#i don't remember anything about the resolution of that. I dont think they even said. sorry.
hungersauce · 1 year
I'm not part of the peoples the conversation concerns, so take me with a grain of salt, but I like helping and I want to help create new associations that aren't actively racist and have their roots in observations of the real world [vs the appropriation of indigenous beliefs.] And I want to encourage the creation of one's own mythos that isn't 1 to 1 translation thus still engaging with the racism. Soo. As a literary dweeb & freaky little grotesque fan, here's a few [but not all of my] ideas.
Carrion eaters are an obvious choice but you risk further demonizing them - if you use this I'd advice making your 'monster' something that is not actively malicious but instead just an animal existing. [And yes, your horror monsters can DEFINITELY be things that aren't going out of their way. It can actually be scarier and carry more depth to have them be things simply existing, or things of pure metaphor/symbolism. Yknow, anything other than "out to get you."] Honestly, most 'obvious' choices are probably at risk of this. Pick something weird or innocuous if you can.
Rabbits are an animal that are present enough to be hunted and eaten and if they are the primary food source you will still be starving. Your stomach will be full but you will still be dying. There is not enough fat on their lean bodies to feed a human being. Like most rodents, rabbits kept in captivity as livestock are apt to just fall over dead one night. They have real purpose to their cannibalism - only when stressed or they don't have the resources or the baby is sick ect ect ect. They don't do it for giggles.
Horses are a bit trickier. I feel you might risk continued association due to the horse also being a hoofed animal, but there's a very real argument to be made for horses being the first to go during hard times. They need a lot of food and are really fragile and cultures that surrounded horses would eat them in times of need (and you could further use the point that horses are also loved companions - humans feel guilt for the things they do in the name of survival to the things they love.) Horses also just eat small animals for no real reason, and meat in large quantities is toxic to them because their liver isn't made for that, so.
People don't like to think about dogs and death in the same string, but they're important in this conversation I think. They're hunters and companions and that little detail of being companions to humans is what makes them incredibly viable. As previously mentioned, humans generally don't feel very good about it when a companion has to die, especially in our current culture of dogs as things to love and not animals we designed to do work. Carnivores don't usually taste very good and you lose more energy the further away you get from plants in the food chain as far as things you can eat go. Dogs require a decent chunk of resources to have and maintain and the average person probably wouldn't like looking at a starved dog very much. Dogs can read human body language and infer the meaning of new words/movements fairly well, and they are capable of deception, but their cognitive ability is comparable to most other domestic animals. I have a soft spot in my heart for dog imagery - there's a lot of associations to play around with in theming, positive and negative, and using something seen as "cute" and "lovable" that is truly dangerous and needs proper understanding like any other animal is a good way to disturb people.
Any domestic animal is probably good in its own right (hell, how many recorded instances are there of birds feeding on their owners? Cats? Dogs?) but my back hurts and I don't want to be typing anymore. Get creative and look at the world around you for inspiration. Your choices are great and many and you'll find things that fit your purpose shockingly well, if you try.
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angy-grrr · 3 months
Himiko Toga never chose a villain name because she has always been the monster and demon for others, internalizing it. But also because she isnt trying to be someone else, but proudly show herself and her love -AFO exploited this to reaffirm the previous, so she never even realized she could give her blood for others.
Ochako Uraraka's goal and arc isn't finished until we see a few main points: "who will save heroes?" A discussion about heroism and saving, and I wouldnt be too surprised if saving villains also come up here as a developed version of the first. They are all people, and that's what matters over their assigned roles. "Himiko Toga". Where is she? Ochako's arc can't be finished until we see or hear what ended up happening. "What does she feel about it all?" She needs a resolution and express her feelings, and with the hiding she has done recently I cant help but wonder even more about Himiko's state, as she is the person who makes Ochako feel safe enough to talk about her thoughts. And lastly"You like him, dont you?" What will happen with her love for Izuku? Is she going to hide it, confess, talk about it more with Himiko? I still think about "the reveal" during her fight with her, and her hair covering her whole face... It could be because she "needs" to tell and show her whole face to Izuku*. I would prefer it another way tho
*She said she admires Himiko for being able to say her feelings and love who she does with her whole face, if I remember correctly, while remembering an Izuku who is looking somewhere (someone?) else smiling. I believe its important that she doesnt have her face shown there, but we still dont have a clear reason why. Is she just not able to show that love to Himiko because she hasn't shown Izuku first? Is it because she no longer feels it? In the next panel she says shes now going to stop her, we can see her face, and her mouth is covered in blood. Is it because their battle was never about him? Because she is ashamed of those feelings? Because she doesn't want to engage in them?
With chapter 425 taking us by surprise because of her first interaction with Midoriya after the war, I prefer to think she has her hair covering her face because she still can't be honestly herself with him. Partially? Yes completely, but she can't tell him her feelings like with Himiko.
I hope she expresses her feelings to the class, to her parents, her friends, the civilians... but I really don't think a confession to him and him only would solve anything.
She doesn't want or can't chase him and his feelings like with Himiko; Izuku is acting weird, upset about many things, and she doesn't see that, im sure she would have tried to help if she actually knew. Even tho she looks around to find a crying Himiko, she doesn't try to do the same now, and in fact rejects it; she decided her feelings are not for him or others to see, at least at the moment.
So how does Hori plan to change this in such little time? Is Izuku going to chase after her, when thats what he has always done with everything he wants? Doesn't he deserve to be chased back? Doesnt she deserve the right to decide how much of herself she wants to reveal to him? Or mourn the loss in her own terms, in case Toga's dead or she thinks she is?
With her feelings for both Midoriya and Toga she has tried to put heroism first, focus only on that; with the first one because she fails at her goals and just blindly imitates him without finding herself, and the second one because she shouldn't feel that way and questions herself over those quite frequently.
I have no idea if Horikoshi plans to make her put her feelings first for him over heroism like she did with her -risking it and acting against what a hero "should" do so they can both just be Himiko Toga and Ochako Uraraka.
I have no idea, but it would make me so sad if he did.
In chapter 424 we see Shoto first in the hospital, when the narration explains things cant be as simple as Deku thought as a kid. Then Ochako appears, with her arm over her stomach probably thinking about her fight. It can't end so easily, and I wouldnt be surprised if chapter 427 or 428 was about them.
Fun thought: what if Himiko is the one about to see Spinner? jkjkjk. It could be cute tho.
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danothan · 1 year
🤝 critiquing the thing but enjoying it .. i get you!! honestly idk when you last watched it (after it got cancelled after s2?) and i will say that like. i was watching it for the first time with a friend who was rewatching + he didn't remember much abt them either. but the relationship just has. dubious foundation (imo) that does Not get addressed 😭 i won't say anything on the actual plot of their relationship but don't be worried 😭 im more talking about the state of the writing for both characters because it never seems to get proper resolutions or depth where it desperately needs it
i really enjoy the concept of yja most of the time (s1, most of 2, most of 4) i just wish the writers didnt bite off more than they could handle because i stare at the writing sometimes. that being said. the middle of season 4 is some of the most fun i think i had its genuinely so so good hehe. hope u have fun with it when u get there.. the state of the overall writing for yja i think acts like an inverse bell curve. theres still good to be found tho :]
u dont feel like a newcomer to me!! theres just like. a staggering amount of history and iterations of every character 😭 i feel like ill never get over feeling new either!! at some point u just give up and frankenstein
happy to share more abt kon tho :) im far from an expert like i havent Finished everything hes in or anything like that but from one "anger is an okay response to grief and trauma" defender 2 another i am clinking my glass against urs 🥂
nooo it’s not giving up, frankensteining IS the goal! i’m reading to ADD to the amalgamation, THIS! is my design!!
in all seriousness, i’m glad to hear that yja picks up in later seasons bc i Did stop when it got cancelled, didn’t even know they had as many as 4 seasons tbh. i was rly just gonna return to this thing blind lol, good to know there’s still stuff to look forward to!
i kinda hated romance as a kid tho so i think going into it now with those nostalgia goggles is giving me that expectation anyway. younger me was preparing current me for the worst 😔👊 god i forgot how annoying romantic subplots were in cartoons, my past is coming back to haunt me…
also i totally feel you on never finishing comics, even abt our faves, we are like this 🤝 we’ll get there tho, slowly but surely…
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onstoryladders · 2 years
so thought about getting into byler or rather stranger things latley but i remember your post about byler having strong gramblack vibes and i am still haunted by the disaster that was gramblack (my beloved). and honestly i dont know if i could turn off the shipping goggles when i know they are shipped by others when i start the show. so from a scale of like toddblack to gramblack what kinda mess is byler?
Oh, this is a nice one. I don't know how but anons on this blog ALWAYS manage to read my mind and ask exactly what I want to be asked 😂 I've wanted to talk about Byler and Gramblack for eons, you have no idea gdubdgsy so here we go!
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Alright, I'm gonna preface this by saying that Gramblack is truly the ONLY thing in my past experiences that still manages to give me some doubts about Byler. If it wasn't for that, then I wouldn't have anything to fear, because every single detail in Stranger Things points to Byler, and even though many people joke about Byler ending up like Johnlock or Klance or whatever other Ship That Never Was™, those have absolutely nothing in common with Will and Mike, starting with the fact that Byler is already half canon, since Will is canonically in love with Mike.
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Gramblack was just-- terrible writing, but it was also malicious (because the writers wanted to skew our perception of Gram and Black's relationship so they could “surprise” us with that shitty twist) and concerned characters that weren't as important to the story as the main ones (I don't care what anyone says, the writers cared about SeanWhite the most lol which is such a shame because between the three pairings they were the least interesting to me, but I digress).
In Byler's case, we have an established love triangle between three characters that are very central to the narrative. The Duffers said Will is gonna have an important role in season 5, and we're gonna see the resolution of his coming of age arc – which is not just about him being gay in general, but also about his feelings for Mike.
Now, I can't see the future, so I don't know what will happen in season 5. Maybe the Duffers will catch a bad case of Selective Bad Writing™ and start fucking up the Byler storyline out of nowhere, what do I know. What I do know is that everything points to Byler endgame, and many arcs and characters are gonna suffer if they decide to take a step back from a path that THEY chose – because there was absolutely no need to show how IN LOVE Will is with Mike if that storyline has to end up in rejection.
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And since the other couples in the show are well written, I don't see why the writers should suddenly decide to make Mileven endgame when... well, I mean, there must be a reason if no one can stand them, even in the GA 🙄
What I'm trying to say is that what makes Byler similar to Gramblack is that both pairings are what the story NEEDS in order to work. In both cases, if you mess up the couple, you mess up everything else too, because the relationship is so strongly intertwined with the narrative that it's a crime not to see that.
In Gramblack's case, that's what happened, but as I said: it was malicious, and all the hints about Gram being in love with Black were put there for a reason. We weren't imagining things. We weren't delusional. The Not Me writers consciously decided to EXPLOIT our expectations to gain an emotional reaction from a twist that didn't work.
I don't think the Stranger Things writers are gonna do the same thing. The backlash would be a nightmare, and they seem to care about their characters enough not to fuck up on purpose.
Why build up a romantic connection for four season and make it end up in rejection? If Will was a girl or El was a boy we wouldn't be here rn 😭
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ask-alphabetboyluvr · 5 months
i know you mentioned not being offended, but you seemed pretty offended by the end of it 😂
my question was answered in the first few paras where you mentioned your real life doesn't resonate w what the plot of the book is, so i'm glad my question was answered
as for the rest of it, oof
like i don't remember saying that you shouldn't write something that deviates from my preferences, nor did i say i want the two in otte to have a happy ending and live happily ever after, my question was simply why write something that puts you through emotional hurt bc you know that would make it difficult for you to complete when people could potentially end up wanting more, which again, was answered, idk where you got the 'cookie cutter' ending idea from, because again, i never said anything about that, also bc otte doesn't even have an ending to begin with lmao
i never asked you to not write a fic that doesn't fit my standards nor was it an attempt at that bc i'm an avid reader of angst and would love an angsty ending if there's going to be one at all, all i was wondering about a complete book
half of your reply wasn't even what i was looking for?? it was simply unprovoked and hurt me a little because i try to put forth my question as respectfully as possible nor would i encourage you to stop writing bc i like your fics, i could expect a lil niceness too right? or does that irk you too 😂😭??
the hashtags apart from the first few paras were rude for no reason, especially when i made it clear i wasn't tting to be offensive and it never was my intention
thanks for answering i guess
also, another question, is there a posting schedule for the 'slut war' book? or would it be like bd?
i was annoyed, not offended!! and i've also slept on it so am a lot more chill about it now. you caught me at a bad time and that's on me, so I'm sorry for being a bit defensive with it all. if i'd have waited until this morning to answer it then yeah, you probably would have gotten a different answer.
that being said, tonally, your ask came across a bit rude to me--it questioned my motives in a way that I didn't really get, and made me feel like i was a bit stupid for publishing in the first place. it might just be your typical way of typing, but it's the kinda way i type when I'm fighting with someone lol, so it had my back up!! especially that final little lmao!!
you've also gotta bear in mind that I don't really have much of a presence on tumblr and that the otte was published 9 months ago, when my presence was even smaller. i really didn't/dont have reader expectations. it felt like you were calling me ingenuine and that's a shitty thing to be made to feel like!! especially when I've always been very open/honest with you guys about things!!
the story to me is done. it was never intended to be a fic!! or to have a resolution!! that's what I meant by people wanting a cookie cutter ending--you wanted something different to what was written. the ending is the ending.
i think i always strive to be kind, and I definitely wasn't trying to be unkind--but I'm also not a doormat and I do have feelings too, so even if you didn't intend for it to come across rudely, it kinda did and I responded accordingly.
the last thing i want is to leave a bitter taste in peoples mouths, though, so hopefully we can chalk this up to a misunderstanding/bad timing/me being a little reactive.
as for slut war--yes, it will be like bd!! I'm trying to commit to having the first 5 or 6 chapters ready for upload by the time bd is done so that we can have a steady couple of weeks of updates as we get into the story. it'll be shorter--a little over standard novel length, probably around 140k!
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angelsswirl · 4 years
⚠️ This Chapter is rated mature for sexual content⚠️
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Notes: Happy Holidays everyone! Here's a present from me to you! (Dont worry I'm still on break, this has always been scheduled for a Christmas present)
"I hate to think about you with somebody else. Our love has gone cold. You're intertwining your soul with somebody else."
"Can I help you?" Jisoo opened her front door with a bored look on her face.
"How long are you going to be mad at me? It's starting to get annoying." You crossed your arms over your chest. Your jaw clenched and eyes locked in a semi-permanent glare.
"What makes you think I'm mad at you?" Jisoo frowned stubbornly.
"Oh, I get it now. You're a dumbass. Can't believe I hadn't noticed it sooner."
"Now, hold on." Jisoo held up a hand.
You poked a finger in Jisoo's chest, "You think you're all high and mighty just because you haven't slept with anybody else. I have needs, Jisoo! You don't get to decide who I do or don't sleep with."
Jisoo backed further into the apartment to avoid the probing finger. You followed her with a determined look in your eye. The door slammed shut behind you.
"You could have came to me!" Jisoo hollered, an almost imperceptible growl bubbled beneath the words.
"Your child was sick!"
"You didn't know that!"
"What was I supposed to do? Walk over here and ask you if you were available, then when you said no, head over to where I was going in the first place?" You sighed and shook your head, "One of us is missing the point, and it is not me."
Jisoo scowled even harder somehow. Her jaw is clenched and she's looking at the framed picture just passed your head.
"Are you 'having needs' right now?"
"I'm always 'having needs' because of stupid alphas like you!"
Before you can even blink, Jisoo has you pressed against the nearest wall, with her lips on yours.
It's a lot of clashing teeth and nipped lower lips, and you whimpered desperately or maybe that was Jisoo, you had somehow become so intertwined so quickly, it never became obvious.
Jisoo nipped lightly at your neck. A smirk danced across her kiss swollen lips. You shuddered.
Your back arched away from the wall as Jisoo's hand traveled down your still clothed stomach and into your jeans.
Jisoo groaned, "You're soaked." She pulled her hand back from its destination part way before returning.
"So I've been told."
Jisoo growled lowly, "Really? You want to be petty right now? With my hand down your pants?"
"What better time than the present?"
Jisoo's fingers traced the outline of your folds lightly, occasionally, grazing over your clit. Her movement is hindered by the tightness of your jeans, but she's determined to get you off like this first.
So, she pushed her her hand back down roughly. The heel of her palm brushed harshly against your center. Her fingers circling your entrance.
"Well, if you're so keen on talking during this, now would be the perfect time for you to beg."
You choked down a whimper, "Y-You know, you're at like the perfect distance for me to knee your dick into your throat, right?"
"So is that a no?"
"It's a keep talking and see what happens-Fuck!" Jisoo mentally patted herself on the back for that one. Her index finger curled slightly inside of you.
You couldn't have even begun to choke back the resulting whimper.
"You were saying?" A raised eyebrow accompanied her smirk. You made sure to clench your eyes shut.
"Do you make it your mission to be this insufferable?" You bit your lip as Jisoo pulled her hand out once again. You absolutely refused to beg, or do anything that would suggest you wanted Jisoo to put her hand back out of pure spite.
Jisoo, for her part, wasn't even thinking about that anymore. She had foregone her original plan. You weren't cooperating and Jisoo's straining painfully against her own shorts.
She leaned in to nip at your neck again. Her nose pressed firmly to your scent gland.
Jisoo never answered the question.
Instead, she dipped her thumbs into the waistband of your jeans and underwear. She pushed them down enough so they were out of her way.
"Jisoo." You breathed out, you were suddenly facing the wall. Jisoo pressed against you lightly.
You could feel Jisoo. Her arousal. Her breathe on your shoulder. Her hands roaming underneath your shirt, you have a feeling Jisoo won't bother to take that off of you.
Your suspicions are confirmed when there's a rustling of clothing, none of which involve anything you're still technically wearing. The heat of Jisoo's body left for about all of three seconds, before she returns sans shorts.
Jisoo chuckled into your ear, "Is this how you thought your morning would go when you woke up. Me, you, and this wall?"
You pressed your overheated face onto said wall. The cold drywall cooled your face almost immediately, "Fuck you."
"What do you think im trying to do?"
Jisoo nestled nicely between your thighs. Her hips slowly pumping back and forth.
You groaned, "Chu, please. I want you inside me."
Jisoo resisted the urge to fist pump, "Since you asked so nicely. I'm never letting you live this down, by the way."
You're sure under any other circumstances, you would have kicked her feet out from under her, but Jisoo's finally inside of you and you're not even totally sure what you were even thinking about three seconds earlier.
"Don't think this means I'm not still mad at you." You huffed petulantly as you adjusted all of your clothing back onto your body, the way it had been when you came in.
"Yeah, I'm not too thrilled with you either at the moment. Truce?" Jisoo shuffled back into her shorts. She held out her hand toward you.
You just stared at it, "Fine, truce." Your brows furrowed for a second before widening comically, "Where's your kid?"
Jisoo looked back at you confused for a moment, "Kid? What ki-Oh! She's at my parents for the week. You didn't think I'd have sex with you in my living room if she was here, did you? Of course not, I'd do it in the kitchen."
"I really can't stand you." You rolled your eyes before heading for the door.
"Then why do you keep talking to me?"
"Because Irene's already mated!" You shouted over your shoulder.
"Hey! Low blow!"
You only laughed as you exited the apartment.
She hates Whole Foods. She really does, but Lia's got allergies and it's the easiest place to shop for her.
She figured now was a good time to go grocery shopping. She wouldn't have to deal with the ankle biter pointing to every single flavor of Cheerios she recognized and pouting until Jisoo put it into the basket.
Speaking of Cheerios, Jisoo found herself in the cereal aisle. She grabbed a large box of plain Cheerios for Lia, then Lucky Charms for herself.
She was about to continue down the aisle, when her cart clipped someone in the back of the ankle.
"Sorry about that."
The owner of the ankle turned around with an easy smile.
"It's all good."
Jisoo's face lit up with recognition, only for the it to practically get slapped off her face with recognition of a different variety.
Jisoo is suddenly struck with the urge to maybe punch this woman in the face, she eventually decided that probably wasn't a good look.
Jisoo assumed she can probably sense you on her too and that's not good.
She breifly wondered if they were going to have to fight in the cereal aisle of this local Whole Foods, but then the other woman just says, "Hey, Jisoo. Long time no see."
"Yeah. It's been a while, Chaeyoung."
Rosé nodded resolutely before going about her business. Trying to get away from Jisoo as quickly as possible.
Jisoo decided to too, groceries be damned.
"You know it's no fun if you don't help." You smiled, you stared at Jisoo for a minute, waiting for her to respond.
Jisoo was supposed to be helping you clean your apartment. Instead, she had just been standing near your front door for the better part of 15 minutes. When Jisoo doesn't say anything, you just go back to cleaning with a small frown.
It isn't until 15 more minutes pass, that Jisoo actually does speak. You will forever fondly remember this next part as 'My Worst Nightmare Come To Life'.
"Do I even have a chance?" Jisoo wasn't looking at you. She only stared at the ceiling. Her hands clench to fists in her jeans pockets.
"What are you talking about?" You asked softly. You slowly placed your cleaning supplies onto the sofa.
"You have Rosé Fucking Park knocking on your door, and you still give me the time of day? Why?" Jisoo's shoulders shrugged nearly to her ears. She wrestled herself off the wall, then let her eyes drift to you.
"Because I-" Your chest hurt. Your eyes stung, and your head ache. You felt like you were curling in on yourself.
This was the very thing you didn't want to happen. You were supposed to choose one of them before they found out, so you didn't lose both of them.
"I thought-I thought. I don't know what I thought, but it doesn't matter anymore." Jisoo glared, not necessarily at you. Just at life in general. She glared at the very unfortunate hand she had been dealt.
"Wait. How did-Do you know Rosé?"
Jisoo shrugged again, "We went to college together, sung in the choir. But that's irrelevant. You could have told me. I wouldn't have gotten mad or anything. Or stopped letting you see Lia. Dammit, always second place."
"Chi-Jisoo, you're not second place." You choked on a sob. You can feel it. Jisoo's pulling away from you. And you sort of feel like you're been torn in two.
"So, I'm first?" Jisoo looked back up at you slowly. A subtle hopeful look bled into your eyes.
"Jisoo, I-" You swallowed harshly.
"Yeah. It sounds like you have a choice to make." Jisoo rubbed the back of neck, then headed for the door.
"Jisoo please." You went to reach for Jisoo's hand but stopped yourself.
"I'm just going to head out." Jisoo placed her hand on the door knob. She only hesitated a few beats before shaking her head and opening it.
"Soo..." The tears are leaking from your eyes in full force now. Jisoo continued to walk out the door.
It doesn't slam shut behind her, which you appreciated.
You wondered if you should call Chaeyoung, but you don't think you could handle her not picking up. You're not even sure if you could handle Chaeyoung actually picking up either, for that matter.
What would you even say?
That you were sorry? That you didn't mean to hurt anyone?
It all seemed a little too late for that.
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uchihha · 4 years
My thoughts from boruto chapter 49:
This episode was basically a prelude to what's next in chapter 50. The next issue is when the shit goes down.
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Isshiki was looking for Kawaki with the Byakugan, and then he is asking people where Kawaki is. I like the fact that he is polite. Gives him an aura of a fancy alien.
I feel like a fool for not having seen it well before, but now I do. Isshiki is not going to destroy the village if Kawaki is in it and cannot find him. He wouldn't risk killing Kawaki like that, especially considering he doesn't have the Karma to defend himself. Now, it's another story if he gets Kawaki. I guess thats why he is asking so politly where is kawaki instead of just destroying everything. The fact that he is in his physical form about to die I suppose it also influences for not doing it yet?
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Damn Shikamaru, chill! The boy is struggling too 😂😂
Kawaki is still passed out. I find it curious what Sai mentioned earlier. They are going to hide it underground, where not even the Byakugan can reach it. I remember the place because of Danzo. But I wonder if the unseen thing has always been like this or is it something they developed with ninja technology. I can't remember if it was mentioned before 🤔
Kawaki is going to loose his shit when he wakes up, by the way. Maybe he meets Sarada and Mitsuki there and they team up?
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He say that, but can you actually do it, Sasuke?
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Damn. I hate these death flags. They have been showing up for a while. I think at this point it is more than obvious that they want to kill Sasuke or Naruto 😔 Although I am almost sure that it is still too early. I'm praying to be wrong about them dying
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So this is basically Isshiki kicking Naruto. I dont really like it. I know the point is to demonstrate the power of Isshiki but I have to admit that I don't like them doing it like that. I mean, at least in the last 10 chapters, our Naruto has not been able to do anything and it's like 🙄🙄 I still don't want to make too many judgments about it because I know this is the building up yet. And Im expecting to see something more elaborate and complex in the battle. Like they did with the Delta fight. I really liked what they did there with the slow start and then Naruto kicking her ass. It's a monthly manga and I know they take time to climb so I'm still waiting.
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Sasuke saving the day 🥰🥰🥰 🥰 such a maaaaaaan 😍😍😍😍😍
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Papasuke 🥺 Sasuke is such an emotional character. It may be because of his Uchiha blood or simply because he is Sasuke, but he has always been someone who can see through people's emotions as he feels too much. He knows that Boruto is struggling between what he can and cannot do, and in a way he must understand that Boruto is worried and scared. I really like how they are doing this teacher-disciple relationship. Sasuke experience on the past and how he have changed since then its so important in their dinamic and how he wants to guide him. It is a relationship based on understanding and pure trust and I think it is beautiful. It is probably the development that I am enjoying the most.
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This panel with Boruto look broke my heart. You can see how little he is yet.
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And then we have this. This is it. Resolution. I already said it but Boruto with Sasuke’s headband is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
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This means that Boruto is going to stay in this space with Naruto and Sasuke and that we could see him take an important role.
We will probably see Momoshiki again too and new things from Karma.
Isshiki you need to chill. If you are going to use the body of a human to continue living you need to be more humble.
Lets not kill Naruto and Sasuke pliz🤞🏿🤞🏿
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shiro-0197 · 4 years
Hi :) ah don't worry about it!! I hope you had a wonderful time out and that you enjoyed your day. I was about to sleep but I'm not so tired yet, so I figured I'd reply and slowly doze off once Im done.
ooh melon ice cream! That sounds so lovely, I've not seen it on the menu, but they do have occasional new ice cream flavours, so let's hope that's the case when we have our date :) (they've had caramel, m&ms, oreos and the rare Malaysian specials, so fingers crossed!!) I'm guessing melon is your favourite flavour?
oh that's okay, I didn't either, until my palms just kept getting scratched and my dad was like "it's time to get you some gloves" 😭 and I just went along with it.
oh my gosh that'd be so cool!! I love it when my old graduates come in and see their old teachers and juniors again. There was this one guy who graduated a while ago, but comes back every year to coach our school debate team, because he was a national debater himself. Anyways, I hope you'll be able to visit his school as a graduate someday!!
That's the cutest analogy ever, honestly. You're right, it's a relief and something fun to do :) yeah, he's wonderful, I can truly just talk about the craziest things with him and Angel, and Abigail too, actually.
Thank you!! I hope I'm able to do it, and it isn't just a resolution I forget about ':( I love it when you go offtopic, actually. It's just so cute to see you excitedly talking (writing?¿) about something.
Aww then I wish you and him all the best. 😭😭Rightly so?? I mean, you're gorgeous, so—
KAHFKSHDKSK *visible terrified noises* 😭😭that's so cursed oh gosh. But AHH some good old teasing. I do the same with angel. Tho we do it with animal pictures Skhdkshsks tho artbreeder can make some really pretty stuff :> I tried making oikawa, and I'm actually happy with the way it turned out so—
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I hope you guys get some really good cheeseburgers. And KAJDKSJSKS Norway 😭💖💖 it's like the home of fresh salmon, make sure you have some there !! AND NORSE MYTHS—
you have such picturesque cottgecore dreams wtf I want your dreams 😭😭 they sound so relaxing and soft. When I do have dreams (although they're rare) they're just of things which have 0.01% possibility of happening irl and I wake up in a cold sweat.
Yes two weirdo chilling 😭💖
Trust me I'm the exact same. Double points if they're passionate and confident about it. Then I'm choosing a wedding dress 😔🤚 tho yay I'd love to be a show-off with you (tho at some point I'd probably shut up with the dorkiest smile on my face because I'd just want to listen to you talk excitedly). And KAJDKSJSKS 😭😭 you make me wanna rewatch Kung Fu Panda it was such a good movie!! I miss it every day.
Your day sounds lovely!! Tho damn guess we gotta sue the coffee company now too. I hope tomorrow is just as amazing as today was, for you. I love you very much, Shiro.
Tbh it was pretty boring, I only had to get some stuff done but I saw a pretty dog so I guess that's something nice about that😭 I hope you slept well!!
Hopefully!!! Though I wouldnt mind any other ice cream flavour, ice cream just cant be bad. But yeah, melon is my favorite!! What are the Malaysian specials, by the way?
Ohh I see~ we usually ignore our scratches and everything, haha. I only learnt the fact that I need to treat my wounds and not just let them be an year ago XD to be honest, I was sk confused when I saw my classmate freaking out over the cut I got while trying to make something. I was literally like "bro chill *licks wound*" and believe me when I say it made him scream 😭
Me too!!! They're usually really fun and cool people, I get so happy when I hear that they're coming. Also, a national? That's so awesome?!?!
It's always so good to have someone you can just talk about anything, be it the political issues or the bug you saw today😭 and having them as interested as i am makes me so happy xndskmd
I'm sure you can!! I believe in you, Shortcake!! Also same goes to you, you're the cutest person ever when you talk about something... anything!!
Ahahah, sounds fun!! I remember one day I sent him a screenshot of one of the characters from the Cats movie, and said that's him. AND HE IGNORED ME FOR A WEEK AFTER THAT😭😭
Ohh he looks so good!!! He looks so soft nnaggdhwhdhwh😭😭🥺🥺🥺
I didnt make this guy but I found him in the Random section, and tbh he looks so gorgeous to me I wanna marry him
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His hair !!!!!!!!!😍😍😍
Ohhhh I hope the salmon is good over there, otherwise I lose hope in fish😩 also YES norse myths!!!
Awhh, I wish we knew how to control our dreams😭 I wanna be there to comfort you when you have those weird bad dreams :((
Okay that sounds like such a cute comic idea I'm gonna force ask Kuro to doodle that XD I'd love to ramble about stuff with you. I really wanna hear everything you have to say about anything!!!
Omg now I wanna rewatch the movies😭😭 Finally someone agrees with me, most people I know dont like the movies grrr
I really hope so as well!! I hope I can get even more stuff done. I really need to clean the yard from snow I think, there's a bit too much😭
I love you a lot and I hope today's going well for you! ♡♡
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xiexielians · 3 years
so far i've watched a couple episodes, and i actually am really enjoying the series! It's made me almost cry too many times for just starting the series 😭 and the ending! omg, i love listening to artists that can use their vocals that well, such a calming ending fr. AND Aimer sang a ed for the show??!?!?!? i love aimer, i can't wait to get to whatever ed she sang. I don't mind slow burning series, honestly the more to watch is always better! i cant stand shows that rap everything up so fast, but it also sucks when really good shows are forced to do that o wow, what kind of events do you have to organize? I always wanted to be productive in college/school but i always prefer to be home asap lol! aaaa i really want a cat in the future too~ I love cats beyond words can explain, but i know that i should work hard and earn my way to getting one so im hoping next year is a productive year for me in the sense of getting my life together hahaha ah ofc, the end of the year anticipation for next years new games, shows, music, etc. i dont like sit there and say "my new year resolution is..." but like i said in the paragraph above, i just hope to get my life started next year because ever since I dropped out, i haven't done anything besides stay home sadly!(but also due to covid so i guess thats a good thing!) much good luck on your events and assignments as always though! How about you, do you have any resolutions for next year? To be completely clear paper honest, ive only started working on your gift about a week ago (i work very well under pressure to deadlines so this is not a bad thing! ^^) but as i send this out, im almost done with it and i think it's the best thing ive made since i cant even remember! my thoughts when making it were "i really want to make something unique, something challenging, something that pops in color and something that can showcase different feelings" im a little upset I couldnt spend more time watching the show to get more meaningful moments (and i felt like itd be less meaningful if i just skipped seasons to only capture the best scenes). so with it i am also hoping that my piece refreshes the 1st season in a sense! (if that makes any sense!) as of this moment i have no idea when ill be posting, but probably either on the 25th or the 26th! (and since timezones are different im on the east coast of america) I can't wait to finally reveal myself and give you your beautiful gift! and since this is basically the last message before I reveal myself, it was super amazing getting to know, talk and bond with you! Hopefully we can continue to be friends afterwards! 💙💙 - your animanga ss 🎁
omgg glad that you liking it so far! and it got you close to tears??! wonders what future episodes gonna do 🤭🤭
aimer's ed is in season 5 which is the season with the flower line so you got a long way to go, enjoy the ride!! ✨💖
OK,,, the first event was to organise an webinar, our teams have to invite someone in the hr dept to give some talk on the industry and the second is community service but we are still in online class so just a knowledge sharing on online platform
I'm not the one to have ny resolutions too 😅 can we have the same resolution as the last two years haha
ooo cannot wait for the gift (and your reveal) I'm sure I will like it! 🥰
yes yess hopefully we can keep talking even after this!! I have fun talking to you this past weeks. Also, merry christmas ~ if you don't celebrate it stay safe and healthy and happy holidays 💗💗
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