#i dont mean at all that people wouldnt be upset at genocide without her
applestand · 8 months
I wonder how that one swiftie who was jailed for refusing to join the IDF is doing.
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
11 Anti LO Asks
1. I feel like RS shits on Artemis when I feel like she isn’t bad as everyone makes to be. When she meets persphone, her look on the pink goddess was she’s never had a chance to bend the rules or even live a little. She takes her to a party, let’s her meet her brother and their friend, normal stuff. She didn’t have mind powers to know what Apollo did, and she did try to apologize for upsetting persphone with a cake. I wouldn’t say the two are besties but she did try to help persphone best she could. And now Artemis is used to excuse Persphones genocide crime. 
2. Took them long enough to make Artemis' body like every other woman in the latest free episode wow such diversity 🙄
3. Hear me out, Apollo takes Daphnes hibernation to frame persphone as more of a nymph turning people into plants. We now have the whole cast know that’s what she’s capable of and unable to fix. Idk I just feel like persphone isn’t gonna face any consequence “oh community service gee golly sounds like fun” really deflated me since ya know persphone not only kill mortals but turned a nymph into a plant.
Hades said this was his domain to deal with yet he’s not gonna help out his ex gf who he witnessed turned into a plant after he wasted her time using her as a place holder. RS is afraid to give persphone any form of growth. 
4. i mean, i wouldnt pay upwards to nearly 50 dollars for a book version of something i could read for free on my phone in the format it was made for either.
5. what i dont get is if rachel wants the endgame to be kids then why is adoption not an option? its not even brought up, there is only focus on biological kids. more so, and i HATE the fandom does this bc rachel is so easily swayed by them, but its always boys too? the only kids hades seems to have in myth (excluding the orphic ones) is either the furies (which cant happen in LO) or makaria, so daughters, but it seems the fandom and rachel care more to follow the male heir trope for some reason :/
6. im just sad she had such a unique style but now its just gone. even her sketches on twitter, so we know its her doing it instead of a team, just lack that charm and style it once had. i just dont get how she lost that unique edge so fast. the majority of LO is in this current style too while her original one, which is what made it popular, was only in the first 20ish episodes.
7. It doesn't make sense that Artemis n Apollo got to morder a buncha people without a pass and didn't get send to court but the only reason it doesn't make sense is because RS decided 'lol scene's looking like shit for perse, time to pull out another greek myth that makes everyone else look bad lololol' (also why isn't perse defending Artemis if she lovse all her frieinds so much? Like PLEASE RS STICK TO SMTH)
8. Where can we go to read the bonus chapter?
From OP: Currently, there’s not a way to read it online from what I’ve seen.
9. I don;t get how when the villagers murder perse's friends, they get killed, but when perse kills, she gets community service???
From OP: That’s because nymphs are more valued than humans. It’s kind of weird because in LO, nymphs are lower class and aren’t really treated with respect either. They’re like slightly above mortals in terms of importance.
10. if we reach episode 200 of LO and they're still not a couple i might actually lose it. true beauty and lets play are both dragged out too but even they both have more romance going on than dragging it out this much.
-----FP Spoilers/Mention-----
11. FP TALK: So i had to catch myself up with the past episode of this and… my god i just remembered why the HELL I dropped it. So basically Hades found out from eavesdropping and then Persephone was technically FORCED to talk about it while Hades kept PUSHING IT!!! Only for him to become that pissed off and for Persephone to stop him from that form!? Bitch I would’ve told him that he’s overstepping boundaries. And for him to say “what doesn’t kill you make you stronger” to her??? B r u h, that turama doesn’t make you stronger, it hurts and it stays with you no matter what. Yes you can heal from it but yet Persephone is still healing, only for her to keep. Wing forced to talk about it??? That’s horrible and not what she would need to hear. Also why the hell do I sense a Apollo redemption?? I hate where this is going. Why did I pick this up again??😓
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dragynkeep · 3 years
(Sorry a lot of swearing incoming because i am pissed) this stupid fandom and worse crwby throwing words like fascism and genocide around without having the smallest fucking clue what those words mean is beyond disgusting. Its so fucking obvious that most people learned what they know about facism on Twitter. That they didnt have that in school or didnt listen because it was boring. That they dont know people who lived through facism, that their grandmother didnt lived through ww2, that she didnt almost cry while telling about how the nazis took her brother and killed him because he was "of the age to join the resistence" and they never found his body. Or how she had to flee from her job through a basement window because nazis were searching through shops for "illegal workers" and she is maybe only alive because her boss was german, send her down and covered for her. Or how her family didnt have money so she tried to trade salt for medicine and got caught and send to a work camp. How she had to walk home barefoot through the snow when they finally let her go. Because if they would have listened to anything like that, they wouldnt use these words like a new fucking trend.
it’s incredibly apt for me to answer this when already wound up about rt’s antisemitism in both their company & in rwby; but you’re absolutely right. there’s a complete lack of knowledge & a depth of ignorance about these serious terms being thrown around like it’s nothing  —  all to demonize a fictional character. like, it just boggles the mind. you really hate a character that much that you will ignore the still living survivors of facist, genocidal regimes or the marginalized people who still live in increasing fear of nazis in this current day, rwby fan? that’s something you’re comfortable with.
a lot of rwby’s fans are woefully uneducated due to their education system & lack of first hand experience or knowledge from family history, only made worse with mkek’s lack of interest in actually being respectful to any of these traumatic, horrific incidents. either way, i wish so much that they would just not touch these topics because when they do, they end up spitting in our faces & telling us we’re in the wrong for being upset. it’s exhausting.
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