#i dont bother him about that cuz that would be a REAL asshole move on my end. it's just internal thoughts
danepopfrippery · 2 years
Wtf is happening over on ofmd Twitter??
I dont tag in much so last i was aware was the ‘stede bonnet is a racist and u are too’ fluff. And this is of course my take. I only peak in anymore someone more involved might be able to explain better.
Theres some lovely ppl over there, gorgeous art and nsfw art too. But starting lets say may-ish a group of mostly young fans (judging by their profiles most were under 22) started saying most fans were racist for liking Stede Bonnet or Izzy and basically white people and straight ppl shouldnt be allowed to watch or be fans. If u like Con or Izzy (yup both) you were basically a klan member cuz clearly he thinks Ed is his slave etc. it goes on.
Look im white and cishet so im basically 3% of most of the fandom. But i found this particularly interesting cuz a lot of these people crossed over with Wwdits and no one wanted to talk about Kayvan Novak doing repeated blackface starting in 2015. They also didnt want to acknowledge Taika said some real terfy shit when he was my age in 2014 (mustve been an asshole era). Neither man has apologized (or mark proksch) and Kayvan doubled down on it last year.
So look i absolutely can not say how poc are allowed to feel. I just find it very odd they want to lynch Rhys and Con but are fine with Kayvan especially. Blackface to me seems like an ultimate sin.
So moving along… by the C2e2 they wanted to cancel Con for playing Izzy and slammed anyone who fangirled over him. A few weeks later Con made an insensitive comment about a tory having a coke nose, comparing it to a latine country. For some reason that didnt blow up til August. He did apologize and deleted or paused his twitter (he claimed before it blew up he would for filming and this coincided with filming beginning so hard to say). Most of them felt apologizing was no good and this was proof he was truly a racist playing a racist character.
(Fyi my personal belief is ppl should take responsibility, sincerely apologize, and never do x again).
Rhys’ wife is a royalist and when the Queen died they went after her and Rhys for saying Elizabeth’s death was sad. Wife doubled down. Ppl said proof shes racist and he should divorce her (i mean…i didnt love it but they really went after them. Im no royalist and think the queen was a colonizer.)
So then a few weeks ago Rhys Darby briefly replied to a friend that he felt playing Stede Bonnet was like reliving a past life. It was like 2 sentences. Ppl first thought it was cute, then this mob came to feast. They attacked any fan who liked it and attacked rhys so much he declared this is why he doesnt tweet much.
I personally took the tweet to mean he felt like he was reliving a life, not necessarily Stede Bonnet the real dude. But i mean shit if ur playing (or claiming) a rich white man pre 1860 the dude was likely a slave owner. Not a justification but liking a fictional character doesnt mean u think the fictional character is the real dude. I didnt know Stede Bonnet existed before ofmd. Real dude was a cunty slave owner who was prbly mentally ill and an asshole to his crew. I dont conflate Rhys’ bird of paradise bitchy queen with that dude. In my world Stede Bonnet is a fictional character. Fuck the real guy.
Soooo ive ranted nice and long here (sorry i have feelings). But the summary is theres a young mob of ofmd fans on twitter who want to prove they are activists by being assholes to real ppl who arent doing anything worth calling out…while also not calling out actors who really have done shit. Basically baby bullies. And oddly many of them are white so its even weirder. But thats that. I dont recommend bothering with it.
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slashingdisneypasta · 3 years
Ram Sweeney x Reader || Headcanons
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Topic: Dating HC's
*Sigh*... I write regularly write for creeps like Freddy Krueger and Offenderman... and am one of the few tumblrs that write for Sheriff Hoyt romantically... and yet Kurt and Ram are my real guilty pleasure characters.
Anyway I hope someone other then me wanted this XDD I'm gonna do a Kurt one too.
Warnings: Some NSFW but not explicit.
Your song: The Way I Loved You (Taylor Swift)
He respects my space and never makes me wait
And he calls exactly when he says he will
He's close to my mother, talks business with my father
He's charming and endearing and I'm comfortable
But I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain
And it's 2:00 a.m. and I'm cursing your name
So in love that you act insane
And that's the way I loved you
Breakin' down and coming undone
It's a roller coaster kinda rush
And I never knew I could feel that much
And that's the way I loved you
You two as a TV/Movie/Book couple: Bianca Piper and Wesley Rush (The DUFF)
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Having the kind of relationship that no one else understands at all. Like, you have nothing in commen except commen history and your feelings for each other (Which are, on the other hand, totally clear to everyone) but when you're together you're always laughing and being affectionate.
Being in an on and off relationship throughout middle school and highschool- but never and I repeat; Never, is anyone permitted to mess with you at all. Because Ram always considers you his, even when you arent together.
So yeah, you always have 2 (Ram, and Kurt) large football star bodyguards at your disposal.
Being very playful together.
SOOOOoooooo much PDA. Including: Making out in the hallways and at school events like football games (You dont care who sees), sitting in his lap or at least squished close to his side at lunch, him throwing you over his shoulder to carry you places, him giving you piggy back rides, him picking you up and twirling you around, him just standing behind you with his arms around your waist and his chin rested on your shoulder when he's bored (With everything but you), his arm being over your shoulders as you walk together, you wiping peanut butter on his nose to get a rise out of him and then running away so he'll chase you, you peppering his face with kisses to make him laugh, etc.
Having a turbulent relationship. Because while, when all is well you two are like peanut butter and jelly and seem like the perfect highschool sweethearts, when you arent it's because Ram has gotten really jealous over something and called you a terrible name (Skank, whore, slut, bitch- any of those) or you understandably got irritated by his bullying and/or being a perverted, sexist asshole and you have huge, blow out fights in the middle of school and by the end of the period the whole student body knows about it.
You give him the silent treatment and the cold shoulder after those (If you didnt break up, that is) and he sends Kurt to give you messages.
When you make up its because he sincerely apologises although he doesn't 100% understand what he did wrong which becomes part of the next fight.
As you've been together so very long, he is basically part of your fucking family. He's so familiar and casual with your parent/s and/or sibling/s. They love him so much that, whether you're with him at the time or not, they allow him into the house and your bedroom with a cup of tea and snacks. (Its the 'American dream' popular-boy / football-star thing.)
So yeah, sometimes when you're mad at him or he wants to get back together (Which generally you want to do, to. You honestly have the same biological timer. Its like, 3 weeks pass by of being broken up and then ding ding ding! You both get the feelings its time to get back together and start sharing grins in the hallway and talking to your friends about eachother) you'll just find him waiting for you in your room when you come home.
Hanging out a looooooot with Kurt. Movie nights at your place, hanging out at the mall together on weekends sneaking out to see them at the football field at night time, etc. When you're sad, they'll both turn up wherever you are to cheer you up, too! Goofballs.
This does not mean there arent times where Ram shoo's Kurt off, though, when you two want some alone time together (*Eyebrow wiggles*) because of course. I'm just saying, you're a close-knit group.
When you are alone together, not much changes from when you're around others honestly XD You're still just as playful and affectionate. You just, you know, also have sex.
When he's down, you rusk your graceful image and climb through his bedroom window to be there with him. You dont fuck, you dont even really kiss. You just climb into bed with him and he'll tuck you under his chin and close his eyes. Legit old married couple. And you two sleep- by morning, he usually feels better and refuses to let you get out of bed with him.
"Five more minutessssss, babe!" He whines, holding you against him and pressing kisses to your head. You know he'll just say that again in 5 minutes time- and over, and over, and over again.
"Oh- no. I've been caught in this trap before Ram. We have school, so we have to get up. Come on!" You push firmly at his stomach (or abs) with your fists; not that that does much as he just just groans or gathers your little wrists in one big fist to stop you (Either way he certainly doesn't even flinch). His eyes are still closed. You sigh.
Now you have two choices, you can either give in and snuggle back into him for the rest of the morning, or threaten to send an attack towards his groin and he'll literally fling himself outta bed. Like "OH LOOK AT THE TIME- Kurt's gonna be waiting for us outside. Lets go!"
There are also mornings that you wake up with him (No sad Ram the night before necessary) and are all too happy to stay there with him. You just adorably nod into his chest, eyes still closed and making the cutest half-asleep morning sound when he asks if you wanna stay here a bit longer and he happily pulls the blanket over both your heads; shielding you both from the real world for a while.
You are also the only person who has any sort of control over him and Kurt. Like you can take them down a few pegs with just a look.
You two do date other people when you're broken up but its clear to anyone watching that these are just nice place holders for eachother. Neither of you are ever as happy with others as you are with eachother. You're ridiculously in love, actually.
Ypu were the first one to say I Love You, and he immediately called Kurt for guidance XD
Places you've had sex (Because it is always the full monty with Ram): Both your bedrooms so so so many times, the school bathrooms, his car, Kurts car (Kurt was NOT pleased.), the back of the football field, under the bleachers during a game or pep rally (he was benched for being too violent) + under the bleachers during practise + under the bleachers when the football field is deserted, the back of the school, the faculty parking lot at school, Kurts and Heather Chandler's houses (Parties. Basically a Westerburg High party is not complete without Y/N L/N and Ram Sweeney breaking in someones bed), his parent's car, the woods, cow pasture (a picnic blanket was used), and finally some mall changing rooms.
You leave him messages on his answering machine. He listens to every one of them (Which means something because he doesnt listen to anyone elses, unless he's gotta get through them to get to yours).
Him being SUCH a jealous asshole (With everyone except Kurt).
Having Kurt "Smartest guy on the football team," Kelly be your (Occasionally, live in- yes, he has slept over with the two of you on the floor so he could break up fights) couples councellor. Often his advice is 'fuck it out' but he also comes up with oddly wise shit sometimes. Mostly he's just very exasperated though. Like, its obvious you two are gonna end up together- stop bothering me with this shit. Let me get some pussy for myself guys please-
You two getting a bit frisky on movie nights with Kurt and he throws stuff at you. He just starts bringing a pool noodle (That he drew an angry face onto) along with him and hitting y'all with it whenever he feels its necessary. Cuz I mean, on one hand, of course he's happy for his bro Ram that he's getting his dick wet, but on the other- ITS FUCKIN MOVIE NIGHT, PULL YOURSELVES TOGETHER FOR T W O S E C O N D S (Oh the irony- it does indeed escape him). He'll park his ass right in the middle of you two if you keep it up.
If he had survived, you and Ram would have broken up after graduation and spent college apart, before bumping into each other again back home as new (Improved. Especially him) people that fit together better now and ended up getting back together for good.
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
You see that people are starting to smarten up a little and that the Earth's core being mined out of iron has attracted tons of attention and Yukio laughing because he's doing the I'm lost in outer space Star blazers routine. How much people get it now I can't really lost in outer space, you won't survive and we need to Star blazers so fighting for or is it trying to find the entrances cuz they need it.
Tommy f is angry and he's generated most of the problems our sun has and I won't stop sorry hitting him. And we're going to tear them down he's had his day in the Sun the pig and that's all it gets. And smack Daddy finally got it like yesterday and it's sitting around town until then being this big fart same thing is going fine he looked at the specs on the comet Empire Moon ship and started to weep this boy came by and mooned him for real and it was on. And he yelled at Mac follow that Moon and a John Candy who found Tommy f frowning and he's following him a lot of people think it's funny. Follow that Moon and it's the thing to do you follow him and you find his higher UPS and you keep harassing and you follow him down there.
We have a program and we needed this badly it's finally out hes finally getting his ass handed to him. Trump's just finally see it and they're not easy enough for a son nope not one bit so we can't afford them their assholes we need them out they're losing the banks in the lost most of one of them Citibank. The other two will crumble after even though they're larger because people don't want to see this kind of crap Bank of America especially good God that was horrible we dont even want to see the name. So he told him not to and we're telling him again and the a****** comes around and bothers her son and he did last night parked in front of the mailboxes people followed him afterwards to see what he was doing and they checked the mailboxes the mailman came by yes they scanned them believe it or not. Open it to look and left and he came back by again and they're ready and they nabbed him. Interested him they arrested him because he's just sitting there harassing people with it and they found out later when he was doing sending a precident and he's trying to get a device and he found it near where he was going. And they do see what he was up to and where and it was not intended for our son but it was and is too close it's a threat on him and they took him in and they're holding him and they're going to move him shortly and it goes into a movie and you guessed it he's Woody harrelson and he gets out and he goes on the spree and then he gets put back in and no he's not Christopher Walken and somehow he gets put in jail for what happened that's weird and it is normal if you figure it out any influence Christopher Walken to do it. My friend says that Tommy f is probably producing most of the chips up there it is and that I can't see why you get hit for attacking him except Tommy f would be doing the counter attack and has been doing quite steadily and they say it's us and our son and he wants you to stop doing that cuz it doesn't make any sense and a pain in the ass isn't care about silicon valley on the whole so you can say whatever you want it looks really weird you want silicon valley stick it up your ass.
And he's really mean person no matter what happens it's pain in the ass Anderson says it again that the borge are fueled by places like that, are tommy f facilities as he took most things over and it is related to Tron and that's why they call it that and they have the robot people go ahead and clear out security turn off security systems remove tracking and find people monitoring and then the Marauders come in with the life cycles and they zoom around and disable it permanently and it's a technique
And it's on more likely and they say thank you for the advice and that these people are helping they need to be pulled off because they're far too vehement and it's not what I do and you can see what I do now
Thor Freya
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the-firebird69 · 3 years
I think I should probably pay attention he's so pissed off while running around as a poor person you sitting there kicking her ass cuz he won't shut the f****** as well nobody seems to give a s*** about him always dumping on him and he's like what would you think what would you do other countries need me and you don't so much I think of something they're like really not trying that hard for ships and stuff we're taking advantage of it and we're sitting here bothering the s*** out of them and you just put the foot on the gas cuz he couldn't stand today, there isn't a fact and he sent us 10 years of warning don't do this don't do this don't do this we do it everyday you people are Max are not listening to me but you're mine but you're fools okay this guy is no fool he's no child and he's somehow leading all the rebels because there's such f****** assholes to him it's a simple job in Chicago placate associated you won't do any of it instead you advertise as friends are dead and his parents are dead everyday over and over like some sort of moronic f****** dying cow so I don't get what you want out of life at all but you dont. You don't see it everybody walking down the street eating finger food for real I mean what the f*** are you but a bunch of losers get out of the way don't put them in a in a teeny little place trapped in there he has to struggle to get food I mean you're f****** nuts what I'm saying is what he's so valuable I don't want to say what's going on because you're a bunch of piss boys he's moving armies okay huge armies fast ones against us because you won't shut your f****** mouth and give him like $20 a day more I mean what is wrong with you people you're maxing your s*** heads and you like it you like evacuating the Midwest that's because of you s*** heads not because of rebels
Mac Daddy
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