#i dont actualy like this doodle very much
clockworkclownart · 1 month
Day 3 - Invisible (Invis-o-Bill) - #DannyMay2024
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this is the best joke in the whole show~🤣
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v-r-i-s-vris-v-r-i-s · 2 months
hiii im thyme (ze/zir/they/them), one of the 4 ppl w accces to this acct, and sry for spelling, im dysgraphic + actualy typing and not using speach-to-text like normal
i LOVE bad art, and i HATE when ppl get upset i say that!
i grew up w a lot of pressuer on me to be good, definetly in general, but also absolutly w art!! my mom was an artist, and i grew up VERY christian. everything i did reflected on god, and more importantly to my mom, on her.
she was so exited to have a kid who LOVED art and stuff like her, but i was never good enough. she would always tell everyone how good i was, how i was gifted by god, and how much i took after her. (she was v self centered and would majorly talk up anything that made her look good, yikes i know)
so ppl would be naturaly interested and exited to see! and then i would be forced to show them some art, which, keep in mind, was verry age appropriate and full of the generally goofy stuff i loved, and 9/10 they would be dissapointed. even if they werent my mom decided to constantly pressure me to do better.
this was really stressful obv, and i stopped drawing for the first time. when i got into middle school, i started again, this time not really ttelling my mom. i was happier, but had already had it impressed down onto me that my art had to be good to warrant existing or taking my time. i was v stressed by it, and as i slowly started to get more comfortable i was imedietly bombarded with competition.
i struggled to get better in the ways that seemed easy for anyone else, PDA kicked in as soon as i felt something NEEDED to be done, and i was compaird to everyone my age and younger and told how much better theye were.
i never wanted to make it a competition, i just wanted to have fun. i wanted to do something hands on that could express me better than my words ever could (undiagnosed autism at the time made me feel verry weird and thuroughly broken, and explaining that wo imedietly getting invalidating and patronizing answers simply did not happen)
i stoped drawing again. i changed schools and had a better art teacher. she wasnt a dick bout my art, but definetly acted overly suportev(possibly im anxiose and projecting past art trauma onto her lmao and she was just being normal, she was cool af tho). i starded drawing more, on and offf, and got REALLY depressed and burnt out. one of the ways it manifested was being unable to be creative.
but things did get better!!! got an autism diagnosis and educated myself more on my dysgraphia diagnosis(got in elementry school), came out, made freinds who brought me to queer music and caberet shows(tysm phoenix), and was able to move out!
as im now on my own, my art drive has rissen signifigantly, especily as im surounded by other art enjoying weirdos(complementary). but i still hate when someone says that my art is good or bad. constructive advice and support is always valued, but there are so many mediums and people and styles, how on earth do we judge that?? having to be good enough for everyone to warent my own existance and hobbies almost killed me, and sucked all of the joy out of my life.
ive seen people who got so happy to doodle, only to stop forever when someone makes a remark on skill with their age. ive seen family stop bc someone joked abt their stick figures or car drawings, because even if the joker didnt mean it outside of a goofy remark, the joke was meanspirited and ment to put the artist down. I HATE THIS??!?!
WHO DECIDES WHATS GOOD ENOUGH TO EXIST??? capitilism? christianity? the example of two dead ppl from history???
obviosly i dont fuck w that.
art is something made to express something, how are you going to take such a broad catagory and shove it into your biased and sad binary?
so i proudly call my art bad. as an ongoing rebelion against everyone who thought and thinks that something has to fit their binary of goodto exist. i say bd to help myself unlearn the shitty things that were pushed onto me, and as a way of saying i dont have to be anyone's good to warent my own joy.
some ppl will cut in here, theyll tell me not to talk badly about myself (im not). theyl say even if i dont mean it bad, my brain will internalize it as a negative(i dont think that applies here?) or theyll spew some capitlistic bs (HUH, GUESS HOW I FEEL ABOUT THAT.)
no hate to others reclaiming their art and love for it in different ways,this is just how it works for me. in in my art vocabulary, bad means not locking itself into the harsh expectations of good, and i find that incredibly freeing :)
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alivetilldead · 2 years
stop texting her until she's in a better situtation and feels like texting back do i rlly need to spell out basic human decency LET HER HAVE SPACE ITS WHAT MARIE ANTOINETTE WOULD HAVE WANTED oh no a google search later she wanted them to eat cake and even that was misquoted sigh
check twitter only when you get notifications not a doomscroll sooner also friendly reminder nobody is holding you under gunpoint to tweet every single one of your thoughts thats what we have tumblr for & the rest were meant to be shared in prayers in other words keep em bw yourself and God anf some online persons ig
Speaking of prayers since we operate on extremes wait did i just we am i acknowledging the voice in my head haha as if its my voice ..probably anyway we're gonna pray whatever prayer we're mentally concious for instead of not praying at all because kallah aakaling all the missed prayers seem so tedious it was never meant to be a burden anyway you start praying for yourself and your relationship gets better and soon you have no trouble keeping up with the 5 prayers everyday okay now wait when did i switch to you i am me right fuck
go back to podcasts?? Your ass isnt reading anyway spare the "was just about to"s you are lichrally me you cant fool me believe me you have tried
wait werent you writing neet THERES THREE DAYS LEFT WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU
go ahead and delete the pilates app the only workout youre getting is from the occasional spotify induced twerk
you know actualy this is vwry soothing im not exactly journaling but it feels like it nice im gonna stick to this and not embarass myself any further by inking dead tree barks although i do need to get back to doodling memoirs ilustrating my own life was some of the best time i ever had where did that damn spiral bond thing go
since this is now offucially journaling are we gonna tlk about how that girl on twitter responding to my dm filled me w so much giddy energy i did a pull up flashbacks to the last and first crush i had where i accidentally learned to do cartwheels damn im liking a few more ppl from defeating goku also yes yes we gotta watch dragin ball will you please stop switching from we to you to me to i it is vwry confusing stick with one tyvm oh look here we are again pacing round and round a targeted object past 1am sonethings never change but i do be missing circling the dining room table cant be helped though it was too exposed why is that an issue i dont know since every breathing entity i assosciate with physically is supposedly asleep at this hour but on the other hand thats not a very reliable assumption plus mom gets up at night a lot ig you cant have 5 kids w out side effects no listen we can journal later lets go back to making a list of things that will inch life forward this rut aint it hold up did i just walk past an untouched dinner my untouched dinner why is my dinner untouched how many hours as it been mom handed over the plate sheesh the curry dried up well we gotta eat what we gotta eat
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quackspot · 5 years
ok i want to talk about my cookie run ocs so i will but below the cut because thats just how it be sdkljklsjklea (im going to TRY not blab out everything i think so then if you want you can send asks)
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ok so hes a liddol baby . he likes to hang out with sand ! theyre best friends and sometimes go to beaches and other places together. he’s very sweet and a little quiet. just a baby.
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speaking of sand here they are!!! they dont talk much but when they do it sometimes freaks cookies out due to it being a drippy sand hole like
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frog doesnt care about it too much . sometimes he tries to put sticks or something in their mouth just to see what’d happen. sand just eats the stick
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rabbit’s foot is ! very lucky to say the least. hes also pretty gullible and easily fall for tricks but due to his luck they never seem to work out. very rarely does something harmful happen to him, though things like disappointing or saddening other cookies can happen. 
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SPEAKING of disappointing or saddening cookies... fun dip! he’s often disappointed due to his tricks not working on rabbit’s foot but that only motivates him more. someone once said he looks like he’d be gumballs brother and honestly that’d be a chaotic pair of siblings (while im hesitant about canon relations with ocs..... who cares????). so yeah fun dip and gumball are brothers. 
rabbit’s foot is very much like a young child (though he is aware of a lot of things, he just has a personality alike to a young child. not a brain alike to a young child) and fun dip is a goofball prankster.
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almond is very grumpy and they want to be a powerful wizard . honestly if they knew how to contact de or find her they would. also they are very emotional but tend to bottle it up (becuase in their tags on their ref its like “bad boy or crybaby” and i was like ‘’ok both’’). 
they dont hang around cookies often
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and now for your local gamer boy. basically mlg jokes all the way around. mtn dew cookie references all that old stuff! theyre likely aware of other things too but theyre like “ah, nah, no thanks bro lolololol” and somehow they have that one robotic male voice? you know  the one in all of cowbelly’s videos that reads the memes? yeah that one. idk how to describe it
they also live off of doritos! besides their pet because it’s kind of obvious that’s a different dorito (plus g4m3r br0 has been existing for a while so it’d taste bad)
(mtn dew cookie is pangender)
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garlic cooky! hes a dad and he’s married but that was on ponytown . i made him when me, kiley, and jamie decided to make a lil oc family . kiley made bread cookie his husband and jamie made butter, their daughter. garlic cookie had a very chaotic family when we all actualy messed around on there !
he also adopted some one’s herb pony on ponytown who acted very feral . we joked about dog with a blog because garlic called him the family dog . garlic cookie thinks toe toe (what he named the feral herb) is a dog unironically. like legit. also he’s a vampire ! he’s allergic to himself but isn’t dead yet somehow.
i could talk more about his family but yeah ! 
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ravioli ravioli give me the formuoli (this oc was made on ponytown as well ! she acts like plankton) 
she is a gremlin. pretty small. why is there so much evil in you, little cookie? also i was playing with styles in that doodle so like  ? if you want me to draw in that style a bit more then just mention it
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ngl i dont like how i doodled corn dog in that one but! corn dog is a baseball player and she’s very much ur classic jock. but nicer. she will want to play with you no matter what you want to play she loves ball games ! considering shipping her with orange cookie for some reason idk why but. if you want corn dog x orange then ig just ask for it sdkljdsljskl ;) i might doodle it too. corn dog x orange x lime? maybe but probably not since it seems like lime would get too jealous too easily
ASIDE from ships i really like how i first drew corn dog
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what i struggled with with my doodle was her hair and i need to practice that a bit so i might look up things to practice with that ;-O
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birthday cake ! he is chaotic party. very energetic. i completely imagine him whacking his face right into cake at a birthday party like if u gave him the 2nd anniversary cake his message would just be like. “*SPLAT* feels good on my face!” just to make it obvious he threw his face into the cake. also he has eyes he just likes to cover them up. maybe he’s blind but i based the blind fold thing off of terezifjseakljklw jklfjkldjkl jfkljwlkjioKLSJKLFJEKLRwer
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gasoline cookie! i only made this character just recently on ponytown. he is very tired and lacking energy and is overall soggy in a sense. party pooper and very serious. i made this guy because i was joking like “if there were a gasoline they’d have a tension with fire spirit thats like ‘’DONT DRINK MY HAIR’’ or something” and then i made him
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JAM!!!! they are my baby child and i love them a lot! i even made a blog for them but idk if its still up uhhh @cookiestuckinspace ! send asks there if you’d like i guess? the blog is very dead.  mtn dew is also there! there’s also unicorn cookie but i didn’t draw her.
they are a very sweet cookie who wishes to befriend many aliens! they’ve learned many languages and often mixes things up (as in, like, you know, accidentally saying an alien idiom in english or an english idiom in alien, forgetting words from either language then trying to describe it then BAM remembering. probably said an alien idiom in ANOTHER alien language while speaking in an english conversation). they know plenty of written languages and honestly? they try so hard to make sure every one is heard. theyre not very professional and theyre kinda bad at driving a ship 
whcih is why they let their space buddy drive the ship! yeah their dog, buddy, drives a spaceship. its funky but their dog is literally a spaceship itself.
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phoenix!!! i only made him because.... on ponytown there was a mythical beast cult. he likes bugs and orange juice i think? capri suns? i dont know but i think he’s had a drink from a juice box before. theres not much about him but! yeah
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RYE COOKIE! hes not really exactly a cookie. more like bread than gingerbread, if you catch what i’m throwing. jam tries really hard to be his friend but he doesnt speak any of hte languages jam knows and jam is trying really hard to figure out what he speaks so they can be friends.
thats all i guess ! please send asks about them or say “would ___ and ___ be friends?” i like to think about the relationships my ocs would have with each other ! 
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heres the image i posted earlier with all my ocs with their names! if you read through this then i love you and have a good day <3
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daily-werewagon · 7 years
Lots of thoughts
((hey my dudes i have a lot to say and i dont wanna clog up you guyses feed with a buch of small ooc posts, so heres a big one. 
Gemma didnt say goodbye when oc swap ended because we had to push her back into the void for naughty children. if Gemmas exessive flirtation or crude language made you uncomfortable this is my sinseir apolagie.. 
as i said before, werewagon wont be in the reset au or the stand swap, there both coming up too soon and there witin the same time as each other and i just don’t want to deal with an event that my heart isnt in. But the blog will still be running even if everyone else is doing the events. 
to be honest with you guys, i should really be takeing a break from this blog, because its a big distraction from a lot of school things i need to be doing. even now im in class suposed to be wrieing an essay. im not gonna take a break from daily werewagon however, i will need you guyses support because im at a streesful time right now. ive gotta apply for a lot of scholorships so i can go to collage and all that jazz. so i may not take a break, but i may get more relaxed.
and on another note, im about 5 or 6 followers away from 200! very exiting! i think i will try to do an art stream where i actualy have my mic on and take requests for doodles. much like what i wanted to do for 100 followers but didn’t.  
also i hope all of you guys are having a nice day! ily all! and sorry for the shit ton of miss spellings of words in this post.)) 
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