#in my fics remus lupin will literally never be short
mollymarymarie · 2 years
in your new fic, is remus also a huge guy? like it seems like a pattern in this fandom that someone who criticizes fem sirius saying writing sirius as fem is heteronormative writes remus small and short just the way they criticized about fem sirius, and i’ve seen you agree on posts criticizing fem sirius so i got curious.
hm. if i have agreed with a post criticizing fem sirius, whatever that post was, the intention behind my agreement was exactly the point you're trying to make. what i don't agree with is people boxing in characters with "this character HAS to be written this way or it's WRONG". I have written Remus as shorter than Sirius, and I have written Remus as taller than Sirius. I have described Remus as being "thick" in that same fic that I described Sirius as having "ample" thighs. I have written Sirius as half-Indian, as Russian. I have written Remus as half-Japanese. The point I'm trying to make is I will not intentionally criticize someone's choice of writing THEIR fic the way THEY want to, but I also don't approve of telling someone they wrote a character INCORRECTLY because it didn't follow "YOUR" idea of what canon should be.
By the way, I wrote a version of Sirius wearing makeup and dresses and thigh-high boots, so if you saw me agreeing with a post that criticized fem sirius, you may have taken that out of context. That fic is called The Only Living Boy in New York if you're interested.
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noahmullariii · 6 months
a much too whiny rant about fic icks
I die a little every time pup, cub or Prongslet comes up in a wolfstar raising Harry (together or separately) fic. especially cub - it makes literally no sense????? are you sure it's Remus John Lupin I'm reading about??? it's his evil doppelganger, I'm telling you. I'm not even sure I could stomach that word ironically.
Prongslet is fine in moderation, I guess, but only as an inside joke, only coming from Sirius and only when Harry's a smol bean. but when it's Prisoner of Azkaban compliant I wanna claw my eyes out.
it's even worse when those terms are used not just in dialogue but in Remus or Sirius' internal monologue as if pup and cub are Harry's freaking pronouns or something. my cub, my pup, cub did this, pup did that... just call him boy or kid or his name for god's sake. I once saw sprog pop up and was delighted cuz at least it's actually british slang.
and don't get me started on Hadrian(us) James Orion Potter-Black (which is just... why the fuck would James give his son the name of his best mate's horrible father AND the last name of his horrible family?? and why would Lily agree to that?) who's simultaneously Lord Potter, Black, Peverell and Slytherin (and, sure, I have a visceral reaction to aristocracy wank in general but even ignoring that - the last 3 literally make no sense since "Lord Black" is Sirius until his death; and both Peverell and Slytherin lines bled into other families ages ago. so being a Potter automatically means you're descended from Peverells as well as being a Gaunt - from Slytherin. and the last of those is Tom Riddle Jr. but that wouldn't make any Potters "Lord Peverell"s or any Gaunts/Riddle "Lord Slytherin"s. those last names are dead. smh).
but, uh, this tangent technically has nothing to do with my initial complaints, it's just that at some point I started thinking of this naming stuff in tandem with nonsensical nicknames as they began appearing in fics together. which is a double homicide, truly.
and look, I definitely understand the desire to make Harry's original name something else cuz it fits nicely with POC Potters headcanon and Dursleys being racist dicks about it, but... Hadrian? I mean, it's not really a big deal when the fic mentions it being his full name but both narration and characters still refer to him as Harry for short - that makes total sense. however when after the name reveal Hadrian replaces Harry completely, it feels super weird and uncanny, making it hard to identify Harry's character in the story altogether.
although I guess you should all knock me off my high horse for being the biggest hypocrite ever, cuz I myself have a headcanon for Harry's name, even if it's less elaborate than Hadrian. also less Roman? that's another thing I don't get - if you want to create a better connection between Harry and his roots, why choose a name of a Roman emperor for a desi kid? since he's usually explicitly desi in all the Hadrian fics. so it's not that I have a problem with renaming him, per se, I just don't understand the choice of Hadrian.
for example, I recently read a fic where he was Pakistani and his name was originally Hami, which is a nice idea, actually, and makes sense for such headcanon. mine is Hari btw (हरि in Sanskrit), since I headcanon Potters as Indian, but I didn't come up with that name myself - just saw it somewhere a couple years ago and liked it. I think it's actually a pretty popular hc now? anyway, it's closer to Harry than any other name I've seen and has many beautiful meanings that resonate with what I think James and Lily felt towards their son. now, even though I still prefer his name being Harry regardless of ethnicity, I do entertain this silly headcanon from time to time - so yeah, I'm one to talk, boo me.
now, I probably should shut up since this rant has been entirely too negative already, but while I'm on the topic of icky names/nicknames I should circle back to wolfstar cuz gods know I'll never be brave enough to talk about this particular pet peeve in its own post.
Siri, Remu and Remy make my blood boil. Siri could be kinda cute when it's a silly childhood nickname from Regulus, but if any marauder or Lily calls Sirius that - immediate death. Si and Re are a teensy bit better in moderation and if used ironically, but still stab me in the chest. a couple times for good measure. the only somewhat acceptable short form of any of their two names for me is Rem, albeit with a stretch and only because it's an actual version of the name Remus in Catalan and Russian. I know I'm being way too dramatic about this (just like with all of my previous points) but I just don't understand the need to shorten their names. at all. they're only 3 and 2 syllables long and so mystical on their own that any shortening just makes them simultaneously more nonsensical and less remarkable.
both characters literally have established quirky nicknames in canon that you can play with and even shorten to Pads and Moons if you want. Sirius is not a digital assistant and Remus is not the main character from Ratatouille. stop this madness.
plus James is right there. his name has a ridiculous amount of diminutives - Jamie, Jimmy, Jim, Jam, Jem, Jay and even Jimbo if you're into that. why strip Remus and Sirius' magical names of their charm if you can have fun with common names? but I digress.
at the end of the day, my pet peeves are mine only and I should live with them in fragile peace. this post is a personal rant first and foremost and if you disagree, I'm genuinely happy that you enjoy the things I can't. fandom is a playground and we can all find some fun in different corners. I'd also like to point out that I'm not trying to take a jab at fic writers who use any of the aforementioned terms, names or diminutives. I'm only one person, so if I stop reading your work because of my petty biases, it's only my loss and not your problem. hundreds of other fans will enjoy it instead. so keep doing what you love and writing those characters however you want, it's your right!
so yeah, writers and readers - don't take it personally and have your fun! don't listen to me being mean! I'm just making my fandom experience way too convoluted for my own good.
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wolfstarshipping · 1 year
I’m in a reading slump, do you have any good fics that you can recommend me?
Hi, thanks for asking lovely anon! I've thought about this and I have several different approaches on how to answer your ask, so this'll be a longer list, I hope you find something you like!
First category: Texting Fics!
I love text fics because they're usually very fast-paced and easy to read, so I think they might be a good way to combat a reading slump!
You could either go with the iconic Text Talk by merlywhirls (141.250 words), a boarding school AU with a home-schooled, chronically ill Remus, a true classic and the fic that started the whole wolfstar texting fic trend back in the day!
Or, one of my personal favorites from the same era for purely nostalgic reasons, aesthetic: trash boys by Emaly/merlywhirls (89.473 words, everyone is super queer, strong chosen family vibes, with an HIV positive Remus and genderqueer Sirius).
Or if you want a modern text fic classic, there's always Staying Strangers by 3amAndCounting (319.368 words, university AU, this is one of those fics I've reread a couple of times already, just because I love it so much, especially the texting in the beginning).
Snow In June by BrigidFaye (25.561 words) is a magical AU set in the US that also has some texting elements, even though it's not as text-heavy as the fics mentioned above, but the worldbuilding and the setting is wonderful, and lumberjack Remus is everything I ever needed in my life!
Dear Your Holiness by @mollymarymarie (142.264 words) is a priest AU and band AU, with a bit of texting, though this one is also already kind of moving into the next category of fics mentioned below. Obviously the whole catholic priest theme is not going to be for everybody, but if you think you might enjoy that, I highly recommend it, it's so, so good! And if you don't think you'll enjoy the themes of this fic, check out literally any other fic by mollymarymarie, I think at this point I've read almost all of them and enjoyed every single one I read immensely!!
Alright, so now the next category is fics with plots that will get you out of any reading slump:
I've recently become obsessed with @lynxindisguise's fics, so I'd also recommend checking out all of them, but since I've mostly recommended longer fics on this list so far, I'll go with a shorter one: in the dark, there is discovery (11.796 words) is a wonderful pirate AU that you can easily read in one evening, and it has beautiful world building, Remus Lupin as a seamonster and my new favorite trope - there was only one hammock.
Let Me Get What I Want (This Time) by Sierra_Sitruc (69.878 words) is a plot-driven and amazing fix-it-fic, that I keep thinking about even months after I've read it, and that had me stay awake at ungodly hours just because I couldn't put it down and wanted to know how it ended!
The Bent by @ebp-brain (40.257 words) is an incredible fic about queer lives, politics and art, oppression and resistance, so if any of those things sound like something you'd enjoy I highly recommend reading it, I always love earlybloomingparentheses' writing, it's so, so beautiful and powerful!
take me as i am (48.494 words) has one of the most unique settings I've ever read - it features Sirius as an (adorable) sleep demon, who is supposed to give Remus nightmares, and I also love the way this fic depicts various mental illnesses.
In saccharine by moonymoment (26.447 words) Sirius is a ghost haunting Remus's apartment, and this is another one of those fics I keep thinking about because it was just so so good.
full moon twofold by renaissance (12,031 words) is a Gothic-romance style AU and an incredible take on the question "what if Remus never went to Hogwarts?".
And now maybe a few shorter fics:
The first rec in this category is not even a specific fic but just a tumblr account: @wolfstarmicrofic, if you scroll through their blog you'll find lots and lots of really short fics which might just be what you need to get back into reading!
In You, I Count Stars by @wolfpants (1.540 words) is a wonderful hogwarts-era oneshot set in the Astronomy Tower with a pining Sirius.
It's Cold Outside by Remustrash (1.788 words) is a very fluffy and cosy there-was-only-one-bed fic, featuring the most oblivious of all oblivious puppies!
June, and Other Natural Disasters by montparnasse (5.524 words) is a beautifully written fic that made me feel all the feels and has great summer vibes!
Okay and the last category is fics with A+ vibes that'll make you forget all about your reading slump:
The Long Way Home by @hollyivydruzy (177.337 words) is a university AU and the kind of fic I didn't want to ever end, because the characters felt so incredibly real, and it's so easy to get completely immersed and lost in their wonderful, chaotic world and follow along on all their university adventures.
this desperate in love by drowsyanddazed (20.776 words) is a very cute high school AU, and reading it felt like watching a coming of age / teen movie in the best kind of way!
wading in waist-high water by @colgatebluemintygel (82.060 words) is a Great British Bake-Off AU that features Remus as a contestant and and Sirius as a host who's thirsting after Remus, and I just love the whole setting and atmosphere of the fic, as well as the writing! And this fic's Arthur Weasley needs to be protected at all costs, I love him a lot!
A Brief History of Dragons by @eyra (23.488 words) is an incredibly cosy and wonderful modern AU set in Cornwall, I absolutely ADORE Remus in this fic and love the way his and Sirius's relationship slowly develops, this fic has such a special place in my heart.
Alright I think I could keep going and add to this list forever but I'll stop now, let me know if you read any of these, and I hope they'll end your reading slump! x
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fandoomrants · 7 months
ohhh just saw ur rant post! i agree with like 99.99% of it and im excited and i just wanna point out that it's stated in canon that james would have considered it the height of dishonor to distrust his friends, so, canonically, we only know of sirius suspecting remus (although i've read fics where james also distrused remus and i adore the angst and the drama and the absolute tragedy of it)
to add to the dorm thing: there are only like 5 boys in gryffindor in harry's year. not just in his dorm, but the whole house (as stated in chambers of secrets), so there's a very real chance the marauders were the only 4 boys in their year in gryffindor
and also to back up another one of ur points: pottermore canon states that remus was the one to bring peter into the group ("Remus, always the underdog’s friend, was kind to short and rather slow Peter Pettigrew, a fellow Gryffindor, whom James and Sirius might not have thought worthy of their attention without Remus’s persuasion. Soon, these four became inseparable."). before that it also states that "Remus Lupin was swiftly befriended by two cheerful, confident and rebellious boys, James Potter and Sirius Black. They were attracted by Remus’s quiet sense of humour and a kindness that they valued, even if they did not always possess it themselves"
Half my posts are rants, it's literally in the name of my url 😅😅 But I know which one you mean.
Oh, yeah, you're actually right here. It was pretty much Sirius we know about but I somehow thing it must have been a little bit from the others too. Especially because of the fact that Remus had actively started distancing himself. Oh, just imagine if Peter was intentionally slipping comments about it or something just so he can fully take the suspicion from himself away. And then... In reality I think Remus was mostly doing it to just keep them safe.
I'm not 100% sure if it's ever mentioned that someone outside of the Marauders, later Snape, and Dumbledore knew he's a werewolf. Maybe the other teachers, or some of them, but I highly doubt anyone in the first Order knew. In fact, maybe Lily didn't know. And I mentioned in another post how I think that maybe he hasn't seen Harry as a baby and this makes me feel so sad because he probably wanted to stay away.
But I'm not so sure here, I have to admit it's been a while since I read the books.
I fall into some downwards spiral about angsty thoughts but I actually don't like reading such fics xD Honestly, in this fandom I can swear 80% of them are either some angst or Major Character Death warning... I can't. If I want that, I'll reread the parts from the book xD
Oh, okay, that's a good point! We really don't know if there weren't other boys there. I just think, all dorms were kind of for 5 people and idk, if there are 5 students, they all gonna be in one. If there are 10 or less, they'll be in two, etc. So I suppose here the question is how many boys were in this year. (Tbh, I never really understood the roommates thing xD I somehow can't imagine having to share a room with someone for years and not becoming friends. Sure, for example Harry and Ron were best friends but I believe they considered the other friends too, just not as close. How would you otherwise trust these people with stuff like... Not touching your personal things or like, killing you in your sleep. Stuff like that. Also, it's otherwise kinda awkward.)
Thanks for pointing this out! I wasn't completely sure about it but I thought it's so. Now just imagine how everything must have felt even more awful for Remus in the end. But aoso this whole roommate thing would make lots of sense as to why he befriended Peter in the first place and later they all became friends.
Thanks for the ask and the info!!
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broomsticks · 2 years
HP fic rec list: underrated gems of 2022
AO3 collection here. mostly ultra rare pairs, gen fic, character studies, and G/T rated fic. all are short <10k-ish reads (plenty of <1k ficlets) - do give them a read if any look interesting!
transports of delight by @swoontodeath (1.7k, G). The Knight Bus meets the Catbus. Sometimes destiny looks a lot like driving in the same direction.
pairing: Knight Bus (Harry Potter)/Catbus (My Neighbor Totoro). come for the crack ship, stay for the autistic stan shunpike. i’m a sucker for outsider POV and this is why — such great opportunity for some unique characterization, which this author took full advantage of here!
Life of Pye by @houseofhebrideanblacks (9k, E). Augustus Pye sees patients at St. Mungo's.
SUCH a creative unique fic - love it when authors take their deep IRL expertise and weave it into the canon HP verse. as the author put it, for anyone curious about what a nonmagical doctor sounds like writing about what they imagine magical medicine is like, day in and day out.
“It’s Puddlemere versus the Cannons tonight. The cup final.” Pye stopped mid-stride and mid-thought, shoulders seeming to weep under the weight of realisation. “Oh no,” he almost whispered. “Oh yes,” Marge glowered, “and you’re alone tonight, Rupert is off sick.” “Good heavens,” Pye whimpered, his coffee seeming to shrink in his hand, both in potency and relevance. In the waiting room behind him, three blokes hurricaned in chanting “CANNONS, CANNONS, CANNONS,” their unconscious friend slumped and dragged between them. “You know how it is, Pye,” Marge turned and shuffled back to validate the young witch’s national insurance card. Speaking over her shoulder, she finished, “never a dull moment at Mungo’s.”
Strangers In A Strange Land by @sleepstxtic (7.5k words, T). Helga, Salazar, and Godric dock in a strange land looking for the elusive fourth member of their team.
helga/rowena, founders friendship with POC Rowena Ravenclaw and Viking Helga Hufflepuff. CANON NODS and POC REP and FEMSLASH and a wonderful fascinating setting — ticks every single one of my AU boxes. another incredibly inventive and criminally underrated story.
A Different Truth by @paulamcg (2.8k, G). A week before Halloween 1993, when a colleague appreciates his company, Cuthbert may feel alive, even though he's dead and it's Saturday.
ok this is the last time i will say criminally underrated. canon-compliant POA first person cuthbert binns & remus lupin. this could’ve been slash and i would’ve been sold on it. i love their friendship, bonding over literature (of course) and a walk in the woods (so unexpected, but works so well.)
Meagre Pieces by @vdoshu (1k words, T). The Muggle-born Registration Commission is announced, and Andromeda feels sick.
The fact that the first Muggle-born Minister for Magic was a great victory for equality . . . one which was never again repeated.
@thistlecatfics’s trans teddy tonks x andromeda is taking over the world and i’m here for it. the political commentary in this. doshu you absolute wizard — you’ve got such range and you nail it every. single. time.
O let the world come at you, love (currently anonymous) (5k, T). Twelve-year-old Harry tries to figure out his parents' polyamorous relationship with Peter Pettigrew.
the first fic for the peter/lily/james tag on AO3, gifted to me for this year’s rare pairs exchange, and it’s all the wholesome fluff i i could’ve wanted from this ship and more!!! so much poly rep!! background wolfstar+tonks (ish), dorlene+implied others, and just the perfect epilogue 🥰
"Does it bother you that your parents are with Pete?" Sirius asked. "No! I know they're polymers."
Nirmal by @crazybutgood (2.8k, G).
postwar cho/padma. i ADORE this fic. there are literally LINKS to all the places and foods and songs mentioned, it’s an ENTIRE immersive multimedia experience in 3k words - a beautiful and horrendously underappreciated fic, imo.
hawa paani ka badlaav hona chahiye—A change in atmosphere is often needed to improve one's health or state of mind. Literally, a change in the winds, and the water. Parvati quoted that saying to us one evening last month, suggesting that it would be good for Cho and me. My parents knew that I had been with Cho for just over a year then, and welcomed her to stay with us after the Battle … Cho actually looked interested at the idea and suggested our home countries for a month each. And so, we’re currently visiting Mumbai first, staying in a Muggle area at my Muggle maushi’s place, in July—during the monsoon season.
a heart the size of jupiter (a smile like the sun) by gghostish (300 words, G, no archive warnings).
linny, epileptic luna lovegood. such a lovely achy hurty little thing ❤️
métamorphoses by @venom0usbarbie (5k, M). The blood curse took her grandmother. And now, she has to pay the piper if she doesn't want it to take her too.
astoria greengrass-centric, astoria & hermione (gen/possible pre-relationship). this fic wow. where do i begin!! the descriptive writing. the angsty family feels. the way barbie writes the blurring of thoughts and feelings and emotions into physical sensations is harrowingly good. check out everything else by her if you liked this, her style is inimitable.
wood-rush and wildflowers by @nanneramma (500 words, G). Lily has a secret, and it's time to tell Petunia.
wonderful little canon compliant alternate character POV vignette, gorgeous writing. also reccing this horrorific pansy/tom (ad te omnis caro veniet, 1.3k, M), this gorgeously sad canon-compliant alice & neville (gaps, 300, G), and every single one of nan’s summer femslash double drabbles!
covered in your ivy by @girl-with-goats (1.5k, M).
smutty BDSM remus/lily with planty metaphors that just work so well for this pairing!
I Always Underestimate You by @patriceavril (10k, M).
sirius & lily friendship! multi-era, canon compliant, sirius/mary and jily. i love the way patrice characterizes this friendship -- it’s not always easy, and that’s why it feels so earned!
Madam Smith by @lumosatnight (200 words, G). HOKEY/WINKY! SO charming and sweet and lovely and fluffy.
A Bleak Midwinter by @bluesundaycake (500, T). A Fenrir Greyback character study. feel sorry for baby fenrir thank you bye <3
Pray by @krethes (300, T). A Hope Lupin character study. yes hello hi read and CRY WITH ME
The Prince's Poems by @inmyownlittlecorner5. seven poems, misc formats. this author writes the most enthralling snape, and making it poetry is just !!! unfair. such powerful writing in so few words.
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hogwartseighthyear · 2 years
i’ve hardly had any time to work on my own fanfics this semester, so here’s a short little roundup of a few in-progress harry potter fics from other authors that i’ve been keeping up with:
the journal of dreadful things series by lilbeanz19: (G, draco & harry) eleven-year-old draco is visited by his future self and given a journal detailing what he must do differently this time around, i.e. befriending harry and the golden trio — literally so cute and enjoyable. like honestly. i especially think first-year draco is written and characterized really well, and this whole thing was just so much fun to read. i genuinely can't wait for the next part of the series
the heir to the house of prince series by elph13: (M, theo/harry) harry discovers and accepts his numerous magical heirships before fifth year, finds out snape is his real father, and gains an incredible amount of power that he must learn how to wield — i never even shipped theo/harry before reading this but i guess i do now because this series is so fucking good!! i'm a big sucker for fics that get really deep into the magic and politics of the wizarding world and this doesn't disappoint. so worth the time to read, trust me. the author is currently on a hiatus for a couple months, but they had a super frequent update schedule beforehand
when you devour a dragon series by cestpasdubaudelaire: (M, nbc hannibal crossover, will/hannibal) will and hannibal transfer to hogwarts after being expelled from ilvermorny before their fifth year and get swept into the golden trio’s story all while continuing their serial killer shenanigans — okay for all my fellow nbc hannibal enjoyers, this is so well written like i'm genuinely a bit in awe. great prose, insanely strong plot, on-point characterization. i can't get enough of this fic. bonus: it has a regular update schedule!
infinity times infinity by stephen_schitz: (NR, fred/reader, george/reader, fred/reader/george) reader navigates life at hogwarts as a slytherin, the werewolf daughter of remus lupin, and the best friend of the weasley twins — not kidding when i say the reader in this fic gives me the biggest "she's literally me" reaction out of like any other reader-insert fic i've read. truly chef's kiss. probably one of my all time favorites. i want to run up and down the street screaming and cheering every time there's an update
promised series by fortisfilia: (M, tom/reader) AU where tom grew up with his grandfather and uncle, seventh-year reader is forced into an arranged marriage with tom through a deal between their families to save her sick younger sister — so in love with how this relationship between tom and the reader grows. A+ writing, A+ plot, and somehow it just keeps getting better the further into the series you go. i'm really into how the second part has been progressing and i can't wait for the next update
all these fics are available on AO3. go check them out and send some kudos and comments their way!
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transitat · 11 months
Fic Tag Game
I was tagged by @beri-allen. Thanks!
How many works do you have on Ao3? 14
What's your Ao3 word count? 51 699
What fandoms do you write for? Currently only Wednesday, but I used to be really active in the Harry Potter fandom in middle/high school.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos? 1. Biology Lessons 2. I Dig You (Up) 3. Read the Fine Print 4. Payback Is a Bitch 5. Window Shopping
Do you respond to comments? I did for a bit but I honestly don't know what to say other than "alkjsjdf thank ily" and I feel super awkward. I love you all and your comments make my days brighter <3.
What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? Why would you ask me, a porn writer, this... I Dig You (Up), 100%.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? I'm a porn writer, they all have ✨ happy endings ✨. I'd say Biology Lessons.
Do you get hate on fics? No hate so far, just one very very horny man who described what he did (in detail) while reading the fic. I deleted that comment after vomiting in my mouth a bit.
Do you write smut? What kind? Yes. And yes.
Do you write cross-overs? I've never been interested in crossovers. And I usually only fixate on one thing at a time.
Have you ever had a fic translated? No. Let me call my waifu real quick to see if she's interested in some translation work lol (we're both professional writers/translators)
Have you ever cowritten a fic before? No. Hmu tho 👀 
What WIP you would like to finish, but doubt you ever will? I'll finish all of them... eventually. I will!
What's your all-time favorite ship? Let's go back to my roots: Wolfstar (Sirius Black x Remus Lupin) from Harry Potter. I've been in love with Remus since I was 9 and I love angsty relationships. I've had a thousand OTPs in my life, but they're my forever one.
What are your writing strengths? I will literally write 10k in one go.
What are your writing weaknesses? If I don't want to write, I will not write. I've literally stared at blank pages for months. But it's a cycle, I know I'll be back on my bullshit in no time.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic? Depends.
First fandom you wrote for? Harry Potter, closely followed by The Mortal Instruments.
Favorite fic you've ever written? I'm so so happy with Stuck in the Middle with You. It was a literal 6k word vomit that came out fabulous. I have to say that Heaven's a Place on Earth with You (a short Attack on Titan thing I wrote like 10 years ago) has a special place in my heart.
What fic would you want to rewrite one day? Frankly, all of them. I'm impatient and publish first drafts and I think they deserve some reworking. They're fine for now but if I ever want these to become a portfolio, they'll need some serious editing. This might be the right time to confess that all my fics are written by a possessed author, reread for typos once then published as they are. Y'all are tapping directly into my brain here.
I've been out of order for so long idk what's been going on/who's done this already. I tag @suchaladyy, @nonamemanga, @cupoteahatter, and @wincestation
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allalrightagain · 2 years
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OH YES character ask game i was hoping it’d find its way here!! remus and harry please ❤️ (and/or anyone else you have Thoughts about!!)
XD Thank you! Remus and Harry are good ones haha. This took me forever to nail down specifics and I still didn’t succeed, this is the best I’ve got lmao. Under a cut because I think this is even longer than the last one 😂
favorite thing about them
I could write a whole essay on each of them—how/why I project on them, a hundred little things I think about regularly— but I will try to keep it short. What sticks with me about Remus, over and over, is how much he’s able to do with so little. He is going through it literally every day. I liked Remus a lot in initial reads, but it wasn’t until I returned to the books and fandom that he really started standing out to me. A direct quote of an annotation from my last reread (Dec ’19, which I never finished) just after he’s introduced says
“Not only is Remus a dementor hotspot as it is, but Lupin’s summer goes something like this: accepts job working at hogwarts, sirius escapes, he gets on the hogwarts express (without any of his now dead or imprisoned best friends for the first time ever) falls asleep, wakes up to a spitting image of his dead best friend and a dementor outside the door, best friend’s son who he hasn’t seen since said best friend died passes out on the floor and then Remus has to come up with a happy memory?? It’s really no wonder he doesn’t notice Peter is Scabbers. He’s got too much on his mind. Like grief.”
He has seen so much, and yet despite everything he still keeps moving, keeps fighting, keeps showing up when he absolutely is not expected to. All of his little gestures, the reaching out to grab Harry’s shoulder and then thinking better of it, there’s just so much going on in his head all the time and at least 60% of it is angst (and it should probably be a lot higher than that).
Harry has been my comfort character for almost longer than I can remember— that’s not an exaggeration, my dad read the first three books out loud to me the year I started kindergarten and I reread them every summer until the last book came out when I was in middle school. I have, no joke, spent more time thinking about him than the entirety of my college major and current career combined. I think the same resilience we see in Remus stands out in Harry (a HUGE portion of DIWF planning was outlining similarities between the two for a reason— they are absolutely mirrors), the same desire to be kind, to care even when it seems foolish. If I had to pick one single thing, it’s that; the empathy he offers to others (almost) no matter what. and on the few occasions he doesn’t, I was well ahead of him in telling them to fuck off
least favorite thing about them
Voted most likely to give his kid daddy issues :( I love him dearly but at the first sign of a hiccup Remus’s instinct is to be anywhere but here and justifies it by doing something productive wherever that “not here” is. See: reading during SWM, resigning from Hogwarts, the werewolf packs, the horcrux hunt.
Excepting the epilogue/CC which I do not count against him, of course. Idk if I even have a least favorite thing. Everything that comes to mind I immediately justify lmao. I guess he can be a bit of an asshole, and he’s very quick to judge the good guys from the bad guys, which mostly works out in his favor but sometimes means he justifies things he shouldn’t (or hates someone without much cause).
favorite line
Hard-pressed not to pick the scene where Snape and Remus (and Harry) discuss the Map in POA without Remus copping to anything. OR possibly “No one’s going to try and kill you until we’ve sorted a few things out." Love scary!Remus.
Too many to count— I just spent like 3 hours rereading bits and pieces and I’ve given up trying to pick just one, or even a couple. He’s got some really great sass backs, particularly to Snape, Malfoy, and the Dursleys, plus a couple really upsetting lines like “People don’t like being locked up” or “Parents,” said Harry, “shouldn’t leave their kids unless — unless they’ve got to,” but I genuinely don’t think I can pick a favorite.
Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot, and Prongs <3 Although I do like Remus and Lily as friends.
Ron. 100%.
Ok this is just going to look like an unpopular opinion answer, but I love Remadora and Wolfstar about the same. Also Remus/Tonks/Sirius I love a lot. James/Lily/Sirius/Remus goes in honorable mentions.
Hinny :) Drarry I’ll read but you have to sell me on it a bit unless I’m in the mood.
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11 notes - Posted February 7, 2022
Diversity win! Your nb coworker just won a sports argument with you thanks to knowledge gained from fandom!
13 notes - Posted July 8, 2022
Hate that I’m working when I desperately want to get out resurrected Lily/James have to live with 30 something Remus/Sirius and also Harry
14 notes - Posted January 29, 2022
Out of the Woods (Wormtail Week Day 1)
Life continues after the ending of every story, happy or otherwise.  Or: Peter has a plan, after everything falls apart. He isn't totally sure if it's going to plan, though. Peter Pettigrew/Petunia Dursley Post-Halloween 1981, cheating, getting together
Once upon a time, there was a young girl named Petunia who dreamed of getting out. Out of town, out of the house, out of the way of her perfect, peculiar sister and her strange, special friends.
Unlike them, Petunia didn’t have magic to whisk her away from life as she knew it; it took time and hard work and a calculated “miracle” or two (oh that’s so funny! I just happened to…), until she got a wedding and a king and a castle far, far away, just as she’d always hoped.
But then, of course, fairy tales don’t tell the story after the Happily Ever After.
At first, it was perfect. They had a darling, delightful prince, and Petunia got to decide what foods to eat, how much to clean, what their garden should look like.
And so she cooked and she cleaned and she gardened and she cared for their son, and when she was done for the day, Vernon would return and she would do half of it over again.
Her parents died, leaving her the keys to a kingdom she’d renounced long ago. As ever, she did what was right, what was expected, and her amazing, absent sister couldn’t be bothered to show.
She kept the keys to the house she didn’t want in a little box in the kitchen, just in case. She didn’t know what it was in case of, especially once Lily had died and left her nothing but another baby to care for, but just in case of something. She knew better than anyone that anything was often well beyond the scope of the expected or the imaginable.
And sure enough, one winter afternoon, she found a rat in her kitchen.
She’d only just put the boys down for a nap (and what a hassle that was with two of them! Each setting the other off crying again when they’d almost fallen asleep, over and over, until she wanted to leave them both alone in the hopes that they’d tire each other out and maybe maybe let it be quiet again) and she had returned downstairs with the intent of starting dinner when she found it— him— sitting cool as you please on Petunia’s sparkling counters, drinking a snifter of Vernon’s most expensive brandy.
She let out a scream before she thought of the boys she’d only just gotten to sleep and swallowed it back. But the rat seemed uninterested, and… did he just raise an eyebrow?
She cast around for a broom or a pan to scare him off but the only thing closer to her than the rat was the teddy she’d planned to mend after Dudley had ripped the head off. It would have to do.
Careful not to get too close— she didn’t want to hit the glass— she swung out with the stuffie, and still the rat looked unimpressed.
“Out,” she cried, with another swing, this one a bit closer, “Get out of my house! I don’t want you here!”
This had never worked on Lily or the Snape boy either, but she knew magic had all sorts of rules to learn, and, well, she could hope that was one. In films, Dracula needed permission to enter, maybe that was true of witches, too.
The rat had put down his drink to face her directly.
“Didn’t you hear me?” she said, as loudly as she dared. “Leave!”
But the rat did not, and when she swung out once more, the snifter wobbled precariously.
“Fine! Fine,” she conceded, slumping back against the refrigerator, beheaded teddy leg still clutched in her hand. “Well? If you’ve got a message for me, or whatever, say it now before my husband gets home.”
Finally, the rat moved. A step away from the brandy, then a running leap at her that made her shriek again and swat it away with her makeshift weapon— except when it made contact it was with a fully grown man, not a rat at all.
He stood before her, wand held casually in one hand— not exactly brandishing it at her, but showing it off. He was short, not quite as tall as she was, with bright, straw blond hair, and he looked like a strong wind would bowl him over, despite having a bit of bulk on her. If it wasn’t for the stupid wooden stick in his hand, she thought she could easily take him.
That, and the rat thing.
“First of all, we’ve got to work on your security system. D’you know who I am?”
He didn’t ask like Vernon— or his father— did, full of expectation and impatience. The man-who-was-also-a-rat asked like he expected to have been overlooked, like he was afraid even now that he’d be thrown out for not being recognized. It was a look Petunia had trained away from her own expression when she’d lost her accent.
“I’m afraid I don’t, mister…”
“Pettigrew,” he said cautiously, “Peter Pettigrew.” And then, after a moment of hesitation, “I was— I was friends with your sister and your… brother-in-law.”
“Yes, well, they’re both dead now, and they’ve left me their son, as I’m sure you’re aware, seeing as you’ve let yourself into my kitchen.”
“Like I was saying, better security system. Which brings me to why I’m here.”
He made a sort of gesture to imply he’d like to sit down at the table and discuss it, but when Petunia didn’t budge from her place against the fridge, he stayed standing in the middle of the room.
See the full post
15 notes - Posted December 5, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I don't have time or energy to tease out @impishtubist's prompt of resurrected James/Lily need to learn to live with Sirius, Remus, and Harry, but have five drabbles (really! 100 words each!) on their first dinner together. Canon divergence, somewhere around OotP.
Harry had gone to the Ministry expecting death—his or Sirius’s or one of his friends— and hoped to survive. Instead, he’d gotten something more miraculous than even he could wish for. Every minute since his parents— parents! He’d never really had those!— had stumbled out of the veil has been spent learning something new: the way his mother flicks away the ends of her hair, the weight of his father’s hand on his shoulder, the way they smiled at each other. He learns and he waits for it to all be ripped away and enjoys it while he can.
They’re all sat at a kitchen table in a house none of them own. Six chairs. Five people, five place settings. There should be six of them and James hasn’t quite accepted that there aren’t. Remus and Sirius have had a whole life— Harry’s whole life— or at the very least years to try and understand what could never be explained. James is angry and upset and happy to be alive and so, so confused by this world that’s wrong in unexpected ways. Five of them are here and Harry had flinched when the sixth was mentioned, and James aches.
Remus blinks again, still expecting the mirage to dissipate and leave him full of pain and drugs and regret. Magic didn’t bring people back from the dead. If it could, he would have gone to the Ministry sometime before now and dragged them back himself and saved them all the trouble. Remus was supposed to struggle through it, to make it to the finish line decades too soon, die in some tragic or heroic way and be greeted with pity and love as he had in life. Cobbling together a table full of loved ones had never been the plan.
The last few moments of Lily’s life keep flashing behind her eyes; her toddler’s confused face, the cold, cruel laugh, a blinding flash of death-green light. She keeps them open, watches the room instead of memories fifteen years and hours old. Sees how her son looks to Sirius before he moves or speaks, how he flinches and shrinks in on himself, how he shakes. He doesn’t look to Remus, and Remus can’t stop looking at her and James. They aren’t a family, they’re just a ball of tangled strings, tied up in all the wrong ways, impossible to untangle.
Sirius had dreamt this, truly dreamt instead of nightmares, that first night after Azkaban—all of them together: Sirius his own age, James and Lily forever twenty-one, Remus somewhere in between. Harry had just been there, one and eleven all at once. It didn’t compare to this moment of absolute lightness Sirius feels watching his family— free from death and that horrible house— joyous at the most perfect dinner he’ll ever eat. They have time to fight, to learn to live together, to not set off each of their particular traumas. That will come, because they, somehow, have time.
29 notes - Posted January 29, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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battinscn · 2 years
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CHARACTERS: modern! muggle au! james/ remus/ sirius/ peter x f! reader
CONTENT WARNING: profanities as always
A/N: right, so obviously peter was always a part of the marauders so here he is. i mean he was a terrible person and quite literally killed cedric and was an accomplice to numerous murders but this is completely canon and nobody can stop me.
read james/ remus/ sirius fics here
return to the headcanon masterlist here
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- his lock screen picture is of you in a bikini
- you had gone to mykonos with james for a short holiday
- you were sporting a blue two piece bikini and a sheer white coverup tied around your waist
- you would rope a very reluctant james into helping you with an instagram photoshoot
- a few hundred pictures later, you had settled on the perfect picture to post
- james had gotten a sun burn though, which you definitely mocked him for
- “send me that picture of you” james would ask when you were back in the resort
- “why?”
- “you look hot as fuck, i need a new lock screen”
- safe to say, the picture of you standing in front of the mykonos coastline was james’ new phone lock screen
- and he was so proud of it too
- he’d defo be the type of person to purposefully have his phone lock screen showing while on the tube so everyone knew how hot his girlfriend was
- but he’d also be the type that would get peeved whenever someone stared too hard at it
- “oi mate, stop eye fucking my girlfriend”
- all in all, james potter would be an absolute dickhead who does not even try to hide the fact that he loves your body
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- it’d be a picture of you and him in front of the fireplace
- you were spending the holidays with the lupins since you had spent the day before with your family
- you were in your matching pyjamas remus’ parents had bought for the two of you
- it was a red and black plaid pattern and the material was a soft cotton
- you were holding a warm cup of mulled wine in your hands and playing a round of cluedo with remus and his family
- you were sat on one side of the coffee table with remus, your back facing the lit fireplace
- “rem, i know you saw the cards just now” you’d accuse
- “no i didn’t”
- “yes you did! you have smirk on your face that you always make when you cheat in monopoly!”
- “nuh uh, you’re just annoyed you’re losing” he’d eye you warily
- “no i’m not” you’d pout with your arms crossed
- but of course remus could never bear to see you in a pout
- and so he’d kiss the pout away, then litter your neck in them
- you would giggle from the ticklish feeling while trying to push remus away
- remus’ parents grabbed his phone off the coffee table and snapped a candid picture of the two of you, knowing how remus would be grateful for them that they did
- that much when you were in bed, remus was scrolling through his phone and stumbled upon that picture
- he’d show it to you tell you how much he adored it
- he immediately set it as his lockscreen
- whenever remus was feeling anxious, he would simply look at his lock screen and it would immediately ground him
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- it would be a picture of you and him at tomorrowland
- you and sirius absolutely loved attending festivals
- the energy of it all excited the both of you
- david guetta’s set was on and you and sirius were standing at the far back since being squished by half naked bodies in the sweltering heat was not something you wanted to do
- you were sitting on sirius’ shoulders, a clear plastic pint of overpriced beer in your hands
- no doubt you and sirius were slightly buzzed, which meant getting on his shoulders proved to be quite the challenge
- “sirius i swear if you drop me i’m breaking up with you”
- “relax lovey, i’m fit and shit, i won’t drop you”
- anyway, after much squirming, you managed to balance yourself on top of sirius
- a mutual friend who had attended tomorrowland with you snapped the photograph for you
- sirius loves that picture and had set it as his lock screen so anytime he used his phone, he’d be reminded of it
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- it would be a picture of a you cross-legged, a smile so big your eyes were creased and teeth wide on show, and a meerkat in your arms
- you and peter had gone to korea for holiday
- you had found out about a meerkat cafe that was located not too far away from your hotel
- peter, being one to adore little animals, was just excited as you were to visit
- you ensured that the cafe was ethical and the mongoose were well taken care of before visiting
- peter was also a fan of photography, and so he made sure to bring along his dslr
- you had toed off your shoes and cleansed your hands before stepping into the small playpen in the middle of the cafe
- once you sat down, a meerkat had pranced onto your lap
- “pete look! it’s adorable!” you would coo and scoop the meerkat into your arms
- peter would feel his heart grow two times in size from the sight and he’d look at you with love-drunk puppy dog eyes
- he would then remember that he could snap a picture and remember this moment forever
- “hey baby, look here,” he’d hold the camera up to his face and look through the viewfinder to make sure you were in focus
- a click sound from the camera told you that the picture was taken and you could go back to playing with the meerkat
- you would make sure that peter had some pics with the meerkats too and helped him take a few photos of him as well
- when you got back to your hotel, peter would import the photos onto his laptop and after editing them, set the picture of you as his lock screen
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join my taglist here!
james tags: @lilytoyourjames @pattnscn @haroldpotterson @harryjamespotterswife @fairydxll @xangel76 @maybanksficssss @eleventhboi @bluetreecloud20 @momoewn @snigdha-14 @chicchanelcigs @milkiangl @bubs-world
remus tags: @lilytoyourjames @haroldpotterson @harryjamespotterswife @fairydxll @xangel76 @eleventhboi @bluetreecloud20 @momoewn @snigdha-14 @alldaysdreamer @chicchanelcigs @milkiangl @bubs-world
sirius tags: @lilytoyourjames @haroldpotterson @harryjamespotterswife @fairydxll @xangel76 @eleventhboi @bluetreecloud20 @momoewn @snigdha-14 @alldaysdreamer @milkiangl @bubs-world
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whataboutmyfries · 3 years
Christmas Spirit
SO!!!! I am so so excited for you all to read this because this was my very first round robin fic with no other than the incredible @wonder-womans-ex @asunshinepuff and @ninak803 !!!! It was so much fun to write with all these lovely peeps and I hope you know i love you guys so very very much and I wanna say thank you for indulging my silly lil whims and writing this silly lil fic with me, i love you guys. (literally died a little inside when they all agreed to write with me like WOT the talent they have is too strong, I cant)
Title by the lovely @wonder-womans-ex and characters by @lumosinlove!!
written for prompt number 2 from this list here. Enjoy!
2. wrapping your arms around your lover's neck
Remus hummed contently as he sipped from his mug of hot chocolate, flipping a page in the cushy holiday romance he’d been reading—it only seemed fair to get into the holiday spirit with an inane yarn of meet-cutes and true loves. The crackle of the fire was the only sound in the room—at the moment. He knew his peace was soon to be disturbed by the raucous gryffindor team, trooping to the common room after a cold, muddy practice.
Nos ooner had the thought entered his head than the portrait door creaked, the obnoxious laughter of the team drifting through the common room. Remus could’ve sworn the tinsel on the mantelpiece shook with their stomping around.
"Moony!" he heard a well known voice and his traitorous heart skipped a beat. He looked up from his book, the book he really intended to finish, and right into the face of Sirius Black. A dripping wet Sirius black, whos face was stained with mud, his usually neat hair was in knots, and his crimson red quidditch cloak wasn't red at all anymore. But the smile on Sirius face was bright and honest and Remus couldn't help but smile back at him. "You stink." Remus said.
Sirius pouted. "Moony," he whined, "how could you say something like that? And to your best friend, no less."
Remus rolled his eyes as he beckoned Sirius over to the couch he was sitting on. "Come on. No, take off your Quidditch robes first; you're soaked."
"Trying to undress me? Right here in the common room? My, my, Remus Lupin, you are a naughty boy."
"That's not what—never mind." Remus could feel himself blushing. "Just come warm up by the fire, you dog."
Sirius shed his Quidditch robe on the way over, leaving him in a pair of shorts and a t-shirt of some muggle band he'd been quite enamoured with lately.
Remus shook his head in exasperation, and in an attempt to hide the blush on his cheeks at the implication. Pulling out his wand, he muttered a quick scourgify under his breath, watching as all the excess dirt and mud washed away.
“Thanks Moons.” Sirius beamed, practically making the cushions bounce as he unceremoniously sat down. Remus quickly pulled his book away lest it be damaged, glancing up to see Sirius beaming at him. A warmth flowed through him stronger than any flame at the sight, soft and comforting.
“You’re welcome.” He smiled in return.
Remus went to grab his mug of hot chocolate when he noticed Sirius shivering out of the corner of his eye. He sighed, shaking his head in exasperation.
“You know, you’d be lot warmer if you’d just dry that crow’s nest of yours.”
Sirius clutched at his chest in mock horror, “Crow’s nest?! I believe you mean my luscious mane mister Lupin”
Remus hummed non-commitally, “If you mean the mane of a creature that lives in the fucking jungle and waltzes around swamps apparently, you’d be right.”
Sirius gasped. “Oh you’re in for it now.” He shook his head vigorously, covering Remus and anyone else who was unlucky enough to be in his vicinity head to toe with water.
Remus yelped. “Pads! My drink! You absolute shitbag, you’re going to get it now, just you—”
Remus was startled out of his—frankly homocidal— rage by James swiping the mug from Remus’s hands. Equally as muddy as Sirius, Remus winced when James flopped onto an armchair with a pronounced squelch. “Now now boys, is that what the christmas spirit is?”
"You two perfectly ruined the Christmas spirit with all the dirt and noise that you brought with you." Sirius looked at him, his brows raised.
"It wasn't like you were doing anything christmas-y? So nothing to ruin there." Remus gestured to the book next to him. "I was reading!" "You're reading all the time!" James and Sirius said in unison.
Remus rolled his eyes and huffed, elbowing Sirius in the ribs. “Christmas spirit my ass.”
Sirius smirked. “Sir your ass is definitely going to be in the christmas spirit when I’m finished with it.”
James groaned, slapping a hand over his eyes and swatting at the air in their general direction. “Get a fucking room you two. Ugh.”
Sirius looked at Remus, quirking an eyebrow in question. "Why I do think we will. Join me in the shower moons?"
Remus grinned. "Well of course Pads! I thought you'd never ask."
James flipped off their little charade, muttering under his breath as he shucked off his boots. "Fucking pricks, can't keep it in their pants for two goddamn minutes."
Remus threw a look over his shoulder. "Lils is my best friend Jamie. Do with that what you will!"
James's head whipped up. "What's that supposed to mean?!"
Remus laughed, grabbing Sirius’s hand to tug him up the stairs. Sirius pulled their joined hands to his mouth, pressing a kiss to Remus’s knuckles.
“God, I missed you.”
Remus pushed Sirius against a wall, leaning in to press a kiss to his chapped lips. “Pads you’ve been away for all of two hours.” Sirius hummed against Remus’s mouth; a low, rumbling sound that Remus felt all the way to his belly. “That’s two hours too many moonykins.”
Remus smiled against Sirius’s mouth, tucking his thumbs into Sirius’s belt loops to pull him closer. Sirius groaned and wrapped his arms around Remus’s waist, slipping icy hands under the big, warm sweater he was wearing. Remus gasped, the shock of cold sending goosebumps across his skin. He whispered against Sirius’s mouth, casting a wandless heating charm on the both of them and Sirius groaned into his mouth.
“Fuck Moons, your magic feels incredible. You’re incredible.” Remus huffed a laugh, pulling back to drop his head into the juncture of Sirius’s neck. “Pads, we’re never going to make it to the dorm at this rate.
“This is your fault! You with your sexy wandless magic and magic mouth—Don’t put this on me!”
Remus giggled, tugging on Sirius’s hand to get him up the staircase. “Bath first and then sex. You’re filthy.”
“Filthy? For you? Always.”
“That may be the worst joke to ever come out of your mouth.”
“You know what else came out of my—”
“Say one more word, Pads. I dare you.”
Sirius smirked. “You know what else came out of my mouth?”
Remus turned, caging Sirius against their doorframe, bracing a hand against the wood. “What?”
Remus grinned, leaning in to press a slow kiss to Sirius’s lips. “Mmmm, that’s what I thought.”
Sirius groaned, dropping his head back against the doorframe with a soft thud. “Re, you are going to be the end—oh, look!”
Remus turned his head to see mistletoe unfurling over their heads. He turned back to Sirius with a smile. “Are we a romantic cliche now?”
Sirius was already rising to his toes, one hand going to cup Remus’s jaw. “Yes,” he breathed. “We are.”
Sirius pressed his lips to Remus’s and for a second, he could’ve sworn the rest of the world ceased to exist. It was just the two of them on a cold, rainy evening, kissing under the mistletoe. Warm, and safe and in love. It was everything he’d ever wanted.
Sirius wrapped his arms around Remus’s neck and Remus’s hands rose to tangle in Sirius’s hair, pulling him closer until there was not an inch of space between them.
When they pulled apart, they were poth breathless; panting and grinning like fools as they fell into each other.
“I love you.”
“I love you too sweetheart.”
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greyeyedmonster-18 · 2 years
✅ + 💖
hi anon, and thank you for the ask
✅ What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
james potter and a butt obsession; sirius having serious conversations with a child in his lap (harry or teddy); remus lupin banging his head against a wall literally. sirius will always be good at maths. remus lupin will never cap his toothpaste. and also, even if i don't mean it to be there, there will always be some illusion to grief in every fic i write. we cannot help it.
💖 What made you start writing?
i started writing in general just before the panini press because i was going through a massive art block. i didn't draw/paint anything for like 9 months? but still wanted to be creative. so among other things (like creating a massive yarn sculpture hanging from the ceiling of my home that me and my kid worked on for a year), i started writing. mostly poetry and short stories to start.
i started writing fic about a year ago when i finally mustered up some courage to turn the stories i was writing into something and fanfic seemed like a same place to do it. (and also, as the saying goes, if you don't like what you're reading, go write the thing. so....i wrote the thing)
send me an ask from this emoji game!
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sirisuorionblack · 3 years
Wonders in the Rain
Remus Lupin x CEO!Reader
Summary - After being unemployed for very long Remus reluctantly allowed his best friend to find him a job as the PA of her boss. And he would forever be grateful to her for that.
Warnings - Metions of death. 
A/N   This is also a fic written for @leydileyla 's 1K followers celebration. And now this fic is by far the longest I’ve written with 4K words. So, enjoy!
You groaned, throwing your pen onto the pile of papers and stood up from the confinement of your study desk and slowly walked towards the coffee machine to fill in the third cup of coffee since the morning and it wasn’t even past noon.
It was difficult and exhausting being the CEO of the most renowned company at the age of 21. It was certainly something you hadn’t expected when two years ago your mother said it would be you who continues her legacy and take care of the company in her death bed. You weren’t ready when you were announced the CEO right after the funeral, the grief inside you never had time to dissipate.
You remember so vividly as you stood in the corner of the room, dressed in all black, eyes swollen as the aftermath of losing your world overnight took a toll on you. Your little brother, at the mere age of 11 looked up at you with wide eyes unknown of what was going on as he clung to you, tightly and you held him as tight, afraid you would lose him just as you lost…the man who the cause for the illness of your mother. Her husband, your father, whose name spurred rage in you as you recollected him arguing with your mother and leaving you and your brother to watch as your mother collapsed onto the floor. 
You smiled pleasantly as your eyes fell on the beautiful woman you had the privilege to call your mother. It was her last picture. Your brother and you were huddled in her arms, a wide smile on your face as your mother kissed your forehead, your eye closed as your brother looked at you, his head thrown back as laughter engulfed him. It was like the time was frozen and you would rather be that girl - carefree and filled with happiness than…you, life so dark you can’t see anything except for the little shine that you so dearly held close to you in protection - your brother.
That was all in your life. Brother and company. Nothing in the orbit of love. It disgusted you ever since you saw your father leave. You despised that feeling of giving someone so much of yourself only for them to dust it off as though it was nothing but a speck of dirt. 
“Ms (L/N)?” your trail of thoughts were interrupted by a sweet voice. You composed yourself, placing the photograph on the table and turned around. It was Lily Evans, an employee of yours who you could very well say was close to you. She knew everything about you, from what you do first in the morning to your drastic sleeping schedule. She almost knew how you would react in every situation yet you couldn’t label your relation with her.
“Yes,” you turned around, avoiding her eyes. She stepped into your lavish office the only person ever having the privilege of being allowed to.
“So, there is this really good friend of mine-” she started with a feared voice only to be cut off by you.
“Evans, please, if this is some sort of a recommendation-” You said and paused as she hurriedly said, “No, no, no. I mean, yes, but he really deserves it,” 
“Fine, what is it?” you said, sighing as you once again took a seat behind your messy desk. 
“I’ve heard people say things about you never having a PA and my friend is actually, I mean, would actually love to take that position,” she said awkwardly. You smirked and leaned back on your chair, looking at her intently as she blushed under your intense gaze. 
You shook your head, “Fine, but I want to meet him and then I will decide,” 
You watched as Lily’s was brightened and she nodded enthusiastically, “Just an hour and he will be here to meet you,” 
You hesitated thinking of your schedule before she said, “You are free the next few hours,”
“And how do you know that?” you asked, raising your eyebrows. 
“I just heard,” she said, looking at the soles of her shoes. 
You rolled your eyes, “No wonder I can’t keep any secrets,” 
You were known for many conspiracy theories and gossips. It was difficult at the start, many breakdowns later you were broken enough that all those knives passed right through the holes, never affecting you. 
You were not excited about the arrival of Lily’s friend and time passed so quickly that before you knew it there was a knock on the door. “Come in,” you mumbled, too endorsed in your work to even look up or comprehend the sudden presence. 
“M-Ms (L/N),” you heard a deep voice say. The voice was new and one you had never heard of and your head automatically whipped to look at the source, startling the poor guy before you. Scars were littering his face and had a failed attempt at masking the exhaustion. He looked weak although there was a pleasant aura surrounding him, buzzing around him with energy. 
He played with the hem of his denim jacket, shifting from one foot to another. His ripped jeans and slightly dirty shirt telling he wasn’t prepared for this meet. He gulped, “My name is Remus, uh, Remus Lupin,” 
You blinked and stood up from your chair, “Who-why are you here?”
Remus’ eyes widened, “I-um, I, Lily told you wanted to see me. I mean, like wanted to meet me before you gave the, uh, the job,” 
For the first time, Remus saw you smile. Remus always admired you, the power and authority that radiated off you was bewildering when considered you were just 21, a year younger than himself and a successful CEO while here he was jobless and wandering around aimlessly. 
Of course, it hurt that ego instilled in him but he wasn’t gonna lose the opportunity of having some money in his hand to pay off his bills. Working as a PA to a girl younger than you wasn’t often considered a better one, and his mother told that very thing when he had called her minutes ago. 
You chuckled, “Take a seat,” you sat down and beckoned him to a chair placed on the opposite side of the desk. You closed the cap of your pen as Remus awkwardly walked towards the desk. 
“So, tell me something about you,” You said, your eyes boring into his eyes. They were gorgeous to Remus and it was terrifying when the reality set in that he was sitting before the (Y/N) (L/N). Someone he had admired only while scrolling through his phone and watching the news. 
You shook your hand dismissively, “I’ll rephrase that,” you sat in a more comfortable position on the chair, “Tell me about the companies you’ve worked for before, your qualification and some basic information about you like your age and things. If you don’t mind, that is,” 
“No, no, of course,” Remus said, “I just graduated from my university and I’ve worked for a minor publishing house for about six months,”
“And why aren’t you working with them anymore?” You asked but immediately asked him to continue as the subtle melancholy wove into his facial expressions and his fingers twitched. 
“Um, I studied English literature and yeah,” He said, shrugging and finally a small smile formed on his face.
You chuckled, shaking your head, “Where are you from?”
“Wales,” he said, without leaving a gap and was weirded out to find the odd feeling in his stomach as he saw you smile and chuckle over again in the short span of time you had met him. 
“Beautiful,” You glanced at the desktop placed on the side of your table and then looked back at him, “It's not gonna be an easy ride of you being my PA you might know the controversies that sparked in the past,”
“Yes, mam,” Remus nodded, his hands that were tightly clasped together was sweating profusely. 
“You will be sent an email that will let you know about the rest of the details. Make sure you read it thoroughly,” You said, glancing at the computer screen again. 
“Yes mam,” Remus said, fiddling with his fingers. 
“Also, the date when you can join will be mentioned in the email itself,” you smiled at him, “And that’s about it,” 
“Oh, alright,” Remus stood up slowly. 
“Your appointed, Mr Lupin,” You said once again and watched as the glow finally found his face after your confirmation. He grinned happily and said, “Thank you very much, Ms (L/N),” and dashed out of the room without another word, leaving you feeling extremely happy for some reason as you returned to your tedious paper.
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Two months, that’s how long you had known Remus and over time it was appropriate to say the two of you grew closer.
You had never had anyone to stand behind you and guide you to what is right, it was always you, yourself alone in the vast arena named society feeling scared and little in the insides while having a brave facade outside. It was extremely difficult to push everything aside and struggle to move forward alone and without proper guidance.
But ever since Remus was appointed two months ago, he had never left your side. It was as though somebody had stepped beside you on the high podium you stood on, facing what was worse than galloping hordes. The comforting aura radiating off him calmed the burning insecurity and fear drilled into you. He stood like a guard, a mentor and a…friend. You’d go a far as to say family as you saw the ways he behaved with your brother.
Remus never made you regret a thing in your regretful life. It was almost bewildering in the start at what he could do. He had made a tiny hole in the wall you had created for yourself from the world. And the little crack Remus created bombarded him with everything he knew that you wouldn't have told anyone else.
You weren’t aware how he knew all those things about you that even you didn’t. It was as though he knew exactly what you would do before you even thought of it. Remus Lupin did wonders to you.
And (Y/N) (L/N) did wonders to him. Remus couldn’t calm his nerves the first day he walked into your office in that posh suit and saw that bright sparkle in your beautiful eyes. He fell. Quite literally, it was extremely awkward when he tripped over his own foot and had to hold onto the door handle. But you had a smile and beckoned him inside saying it happens all the time and how you had to change the layout of the office. 
Just as Sirius Black - the love god as he demanded to be called - predicted, by the end of the first month, Remus was smitten over you. He couldn’t find a reason to dislike you in fact, every minuscule detail he learned about you just made him like you more.
One drunken confession to the “love God”, Remus was clear of his feelings to you and he was never one to understand his feelings, rather run away from them and he had lost a handful of relations like that and he never wanted to do it again yet there wasn’t a chance he could tell them to you and the victim of the mess of his love life was James (Remus thought he deserved it). 
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Remus groaned, leaning back on his chair and rubbed his eyes. He received the mail for the annual conference that would be held where thousands of companies would be having a discussion. It was a really good idea but you hated it and just yesterday he had listened to you speak passionately against it, although Remus just heard the first few sentences and the rest of them falling into his deaf ears as he stared at you. 
“Remus,” Lily shook his arm, “Remus!” 
“I'm listening,” He mumbled and he didn’t have to see her to know she would have rolled her eyes. 
“What is the email about?” She asked. 
“Read it yourself, Evans,” he said with a sigh.
“Is this what you would have told to the love of your life?” she said but he could hear her voice drawl as she read the mail. Remus mumbled, “I don’t love,”
“Sure you don’t, Lupin,” she scoffed. Remus knew what was happening and who she was referring but he would dare say it himself and be teased relentlessly. 
“So, why are you groaning to attend a conference,” Lily asked. 
“She hates that,” Remus said, still not opening his eyes. 
“Ah, she hates everything,” Lily said and he failed to notice the smirk on her lips as he defended you and glared at her. 
“First of all, it’s overseas and she said they would be poorly organised. Second, she doesn’t hate everything, alright, you just don’t know what she likes,” He said, sitting straight on his chair. 
“Sure, sure, Remus,” She said, teasing and left not before ruffling his mass curls, “You suck, do you that?”
”Yep, ask James of it!” She said, winking at him as Remus groaned, disgusted. 
“Ms (L/N),” Remus managed to leave his seat 30 minutes later, mentally preparing himself. You looked at him with a bright smile and beckoned him in by waving your hand enthusiastically. It physically hurt Remus to think he would be the one delivering the news that would wipe the grin off your face. 
“The annual conference-” Before Remus could even complete his sentence he saw your mood shift completely by how you slammed your head against your study desk. He winced. 
“When is it?” He could hear you mumble. You would be thoroughly pissed if he told when it was. Remus shifted his weight from one foot to another and said, “Day after tomorrow,” 
“Day after tomorrow!?” you yelled, whipping your head to look at him. Remus nodded apologetically. 
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And here you were two days later, in your private plane flying to a place where you dreaded to go. Although the only good thing in this was seeing Remus in a causal outfit other than his tailored black suit even that was overpowered by the fact that it was seven in the evening. 
“We will be there in about two hours,” Remus said, scrolling through his phone, “You can take a nap and once we reach there we need to get to the location they sent by a car they have arranged,” 
“They arranged a car?” You asked, blinking at him.
“Yes, they did,” he shrugged, closing his phone and keeping it in the holder. He looked into your bewildered eyes.
“Do we have a backup plan?” you asked, glaring at him. 
“We-no? Why do we need a backup plan?” He asked, puzzled. 
“Remus, do you remember when I told you about their ability to organising things?” You said, looking at him accusingly. Remus took a deep breath, he had not just forgotten them but ignored them too. 
“Uh,” He gulped and rubbed the back of his neck, “We-”
”Lupin, I swear I am not walking miles!” you scolded. And for some reason, Remus’ damned mind could predict exactly what Sirius would have said at the moment and was almost tempted to say the exact words he would have said, “I’ll carry you, don’t worry,” but Remus knew better.
“You won’t, promise,” He gave thumbs up, “Now, you get your needed nap, yeah?”
“Would you leave?” you asked, staring into Remus’ eyes with mixed emotions and he couldn't place a finger on what exactly it was to give a response, so he resorted to the good ol’, “Do you want me to leave?” 
You took a deep breath. Did you want him to leave? You were torn between yourself. One part of you wanted him to stay with you, having no strength to battle with your thoughts alone although he wasn’t going to do much, his sole presence was comforting for you. The other part was scared. Scared of what he could do and just fear blocking every thought of yours. 
But the fear, somehow, for the first time was brought down and you whispered, “Stay,” and who was Remus to disobey that.
After two exhausting hours confined in that plane, the first thing you did once you got off the plane was crack your joints while walking outside and Remus stood on the side chuckling at you. 
“Well, you are the one who is supposed to do it,” You said, rolling your eyes with a smile. He walked to your side, “I don’t exactly ‘cause I knew how to sit on a plane,” 
“Oh is it now?” You scoffed. 
Remus hummed, “Yep!” 
“How else do you sleep in that uncomfortable seat?”
“You wouldn’t kill me if I said, would you?” He asked, looking at you cautiously.
You shrugged, “It depends,” 
“Alright. Um, that’s not reassuring but I’ll tell - you don’t sleep when you on a plane,” Remus said and watched as you whipped your head towards him and glaring.
“What sort of a creature are you?!”
“A good one,” 
“Ooh, getting brave now are we, Lupin,” You bumped your shoulder with him and Remus chuckled, shaking his head. 
“Remus, how long will it take?” You asked glaring at him, who spoke frantically to someone on his phone. The two of you were still in the airport after an hour or so and just like you warned the car has not yet arrived. You huffed and looked at the large window panels that showed the exit of the airport. The sun had already set, not a speck of it in the sky. It was pitch black, the half-moon already shining with the stars in its company. 
You always loved staring at the sky. It not just reminded of your mother but her interpretation. She always considered the moon to be herself when she was younger. The little stars close to it were you and your brother and the rest all were her employees and comrades. She later said the moon was you and the stars behind you were every single person you would meet and the beautiful night sky was reserved for a special person. However, you tried to oppose her point, she stood her stand and told you that one day you will understand it and perhaps it was about time you did. 
You felt someone touch your hand and when you turned to look, Remus was crouched before you, his scarred hand on top of yours. His bright eyes were apologetic as he stared into your eyes. He was confused about how watery it was. Remus scrunched his eyebrows, “Are you alright?”  You nodded with a smile. Remus sighed and held your hand tightly in his.
“The car didn’t come, isn’t it?” you asked with a smirk. Remus ducked his head low. He always felt extremely guilty when he couldn’t do the job he was given and certainly not when he ignored the instruction. 
He was surprised to hear you chuckle, “It’s alright,” You said, grinning at him.
Remus’ eyes widened, “Really?” 
You shrugged, “There isn’t much that I can do now, is it?” 
“I-I’m really sorry,” He hoped you would accept his apology. 
You laughed, “It’s OK, Remus, calm down and think of how we are going there now,” 
“Yes, about that the organizer said they would arrange us a motorbike,” Remus grimaced in anticipation of your reaction.
“Really?” You asked, your eyes widened in excitement. 
“Yeah, it’s actually there at the exit of the terminal,” he said. 
“Ah! Can we use it then?” sitting on the edge of the seat you asked him with a childish excitement making Remus’ heart swell happiness. He stared at you with a mild smile on your face as he chuckled. 
“That’s why it is there in the first place,” he said and watched your eyes lit up with no concern of the sass in his words that usually wasn’t ignored. 
“I wanna see it!” You stood up abruptly and pulled him up with you. Although getting slightly intimidated by how he towered over you, the profound excitement of finally seeing a motorbike coursed through your veins like fire. 
Remus chuckled, “Yes, of course,”
He couldn’t believe it. Remus couldn’t believe the sight before him - his ever stoic boss had her jaw dropped to the floor as she saw the motorbike.
It all quite made sense if he had to think of it, it was impossible for you to drive it down the streets anywhere back home but here it was rather unknown of your arrival, so you could zoom through the streets as you whished without a sense of fear. It was one of the reasons why you chose to travel in the night while announcing you would be leaving the country in the morning. 
“Ahh, this is so beautiful!” you gushed, walking closer and running your hand across the seat, “Can I drive? Please?” 
“As you should. I dunno to drive that,” Remus said, shrugging. 
“It’s alright,” You waved your hand, dismissively, “I’m not gonna judge,” 
As you swing your leg over the bike seat and adjust your coat, you said, “My mum got me one for my 18th birthday and I was obsessed over it, like that’s was my only means of transportation,” 
“That’s brilliant,” Remus said as he planned the first thing he would do once he is back home. 
You and Remus were high on adrenaline as the two of you zoomed into the night. The feeling of cutting through the air with wide grins and hollering happily was indeed beautiful and in the back of your mind, the astonishment of how long it had taken you for being like this again baffled. 
But it all went down once the light drizzle became fully-fledged rain. Having to park the motorbike by some bus stop, the two of you held your jackets above your head and ducked inside, still grinning. 
“Ah, the bike is getting wet,” you said, the thought dampening your mood. 
“This doesn’t seem to be stopping any soon,” Remus said, taking a deep breath as he scanned the surroundings. It was pitch black except for the moon shining down at you. It was such a sight for sore eyes when Remus turned to look at you, your coat was tightly wrapped around yourself, your hair dripping with the rainwater, your eyes shining as you watched your surrounding. You looked divine. 
Remus didn’t know what he was thinking when he took hold of your hand and ran out of the bus stop. “Remus! What are you doing!?” You yelled as he pulled you to the middle of the deserted road.
“You said to me once you loved dancing in the rain!” he said, pushing the water out of his eyes. 
“But-” You looked around, the adrenaline still rushing inside and it indeed was your dream to be out in the streets dancing while rain poured down and the night sky guarded you. Remus let go of your hand, his eyes never leaving you as your legs slowly started moving as though by nature of the memory. 
Time slipped through your hands and before you knew it, after all the laughter, you were back in Remus’ arms, staring into his eyes. You always loved them, feeling as though they held mystery amidst them although always raw. You knew on your fingertips how he felt at that moment when you could just see his eyes but now, it was unknown. 
Remus had a gentle smile on his face as he protectively had his arms wrapped around your waist, a reassurance to himself that you were indeed protected from anything and everything. He leaned down to keep the two of you close and warm. 
“Remus,” you whispered, silently.  He smiled, allowing his eyes to shut as the echo of his name tumbling from your lips ran in his ears and before he knew it before he had control on himself, Remus blurted, “I love you,” 
He was stunned to hear the tiny gasp leaving your mouth and his heart was wrenched out when he saw the disbelief and incredulity in your eyes, “What’s wrong?” 
“What’s wrong!?” you yelled and Remu was taken aback, “Is that what you ask after telling me you love me?!”
”I am sorry," his statement ended more like a question as he looked at you with wide eyes. The rain was still pouring and he didn’t know if it was the rain or your own tears in your eyes. 
“Jerk!” You yelled, your fingers holding his drenched shirt tightly as your chest heaved rapidly. 
Remus wasn’t confused, he was beyond just confused about your reaction. You were yelling at him like he was some stupid but never letting go of him and now he was never the best at these messes. 
Clearing his mind off all the thoughts he cautiously moved his hand to rest on the side of your cheek and watched as your eyes closed, your own hand moving to hold his tightly.
Remus leaned down and kissed your forehead. He had never seen you more vulnerable as a sob escaped your lips and you slammed against his chest, your arm tightly wrapped around his torso. 
It was the first time in three years had you been kissed on the forehead and that alone proved to you that Remus was different. He is your night sky.
Remus held you tightly in the comfort of his arms as you whispered “I love you” into his shoulder. He never knew when the rain stopped. And now the surrounding was fragile. It was just you and him in the deserted street, the freshly smelling earth, the stars and moon shining down at you…and love.
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broomsticks · 2 years
say something about the process of your writing, please! anything you like
*stares in horror at the microphone and slowly backs away*
hahaha i’ve been intentionally not playing all the writing ask games because i’m in a bit of a weird place re. my writing 🙈
long story short i was very called out by this excellent essay:
Despite the fact that I was mostly a femslash writer in my early times in fandom and the fact that I write f/f in my current fandoms today, it remains a curious truth that my growth as a writer from someone who wrote 1,000-word oneshots in one go to someone who wrote novel-length fanfic over several months coincided with going into a different fandom where my main focus was a m/m ship... I said I “shipped everyone” earlier – it would be just as correct to say I shipped no one, because I had no deep emotional investment in the ships I wrote about, and often wrote only one fic per ship… when I look at my story stats now, it’s clear that my f/f stories are shorter in word count and are less varied in their plot and execution than my m/m stories.
the best lesson i learned from writing fic in 2022 was to care less. to not care so much about what anyone thinks—including and most of all myself—and to just write.
but sometimes i wonder if i may have learned that lesson too well, because now/ at times/ increasingly (after the what, 20+ fics i put out in december? stupid number) i feel like — i don’t want to say i care too little, but.
i’ve gotten to a point where i can write a drabble/ficlet on just about anything: any character/pairing, any of the main genres (angst/ fluff/ smut, with apologies to crack), and that’s amazing—2021 me would never have imagined—but it’s also a little… sometimes i would like to care a little bit more about the things that i’m writing and posting!
i would like to write more things that i care about — except i don’t know what i Care About. especially because what i want to write and what i want to read have always been two completely separate things (i can’t read my own fics for pleasure. it’s literal torture 😂).
so yes anyway. that was a grotesquely rambling non-answer, but that’s the biggest thing on my mind re. the process of my writing right now! working on something short for remus lupin fest (the way i treat a fest’s min WC as a personal max WC 🙈), have some half-baked ideas for trans fest and maybe also frankenfest/femslash feb, toying with the idea of branching into a different fandom, but most of all i’d like to try to find something i could get invested in enough to maybe write for WLW BB. my someday-fandom goal! one-night-stands are cool and super fun but i want to figure out how to do deep emotional investment in a healthy manner. 😂
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lunapwrites · 2 years
Series revamp incoming
So I had a little think and have decided to do the following:
Break Moon out into its own standalone fic, with a little link back to the series it spawned in the description. I am... not putting it in the trash bin, but I'm going to just. Leave it alone. I can't in good conscience connect it to the rest lol.
Red and Lost Dogs will be the new start of the series. It wasn't fair to people who read 6 chapters of hardcore smut just to get slapped in the face with hard angst right before a WIP longfic handling a different ship and also containing very little porn lol. This will, I think, make more sense.
A Different Orbit is going to get a rename to All Things In Orbit, because... I like it better lol. New series tag here will therefore be ATIO.
No Code will be getting moved to my trash bin series, only because the main story diverged so much from where NC is that it no longer makes sense from a continuity perspective (read: first chapter, Sirius is musing about whether Lyall is like even still alive bc Remus hasn't seen or spoken to him in years -- the man was VERY LITERALLY never supposed to show up in this series originally, but he just kicked the door down like "yeah nah I'm in here now." Lupins, I swear.)
So if anyone is navigating my AO3 and wondering what all the space names mean:
All Things In Orbit (currently A Different Orbit) is the main series. Satellites is a collection of short works that are set in the same universe as the main series, just slightly to the left. (What ifs, in other words.) Out of Orbit is a collection of works that no longer fit in either of the other two, usually because I wrote out of order and have since changed whatever made that happen, or because I was just... generally less than thrilled with where the fic ended up, either in terms of plot, quality, or both.
Anyway, this is me giving a little heads up that I'm going to do that at some point in the near future, just didn't want to alarm anyone with unannounced changes.
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angelhugsaresweet · 2 years
Okay so for either a short fic or blurb, what about something really sweet and cute about young Remus Lupin getting married to fem!reader after years of dating at Hogwarts? I'm low-key getting cottagecore vibes for the wedding ceremony but it's up to you! Thank youuuu 🥰🥰🥰
oh my gosh… definitely a cottagecore wedding. He would definitely be super worried about making sure everything is perfect. He would take in every aspect of everything that could possibly happen during the wedding and be super tired after the wedding planning is over. His best man would be sirius, no doubt. I also feel like he wouldn’t want a lot of people at the ceremony, just family and close friends.
On the day of the wedding, Lily would help you get ready, and when Remus sees you walking down the isle he would definitely start tearing up because of how beautiful you look. His vows would be so frickin adorable, something like “you have been the love of my life since the first day I laid eyes on you. I am so happy to start this new chapter of my life with you (I’ve never written wedding vows before so hopefully that’s good).”
for your honeymoon y’all would totally go to some secluded cottage with a small pond in the backyard and a flower garden on one side of the cottage and a outside patio with vines and string lights on the other side of the cottage (idk if that was a good description lol).
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in all, a wedding with Remus would be literal heaven
love you anon <3
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i-am-just-a-kiddo · 3 years
First Line Tag Game
Rules: List the first lines of your last 20 stories (if you have less than 20, just list them all!). See if there are any patterns. Choose your favourite opening line. Then tag 10 of your favourite authors!
thank you, @rose-nebulijia 💜 I will also bend the rules because I’ve done a similar thing half a year ago which you can find here. I will skip the works that I mentioned there and do the few that I posted since then and then add my WIPs/unpublished ones and ten of my favourite works in general.
Recently posted: 
Wen Ning had not expected to find foreign footsteps in the snow, leading into his yard. -  walk the horizon, leave the world behind (The Untamed, Wen Ning & Song Lan, Post Canon)
Wang Zhi had never minded being on his own.  - i cut my beak against the stone (The Sleuth of Ming Dynasty, Wang Zhi, Character Study)
More than three years had passed since their last meeting. - your eyes held a splinter of the moon (The Untamed, Wei Wuxian & Nie Huaisang, Post Canon)
Sometimes he dreamt differently. - the blue hours that we dream (my original WIP, tiny character study of my character Vukan)
“You’re home!” - i was the smoke in your lungs (WIP, Original Sin, Lu Li/Chi Zhen, Case Fic and Post Canon)
That evening, Wen Kexing was almost sober, merely having shared a bottle of wine with Zhou Zishu. - catch me, crush my flight (Word of Honor, one snippet of my WIP Wen Kexing Character Study)
Sometimes Wen Kexing liked to think that she was born from water. - fox and tiger alike (Unpublished, Word of Honor, Wen Kexing & Gu Xiang, Pre-Canon)
I. His hand brushed past the letter, reaching for the next report waiting for him by the Lie Clan. II. Lan Sizhui’s smile was blinding. III. “I don’t know, Jingyi, it has been a long day -” - nightlight (Unpublished, The Untamed, three seperate snippets of Lan Jingyi and junior OT3 study)
10 favourite works:
“It happened again.” - blackened skies  (BTS, Taegi, Silla/Historical AU)
Nie Huaisang couldn’t sleep. -  ink stained nights, fingers, hearts (The Untamed, Nie Huaisang/Mo Xuanyu, set after NMJ’s death and before MXY’s sacrifice, Canon Compliant)
“Wei Wuxian!” Jiang Cheng’s voice was daggers in his chest, glass splinters under his skin. - skin smeared with blood (The Untamed, Wei Wuxian and Wangxian, Burial Mounds study, Canon Compliant)
The whips were almost welcome. - Cold Moon, Long Nights Moon (The Untamed, Lan Wangji &  Lan Xichen, Canon Compliant, 16 years of grief)
Lan Qiren died with the golden days of late summer. - lucid lovers me and you (The Untamed, Wei Wuxian/ Lan Wangji, Post Canon)
„See you tomorrow? “asked Taehyung. -  asomatoi (BTS, Taegi, Angel/Devil AU,loosely inspired by Good Omens)
The bread was sweet and soft between Yoongi’s lips. - i can’t rip you out (BTS, Taegijoon, Hanahaki Disease AU)
The realms of the sea weren’t entirely unknown to humans. -  just breathe through me  (BTS, Taegi, The Little Mermaid AU)
Sometimes Eva was overwhelmed by how beautiful boys were. - I’m the Child of Sun and the Stars I Love (SKAM, Eva Kviig Mohn Character Study and Eva/Vilde) 
July 1993 swept over the country with a warm summer-breeze, waking tender leaves and golden crops along its way.  - The Passing of Time and all of its Crimes (Harry Potter, Remus Lupin/Sirius Black, Canon Compliant)
I seem to love making very short first lines? and they jump into the story right away most of the time. I don’t think about how I write first lines too much because it all kind of happens naturally. most of these listed here are kind of plain, so that is a pattern as well. 
Sometimes he dreamt differently. 
I like this line because it was a huge step trying to write a character study for my original story? It was the first line I wrote in literal months of being on hiatus again. The sentence is very simple but since dreams play a big role in my story, it has a meaning that I love to explore. I only wrote 300 words but I hope I can expand on this soon. 
Thank you Vish for tagging me, this was lovely eventhough it makes me sad once again that I have nothing new going on in my writing. It makes me feel like an imposter. It was nice though to mention some old works of mine.
I’m tagging the usual suspects: @not-saying-revolution-but, @cortue, @intyalote, @the-cloud-whisperer! I’m curious to see your opening lines ❤
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