#i dont feel like tagging everyone cause im in an airport rn
Venomous teachings au question:What will Wu do when it will be revealed that Lloyd is the green ninja(if he is.It would be funny and ironic if it was Nya for example)?You mentioned attempted kidnapping in one of the earlier posts.Also,when will it happen?
I haven't hammered out exactly when Lloyd is revealed as the true Green Ninja, other than it being after the Great Devourer is released and defeated (and event that starts Wu on a bit of a downward spiral), so what Wu does, and when he himself finds out aren't fully set in stone, but I have a few ideas I'm thinking of.
In VT, Garm still defeats the GD, but it's by finding his True Potential. He spent pretty much his whole life blaming himself for Wu getting bit, and everything that Wu's done bc of the Venom, and he's able to let go of his guilt and kill the Devourer.
And just like in cannon, it's known that Garmadon is the one who killed the Great Devourer. Which throws a massive wrench in Wu's plan; he had a hand in the GD getting released, and he had planned to use that to get Garm and Nya to give up the Sword of Flame. He wanted to use the chaos to draw them out and then play the whole 'the power of all four Golden Weapons is the only thing that will stop the Devourer, and I'm the only one who can use all four Weapons at once' card that cannon!Garm used. He also wanted to use that as a bit of an ego boost.
Nya and Garm both get captured after the Devourer is dead, and Wu is able to get the Sword of Flames by using Nya's life as leverage. Misako and Mystake are able to bust the two out during a very public kangaroo court """trial""".
And this is where things get messy. The ideas I'm working with are:
1) Lloyd is revealed as the GN via an accidental run-in with the Ninja. Mb they've tracked Garm, Nya, Misako, Mystake, and Lloyd to wherever they're hiding and Lloyd gets close enough to the Weapons to set them off? Something like that.
2) Lloyd is revealed as the GN in a run-in with Wu after he has the Mega Weapon, which reacts to Lloyd the same way the GW's would.
3) Lloyd is revealed as the GN minuets after Wu is defeated. Garm nearly kills himself using the Mega Weapon to defeat Wu, and Lloyd runs over to him, getting close enough to the Mega Weapon to set it off.
If I go with 1, then Wu doubles his efforts to capture Lloyd. The Ninja would be put under his spell by this point, so they wouldn't question what the whole light show was about. His main goal would be to turn Lloyd to his side through manipulation or magic, whichever works. Lloyd, as both Garmadons child and the actual GN would make a powerful asset. And if he couldn't be turned, well, he's still a very valuable hostage.
2 would be pretty similar to 1, but Wu would have gotten a bit more unhinged at that point. Like, he's gone a bit mad with power and stolen the throne and pretty much everyone has figured out 'this guy isn't actually the good guy'. In this scenario Wu would still be trying to capture Lloyd, but his goal would be to use the Mega Weapon to transfer his power into Kai, and then keep him alive just long enough to kill him in front of at least one of his parents.
And in 3, the only person who would actually notice the Mega Weapon glowing green at Lloyd would be Misako. Garm and Wu are both unconscious, Lloyd and Nya are freaking out bc Garm gets kinda messed up from using the Mega Weapon, Pixal is focused on making sure Nya isn't killed by a nasty injury of her own, and the Ninja all just got freed from Wu's spell and are dealing with the emotional and physical fallout from that. Misako is the only one holding it together enough to see the light show. Her response is to get to Lloyd and Garm, kick the MW away from both of them, and then take charge of the situation. I have no idea when (or if) she tells anyone the truth. (Also Kai might also notice. Haven't fully decided on that one yet.)
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