#i dont hate kaoru's character i 'm just a little disappointed in his switch up towards the end like does he realize he cant take karen wit
etownie · 1 year
just watched the tunnel to summer the exit of goodbyes (SPOILERS under da cut)
i think the romance buildup was okay. since they introduced the scifi elements of the tunnel i wish there was a better buildup or explanation about the tunnel. i just have a theory that you can only physically hold and take out things that 1) you've lost and 2) still exist in the world. like once kaoru got to the door it felt like they were in a supernatural space and time since his sister is dead she cant leave that space. idk i just wanted closure for why the sister couldnt come with him LOL also the age gap at the end made me uncomfy but whatever i think it's crazy anzu kept thinking about him and updating him it's cute (my heart jumped when the text about their hs graduation) but i could not suspend my disbelief towards the end bc it was getting rly cliche. oH my fav part was the sunflower scene where kaoru is silly and anzu's like this is completely out of your character like LMAO YEAH. also i liked when kaoru gets a panic attack and throws up after his dad tells him he's going to remarry and move to tokyo. tbh i didnt expect anzu's character to be as fleshed out as it was i did not at all predict her motivations for wanting to go through the tunnel. at first i thought her parents died tragically and she'd want to get them too but after the aquarium scene and kaoru told her about his dead sister and she didnt say anything in response i starting thinking mb anzu just wants to be the sacrifice for kaoru to get his sister like a life for a life sort of deal LOL. then the manga arc backstory thing happened and i was like ohhh. anyway i saw that theres a ln and manga that the movie was adapted from and i dont think i'll read it since i'm not too crazy about the characters or romance or anything. im satisfied w my theories to serve as personal closure LOL
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WAIT. that's slay
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