#ohh and the part where they meet up for lunch and my girl is stressing out about her manga getting seen but also still wanting to go thru t
etownie · 1 year
just watched the tunnel to summer the exit of goodbyes (SPOILERS under da cut)
i think the romance buildup was okay. since they introduced the scifi elements of the tunnel i wish there was a better buildup or explanation about the tunnel. i just have a theory that you can only physically hold and take out things that 1) you've lost and 2) still exist in the world. like once kaoru got to the door it felt like they were in a supernatural space and time since his sister is dead she cant leave that space. idk i just wanted closure for why the sister couldnt come with him LOL also the age gap at the end made me uncomfy but whatever i think it's crazy anzu kept thinking about him and updating him it's cute (my heart jumped when the text about their hs graduation) but i could not suspend my disbelief towards the end bc it was getting rly cliche. oH my fav part was the sunflower scene where kaoru is silly and anzu's like this is completely out of your character like LMAO YEAH. also i liked when kaoru gets a panic attack and throws up after his dad tells him he's going to remarry and move to tokyo. tbh i didnt expect anzu's character to be as fleshed out as it was i did not at all predict her motivations for wanting to go through the tunnel. at first i thought her parents died tragically and she'd want to get them too but after the aquarium scene and kaoru told her about his dead sister and she didnt say anything in response i starting thinking mb anzu just wants to be the sacrifice for kaoru to get his sister like a life for a life sort of deal LOL. then the manga arc backstory thing happened and i was like ohhh. anyway i saw that theres a ln and manga that the movie was adapted from and i dont think i'll read it since i'm not too crazy about the characters or romance or anything. im satisfied w my theories to serve as personal closure LOL
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WAIT. that's slay
0 notes
big-toe-energy · 5 years
Sleep over part 1
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x reader, Dustin x Reader (sibling)
Warnings: language
You and Steve are dating and you are Dustin’s older sister and you and Dustin have a sleep over with the gang at your place.
It it was Friday morning, you and Dustin were getting ready for school. “Dusty, you want me to make you toast before Stevie gets here?” You called out to him. “Yeah!” He shouted back.
You made your brother breakfast and quickly packed his lunch. you put a banana, a turkey sandwich,a snack pack, and a bottle of water in his lunch box along with a little note that said “I love you :)!”
Even though he was in 8th grade, you still took care of him. Your mom was barley ever home from working all the time or away on little trips because she would get overwhelmed with raising the two of you. You been taking care of Dustin since you were 10 years old, that’s when your dad left and your mom was never the same.
Steve pulled up to your house right at 7, you made sure that your brother had all of his stuff for school and that you had yours as well, then you were out the door. When You arrived to your Boyfriend’s car he leaned over to open your door from the driver side seat. “Hey beautiful.” He said while beaming up at you. “Hey baby boy.” You smiled back at him. “Guys can you please wait to do that later?” Dustin said rolling his eyes. “Close your eyes dusty.” You said leaning in and giving Steve a big kiss. After the kiss Steve looked at both you and Dustin and said in a cheery tone “okay everyone ready to go?” You and Dustin both nodded.
Once you had dropped Dustin off at the middle school ,you and Steve arrived in the parking lot of the High School. You guys started to talk about the plans for that night: “About the sleep over tonight, I was wondering if I should keep one of my bats in your room and one behind the couch Incase anything happens?” He said sweetly
“yeah I think that’s a good idea, but we shouldn’t tell the kids, we don’t want to stress them out over something that might not happen.” You smiled at him
“wow you are so smart baby!” He beamed at you, and you blushed.
“Thank You Harrington I try. Hey! Are we still getting snacks and food for tonight after school?” You asked proceeding to hold his hand
“of course we are baby girl.” He kissed your cheek
You both hopped out of his car and proceeded to your first class of the day, holding hands. You were both in different grades, him being a senior and you a junior. You didn’t mind though it was nice. “I love you!” He yelled when you started to walk in separate directions and let each other’s hands go, “I love you too!” You yelled back. It was gonna be a good day.
The final bell rang and you ran out into the parking lot to meet up with Steve and Dustin who were already standing there waiting for you. You looked at Dustin with a stern expression, “school doesn’t end for you for another 10 minutes, why are you here already?” You said with a ‘I mean business’ tone. “I was just so excited about tonight I kinda just left class early, I asked my teacher and everything. please don’t get upset with me.” He said looking at you with big eyes. “She’s not gonna get mad at you kid, we both understand that you’re excited, and we are proud of you for asking your teacher first.” Steve said reassuringly. Dustin looked releived. You gave Dustin a hug “please just don’t be a dumbass.” You said lovingly “I won’t.” He said muffled by the bear hug.
You guys all loaded up in Steve’s car and headed to the store to grab snacks before the party. When you guys arrived at the store Steve pulled the car into a spot and parked it. “Okay what are we grabbing? We need a set list so we don’t buy too much food.” Steve said sternly “ohh putting your foot down, what a man.” You said in a mocking voice. Steve tapped your arm playfully. “Ummm... lets start out with chips and dip, brownies or cookies, and drinks!” Dustin said “that’s great dusty!” You smiled back at him. You all got out of the car and headed inside the store. You grabbed a cart and you all started to walk down the isles. You reached the cake mix isle first: “dusty, you want me to make you box brownies or my brownies?” You asked in a caring tone. “I like your brownies y/n, boxed tastes like shit.” He replied “language!” Steve said sternly. You guys walked around the store and finished grabbing everything you needed for tonight.
Once you guys got back to your house you guys started to set up for the sleep over. You had also stopped at the movie rental place and let Dustin pick out 3 movies for tonight and he picked: Beverly Hills cop,caddy shack, and breakfast club.
You went through the rules with Dustin:
No one sleeps in your room
You all sleep out here
Don’t leave the house
Don’t do anything stupid
He rolled his eyes “ I’m not 6 I know the rules y/n” Steve chimes in, “Hey! we just want you guys to be safe.” He said in a protective tone
Shortly after the gang arrived You started to work on making your “famous” fudge brownies and Steve ordered 3 pizzas from Tony’s.
When the pizza arrived and everyone ate, you let the gang figure out what movie they wanted to watch:
“I want to watch Beverly Hill cop!” Chimed Lucas
“I do too! Or Caddy shack!” Mike said
“I wouldn’t mind watching the breakfast club!” Max said sweetly
“Hey! Dipshits and girls, why don’t you guys just toss a coin or something? Or let Will pick?” Steve said placing his hands on his hips
“Umm.. could we watch Breakfast club?” Will said sweetly
“Yeah of course! Breakfast club it is!” You said putting the movie into the VHS player.
You made sure the gang had everything they needed for the night, and you went to the living room where they all were sitting and started to go through the rules for tonight:
“Okay guys, me and Steve will be in my room tonight to give you guys some space and room to have fun! But here are some basic ground rules:
No leaving the house with out us
Backyard is perfectly fine just don’t leave the property
You can be in Dustin’s room just not sleep in there
Don’t stay up all night because you guys need sleep
Me and Steve are here if you need anything just knock first then come in
We love you guys and we want you to have fun”
You said lovingly. “Goodnight guys, again if you need anything I’ll be in my room!” You said while walking off holding Steve’s hand. “OKAY! “ the group said in unison
Once inside of your room you could hear the kids yelling and laughing, so you knew they would be busy for a while.
Steve came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist “I love you, I love you so much.” He started to place sweet kisses all over your neck and rubbing his hands around your waist.
“I love you too Stevie.” You turned so you would be face to face and placed a deep and passionate kiss on his lips.
Part 2 will be NSFW with Steve so like I hope y’all enjoy this!❤️❤️
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simsinluxury · 5 years
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I sat at my desk looking over the details of my clients project for our meeting in two hours. I shuffled back and forth between pages but just could not focus.
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I put my head in my hands and closed my eyes before I let out a deep breath. I stayed this way for a few minutes before picking up my phone to call my client to cancel which I hated to do especially on such short notice.
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Once things were settled with my client I started to gather my stuff up to leave for today. I phoned my assistant to let her know I was leaving and for her to let my staff know as well.
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Once I got in my car I called NaNa and waited for her to answer.
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Hey boo!
Hey! Are you going anywhere soon or leaving?
No, why? You’re not coming to visit me?
She said a little sadly. We hadn’t seen each other since the night she left Nazar. For over a week I had no idea of where she was, she wouldn’t answer any of my calls or texts. I was going to give it two weeks before I had called her momma.
No I’m coming. I just wanted to know because I was going to come now but I know I told you later on today.
Ohh okay, well I’ll be here boo.
Okay, I should be there in about 40 minuets.
Okay, see you when you get here.
I ended the call and turned up the music hoping it would help to clear my mind.
                                       **40 minuets later**
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I pulled up to NaNa’s grandmother’s house and parked. The last time I had been here was almost 4 years ago when she was staying with her grandmother. I grabbed my bag and headed to the front door to ring the doorbell.
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A few seconds later I heard the door being unlocked.
Hey boo!
I gave her a kiss on the cheek before she grabbed me and pulled me into a tight hug.
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I couldn’t help but to admire how pretty she looked. She had cut her hair off and I loved it. She seemed to be healing and that made me beyond happy.
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I am loving this hair! It’s so damn cute on you Na!
Aww thanks boo! I really like it, I had to move on from the bob.
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I followed her to her bedroom and we both took a seat on her bed.
Where’s your Gma and Momma Italy?
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Girl Gma is where she always is, playing bingo. She gonna be mad she missed you, I told her you were coming by later on.
Aww, if I don’t see her today I’ll make sure to come by one day next week.
I’m sure she’ll love that. My Momma went to check up on the winery process but I’m sure she’ll be back soon. Between her and Gma I don’t know who’s worse, neither one likes to leave me alone.
She and I both laughed a little.
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You lucky I don’t live around the corner because you would get tired of seeing my face.
She started laughing.I removed my heels and got more comfortable.
So how are you feeling?
You know for the first time Lyyn since everything happened I can actually say I feel okay. I no longer cry everyday or feel I just want to sink and die. It’s still hard for me but I’m healing every day. I still think about Bear every day though, I wish I could just hold him.
We sat in silence for a few minutes both caught up in our own thoughts.
Lyyn I’m so sorry.
Sorry for what Na?
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I’m so sorry because before I didn’t understand. I thought I did but I didn’t. Whenever I would bring up you and Jay trying for a baby again you would shut down. I thought it was because you just didn’t want to talk about it but now I understand. Talking about it is not just words. When you talk about it there also comes all the emotions and physical pain you felt that night. It’s like you are reliving that exact same moment and for that I am so sorry. I am so sorry for every time I have ever brought it up. I feel like such a shitty ass bestfriend and sister. I just want to see you happy all around.
I pulled her into a hug.
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Natalia please don’t feel shitty. You’re the most amazing bestfriend/sister I could ever ask for. I knew you never meant any harm. Deep down I knew you just didn’t understand. All you knew was you just wanted me to be happy.
Thank you......thank you for everything. Although I was blocking you out you still came everyday to see me. You never missed a day no matter what. We would just sit in my bedroom in complete silence the whole time and you never minded. You happily accepted to help with my salon although you have three businesses of your own. No matter what it is you have always been here for me and for that I’m forever grateful. I seriously wouldn’t have gotten this far through this without you so seriously thank you. You don’t know how much I appreciate everything you have done for me.
You’re absolutely welcome boo but you don’t have to thank me Natalia. We’ve been bestfriends for almost 8 years, this is what I’m here for. You’ve done the same for me not once but twice. You never left my side after that horrible night and you never left my side when I got shot. You practically lived at my house you were there so much. You kept things together with my businesses while still managing and running your own. No matter when i’ve needed you you’ve always been there with no questions asked.
We hugged each other again.
Girl it’s Friday evening and we’re sitting here on the verge of tears and shit. 
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We both started laughing as we now heard the sounds of heavy rain outside.
Well I would say let’s go restaurant hopping like we use to do in college but as you can hear it’s raining like hell outside.
That would have been hella fun, I didn’t know they called for rain this evening.
Me either.
Whelp looks like we’re ordering delivery.
That’s fine by me.
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We looked online at different places and decided on tacos. 30 minuets later we heard the doorbell. 
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We paid and tipped the deliver guy before we headed to the kitchen.
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This looks really good.
It really does, I’m starving I haven’t ate all day.
Your ass always skipping breakfast and lunch. You’ll eat one meal all day and that’s dinner at 11 o’clock at night. You better stop that shit Lyyn I’m serious.
I know I’m trying to get better. It’s just really hard because my ass be so busy during the day I don’t have time to eat.
Well you better make time, even if it’s 15-30 minuets. Set a dedicated time and have your assistant grab you lunch. Don’t make me have to start popping up at your office everyday to make sure your ass ate lunch.
I laughed a little.
Your ass is crazy.
I’m so serious.
Oh trust me I know.
You’ve gained some weight though, it looks cute on you boo.
Yeah but I’ve been struggling to fit in my jeans so these extra pounds gotta go.
She started laughing.
Your ass is simple.
I started laughing.
I’m serious NaNa. Stress eating has not been my friend when I do get the time to eat.
I grabbed my tray and headed back to her room before she could start to grill my ass. I totally let the stress eating part slip.
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Lyyn your ass is not slick!
She called behind me.
When she made it to her room I knew she was getting ready to hit me with questions. Before she could we heard someone coming through the front door. A few seconds later we heard a knock on the door.
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Come in.
In the doorway stood Momma Italy.
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Well hello to you too stranger.
We started laughing.
Don’t do me like that Momma Italy.
I got up to hug her.
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I haven’t seen you in over two months Daughter.
I know, I’ve been out of town for work a lot. You look cute! Let me find out you had a secret date or something.
Girl bye!
NaNa and I started laughing.
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She need a damn date. Momma you the only person I knew who’s been proposed to 3 times and turned each one down. What is it? What’s the matter?
Excuse you how the hell.......Momma. She been in here telling my business.
We laughed harder.
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You two are something else. The only date I need is with a glass of wine and a bathtub which I’m getting ready to go on now. These builders have worked my last nerve for today.
There’s some tacos and stuff in the kitchen if you want any Momma.
Thanks Honeybun, I’ll catch up with you girls a little later.
We both said before she headed upstairs.  
Lyyn don’t think you’re off the hook. What did you mean by stress eating? What’s going on boo?
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It’s nothing NaNa.
It’s definitely something. Don’t think I haven’t noticed you don’t have your ring on. I know we haven’t really talked in awhile but is this over what you told me with Jay at my shop that night?
I sighed.
I think I want a divorce.
She said with a surprised look on her face.
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I just.........I don’t know NaNa. I know Jayhirad lied to me about Kimani’s ass yet again. I know I saw her a block down from his studio that night I left. When she saw me she took off like a bat out of hell in the opposite direction. I gave him two fucking chances to come clean about shit Natalia. Why else would he lie to me about this bitch again unless they are fucking around. They got to be doing something, why else would she have been at his studio.
She sighed.  
You know I love you two together and look at Jay as a brother so deep down I’m hoping shits not what it seems but you have a solid ass point. This is the second time he’s lied to you about her ass and under no circumstances should her ass have been at his studio.
I can still smell her stank ass perfume. For it to have been in his clothes lets me know she was hella close to him.
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Damn boo I forgot all about that shit.
Before anything else could be said my phone started ringing. I grabbed it out of my bag.
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When I saw the number was blocked I knew it was nobody but Kimani’s ass playing on my shit again. She had been doing this shit for a few days now. When it started ringing again NaNa gave me a questionable look.
Lyyn who is that?
I let out a breath of annoyance.
It’s nobody but Kimani’s dumb ass. She calls me from block so of course I cannot block her. No matter how many times I curse her ass out she still continues to play games on my line.
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The fuck? If she calls again you don’t have to answer but trust and believe I will.
Before I could say anything my phone dinged letting me know I had a new text message. Before I clicked to open it I looked to see if I recognized the number but I didn’t. Once I did nothing could prepare me for what I was about to see. It was pictures of Jayhirad and Kimani from what looked like a video.
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One she was sitting on his lap. The other she had his dick in her mouth through his pants and looked at any moment she would pull it out. I knew from the clothes Jayhirad had on in the pictures that they were from that night I went pass his studio. I jumped up and took off for the bathroom as I could now feel my food rising up my throat.
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The images made me sick to my stomach. I made it to the bathroom just in time before I started to hurl up everything I had just ate.
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NaNa came behind me and held my hair back. Once my stomach subsided I flushed the toilet and rinsed my mouth out.
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I firmly placed my hands on the counter and closed my eyes as two tears ran down my face. NaNa came beside me and started rubbing my back. 
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What’s wrong boo? Did something happen?
I didn’t answer, we stood there in silence for a couple of seconds before I took off to put on my shoes. NaNa came behind me and cleaned up the food we had before she headed to the kitchen. 
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A minute later she returned.
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Lyyn are you going to tell me what’s up? I’m not letting you leave until you do.
I didn’t say anything as I passed her the phone before I got up and grabbed my bag.
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What the fuck!
Her mouth was now hanging open. She put the phone down and grabbed me in a tight hug.
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I am so sorry you’re going through this Lyyn. I know you’re steaming on the inside because you’re really quiet. Whenever you get this quiet it means you’re getting ready to set shit on fire. I’m not letting you drive like this. Wherever you want to go I’ll take you but I’m not letting you drive with your mind like this. I already know you’re headed to Jayhirad’s studio so I’ll take you.
She let go and went to put on her shoes. I didn’t say anything as I waited for her.
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She was right, I was so livid I couldn’t speak. I wanted to snap Jayhirad’s head off his shoulders. I stuck my phone in my bag as NaNa went to tell Momma Italy we were leaving. A few seconds later we were leaving out the door and on the way to Jayhirad’s studio. It was still pouring so I knew the usual 30 minuet drive would turn into a 50 minuet drive.
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                                        **50 minuets later**
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Before NaNa could pull into the parking lot and completely park I was hopping out of her car.
She called out behind me. I continued on and all that could be heard besides the rain was my heels clicking fast across the ground. Once inside I profusely clicked on the elevator button waiting for the doors to open.
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Once they did I quickly got on and pressed the second level button. Before the doors could completely open I could hear the loud music which meant he was in a session. I got off and placed my bag along with the envelope I was carrying on the table. 
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There were two guys there, one of which was playing pool. Jayhirad was busy away with recording the other in the booth. When I reached him I hit his ass so hard that his head flew forward forcefully hitting his computer screen. 
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He jumped up like he was on fire ready to swing until he noticed it was me.
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Yooo Bee what the fuck is wrong with you?!
I didn’t say anything as I hit his ass two more times busting his lip.
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He grabbed my arms and backed me into the wall.
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Bee you better calm your fucking ass down. I got fucking clients in here, the fuck wrong with you.
He said through clenched teeth.
I don’t give a fuck what you got, get the fuck off me!
A few seconds later he slowly released my arms.
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You must have forgotten who the fuck you married. Jayhirad you have me completely to the heavens of the lord fucked up. I will leave you quicker than my fucking heart can beat before I let you fuck around on me. I agreed to move back here for YOU! I uprooted my whole fucking business for YOU! So YOU could expand your fucking dreams because I was good where the fuck I was at. When you lied to me about that bitch at that dinner table I knew deep down some shit was going to happen. Now I know why your ass lied yet again and couldn’t tell me the truth about what the fuck you were really doing in your office. You were too busy getting lap dances and your dick sucked. I hope you truly love the way that bitch bounce her ass, suck your dick, and fuck you because I am completely fucking done. I been thinking about a divorce heavy for the past two months now and even got the papers a few weeks ago but my big hearted ass couldn’t bring myself to go through with the shit. Now I feel no fucks and know I’m making the right decision. You want to fuck around like you’re a free man, well baby now you are. You’re a free man to do whatever you want to do and fuck whoever you want to fuck.
I went to walk off and he grabbed me.
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Brooklyyn I swear on my fucking life this shit is not what it seems.
Jayhirad let fucking go of me I don’t want to hear shit you got to say.
Please I’m begging you, just listen to me for one second.
He said lightly shaking me.
Jayhirad I’m not going to tell you again to let go of me.
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Bee please.
He still wouldn’t let go so I pushed back hard as I could making him stumble and let go. I went to grab the envelope. When I tried to hand it to him he wouldn’t take it so I placed it back on the table.
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The only thing left that I ask of you is that you give me a peaceful divorce. That’s it.
Now that shit is over can we get back to work bruh? I’m paying for this shit by the hour to work, not to deal with all this shit here.
I heard the guy in the booth call out when I went to walk off.
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I stopped and turned around. Before I knew it I took Jayhirad’s computer and threw it through the booth’s glass window shattering it. I placed my hands on the table and leaned forward towards the window.
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I couldn’t fucking hear you. You want to repeat the shit again?
He stood there on mute with a crazy shocked look on his face.
That’s exactly what the fuck I thought.
I headed to grab my bag.
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Jayhirad you lucky I’m still a little sane or I’d burn this place down with your ass in it. Tell your bitch if she call playing on my fucking phone one more time I will definitely find out where she lives and put her in a fucking coffin. Whatever shit you still got at the house I will be putting outside. You have until Monday to pick it up or it will be going with the trash.
You ready boo?
NaNa and I headed for the elevator. Jayhirad came rushing behind us. NaNa gave him a look of disappointment and disgust.
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Jayhirad you got to be one of the dumbest motherfuckers alive to fuck up what the fuck you had.
She said shaking her head before we got on the elevator and left.
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aesjae · 7 years
Jealousy | Jaemin ft. Jeno
A/N: Hello! I’m kinda stressed out by the thought of my national exam on Monday, so I decided to destress a little by writing this~~ It’s kinda long but I hope all of you enjoy it~ Please wish me luck for Monday ㅠㅠ 
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Jaemin get well sooner and come back please :”(
Summary: A story where jealousy made you and Jaemin, who are best friends, realise your feelings for each other. 
Word Count: 2,697 Style/ Genre: Imagine/ - Date posted: 22/07/17
It was an average Saturday afternoon, and you were behind the counter of the cafe you worked at. The cooling air conditioning refreshed people of all ages escaping the summer heat, as the lunch hour gradually died down.
You were arranging the cups when suddenly, you felt a strong force at your back and 2 arms snaked tightly around your waist.
“Oof! W-what the shit Jaemin, what are you doing? What if Manager-nim sees us and gets the wrong idea?!” You tried to escape from Jaemin’s tight grasp, but to no avail as he only tightened his hold.
“I don’t care. Some guy is checking you out, and I definitely do not like the look in his eyes.” You followed Jaemin’s narrow-eyed glare confusedly, which landed on a cleanly clad boy, and his hair swept neatly to the side, which gave him a stylish yet simple look. You recognised him.
“Ohh, it’s fine Jaemin. That’s just my classmate, Jeno.” You chuckled. “Now, can you let me go?”
Jaemin pouted, and reluctantly released his grip around your waist. “Okay. But I still do not like the way he is looking at you. Why is he here though?”
Jaemin has always been your best friend, since young. Both of you shared everything with each other, from casual daily chats, secrets, to roasting each other. However, you just did not have the will to tell Jaemin about Jeno’s confession to you just 3 days ago.
Jeno was a sweet guy, and he was nice to you and everybody else too. You were touched by his feelings for you, as he had many girls falling for his polite and demure personality and his pretty boy looks. However, when he confessed, you felt something in your heart, as if there was an invisible force signalling to you that you shouldn’t accept Jeno’s feelings. Sure, you liked him as a guy, but there was just something unexplainable stopping you from returning back the feelings. In the end, you told Jeno that you needed time to consider.
As if realisation suddenly hit him, Jaemin gasped and stared at you wide-eyed, hand clasped over his mouth. “Don’t... tell me he likes you?!”
You avoided Jaemin’s gaze as you silently continued arranging the cups, purposefully ignoring his question.
Jaemin pointed an accusing finger at you, “He does! And you knew? Why didn’t you tell me?! I’m going to ask him. Now.”
Your eyes widened and you hurriedly held Jaemin’s arms back before he could leave the counter to approach Jeno.
“No, no Jaemin! Don’t do that. Jeno’s nice... It’s just I couldn’t bring myself to reject him.” You pleaded, mumbling at the end.
You felt Jaemin’s muscles relaxing as he turned back around and looked at you. He sighed. “Okay. But promise not to keep anything else from me okay? I don’t like to be in the dark like that.”
“Okay... I promise.”
Soon enough, both Jaemin’s and your shift ended as both of you packed things up to leave the cafe. Manager-nim had to speak to Jaemin for a while, thus leaving you alone at the counter.
“Hey (Y/N)... Can I speak to you for a moment?” You looked up and saw Jeno in front of you, shily scratching the back of your head.
“Hey Jeno! I didn’t know you were still here. Sure, what do you want to talk about?” You smiled at Jeno, admiring his facial features and his crescent moon eye smile.
“Erm so (Y/N)... You haven’t actually given me an answer, and I really do like you. I may not be the best, but I hope to take your hand in mine and walk the road ahead together. Is that... Okay?” A deep red blush formed on Jeno’s cheeks and he formed his words awkwardly, not really knowing what to say.
You looked at Jeno, gaping. Jeno was really really nice, but even after 3 days, you still didn’t have an answer. However, your hesitation was an obvious indication of your own feelings.
You felt the familiar weight of an arm slung around your shoulders.
“Hey mate, I’m Jaemin. And I’m guessing you’re Jeno? Your words were nice but got to apologise, your efforts would be wasted. Aren’t I right, (Y/N)-ah~” Jaemin looked at you lovingly as he pulled you closer to his side.
You were merely too dazed to form any words.
“O-oh. I-I’m sorry... I didn’t know. I’ll.. see you on Monday then, (Y/N)?” Jeno looked back and forth from Jaemin to you, flabbergasted, but the hurt on his face was evident.
Before you could process whatever just happened, Jaemin replied “Yeah, you will. Only in school though.” as you were dragged out of the cafe by Jaemin, his arm still slung over your shoulder.
“What was all that about Jaemin-ah?” You turned to Jaemin. However, instead of the cheery expression that Jaemin always wore, there was a knotted frown on his face now. Both of you stopped in your tracks as there was a moment of silence. Suddenly, Jaemin put his arm down from your shoulder and turned to you.
“(Y/N)-ah, I want you to start calling me ‘oppa’.” Jaemin said firmly.
“Wh-what??” You were flustered. Jaemin had never asked you to call him ‘oppa’ before, despite knowing each other since childhood. Hence, him asking you to call him with an intimate name was quite odd. 
“Why? We’ve known each other for almost our whole lives, and furthermore, I am older than you. What’s wrong?” Jaemin stated. It was true. You were younger than most of your classmates, but as you enrolled into school for the year above yours, you were a year younger than the rest of your batchmates. Additionally, it was true enough that it wouldn’t be weird calling Jaemin that considering how close both of you were. Yet, you didn’t understand why your cheeks were flushing furiously at the thought of calling Jaemin ‘oppa’.
Unable to find an answer to his question, you could only nod your head silently.
Over the next few weeks, Jaemin acted like your boyfriend in school, especially when Jeno was in the vicinity. However, that made rumours about you and Jaemin being a legitimate couple stir up amongst the student body. Since Jaemin was from a different class, he would always pick you up from class every recess and after school. Your friends would start to comment to you about how lucky you were to have such a good looking boyfriend with such an optimistic personality, and yet furthermore was your best friend. To them, it was like the ideal fanfiction come true.
As Jaemin continued to act like your boyfriend in school, he somehow continued his act after school. Even after leaving the school compound, he would be this very sweet gentleman and buy you stuff that you like and even treat you to lunch before sending you home. When you asked, Jaemin simply replied that it was to ‘not break the momentum of the act’. But for some reason, that answer upset you a lot, finding yourself in the shower and constantly replaying his answer in your head.
It was only after 2 months which you realised-- you had fallen in love with your best friend. It was not difficult to actually, when Jaemin would be very sweet to you, buying you stuff and writing handwritten letters to you every week. Furthermore, he would be really protective whenever Jeno was around. Jaemin would wrap his arm around your shoulders or waist while walking past Jeno, leaving poor Jeno behind with a saddened expression. 
Before you knew it, Jaemin’s protectiveness extended to not only Jeno, but to other boys that showed you interest as well. When you received chocolates on Valentine’s Day, Jaemin simply took the box and dumped into the dustbin, before giving you a box of your expensive favourite chocolate, claiming that his present was the ‘only one that mattered’. 
But falling in love with your best friend brought along a lot of jealousy within yourself. It was a normal school day and Jaemin and you were on the roof of the classroom block, just relaxing during the break.
“(Y/N)-ah... Can I ask you a question?” There was seriousness laced in Jaemin’s voice, worrying you as you immediately turned to look at him.
“Yes, what do you want to ask?” Jaemin was leaning back on his palms as his legs were stretched out, a melancholy expression surfacing on his face as he stared upwards at the cloudless sky.
“How... How do you know if you have fallen in love with someone?” Jaemin turned his head and looked straight into your eyes as he said that. 
“W-what? W-why are you asking me that oppa?” Jaemin’s eyes looked at you gently, but the intensity of his gaze sent a shiver down your spine. You tried to look away, but it was as if you were trapped under his spell.
“I think... I have fallen in love with someone.” Jaemin shifted his gaze back towards the sky, and you heaved out the breath that you had unconsciously held. But when Jaemin’s words registered in your brain, a fiery ball of jealousy roared in your heart.
“When did you find out?” You were jealous, but you were no less curious. You wanted to know, exactly who caught the heart of the guy that you had been loving.
“Not long ago I guess. But I think it started quite a while back already.” 
You kept silent, thoughts overflooding your mind.
Since that day, you didn’t dare ask Jaemin regarding this topic.
“(Y/N), do you want to meet up after school at the cafe down the street to complete our project?” Jeno asked you. Your class had this end-year project which all students needed to complete as part of the syllabus module. Apparently, it was pair work, and so coincidentally, you got paired up with Jeno.
After school, Jeno and you met at Starbucks, which was a rather popular hang out spot for students from your school. Appreciating some peace to do work, Jeno led you to the innermost table of the cafe, where there was literally nobody.
Halfway through work, your phone vibrated, lighting up to show that Jaemin had messaged you.
‘Jaemin oppa: (Y/N) where are you? You didn’t wait for me to go home together?’
‘You: I’m doing group work with Jeno oppa right now.’
‘Jaemin oppa: Where? Just with him?’
‘You: At the nearby Starbucks. Yep. It’s pair work.’
Jaemin didn’t reply afterwards, and you continued your discussion and work with Jeno.
It was almost 8 pm, and most of the students from your school had left the cafe to go home. The secluded area that Jeno and you sat at became even quieter.
Suddenly, Jeno turned to you and held firmly onto both the sides of your arms.
“(Y/N)... I know you had rejected me before, but I really want to say, I still really like you. And I know that you are with Jaemin right now, but can you give me a chance? I am willing to wait, as long as you are willing to open up to me.”
You were speechless. Before, Jaemin was around to help you handle the situation, but now, you were helpless. You were touched by how much Jeno was willing to sacrifice for you, and how he was loyal to his feelings for you, but there was only one guy occupying the space in your heart.
“Please, (Y/N)... Just give me a chance...” Jeno leaned closer to you.
You knew what Jeno was trying to do, but with his hands held firmly onto you, and you in a state of shock and helplessness, you couldn’t move at all.
“I really love you (Y/N)... Let me prove to you that I’m better than Jaemin...”
His lips were almost touching yours.
All of a sudden, you were pulled away by a strong arm, causing you to crash into a familiar sculpted chest. You felt one arm wrapping around your back into a warm semi-embrace, as you sniffed the black hoodie of the person embracing you. By the familiar smell, you immediately knew it was Jaemin.
“Stay away from my girl,” Jaemin said to Jeno with a warning tone. You couldn’t see what was happening behind you as Jaemin still had you in his arms, but you knew that Jeno didn’t dare rebut Jaemin. It happened once, and this time it was twice. 
Jaemin dragged you out of the cafe, grabbing all your other stuff along, as we held onto your hand tightly and leading you on the path back to your house.
The darkness of the night engulfed both of you, as only occasional street lamps illuminated in the night, barely lighting up the road back home.
You stayed silent throughout and allowed Jaemin to lead you back, but you could sense anger radiating from Jaemin beside you.
Right before turning into the street of your house, Jaemin stopped and looked back at you, your hand still in his. 
“Why didn’t you tell me before that? That you were going to do a project with Jeno? And with Jeno? Really?” Jaemin’s face was slightly illuminated by the street lamp a few metres behind him. You saw now that it wasn’t anger that was painted on his face, it was... disappointment?
“I... W-what did it matter anyway? It’s Jeno. He’s my project mate, not like I chose him to be. And Jeno’s a good guy, why do you care so much Jaemin? Why are you doing this to me?” You were absolutely frustrated, as tears streamed down your cheeks.
“It matters to me because it’s Jeno, (Y/N)! Can you not see that? I waited an hour for you outside school, and yet you didn’t show up. Did you know how worried I was? And when I saw your text, do you know how jealous and upset I was?” Jaemin burst out.
“Jealous? Why would you even be jealous? Have you gotten too caught up with your boyfriend act?” You snorted. Jaemin could have had your heart, but he definitely didn’t have the right to rule over your life.
Jaemin sighed loudly, running his hand through his hair frustratedly. Then, he put your bag which was slung over his shoulder onto the floor and grabbed you by the shoulders on both sides. 
“(Y/N). Have you not realised? I am only jealous over you. I’m only protective over you. I only have my heart beating that rapidly for you.” He took one of your hands and put on the right side of his chest, where you felt strong but fast heartbeats. “I like you, (Y/N). Heck! I’ve fallen head over heels for you. How could you not realise that?”
You were tongue-tied, trying to organise the thoughts running around in your head. 
Jaemin liked me?
Since when?
Didn’t he like another girl?
Me? Really?
“Yes, you (Y/N). You!” Jaemin’s expression was a mix of frustrated and desperation.
It all clicked in your head now. All those times. It wasn’t an act after all. After 4 months, you realised that both of you liked each other the whole time. Jaemin was jealous over you, which was why he didn’t like the thought of Jeno with you. 
But you realised too, it was only Jaemin who you could feel completely yourself with, and there was no other person that could replace Jaemin.
With your tear stricken face, you wrapped your arms tightly around Jaemin’s slender waist, burying your face into his collarbone. 
“Thank you oppa. For your feelings for me. I appreciate it a lot.”
Jaemin chuckled now, as the rumbling of his laughter reverberated through his body and yours.
“So can I drop the act and be your real oppa oppa now?”
“Yes. Yes, you can. And continue being jealous over me please.” You stole a peck from him, shyly burying your head back into his neck.
“That wouldn’t be much of problem.”
Jealousy may be a very destructive emotion, but in this life, you thanked jealousy. Had it not been for jealous, would you and Jaemin have known your feelings for each other.
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