pole vault), solve matching puzzles (intelligence), and use control panels (technology). His featured vehicles would include the great glass elevator, the boiled-sweet boat, and the Wonka-mobile. The Wonka-mobile could shoot lavender-colored venom, but maybe that's a bit much.
The kids can be their own characters with their own abilities.
Charlie could have the fizzy-lifting-drink flight mentioned in the original post (flight), throw newspapers or Wonka bars (boomerang) and since he's Wonka's apprentice he could solve the same kinds of matching puzzles (intelligence).
Augustus could function like sandman or clayface, turning into liquid chocolate to transform (shapeshift) or slip through vents or something (slurp access).
Violet could control her blueberry transformation, similar to the hulk, and this would give her more strength, a smashing attack, and she'd be able to move faster by rolling on her side, maybe she could use gyrosphere switches (big transformation, gyrosphere).
Veruca could scream loud enough to break glass like the original post said (sonar smash), and maybe she could throw garbage at people or imitate a squirrel burying a nut, idk (dig).
Mike would be the only kid with guns (target) as well as the shrink ability and maybe he could hack stuff (hacking).
Ginger the Oompa-loompa could have a wrench that they use as a weapon. They'd be able to fix things (fix-it) and do acrobatics by throwing their wrench maybe (pole vault).
All of the children and Ginger would have access to mini hatches (mini access).
Each member of the group would be able to change into different versions of themselves like doctor who. The book versions, the 1971 film, the 2005 film, and the west end musical (my favorite).
Wonka's idle animations could be a somersault like Gene Wilder did, or he could do a little dance or do a maniacal laugh or play around with his hat and cane.
The kids' idle animations could be variations on them finding their golden ticket. Charlie pulls out a Wonka bar and is very hesitant in opening it, when he finds it he jumps for joy and runs in a circle. Augustus eats a Wonka bar before sticking his tongue out and pulling out the ticket. Violet has a pack of gum in one hand and a Wonka bar in the other, after thinking about it she chooses the Wonka bar, finds the ticket and strikes a victorious pose. Veruca pulls out an entire pile of Wonka bars, dives in and resurfaces with the ticket. Mike types on his phone and a purple air drone with a W on it delivers a Wonka bar, Mike examines it, opens it and finds the ticket before firing his guns in celebration.
Ginger the Oompa-loompa's idle animation would be the Oompa-loompa dance, naturally.
The Wonka prequel film could be a dlc (thanks 321spongebolt)! This means new characters! Noodle could fly using the balloons (flight). Lofty the Oompa-loompa could show up with his gadgets, maybe his wing-jet-pack (glide). The chocolate cartel would also be there, idk what abilities they'd have. 🤷‍♀️
There could be puddles of chocolate all over a level, like acid in Lego Batman, and it would need the hazard cleanup ability.
Doctor who might be able to access the dlc Wonka world via the TARDIS, back in time and whatnot.
Anyone who has any other ideas for this concept, please let me know! I'm fascinated!
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glimmersea · 9 months
OCs as obscure references
@olesmokes tagged me in this (thank you, this was a lot of fun!)
Here is Merryn as obscure references
ANIMAL: Nightingale for the symbolism between nightingales and poets. From wikipedia:
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But also I kind of identify Merryn with like... some animal that is large and elegant but also distant and untouchable. Some kind of deer? Or a moose? I guess it's less about the animal itself and more about seeing it pass through your backyard, stepping gently and gracefully, you hold your breath as you see it cross into your domain and then it's gone again.
COLOR: a vibrant green or blue.
MONTH: December, he just seems like an end-of-the-year person
SONGS: these are the three most important ones
man-sized and made to measure night-stalker, razor, pleasure faux fallen angel empire
you're my deadly, deadly nightshade oh atropa belladona they say you are death incarnate and i should stay far away
make your own kind of music, even if nobody else sings along
(so glad the barbie movie brought this song back to popularity tbh)
PLANTS: Willow
SMELLS: Brackish water, the sea, freshly turned earth.
GEMSTONE: Labradorite
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SEASON - Winter
TIME OF DAY - the deepest part of night when you can see the stars clearest
PLACES - a dock on the sea, the stage of an inn, under a tree in the town square.
FOOD - You know that tweet that's like "my boss passed my desk where I had cheese and summer sausage, dried figs with honey, and olives spread out for lunch and asked me why I eat like a roman emperor"? That's Merryn.
DRINKS - sweet and bitter in equal measure
ASTROLOGICAL SIGN - idk, I don't really understand astrology well enough to guess
SEASONINGS - is poison a seasoning? Rosemary, strongly umami flavored mushrooms.
SKY - deep dark, full of stars
WEATHER - just before a thunderstorm
WEAPONS - that singing sword you find in the underdark
SOCIAL MEDIA - if Merryn lived in a world where he had access to social media I feel like he still wouldn't understand or use it (this is one of those things where you can't give a character knowledge you yourself do not possess; tumblr is my only social media)
CANDY - I feel like Merryn would love licorice
METHOD OF LONG DISTANCE TRAVEL - walking. Merryn has had plenty of time to learn to ride a horse but he's never bothered. He likes traveling and he likes being outside.
ART STYLE - idk, I'm not much of an artist myself. I think Merryn would like landscape painting because it would allow him to recreate the natural beauty of the underdark
FEAR - Merryn has intimacy issues, his biggest fear is I think revealing too much of himself to someone and being rejected.
PIECE OF STATIONARY - sealing wax and stamps
I'm tagging anyone who wants to do it!
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Why did you elbow me? 136
Achilles Castle part 41 the cardiologist appointment.
Kate: pov this whole week has been slow since i'm stuck doing paperwork. I arrive at work early before the boys. Castle has a meeting at black pawn today. Esposito is planning a little getaway for him and Lanie, I told him Castle has no problem with you staying at the Hamptons house after everything Lanie has done for me she is more than welcome.
Kate: pov I have a Dr's appointment coming up. Castle is going to go with me, Lanie has something that day some medical examiner thing
Castle: pov Kate is making a fantastic pumpkin soup for dinner. Alexis is setting the table, Martha is filling our cups with water. We chat about life, school and work. Kate's upcoming Dr's appointment is just a check up to make sure everything is okay. Alexis is upstairs studying, me and Kate are watching a movie. Kate has been having a little trouble sleeping lately. It might be the new medicine.
Ryan: pov we just closed a very difficult homicide case. The boyfriend poisoned her drink so she died after him and he would not be blamed for her murder.
Alexis : pov today is Kate's appointment which she got the day off of work for. Lanie usually goes with her or dad does. Kate is eating some oatmeal saying she has already showered and taken her pills. I head into her room to help her by grabbing her new medicine that goes into her pod since today is the day she gets it. She takes this medicine once a week. I ask Kate if it's easier to lay on the bed while I access her pod and inject the meds into it. Lanie showed us how to do it. Since my dad is injured I don't think he would be able to do it.
Castle: pov i kiss her on the forehead before we leave. The drive to Dr Burkett office is short, 15 minutes later and her name is being called. Kate is getting a stress test, EKG and an echocardiogram today. A nurse takes Kate's vitals, first is the EKG. The nurse puts the leads on Kate's body and starts the machine. She mentions it is coming up slightly elevated like usual since Kate's heart beats faster than normal. Next is the stress test, Kate has to run on a treadmill while hooked up to a heart monitor. She managed to pass this one. The Echocardiogram Dr Burkett does himself, he squirts the very cold gel on Kate's chest and moves the wand around he points out her scar tissue on her ventricle, pericardium, pulmonary vein and chest.
Kate: pov I mention I think the new medicine is making it hard for me to sleep, Dr Burkett mentions that since my heart beats faster than normal i'm more likely to have episodes of ventricular tachycardia which could lead to vfib or cause cardiac arrest. Also when I'm sick my heart has to work harder than normal and the black licorice almost killed me. He wants to put me on some meds to help my immune system get stronger.
Dr Burkett: pov I tell Kate her antiarrhythmic meds work great at preventing arrhythmias and her emergency heart meds work great at stopping her arrhythmia but it does not help slow her heartbeat down. I know Kate is not going to want to hear this. I suggest we keep her on the new medicine for a bit. Just to give her heart some help so it doesn't have to beat so fast all the time. I also tell Kate there are a few things we can do, one is a type of Catheter Ablation Therapy to remove some of the scar tissue on her heart. The others are an implantable cardiac defibrillator or a pacemaker.
Kate: pov it sounds scary he explains the Catheter Ablation and icd are the ones he recommends for my condition. It consists of radiofrequency energy hitting my scar tissue to stop the source of my arrhythmia. A small surgical incision might be needed on my chest to gain access to my heart to get rid of the scar tissue. The other one requires an icd device, to be placed under my skin. No way I'm having that procedure done, I have severe PTSD from my shooting and cardiac arrest. He says it looks like you will be on arrhythmia medication for the rest of your life. The thing is PTSD causes heart palpitations and since you have ventricular tachycardia, it makes it so much worse. I have a serious question: Dr Burkett, my husband here has an adult daughter and I just wanted to know what my options are for expanding our family.
Dr Burkett: pov well Kate to be honest I don't think a pregnancy would be safe for you with your heart condition, that would be a lot of stress on your heart and you have a lung that has collapsed before. I suggest you get a MUGA scan. It will tell us how well your heart is pumping/working. I tell her I will schedule the scan for her. If she really wants to expand her family then she needs to see a high risk obgyn and see what they say, because I don't think it's safe for her. I also would like to schedule her for a sleep study. I tell her I will call her when there is an opening for the scan and sleep study.
Castle: pov I explain to her the importance of both the procedures. Dr Burkett says to Kate talk it over with your husband. This probably won't get rid of your heart problem, because of how severe your previous trauma was. But will make your heart episodes less frequent. since you have a high chance for your ventricular tachycardia turning into Vfib/cardiac arrest.
Kate: pov Castle grabs all the info packets the Dr hands me. I decide instead of going out to eat we are heading straight to the loft. On the way home he picks up my new meds.
Castle: pov I quickly text Lanie a heads up/warning her that it did not go great. Her cardiologist is recommending Kate have a Catheter Ablation procedure on her scar tissue and a possible icd device inserted. Lanie says she will be by later, In the fridge I look for something for Kate to eat. To be continued. …….
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