#i dont think i can tag tokimeki memorial in this its so twst leaning
chasing-daydreams · 6 months
People talk about a twst otome game but like, should it be a straight forward visual novel?
Because if it were to be a something like tokimeki memorial- oh you wont see me for MONTHS
HEAR ME OUT (discussing specific mechanic under the cut)
I just wanna preface that I've only played the girl's side games and thats what Im basing my ramblings off of.
I don't think the bomb mechanic of the games will work for a cast of 22 characters. Maybe if you hang out with them to a certain amount, they'll start getting crabby if you stop hanging out with them all of a sudden and they bombs affect the characters within their dorm. Maybe some overlap with clubs. For example you dont hangout with Kalim as much, making Lilia and Cater go :/ but Jamil would be so peeved now Kalim's moping to him about it, how dare you prefect >:[[
Maybe the stats instead of the usual style, intelligence, etc. are based off the traits of each of the dorms like strictness, perseverance, benevolence, mindfulness, tenacity, diligence, and nobility. And they correspond to each dorm ie. Riddle's route would need more strictness.
To raise certain stats, there's the usual classes of history, alchemy, and PE. History raises strictness, mindfulness, and nobility. Alchemy raises tenacity and diligence. PE raises perseverance and maybe diligence too. There'll also be other actions and events like help out in the kitchen based off of the master chef course (Crowley gived them a school given job i guess) that raises mindful and benevolence. And so on.
Money and Stress is still a stat bc we gotta keep it real, the amount of times the Ramshackle Duo is mentioned to be at the mercy of Crowley's stinginess.... how could it not. Stress is self explanatory.
I don't think the dress up mechanic could work but I think an alternative that's so much better would be items used to boost stats like textbooks (you cant buy multiple but one type and it raises that stat permanently). Maybe when you'll get to a point that you can purchase gifts for the cast as well.
Grim will hate this but... taking care of Grim mechanic. He'll function just fine on his own but taking care of him by like making sure he studies, goes to class, etc. It'll raise stats and will even net you attention from others.
Getting this type of game would also be a good way to get a timeline of events in between overblots. I know there are alt versions like the fairy gala if but maybe you choose which version you play through at the beginning for the game since fairy gala if is only really possible after chapter 6 but the original can take place whenever so it'll be a smooth.
I don't think it has to have a romantic end goal, you can stay friends with characters even if you hit that romance threshold. With the amount of characters too, if you do choose to romance multiple people... I'd like to think word 'round a place like NRC travels fast and a confrontation will happen soon.
thats kind of it for concepts I can think of. Maybe at the end of the year is the end card of how your life progresses in Twisted Wonderland, ie. you have high strictness and benevolence you stay at NRC and become staff etc. Think of the ending system of Princess Maker. The default is that you don't make it back home, but there are certain events you trigger to get the option to go back home. For all the yumes out there, there'll also be maybe a cg of your chosen love interest and a snippet of your life with them (LET ME BE DELUSIONAL)
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