#i don't need the keyboard that much but still. i would've gotten one for free... 🥲
gotchibam · 5 months
Just a lil reminder for my current commissioners that I have a trello board for updates & backlog of requests in case you guys missed it :)
Also I still have 4 commission slots open if anyone's interested! (doesn't have to be pkmn - any kind of characters will do!)
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imhereforscm · 2 years
"Moon—his moon"
Genre: fluff
Pairing: myself × Scorpio
Warnings: none
A/N: I waited an entire month for this night to see the full moon and it was so cloudy I ended up being unable to. 。⁠:゚⁠(⁠;⁠´⁠∩⁠`⁠;⁠)゚⁠:⁠。 So I'm sitting here.... barbeque sauce on my tities With my self insert..... BEHOLD *holds up this fic, like baby Simba* THIS! (btw I took the picture below myself. This is the only thing I managed to see of my dear moon(⁠っ⁠˘̩⁠╭⁠╮⁠˘̩⁠)⁠っ its shape looks more defined in the camera than in real life. So I promise you, I'm not overeacting, technology is just trying to make the most of what it can, even if it's a lie.) Update later during the night: THE SKY CLEARED!! I SAW IT!! THE GODS HEARD MY WISH FOR CLEAR SKIES.... Wait.... That's how prologue 1 started..... THE TIME HAS COME! SUSHSHBSHWHSJ
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Scorpio sighed in exasperation as he stepped out to the balcony. "What are you thinking, woman, running out in the cold without a jacket?"
I averted my gaze from the sky and turned to face him, his moonlit eyes shining like obsidians. "I didn't expect it to be so cold. It's been days since I left my bedroom, I had no idea what was happening out here."
He snorted and held up my black jacket. "T... Turn around..." What he meant as a demand turned out to be a timid plea, with the rosé colour his cheeks were developing.
I did as he asked and Scorpio slipped the jacket up to my shoulders, before stepping into my front and doing the zipper too.
"Thank you, sweetie." I smiled up at him, finding adorable how he looked away from me and I could decipher the smile he was so desperate to hide.
"You're killing me here with all those..." Scorpio trailed off, sparing me a single glance, before looking away again, his face ever reder. "All those stupid smiles and all." He whispered, thinking I didn't hear, but I did and that broadened the smile on my face. His inky eyes flitted up to the night sky and he furrowed his eyebrows. "Well, it surely is barely visible for a bright full moon."
"I know," My smile faltered and I folded my forearms onto the railings of the balcony, looking half-heartedly up at the moonlight slipping shyly between the dark, thick clouds. "it's so cloudy tonight."
Scorpio looked down at me with skepticism, before clicking his tongue. "Geez, you almost caught a cold and you won't even get to see this moon you love so much? I don't think so."
I peeked up at him and furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, as I watched him raise his hand and snap his fingers. I wanted to ask what he did—and I would've had, if the light illuminating the side of his beautiful face hadn't gotten more intense.
Scorpio motioned with his head and I follow its direction with my eyes, my eyebrows rising and my breath getting stuck in my throat at the breathtaking sight.
"Thank you..." I breathed quietly and reached for his hand, which was gripping the cool railing and gave it a squeeze. "Thank you so much..." I repeated, adding even more gratitude this time.
Upon his snap, the clouds blocking the glory of the full moon had spread apart and away from it. It's round greatness, pure and beautiful, bringing forth my instant need to write and pour all my love on a paper, on a keyboard, anywhere.
I felt Scorpio's shoulder touching mine and I acknowledged his discreet form of affection.
I leaned my head onto his shoulder and admired my dearest moon, ruling brightly up in the sky, making the most of its once in a month opportunity to be this full.
I felt Scorpio's body shifting against mine and his hand wrapped around my waist, allowing his own head to rest upon my own. "You've been waiting an entire month. I wasn't going to let some shitty clouds ruin that for you." He spoke, his deep voice sending soothing vibrations through me.
I placed my hand above Scorpio's free one, that was still leaning on the railings and traced my fingertips across the knuckles of his fingers and all over his flawless skin. I held his hand in mine tightly and brought it to my lips, kissing it softly, before holding it close to my chest and turning to him. "I love you."
His clear eyes were slightly wide. Even after countless moments of dealing with my shameless floods of love, he still wasn't used to receiving affection that well. Scorpio's gaze fell down to his hand, that I nestled into my chest and he blushed.
I turned my eyes back to sky and a soft smile formed across my face, at the sensation of Scorpio's lips bashfully placing a kiss to my temple. "Just enjoy it... My moon..."
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What? Me posting about Fanny's 1971 live performance on Beat-Club AGAIN? It's more likely than you think!
Anyway, watching and listening to this band jam is such a fucking joy that I'm here practically crying over how grateful I am to witness it (51 years after the fact, not to mention!), but I would just like to continue this apparently one-sided conversation with myself about their music to mention...god damn, what they managed musically with just four members is such a fucking astonishment and WE ALL should be crying with gratitude over how they did ALL OF THAT (all five of the unprecedented full-length albums they put out as a rock band of all women; their live shows and performances, WHICH THEY DID A WHOLE LOT MORE OF than we still publicly/collectively have record of; and in general, the sexism, the racism, and the homophobia and plain not-being-taken-seriously that they endured in order to DO ALL OF THIS), but furthermore, I was just thinking about the fact that they did these live performances in particular (okay, ALL of their live performances, though) with just one rhythm/lead guitarist who played both parts, a bit like the way Nickey Barclay totally fucking fluidly moved from the piano to the keyboard/organ and back except that the piano performs much of the rhythm in lieu of a constant rhythm guitar presence (I think? I don't know enough about actually playing music to say for sure, but my familiar ear tells me that's what's going on), so on the studio versions of these songs they're able to have both rhythm and lead guitar assuming one is played live with the whole band and one is overdubbed (and both played by June Millington, of course) but that's impossible during live performances AND SO...WOW THAT'S AN INCREDIBLY LONG SENTENCE, I AM SO SORRY...AND SO, ALL THAT TO SAY, WHAT IF THEY HAD ANOTHER (WOMAN) RHYTHM OR LEAD GUITARIST WHO PLAYED WITH THEM LIVE? Not that the band totally needed to make their sound any more full than it was as just the four of them, but it could've assisted in rounding out their sound, anyway! ALSO, oh my GOD this is NOT meant to be criticism over June Millington's rhythm or lead guitar playing which IS FUCKING PERFECTION and she could play whatever the hell she wants/wanted and I would still be like 🥺😭🥺💗! I don't think I need to re-defend that she's one of my favorite guitarists of all-time. What I meant by my thought was that the band could've gotten even more sound, even more presence out of...well, literally having another presence on stage/live with them. If they'd had someone to play rhythm guitar or lead guitar and June play whatever they didn't (okay, realistically, seniority considered: it would be the opposite, actually, LOL...and tbh I've always thought that June preferred playing rhythm guitar? I think Alice de Buhr confirmed that at least once on the Get Behind Fanny podcast), I just wonder if they could've literally AND figuratively added more to their sound than what was ALREADY there; to make it even better, so to speak, even though what they did with just four members is truly something to think and speak and scream about still, 50 years on. :')
Buuuuuuuuut maybe that thought isn't even necessary since The Beatles were [mostly, presumably, but you can call me stupid for presuming that since generally speaking The Beatles couldn't hear shit when they played live - for understandable reasons - lol] able to keep their sound fairly rounded out live even when, for example, John Lennon played keyboard or the mouth organ and wasn't available to play rhythm guitar (disregarding Let it Be because they did introduce a fifth member, Billy Preston, to play keyboards, so John and George were free to trade off parts/roles without entirely missing or taking away from their sound which would've sounded as complete in the studio even without Billy Preston. NOT, once again, THAT I AM ESPECIALLY SAYING THAT FANNY'S MUSIC WAS MISSING SOMETHING OR THAT ANYTHING WAS TAKEN AWAY FROM THEIR SOUND. IT WAS NOT, EVER, NEITHER LIVE NOR IN THE STUDIO). But maybe I should still mention/consider the fact that once The Beatles added Billy Preston to their Let it Be sessions, they DID have a more complete sound, both live and in the studio, but of course what I was talking about in regards to Fanny was LIVE and not in the studio, anyway but also I fucking love Billy Preston's playing and I really DO think that he added something unique and special to The Beatles' sound that the band did NOT have even when it was Paul or John or even George playing the keyboard or piano in the studio. SORRY BUT MY FAVORITE INSTRUMENT IS THE PIANO AND KEYBOARD SO MY EARS KNOW A GOOD FUCKING PIANIST AND KEYBOARDIST/ORGANIST WHEN THEY HEAR ONE. And yes that's @ Billy Preston but of course that's also @ Nickey Barclay too, but I feel like that's implied, LOL.
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