#i dont know how to spell mnoneomsurgery....
So in my SG! universe, Prowl is a lot more socially intelligent and more adapt at manipulating people- I think, for these reasons, Chromedome and him never would have had a falling out. Prowl would have kept Chromedome right underneath his thumb throughout the entire war, a perfect willing mnemnosurgeon for whatever purposes he needs to serve.
I would even go so far to say this: Prowl, of course, wants only good things for Chromedome. Chromedome is his friend! But what's best for Chromedome is winning the war. And that can't happen if he's distracted, fawning over a new conjunx... Prowl needs him sharp, and focused.
So if something, perhaps, were to happen to his conjunx... and furthermore, if Chromedome then was so grief stricken that he couldn't properly work- Well, it's Prowl's duty to look out for him. Maybe nudge him in a better direction, subtly (oh so subtly) remind Chromedome of the power he holds, literally, at his fingertips. The power to just make that pain disappear, like it was never even there...
But Chromedome is smart. Really fucking smart, actually. You can't make it as a mnemosurgeon if you're not.
And things start to add up. Weird gaps in his memories, little comments from people he doesn't understand, a picture of him and a stranger embracing, smiling, happy-
He can't quite figure it out. But he knows this: something is wrong. Something is very wrong, and the war might be over now, and Prowl might smile and nod and say all the right things, and he might even be the oldest friend Chromedome has ever had! But it's not enough anymore. It's not enough, because when Prowl looks at Rewind there is something in his eyes that scares Chromedome like you wouldn't believe.
When Prowl tells him about Overlord stuck to the bottom of the Lost Light, when he instructs Chromedome to go, and manage the situation on site- Chromedome says yes. Unflinchingly. Of course he does. It's Prowl, he doesn't say no to Prowl.
But as the Lost Light launches out into space, a little voice in the back of his mind sighs a breath of relief. He pulls Rewind, newly conjunxed, a little closer to him, and tracks the distance from home. The gap widens, and widens, and Chromedome is thankful for it.
Thankful, and pretending that he doesn't still feel Prowl's eyes boring into him from across space and time.
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