#i dont think i shouls be given that much power adfssadad
i basically jsut woke up. still midly sleepy you see. remember boop button showed up yesterday. wonder what it does as you do ywanno. anyway. press boop. contiously boop. scroll and boop literally anyone with it on. i am sorry. i am sorry if i haved booped so many times but. the goop. si so improtant to me you dont understand. actually i dont underatand either but thats oaky. its still imporatnt since its boop. i dont know wahts happeniing still. but all i know isw boop. boop. the boop. botp. the bop. boop. i amstill waiting ffor things to unfreeze but meansboop time is more. boop. anyway. i continue to boop. boop so many. scroll and boop anyone i see. i will be doing thsi throughout the day whiel things invevitably freze up so. this is thewarning about the boops is waht i am saying.
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