#i dont really have any concrete plans for what a movie fic would look like yet
tangledinink · 8 months
Do you know where you want tmwn to end? Like will it end around the same time the movie ended (in the bridge) or will there be a few more chapters with an aftermath of the movie that later leads to it closing off?
My current plan is for TMWN to 'end' after defeating the Shredder. The fic already stupid long, lmao, if I took us all the way through the movie and beyond it would end up being a ridiculous length. (Did you know it's already longer than Dune? I am deranged. It's my favorite fun fact to tell people outside of the fandom space. Their reactions are incredible.)
I do have this very vague thought of perhaps one day writing a 'sequel' fic that goes through the events of the movie, but I really want to finish the original fic, first, and I'm also not 1000% sold on the idea yet! My relationship with Apocalypse Timelines and such is a little complicated so I'm not sure right now. ^^;
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onlyjihoons · 7 years
childhood; lee euiwoong
a/n; i saw the video of hyungseob and euiwoong playing at the playground and i had to write this omy and also,, a collab with @textingnct my dearest sarai!! do read her texts here♡
starting line: “remember how we used to play on this when we were little?”
synopsis: from your childhood friend to your now crush, your confession might just make or break this friendship.
warnings: fluff, smol,tiny,innocent love(?)
length: | a paragraph | drabble length | a short story | your average essay of less than 10,000 words | a fic too long but too short for a part 2|
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"So, ethane has only one carbon-carbon bond and-- y/n! Are you listening?" Euiwoong waved his hands in front of your face worriedly. "Uh... carbon-carbon double bond?" You squeaked out, earning a flick on your forehead from Euiwoong. "You aren't even listening!" Euiwoong huffed in annoyance, which you found it insanely cute. "I just have no fate with Chemistry, Ung-ah. I'm not like you, jack of all trades, master of all." You pressed your fingers in between his furrowed eyebrows, causing Euiwoong to click his tongue. "I'm--" "Yes? Class Chairman Ung? The one that gets straight As in class? The one that is good at sports? The one that wins girls over with a simple glance? That--" "When has myself got to do with chemistry?" Euiwoong pointed out. the fact that i'm so in love with you that i can't concentrate on chemistry you thought.
euiwoong was your childhood friend, because both of your moms were close friends and made a pact for their children to be the same too. he was also your best friend, always there for you whenever you needed him. for instance, last year, you developed a huge crush on the infamous school senior, Bae Jinyoung. No doubt, he had visuals that could get him casted, and also visuals that could get him through with incomplete homework. Not forgetting the visuals that got 80% of the female population falling heads and heels over him. However, Jinyoung didn't seem as nice as he looked, after he ripped your hand-written letter you discreetly slipped into his locker before he arrived in school. You saw that, so did Euiwoong, whom played along your "sick" act so he could bring you "home", for binge-eating sessions and also a trip to the arcade, battling it out on the ddr. euiwoong was more than you could ever ask for in a best friend, except that you've always wanted to break that stupid friendzone wall he built up in respect of friendship. you could've just told him then and there that you really liked him, but you weren't ready for rejection, or even worse, the break of a friendship. "you have more chemistry with chemistry than i do," you waved him off, as his hearty laughter bounced off the walls of the empty classroom. "you arent making any sense here, y/n, why not we continue tomorrow? you seemed tired today." euiwoong patted your back comfortingly, as you let out a huge sigh. "okay."
you were supposed to be on a movie date night with your friend. however, she had last minute urgent plans that made you a lonely person, in the middle of the movie theatre, munching on your overpriced nachos. frankly, you were quite excited for that date night, but now your thought got the better of you, inflicting negative thoughts in your mind. though the movie was a jovial one, you couldnt help but to feel sad that you were sitting alone amongst the other movie goers who were in couples or groups. halfway through the movie, someone took their place on your friend's seat(which was empty due to her absence), when you turned to look, it was euiwoong, with a bucket of popcorn in his arm. "euiwoong?" you whispered, "what are you doing here?" "watching a movie?" "no, but that is y/f/n's seat... she couldnt come ..." "she gave me the booking reference number, and she asked me to accompany you because she knew you would feel lonely." euiwoong munched on his popcorn as he spoke. "i'm sorry that i'm probably wasting your time because i'm about to leave like right now." you shoved your nachos into his arms, then excusing yourself to exit the theater. "but i just got here!" euiwoong complained, but did not manage to stop you from leaving. he sighed, excusing himself to follow you. "why are you so angsty y/n?" euiwoong stopped you, pouting. "i'm just..." you ran your hands through your hair, "really sad that i'm alone in the theater and my head got the better of me and i started to overthink stuff." euiwoong dumped the snacks into the nearest trashcan, then taking your hand in his, dragging you along with him to exit the cinema. "where are we going?" "you'll see."
Euiwoong brought you to a playground, your childhood playground to be exact. The both of you would visit the playground every evening before dinner to have some playtime, also getting along with the other kids in your neighbourhood when you were younger. "remember how we used to play on this when we were little?" euiwoong squeezed into the rocking train, then rocking back and forth. "yeah, when we actually could easily fit into one of these," you followed his actions, except that you got into a rocking rocket. "Why were you sad of being lonely?" euiwoong quipped, question slightly startling you. "I don't know, ung-ah," you rested your chin on your hands, "i just find it empty and weird when i'm not with someone else." "so you're a people-person?" "you could say so." "did you happen to think of anything else?" euiwoong got off the rocking train, then making his way to sit on the swing that was convinently positioned right infront of it. "yeah, i thought of someone." you smiled bitterly, getting off the child apparatus to join euiwoong. "someone?" euiwoong began to push off using his feet. "yeah, someone that means alot to me." you bit your lip. "would you want to tell me about them?" "that someone, is someone that i have known for a very long time. i like him very much, he was always there for me when i needed him at my lowest and got me back up again. my number 1 supporter as well, but there is just one thing lacking." "what is it?" "i dont know if he likes me too." you played with the rubber chain of the swing, absorbed in your thoughts. "that's...sad." you could hear a tint of jealousy bubbling in euiwoong's voice, an unfamiliar tone. "i also dont want to risk this friendship just because of my selfish feelings either." you swinged your legs back and forth, creating momentum. "do you mind telling me who it is?" euiwoong relaxed his legs, as the swing slowly slowed down. "you'd need to promise me something," you dragged your feet on the concrete floor below the swing, stopping it. "what? is your crush Jihoon sunbae-nim?" euiwoong joked, as you playfully shoved his swing, making him lose balance. "i'm serious!" "okay okay." "you know how i told you that i'm actually friends with him for a very long time right?" you could feel your cheeks turn pink, as you looked away. "yeah" "i've friends with you since we were babies right?" you tried to give hints to euiwoong, but he didn't seem to get it. "yeah?" euiwoong frowned, utterly confused. "i like you, euiwoong-ah!" you finally confessed, cheeks burning. "m--me?" euiwoong's eyes widened, pointing to himself. "yeah, you," you shifted on the swing seat uncomfortably, not sure of what to do. Was euiwoong going to hate you now? sever ties? "i'm sorry i shouldn't have said that..." you bowed your head in regret, the looking up to read euiwoong's expression, which seems unreadable. "just, forget whatever i have said, i can always get over my stupid feelings and--" euiwoong pulled the chain of your swing seat towards him, making you gasp in surprise. his eyes then flickered slightly to your lips, then slowly closing in to place his lips on yours. you closed your eyes, relishing the feeling of your crush's lips on yours. the both you you pulled away after a good 10 seconds, almost forgetting the need to breathe. "i like you too, y/n" euiwoong smiled, embracing you despite the creaking rubber chains.
"mom! i'm home!" you stepped into your home, with your hands interlocked with euiwoong's. "how was the movie?" your mother emerged from the kitchen, taking off her apron. her smile slightly faded when she saw your interlocked hands, "e--euiwoong?" "we--we're a couple now," euiwoong stuttered, slightly anxious of how your mother would react. "finally!" your mother exclaimed joyfully, "oh my i thought it would take forever for you guys to be and item-- i'm so happy for you two." "uh, thanks, mom?" you thanked her sheepishly, turning to euiwoong. "you two can go up to y/n's room first, i'll bring snacks." "you dont have to do that, mom."you tried to stop her, but she was already taking out the strawberries to wash. "my room is a little messy, please don't mind," you attempted to tidy up the stuffed animals on your bed, as euiwoong looked around your room. "isn't that the penguin i got you?" euiwoong pointed to the stuffed penguin on your study desk. "yes it is, it also helps me to study." you smiled as you picked it up, hugging it. "wow, so it's more effective than i am?" euiwoong pouted, with his hands around your waist. "no way, it doesn't gives me cuddles like you do." you pecked his lips sweetly, making him giggle. as euiwoong was about to kiss you back, the door creaked open, as the both of you repelled each other at the speed of light. "i'll leave this here okay?" you mother settled down the bowl of freshly cut strawberries on your bedside desk. "and leave the door open, no funny business." "yes ma'am," you and euiwoong replied in unison. as your mother left, euiwoong tickled your sides playfully, making you squirm and fall onto your bed. he caged you in between his arms, smirking. "doesn't this seem too cliche?" euiwoong whispered lowly. your cheeks turned red, eyes looking away. euiwoong laughed, placing a small kiss on your forehead, "i love you." "you're so greasy," you slapped his shoulder playfully, "i love you too."
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pacman-tattoo · 7 years
All even? O:
under the cut since it got long
2. Favorite part of writing.
idk. maybe just being able to share a vision while also letting other people imagine things as they want? if that makes sense???
4. Do you have writing habits or rituals?
mmm….. i guess sometimes i’ll play certain songs/albums?
as in i basically listen to bmc on repeat sometimes when i’m stuck
6. Favorite character you ever created.
:0 i love jaden!!! my son!!! a good boy
other than that, i rly loved writing charlotte and joanne when i wrote countdown even tho they weren’t too prominent since they weren’t the main focus
8. Favorite trope to write.
can i count the new kid in school as a trope
thats a trope tho right
that one
i like it.
10. Pick a writer to co-write a book with and tell us what you’d write about.
can i say i’d write a romance book with literally anyone that i’m mutuals w/ that write????
or any book. romance would be the best option imo but i’d be down for anything
12. How do you deal with self-doubts?
i dont
i technically bottle them up and they they overflow at fuck me up but
uh. alright so.
whenever i start having self-doubts about writing, sometimes i’ll just kinda… leave my writing alone for a while? like, sometimes i’ll end up taking a step back and basically seek some validation somewhere else maybe talk it out with someone else?
other than that, i’ll either push myself to keep writing since it’ll distract me from my doubts.
14. What’s the most research you ever put into a book?
i was about to say something else but.
countdown. that one rich soulmate fic?
i literally found what would have been the hospital rich was at (it wasn’t a hospital, but it shared the name), figured out how long it would take to get there and back by train, looked up train schedules + ticket prices, and basically how to get to the medical center from one of the train stations there
that’s the first thing that came to mind tbh. i’ve probably done more in the past but idk
18. What’s your revision or rewriting process like?
ok no it’s more of me glimpsing over my writing before posting it
20. Post a snippet of a WIP you’re working on.
kk. from my poly fic:
       A week later and you’re already buried in your work. The contents of your room have practically been shoved into the closet as you invested all your time into each little detail in each costume. You spent your days either working on small details while in different classes, spray painting shoes during drama, or scribbling in answers to homework due the next period (or day, if you were lucky), courtesy of Christine. If you had a chance, you’d crash on the small, cheap couch in the drama room for a bit, and then you were back home and sewing and (rarely) burning your fingers on hot glue.
       It was hell, but it was worth it.
there u go.
22. How many drafts do you need until you’re satisfied and a project is ultimately done for you?
ok it legit depends. usually my first draft is the draft since almost everything i post on this account is a rough draft tbh (which is also the reason why i get so much writing done tbh)
which sucks because you babes deserve so much better tbh i still dont see why you guys follow me if u want me to be honest
but anyway
i’ll usually rewrite something once or twice if it doesn’t stick the very first time. (aka this is what’s going on with control pt.2)
24. Poetry or prose, and why?
prose. im bad at poetry + im not a huge fan of poetry in general so :/
26. Standalone or series, and why?
probably standalone stuff, but series can be good sometimes. mainly standalone because i don’t have to really consider another part - most of the stuff that i wrote more than one part for i actually didn’t plan for a second part
stuff like Fish Out of Water and Control were things i kinda knew i’d have more than one part once i finished em
30. Favorite line you’ve ever written.
it’s not a single line but the i love you from michael at the end of Third Wheel
i think about it since it’s such a sweet, simple line tbh?
34. Handwritten notes or typed notes?
typed bc my handwriting is b a d
36. A spoiler for story _________.
Control Pt.2:
get ready for some shit to haunt you.
also, being sick can honestly build some bonds between ppl. nothing like texting each other complaining about being sick as fuck.
38. Have you shared your outline of your story ________ with someone? If so, what did they think of it?
i’ve shared my christine fic plans with scott!! he found the idea cute
plus i shared a michael fic idea with lucky and they basically pushed me to write it (since i was kinda :/ about writing it??? they basically made me decide to so
42. How do you figure out your characters looks, personality, etc.
for my ocs that i don’t rly talk about here: i usually draw their personality, looks, ect. from a single idea. jaden came from me wanting to write a more bookish character. welton came from the idea of me wanting to make a gamer, essentially. sachiyo came from a self insert and evolved from there.
for the ocs that i put in my fics: i don’t really have concrete looks for them - you guys can imagine them however you want! sometimes i might reference them twirling hair around their finger or a tattoo or dimples or something - but for the most part, you guys can legit imagine them however. personality usually draws from what the reader needs, in a sense?
44. Best piece of feedback you’ve ever gotten.
i dont even know tbh
46. What would your story _______ look like as a tv show or movie?
i have a Really old project called To Perdition and Back which follows a man named Carson as he and his team basically saves ppl from a sort of purgatory???
it would basically deal with his personal struggle. he had an affair with ivan, a man at his work who died during one of their expeditions - and the fact his wife is basically never there for him or his kids, which causes a bit of a strain on the family itself.
the tv show would basically follow carson + his team tbh? plus there’d be subtle hints leading toward the fact that (spoiler) ivan isn’t dead.
the plan is that the show also has representation tbh??? i’ll talk more about it if anyone’s curious.
48. Favorite genre to write in.
uhhh romantic shit.
52. How did writing change you?
idk it basically helped me develop a coping mechanism in a way???
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