#i dont have to worry about a random drunk falling asleep on the sofa again
sometipsygnostalgic · 6 months
Nighttime schedule:
Grief minecraft server
Kiss girlfriend
Pet girlfriend
Browse reddit
Suppress The Horrors That Plague You In The Dark
Think of kinky or sad fanfic
Fall asleep before you can finish
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httpdabi · 7 years
My Dad’s Friend
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Word count: 4.6k
Characters: Shin Hoseok x Reader
Genres: Smut, comedy. romance
Warnings: 18+, rough sex, age gap
I was never interested in older guys, like my other friends. For them it was normal to hook up with married guy, to be with a guy who is 10 or more years older then them. For me, it was a no go. I always stuck with guys that are around my age. Until I met him, my father’s friend, Shin Hoseok.
I was never interested in older guys, like my other friends. For them it was normal to hook up with married guy, to be with a guy who is 10 or more years older then them. For me, it was a no go. I always stuck with guys that are around my age.
They used to laugh at me, saying that I dont have taste, but what could i do ? I just didn’t find them attractive enough, that’s all.
I checked if all my stuff were in my bag, my charger, pj, toothbrush and so, before I turned off the lights and made my way out.
Wearing my jacket, I made my way to kitchen and took the brownie from the table and placed it whole in my mouth, hoping she didn’t notice.
,, Miryo, that’s for our guest, do you have to eat everything that’s on the table ?’’ she asked me and rolled her eyes. I just mumbled YES with full mouth and waved her goodbye.
I almost forgot that tonight dad’s friend will visit us. As I understood, they didn’t see each other for a long time, so he will come and stay few days. Honestly, I never saw my dad so excited, he was acting like a child.
While I was wearing my boots, my mother was screaming from kitchen how I have to behave when I get home and not embarrass them. Like I ever did, duhh.
I took my earphones and played some music, since time and walk always goes faster like that. Imagining some stuff that will never happened, I arrived fast and I already found myself knocking on my best friends door.
Since her parents went on vacation, she asked them if she can invite few friends and of course they allowed it.
I was really surprised to see that I was the last one to arrive, since I was always the first one. They were sitting on the balcony and waiting for me to change in my PJ so we can open some wine.
Just when I got back, they started talking about some drama, break ups and shits. Ok just in time.
,,He just texted me how he’s sorry he hurt my feelings, but if we really think about it it’s actually my fault for having feelings in the first place’’ she said trying to fit a whole slice of pizza in her mouth.
,, Well, he’s kinda right. You knew that he’s married from the beginning. What did you think that he’ll divorce and come to you ? ‘’ my best friend Hani said and I totally agreed with her.
,, Not really, but I mean.. I don’t know’’ Yura said and shook her head. It was really funny to me the way she behaved,  they could easily ruin a family and they didn’t give a single fuck.
,, And girls, I’m officially taken’’ Minah said proudly.
,, As a fucking joke’’ I said and Hani choked on her food. Minah gave me that REALLY???? Look and pattet Hani on her back, so she can come to her self.
,, You should just shut up and go babysit your boyfriends’’ Minah said after some time. It took her long enough to come with something at me.
,, By the way, why don’t you talk with Kyungsoo anymore? I thought you guys were like best friends ?’’ I asked Yura curiously. We didn’t meet for a long time, so there were a lot of things to talk about.
,, Satan was God’s best friend’’ she simply said making me laugh a little bit.
I loved times when we hang out together, just gossiping people and talking about what happened. Not worrying about anyone or anything.
,,  What are you up tomorrow?’’ Hani asked me and she took a sip from her glass.
,, I don’t even know honestly, my fathers friend is coming in visit, so I’ll probably just stay at home and maybe spend some time with them, my parents are making a bbq again’’ I said and leaned on the wall. Minah and Yura went to sleep because the wine hit them and yeah.. so I ended up with Hani talking about random crap till very late.
,, Why do you need to hang out with them ? Since when are you hanging out with your father’s friends’’ ? she said laughing a little bit.
,, I don’t even know that man. They said that he used to visit us often when I was a kid and that he used to buy me ice cream and toys and that I always liked him so much’’ I said and took a sip of my wine.
,, But I couldn’t find any photos of him and I don’t remember how he looks at all. ‘’ I added and Hani nodded her head.
It was around 3:30 AM when we went to bed. We fall asleep extremely fast, probably because of wine. Even tho we fall asleep late, I woke up pretty early, I tried to sleep again but I couldn’t, so I slowly went out of the bed quiet as possible, trying not to wake up anyone. I took my stuff, covered Hani and went to the toilet to change, before leaving the apartment.
It was a good idea going home early, since the fresh air helped me come to myself. Since it was really early, I saw few people walking around with their dogs. Well, it wasn’t that early , 8 AM, but still.
When I got home, I tried to get in the house quietly so I don’t wake them all up here too. I went to my room, changed in my comfortable clothes and then I went to the kitchen and made myself a cup of coffee before I went in the living room and turned the neflix on.
Only God knows till how late they were awake since none of them was awake. I let the Lucky one play on Netflix and I could catch myself dozing out sometimes. Giving up, I placed the cup and my phone on the table and fall asleep on the sofa.
I wasn’t asleep for too long, since when I woke up the movie wasn’t even half done. But it’s not the movie that woke me up, it was the person who was moving in the arm chair. I moved in shock and saw a man sitting and watching me.  
Honestly I didn’t know how to react at all, because not every day you have someone watching you sleep. Since it was still early for me, it was hard for me to realize what’s going on. Then I remembered that it was my dad’s friend.
,, Oh I’m sorry, good morning. I’m Miryo’’ I said and bowed down.
,, You changed so much. You don’t remember me, don’t you ? ‘’ he said and smiled softly. I just shook my head and he smiled once again.
,, I’m Hoseok, when you were little girl I used to take care of you often.’’ He said and he took his cup of coffee.
I looked at him like a moron. Honestly, I thought that person can be so handsome. His blonde hair looked so soft, and his lips. And he didn’t even look old at all, for a moment I was thinking that he was some kind of vampire. SO MAGNIFICENT.Oh my GOD. He probably noticed what was going on, since he smirked and laughed a little bit.
His teeth were so damn perfect, I was even more shocked. I just looked back at the tv acting like I didn’t even look at him, feeling totally embarrassed.
But damn
,, So, what are you doing ? Uni ? or you just became a princess as you used to say you will’’ he said making me laugh a little bit.
,, I am uni student, majoring in art ‘’ I said simply and nodded my head still embarrassed.
,, Nice, I knew that you will become something when you grow up’’ he said comfortably. I wanted to stand up and go to my room, I felt so freaking horrible, I felt like I was sinning. It was so hard to take my eyes off of him.
,, Morning’’ my dad said and I just thanked God he entered the room. First time in my life I just wanted to jump on someone.
I was going crazy, I swear
,, Good morning, slept well? ‘’Hoseok said and my father nodded his head.  While they were chit-chatting, I stood up and found a medicine to kill my headache.
,, Had a wild night?’’ my dad asked smiling.
,, Not really, we just drank a little bit of wine’’ I said and shook my head. Well, 3 bottles of wine isn’t so much, is it ?
Better then vodka, thinking about strong drinks made me want to vomit immediately. One time we were mixing strong drinks way too much, I was never drunk like that. Since that night, I cant even smell vodka or anything else.
,, Are you allowed to drink alcohol?? ‘’ Hoseok asked in some weird tone, making me confused for a second.
,, Sure, I’m 21 years old, why not’’ I said and smiled back I guess ? He simply nodded his head and smiled again.
So weird.
After short time, my mother woke up and made a breakfast for us. I couldn’t eat so much, but I was still waiting till they are all done, so I can clean everything up.
,, Honey, Soyon called me yesterday and asked me if we can jump in, two people are sick on work’’ my mom said slowly, chewing her food.
,, What ? no way, I told them that Wonho is coming in visit’’ he said pissed off.
,, I know, I know. But it’s just for short, probably one or two hours and tomorrow in the morning. I couldn’t say no’’ she said and he somehow agreed.
,, Miryo, you can go with me and buy everything for tonight’’ Hoseok said while giving me some serious look.
,, Sure’’ I said a little bit lost. What’s up with this man.
,, Good girl’’ he said and winked and then he smiled at me. Oh god that smile, it hit me more then his words.
,, Oh, can you remember ? Wonho used to call you a good girl every time you listened to him’’ my mom said and smiled.
When they finished eating, my parents went to change, while Hoseok was just sitting there, watching me cleaning.
,, You grew up really well’’ he said and I could feel him somehow checking me out. I don’t know did I feel uncomfortable or not honestly.
I just smiled and turned around to wash the dishes. He didn’t speak or anything and I thought that he went to change or something, but then I felt him leaning on. He was so close to me, so close that I could feel his breath. He just took the glass and went away from me.
It took me few minutes to calm down and come to myself again. My breathing wasn’t normal anymore. In few seconds, he placed the empty glass beside me and I just took it, so I can wash it with other dishes.
,, Good girl’’ he said and tapped my back, before he went out of the kitchen, leaving me all alone in shock.
Maybe I was just imagining things ? Overacting?
,, Honey, we are going’’ I heard my mom screaming and then I heard the door closing, loudly.
I just finished cleaning the kitchen and I went in my room. I sat on my bed and messaged Hani about what happened. I wanted to know her opinion, she is my best friend after all.
It all made me so confused and honestly, I couldn’t believe that I had such a naughty thoughts about a older man. Older man that used to watch over me when I was kid.
It was so damn wrong.
I was probably just imagining it all.
While I was lying on my bed, I heard a knock on my door and all of sudden Hoseok went in.
,, You ready?’’ he asked me as he crossed his arms. I just nodded my head and I took my phone and my wallet fast before I went out of my room with him.
The drive was silence, first because I was too busy throwing glances on him and secondly I was a little bit uncomfortable to talk to him.
,, When you were little, you were always talking so much. I can’t believe you are so quiet now’’ he said looking on the road. Oh God, if you only know
In the shop I was looking for some snacks and stupid stuff and Hoseok was just following me around and taking everything my parents need.
Gosh, he was so perfect
I had snacks in my hands, but damn he was a much better, looking like a whole snack.
,, GIRL’’ I heard a scream from some other side of shop. I turned around and saw Hani and Jungkook coming my way.
,, WHY DID YOU LEAVE SO EARLY?’’ she screamed on me, acting like we didn’t talk about it or something.
,, and where is the man ? Is he home ?’’ she asked me and i gave her a weird look to keep quiet. She opened her mouth and looked, I’m not sure at me or beside me.
,, Hello’’ I heard Hoseoks voice and I understood why she had that expression.
,, Thanks god Yura is not here, if she is she would –‘’ Jungkook said and Hani covered his mouth before he could say anything.
,, Anyway, are we going out tonight ?’’ Jungkook asked me.
,, I cant go out tonight, I promised my parents ill stay home with them tonight’’ I said and Jungkook was about to protest, but at the end he just kept quiet.
,, Miryo, we need to go’’ Hoseok said and placed his one arm around me, giving me a sign that he want’s to pay and leave.
,, See ya’’ I said and I wiggled out of his hold and hugged Jungkook and Hani, before we went away. I was placing the food and preparing my wallet, since the most of the food were just my snacks.
,, I will pay’’ he said firmly. I was about to protest, but when he looked at me I got lost, just like Jungkook few minutes ago.
When we went home, he was talking a little bit more then before. He even asked me do I have a boyfriend and when I said no, he was really surprised and he told me that he didn’t expect that since I grew up into such a beautiful WOMAN
In short time my parents came back, so I just locked myself in my room leaving them all alone. Sometimes I could hear loud laugh. I felt really happy for my father, it was a long time since he laughed like that. My father was always just so stressed because of his work, so this visit probably was really something great for him.
Sometimes when I would go downstairs to take something, I could feel Hoseok looking at me. But I swear, I was sure that I was just imagining it, since my parents didn’t notice anything.
The whole day I couldn’t stop thinking about him. The whole fucking day, I was just thinking about the way he behaved. I tried to believe that that’s the way he usually behaves.
When the time came, I went downstairs and helped my mother prepare all the meat for bbq, salad and everything, while Hoseok and my father were talking in the living room and drinking whisky.
The meat and everything was done, so I slowly started to take it out, while they were preparing the tables and everything.
My mother didn’t want to call so much people, she didn’t want to have stressful night dealing with many people, so she just called few friends.
The whole night was really boring for me, all of them were talking about stupid stuff that weren’t really interesting to me, so I was just spending my time talking with Hani on the phone, eating and drinking wine again.
To Hani Bani : ,, You should just come over, it’s so damn boring.’’
Hani Bani : ,, I can’t, I promised Jungkook that we’ll go out tonight. Where is the hottie?’’
I rolled my eyes on the nickname she gave to Hoseok and smiled accidentally on the phone.
To Hani Bani: ,, The hottie is flirting with mom’s friend from work. I swear I want to punch them both in the face’’
My blood was boiling,  I was really right when I thought that it was his usual behavior.
Hani Bani : ,, Well he does look like a flirt. But honestly, he probably sees you like a little sister. You probably imagined everything’’
To Hani Bani : ,, I know, I know. He is still hot tho, wouldn’t mind if he buys me ice cream again haha :P’’
To Hani Bani : ,, God, he is so damn hot.. I wouldn’t mind if he gives me more then ice cream’’
Hani Bani : ,, Can’t believe you are having such a thoughts about older man.. it’s so not you’’
Hani Bani : ,, But I don’t blame you tho…..’’
I smiled again reading the messages and locked my phone leaving it on the table. Everyone was still talking and Hoseok was leaning and whispering something to the women beside him.
,, Did everyone eat already? I would like to clean and go to bed if it’s not a problem’’ I said and my mom just nodded and told me just to leave the wine on the table.
I was so pissed off, I couldn’t watch him flirt with that women anymore. So I just cleaned everything fast, while everyone was commenting how a nice daughter I am.
When I was done, I didn’t go to my room immediately, I just lied on sofa and watched Netflix, trying not to think about that man.
,, Miryo, can you just place the rest of the dishes in the washing machine, your mother drank a little bit more then usual’’ my father woke me up. I was surprised that I fall asleep so fast, I guess that lack of sleep got me tired.
I nodded my head and went in the kitchen, while my father wished me a good night and went to sleep. When I was done, I turned around to take my phone and then I saw Hoseok sitting there and honestly I almost had a heartattack.
,, You shocked me ‘’ I said and placed a hand on my chest, still shocked.
What shocked me more was the fact that he was having my phone in his hands, like it’s his.
,, What are you doing ?’’ I asked, mad, shocked, everything at once.
,, .. I wouldn’t mind if he gives me more then ice cream’’ he simply said.It took me more then a second to realize that he was reading my messages with Hani.
,, Give me that’’ I said, almost screamed at him and grabbed my phone from his hands. I couldn’t believe that something like this could happen.
,, I already read everything’’ he said and smirked.
,, Didn’t you ever hear about word ‘privacy’ ?’’ I asked and turned around to leave. Never in my life did I feel so embarrassed like this whole day. Plus, this situation was like a cherry on top.
,, Where do you think you are going ?’’ he asked me as he grabbed my arm and pulled me back. I was so shocked I honestly didn’t even know what to say.
,, You know, I can still give you more then ice cream’’ he said looking down on me. I felt so small, I felt like I would die if I answer him anything.
He grabbed me all of sudden and placed me on the table, forcing his knee between my legs making some place for him self.
,, You think I didn’t notice how you were looking at me and Soyon? ‘’ he whispered on my ear, feeling his hot breath made me shiver. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, trying to calm down. But I wasn’t even sure if that was a mistake or a good move, because just when I did it, I felt his lips on my neck.
,, Stop it’’ I said and pulled my head back. He ignored me and just continued to kiss my neck, probably leaving some marks on it.
,, I just wanted to see which guy made you smile on your phone like crazy.. reading those messages, I realized you want this as much as I do’’ he said and attacked my neck again.
,, This I wrong’’ I said as my breathing got even heavier then before.
,, You are 21, it’s not’’ he said and looked me in the eyes. Just looking at him, his eyes, lips, body, even hair made me wanna scream on loud
His hands were on my cheeks, while his eyes only left mine to look on my lips. Then he slowly got closer and gave me a peck on my lips.
One peck..
Second peck
Third peck
Fuck it
If all my friends could do it, why couldn’t I ? He wasn’t even married or in relationship after all
I placed my hands around his neck and he immediately attacked my lips. There were no sweet pecks anymore, only tongue, only French kiss. His lips were softer then they looked and damn was he a good kisser.
After some time, he let me have some air and he attacked my neck again.
,, Let’s go to your room’’ he said and he picked me up, holding my ass, as my legs were wrapped around him. While he was walking, I was the one kissing his neck while he was the one with the deep breathing now.
He opened the door slowly and placed me on my bed hovering over me immediately and attacking my lips once again. Not wasting any time, he took my shirt off and unhooked my bra throwing it somewhere in my room.
His lips were again on my neck, while his right hand was on my breast. He was slowly making his way down until his lips replaced his hand. I felt like he was leaving a mark on every place his lips touched me.
Standing up, he took off his shirt and threw it away. His body was perfect. More then perfect. He looked like a God.
He slowly took of my pants and hovered over me once again. His muscular arms were wrapped around my body and he kissed me again, a little bit more aggressively then before. I moaned in his mouth when he squeezed my ass. I licked his lip then and slowly nibbled on it, but I think that he wasn’t so patient, he wanted much more.
Hoseok looked at me deeply and bit on my bottom lip, making me moan quietly again.
He knew I was inpatient as much as he was. I wrapped my hands around his torso and pulled him closer to me, spreading my legs making more space for him. I could feel his hard cock inside his jeans. I rubbed my hands all over his chest, his abs and I felt him shivering with every touch.
All of sudden, I felt his fingers rubbing my clit, his touch was so intense, then he put two fingers into my pussy and started fingering me fast, making me moan louder then I should.
,, Be quiet baby, we don’t want you parents to hear us’’ he said slowing down. I nodded my head and bit my lips and he just went back to fingering me fast.
,, Good girl’’ he whispered and took his fingers out. I was a little bit disappointed when I felt his hand moving away, but at the same time, I wanted to feel him already. He took my panties off and stood up to take his jeans and boxers off.
He climbed back on top of me and rubbed his hard cock around my clit. He smirked when he saw my expression, I couldn’t take it any longer.
I guess he couldn’t wait anymore either, since he slid his cock into me without a warning.  I moaned again and he grabbed my chin ,, Quiet’’ he said and he pushed himself into me deeper and roughly.
He started thrusting slowly but hard into my wet hole. He looked at me with every thrust and kissed my lips gently.
,, Baby, you’re so tight’’’ he sad thrusting deeper slowly. I felt so full with him inside me, he was so damn huge. After several thrusts he began to work harder on me, he moved faster and harder and I was fighting with myself, trying to hold my moans.
He then stopped suddenly and turned me around. He placed one hand over my mouth and another on the end of my bed. Then he slammed his cock into me from behind, he wasn’t slow at all, and he didn’t take anything back, he was just fucking me from behind like there was no tomorrow.
He kept driving his cock in and out of me, hitting my G-spot with every move. I closed my eyes as I felt his hot breath on my neck. I had sex for a few times before, but only this time it felt right. It felt like never before and now I understood why my friends were into older guys. But I was sure, that no one of them was like Hoseok. No one.
My walls were clenched on his cock tightly. He knew that I was about to cum and he just started to fuck me faster and harder, going deeper with every move. I was thankful that his hand was covering my mouth, if it didn’t, my parents would definitely be awake by now.
I closed my eyes and gave myself in when the orgasm hit me. ,, That’s it babygirl, cum for me’’ he said, not stopping. He pushed three more times into me, before he also reached his orgasm. After few gentle thrusts, he took it out. We were breathless, it was really hard to breath properly. He pulled me closer to him and we shared a long passionate kiss. He hugged me and kissed me on the lips before he stood up and wore his boxers and jeans.
,, Just a second’’ he said and went out but just in a minute he was back with his pj in his hands. He wore his shorts and gave me my pajama so I can wear it in bed.
I was looking at him while he was spraying the deo over his body.
,, Are your parents on work tomorrow ?’’ he asked me getting closer to the bed.
,, I think so, yes’’ I said remembering their conversation how they need to jump in and I  nodded my head somehow. I was exhausted and I couldn’t move at all.
,, Perfect.’’ He said and he locked the door before he went back in my bed and placed his long arms around me.
I thought that I would feel so bad after this, but I didn’t. He wasn’t married, he didn’t have a girlfriend, he was just my father’s friend. And after all this, I was sure that I would never look at anyone the same way as I did before.
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