#i dont know any else on tumblr who hasn't done this.
mihai-florescu · 11 months
Hello there tumblr user Mihai-floresuco.
I would like to ask of thee which stories you’d recommend of fine? I do not like the unit but I would like to like them so perhaps a better understanding of the characters shall aid me in this quest, thank you in advance and have a truly lovely day.
Yours truly,
Secret mutual :3
I am going to assume you've read the war era reminis, you are familiar with ex fine, what and why things happened, and your question is regarding current fine. I will also hope you've read Daydream and Blackbird as they explain a lot about the moments right after the war, from Eichi and Wataru's perspectives. Plus Eichi calls Yuzuru sexy, never forget.
Now, let's see, from the beginning. Flower fes is the first story with fine as we know it (minus Eichi as he was in the hospital), it's about Tori and Yuzuru meeting Wataru for the first time (among other things. It's also a good look into the state of things in the beginning of the next year right after the war. There's a good bit with Valkyrie as well)
Then other early ! Era stories would be Circus (fine perform at a circus, the scene that stood out the most to me is that of Eichi and the lion) and Quarrel Fes (Eichi Keito showdown mostly, it's good for understanding Eichi better)
Then Milky Way (fine and valkyrie, personally i'm due a complete reread), Jingle Bells (the one where Tori's illusions of fine as a perfect savior unit that can do no wrong and that hasn't done wrong in the past start dissipating), EP:link......i assume that if you follow me you've read eplink, but if not, i will not spoil it. The last story before the change of eras and it deals partially with fine's future.
Then for other stories i recommend when you have time: Magnolia (the best bridal enstars story imo, focused on Tori working around the school to buy Eichi a brooch for a gift exchange event), Dance Floor (they go to the park and then do karaoke at the end...), Triumph of the Emperor (an old story where Tori takes lead to prepare for a future where Eichi wouldn't be in fine anymore. This is all before we or they knew we'll have !! Era where the units stay together), Summer Live (undead and fine. Very unfortunate a good story is overshadowed by orientalist cards)
From the !! Era... um. I think there are some good one off idol stories, like the one with the parfait i remember seeing a tl for, but i dont know the name of it (i suspect it's somewhere in tori or eichi's idol stories). The best fine story in !! imo is Tempest. I also recommend if you end up enjoying fine Fist of the shangri la idol. And Sanctuary.........i feel like you should only read it after you already like Eichi or you might not have the best time... If you want to read anything else go ahead, but I can't guide you (I was unsatisfied with Primavera, and haven't yet read Ghostic. I enjoyed the livetweets for Atlantis but you can't find a full tl of it anywhere yet afaik and I'm not gonna recommend the !! climax to someone who is just getting started with fine as a whole anyway)
I hope I haven't talked for too long... if you need ex fine recs too, i'd say Element first and foremost, Checkmate for Eichi & Tsumugi's early relationship, and Wonder Game. Oh and Altered Origins. It's still a fever dream of a story to me personally, i haven't fully wrapped my head around the fact that we are getting the remini animes and extra stories yet. I mean I have, but you know, it still feels a bit surreal.
If anyone feels like I forgot any important fine stories please add to the conversation. If you end up interested in Wataru and Eichi in particular I'd also recommend Diner Live, but it is not a fine story. I've heard Toyland is good for Tori (Yuzuru too?) but I haven't personally read it yet. If you want more Wataru and Tori interactions, Amusement Live has some good scenes, but it is not that much about them, the story's about Ra*bits and 2wink. A story i enjoyed of fine members shenanigans sans Wataru is Noble Game. We shall see when White Brim gets translated, I know it has some good bits with Tori&Eichi. Hm hm hm. That's all I can think of at the top of my head rn, but I think I've already said more than enough...
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a-silly-alterhuman · 5 days
For your ask to Astro, not sure why people are saying he sa'd someone, as he hasn't met any of these people in real life. We haven't personally seen any claims of that.
But he does say inherently sexual things and has said before many times that he was going to touch people. Said something about being inside of us in response to us saying he isn't inside other people's heads so he can't possibly know what is going on or what the individual is experiencing, and something about licking either us or someone else.
He consistently harasses endogenic systems calling them delusional and saying that they are radqueer/transplural when usually the one's he's harassing are inherently anti-radqueer/transid. He calls people dense too for disagreeing with him. Which, like calling others delusional when the other person doesn't experience delusions or you aren't delusional yourself, is ableist. People who experience delusions themselves have called him out on his behavior.
When he asks for sources and we provide them he doesn't even bother to read them. Because "all endo sources are invalid and fake" or something along the lines of that.
But when we ask for sources disproving the existence of non-traumagenic plurality, he ignores us and skirts around the question. When he was first asked he provided a post on Tumblr featuring 9 sources that @/eliza-and-rose debunked a while ago and we did the same.
He didn't even bother to read it just straight up said, and we quote, "All these points r js invalid hello"
There is other things he has done but we do not remember them very well.
We (pro-endos and endos) had gotten rid of him once due to his aggressive and disgusting behavior, and we aim to do it again. He does not deserve a platform especially when he acts the way he does.
oki hi thank you!!
so i am infact anti-endo but i will not go out of my way to hate on them so he did go a bit far on that. and thank you for bringing up his gross behavior we were jut wondeirng thank you tho! and his aggerisive behavior is also really rude and is kinda stupid so thanks again!
(to clear up ima system and anti-endo and we dont like pro-endos or endo "systems" interacting with me but for this it was necessary so thank you!)
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jerek · 2 years
wrathion :3c
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this ones got asterisks!
"they are so cool looking"
Pre-BFA exclusively. They knew that model was gonna look weird as shit and they went for it anyway. They knew he was going to look disproportionate w half of his head room taken up by a turban. They knew. And they did it anyway!!! And the textures are all PHUCKING incredible. They could have put in something diegetically about Wrathion still being a little bit uncanny valley since he hasn't quite nailed down shapeshifting. (maybe even... my personal hc.... he looks like an elongated baby??) It makes total sense to me that he's a weird little guy in the coolest fucking outfit in WoW.
"wasted potential"
I understand that there are like 4 whole people on tumblr who want Wrathion to show up any more than he does (and aren't like.... you know.) However!!!! I want blizzard to put it down in text that he looks like an elongated baby. I want him to laugh ingame. You know he still hasn't had a wholeass laugh? I want blizzard to put it down in text that he has a personality independent of who he's supposedly failed. I want them to follow through on everything they've set up EVEN if most fans of him can't see the obvious.
"if they were real i'd be afraid of them"
What do you even say to someone who has never met you, but who you've talked so much about? Does God stay in heaven because he fears his own blorbo?
"they're deeper than they seem"
oh my GOD well first of all ^ see 'wasted potential' and second of all where's the vulnerability. When will he do something stupid. Please blizz prove I am right. Did I go through all that shit just to be told actually 7 year olds SHOULD be expected to act rationally and be treated as adults and I'm just stupid. Like... again... this is like Anduin being crowned at 10 except worse.
On another note.... he is literally a product of the world he learned from. Where did he get the idea that certain types of authoritarian rule are fine "if necessary" but others aren't? Where did he get the idea that this can extend straight into building a global empire on the bones of the fallen "if necessary?" Who went back on every condescending "well actually" and who proved those ideas didn't work? Why, with a near-pacifist practically hovering over his shoulder and talking in his ear, was he still not convinced that he shouldn't risk thousands of lives for the greater good?
and who prays for the devil!!! the one sinner who needs it the most!!!!
"they're not as deep as they seem"
Idk about you but I didn't develop a continuous sense of self until I was like....
Well it's not fully developed still but my memory was ass until I was 10-11!!
What're all those blacktalons for!! What's all the missives and the reports and the operatives for!!! It's for reminding him the shitty ideas he had and forgot about!! Babygirl he doesn't have multiple personalities!! Babygirl he doesnt even have ONE personality!! And when he develops one it'll be just in time for his brain to cave in under the pressure! We love an empty headed king! He's pure improvising, no complex chessgames, hes scrabbling for his fucking LIFE on his own personal cliff.
"i like them enough to project my own issues on them"
see above.
"they got done dirty by fans"
(skip over this entire next paragraph if you dont wanna be bummed out)
if you think anduin shouldn't be crowned at 10 but wrathion can consent at 7 you're probably racist (really? the one brown guy?) probably ableist (on account of "bwuh his brain developed differently") and probably the same type of p*doph*le you'd find on reddit looking up pics of an anime middle schooler built like a grown woman saying "SHE LOOKS OLDER" like it means anything.
(ok skip done)
Yeah uh. In this house Wrathion is his own character. In this house he would garotte anyone who would see him reduced to an extension of someone else, same way he broke Mostrasz's legs. Free to a fault. Be Worse 👍
"didn't get enough screen time"
see 'wasted potential' and also 'they're deeper than they seem.' but also i'm terrified of what blizz might do because they, after all, unbuttoned the one button on his shirt. please blizz. im begging for mercy
"nothing i like about them is technically canon"
oh but it could be! :)
"why do they look like that"
unbuttoned shirt. no middle eastern cartoony drip. medivh knockoff. the only good thing about that model is that his hair is confirmed curly remember when people used to draw him w like 1a emo keith voltron hair. evil.
"they've never done anything wrong in their life"
okay TECHNICALLY this isnt true but like baby + empty brain + traumatized neurodivergent minor + who prays for the devil + where did he get it from + wrathion is a walking humanitarian crisis + who will hold him like this.
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I believe in Wrathion Supremacy!!!!! Do it again your majesty!!
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