#i don't think blade counts because yes it's death on the dance floor but it's not framed in the same way these 3 are
konakoro · 8 months
Starting a list of movies and shows that features people dying horrifically on dance floors
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triplexdoublex · 3 years
Scotty Doesn’t Know
Pairings: Colson x Reader
Warnings/tags: smut, cheating
A/N: based off this old song Scotty Doesn’t know from the movie Euro Trip. Colson has a small lesser known band in this fic. https://youtu.be/7_AKr1BEajA
“Does Scotty know you're here?” Colson asks as you unbuckle his pants
“No! What do you think I am? Stupid?” You question dropping to your knees.
“So, what’s your plan y/n, you just gonna string him along forever. C’mom already I want you to myself.”
You pull him free from the confines of his jeans “Can we talk about this later?”
“Y/N!” Colson scolds at your attempt to avoid the conversation for the umpteenth time.
“Sorry it’s not polite to talk with your mouth full,” you respond coyly before stuffing your mouth with him.
“God, you’re gonna be the death of me!” He groans, pushing your hair out of your face and wrapping it around his fist. “You’re lucky you’re so fucking good at this!” He grits between his teeth slowly rocking his pelvis as he holds you in place, your cheeks hollowing around him as you suck.
Your phone buzzes in your pocket and you quickly try to silence it with your free hand before Colson hears but it’s too late; he lets out an annoyed groan and you know he heard it— Knows who it is . You distract him, sucking him harder, faster and cupping his balls — you know he loves it when you play with them. He’s told you on occasion that your head game is so good it could make him forget his own name; you’re just hoping now that it’s good enough to forget your boyfriend just texted in the middle of it, because the last thing you wanna do is talk about it … again.
Long after you’ve swallowed him down, you’re content with yourself thinking just maybe you really did make him forget about the mid-head text from your boyfriend when all of a sudden he springs it on you. “Did you text him back?”
“Who?” You feign innocence.
“Y/N don’t play stupid, you know who!”
“Oh, Scotty?”
“Yes, fuckin-Scotty. Who else?”
“Yeah, I just said ‘sorry I missed your text I was at church.”
“CHURCH!” Colson chokes out a laugh. “Just because you were on your knees on a Sunday morning , doesn’t count as church. Why can’t you just tell him the truth and break up with him already?”
“He’s my best friend's brother. It’s complicated. She made me promise I wouldn’t break his heart.”
“Sooo fuckin’ me behind his back is your solution to that?”
“Until I can figure out a way to let him down easy and not destroy my relationship with my best friend, yeah.”
“Solid plan,” he says sarcastically, rolling his eyes. “Be a shame if he found out about us before then.”
“You wouldn’t!” You can’t tell if you're scolding or pleading .
“I might,” he smirks.
“Colson, please!” —Pleading, you’re definitely pleading.
“Oh, relax Y/N, I’m not gonna tell him— maybe just help the poor fuck figure it out on his own.
By noon he’s got you on your knees again— hands and knees to be exact, pushing into you from behind.
“Oh fuck Colson, just like that!”
“Yeah, you like this dick, huh? Better than Scotty’s I bet!” He grips your hips roughly and snaps his hips forward. “Who fucks you better, him or me?” He taunts.
“You!” You answer without hesitation. He knows it’s the truth you’ve often complained about having to fake it with Scotty.
Just then your phone goes off blaring Scotty's ringtone
“Speak of the devil… Answer it!” He demands.
“Colson are you —?”
“I’m not playing — answer it or I’m not gonna let you finish!”
“Fuck— fine.” You reach down off the bed to the floor to retrieve your phone, while Colson keeps a firm grip on your waist, making sure he stays buried in your warm cunt. “Hel-lo” you answer, failing miserably to disguise how out of breath you are.
“Y/N? You alright?” Scotty questions.
“Sorry… umm yeah. I just—” you pause to suppress a moan “— I just ran to grab the phone.”
“Oh ok, I was just calling cuz the guys wanna take me out next weekend for my birthday but I didn’t know if you had anything planned for us already?”
Oh fuck, his birthday— you completely forgot. “Well… yeah, I did” you lie. “But it’s okay, go with your friends we can do something the weekend after.” You already have plans to attend one of Colson’s bands gigs this weekend anyways.
“Thanks, babe. You’re the best!”
Colson’s blood boils at the pet name. “Fuck” he drives his hips into you as hard as he can. Your teeth pierce into your lip as you bite back a moan.
“What was that!?” Scotty asks.
“The TV,” you answer quickly.
“Mmmm, you are so bad, baby,” Colson whispers into your flesh as he kisses between your shoulder blades. “I can tell you’re close, don’t hang up til you cum.”
“Oh whatcha watching?” Scotty inquires.
“Ummm… Horror movie— shit!” You choke out.
Colson brushes your hair of the nape of your neck and nuzzles into the crook.“C’mon baby, cum for me,”
“Must be really scary— you seem on edge.”
If he only knew how close to the edge you actually are right now .
“Yeah it’s really s— oh FUCK holy shit!” You scramble to hang up the phone as your orgasm hits; Colson’s following moments later.
“Uhh, Y/N! Fuck!” His moans are loud and exaggerated.
“I already hung up, dipshit!” You playfully punch him
In the arm after he pulls out.
You pick your phone back up and shoot Scotty a text ‘sorry, jump scare. I accidentally hung up.’
“Five minutes til stage.” A voice announces from behind the backstage curtain. Today’s the day of Colson’s band's big gig, and coincidentally Scotty’s birthday.
“Perfect timing.” Colson smirks as he pulls his pants back up over his ass and you button your top. “Nothing like a little backstage quickie, before a show.” He kisses you then heads to the stage; you take side stage, hanging out near the crew and equipment.
“How we all doing tonight?!” Colson shouts into the mic. The crowd cheers lively in response. “Aight, that’s what I like to hear! I’m gonna start out with a new song about someone special; the sexiest little sex kitten I know!” He looks to you. “Y/N get your sexy little ass up here!”
You blush as you climb the few stairs that lead to the stage taking Colson’s outreached hand and he pulls you up. Your stomach sloshes with nerves and excitement, simultaneously eager to hear Colson’s song about you and concerned about this getting back to Scotty somehow. You try to push Scotty to the back of your mind and just enjoy Colson song about you … until it starts —
“Scotty doesn't know that Y/N and me
Do it in my van every Sunday
She tells him she's in church but she doesn't go
Still she's on her knees and Scotty doesn't know ”
Oh, Scotty doesn't know
So don't tell Scotty
Scotty doesn't know
Scotty doesn't know
So don't tell Scotty”
Your hand flies up to cover your gaping mouth as he continues to sing— each line more divulging than the last. You can’t help but laugh and decide to throw caution to the wind at this point and begin to jump and dance along. Colson sneaks up behind you as he reveals more and more of your secrets into the mic, wrapping a hand around your neck as he snaps his hips forward against your ass.
“I can't believe he's so trusting
While I'm right behind you thrusting
Y/N’s got him on the phone
And she's trying not to moan
It's a three-way call and he knows nothing, nothing”
It’s as Colson sings one of the songs most incriminating lines—“I did her on his birthday” — that you notice a familiar face in the crowd making their way to the front. “Which is today by the way” he ad libs.
“SCOTTY!!” You gasp.
“Oh shit it’s Scotty!” Colson announces and then opts for a lyric change — “Scotty does know , Scotty does know!”
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I saw your message to me and it was a month ago wtf?! sweet baby Jesus I really need to stop being a lazy ass idiot Goddamn it.
but yeah this is a bit tricky like how would reader- like how- why would- HUH?!
but don't worry got ya covered @babystarjellyfish
I'mma mix a little something here.
fuck just kill me.
Sett X (kinda?) Innocent reader
Word count:
Your POV
struggling against my binds I continued to glare at my captor with hatred in my eyes.
how did I get here well here's a little recap.
I was wondering around the main city here in Ionian looking for trouble (not really) and maybe find some unfortunate soul to steal from, didn't really expect to steal from a high ranking Noxian soldier, like how are the odds that of all the people I could have stolen from you were the lucky one like really?!.
and here I am tied up and being forced to watch on how they were gonna use me for, rolling my eyes I lean on a crate behind me while impatiently tapping my feet on the ground.
"let's put her on the pit fight then, If she lose we can still get some out from that". The one who tied me up said to his friend making him agree and both of them turned towards me.
"looks like it's your lucky day doll! you could have pick someone to steal today and you decided to steal from me, how lucky can you possibly be?". he smirks and crouching down infront of me.
"mstomph wrubhing ift onhm mawhf fwice idwute". I said which translates to 'Stop rubbing it on my face idiot' since I was gagged with a cloth.
"don't worry you won't last long in his pit anyway I'm sure someone against you will pity you and give you a fast and painless death how about that?". He said before pulling me on my feet and drag me out from the dark room.
well jokes on him I lasted longer than I thought since luck was actually on my side!.
I was luck enough that the fight of the day was every fighter against every fighter at the same time and last one standing will win, I took advantage of it and start dodging all of them and make it look like I was fighting them instead.
being a thief has it's perks and I am gifted with fast hands I was on the roll baby!.
that's until he showed up.
Sett's POV
watching the gruesome fight I can't help but notice that one girl fighting in there.
"she's not fighting, is she?". I thought out loud.
"should I take care of it boss?". My handman said ready to unsheate his sword but I stop him.
"no, no it's fine let's just watch first, the damn crowd got a liking for her". I said whilst I continued watching her with amusement in my eyes as she do flips and practically dance on my pit.
not a minute later it was just her and an Ionian man with a good build who were the last one standing.
the man ran first his weapon ready to slice her up to pieces, surprisingly she keep dodging very fast and didn't look like she'll be worn-out for a few hours.
I stand still when he finally grab a hold of her and throw her on the cemented ground of the pit before stomping on her stomach then strandling her with his sharp weapon pointed on her throat.
Your POV
I keep running away from the larger man, my body not even showing any signs of tiredness.
I smile to myself while I keep on taunting him, I saw his weapon trying to stab me, I quickly side-step to dodge it but he grab the opportunity to grab my other side on the arm and throw me down the floor making my head bounce on the hard surface.
Blinking slowly, I try to use my senses but everything was a blur, the screams of the crowd mas muffled, the lights on the roof of the pit was too bright I had to squint my eyes because of it.
I lay on my back with my head throbbing as I groan in discomfort then a large figure stood on top of me and there was a strong blow delivered on my stomach making me scream in agony and pant from the pain.
Then I feel a heavy weight on my mid section and a sharp cold object on my throat, looking up I see the sneering face of the man I was fighting, I look around franticly if they would really let me be killed and my heart drop when people on the crowd just kept on cheering like it's was normal thing for them to see.
I gulp slowly making sure The sharp blade won't cut me anymore than it already is, looking down I see a handle of a dagger that was tied on his pants, I blindly grab it while keeping an eye contact with him making sure I wasn't looking suspicious.
'I won't hurt him, just use it to defend yourself!'. I grit my teeth and feel sweat dripping on the side of my face.
His arms rose up and ready to stab me instead, my eyes widen I panic as my heart beat suddenly stop, I feel the handle of the dagger I quickly grab a hold of it and didn't even hesitate to stab him.
His hole body tense up along with me, I can feel fear crawling in my body as I watch his face pale, he looks down at his stomach while I continued to look at him, the blade he was holding was left discarded on my side when he drop it with a clang.
He slide off me and on the ground, I scrambled up and kneeled beside him my eyes filled with despair and fear as I try stop his bleeding but then my arm was grab by someone and hoist me up and announce me as the winner.
looking around I was panting, feeling so scared for the first time other than fearing the thought of being caught, I felt the first fear of actually taking someone's life.
I pulled my arm away from the woman who scream at the crowd of my Victory and run towards the two large build men who was dragging the weak body of my opponent towards an entrance.
"Wait please!". I tried to call out but they continue to drag him not even bothered by the harsh wheezing of the bleeding man.
"No please! stop! his dying!!". I catch up to them but before I can even grab a hold one of the men, two other show up and tightly grab my arms to prevent me from moving forward.
"Hey! let me go! argh! I said LET ME-!".
"and why would my men do that?". I hear a deep voice say behind me, I turn to look and see a tall man.
the two let go of me but stood behind me just in case I did something, staring at him I studied his appearance, he was very tall with great build of muscle s, he has deep red hair and a pair of gold pierced furry ears sitting on top.
'Vastayan maybe?'.
He wears an open sleeveless shirt design with two gold wolf on it with thick fur sitting on his shoulders with that he wears white pants without even any speck of dust on it.
"I didn't mean to stab him, please let me save him". I pleaded him not even trembling when I feel his glare on me.
"and why is that? ya got the spotlight on ya but ya throw it away to save your opponent?, sounds stupid to me". he look down at me with a raised eyebrow.
"I don't care about winning, I'm not a fighter I'm a thief, I steal things not people's lives, there's a difference". I growl.
"Hah! wow a thief that would come clean! you're somethin' else!, Tell you what, I let him live and I won't tell them that you fake your fight but In exchange you do something for me!". He laughs while smirking.
my eyes widen at that.
'do something? does he want me to steal something for him?'. Gulping I shake my head 'yes' making his smirk wider.
"come along then I need an arm candy and since the people like ya I think you'll do fine". he winks before turning around and motion for me to follow.
looking behind the two I try to see the man I injured but they only growled back at me making me step back and huff before following him.
I see him looking back with that sadistic smile towards me making shivers crawl down my spine, I stood beside him my body still tense.
Sett's POV
looking down at the woman I see her body stiff, rolling my eyes I wrap my left arm around her waist that made her jump and let out a cute little squeak.
"The name's Sett what's yours?". I ask her while leaning down and almost touching my nose with her's.
Her face quickly turned red and she quickly said her name.
"Y/N huh? that's a pretty name". I smirk while I tighten my hold on her moving her so she's chest to chest with me.
"You'll do just fine here". I said while smirking, my eyes glinting as I stare right into her cute wide eyes.
I made this a bit long just so I can make it up to ya.
is it weird that my music shuffle straight to Ellie Goulding's 'Love Me Like You Do' while writing this?.
anyway hope ya love this~😊.
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waywardimpalawriter · 7 years
"This whole time I've been using you to make me feel better, and you never caught on. You never caught on. I want you to hate me now, but I don't think you're even able to." With Dean? Sorry, I'm on mobile so it took me so long to write this out lol.
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Goodbyein her eyes
Summary: When pushed too farsometimes you just have to walk away.
Pairing: Demon Dean x Reader, MoCDean x Reader
Characters: Dean, Reader, Sam
Rating: R on the safe side
Warnings: angst, torture,violence, heart broken
Word count: 1,529
Setting: Middle to end of season10
Notes: I struggled with how towrite this story/drabble that’s why it took me so long. Anon requests plus angstdrabble starter request. They fit so well together so I thought why not do themtogether. Italics means flashbacks to when Dean is a demon torturing the reader.This story is from Dean’s point of view.
Taglist: Taken off or put on send me an ask.
Forever: @winters-buck @angryschnauzer @marvel-lucy @feelmyroarrrr @aquabrie @fandommaniacx @thetalesofmooseandsquirrel @supernaturallymarvellous
Supernatural: @smoothdogsgirl @aprofoundbondwithdean @ruprecht0420  @oneshoeshort
 I couldsee it in her eyes, such sadness and regret mixed with a heavy dose of goodbye.I knew from the moment she told me everything’s copacetic that somethings trulywrong. She’s been avoiding me for the better part of three days. Can’t say as Iblame her much not after everything I’ve put her through. Words that were meantto kill what was left of her love for me, disappearing for weeks, capturing andtorturing her for days, leaving her for dead. Now that one should’ve taken thecake right but no none of that detrude my stubborn girl.  
Adamantlystating that what I’d done; the pain I’d caused wasn’t my fault I’d been ademon at the time. Soul black as night because if that damned Mark of Cain andthe First blade. Yet every time I closed my eyes I saw what I’d done, the messI’d made of her. The scars I left and she forgave me for.
“I told you not to follow me, to let me go andwhat’d you do?” Knife’s edge drawing a thin line of blood to drip down herright forearm making it dance in all directions. Knowing it’ll leave a permanentreminder behind a warning I told her to heed. The muted scream from behind thegag is all I gets.
“Ah yes I remember now,” evil smirk gracing my lipsas I sneer at her. “Follow, that’s what you’ve done when I explicitly told youto stay away. I always figured you were stupid Y/N but not this much.”    
Pulling the gag from her aching jaw that she worksout with slow little wiggles and stretches hands still firmly bound behind herback, “this isn’t you Dean fight it, come back to us, to me.”
Dark laughter resounded off the run down shack myfingers like a vice gripping her chin, leaving bruises behind. “This is mesweetheart a new and improved version and truthfully I like what I’ve become.” Sneerfirmly in place while bending down to stare right into her blood shot and puffyeyes.
Eyes thatI’d come to love to have shining with trust and happiness. That now glanceevery so often to make sure I haven’t ran off again to rejoin Crowley as hisKnight of hell. Like that would ever happen. The burn reminding me all it wouldtake is one person snuffing out my life again and I’ll be right back to squareone. I couldn’t have that for Sam’s sake and hers. Though no matter how manytimes I’ve told both to leave me be neither will give up. It’s the reasonCharlie’s gone, left in a pool of her own blood battered and broken for us tofind. It’s how she’ll end up if she doesn’t leave.
“Then kill me now Winchester. Get it over withalready or are you all talk?” she sneered right back at me. Fighting her boundswith all the strength she could wanting to get free.
For whatpurpose I didn’t know. Stronger, faster and could over power her smaller framewithin seconds even without being a demon, Y/N couldn’t get even to the frontdoor before I’d be on her.
“Now where’s the fun in that little one? Not verysporting to just kill and run,” another dark chuckle leaves my lips making herflinch. “Come on sweet cheeks you telling me you don’t like what I’ve become?”
Staying mute eyes blazing as she watched me watchingher. Minutes could’ve been hours ticked by as I grew bored with the wholesituation. “Always the chatty one, now you’re mute. Where was that during thoselong drives when I wished you’d shut up prayed that I had duct tape to keep thewords from spilling out. Better yet slapping,” pulling his open palm backlanding a hard slap to her cheek that sends her and the chair she’s sitting into the floor, “the shit out of you to shut up.”
Tears springingto her eyes as she tries to hold back the sob that threatens to flow from herbusted lip tongue peeking out to taste coppery blood. “If you didn’t want mearound you could’ve just said something,” voice catching trying to keep herfear and cries in.
“And have Sammy boy pouting like a fucking two yearold,” rolling my eyes and righting her chair my head shaking in disgust. “I don’tknow why I put up with either of you for so long.”
“Because you love us,” trying to reason with thepart of Dean she hoped is still inside him.
Scoffing stepping away, “Love ain’t got nothing todo with it babe. The whole time I’vebeen using you to make me feel better, and you never caught on. You nevercaught on, I want you to hate me now, but I don’t think you’re even able to.You’re to pathetic, whine and useless for anything other than a few good fucksand even then it’s subpar at best. Lisa had been far better than you.”
Gasping this time a sob really did leave her drycracked lips eyes blinked back hot tears that still betrayed her state of mindby sliding down cool cheeks. “You don’t mean that,” always the fear in the backof her mind that I never loved her as much as I had Lisa.
Confirming that idea gave me such glee, “Ohsweetheart you wish, Lisa was/is ten times better the woman you are. I nevergot over her and never will.”
Memoriesfading like the late day sun while taking a long pull of the cool beer in myhand. Passing the bottle between my palms over the hardwood of the table underneathglancing up when I heard footsteps approach the kitchen door. Remembering the finalstraw that made her decision to leave etching itself in stone after the Styne’stried to destroy the Bunker. She knew I couldn’t be trusted not with the Markon my arm, I’d become even more volatile. Killing innocent people even if thekid had been a Styne and finding Cas beat up to the point of death. Not fearingme but what the Mark was turning me into. That fear driving her away and I’mletting it happen.    
“Sam’sgot my number if he needs anything,” I could feel her search my posture; thetense set of my shoulders and bowed head. I knew she’s waiting for me to saysomething anything to keep her from going.  
But I couldn’tnot with how I treated her. The words I said and have let her believe. To thisday I don’t understand why she forgave me but then I knew she’s stronger than Iever will be and a purer soul.
“Takecare of yourself,” the only words I could get passed my lips without baring mysoul.
Deep breathtaken in, “You really are just going to let me leave?”
“Yup,”another drink the Mark burning my forearm reminding me why I’m letting the bestthing in my life best sides Sam leave.
I couldhear her sniffle, can imagine the tears that slip down her cheeks, the longthin still red and healing scar down her forearm. The haunted look I put inthose beautiful once shining eyes. Eyes that told me long again that goodbyewas coming I just hadn’t known when.
Hearing theswallow, knowing she wants to say more, “Take care of yourself Winchester I’llbe praying for you.”
When hadanyone’s prayers ever been answered? Never that’s when and I knew her’s wouldn’teither. However, I held my tongue on that subject. “Take care of yourselfsweetheart,” I couldn’t help the term of endearment that slipped passed mydefenses hoped she wouldn’t catch it. Or if she did think nothing of it so Iheld my breath waiting.
Finallylooking up seeing her nod, duffle bag slung over one shoulder left hand holdingonto the strap like a lifeline to a drowning man. “See ya around,” three simplewords and she’s gone nothing else said nor will ever again.
Standing myanger over flows as the brown bottle goes flying across the room shatteringinto a thousand pieces just like my none existence heart. Over throwing thetable in a fit of blind rage the Mark fueling my anger. Shoving everything offthe counters making glasses and mugs shatter, and pots bang to the ground whenI rip the hanger from the ceiling.  Myown hot tears mixing with the anger flowing through my veins as I fall againstthe wall to the floor. I should be relieved instead I just feel empty inside.  I knew I’d never change the goodbye in hereyes and part of me didn’t want to. I had to keep her safe for my sanity orwhat’s left of it anyway.
Maybe oneday I’ll find her again, explain and hope that I can win her back. Till then I’mstuck with this thing on my arm and very little hope as that just walked outthe door carrying my heart with her.  
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