#i dont know how to tag this as i do not really emgage in the coining community
asciidot · 2 years
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Parromantic: The desire for a close relationship that may mirror a conventionally romantic relationship, and feeling an attraction towards such, but with little care, or little understanding, as to what romance is.
Neurodivergency may affect someones ability to understand romance, and what romance is, which would be a use of this label.
(“Par” stemming from a latin word for “companion”)
Pink: Experiencing a form of desire for being in a close relationship
Peach: Attraction of any kind; romantic, queerplatonic, alterous, platonic, aesthetic, and others that may factor into the desire for such a relationship
Lime: Being arospec
Green: Aromanticism
Black: Confusion and/or rejection towards the concept of romance
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