#i dont even think pregnant people have easy access to things
actual-corpse · 6 months
I'm not afraid of becoming disabled for vanity reasons.
I'm afraid because this world isn't built for disabled people.
I'll be confined to my home because of the lack of public transit. Or I'll be stuck having to trust people to go out of their way to assist me.
Airplanes will destroy my expensive equipment.
I might not be able to use public restrooms.
There's nothing wrong with disability itself...
It's the world around us. It's so hostile.
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i dont see how criticizing men for procreating under dismal conditions exonerates israel from its genocidal behavior. as a future parent, the life conditions your child would endure have to be considered far above facts such as how much you want to get your dick wet, and yes, ahead of the 'but if i don't breed my people will disappear :(' kind of populism. none of this is blaming the women... i just dont see why this is ok if men are oppressed enough. they never NEED to put a baby in a woman.
You know, it's interesting. My mom used to say that people in Ethiopia suffering famine shouldn't be having children. My mom was a seventeen-year-old stripper when she got pregnant with me. Abortion was fully legal in my country at the time, as it is now. Contraceptives were available too, but she had never used them. And many would argue she shouldn't have had children in the circumstances she was in, and in fact I would agree it was a poor choice--she wasn't a very good parent.
But she didn't see it that way. To her the situation was normal. To her, as long she didn't treat her kids as badly as she was treated, she was doing okay. And that's the point. It's easy to look back and say, hey, having kids in that situation wasn't a good idea. But everyone normalizes their own situation in the moment. Everyone hopes things will get better.
Should men take more responsibility and not coerce women into pregnancies they don't want? Yes. They should do that period. In the most ideal, most peaceful circumstances that have ever or could ever occur in our species' existence they should be still be doing that. Women should have 100% reproductive autonomy at all times.
That is not the reason zionists are saying people in Palestine shouldn't have children. It's not why conservatives say people on welfare shouldn't have children. It's not why my mom said people in Ethiopia shouldn't have children. It's racism and classism--and yes, misogyny too.
If you think no women ever desire to have children in less than ideal circumstances, you should consider that no woman anywhere knows what a truly liberated society for women is like. None of us have lived it. And people normalize their situations if they have nothing tangible or accessible to compare it to. An average woman growing up in a highly misogynistic, isolated village with only rumours, if even that, of a better place for women probably isn't going to think consciously that that's a terrible place to bring a baby into. Hell, even if a bad situation has gone on long enough. You either think, this will get better eventually, or that, hey, I've survived this long, it's not so bad.
Now, some people indeed think no one should reproduce; that our species should just die out and "let nature heal" as it were. I think that's a fine choice to make for yourself. I fully support people not having kids (for men that means vasectomy or no pro-creative sex) if they don't want them. But you don't get to make that choice for others--especially for people in the middle of a genocide.
Palestinian women who got pregnant a few months ago (some will have been coerced, of course, men do that everywhere, but others won't have) didn't know this attack was coming at this time. And even in the midst of this attack? I promise you many women who have lost babies, sick with grief, will be looking to have more children. That may not make sense to you, who is not in that circumstance, but it doesn't have to. Palestinian men are not worse than other men.
There is a genocide happening, and people need to stop buying into genocidal logic, whether under the guise of feminism or otherwise.
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enchanted--realm · 3 years
When Calls the Heart Live Rambles
Yo. So much scandal and second hand embarrassment in this episode.
I really don't like how far they are taking this love triangle. And ew she called their dinner a date. No one was gonna use that word and then she brought it up. Why. And then when she was saying yes to Lucas she was watching Nathan ride by the entire time. Oof. How awkward for Lucas. Sorry dude, you dont stand a chance. Elizabeth really be playing these guys left and right.
I like that Nathan is taking a vacation. At first I was kind of surprised, but I guess it's normal for a guy like him to take some time off since he doesnt have live stock to tend to everyday. So...ok. Good. Take some time off Nathan. You do that.
Then the ride in the morning. Bleeeh. First, I was like, 'oh what's Laura doing here in the morning?' And then Lucas showed up, so I was like 'ohhh...Laura's only here for plot convinience.' That was lame. And umm...Lucas, no one gave you permission to touch that horse. Leave Sergeant be, you can't just take her horse from the stables. He could be easily spooked and not take well to strangers and just, dont touch what isnt yours bro. I also don't believe that Lucas would have enough riding experience to go at the speed they went. He's still a city goer in my eyes. Also, why would Lucas come to the ceremony if he doesn't have a kid in the school. Trying to write this character as being considerate, but really Lucas shouldn't be there regardless.
Yooo. When Nathan showed up at Elizabeth's house at night. !! Um Scandalous. She asked him inside and they were all alone in the the candlelight. That is not appropriate behavior and if this were real life in 1917 Hope Valley, they would be the talk of the town and Elizabeth's reputation would be in question for sure.
When Robert had his classmates join him up there at the ceremony, I jokingly said to myself 'now we're all gonna sing a song'...and then they actually sang a song. That was the cringiest thing ever omg whyyyy.
Then more awkwardness with Elizabeth and Nathan at the ceremony. When Allie looked a little upset I was thinking 'yeah she doesn't want to see Mrs Thornton right now. She thought Elizabeth was gonna be her new mom but then her hopes got let down.' But then it was actually just Allie not wanting to do higher level math so...yeah. and then there were more looks of yearning when Nathan walked away. That's what we like to see. And who is that dude who wants the school to be in the federal system I guess it is? I guess this will end up being a problem that Nathan helps Elizabeth with emotionally since so far she's helped him a lot and we haven't really seen him comforting her yet.
And, gosh. The most scandalous thing of the whole episode. Elizabeth's dress. When she tried that on for the first time at the dress shop I--. Those black lace sleeves with that neckline. Reminded me of a scandalous saloon girl from those old western movies. Also, it wasn't a very flattering cut, so it didnt even have that going for it. And then the dinner. Waaaay too intimate. They moved it to her backyard! So it's just the two of them, all alone, having dinner late at night, a bunch of candles all around them, and such easy access to her house. 👏SCANDALOUS👏. and she was wearing that dress. I can't get over that dress. Embarrassing for Elizabeth. Inappropriate for the circumstances. Also since they were in her backyard the neighbors can totally see everything and they are definitely next days gossip. Oh, and then she said she wanted to take things slow. Yep, that's right. Reaaaaal slow Lucas, bc she doesnt love you. Sorry, man. You're in for some heartbreak.
Ugh and the promo. A rain scene??? Where it looked like they are almost gonna kiss??? Just more embarrassing and scandalous behavior for Elizabeth and lots of leading Lucas on to be let down later. Her reputation would totally be questioned by the way she's playing this fool.
Elizabeth better have a really good apology scene later on for Nathan and Lucas. They both deserve it. Allie too. Allie deserves an apology bc I'm sure that girl has been getting her hopes up just to be let down. And she must be upset in seeing her Uncle heartbroken as well.
Honestly, I don't mind that Elizabeth is denying her feelings for Nathan and trying to push him away bc of what she went through with Jack. It makes a lot of sense for her character and makes for good storytelling. I just don't like how now that she rejected Nathan, they make her immediately go to Lucas. The story is good enough on its own and we don't need a competing love interest to make the plot interesting. Nathan's job as a mountie is enough of an obstacle in this love story and this added love triangle is just causing unnecessary heartbreak for Nathan and lots of secondhand embarrassment and player-like behavior in Elizabeth's character. If Abigail were still in the show, she totally would have talked with Elizabeth and helped her get over her fears in having a relationship with Nathan. I really miss her character and still feel that the show is lacking bc of it. We need someone who glues the town characters together and holds lots of wisdom. No one has been able to take over that role yet. Also. Henry Gowen needed someone like Abigail to help in his character growth so now that she's gone his character has taken a backseat when I really wanted to see more of him.
Oh and let's not forget the cringiest people in the show, Faith and Carson...but mostly Faith. I had a hunch one of them would be leaving and of course it had to be Carson instead of Faith. I would have liked it the other way around, that's just a personal opinion of mine. And omg when Faith told Carson 'it's not like we're married' ohhhh burrrn. That was like a slap in the face. She practically said she wasn't serious about your relationship and doesn't care if you leave. Ohhhh. Elizabeth ain't the only player in town it seems. These guys being played right and left.
And whoa. Jesse spent all their money??? And did so without talking to Clara?? Wasn't expecting this, so I'm pleasantly surprised by this drama. Yikes. Don't know what he would have invested this in...or possibly gambled it? I dont think Jesse would be a gambler. I still suspect that Clara is pregnant too, but nothing in this episode made me suspect further on that.
Ok that's the end of my rambles. Sorry if you're team Lucas and my rant came across harsh. I wasnt a fan of Lucas's character when he first came to the show so now that he's part of the love triangle it's made me dislike him more. I don't mean to offend anyone, this post is just me being completely unfiltered with my very bias opinions so please don't take anything personally. I still love the team Lucas shippers, all Hearties are welcome here.
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frankieshq · 4 years
[ itzy vc ] hey, hey, hey, it’s your girl summer coming at you with her twenty years of mediocre existence to present miss FRANKIE KWON. meet my self-conscious, awkward babie who uses sarcasm as a defense mechanism. you can find info about her under the cut !! i might have written a long ass bio that i didn’t bother to finish on a google docs but will be linking that one soon.
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[tl;dr: young girl grows up in a matriarchal household that is heavy with regret and blame. dad comes and makes her childhood a bit happier, only to leave and break her heart because he’s an asshole. grows up thinking her smarts is gonna save her, but it’s actually her humor that does]
to truly understand frankie kwon, one must go way back--back to when her grandparents first immigrated to michigan. landing in detroit, sunhwa kwon and her husband didn’t have it easy. she had a two-year-old hanging by her neck and a brilliant but unambitious husband. she had to struggle with odd jobs for years while taking care of her family and helping her husband learn english, so he can use his engineering degree in america. she became a severe woman, never softened by affection but hardened by grit and hard work. eventually, the her husband was able to land a stable job and the family relocated to chelsea. 
sunhwa made sure to train and hone her daughter jina’s natural intellect, but her methods were severe and lacking in affection. jina looked for the affection she didn’t find at home elsewhere. she fell in love with the first boy that called her beautiful, and at eighteen, gave birth to francesca areum kwon. 
and so it goes that frankie was born in a household  heavy with guilt, blame, and regret. there was love there somewhere, but it was constantly shadowed by feelings that existed way before she did. the emotional scars her mother and grandmother inflicted on each other were too deep-seated that their love for each other hid behind a cover of blame and snark. at a young age, frankie learned how to read a room, learned what to say or do so as to not aggravate the precarious balance of their household. she learned how to figure out whether her mother was too tired from work or whether her grandmother was in a snappy mood. it was a tightrope dance she learned how to perfect, growing up faster than she should have. 
all her grandmother’s lost hope for her mother transferred to frankie, and her grandma supervised her education with the same vigor. although, this time, she was a tad bit more affectionate to her granddaughter (i mean all grandmas can’t resist their grandchildren, let’s be real). her mom wanted to protest, but aside from the guilt, she was always busy. being a single mom was hard enough, but she also had to take care of her aging mother.
frankie is a shy kid by nature, but her household just intensified this predisposition. she had few friends because she was scared about approaching kids first. she spends her time watching cartoons, studying, and writing in her journal.
enter: frankie’s dad, andrew grant. he left chelsea and his pregnant ex-gf bc he’s an asshole. but he comes back nine years later because he failed at whatever version of the american dream he was following at that time.
he taught frankie to have fun !! she’d spend afternoons at his car shop bantering with him and telling jokes. eventually, she relayed these jokes to people at school and was shocked when people actually laughed. she became more well-liked, developed a sense humor, and had more friends. the ages 9-12 were probably her happiest. 
at 12 years old, she got invited to a middle school sleepover for the weekend. but she had a big test on monday, and her grandma doesn’t allow her to go to stuff if she has tests the next schoolday. with the help of her mom, she was able to go to it by pretending it was a school event. had so much fun and forgot to study. she didn’t get a grade high enough for her grandmother to be happy, though. once her grandma found out what she did and her mom’s involvement, she was livid !! that was the biggest fight her grandma and mom got into and frankie was grounded for a month. the worst part was, throughout the fight, frankie felt like she was a burden to the two women she loved the most. she felt like she was the reason her mother was always tired, constantly nagged on by her grandmother about wasted potential.
to make matters worst, her dad left town again. fell in love with some other venture. he told her he would come back but never did. 
since that day, frankie dedicated herself full force to her studies. she felt like she needed to make it up to her mom and grandma for all their sacrifices. she built a wall around herself because it’s easier that way. she had few friends, but it was better for her.
her grandmother died during her senior year of high school. she loved her grandma, but she felt as if a weight lifted from her chest. her mom encouraged her to go to school as far as she liked. 
she got a scholarship to columbia and studied statistics like the big nerd that she is !!
she met roman and lucy here, finally felt that she had friends that she felt she can really open to. 
after college, she worked for a firm. she finally felt secure, like she payed some sort of unsaid debt to her grandma but she wasn’t happy, folks :(((
she first did stand-up as a dare on an open mic and she was so shocked that people laughed. she was tipsy then, and kept made self-deprecating jokes of her childhood trauma. love that for her.
the more stand-up she did, though, the more nervous she got because she gets really worried if she’s doing things right. instead of improving, she got worse because her nerves always get to her. don’t get me wrong the jokes are great, it’s just that her execution doesn’t always land.
comedy was just a vERY beloved side hobby for her until a small production company based on youtube offered her a writer position. she would get to  write their skits and stuff, but she it payed wAY less than her present job. she was like fuck it, and took the offer. she wanted to make people laugh.
that leads us to here, a girl who is still unsure whether leaving a secure job was the way to go, secretly hoping to be a famous comedian.
frankie is like a spring roll you guys. outside, she masks her awkwardness and shyness with some cRunCHy self-deprecating jokes and sarcasm. so, she has an intimidating exterior because she tries to be tougher than she actually is. inside, she’s just a soft and sad girl. she doesn’t talk much if she isn’t comfortable with you, but once she is, she talks a loT. but it does take a while for her to warm up to people. can be extremely judgmental (a trait inherited from her grandma), but her mind can be changed. isn’t stubborn, though, and is actually a doormat. the type of person to say something and obsess over it because she’s scared that it might have offended someone. 
lots of repressed femininity because there was a lot of internal misogyny in her household growing up !! it was only until college with the help of lucy, that she was able to access her girlier side. 
is a lesbian, but has a lot of internal homophobia as well. her grandma was a very traditional woman, so frankie feels very guilty about liking girls, and is very hesitant about going on dates and actively looking for relationships even though she’s really lonely.
likes writing a lot !! used to keep journals since she was 8 because it honestly made her feel less lonely growing up. 
nOBODY CALL HER FRANCESCA. she hates that name, but likes her second name a lot. only her grandma called her areum tho.
spends a lot of time at  mon’s deli, and mon could also be counted as her bff. she and the old man gossip and chitchat about the bennington street residents for hours. is this also because she is in dire need of a father figure?? maybe, yes, absolutely
used to have really low alcohol tolerance, but sort of grew out of it?? if she doesnt drink for a month or two tho, her tolerance goes back to zero like dont ask me, i dont make the rules
still a big fan of cartoons and kid humor !! loves amazing world of gumball and steven universe
makes her own kimchi because her grandma and mom have a special family recipe, will happily share if she likes you
i imagine the level of closeness she has in the group varies, like she’s closer to some people than others and acts differently around them
would really like to do stand-up again but still has stage fright
want her to either end up working on something as big as snl or writing movies or overcoming her stage fright and becoming a successful stand-up comedienne !!
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mummabearsmusings · 4 years
My ex got residency three years ago and I got contact supervised by my family, or a few named agreed friends.
This was due to ongoing concerns from.my ex and members of his family, concerns they echoed for months, but never shared them with me, or my doctor, just with the nursery my cub was at.
These allegations, I still don't know what they were, but they were serious enough for social services to visit, once and decided that I had made mistakes because I was unwell, and that whatever those were they were completely unintentional (absent minded human errors, nothing serious, but got reported as safeguarding concerns)
Supervision lasted for 18 months, because it was up to him to decide when my time increased and my supervision decreased. That meant my mum had to sleep on my sofa almost every weekend for a year, my mum who has diabetes type 2, fibromyalgia and asthma which he knew about and when she didn’t my sister did. My sister who has two children of her own, both with additional needs, which he also knew about but we weren't allowed there..we weren't allowed to stay out anywhere besides my dads unless he gave permission, said so on the order. Wasn't allowed to take him on a playdate without it either, because there was four people named additionally on our order that were allowed to "supervise" me. It wasn't fun but I didn’t have a choice because his barrister had worded the court order so beautifully for the resident parent. I reapplied to court after 13 months of that order being in place, requesting supervision is gone and we have shared care and that the judge will give me permission to take him abroad and give me access to his passport that I applied and paid for..but they could only send to resident parent unless they had something from them in writing it could he sent to another address. He initially said he was too young, he may panic, he may get lost, someone may knock me over/out and snatch him, he may get sick, it might hurt his ears. He remembered and put in his statements that on our last holiday abroad that my nieces and little cousins got up to dance and no adult followed.I was 30 weeks pregnant.. so our child wasn't even born yet. I offered once he confirmed i could be unsupervised and finally have him over midweek sometimes meaning I could finally take him to school on my own that I would be happy to have him all three late shifts he worked each week but he had it covered almost always because of the fact he moved back to the family home and his mums a childminder so he had childcare sorted when he was working and it wasn’t my time. I originally got him one afternoon a week until 6, three weekends out of four Friday from 3 til sunday at 6 and half of all hols. That one afternoon was up to him because I wasn't working and he worked shifts on a rota so flexibility was key.   But meant it wasn’t often the same afternoon each week to begin with..then it mostly became thursdays which meant football training 6 til 7, so again I offered and asked if he could just stay here after and instead I was to drop him off after training (usually about half 7) After he confirmed I could be unsupervised and have alternate contact on his weekends he also allowed 6 to be extended to 7. Before he confirmed I could have him alternate time, every month for over a year it meant I had no contact with him for up to 9 days at a time Last year due to the way his annual leave went I didn't see him from last week of summer hols until his first morning back at school. That was 12 days of no contact. It took another 13 months to get a first hearing. In that time I chose to do three parenting courses, a first aid refresher, two Surrey adult learning courses and a second round of CBT. In that time I also volunteered as a parent helper at his school and joined the PTA and was heavily involved. I began training (studying/volunteering in another primary school as a teaching assistant) and I qualified last year. I am not back volunteering at either school because no non  paid members of staff can be on the premises. I fought back.I will always fight back I will always fight for what I think is right..and fair..and i will fight to be that boys mum. My mh was no concern to any medical professionals. Never had been but never got to exhibit that to the judge the first time. This time I did,plus added all my course certificates etc. In March I was given 50/50 joint residency, so every week since (bar the last four weeks of summer) I have had him from thursday to sunday. Some weeks I will have him weds to saturday. It’s his dad’s weekend off, normally he is working because the weekend he books off is our sons birthday, for the first time since he moved out he has also had his own birthday off work Our son is now 8. Despite all our clashes etc we have spent every birthday with him, just us three, the previous two years we even managed to throw birthday parties together..and we have spent every Christmas morning together too, because it makes the kid happy and both of us don't want to miss out, so we choose to share..he then gets family time still..we're not a family anymore but we're his. He pointed that out to me when he was 5 and it's always stuck in my mind All I want is the kid to be happy so if spending time with my ex makes him happy then crack on. Our son hero worships him and he is a brilliant attentive loving dad. They adore each other. Just like our son loves me loads as well. He's such a great kid Smart. Kind. Funny. Sassy. Very loving. His happiness will always come first..when he's older no doubt his wishes and feelings will change..but for now if the kid wants us both birthday and Christmas morning he's got us both. Here. I have to just deal with the current situation by letting him "win"  But the reason I am doing the Freedom Programme again is because I need to learn how to have boundaries, set them and stick to them. I am very much the fawn response.   I need help with the boundary thing.  As I mentioned above we have always shared our son’s birthday, plus christmas eve and morning, this time he didnt even ask if he could stay at mine He’s just invited himself round. It was the status quo before because the first year I still had to be supervised and that night it could only have been by him. I have 0 issue with him coming here first thing nor coming over christmas morning til half12 if that's what our son wants to keep happening. I would rather we share than either of us miss out but he didn’t even ask me if he was okay to stay, I'm more than happy for our son to see us both on his birthday and to have him here for a while but I don't want him staying here anymore. It sets my anxiety rocketing but I'm never going to let either of them know that or you know it's going to go against me My family don't think he should set foot in here at night time ever saying I can't trust him not to go through my stuff, to start taking pics, to take or hide other stuff, or to try and pull something else to mess with my head.  I'm well aware he doesn't love me. I'm not in love with him any more. I'm not ready to meet anyone or hook up with anyone else yet it’s having a boundary knowing it can backfire I dont want to miss any of his birthday either. But if he had his own place I'd have happily gone over in the morning, hell I'd have even bought bloody bacon sandwiches over ykno I've done fp twice prior to the 50/50 I want it because I need to figure out how to set those boundaries. Grey rock isn’t an option for me. Because my respectful amicable texts are what the solicitor said are like my trump card when I applied to vary. Done three parenting courses. My problem is I will fake it for our son’s sake, there has been nothing I haven't agreed to if it makes him happy. I can have my own life and make my own choices when he is bigger but now that smile is worth all the discomfort and to be honest with you when its just the three of us it's so easy going and it feels real. I see a genuine smile when our son and I are playing.. or a genuine one from me when they are. Like true co-parenting. There isn't a former. I met him when he was 21. I am the only person he ever bought home. The first and only girlfriend. I just feel like I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't but I will do anything for that boy regardless of other people's opinions, including my own So do I just need to suck it up? Am I wrong? People say to me you meet someone they won't tolerate you spending time with your ex..well I'm sorry but if our son wants to spend some time with his mum and dad then I will do it for him and if the person I meet doesn’t understand that then they don’t understand me, or how much I love my child. I feel awful sometimes for complaining because he has never raised his hand to me.   I feel like I am not worthy. But I totally know emotional and psychological abuse is just as horrendous and that my experience is as valid as everyone else's if you get what I mean.   I actually have a few good friends now and a few weekends ago my son was invited to a friends to play out, their mums were all having a laugh and including me and even shared some Prosecco with me. I still feel like I'm being spied on. And I actually don't think I am any more. I need to stop panicking and just enjoy being a mum without second guessing myself. I have voiced my concerns about the status quo remaining and as per all of my feelings are invalidated by him I am trying to put a boundary in and set it down but he is refusing to acknowledge my opinion. Same thing, different day. Will it ever end? I have fought to be the best mum I can be, the best role model to my cub. I have a more structured schedule to establish a real routine with him and it means I can now make plans, try and have a life. I spent all that time grieving a living loss, all my time and energy were on fighting this, now I have I want to grieve my relationship that ended almost four years ago, by granny. I want to move on with my life, I want to like myself and eventually love myself again, I want to establish an identity again as opposed to a label. I want to move on, to try and be happy in myself, in my life. I want to be me again. I want to heal, I want to stop feeling like a sufferer and realise I am a survivor. I want to be confident, I want to go out, trust people again, I want to stop feeling like I am under a microscope and I always will be. I have made some wonderful new friends, reconnected with old ones. I want to stop being controlled. I am not a remote. I am a person. I am a mother and a bloody brilliant one. I am a great auntie, friend, daughter, granddaughter and sister and I just want to be acknowledged as a good person.  I don't want him in trouble I want to give a clean slate and draw a line in the sand. I don't want any of the bad anymore. I just want to focus purely on the good now. Why am I still not allowed to do that? Why is it not okay for me to just be me?
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HairFortin Reviews
HairFortin Reviews
Having a beautiful hair is the excellent treasure for those who are beauty conscious. All of us wish to enjoy a head full of hair with best colour and shine. But hair fall makes you upset and lose confidence when you move outwards. There are lot of people who suffer with hair fall and try out lot of medication and programs to overcome their hair trouble. But not all will help you in a best way. Here is the review about HairFortin supplement that is going to help you to improve your hair growth.
What is HairFortin Supplement?
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HairFortin is a 10-second Monk Ritual that Supports Healthy Hair Growth. It has high quality 28 plant extracts and vitamins. The Fo-Ti is the main primary ingredient that is added to stimulate the hair growth. The capules are manufactured in the USA under ta strict and precise standards. It doesnt contain any harmful toxins and is 100% safe to use.
-Supports natural growth of hair.
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-Gives you shining and thicker hair.
Creator behind the supplement:
James Green is the creator behind this exclusive supplement. This unique formula is used by himself and his wife to regrow the hair. He has undergone several experiments to find this solution to stop the hair fall. He made the supplement with several herbal extracts from 28 different plants stacked with nutrients and vitamins like vitamin E and anti-oxidant rich foods. The main ingredient of the supplement is the royal plantAndrographis Paniculata. This gives you the best results with reduced hair fall and improved hair regrowth.
Benefits of HairFortin Ingredients:
-It is the best hair growth supplement that makes your head full of hair.
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-If you are under medication then you must consult the physician before consuming this supplement.
-1 Bottle cost $69 + Free shipping.
-3 Bottles cost $177 + 1 Free bonus + Free Shipping.
-6 Bottles cost $294 + 2 Free Bonus + Free Shipping.
You can enjoy the ageless hair, full of colour and luster. The product is offered with HairFortin supplement is HairFortin AgePop. It helps you to support the hair growth without any side effects regardless your age. It has a 100% natural blend with the main ingredient named royal plant Andrographis Paniculata. It is offered 1 with 3 bottles of HairFortin and 2 with 6 bottles of HairFortin.
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HairFortin is a natural herbal health supplement without any negative side effects and Hairfortin Helps many customers. That being said, you are recommended to discuss with your doctor or other medical professional before you start any new diet, supplement or exercise regime. You should avoid contact with eyes, and if you are under any medication and pregnant or breast feeding you should consult with a physician before using HairFortin. Just take the capsule dosage as recommended by the physician and dont exceed than prescribed for the safe usage.
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HairFortin is not available in stores or on Amazon, its recommended that you buy directly from the company through the links on this web page to ensure that you get the real thing. When you order through the links provided will also give you access to a special non-public price for a months supply of HairFortin.
Money-Back policy:
The product is scientifically backed and the creator behind this supplement is more confident about the results of the product. You can try using the supplement for 60 days. If you think you are not satisfied with the results, even if the bottles are empty you can claim for refund. The creator offers 100% money back policy without any questions asked. You can get your refund within few hours.
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The HairFortin supplement is exclusively made to improve the hair growth that hacks your beautiful appearance. Are you searching for the excellent solution for the hair fall problem? Then this is the best hair regrowth stimulating solution that helps you to improve the hair health. It is the 100% natural supplement that has 28 herbal extracts without any negative side effects. Grab the supplement now and enjoy its benefits before the offer ends.
And one more thing
You have an amazing benefit to use this 100% money back guarantee for the first 60 days of your purchase. If you arent satisfied or not benefited by the product, then you can claim your 100% refund immediately.
With a 100% money-back guarantee policy, the supplements are definitely worth a try!
Go ahead and place the order of James Green HairFortin Today.
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HairFortin Reviews
HairFortin Reviews
Having a beautiful hair is the excellent treasure for those who are beauty conscious. All of us wish to enjoy a head full of hair with best colour and shine. But hair fall makes you upset and lose confidence when you move outwards. There are lot of people who suffer with hair fall and try out lot of medication and programs to overcome their hair trouble. But not all will help you in a best way. Here is the review about HairFortin supplement that is going to help you to improve your hair growth.
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What is HairFortin Supplement?
HairFortin is a 10-second Monk Ritual that Supports Healthy Hair Growth. It has high quality 28 plant extracts and vitamins. The Fo-Ti is the main primary ingredient that is added to stimulate the hair growth. The capules are manufactured in the USA under ta strict and precise standards. It doesnt contain any harmful toxins and is 100% safe to use.
Supports natural growth of hair.
-Prevents baldness.
-Improves your hair and skin.
-Gives you confidence.
-Improves your appearance.
-Gives you shining and thicker hair.
Creator behind the supplement:
James Green is the creator behind this exclusive supplement. This unique formula is used by himself and his wife to regrow the hair. He has undergone several experiments to find this solution to stop the hair fall. He made the supplement with several herbal extracts from 28 different plants stacked with nutrients and vitamins like vitamin E and anti-oxidant rich foods. The main ingredient of the supplement is the royal plantAndrographis Paniculata. This gives you the best results with reduced hair fall and improved hair regrowth.
Benefits of HairFortin Ingredients:
It is the best hair growth supplement that makes your head full of hair.
-It has 28 herbal extracts that works to stimulate your hair without any negative side effects.
-The supplement comes in an easy to take capsule form that works effortless.
-It helps to prevent hair fall that makes you bald and spoil your appearance.
-You can look confident and smarter than before while you were losing your hair.
It works for those who wish to get back their hair without any effects that harm your health.
-Improves the strength of your hair and hair follicles.
-There is a 60-days money back policy that backs the investment of the product.
-The HairFortin supplement is available in online through the official website only.
-If you are under medication then you must consult the physician before consuming this supplement.
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1 Bottle cost $69 + Free shipping.
-3 Bottles cost $177 + 1 Free bonus + Free Shipping.
-6 Bottles cost $294 + 2 Free Bonus + Free Shipping.
You can enjoy the ageless hair, full of colour and luster. The product is offered with HairFortin supplement is HairFortin AgePop. It helps you to support the hair growth without any side effects regardless your age. It has a 100% natural blend with the main ingredient named royal plant Andrographis Paniculata. It is offered 1 with 3 bottles of HairFortin and 2 with 6 bottles of HairFortin.
HairFortin Safety Side Effects:
HairFortin is a natural herbal health supplement without any negative side effects and Hairfortin Helps many customers. That being said, you are recommended to discuss with your doctor or other medical professional before you start any new diet, supplement or exercise regime. You should avoid contact with eyes, and if you are under any medication and pregnant or breast feeding you should consult with a physician before using HairFortin. Just take the capsule dosage as recommended by the physician and dont exceed than prescribed for the safe usage.
Where can I buy this Supplement?
HairFortin is not available in stores or on Amazon, its recommended that you buy directly from the company through the links on this web page to ensure that you get the real thing. When you order through the links provided will also give you access to a special non-public price for a months supply of HairFortin.
Money-Back policy:
The product is scientifically backed and the creator behind this supplement is more confident about the results of the product. You can try using the supplement for 60 days. If you think you are not satisfied with the results, even if the bottles are empty you can claim for refund. The creator offers 100% money back policy without any questions asked. You can get your refund within few hours.
The HairFortin supplement is exclusively made to improve the hair growth that hacks your beautiful appearance. Are you searching for the excellent solution for the hair fall problem? Then this is the best hair regrowth stimulating solution that helps you to improve the hair health. It is the 100% natural supplement that has 28 herbal extracts without any negative side effects. Grab the supplement now and enjoy its benefits before the offer ends.
And one more thing
You have an amazing benefit to use this 100% money back guarantee for the first 60 days of your purchase. If you arent satisfied or not benefited by the product, then you can claim your 100% refund immediately.
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hairfortin1 · 4 years
HairFortin Reviews
HairFortin Reviews
Having a beautiful hair is the excellent treasure for those who are beauty conscious. All of us wish to enjoy a head full of hair with best colour and shine. But hair fall makes you upset and lose confidence when you move outwards. There are lot of people who suffer with hair fall and try out lot of medication and programs to overcome their hair trouble. But not all will help you in a best way. Here is the review about HairFortin supplement that is going to help you to improve your hair growth.
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 What is HairFortin Supplement?
HairFortin is a 10-second Monk Ritual that Supports Healthy Hair Growth. It has high quality 28 plant extracts and vitamins. The Fo-Ti is the main primary ingredient that is added to stimulate the hair growth. The capules are manufactured in the USA under ta strict and precise standards. It doesnt contain any harmful toxins and is 100% safe to use.
-Supports natural growth of hair.
-Prevents baldness.
-Improves your hair and skin.
-Gives you confidence.
-Improves your appearance.
-Gives you shining and thicker hair.
 Creator behind the supplement:
James Green is the creator behind this exclusive supplement. This unique formula is used by himself and his wife to regrow the hair. He has undergone several experiments to find this solution to stop the hair fall. He made the supplement with several herbal extracts from 28 different plants stacked with nutrients and vitamins like vitamin E and anti-oxidant rich foods. The main ingredient of the supplement is the royal plantAndrographis Paniculata. This gives you the best results with reduced hair fall and improved hair regrowth.
 Benefits of HairFortin Ingredients:
-It is the best hair growth supplement that makes your head full of hair.
-It has 28 herbal extracts that works to stimulate your hair without any negative side effects.
-The supplement comes in an easy to take capsule form that works effortless.
-It helps to prevent hair fall that makes you bald and spoil your appearance.
-You can look confident and smarter than before while you were losing your hair.
It works for those who wish to get back their hair without any effects that harm your health.
-Improves the strength of your hair and hair follicles.
-There is a 60-days money back policy that backs the investment of the product.
-The HairFortin supplement is available in online through the official website only.
-If you are under medication then you must consult the physician before consuming this supplement.
-1 Bottle cost $69 + Free shipping.
-3 Bottles cost $177 + 1 Free bonus + Free Shipping.
-6 Bottles cost $294 + 2 Free Bonus + Free Shipping.
You can enjoy the ageless hair, full of colour and luster. The product is offered with HairFortin supplement is HairFortin AgePop. It helps you to support the hair growth without any side effects regardless your age. It has a 100% natural blend with the main ingredient named royal plant Andrographis Paniculata. It is offered 1 with 3 bottles of HairFortin and 2 with 6 bottles of HairFortin.
 HairFortin Safety Side Effects:
HairFortin is a natural herbal health supplement without any negative side effects and Hairfortin Helps many customers. That being said, you are recommended to discuss with your doctor or other medical professional before you start any new diet, supplement or exercise regime. You should avoid contact with eyes, and if you are under any medication and pregnant or breast feeding you should consult with a physician before using HairFortin. Just take the capsule dosage as recommended by the physician and dont exceed than prescribed for the safe usage.
 Where can I buy this Supplement?
HairFortin is not available in stores or on Amazon, its recommended that you buy directly from the company through the links on this web page to ensure that you get the real thing. When you order through the links provided will also give you access to a special non-public price for a months supply of HairFortin.
 Money-Back policy:
The product is scientifically backed and the creator behind this supplement is more confident about the results of the product. You can try using the supplement for 60 days. If you think you are not satisfied with the results, even if the bottles are empty you can claim for refund. The creator offers 100% money back policy without any questions asked. You can get your refund within few hours.
The HairFortin supplement is exclusively made to improve the hair growth that hacks your beautiful appearance. Are you searching for the excellent solution for the hair fall problem? Then this is the best hair regrowth stimulating solution that helps you to improve the hair health. It is the 100% natural supplement that has 28 herbal extracts without any negative side effects. Grab the supplement now and enjoy its benefits before the offer ends.
 And one more thing
You have an amazing benefit to use this 100% money back guarantee for the first 60 days of your purchase. If you arent satisfied or not benefited by the product, then you can claim your 100% refund immediately.With a 100% money-back guarantee policy, the supplements are definitely worth a try!Go ahead and place the order of James Green HairFortin Today.
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hairfortinfact-blog · 4 years
HairFortin Reviews
HairFortin Reviews
Having a beautiful hair is the excellent treasure for those who are beauty conscious. All of us wish to enjoy a head full of hair with best colour and shine. But hair fall makes you upset and lose confidence when you move outwards. There are lot of people who suffer with hair fall and try out lot of medication and programs to overcome their hair trouble. But not all will help you in a best way. Here is the review about HairFortin supplement that is going to help you to improve your hair growth.
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What is HairFortin Supplement?
HairFortin is a 10-second Monk Ritual that Supports Healthy Hair Growth. It has high quality 28 plant extracts and vitamins. The Fo-Ti is the main primary ingredient that is added to stimulate the hair growth. The capules are manufactured in the USA under ta strict and precise standards. It doesnt contain any harmful toxins and is 100% safe to use.
-Supports natural growth of hair.
-Prevents baldness.
-Improves your hair and skin.
-Gives you confidence.
-Improves your appearance.
-Gives you shining and thicker hair.
Creator behind the supplement:
James Green is the creator behind this exclusive supplement. This unique formula is used by himself and his wife to regrow the hair. He has undergone several experiments to find this solution to stop the hair fall. He made the supplement with several herbal extracts from 28 different plants stacked with nutrients and vitamins like vitamin E and anti-oxidant rich foods. The main ingredient of the supplement is the royal plantAndrographis Paniculata. This gives you the best results with reduced hair fall and improved hair regrowth.
Benefits of HairFortin Ingredients:
-It is the best hair growth supplement that makes your head full of hair.
-It has 28 herbal extracts that works to stimulate your hair without any negative side effects.
-The supplement comes in an easy to take capsule form that works effortless.
-It helps to prevent hair fall that makes you bald and spoil your appearance.
-You can look confident and smarter than before while you were losing your hair.
It works for those who wish to get back their hair without any effects that harm your health.
-Improves the strength of your hair and hair follicles.
-There is a 60-days money back policy that backs the investment of the product.
-The HairFortin supplement is available in online through the official website only.
-If you are under medication then you must consult the physician before consuming this supplement.
-1 Bottle cost $69 + Free shipping.
-3 Bottles cost $177 + 1 Free bonus + Free Shipping.
-6 Bottles cost $294 + 2 Free Bonus + Free Shipping.
Tumblr media
You can enjoy the ageless hair, full of colour and luster. The product is offered with HairFortin supplement is HairFortin AgePop. It helps you to support the hair growth without any side effects regardless your age. It has a 100% natural blend with the main ingredient named royal plant Andrographis Paniculata. It is offered 1 with 3 bottles of HairFortin and 2 with 6 bottles of HairFortin.
HairFortin Safety Side Effects:
HairFortin is a natural herbal health supplement without any negative side effects and Hairfortin Helps many customers. That being said, you are recommended to discuss with your doctor or other medical professional before you start any new diet, supplement or exercise regime. You should avoid contact with eyes, and if you are under any medication and pregnant or breast feeding you should consult with a physician before using HairFortin. Just take the capsule dosage as recommended by the physician and dont exceed than prescribed for the safe usage.
Where can I buy this Supplement?
HairFortin is not available in stores or on Amazon, its recommended that you buy directly from the company through the links on this web page to ensure that you get the real thing. When you order through the links provided will also give you access to a special non-public price for a months supply of HairFortin.
Money-Back policy:
The product is scientifically backed and the creator behind this supplement is more confident about the results of the product. You can try using the supplement for 60 days. If you think you are not satisfied with the results, even if the bottles are empty you can claim for refund. The creator offers 100% money back policy without any questions asked. You can get your refund within few hours.
The HairFortin supplement is exclusively made to improve the hair growth that hacks your beautiful appearance. Are you searching for the excellent solution for the hair fall problem? Then this is the best hair regrowth stimulating solution that helps you to improve the hair health. It is the 100% natural supplement that has 28 herbal extracts without any negative side effects. Grab the supplement now and enjoy its benefits before the offer ends.
And one more thing
You have an amazing benefit to use this 100% money back guarantee for the first 60 days of your purchase. If you arent satisfied or not benefited by the product, then you can claim your 100% refund immediately.
With a 100% money-back guarantee policy, the supplements are definitely worth a try!
Go ahead and place the order of James Green HairFortin Today.
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HairFortin Supplement Reviews
HairFortin Reviews
Having a beautiful hair is the excellent treasure for those who are beauty conscious. All of us wish to enjoy a head full of hair with best colour and shine. But hair fall makes you upset and lose confidence when you move outwards. There are lot of people who suffer with hair fall and try out lot of medication and programs to overcome their hair trouble. But not all will help you in a best way. Here is the review about HairFortin supplement that is going to help you to improve your hair growth.
What is HairFortin Supplement?
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HairFortin is a 10-second Monk Ritual that Supports Healthy Hair Growth. It has high quality 28 plant extracts and vitamins. The Fo-Ti is the main primary ingredient that is added to stimulate the hair growth. The capules are manufactured in the USA under ta strict and precise standards. It doesnt contain any harmful toxins and is 100% safe to use.
-Supports natural growth of hair.
-Prevents baldness.
-Improves your hair and skin.
-Gives you confidence.
-Improves your appearance.
-Gives you shining and thicker hair.
Creator behind the supplement:
James Green is the creator behind this exclusive supplement. This unique formula is used by himself and his wife to regrow the hair. He has undergone several experiments to find this solution to stop the hair fall. He made the supplement with several herbal extracts from 28 different plants stacked with nutrients and vitamins like vitamin E and anti-oxidant rich foods. The main ingredient of the supplement is the royal plantAndrographis Paniculata. This gives you the best results with reduced hair fall and improved hair regrowth.
Benefits of HairFortin Ingredients:
-It is the best hair growth supplement that makes your head full of hair.
-It has 28 herbal extracts that works to stimulate your hair without any negative side effects.
-The supplement comes in an easy to take capsule form that works effortless.
-It helps to prevent hair fall that makes you bald and spoil your appearance.
-You can look confident and smarter than before while you were losing your hair.
It works for those who wish to get back their hair without any effects that harm your health.
-Improves the strength of your hair and hair follicles.
-There is a 60-days money back policy that backs the investment of the product.
-The HairFortin supplement is available in online through the official website only.
-If you are under medication then you must consult the physician before consuming this supplement.
-1 Bottle cost $69 + Free shipping.
-3 Bottles cost $177 + 1 Free bonus + Free Shipping.
-6 Bottles cost $294 + 2 Free Bonus + Free Shipping.
You can enjoy the ageless hair, full of colour and luster. The product is offered with HairFortin supplement is HairFortin AgePop. It helps you to support the hair growth without any side effects regardless your age. It has a 100% natural blend with the main ingredient named royal plant Andrographis Paniculata. It is offered 1 with 3 bottles of HairFortin and 2 with 6 bottles of HairFortin.
HairFortin Safety Side Effects:
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HairFortin is a natural herbal health supplement without any negative side effects and Hairfortin Helps many customers. That being said, you are recommended to discuss with your doctor or other medical professional before you start any new diet, supplement or exercise regime. You should avoid contact with eyes, and if you are under any medication and pregnant or breast feeding you should consult with a physician before using HairFortin. Just take the capsule dosage as recommended by the physician and dont exceed than prescribed for the safe usage.
Where can I buy this Supplement?
HairFortin is not available in stores or on Amazon, its recommended that you buy directly from the company through the links on this web page to ensure that you get the real thing. When you order through the links provided will also give you access to a special non-public price for a months supply of HairFortin.
Money-Back policy:
The product is scientifically backed and the creator behind this supplement is more confident about the results of the product. You can try using the supplement for 60 days. If you think you are not satisfied with the results, even if the bottles are empty you can claim for refund. The creator offers 100% money back policy without any questions asked. You can get your refund within few hours.
The HairFortin supplement is exclusively made to improve the hair growth that hacks your beautiful appearance. Are you searching for the excellent solution for the hair fall problem? Then this is the best hair regrowth stimulating solution that helps you to improve the hair health. It is the 100% natural supplement that has 28 herbal extracts without any negative side effects. Grab the supplement now and enjoy its benefits before the offer ends.
And one more thing
You have an amazing benefit to use this 100% money back guarantee for the first 60 days of your purchase. If you arent satisfied or not benefited by the product, then you can claim your 100% refund immediately.
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HairFortin Reviews
HairFortin Reviews
Having a beautiful hair is the excellent treasure for those who are beauty conscious. All of us wish to enjoy a head full of hair with best colour and shine. But hair fall makes you upset and lose confidence when you move outwards. There are lot of people who suffer with hair fall and try out lot of medication and programs to overcome their hair trouble. But not all will help you in a best way. Here is the review about HairFortin supplement that is going to help you to improve your hair growth.
What is HairFortin Supplement?
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HairFortin is a 10-second Monk Ritual that Supports Healthy Hair Growth. It has high quality 28 plant extracts and vitamins. The Fo-Ti is the main primary ingredient that is added to stimulate the hair growth. The capules are manufactured in the USA under ta strict and precise standards. It doesnt contain any harmful toxins and is 100% safe to use.
-Supports natural growth of hair.
-Prevents baldness.
-Improves your hair and skin.
-Gives you confidence.
-Improves your appearance.
-Gives you shining and thicker hair.
Creator behind the supplement:
James Green is the creator behind this exclusive supplement. This unique formula is used by himself and his wife to regrow the hair. He has undergone several experiments to find this solution to stop the hair fall. He made the supplement with several herbal extracts from 28 different plants stacked with nutrients and vitamins like vitamin E and anti-oxidant rich foods. The main ingredient of the supplement is the royal plantAndrographis Paniculata. This gives you the best results with reduced hair fall and improved hair regrowth.
Benefits of HairFortin Ingredients:
-It is the best hair growth supplement that makes your head full of hair.
-It has 28 herbal extracts that works to stimulate your hair without any negative side effects.
-The supplement comes in an easy to take capsule form that works effortless.
-It helps to prevent hair fall that makes you bald and spoil your appearance.
-You can look confident and smarter than before while you were losing your hair.
It works for those who wish to get back their hair without any effects that harm your health.
-Improves the strength of your hair and hair follicles.
-There is a 60-days money back policy that backs the investment of the product.
-The HairFortin supplement is available in online through the official website only.
-If you are under medication then you must consult the physician before consuming this supplement.
-1 Bottle cost $69 + Free shipping.
-3 Bottles cost $177 + 1 Free bonus + Free Shipping.
-6 Bottles cost $294 + 2 Free Bonus + Free Shipping.
Tumblr media
You can enjoy the ageless hair, full of colour and luster. The product is offered with HairFortin supplement is HairFortin AgePop. It helps you to support the hair growth without any side effects regardless your age. It has a 100% natural blend with the main ingredient named royal plant Andrographis Paniculata. It is offered 1 with 3 bottles of HairFortin and 2 with 6 bottles of HairFortin.
HairFortin Safety Side Effects:
HairFortin is a natural herbal health supplement without any negative side effects and Hairfortin Helps many customers. That being said, you are recommended to discuss with your doctor or other medical professional before you start any new diet, supplement or exercise regime. You should avoid contact with eyes, and if you are under any medication and pregnant or breast feeding you should consult with a physician before using HairFortin. Just take the capsule dosage as recommended by the physician and dont exceed than prescribed for the safe usage.
Where can I buy this Supplement?
HairFortin is not available in stores or on Amazon, its recommended that you buy directly from the company through the links on this web page to ensure that you get the real thing. When you order through the links provided will also give you access to a special non-public price for a months supply of HairFortin.
Money-Back policy:
The product is scientifically backed and the creator behind this supplement is more confident about the results of the product. You can try using the supplement for 60 days. If you think you are not satisfied with the results, even if the bottles are empty you can claim for refund. The creator offers 100% money back policy without any questions asked. You can get your refund within few hours.
The HairFortin supplement is exclusively made to improve the hair growth that hacks your beautiful appearance. Are you searching for the excellent solution for the hair fall problem? Then this is the best hair regrowth stimulating solution that helps you to improve the hair health. It is the 100% natural supplement that has 28 herbal extracts without any negative side effects. Grab the supplement now and enjoy its benefits before the offer ends.
And one more thing
You have an amazing benefit to use this 100% money back guarantee for the first 60 days of your purchase. If you arent satisfied or not benefited by the product, then you can claim your 100% refund immediately.
With a 100% money-back guarantee policy, the supplements are definitely worth a try!
Go ahead and place the order of James Green HairFortin Today.
1 note · View note
HairFortin Supplement Review
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Having a beautiful hair is the excellent treasure for those who are beauty conscious. All of us wish to enjoy a head full of hair with best colour and shine. But hair fall makes you upset and lose confidence when you move outwards. There are lot of people who suffer with hair fall and try out lot of medication and programs to overcome their hair trouble. But not all will help you in a best way. Here is the review about HairFortin supplement that is going to help you to improve your hair growth.
What is HairFortin Supplement?
HairFortin is a 10-second Monk Ritual that Supports Healthy Hair Growth. It has high quality 28 plant extracts and vitamins. The Fo-Ti is the main primary ingredient that is added to stimulate the hair growth. The capules are manufactured in the USA under ta strict and precise standards. It doesnt contain any harmful toxins and is 100% safe to use.
Supports natural growth of hair.
Prevents baldness.
Improves your hair and skin.
Gives you confidence.
Improves your appearance.
Gives you shining and thicker hair.
Creator behind the supplement:
James Green is the creator behind this exclusive supplement. This unique formula is used by himself and his wife to regrow the hair. He has undergone several experiments to find this solution to stop the hair fall. He made the supplement with several herbal extracts from 28 different plants stacked with nutrients and vitamins like vitamin E and anti-oxidant rich foods. The main ingredient of the supplement is the royal plantAndrographis Paniculata. This gives you the best results with reduced hair fall and improved hair regrowth.
Benefits of HairFortin Ingredients:
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It is the best hair growth supplement that makes your head full of hair.
It has 28 herbal extracts that works to stimulate your hair without any negative side effects.
The supplement comes in an easy to take capsule form that works effortless.
It helps to prevent hair fall that makes you bald and spoil your appearance.
You can look confident and smarter than before while you were losing your hair.
It works for those who wish to get back their hair without any effects that harm your health.
Improves the strength of your hair and hair follicles.
There is a 60-days money back policy that backs the investment of the product.
The HairFortin supplement is available in online through the official website only.
If you are under medication then you must consult the physician before consuming this supplement.
1 Bottle cost $69 + Free shipping.
3 Bottles cost $177 + 1 Free bonus + Free Shipping.
6 Bottles cost $294 + 2 Free Bonus + Free Shipping.
You can enjoy the ageless hair, full of colour and luster. The product is offered with HairFortin supplement is HairFortin AgePop. It helps you to support the hair growth without any side effects regardless your age. It has a 100% natural blend with the main ingredient named royal plant Andrographis Paniculata. It is offered 1 with 3 bottles of HairFortin and 2 with 6 bottles of HairFortin.
HairFortin Safety Side Effects:
HairFortin is a natural herbal health supplement without any negative side effects and Hairfortin Helps many customers. That being said, you are recommended to discuss with your doctor or other medical professional before you start any new diet, supplement or exercise regime. You should avoid contact with eyes, and if you are under any medication and pregnant or breast feeding you should consult with a physician before using HairFortin. Just take the capsule dosage as recommended by the physician and dont exceed than prescribed for the safe usage.
Where can I buy this Supplement?
HairFortin is not available in stores or on Amazon, its recommended that you buy directly from the company through the links on this web page to ensure that you get the real thing. When you order through the links provided will also give you access to a special non-public price for a months supply of HairFortin.
Money-Back policy:
The product is scientifically backed and the creator behind this supplement is more confident about the results of the product. You can try using the supplement for 60 days. If you think you are not satisfied with the results, even if the bottles are empty you can claim for refund. The creator offers 100% money back policy without any questions asked. You can get your refund within few hours.
The HairFortin supplement is exclusively made to improve the hair growth that hacks your beautiful appearance. Are you searching for the excellent solution for the hair fall problem? Then this is the best hair regrowth stimulating solution that helps you to improve the hair health. It is the 100% natural supplement that has 28 herbal extracts without any negative side effects. Grab the supplement now and enjoy its benefits before the offer ends.
And one more thing
You have an amazing benefit to use this 100% money back guarantee for the first 60 days of your purchase. If you arent satisfied or not benefited by the product, then you can claim your 100% refund immediately.
With a 100% money-back guarantee policy, the supplements are definitely worth a try!
Go ahead and place the order of James Green HairFortin Today.
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ap-selene · 2 years
Help!! Stripping changes the way I view men
So I(27F) have been working full time as a nurse and currently 4 months now I have been stripping too. My job in the hospital is boring and tiring most of the times and I dont really enjoy it . But I love so much dancing , especially stage dancing it is undescribable how it makes me feel, it is fun, entertaining and liberating! I love entertaining people. So I always liked this aspect of stripping, the part of dancing.
From the other hand as a stripper, I have to tolerate people who will try to push my boundaries. Going for dances and some men grab my boobs really aggressively to the point it hurts, I always have to tell them the same things and they just don't understand that I'm a woman who tries to work but they just see it as an easy access to my body.
Also all the strip clubs in my country are extras clubs . From some point I realized everybody arround me was doing sex with customers occasionally, especially if you wanna earn decent money. I did it after some months passed , in the beginning was fun,,other times I felt really disgusted by the act of doing something that should be considered more special, meaningful and romantic now it started be seen as something really cheap and disgusting, only be done for money. Men will tell me that I look as a nice girl and not the type who does these things often.
The truth is that I'm really scared that I'm seeing an ugly reality of men. Married men or in relationships, men with pregnant women who go to strip clubs to see naked women or even ask to pay for sex. Of course I turn down these categories of men , but again it makes me lose trust.. I'm craving to see an actual loving , romantic man, who respects women, even the women who do sex work.
So I wait your opinions on this, I just wonder if my thoughts about men are valid. In strip clubs im seeing a bad category of unfaithful, disrespectful men something and I'm afraid to believe that the majority of men are like this.. How should I change my approach and think more positive? How to keep only the good parts of dancing that I love and at the same time stop making these generalizations about men?
submitted by /u/Morena-sexycandy [link] [comments] from Sex https://ift.tt/3DFHFz4
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