#i don't know if thats the case though i've only seen a handful of comments about him
harrystylesfan2686 Β· 3 months
Disappearing Bodies
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Pairing: PolyFeysand x Reader
Summary: girls from several war camps have been disappearing, no one know how. So you, your high lord and lady try to investigate the case.
Warnings: dead bodies, murder.
A/N: heyy everyone! I know I haven't posted in forever, thats because I've had my biggest writers block ever. I tried to make this as interesting as possible; please consider leaving a comment and telling me your thoughts on this. Hope you like it!!!
And yes, I will be posting the part 2 in a few days.πŸ’•
Thanks for the request @shorttstackk.
Your eyes scan over your desk again, trying to find anything that can help you with this case. This new case has you working non stop, racking your brain to think of anything that can help solve this problem.
There have been reports coming in from almost every illyrian camp, complaints of females and young girls going missing without a foot print left behind. Nobody knows what's happening to those girls because none of them have been found yet.
Cassian has had his men search the entire Illyria, along with himself, Nesta and Morrigan to try and find some type of clue or location, but they have all come back with no avail. You and Azriel have been looked in his office, trying to find something in the files but that, too, doesn't help you at all.
Files are sprawled all over your desk. Some stating the names of the victims and some reporting thier last seen location. It's been eight days and twenty six victims, and that's all you know.
You sigh and close your eyes, head hung down as you go over the information you have, again, to just find something, anything that can help you find those innocent girls.
"Here." A thug filles the silence and your eyes open to see Azriel putting down a cup of tea. You straighten up from where you were standing with your arms rested on the edges of your desk.
Whispering a small thank you, you pick up the cup with one hand and stir the spoon with the other. Your eyes again looking at the names scribbled on the paper.
"Did you find anything new?" Azriel asks, sipping his from his own cup.
"No. You?" Your eyes look at his.
"None of my spies have picked on anything." His voice is calm, a contrast to the storm swirling in his eyes.
"How can this be possible?" Your eyebrows narrow in anger and frustration. "How can a someone be so clean in abduction that they don't leave a single thread behind?"
He hums, eyes analyzing the files. "Whoever it is, they are too good at covering thier tracks."
Silence fills the room again as the two of you fall quite, drinking the tae and thinking about the same thing again.
You were Azriel's second before finding your mates, the High Lord and Lady of Night Court. It was a surprise to everyone when you found out, considering how rare it is to find one mate, and finding two at that.
Three mates are extremely rare cases, only one out of a thousand pairs can you find a tripple pair. You were invited into the inner circle right away, everyone was kind hearted towards you.
But even though you were practically Azriels equal, you would never admit that. He taught you everything you know about spying and assassin ship. For you he will always be your senior.
The quiet between you was suddenly intrupted when Rhysands voice fills your head and the two of you leave everything and rush out of there as fast as possible.
Come to my office. Cassian found something.
The eight of you stand surrounding a table, on which lies a map of the Illyrian Forest.
"A few of my men stumbled upon an underground tunnel. While patrolling, one fell in, not knowing about the cave because it was covered up with branches and leaves." Cassian circles an area with ink. "This is where the cave is. We went in just to make sure it isn't some small hole or anything, and it isn't. The hole stretches out into a gaint cave after entering, big enough for all of us to fit in."
He glances at everyone before continuing, "There were bloody footsteps at the starting of the tunnel. A pair of them, one can be identified as a male and other a female."
The air thickens around the room, all of you worrid and a little relieved to find at least something relating this case.
"I'm not sure what is in it, but I didn't have my men search it, if this isn't the seriel criminal we want, but some entirely different creature , I'm not losing my men for nothing." He finishes and Rhysand hums, silently agreeing.
"Alright then, we will go to see what this is." Rhysand looks up at you all, waiting for you to nod and continues, "Amren will stay at Valaris, guarding while we're gone. Nesta can watch over the War camps, so that if any other kidnapping happens, she can inform us right away."
The both of them nod and even though Nesta looks like she wants to say something, she doesn't dare go against Rhys' orders. Cassian interlaces his fingers with hers, as if to say not to worry.
"I will enter the cave first, Feyre, Y/N, Azriel, Cassian, and Mor will follow after. Cassians soldiers will stay at the cave entrance in case we encounter the very criminal we are looking for." Everyone nods.
"Any questions?" Rhys looks at everyone with raised eyebrow.
When no one comments he stands up straight and extends his arms to you and feyre at each side of him, ready to winnow you out. Azriel mimics him and grabs hold of Cassian. Mor takes Nestas hand to drop her off at the camps first and follow us after.
"Let us go." Rhysands voice echos out as you all fade into darkness.
You walk through the woods with the others. Cassian leading your group and the rest of you follow close behind.
The entrance Cass found is surrounded with trees and grass, making it impossible to notice except the way it was found.
You reach there and Cass nods to one of his gaurds stationed near it. He turns to your group as you all stop with him, he points the hole, big only enough for one person to fit through.
Rhysand jumps in first and you all follow one by one. You go after Feyre and step up, looking around. It looks just like a normal Cave. Alighted with fire by cassian's comrades.
"Alright, I did not expect the cave to be this big." Mor's eyes scan over the walls with interest, before she looks at Cassian. "Sure you said it'd be big but I didn't expect this big. I mean you could fit an entire house in here."
Rhysand forms a small flame in his hand and steps forward taking the lead, "Everyone be on your gaurd." He doesn't need to remind you.
You walk between Rhysand and Feyre, her hand held yours in a tight grip, the only sign of her anxiousness. You walk further and further into the dark, the walls only illuminated by Rhys purple fire.
Suddenly you see a flicker of orange ahead, all of you noticing it at the same time as your steps falter for a second before continuing without making a sound. You step closer and finally see the scene ahead of you.
Your breath catches as you realized just what is happening. Candles surround a body of a girl, creating a circle in which the body is kept. She lies there as still as stone, eyes closed and not even breathing. The light from the candles shine against her skin that is now as pale as snow and lips that was probably soft and pink now cracked and blue.
Your hand slips from Feyre's as you step forward enough to see the face clearly. This is one of the girls you were looking for. Her name is Lyriana.
No. Was.
Now she's gone. Dead just as you expected. You still remember how her parents had begged you to find her when she got lost. How they begged you to find her and bring her back alive, offering you anything you wanted in return.
She was one of the firsts that was lost, it had been a week yet her parents never lost hope, knowing that their high lord and spymaster will find her. Well, you guess they did do that part.
"Is that-" Azriel starts but you speak before he could, knowing what he will say.
"Lyriana. Age 16. Single child. 7 days missing. A Valkerie in training. One of the first victims." Your voice sounds bland, void of any emotion and your mates pick up on the ill feelings starting to swirl inside you immediately.
"This isn't good." Mor comments under her breath.
"Oh yeah? What gave it away? The fire or the dead body?" Cassian replies just as slowly, his tone a mixture of sarcasm and anger.
You take another step closer to the body and just as Rhysand is about to warn you not to get too close, a sudden snap sounds and a hand wraps around you foot, the fingers clutching on tight enough to break bones;
And pulls.
You gasp out in pain, not expecting the attack and fall on your back. Your head hitting the hard ground but paying no mind to it, you take out a knife sheathed at your waist and thrust it on the hand with force.
At the same time a blast of purple fire hits the arm holding your foot. The force of your attacks together results in the arm cutting and blasting off into a mush of blood and muscle. An extremely unsettling site.
The blood flies to your body, small droplets smearing onto your leathers as you quickly brush off the remains of the fingers around your ankle and stand up. Soft hands hold you as Feyre forces you to step back with her and Rhysand stands before you, ready for another attack.
Now that out of danger, you see the arm that tried to hold you captive belongs to the very girl you declared dead. She now kneels and stands on her hands and knees, arching her back in an unnatural way. The eyes that were closed and peaceful, now are wide open and frowning at the lot of you with anger. You take in a sharp breath when you realize that her eyes doesn't have irises, they are entirely white white red nerves siding at the edges.
The hand that was blasted off, still driping tons of blood but it is as though she doesn't feel anything because she lets out a low growl before standing and streaking out her next attack.
Everyone is ready this time though, before Rhysand even lifts a finger, shadows cover Lyriana's entire body, slithering around like ropes and contract their hold. Thightly binding her limbs to her body and enabling her to do anything except squirm around on the ground, trying to fight.
Everyone stays silent for a while, only her growling and hissing echoing through the space, widened eyes staring shocked at Lyriana's state. She behaves as though she doesn't know anything butΒ  attacking.
Rhysand turns to you and pulls you into his arms, "Are you alright?" His soft voice breaks the dark fog starting in your mind. You nod silently and rest your head against his shoulder. Feyre kneels at your side and gently touches the ankle that now covers a ring of dark red bruises in shape of a hand.
You step back a little to see the wound for yourself, half cresents form where the tip of the fingers were, stretching out into small sharp straches, oozing out little blood that was already starting to heal.
You sigh and step around them as they straighten up, "I'm fine. Let's keep going."
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Asks: How about some Wrecker Fluff?
Y/N is on her period. She tries to hide the fact from the boys but Hunter can smell it and Tech knows because of his useless facts. Clones probably aren't taught much about the female anatomy as it's not "important" for a Soldier. Wrecker knows something's wrong and after Y/N explains the issue, he ends up bringing her stuff like chocolate and cuddling to make her feel better. Bonus points if she ends up losing her crap on a whole bunch of baddies. Whether it's Droids, bounty hunter, or something else.
I think this is cute- so Ima do it
Strong Muscles Stronger Gut| Wrecker
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"Are you. Um..." Hunter spoke.
The two stood in the hanger, both alone.
"What?" Y/n asked.
"You uh...smell...stronger"
"I what!?"
"I mean! Well! You smell...diffrent." Hunter tried to explain, "You do atleast once a month for a week. Are you okay?"
Y/n rubbed her temples- oh so she had to have this talk.
"Yes. Im fine." Y/n spoke, "its a girl thing."
"A. Girl thing?"
"Yeah." Y/n spoke, "Every girl gets- well most, usually around pre teens."
"Its important then?" Hunter asked, "I uh. Know she won't want to go to me about it. She might. I- I don't know-"
Hunter started to ramble, mixing up his words with uhs and ums. He was talking about Omega.
"Can. Uh. You explain it to me? I know it affects you. I just...wanna be there for her you know?"
Y/n nodded, she had explained periods before to boys- men- young girls that were sobbing in the bathroom confused.
Y/n explained what was happening to her body, and what essentially Omega would go through. She told him- everything- spilled all the beans. Y/n had offered to show how much periods really hurt and he agreed saying "its only fair so I understand"
Y/n held his shoulder, he growing increasingly worried.
"What are they doing?" Wrecker asked as he watched them from a far.
Tech looked up from his work, Y/n holding and apologetic face as she then proceeded to slander his guts, kneeing his stomach as hard as possible.
Hunter doubled over letting out a spew of Mando as he went down.
"Yeah thats about a quarter of the pain. But it depends on each girl." Y/n told him, as he was slolwy getting up.
"Remind me never to call you weak even if we are just messing around." Hunter spoke Y/n holding his shoulder.
"Sorry about that..."
"Oh." Tech spoke understanding what was happening, "Y/n must be busy this week then."
"Busy?" Wrecker asked looking at the two, Y/n now in pain as she held Hunter's shoulder leaning over holding her stomach.
"Right now?! You didnt even do anything?!" Hunter complained.
"E-excatly- fuck! Fuck fuck! Ow..."
"Is she okay?" Wrecker asked Tech.
"It will go away- soon- unless. How many days has it been since mid week?"
"Uh..." Wrecker spoke, "three?"
"Makes sense." Tech spoke, "she has most of her pains three days in."
"Three days in of what?" Wrecker spoke.
"Menstruation." Tech spoke, "hand me the-"
Wrecker handed him a tool, "no not- oh yes this one thank you."
"What's Menstruation?" Wrecker asked.
"When a women, in this case, our lovely brutally honest Medic, Y/n." Tech infromed, "is going through a cycle once of month..."
Tech contuined to ramble- Wrecker. Well Wrecker didnt process one piece of information Tech was saying.
"What?" Wrecker asked.
Tech sighed looking back at Wrecker, "she bleeds and has cramps."
"Why is she bleeding? Did she get hurt?"
"Is she okay-"
"Then why is she-"
"Wrecker!" Tech stopped him, "her monthly bleeding means she's healthy, shes fine. Sure she is emmense discomfort and I certainly hate to see our sister like such, but thats what makes her strong- well also the fact that she can- at any momment be with child, carry the damn thing for almost a year give birth and take a squadron of droids down with just one blaster."
Tech looked back at Wrecker who still looked confused out his mind as Tech sighed, "You know somethings wrong?"
"Yeah." Wrecker answered.
"Go ask her."
"Good idea!"
Wrecker made his way over to Y/n and Hunter the pain Y/n was mild now, she could deal with it.
"Wrecker." They both greeted.
Y/n looked at him worriedly, "something on your mind?"
"Can. I talk to you?" Wrecker asked, "alone?"
Y/n looked at Hunter, "I'll leave you to it." Hunter responded and left.
Y/n looked up at Wrecker worried, "Wrecker? Hun? What's wrong you look worried?"
"Tech says you're bleeding." Wrecker tried to explain.
"I'm bleeding?" Y/n asked- oh- oh here we go again.
"Y-yeah.." Wrecker spoke rubbing the back of his neck sheepishly, "and I. Don't really ever understand what comes out of Tech's mouth....unfortunately...and I saw you in pain for the last three days. I just- are you okay?"
Y/n smiled at Wrecker, "Im fine."
"Oh. Oh good." He spoke, not seeming fully satisfied with what she had said, "but uh. Why are you bleeding? Can I stop- We stop you from bleeding?"
"Please I wish you could." Y/n spoke with a light chuckle, "No Wrecker, see women once a month go through a cycle, it unfortunately makes you bleed like you're birthing hell out of your guts but is one of the ways we stay healthy."
"Oh." Wrecker spoke, "so. You bleed to stay healthy? When I bleed Tech's always poking me with needles."
"Well... yes and no. The cycle once a month helps get rid of an egg- well its called an egg, but Im not a chicken alright?" Y/n explained.
Wrecker sat and listened intently to her, something that wasn't really common when learning about what would be considered a random thing to him.
Y/n was pretty impressed by him to say the least. She had never seen him so focused, and it was honestly kind of cute.
"But boys or men don't have it." Y/n told him.
"That doesnt seem fair! Why do you have to suffer?" Wrecker argued as Y/n shrugged with a laugh.
"You tell me." She smiled.
It went silent as he thought intently, "well nothing can make you feel better? While your on your period?"
"Well because of War I've been so busy with fighting That I've only used heat packs and compresses. Usually I just have to fight through it." Y/n spoke, "but I've heard of alot of women saying like affection makes them feel better."
Wrecker hummed in thought, "Hey! Wrecker! Y/n!" Omega called.
The two turning there heads seeing the girl across the hanger with the others.
"We're going to a Cantina for dinner! Come on!"
"Come on Wrecker." Y/n spoke.
They met up with the rest of the group, walking to the Cantina with as usual happy Omega. They sat down for dinner as usual. Talking back and forth with smiles. Wrecker would frown though everytime Y/n winced, closing her eyes taking deep breaths. She was obviously in pain.
"Can I leave earlier?" Wrecker asked.
"Uh, sure?" Hunter asked as Wrecker got up.
"Can I come?!" Omega asked.
"Oh. Uh..." Wrecker spoke, "not this time...sorry Omega."
"Oh." Omega frowned, "Okay then! I'll see you later!"
Wrecker left the group who was relaxing.
"Odd." Tech spoke, "Wrecker always likes to take Omega."
"Maybe he's found a girl." Y/n recommend leaning back and drinking her water.
"I doubt that." Echo spoke, "thats not him"
"Maybe he just wants to go back and sleep?"
"Now that sounds like Wrecker." Hunter admitted.
Y/n shrugged, the group talking casually. Until some bounty hunters came up to them.
"Well hello Doll."
Y/n only contained her arguement about physics with tech.
"Whats a princess like you doing hanging around a few clones?" The man spoke with a purr.
"Call me princess again and you'll have no cock."
The men laughed as the batchers kept quiet, it was bad to mess with her in one of her moods.
"Oh come on Princess. Whats a small fry like you gonna do?"
Y/n quickly grabbed her pistol from her tigh, aiming it at the guys head.
"I warned you didn't I?"
"W-woah now put the-"
She aimed the gun down shooting the man right in the Kenobis.
"I fucking warned you!" Y/n argued.
"What the hell!" His friends shouted.
Y/n lifted the gun up, "It may just be on electric shock but I will turn it to live ammo!"
"You bitch!"
Y/n growled as they came at her, Y/n grabbing a bottle on the table smashing it against of there heads as they fell to the floor. The third ramming Y/n into the table as he pulled out a knife, Y/n reaching back grabbing a fork and stabbing the man in the shoulder.
He cried out in pain as he fell to the floor.
The group left the cantina after paying, no bystander daring to make a comment. The group returning to the Havoc Maurder.
"Wrecker! Wrecker! You should of been there!" Omega cheered rushing inside to find the large batcher.
Y/n rubbed her stomach in pain, "still bad?' Echo asked.
"Just a bit yeah..." she groaned.
"I can see if we have any heat patches" Echo spoke as Y/n nodded in thanks, the group walking in.
Omega came back out, "Y/n Wrecker wants you in the bunks."
Y/n nodded, Echo handing her a heat patch.
Opening it with her teeth she walked towards Wrecker and her's shared bunk.
"Yeah Wrecker? Omega said-" She stood seeing Lula on her bed and a large paper bag.
"Hey!" He cheered holding lots of blankets in his hands and in his blacks.
"Hi." She spoke, "whats up?"
"Oh well I heard about the fight." Wrecker spoke, "and uh. I know you've been in pain for a few days so this is to make you feel better!"
Y/n cocked an eyebrow up still confused, Wrecker wrapping her in one of the blankets as she held it so it stayed in place.
"What in the bag?"
"Well me and Omega always go get sweets and it makes us feel good so..."
Y/n walked over seeing the mass amount of choclate bars,
"I bought a few." Wrecker spoke.
A few? More like a whole isle.
"And thought made you'd want a hug." Wrecker recommend, climbing into the bottom bunk, it was often they shared a bunk.
"Oh." Y/n spoke, "uh. Are you sure? I don't wanna...you know bleed on you by accident."
"You've bleed on me on the battle feild how is this any different?" Wrecker spoke with a smile.
Y/n chuckled, only Wrecker.
Wrecker had wrapped a blanket around him waiting with open arms to Y/n. Y/n smiled making her way into his arms, her blanket wrapped around her and his, Wrecker pulling another blanket over them. She smiled head in Wrecker's chest. He rubbed the middle of her back as she hummed in pleasure, her head barried into his warmth.
"Your like a heater..." she spoke muffled as he chuckled, rubbing up and down her spine.
"Do I ever tell you how much I love you?" Y/n purred, "especially your back rubs..."
He kissed her head as she smiled.
"Thank you Wrecker." Y/n told him.
"Anything for you, after all. Your always making sure we're all okay."
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stormblessed95 Β· 3 years
I read this theory and felt somewhat convincing
Before reading this one I have already had a tinhatory moment for myself.
I personally think jk was watching jm vlive and even commenting.
It's not a new thing. He have already called jin and rm before in their vlives saying he's watching their vlive. He told jin he have commented on jins vlive and if jin had seen it for which jin shouts how he can see and know if that's him lmao.
But here I think jm saw jk commenting in his vlive . When you watch vlive at a moment he's suddenly getting all hot and flirty mode coming close to cam , licking lips , reading comments and simultaneously seducing.
This was not regular jm seducing towards army but I think it was intended to one person who he knows is commenting.
One tym during vlive , when jin talks about the bag he says wt jk will feel when he watches this. To which jin asks do you think jk will watch this and he ans no. But I think he know jk was watching it.
Also , in another moment someone was at door jin said it maybe jk(coz he usually joins for jinminkook lives) an jm was rushing toward the door. He was completely calm full when it was jhope.
So yeah that's wt I think about this vlive.
Hello! Sorry it took me so long to reply! But I'm here now! I'm sorry, idk if it's just my end, but the link you sent isn't working for me. It just tells me that what I'm looking for no longer exists. Idk if the person deleted their post or if the problem is on my end or what πŸ€·πŸ»β€β™€οΈ but we can still talk about the vlive and my thoughts over it all! Here is the original vlive in question from September 2018:
And let me just say I love this vlive and I love JinMin so much. Before we get into it, I will say that I don't totally agree with you here. Sorry! I mean, it's not impossible, but it's a bit of a reach. But let's talk about it!
To start, I've seen a lot of Jimin vlives, solo and otherwise simply because he is my bias and I love just listening to him talk sometimes and I consumed content like a crazy person for a long time. Lol his behavior and the way he interacted with the camera did not seem super different than the other times he did. Jimin has a habit of licking his lips and running hands through his hair. Thats not necessarily him flirting when he does it. He was smiling big at the camera often and looking extra beautiful, but he wasn't giving off excessive flirt vibes to me, just the normal amount of flirty vibes. Lol
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Jimin talks about how he often feels a little awkward during solo vlives so he wanted to do this one with another member, so he stole Jin's dinner and is basically just waiting for him to show up so he will eat with him and do vlive together. Lol idk if we can call this a hostage situation, but it's hysterical and I love it.
I won't go into crazy in depth detail about everything that goes down in this vlive, I'll just cover main points that relate to jikook and then move on, but I would encourage everyone to go watch this one if you haven't already. Not only do Jimin and Jin look extra beautiful, the amount of smiles and giggles is top notch. The JinMin duo is out in full force, the flirting and teasing and story telling is amazing. Just their interactions together, i love it. They are criminally underrated as a duo.
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Before anyone else gets there, Jimin tells us this is his hotel room. He pointed out the computer in the back and says he brought his laptop with him and set it up in case he gets bored. And then adds "to play games." I'm partial to believing him, but I've seen some theories out there that the computer was actually Jungkook's. Saying the red box in the corner is the same brand that he bought as his computer. I'll say that we don't know that Jimin didn't buy from the same company though. But the way he said play games seemed a little shy. And we know that while Jimin does play some video games, he is not a big gamer like Jungkook or Taehyung are. Literally the year before in 2017 on vlive, JK was teasing Jimin about not being good at games. Soooo I could buy into the theory that it was Jungkooks computer actually back there. But that is all that it is, theory and rumor. Nothing really concrete to back that one up.
So Jin shows up and he is there for all of like 2 minutes before they hear noises by the door again. Jin asks if it is Jungkook and goes to check, Jimin gets up to follow. I disagree that he ran to the door, he just hurried over to catch up with Jin and see who it was. It was Hobi who was originally going to Jins room, but came to join them briefly in Jimins when he saw them both there. We have a small portion of time with the 3 of them. Then it's basically all just Jimin and Jin talking and eating and feeding each other and joking around for a while.
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Around 40 minutes in, Jimin is up close with the camera, saying they are going to end the live soon and reading some comments. He sweeps his hair back as he does, looking very good and giving off what could be considered flirty vibes. And Jin promptly asks him why he does that. Lol Jimin laughs and asks if he did sweep his hair back? When told yes, he says "I guess I do unconsciously." Meaning he isn't intentionally flirting with the camera, these are just habits and part of who he is. He can't help that he is charming and beautiful. Lol that doesn't mean he is flirting though. But this ties back into what I was saying at the beginning. I don't get excessive flirting vibes, I don't think he was being extra with it at all, I think he was just unconsciously behaving that way and just honest to goodness looked extra good that day.
The bag conversation happens about 52 minutes into the live. Jin says his bag that he gave to JK was left and abandoned still in Korea, basically saying because JK only uses the one Jimin gave him now. Jin tells how a year before, he placed an order to get a bag custom made for Jungkook as a birthday gift. He tells us how he gave him his present first and then as soon as he saw Jimin give him his bag that it was better
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He says that even though he got a bag from Jimin too, he was still remembering that Jungkook said he loved Jin's bag and would use it at the airport and take it on tour with him. And what's interesting is that when Jin says JK promised to take the bag on tour, Jimin starts looking around his room, like he was wanting to see the bag somewhere? Coincidence... maybe, but also just another check on the "they were maybe sharing a hotel room again" list
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And then we have the part anon brought up about how would JK feel if he watches this. The keyword you are missing there though was IF. We know that the members have gone and sometimes watched vlives back that they missed from the other members sometimes, so I think that is what they were talking about here, not that Jimin knew JK was watching right now. But that he was saying hey, don't talk down about your gift, JK would feel bad if he saw this and thought you were thinking he didn't love it, because we know he does!
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Jin follows that up immediately with a "Why, do you think he will watch this?" And Jimin laughs saying "Nope!" So it's a moot point for if JK would hear him say it. Lol Jin also then asks Jimin if his bag was bigger in the size he was originally going to get it, making it larger than the one Jimin bought for him, would Jungkook have liked Jin's present more than Jimin's? And Jimin giggles and gives an almost smug smile when he says "No." Lol doesn't matter what you changed, Jimin knows his gift was going to be the favorite no matter what. Also interesting!
Jimin then tells us why he bought the bag for JK. And it basically comes down to the fact that he hated his old camera bag. Lol he said he carried the giant bag around everywhere and even stopped dressing up, only wearing hoodies and track pants to the airport and carrying his bag. So he wanted to get him a very pretty bag, so that he could use it at least once and then Jimin would throw away his old one. Lol Jin immediately started laughing saying that was what he wanted to do too. But instead of being able to toss the old bag, JK just started carrying both his new bag from Jimin AND his old camera bag around at the same time. Lol they then gave their goodbyes for the next few minutes.
P.S. you all have no idea how much I just wanted to spent an extra like 10 paragraphs here just gushing over how much I love JinMin and how cute and wonderful they are together as a duo and during this vlive. Like, it was never ending how sweet they were being together.
Jin about Jimin on stage:
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Jimin about Jin on stage:
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Anyways! To wrap it up, basically no, i don't think that JK was watching and commenting through the vlive or that Jimin was flirting anymore or any harder than usual. Honestly, I think they made it pretty clear that JK was probably NOT watching when Jimin said that no, he wouldn't watch this live. Lol I do think though that a very strong argument could be made that Jimin and Jungkook were planning on sleeping in that hotel room together that night, if they weren't just unofficially sharing, they would probably be having "sleepovers." It was an amazing vlive.
Of course, this is all just my personal opinion. You are free to agree or disagree as you choose! Hope this helped a little though. Thank you for the ask!
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deafaq Β· 3 years
hello, so i was on twitter complaining about an actor saying that they didn't want to play their (canonically) deaf character as, well, deaf. basically knocked him for saying stuff that i perceived as really insensitive, and for the character being adapted as hearing.
had someone come into my mentions to tell me not to tweet things that could potentially trigger deaf people, and also that that apparently didn't happen even though, well. it did?
so anyway, this just kind of got me thinking if i WAS wrong to tweet that in the first place and if i shouldn't be talking about deaf issues in regards to how i should be leaving that to deaf people and, as a hearing person, not speaking on their issues for them. afaik, over the years i've seen deaf people talking about the same issue that i brought up but im just thinking about my place in this landscape and how i technically don't really have one.
generally, its bit complicated re: actors and deafness. Its rarely actors who decide on the features the character has, thats in hands of director, screenwriters, producers. Of course, more famous actors do sometimes have a say in how to bring a character to screen, but its rarely just their decision.
I can't really comment on the situation itself since I don't know which actor we talking about. I can only think of Jeremy Renner playing Hawkeye recently? Afaik, they did feature his hearing loss in the new show. I havent seen it so I cant say if its well done or not, though from gifs it seems to be okay.
The thing about representation is that different people have different needs. Some deaf people love to see more representation. Some avoid deaf people on screen as it reminds them too much of their own experience. Deaf people are not a hivemid and you can meet deaf people with opposing viewpoints on represenation quite easily.
Especially big divide is often between people deaf from birth and people who got deafened later in life...
And honestly, its twitter. People will tell you you are horrible no matter what you tweet - if you tweet about loving yogurt, someone will complain its insensitive towards lactose intolerant lol.
As for your specific tweet - its again complicated. For one, deaf people should be given voices, its grating to be "about us without us" kinda thing. Hearing people speak for us too often. On the other hand, there are not many deaf people and we do need support of hearing people in order to amplify our voices. When it comes to representation, we are often an afterthought, so hearing people saying they dont like it either does help our case.
I don't think there is anything wrong for stating your preference re: casting, no matter your hearing status.
Hope this helped,
Mod T
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tsukidrama Β· 3 years
j anon β™‘
the coolest mf on the planet sent me a review of my most favorite fic i've ever written. i ended up breaking it up for ease of reading as we both ramble more than usual (this is not an issue, you know how i love to talk)
cold hands, cold heart part 2 [nsfw]
(and also part 1 too just in case)
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i didn't want the ask to leave my inbox because i've been rereading this every day recently πŸ₯Ί you're amazing, can i just say that?
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IM LITERALLY SOO GAYY FOR WRITING THAT QLDHEKSJ AND SO ARE YOU FOR THOSE BEIN UR FAVORITE PARTS IWLEUKJDS. seriously though, thank you!! i don't even know how to properly respond to this i just start kicking my little legs happily. the imagery rly is what pulls you into the story 😩 ngl i wrote this so that i would know what it felt like to be there with her in that moment but it's sooo endearing and sweet to hear other people's reactions to reading it, especially for the emotional aspects and not just the steamy bits. omg j, the experience of being understood πŸ’•
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oh damn yeah i see why you say that! it's the heavy visual imagery and the association with the moon, too. it makes me feel so πŸ₯° to know that somebody is out there and making connections between my different works πŸ₯Ί that's so personal and i love you so much for it holy shit.
and thank you for the validation too, i feel so seen!! exactly! all the details are essential to the plot and to the experience i'm describing, it literally could not have been shorter. hell, if anything, i could have made it longer.
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NONO ITS NOT DUMB AT ALL OMFG THIS IS HONESTLY ONE OF MY FAVORITE COMMENTS YOUVE EVER MADE! LMAO I HAD TO GIVE IT IT'S OWN SPOTLIGHT WLKEJHWKDJF I AGREE SO HARD! in canon there is no way in hell that they'd have the time or care to make sure their pubes are shaved. i dont like when people give them hairless pussies, i know it's not that deep but i feel strongly about it qjsnemmddn
in my humble personal opinion, Annie would TOTALLY have a bush anyway. always, even in modern AUs. lmao she doesn't give a fuck, and anybody that would take issue with that just wouldn't get anywhere near her pussy to begin with! also pubes are sexy, i said what i said. it's like a welcome mat yknow? soft and inviting.... honey,, i'm home!
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YEP THATS IT THATS THE FIC. that's the best way anyone has ever summed up the central point as well as "Annie opened up and gave herself to reader while still holding back deep down". yowch! my heart hurts.
hnmng... yeah. hehe. wouldn't you just die? every single time i reread that scene it still has the same effect of like, needing to hide and bury my face away lololol. why thank you! i do my best to try to do realistic smut in general, it makes me feel closer to them.
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GIRL.... you're over here like "does this make sense???" and i'm over here shrieking and dancing because this is like,,, what i've always thought about the fic. nobody but one other friend and my literal wife has ever pointed out to me that they don't think the story is just about sex. like yeah obv they fuck so in that regard it is, but it's not about getting laid. it's about a genuine moment of connection between Annie and somebody who has a very pure love for her, even if it is to the point of naievity. especially if it's to the point of naievity.
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they care about each other so much :') it takes a lot to make her cold heart melt (pun intended)... i guess i got you too! aHA caught you slippin ;))
thank you πŸ₯ΊπŸ’•πŸ’• like yeah it's just fanfic but it was also a character study, and my only way of giving a fictional character the love and gentleness that i feel she deserves πŸ’• I LOVE HER SOOO MUCCHHH πŸ₯ΊπŸ˜΅
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girl stoppp that's such a mood. you should see my drafts. recently i wrote the phrase "in the barn" three times all in the same sentence, it made me cackle. while writing I jus let the spirit flow thru me...... and then i edit like a madwoman to make sure that it's not chickenscratch gobbledygook because it often is at first. lmao i'm not always as well-spoken as people seem to think.
i think that the awkwardness is actually essential! especially since it's their first time. but like i was saying earlier about liking things to be realistic: when having sex, soemtimes you accidentally get trapped in an awkward angle, or slip and smack your partner in the face. it's messy and wet and sweet and funny, and my goal is for my writing to reflect that.
drljlakjdfh like a wwe match πŸ˜‚ positions are important and worth describing in my opinion! i'm glad you don't think it's too much though, sometimes i worry that it is.
yesssssss kldjfhkaj thank you!!! for the millionth time thank you! hheheh i love the gentle and sweet talking during smut, it means everything to my soft heart. shockingly i haven't written more smut for Annie (it's because i loooooove her it's so EMBARRASSING actually! I used to be smut queen) but i swear to god just u wait until i post more and you see how consistent i am with reader doing things that she likes.... reader remembers.... and do i seem like the kind of person who is going leave my beloved princess and the queen of my LIFE unsatisfied??? i'd die first
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I LOVED IT!! sorry i took a while to post my response though! i went back and forth between not wanting to publish it at all (literally i want it in my ask box forever i can never let go) and then being too overwhelmed by my feels to respond coherently akljfdhlasjd I just have a lot to say and so many feelings, I MISS YOU BTW
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