#i dont disapprove of fem sirius
mollymarymarie · 2 years
in your new fic, is remus also a huge guy? like it seems like a pattern in this fandom that someone who criticizes fem sirius saying writing sirius as fem is heteronormative writes remus small and short just the way they criticized about fem sirius, and i’ve seen you agree on posts criticizing fem sirius so i got curious.
hm. if i have agreed with a post criticizing fem sirius, whatever that post was, the intention behind my agreement was exactly the point you're trying to make. what i don't agree with is people boxing in characters with "this character HAS to be written this way or it's WRONG". I have written Remus as shorter than Sirius, and I have written Remus as taller than Sirius. I have described Remus as being "thick" in that same fic that I described Sirius as having "ample" thighs. I have written Sirius as half-Indian, as Russian. I have written Remus as half-Japanese. The point I'm trying to make is I will not intentionally criticize someone's choice of writing THEIR fic the way THEY want to, but I also don't approve of telling someone they wrote a character INCORRECTLY because it didn't follow "YOUR" idea of what canon should be.
By the way, I wrote a version of Sirius wearing makeup and dresses and thigh-high boots, so if you saw me agreeing with a post that criticized fem sirius, you may have taken that out of context. That fic is called The Only Living Boy in New York if you're interested.
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