#i dont answer a lotta questions mostly bc i straight up forget but i hold onto all of them
gearbroth · 2 years
I’ve been curious about your space au for awhile and the characters you created with it, is it inspired or a cross over with a game of some sort or is it entirely original? Because the blips I see you create are really cool and I’m super interested in the story and art as a whole.
It's a bit of everything I guess! It was originally a "Sun & Moon" AU for Team Fortress 2, started in early January 2021 but the characters quite quickly began to change from their original intention ;w; subtly OOC to straight up different motives and desires; although I try to keep their personalities similar despite the whole different path of life, as well as create scenarios that build them into the characters they are/derive from!
October 2021 brought Gordon/Half-Life into the mix just on a whim. Since then, it's very much changed into it's own thing and become my own little passion project.
I've considered making it sorta Valve-oriented (recently have been concepting how to add Portal to the mix), but as it's become less of an AU and something I consider more of it's own story and have been adding original characters to, it's sorta inconclusive what it is right now.
I don't call it completely my own simply because the characters are derived from previously existing ones, be it in only appearance or personality too - but the story I have blocked out intended does take a completely different path, due to the inherent concept of their beings as celestial bodies in space, although I try to frame some events referencing pivotal moments to the original characters.
I'll still call it "TF2 Space AU" as was it's loose name at first! But I've also been calling the story as "Spaceau"/"Space-AU" lately :3
Whether or not I eventually break away from the original media it derives from, I’m unsure. I don’t think I’ll change their appearances/personalities however if so because they’ve been so set in stone, be it through the immense amount of art I’ve drawn, others have drawn, or sculptures even too. That’s who they are and I can’t see them differently.
There is SO much I have planned for it, my only struggle is time to commit to it ;w; but I hope to one day be able to share the whole story! Be it in little pieces, context-less and concept art, or more.
And sidenote; I tend to be a little closed off about it (mostly bc online social anxiety -u-””) because I want to have so much more already prepared to share, have all my plot notes concrete and just everything be perfect and grandiose once I think it’s ready. A lot of it is jumbled all over the place and I’m still fleshing out major plot points and middle points to be arranged all together in a concise story. But who knows! My hopeful intention is to have all the plot written together in a storyboard style final draft, so I can interpret it into a webcomic to share - as telling stories through visual art is my personal way to tell stories.
(in any case: thanks for readin’ all this if you did! And thank you everyone whose been supporting me making this and been excited to see it. I hope to have more and more to share!)
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