#i don't think anyone will read this cause this is so niche HAHA
traitimdoithay · 1 year
btw i’ve been turning around a twilight syndrome yugioh au in my head lol... putting this under a read more cause it gets long saury......
the hikaris are the main characters and i can’t really decide whether i want yb and atem to be separate characters but i’d like ym to Actually Be an alter and come out when malik gets really angry or scared. i do think it would be funnier if yb and atem were sharing ryou and yugi’s bodies so i’ll keep that. don’t know if i want to treat them as alters or spirits though because it would be interesting to explore how ym feels about not being a spirit like the others and also how atem and yb interact with the spirits they encounter, but it would also be interesting to explore alters interacting with each other... it’s a work in progress. also assume yb and tkb are the same person here and that the zorcfluence has long been pulled out of him, if he’s a spirit then way before ryou encounters him
anyway ryou would catch wind of ghost rumors on the forums he browses online (he does have a computer after all) and he comes to class excited to talk about the ghost rumor he heard last night and either jounouchi or anzu or honda would be like “oh yeah i heard about that, kinda spooky huh”, and ryou insists on checking it out but no one wants to go with him until yugi agrees to go because he’d like to get to know ryou better and also because he thinks it’ll give him some respect points in the class LOL
malik’s probably half-listening because he’s doing his own thing (oh yeah he is part of their class in this au) and yugi comes up to him and asks if he wants to check out the rumor with him and ryou. malik thinks about it and he’s like “hm idk i’m sure isis and rishid will worry if i stay out too late” but he’s also dealing with his phobia of the dark and he doesn’t want to mention that. but ryou manages to convince him to at least hang out with them until sunset and then they’ll walk him home, and so malik finally agrees hesitantly because hey at least it’s not the dark!
Unfortunately For Them shenanigans ensue, and for this first rumor it’s at their school so i imagine they get trapped because of supernatural influence and malik is Freaking Out and yugi is also Freaking Out and ryou’s like “guys don’t worry people say this is normal ^__^” and malik and yugi are like “ARE YOU INSANE???” and i imagine they get so freaked out after a while that ym and atem have to take over for them and they scold ryou for being careless but they do their best to help find a way out. i imagine yb is bristling cause he’s tired of sitting around and waiting for something to happen so he forces ryou out and now all the yamis are here yeahhhh
eventually they do encounter the spirit but they find out it’s a harmless spirit who likes to play pranks on students who stay after school after hours and yb is like “well damn that was boring, i could have been working on my monster world stuff” and ym and atem are a little irritated but relieved that it wasn’t anything bad but that they’d like ryou to apologize to malik and yugi. and so ryou comes back and tells them he feels really really bad he dragged them into this and he can’t bear to be with them anymore so he immediately runs away after apologizing a lot, and malik is still a little irritated but not as irritated because after yugi talks it out with him they both agree ryou didn’t purposefully want to get them into trouble
after that night things calm down between them and ryou does try to avoid talking to them for a bit because he feels really ashamed and scared that they hate him for the encounter but they tell him it’s okay and that he should just Not Try To Explore Any More Rumors because that was a lot to deal with! and ryou agrees but... a few days later he starts talking about another rumor and yugi and malik are like Oh Boy, but ryou’s like “oh it’s okay i’ll go alone this time, don’t worry about me!” but in the back of their heads malik and yugi are like dude i know something’s going to happen but they don’t mention anything to ryou and instead make plans to watch over ryou just to make sure nothing bad happens to him
this goes on for a few rumors until one day ryou gets caught up in something Very Insane and ryou gets spirited away and malik and yugi are like omfg. omfg. and they tell the rest of the group and so everyone goes out looking for ryou. eventually they do find ryou and they’re like oh my god ryou are you okay?! and ryou says something along the lines of “they were lonely... it would have hurt to leave them alone” and then they learn that ryou is really... really lonely and that’s why he was spirited away because the spirit and him resonated with each other and yb’s like please don’t fucking do that ever again!
i have sooo much more i’d like to write about but this is already too long and i have work to do sigh... i’d love to explore malik and yugi’s and the yamis’ characters once i learn more about them in the manga so that i can build upon them more in this au
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losersroom · 3 months
A, K, Z?
A. Of the fanfic you've written, which is your favorite and why?
I feel like the answer to this changes all the time HOWEVER I genuinely think the Brock/Jonas time loop fic is the best thing I've ever written in my life and I'm almost angry it's RPF because I cannot show it to anyone i know off the internet and go "look at this great thing I made", haha. The use of repetitive language to set a mood! The use of the central narrative device as both an in-universe driver of conflict and also an extended metaphor for the cycles of violence and abuse present within organized hockey! The idea that you can see the shape of the cycle you're trapped in and still choose to be there because the alternative is worse! The subtly woven in implication that this loop belongs to both of them, not just Jonas! Yes I will toot my own horn about this for once. I made something that, in my own humble opinion, qualifies as Art. Whatever else happens now, I did that.
K. Do you have guilty pleasures in fic (reading or writing?)
I do not bother to feel a single scrap of guilt about anything I read no matter how perverse. I read RPF for years before I was comfortable actually engaging with it. HOWEVER I have undergone a very funny-to-me process of acclimating to writing, uh, NSFW content about the boys over the last month and a half that went, basically: "well, this is disconnected enough from reality via the omegaverse au flavor that i can write the sex scene without cringing but i AM going to get embarrassed talking about jonas brodin's cock and i am NOT going to write the knotting part" -> "okay i am going to write the knotting now" -> "nothing matters, i am outlining an extremely long fanfiction where brock goes into heat and begs to be knocked up"
so like. i guess it's not a guilty pleasure ANYMORE, now it's just a pleasure, you feel me.
Z. Is there a story you've written that doesn't seem to get much love?
Again. Time loop fic. But I've made my peace with it. I got some really good and thoughtful comments from people who Got what I was trying to do there, and the reality of it is that when you're writing for a niche ship in a small corner of a fandom, and you don't even put any knotting porn in it, people aren't going to click on that, which is fine!
Anyway tumblr user simmyfrobby made me a poetry edit about it so I can die happy. Call no fic a flop that causes others to produce their own art in response.
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samatokisfootrest · 9 months
Hello! It's the BB Anon again! 😊 Thank you so so much for your replies to my asks! Especially the one about Saburo and Riosabu. Those sort of things are admittedly always on my mind, I just don't have anyone to talk to about it with, Haha. So I'm really happy and thankful to be able to share whats on my mind with someone who also enjoys it and I'm even more happy and thankful to hear some of your own thoughts! I especially loved you mentioning him being a slob when on his own. That's just such a good concept in my opinion! Definitely something that's crossed my mind before, but since seeing your answer to the ask, it's consumed my mind, haha. 😅 I adore the difference between Saburo trying to remain polite and proper when in the company of others, but then feeling free to let loose whenever the urge arises in the comfort of his room, more only brewing inside of him from his messy and constant consumption of junk foods and drinks. After reading, I thought about if there were times where he couldn't silently let go or hold it in while around others, be it just too much to hold in or it just coming through so quickly, he'd be incredibly embarrassed if a sudden slip from either end (Especially the lower end.) happens in front of other people. If it were around Jiro, I think Jiro would totally take the opportunity to tease him about it. Especially considering Saburo typically gets on his case about it, as you said! Also about Riosabu, going back to the scenario of something messing with Saburo's stomach that Rio made, I definitely agree he'd make something to help but I also really like the concept of Rio, once learning of the situation Saburo is in, encourging him to just let go, as Rio doesn't tease or find it gross, and Saburo would get far more relief than trying to be careful and secretive. Of course, Saburo would be hesitant or against it, embarassed to do something like that so openly in front of anyone, especially someone he has respect for like Rio. Though, Rio is just a comforting person and eventually he realizes with how little he's actually letting himself feel relief that it would be better. Saburo would be incredibly embarrassed still, and shocked at how Rio doesn't find it gross. Plus, Plus! Rio giving Saburo an abdominal massage to help with releasing all the built up gas in his system! A thought with the ship that I just find very adorable, and I feel it fits the kindness and helpfulness towards others Rio has, I can very easily see him being willing and opening to doing that to help Saburo. I apologize for typing at length in the ask box about Saburo again.. haha. Thank you once more for your reply to my previous ask, and thank you if you read this! 😁 PS. I read your new fanfiction, and I really loved it! It was a very enjoyable read, and I'm a huge fan of how you write MTC's interactions with one another! 🥰
Hello Anon! I love how you depict riosabu, and I totally agree when you say that Rio would encourage Saburo to not hold back when he notices he is having discomfort, cause I think that's exactly what he'd tell anyone. He isn't a judging person, and Saburo figures that Rio has experienced all sorts of things, so he would drop his facade. It would be embarrassing but the relief would be worth it.
About belly rubs, Saburo would be definitely against it at first and Rio wouldn't insist, but I don't exclude he'd warm up to Rio enough to let him. Maybe when Saburo gets painful gas and it's just too much for Rio to see him suffer, especially if he feels guilty when something he cooked made Saburo have a poor reaction. Rio would definitely show him some effective technique that can help Saburo with bloating.
Overall I really agree with everything you said! And please never apologize for how much you write, I love reading everyone's thoughts on stuff as niche as these kinds of "practices" so it's more than welcome! Honestly, thank you for this and I'm glad you enjoyed my newest fic!🥹🫡
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Hiiiii! If it's not a problem could I request a matchup? Thanks in advance.
Sooo for starters I am 18 (19 on Sunday). I am rather short (around 156 cm) and chubby. I have short black hair and dark brown eyes. I wear glasses but I can see without them rather good. I wear mostly black clothes (mostly anime t-shirts). If someone is lucky they will see my in other colored clothes.
I am INTP 5w4, Pieces, Slytherin (it's always funny to say/write this xD). I am asexual and my pronouns are she/her.
Soooo my personality! When you first meet me I extremely shy and I won't talk with anyone unless they start a conversation. I am terrible at small talk. But when I get to know you and I am comfortable around you I will start talk, like a lot(my teacher is still mad at my that I don't speak that much during classes). Around my friends I tend to crack a lot of jokes or references to stuff we all know (like our inside jokes). I also text them a lot of history facts randomly (Julius Caesar was once kidnapped by pirates and they demand ransom but he told them that he is worth more money then they wanted! He also promised them that he will find them when they free him and that he will kill them with his army. They didn't believe him. He did exactly what he told them).
I tend to not show my emotions if I am sad or angry and I just pretend to be happy so no one will worry about me. I always worry that I will be a burden to others if I open up to them.
I hate being in a big group of people that I don't know very well. I am always afraid that I will say/do something that will make them hate/be mad at me.
I have anxiety but I think I am getting better.
I am very patient person and I am trying to control my anger cause I tend to say stuff I regret later when I am angry.
When I am extremely stressed I tend to shut down if I can call it like that. I mean that even if I try I can't say anything, I feel like I am about to cry and my head starts to spin.
My hobbies are watching anime, reading books and playing games. They are taking most of my free time.
I love history and I want to become an archeologist! It's not uncommon to see me with a book about history (it doesn't matter if it's a book about history of my home country or about a certain event in history or an important person, I enjoy all of them).
I am also interested in paranormal stuff like ghost and demons (but I am to scared to acually try anything myself because if something goes wrong I would be in big trouble).
I also apologize a lot out of fear that someone might be mad at me even if there is no reason that they would be.
I have the habit of biting my lips and nails when I am anxious or stressed.
Also my sleep schedule is practically non existing one day I can go to sleep at 10 p.m. just to next day go at 3-4 a.m.
I think it all haha
I match you with...
You’re the kind of person that gets easily overwhelmed with your emotions and it doesn’t just turn off when you want. You just can’t breathe when that gets to you the way that it does. You just don’t know how to cope and it feels like you can’t do a lot to change that. You do the best you can by isolating and trying to deal with it that way. Knowing that you want someone that sees the good in you but doesn’t judge you when you hit a wall with your emotions. 
You need someone who can get you to talk about what you love, and that’s Jumin. Jumin’s always kept himself at arms’ length because not a lot of people love to discuss such niche things, but you do. You two get so caught up talking about history and the paranormal that suddenly it’s 3AM and neither of you has gotten tired or bored for a minute. It’s sweet, frankly. You’re always able to be who you really are with the other. 
He grounds you when you feel scared or anxious. His realist perspective can quell any anxiety you have. You don’t have to worry when Jumin is here for you. 
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