#i dont even know if/when beardies start showing their age
butchyena · 2 years
jasper (bearded dragon) is getting up in years. she’s in a bioactive (plantless, she ate them lol) enclosure because when we first got her and had her in a hard-bottom tank she scratched almost 24/7, the moment we got her substrate she was very very energetic and inquisitive and spent the next week digging and pushing dirt around until she got it how she wanted and stopped relentlessly scratching/wall-surfing and now only does it when she’s going to poo. but in recent months i havent seen her digging as much at all, and im worried now it may be time to try a hard-bottom setup so i dont have to keep up w the bioactivity. but im worried if im wrong, she’ll go back to scratching and being stressed she cant dig. since she’ll go into brumation soon and stop moving and eating as much i’ll see if i cant maybe make a setup with a dig box in case she feels the need. but again, if im wrong, im worried she’ll spend all her time in the dig box and not in the optimal basking spots. idk idk idk
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badbawz · 6 years
I hate my nieghbors sm, I kno I’ve said this before but most of them rlly are just awful, inconsiderate people. This is like hell, why can’t i just live somewhere decent for once. I wanna move like.. right now, but I’m so worried that my next apartment will end up being just as bad (if not worse) than this one.
I had a work friend suggest that we find a place together bc she’s trying to move out of her haunted apartment, and tbh I’ve considered it even tho I dont rlly want to live with her. Like she’s a rlly great person and we get along, it’s just that I don’t think we would be compatable. The age gap doesn’t bother me (she’s almost 60), in fact, that might even be a good thing bc I’ve always gotten along better w older ppl. idk if it’s bc I grew up listening to “the oldies” and watchig b&w tv shows/movies or what. But she smokes.. a lot, and I can’t live with a smoker. ik she said she’d smoke outside but I still don’t feel comfortable w living w someone who smokes. My lungs already suck a little bit more than average, and when I’m around cigarette smoke I start wheezing and when it gets bad I even have a hard time breathing. As much as I lowkey like the smell of cigarette smoke (it relaxes me, idk), and get cravings for cigarettes even tho I’ve never smoked before, I still would rather not b exposed to it. I’m also afraid of cancer. She also has a problem with my lizard. At first she told me that he would have to go if we did move in together but I think she’s starting to come around. She never met him, but I’ve been trying to explain to her that he’s rlly friendly and I love him sm like he’s all I got when I’m not around my workfriends, so I could never give him away. Plus he’s in his tank 90% of the time, so he wont bother her cat or anything. And then it’s like... this is the first time I’ve been alone, like, in my whole life. I actually do enjoy it, I just hate the apartment I ended up being in. I’m not looking for a roomate, I can afford to be on my own. I just need to find a better place. As much as I love this work friend, I rlly dont think living with her would be a good idea. I know we would have our own space and all but... I just would rather live alone for awhile. Maybe have some visitors from time to time, but for the most part, I like being by myself (and my beardie, ofc.) Idk. I appreciate the fact that someone would even consider being my roomate tho. makes me feel a little better abt myself?? I guess. Anyways, I’m hoping to find a place before june.. and to be settled in it by my bday which is in late june lmao. I managed to be settled into this place (somewhat..) before my bday last year so ig that’s a realistic goal,, I hope. I’m just not happy and I’m tired of not being happy and constantly fantasizing abt being in a nicer place. I hate relying on my dreams to help me escape my reality.. speaking of dreams, I need to go to bed yikes. idr the last time I stayed up this late. shit.
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