#i dont think its actually him based off that lady pointing the gun at her in the previews but
thatsveryood · 2 years
Is Athena's dad going to be implicated as the murderer of the little girl in the cold case?? Oh I know I my heart of hearts he is but I'm not ready for this
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saxonspud · 5 years
The Outlaw and the Treasure Hunter - Chapter 32 - Murphrees
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Izzy had never been as far north as the Roanoke Valley. Hell she’d never even been as far north as Annesburg. She was amazed at the sheer beauty of the scenery. Dutch just smiled. He loved watching her face when she saw something that she hadn’t seen before. He was, however, fully aware of how dangerous this part of the country could be. Izzy hadn't noticed how his hand never strayed too far from his guns.
As they reached their destination, the Brandywine Drop, Izzy gasped.
“Oh Dutch, its beautiful, look at the way the water cascades over the rocks, and the rocks, are almost flat.”
Dutch chuckled, “it is pretty country.”
Izzy suddenly pointed, “look, a stag over the other side!”
Then she pointed again, “is that a salmon?”
Dutch glanced over the river, and watch what was indeed a salmon, jumping out of the water. It looked like a pretty big one too.
“Hosea would love it up here, for the fishing,” he sighed.
He smiled at Izzy, and rode The Count next to her horse, so they were in touching distance. He cupped her cheek, and gently kissed her lips.
“I love the way you look at everything, it makes me feel like I’m seeing it for the first time, all over again. Through innocent eyes,” he purred.
Izzy smiled, “thank you...I mean for bringing me.”
Dutch rolled his eyes, “c’mon we better look for what we actually came for!”
They left the horses by the edge of the river, drinking. Just like the stag, Izzy thought, but she never said anything. She thought Dutch would probably laugh at her.  
Izzy grabbed Dutch’s hand and she led him along the edge of the river, along a flat rock formation which led to the base of the falls.
It was a lot easier that the waterfall at Cumberland falls Izzy thought. Not deep crevasse to fall down.
They kept to the edge of a rock wall, avoiding the waterfall itself. Soon to Dutch’s amazement they were actually standing behind the water fall. It was dry except for a few splashes on the stone floor.
“Amazing isn’t it?” Izzy enthused.
Dutch chuckled, “yes, actually it is!”
Izzy reached into a gap in the wall of the rock, and pulled out a pouch.
“There, its not that dangerous, treasure hunting,” she smirked.
Izzy put the pouch in her satchel.
“Arent you gonna show me what we found?” Dutch asked, sulkily.
Izzy grinned, “wait till we’re back out side, we can take a look then.”
Dutch nodded, and they both walked out from behind the waterfall.
As they did, they came face to face with a rough looking man, dressed in dungarees. He wasn’t alone and four other men stood slightly behind him.
“Well what have we here,” he snarled, “you ain't welcome round here. Best you handover your valuables, and we might let you go!”
He glanced at izzy, “not her though, we’ll keep her!” he chuckled.
Dutch quickly grabbed Izzy's arm and pulled her behind a jagged rock.
“Keep down, while I deal with these scum!” he hissed.
You ain't gonna leave here!” the stranger growled, “leastways not on your own two feet!” he laughed, menacingly.
Dutch drew his guns, and quickly fired at the stranger, and one of the other four men. They dropped to the floor, before they could even fire off a shot.
The remaining men started to fire at the rock, that Dutch and Izzy took cover behind.
Dutch waited until they had to reload, and he fired again. In the meantime, Izzy had taken her fathers old gun, which was still in her satchel, and she fired three shots. Two of them completely missed, but the third hit home in an explosion of blood and bone, as the bullet shattered the strangers skull. Dutch had already dispatched the other two, when he heard a clunk.
He was about to praise Izzy for her good shooting, but stopped when he saw her face.
The clunk he heard was her dropping her gun onto the ground.
All the colour had drained from her face.
Dutch holstered his guns.
“It’s Ok Izzy, they’re dead,” he soothed as he wrapped an arm around her.
“I...I k...killed him,” Izzy stuttered, “I shouldn't have killed him,” she gasped, her eyes glazed over.
Dutch grasped Izzy by the shoulders, and turned her to face him.
“Look at me Izzy, it was either them or us. You had no choice.” he soothed.
Dutch looked at Izzy, her eyes were looking at him, but they didn't seem to be focussing, just staring.
He gently held Izzy’s face in his hands, “Izzy, sweetheart, it’s Ok.
Izzy snapped out of her daydream.
“I never wanted to kill anyone,” she gasped.
Dutch gently kissed her on the forehead. “I know, Izzy. No one wants to, but sometimes we don’t have a choice. These people, they take pleasure in hurting people. They’re worse than animals.”
Izzy glanced over the top of the rock at the five dead bodies.
“Who are...were they?” she asked, numbly.
Dutch sighed, “Murphree’s. They’re worse than O’Driscolls, and that's saying something. Its why Arthur said it was dangerous. C’mon, lets get out of here, in case anymore turn up!”
Dutch put his arm around Izzy’s waist and they quickly ran back to where they had left the horses.
Dutch helped Izzy onto her horse, and he quickly mounted his.
Izzy was only too happy when Dutch suggested a fast pace. As beautiful as this place was, she wanted to leave it and the memory of the people that inhabited it behind her.
After about an hour’s riding, Dutch slowed the pace down. He reached over and put a hand on Izzy’s leg.
“Are you OK? He asked, concern in his voice.
Izzy nodded. “Do you ever… ever get used to it, killing I mean?”
Dutch sighed, “we only kill folks if we’re in danger of being killed ourselves. It’s not something we enjoy, Izzy. It’s sometimes just necessary. Sad thing is, there are people out there who do get pleasure from it. Not all of ‘em on the wrong side of the law!”
Izzy sighed, “like bounty hunters and Pinkertons, you mean.”
Dutch nodded, then smiled, “guess Arthur taught you to shoot OK then?”
Izzy half smiled, and shook her head, “No I tried but I couldn’t hit anything, not even a bottle!”
Dutch hummed, “you did OK today, guess you aren’t as bad as you think!”
Izzy shook her head, “I hit that poor man in the head, I was aiming for his belly.”
Dutch chuckled, “I dont think there’s a lot wrong with your shooting sweetheart, I think you just might need a better gun!”
Izzy sighed, “I just wanna go home, maybe Hosea is back!”
Dutch smiled to himself. The last time Izzy had said she wanted to go home, she was referring to her home in Valentine. Now she looked on her home as the camp, and the rest of the gang. He knew now that Izzy finally felt that was where she belonged.
Izzy and Dutch arrived back at camp just as the sun was beginning to set.
She hitched Duke, and Dutch hitched The Count.
He thought she looked a little pale. He wasn't sure whether it was the shock of the encounter or the long ride.
“Why dont you head in, and we can take a look at what we found in a minute,” he suggested, pressing a kiss to her temple.
Izzy stopped, “Dutch? Can we...Will you?” Izzy blushed.
“Are you sure you’re not too tired, sweetheart.” Dutch asked.
Izzy smiled, “No...never too tired for you.”
Dutch smirked, “go on, I’ll be there in a minute, I just need to check in with Arthur.”
Izzy nodded and headed towards the tent they shared.
Dutch watched her, and smiled to himself. He glanced across and saw Arthur rushing over.
“Where have you two been, we were worried,” Arthur huffed.
Dutch sighed, “thought it was time I took her out to hunt some treasure...we ran into a spot of bother!”
Arthur frowned, “what sort of bother? Pinkertons?”
Dutch shook his head, “Murphree’s. She shot one.”
Arthur looked towards Dutch’s tent, seeing Izzy disappear inside.
“Is she OK?” he asked.
Dutch smiled, “I know you worry about her son, Hosea told me what you said,” he tapped his forehead, “about if things had been different!”
Arthur felt his face flush, “doubt whether things would have turned out much different. As soon as the girls clap eyes on you, they fall at your feet!” He smirked.
Dutch put his hand on Arthurs shoulder. “Not all of ‘em son,” he looked over towards where Mary-Beth was sitting.  
“You’ve been given a second chance, son. Make the most of it. Forget about Mary Linton and Eliza. They’re in the past. There’s a certain young lady who only has eyes for you. Take your opportunites Arthur, seize ‘em with both hands, they dont come around too often!”
Arthur felt his face flush again, as he looked over where Mary-Beth was sitting.
Dutch patted him on the back, and watched as Arthur headed over. He smiled as he watched them link arms and head along the shoreline of the lake.
Dutch headed towards the tent, now more than ever he was determined for them to find somewhere. Not just for himself and Izzy, but for Arthur and Mary-Beth, and everyone else in his extended family who deserved a chance of happiness.
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whenever you have free time: can you explain your opinions on what houses vox machina and the mighty nein are in? i 100% agree w gryffindor nott btw
I’d just like to start by clarifying that altho I do feel strongly about some of these opinions (& ive joked about them being unchangeable - which is not true, to be serious), that doesnt mean I don’t wanna hear y’all’s - do you agree w/ me on some & not the others? completely disagree? completely agree for different reasons? tell me (politely pls) & give me some of ur reasons! i think part of the intrigue of sorting our fav characters into hogwarts houses is that it tells us what we value in them & what traits of theirs stand out to us the most - and that subsequently makes it…. fairly subjective (also doesn’t help that the standards for each house are kind of……vague lol)
I expect all of ur essays on this v important question on my desk by 8 am monday morning
now onto answering the actual ask:
The Mighty Nein
Caleb - Ravenclaw; aside from the fact that he obviously values books & advancement of his own magical knowledge, he also seems to think through important decisions in a logical manner (ex. he spent a lot of time thinking about whether he & nott should stay w/ the rest of the mighty nein)
Fjord - Ravenclaw; again, besides the obvious, his interest in studying at the Soltryce Academy, he’s also really observant & intent on learning from those around him, given all the questions he’s asked Caleb & the way he keeps an eye on Jester’s divine magic
Molly - Hufflepuff; altho initially i had some mixed feelings about this, after giving it some thought, im actually most convinced of this one: as many have pointed out, he’s shaping up to be the Mom Friend & taliesin also says he has a moral code that he sticks to - i think being steadfast in the way youre gonna put good into the world (& in how u treat the evils & injustices) is very Hufflepuff  
Yasha - Slytherin; though I say this tentatively bc we haven’t seen a lot of her yet - she doesn’t seem like a traditional slytherin in a highly ambitions sense, but she does seem like to stick to her guns & prioritise herself when necessary (“I run into the woods”)   
Beau - Gryffindor; she strikes me as fight first, ask questions later kinda gal & going in guns blazing seems very Gryffindor to me - in addition, she also saved nott from that manticore, which struck me as reckless bravery consistent w/ gryffindors
Nott - Gryffindor; i spent some time thinking about this one after @matt-the-blind-cinnamon-roll gave some of their reasons for slotting nott as a hufflepuff - ultimately, I think nott’s a gryffindor despite the fact that she doesn’t consider herself brave is bc her actions speak louder than her words (“I cover Caleb’s body with my own” & “I kill the baby manticore”); the willingness to put urself at risk for the people u care about over and over even at ur own expense strikes me as a gryffindor trait (for better or worse, I might add - see my thoughts on Vax’ildammit)
Jester - look I……………………………..honestly don’t fuckin know. Hufflepuff? Slytherin? Idk ask me again in fifty episodes
Vox Machina
Percy - Ravenclaw; initially i had percy as a Slytherin but i think once he got over the whole demon revenge thing he actually turned out to be pretty Ravenclaw - I mean, he does invent things, and he’s not interested at all in being in charge of Whitestone (also what kind of fuckin nerd learns Celestial for the fun of it lmao)
Vex - Slytherin; Lady Vex’ahlia, Baroness of the Third House of Whitestone and Grand Mistress of the Grey Hunt - she cares about the title & the money & with very good reason, i think - her ability to obtain what she wants & persevere through the tough times puts her in Slytherin (also - with trinket’s origin story - i think it takes some real fucking grit & confidence to dig urself out of that kind of situation on ur own)
Vax - Gryffindor; this one is a lot to unpack. @swiftbell & i have been arguing about this one on & off for awhile; she thinks Vax is a Hufflepuff (& she has good reason to). there’s a lot of debate about whether hogwarts house are based on who u are vs who u want to be/strive to be & while i think arguments based on the latter r fine, i tend to base mine on the former in this list bc its easier to see actions than try to parse out thought
so that being said, i think Vax is a gryffindor bc while he cares deeply about his found family, he doesn’t exactly place a high price on his own safety; he goes in first, he goes in stupidly, he almost gets himself killed a lot - that kind of drive toward self sacrifice, to me, falls under the reckless bravery of a gryffindor
(as I said to steph: a hufflepuff would die for their loved ones if they absolutely had to, but a gryffindor tends to look at it as one of their first choices - also vax reminds me a lot of sirius black but im gonna stop right here to avoid turning this post into a vax character analysis)
Grog - Gryffindor; grog doesn’t do much thinking, he just does (& im not saying all gryffindors don’t think - obviously many do (@ hermione granger)- but i do they’re the types of people most prone to falling into the trap of not thinking things thru) it’s almost like the opposite of vax’s problem except we’re not talking about vax anymore bc this isnt a vax character study
Keyleth - Gryffindor; i feel like im beating a dead horse here but kiki also doesn’t always think things through & is very prone to action; the difference between her brand of gryffindor as opposed to vax’s & grog’s is that her outcomes are a little more mixed bag
Pike - Hufflepuff; i think pike is a hufflepuff for a lot of the same reasons i think molly is… which is a little surprising so just bear with me a second; she’s very devoted to Sarenrae, which sets up her (mostly) clear perspective of the world and how she should exist & treat people in it; she’s less of a mom friend (altho she still has some of those qualities), and she’s as loyal to her own causes as she is to Vox Machina; she also tends to be very kind & fun-loving w/out being a pushover
Scanlan - im a huge fan of scanlan, which probably means i should have some momentous opinion here…………….but I don’t, I really don’t know - i think once i get to some key points in scanlan’s character development (which i think are coming up in the next like 15 episodes or something), i’ll have a clearer thought
Tiberius - im not sure i remember tiberius well enough to make a full judgment, but I would say Ravenclaw probably if i had to bc of his constant interest in intelligence & learning to be a better sorcerer
Tary - ive heard of him but i dont know him yet so tbd  
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fluffytoast101 · 6 years
!"kids please! i need everyone to calm down and ask your questions one at a time!" David stopped the kids from talking all at the same time. “I thought the fund raiser was a success! If we need money why dont the quartermaster just beat you guys up again!” Harrison stated while Malva was nodding “It actaully isnt a bad idea!”
-small time skip bcs i dont want to rewrite every line of dialog-
“does that mean.. we all have to split up?” Nikki asked with sadness in her voice. Everyone looked around at eachother with sad expressions.
“Hi Max. Its been a few days.. Have you made your descsion yet? Wich camp do you wanna go to? Vera is still.. Mad about the uhm.. events if you were wondering..” David asked the sad boy who was carrying a bunch of regret. “Im still thinking.” He answerd quickly turning the other way. “Come on Max.. i know its been hard especially since Neil, Nikki-” Max remeberd their faces filled with rage and sadness. He even brought Malva to tears. “God damn! Dont you have counsler counsling to prep for or something?! Just leave me alone!” He cut David off and walked away.
“I cant belive im saying this but.. I dont know if i wanna go to science camp!” Neil said looking at his friends, looking a little longer at Malva. “Yeah! What fun is adventuring without you guys!” Nikki joined in. “I just want things to be back to normal!” Vera continued. “I just want to be able to enjoy my summer. dosnt really help that my uh... lady problems...? are hittting in strong!” Malva ended it. “Max what do we do?!” Neil desperatly asked max his eyes getting glossy. Max was doing something on davids phone and didnt pay attention to the others. “Max?” Nikki asked once again also tearing up. “Huh? Are you guys still fraking out about this? Whats your problem?” Max rudely said turning away from the phone. “Our problem?” Neil questioned Max’s rude comment. “damnit..” Malva mumbled under her breath on the verge of tears. “i dont wanna say goodbye yet! You guys are my friends!” Nikki frowned. “Yea Max. Wtf” Vera questioned Max aswell seeing him brining Malva on the verge of tears.”were like a wolf pack!” Nikki said with a slight smile. Neil chimed in “Or a team of scientists (somthing) doing a new study!” “Or a wolf pack!” Nikki obviously liked her idea better.  “Jesus guys. Grow up! Did you think summer was gonna last forever? It was always gonna end this way! Camp campbell comes to a close, you get sent home, you move on with your lives.” Max said doing something on the phone once again, looking up from it at the end. “Look, we had a good run! But we were temporally friends at best!” Max ended it. The small group of friends looked at him in schock turning into rage or sadness. “oh...” Nikki said looking down. Malva silently started crying trying to make it stop while hugging herself. Vera looked angry with a mix of sadness and confusion. Neil started speaking. “Really?! THATS all we are to YOU?” He said in pure frustration. “Fucking hell Max! I know your meant to be rude or something but thats just messed up!” Vera said slightly motioning to malva who was still silently crying looking down. Max felt the regret hit his body. “I mean.. Look Neil-” He started scratching the back of his neck.”Nonono you’re right! Why would someone like you need a friend?! You were fine on your own before we showed up!” Neil looked down then turning his gaze to malva and back up again. “You’ll be fine once were gone.” Neil walked off into the bus. “Nikki come on! You get it, right?” Max asked Nikki. Nikkis face turned into anger. “Bye Max” She said walking into the bus aswell. “Malva?” Max looked at the girl who looked up from the ground showing red puffy eyes. She quickly hugged Vera before walking into the bus the doors closing behind her. Max looked at Vera with regeret but she just flipped him off and walked back into camp.
- time skip,, again.. bcs... yeah...-
“Happy reunion?”
-Ok time skip again. brining thr camp back togheter burning camps 3 more left to pick up-
“thats... Almost everyone!” Max looked up from the clip bord in his hands with a smile. “Phew... this has been a eventful day!” Vera smiled at Max. “Just 3 names left!” David happily said. Max felt the regret come back again. “Yeah. i wonder how they are doing..” Vera said thinking about what Malva had told her in the past about her fear and how it keeps her up at night crying. She slightly frowned. “You know my favorite part is the look on the counslers faces when you mention the test Davey! Their all like ‘whoa what!?’“
- yet another time skip -
“Yeah thats the other thing... they are actually.. here” Gwen said looking over to the room where the three kids sat looking upset or jus scared. “Here at camp core we dislike using the phrase ‘trouble makers’ and uh..” The old man looked at Malva. “I dont know what to call your situation... uhm. well get back to that later. Anyways as i said we dont like to use the term ‘trouble makers’” “We prefer children in need of love. And young lady you need to get sleep.” The old lady said looking at Malva. She looked up from her knees (she was hugging her legs in her chair ya’know?) with dark cicles under her eyes that were also red and puffy. “I know that youve been.. up from the past 5 nights crying.” Neil and Nikki looked at Malva with sorrow and Neil reached out for her hand giving it a tight squeeze. He returned to his angry expression while still holding her hand. Nikki returned to her angry expression aswell. “Based on your recent behavior blah blah”
-time skip til’ gwen comes in-
“Thank godness for that duel major in sike! Am i right? Why dont you two get out of here while i chat with these little rascals!” Gwen bursted into the room while the owners left. She quickly closed the door and looked at the kids infront of her. “Lets get the fuck out of here.” She said dramatically.
“And then Nancy was like ‘whos an idiot?’ and i told her to mind her own fUCKING BUISNESS!” Gwen said while staning in the elavator with the 3 kids, Malva and Neil still holding hands. “Personally. Thats when i would have started with the biting.” Nikki proudly said. “Waitwaitwait! Can you go back for a second? Were getting the camp back?!” Neil looked suprised. Gwen looked at him with a smile and calm expression. “Oh. Yeah. And everybody is here.” Gwen simply said. Neil, Nikki and Malva looked at eachother with unease. “Everybody?” Neil and Nikki said in unsion while Malva continued to be quiet.
“Heeeey! Long time no see!” Max said while holding up his hand for a high five. Neil and Nikki looked unipressed while Malva still looked sad. Vera quickly ran up to her brining her into a hug. “Heard you all started a bit of mayhem at your camps? Guess im rubbing off on you.” He nudged Nikki. “If you use mayehem to describe putting someone in an emotional state making them stay up for 5 nights crying!” Neil said grabbing Malvas hand again.. just bcs it felt right. Vera let go of Malva and looked at her with sympathy. “Oh look its the temporally friend of ours!” Neil continued. “Yes, the friend that isnt permanent.” Nikki joined in. “Come on guys! Things are gonna go back to the way they were. I promise! Ive got a plan!” Max tried to convince them. “Interesting. I figured you would have moved on with your life right now.” Neil sarcastically said. “I will aslo add a sarcastic remark as soon as i can think of one.” Nikki said. “Oh my! David and Gwen blah bLAHBALH FUCKING BLAH BCS MORE -TIME SKIP BITCH DEAL WITH IT.-
“Im. Im sorry. I didnt go thru all this trouble for camp campbell.. I did it.. for you guys.” Max said. Malva softend up a bit. “You guys are my friends.. And i just didnt want to admit it. Just once the time actually got to say goodbye.. i had something to lose! Well you know... trying to go thru life alone seems pretty fucking stupid know.” They all turned and looked at cameron campbell. “Oh what?! Am i supposed to be the big bad example here?!” He said. “We did everything we said out to do by doing it togheter. and had a little fun while doing so! But everything fell apart when you pushed it away..” David confronted Campbell. “Well yea! But i won!” He defended himself. “Won what exactly?” Gwen said unimpressed. “I got my life back!I can leave this country behind and leave everything behind! just not thailand... or russia.. burned all the bridges with north korea..” He scratched his chin. “With all that money you can just buy some new friends who will eventually hate your guts too” Max stated. “Well i- uh-” Cmeron was lost of words.
“Well *sigh* i guess this is goodbye.” Max said turning to his friends. “I just wanted you to know... Ill miss you!” Nikki smiled and Neil looked suprised. Malva gave a small smile and looked at him. Vera looked proud that he actually said something nice for once. “And im sorry we couldnt be friend for longer..” Max continued rubbing his shoulder. “Dont be such a dummy Max!” Nikki started. “Yeah! We might never see eachother again, but we’ll always be friends.” Neil continued. “Oh and i snuck my phone with me *cough* so ican just give you all my number and just msg me so can we have a group chat!” Malva said with a raspy smile and a toothy grin. “Hell yeah! See we sont lose contact!” Vera slightly nudged Malvas shoulder as she wrote donw her number 3 times on a piece of paper. “Awwwwwww.” The older ones said. “Group hug!” Dolph said and David ran and hugged Gwen, Max, Vera, Malva, Neil and Nikki. Until they heard a bus driving off. “Campbells gone.” QM said and pointed outside. They all watched him drive off. “Wow that typical.” Ered said.  Davids phone started ringing that Max had in his pocket. “Uhm David. Your phone.” Max said and handed the phone to David.
-Blah Campbell has a speech or whatever hh-
-They have an adorable ass water gun fight and everyones happy running around-
- Campbell comes.-
“You will now be taking orders from him” Mr. Miller pointed at David. Evryone turned to David. “Now its perfect!” David said acomplished. “Welcome to camp, asshole!” Max said crossing his arms. “OUR camp, asshole!” Vera joined in and put her hand on Max’s shoulder in a sassy kin of way. Max looked at her with a tint of blush but she just winked >;3c
They all turned and did their own thing until only the group of 5 was left in front of the mess hall. Malva gave Neil a quick peck on the cheek before running off to god nows where neils face turning red. “OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH SHIT I KNEW IT I KNEW IT I KNEW IT!” Vera fangirled and they laughed at Neils blushing madness. Okay bye
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filmery · 7 years
Stream of Consciousness
from Iron Man
fav marvel opener- flipping comic book pages -never read any whoops
no one is wearing black- back in black
sexist- driver woman
rdj is =iron man
peace sign kid holds- he dies so thats why tony does peace sign
"older guy cant work camera" clishe
uggggh shaky camera
why was he with the troops/ not in helicopter?
zoom into bomb fast- GREAT fast comedic moment just before sadness
he shud not have been conscious after explosion that close
al quaeda to soon
so hes steve jobs- made a frikin computer in his garage
ewww rbj with no beard- bad cgi :( cant u just shave and get over urself?
yes weapons are the key to peace hahahahahahAHAHAHAHAHAHAHhahaha
rip terrence howard as rhody
"too cool for award" cliche
"bald guy is bad" cliche
"hes always working" uhhh besides a few montages.... no he really just parties
only talks to cute girls....... uggggh
military funding? ha more like military debt ahahahahah 20 trillion is iron mans fault
jarvis is wing man after one night stand???? idve thought hed think tony was cheating lol
"girl wakes up with just guys shirt" cliche
"guy wakes up and leaves before girl wakes up" cliche
cat fight ha+2 points
literal and figurative island haha
so tony aint smart, he just uses jarvis
he obvi doesnt know how t4he faa works
i was gonna get REAL mad if tony didnt buy a painting cuz it was "too expensive" but we good
tonys a dick
yet pepper finds him attractive
yaaaas rhody calling him a baby cuz he FING IS
im pretty sure laser shows in airplanes are illegal
"im not drinking them gets drunk" cliche
in my opinion from what ive collected, you cant be feared AND respected. fear takes over and you do things based on fear, not fromrespect - also how will blowing up people help them respect you? unless youre talking about getting respect from those u protect and those u kill cuz thats completely differeent then
"i respectfully disagree" or do you "fearfully disagree"
starts out as all techno talk, then turns into baby talk wtf
that shock wave conviently stopped right after it hit them
montage of painful surgeyr cliche
ewww that pipe in his nose as groooooooss
"dont do that but dontexplain" cliche
the dude cant understand english how did he know that tony refused????
why tf wouldnt u test it ANYWHERE BUT THE MIDDLE EAST?????
why cant they just wait and order the missile
"theyll never find u" cliche
why is his friend here?
how does he know how to build it? tbh he probs just had jarvis do it back home
how does the gov not know hes selling weapons to terrorists? we cant be that corrupt can we?
so hes building his ring thing but they DONT FING NOTICE THATS THERES NO MISSILES AT AlL??????
and they didnt question them the entire time
lemme peek but not go in and investigate
"i have steady hands" and then he crashes his car and LOOK! Doctro strange!
when a speech starts with a history lesson, u know its been rehearsed u poser
honestly... hot coal in mouth- worst way to die fml
props to marvel for not telling how fast theyre moving so i cant bust them for not being able to get it done
why the circle around the chest thing
wouldt one of their rules to be able to see u at all times
ctrl i is italicize hahahaha
why did the lights shut off but no the clearly hookedup laptop?
i enjoy the rock music as background music- not ur stereotypical ( yet awesome) hans zimmer score
yaaaaaas bitches run
gun shootsthen rebounds onto him- pretty sure thats not how physics work
if anyone should die, its tony tbh that whiny bithc
-2 for killing an actual good guy
how does not one of those bullets penetrate his suit?
----not enough use of the word penetreate
k no theyd keep shooting
tony: everythings on fire and im dying
ouchie that giant fall
how does he know hose helis are good?
+2 for cheeseburger yas
-2 for burger king ew
doesnt sheild deal with aliens not terrorists?
newsreels? hes not THAT old
k hes obvi doing the best thing here and now everyone gets pissed for him TRYING TO SAVE PEOPLES LIVES EHY IS THAT BAD?????? HE ALREADY HAS a shit otn of money LET HIM BE
fuck u and ur segway obidiah
the other thing..... dont put ur name on it
jokes on u! it was alqueade
+100 for mad money reference!!!!!
...so pepper didnt know about it so whyd he blame her for .3 seconds?
pepper is useless omg PUT YOUR HANDS IN HIS CHEST
why did he say dont take out the magnet but all of a sudden u dont need it?
i wonder if they actually built robots for tonys btterfingers
rhodeys we need pilots speech was just proven again by the aircraft landing in the hudson
so non military= humanitarian now? and if so why that bad?
honestly surprised that jarvis isnt some hot lady voice
k raza with sunglasses= morpheus
why is the mask the most vital part for raza?
tony crashing into wall is why u should ALWAYS WEAR A HELMET KIDS
obadiah is NOT playing the piano
+2 for not trusting obidiah
daaaamn if thats 1% whats 100% capacity
and he still doesnt wear a helmet
k his eye holes are so small how can he actually see?
run before walking leads to lots of problems later in life tony
at leaast he checked atc
goddammkit u made smol child drop ice cream
beginners luck
rip that baby grand he probs didnt know how to play
+2 for that fire extinguisher
+50 for Pepper being a cutie with that gift
how does tony not have his liscence revoked? hes a shit driver and can hire a chaffeur
so just fire pepper and marry her
pepper is totally right and tony should seperate who actually matter to him
how is a lot of olives 3?
im not my company- THEN TAKE UR NAME OFF HOE
no, modern day hell s walking those 15 miles and watching a car and heli and camera lady who are fine and can get there in 20 minutes
i sincerely hope that these footages were planned and not real
is this the news or a documentary?
just realized he never gave pepper her drink lol
yeah, let the kids watch their dad get shot thats fine omg
after that hit, he looks like a lion
why did he say colonel rhodes form weapons development? that name isnt that common
there was 0 time for radio contact omg
the only thing i could think during this scene was SERPENTINE SERPENTINE SERPENTINE
k now im getting a lil tired of the electric guitar
finally obi has been outted geez
im feeling some west side story WITH snaps
why is raza telling obi what he ALREADY KNOWS CUZ THEYVE BEEN IN CONTACT
how has no one noticed that obi just GOES TO THE MIDDLE EAST LIKE ALL THE TIME
this scene between pepper and tony is THE MOTHER of cliched lines
he tried to push his hair back hahahaHAHAHAHAHhaha
not scraps obi.... he had his own stuff
im just imagining obi hidig under toys couch haha
that dick took his shirt!!!
yaas beethoven reference
props to makeup people for his paralysis on point!
sorry but paralysis seems to me like U CANT FING MOVE TONY
i thought the old reactor needed a magnet
goddman all these chains
-2 awful jump scare
yes middle age mom- honk at the GIANT FING ROBOT
nooo not the hydrogen powered bus!
gooood iron freezes before stainless tell
daaamn obi is a real bad shot
and radiation now floods the malibu land area and thosands are illed thanks to tonys reactor
sk glad hes corrected the mediait aint iron
coleson never briefed tham
that was longer than 90 seconds
great ending 10/10
affter credit scene: 10/10 avengers yay
1 note · View note
gulescamisade · 7 years
Alaska:  Day 24, New Rebel Base
[[ They've arrived in the next rebel base, their giant insectoid "pilot" coming to a stop at a large growth of moss and flowers on the cavern ceiling to munch away. A rebel conductor helps them out of the basket and back into the tunnels, where they're informed once again that they stand to meet the small group that will lead them to the lusus keeping hold and assist them in securing their transport to Minnesota. They wait in a room while the troupe is summoned. ]]
REDGLARE: -She found it kind of peaceful, on the giant bug basket. A lot of time to think. Now she's hobbling off and having to walk again hurts a whole fuckload, don't it? Urgh. She leans back and folds her arms as she waits.-
[[ The bandages have gotta be hella itchy, too. ]]
DAVE: -he's been compliant and talking incessantly but hey, he's alive. the room they're in makes a nice shelter, but he's antsy- heres an idea
DAVE: teleporters
MINDFANG: -The bug basket wasnt awful, but still she was glad to be moving along. The sooner the better really. And also not having to move much after her chest trauma was great, but now was the time to suck it up again and she leans against one of the walls while digging her fingers into the small crevices of her bionic arm to see if she can adjust anything in there to make it any semblance of slightly more functional.-
HESONY: =mrrrg... He approached Mindfang and made a gesture towards her arm. In addition to that, he makes a face at her digging.= :\
MICEXA: -how rich do u think this operation is-
MICEXA: -that's the look she is currently giving Dave, but she quickly readjusts to look at Sunny-
MINDFANG: -Slowly looks up at him, do you see the look in her one eye? Do you see how she imagines destroying you.-
MINFANG: Can I help you.
HESONY: At the rate you're going, your arm is gonna go limper than a droopy bulge.
HESONY: =He held out his hand offering and open= Let me Help you?
LATULA: (pff h4h44h4h4h4h4h4)
DAVE: nice
MINDFANG: -Turns her death glare briefly on Latula.-
MINDFANG: Your use of descriptors m8kes it almost impossi8le to say no. -Shes being sarcastic.-
HESONY: That makes it all easier then. =with one hand he took her arm and inspected it, running a finger over a nasty looking puncture.=
MINDFANG: -Sorry hes getting punched in the face, you dont just grab someones arm. Here comes her fist.-
HESONY: =well he should have expected that tbh=
HESONY: =the blow staggers him and he straightened from it, wiping blue from the corner of his mouth with the back of his hand.=
HESONY: You do realize punching me only exacerbates the problem.
MINDFANG: -Yeah it kind of did, her metal hand struggles to open again, making several clicking noises as the fingers uncurl.- Yes I am aware.
MINDFANG: And it was still worth it. -She almost smiles when she sees the blood. Almost. Its satisfying.-
MINDFANG: -DO YOU WANT A PUNCH TOO? She will give them out for free.-
MINDFANG: -Eyes her as she cradles her arm.-
REDGLARE: Stop 1t.
REDGLARE: W3'v3 got mor3 f1ghts 4h34d of us.
REDGLARE: L3t h1m f1x 1t.
DAVE: we also got a lot of distance to travel
DAVE: before the fights
HESONY: =he sneered from around Miss= Just thought you ought to know you Have a malfunctioning piston and the shock absorbers are shot to Hell.
HESONY: However I don't entirely blame you. Most of your group is rather dull-witted.
DAVE: maybe were gonna spice it up
DAVE: bam traveling fights
DAVE: wheres my goddamn train
DAVE: gotta bounce on the cars
MINDFANG: I can travel fine with it in this condition, and o8viously it is still useful enough to fight. -Just not...ideal. She can make it work.-
MINDFANG: And what makes you so qualified to make the repairs anyway.
HESONY: You Have got to be kidding—
HESONY: =he pulled off his right glove and clenched and unclenched his metal hand.=
MINDFANG: -Watches him, unimpressed.- Having a 8ionic replacement does not qualify you to fix one.
MICEXA: -pinches the bridge of her nose... sunny why... why must you care so much and be so cute-
HESONY: Things work differently in the League.
HESONY: You learn or you die.
HESONY: =not cute. bamf. look at me=
[ !!! SUDDENLY !!! A truck with enormous mud and slush caked treads pulls in outside, seeming to grind down the rough terrain with ease. There's some kind of machine gun rotating around the roof although its' not currently in use. There are several trolls hanging off of it. If the gang is inside, they can hear the roar of the motor signalling it's arrival. VRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRROOOOOOM. (do u like my sfx) ]
MINDFANG: Thats no new knowledge. Any wriggler worth its half formed 8rain cells should know that.
HEITOR: -snuffles while hanging off the edge of the truck. HE IS A BIG.-
AQUILA: -actually is one of the unlucky folk stuffed inside with the gigantic driver :[-
HESONY: That is more than enough to be qualified. What, do you require a certificate?
LATULA: -peeps outside to look at the truck-
LATULA: uh yo.
LATULA: w3 w41t1n on som3on3 h3r3?
MINDFANG: I might considering I have no personal investment in trusting your word-- -Turns to look at Latula.-
HEITOR: -GASMASK STARES FROM OUTSIDE. Heseems to be hauling some kind of gigantic backpack, along with several toolboxes worth of tools on his belt and pants.-
LATuLA: y3s.
HESONY: FINE. Let it fall apart or become dead weight, but don't make this a liability to everyone else.
HESONY: =He finally glanced up as they exited the vehicle.= Apparently.
REDGLARE: Who 1s your l34d3r.
MINDFANG: -Thats harsh redglare.-
HEITOR: -SNORTS behind his mask, adjusting a nozzle on his backpack.-
DAVE: now the partys here
ULFURA: -She ALSO hangs off the outside of the truck, trying to peek around Heitor to see the new guys and having a REALLY HARD TIME.- HEEEYYY???
REDGLARE: 1s th4t you?
HEITOR: -SNORTS again and leans back.-
ULFURA: -LEAPS from the truck to eyeball them -- yeah, she is smol. SHE SQUINT.-
DAVE: this looks like a fun one
MINDFANG: -Small and squinty? What a combination.-
URSAIS: -Has difficulty parking. Eventually gives up and just KICKS DOOR OF THE TRUCK OPEN with furry boot. Out comes the burr troll. She is enormous, WIDE AND LONG even compared to someone like Heitor. - o'hm serRRy bout the trRuck fuckin rRickety piece a shit. AY.
HEITOR: -GRUNTS and punches ursais in the arm.-
ULFURA: -frankly just dwarfed by every single one of these guys-
REDGLARE: -focuses on the BIG and sighs-
REDGLARE: So you 4r3.
URSAIS: -rubs her arm and GRUNTS AT HIM.- we'rRe 'erRe to pick up some fellow rRRRebels. owch. look all i'm sayin is knowin how big somuv us 'rRr you coula opted ferR somethin' a little biggerR.
URSAIS: who do i gotta talk to to get this shit rRollin. -LOOKS ARUND.-
MICEXA: ....
MICEXA: -looks between the UU members-
ULFURA: -points at Latula- YOU???
URSAIS: -gdi ulfura out of the mouths of babes...but yeah this is kind of awkward.-
LATULA: M3?????
URSAIS: look it was my underRRstandin that some peple needed ta get to minnesodey??? SO SPEAK TH' FUCK UP.
LATULA: OH SH1 T 1 M34N. uh. sh1t. 1 D1D s4y th4t.
LATULA: y3s w3—
REDGLARE: M1nn3sot4. Soon 4s poss1bl3.
REDGLARE: W3'v3 got oth3r cr3w to m33t w1th.
REDGLARE: C4n you do 1t?
HESONY: =he's not saying anything. he might get punched in the face again.=
DAVE: they better do it
MINDFANG: -You might get punched regardless, you are never safe.-
AQUILA: -floating- g'day ladies n gents! :D
HESONY: =squints right back at her=
LATULA: h4h4 soz l1k3. 1M l4tz pyrop3 but you 4ll tot3z h34rd of m3 b3for3.
ULFURA: ... -looks up at Heitor- (WHO???)
URSAIS: -kinda cuts through everyone to get to Redglare- well 's wut the feck we'rRe e'rRe to find out but i ain't givin no garRentees. wuz a hell of a time even gettin erRe at all, but i think we'rRe yerRr best bet. cuz we gota n ace up ourR sleeves and it's sure as shit not this trRuck. we gonna trRy an trRavel by airR.
URSAIS: and once we get to minny sody we'rRe gonna help y'alll rRip our mutual enemies ta shrReds.
URSAIS: -grins-
REDGLARE: 4lr1ght.
REDGLARE: R3dgl4r3.
REDGLARE: R34dy wh3n you 4r3.
MINDFANG: Sounds enticing.
URSAIS: my name is capn urRsais arRcone and this here's mah crew. -GESTURES TO THEM. APPRECIATE THEM. SHE'S PROUD.-
HESONY: =blandly=
HESONY: Charmed.
URSAIS: i wasn't specially talkin to YEW.
MINDFANG: -Get told Hesony.-
HESONY: And that is some kind of problem?
LATULA: -loudly SULKS-
MICEXA: -rests a hand on his arm- Sunny-- Don't.
LATULA: -man she can't even be famous as a criminal-
ULFURA: -she doesn't watch enough TV to know you... tbh she doesn't know most of you. BUT SHE LIKES THAT SMALL WEIRDO LOOKING ONE, THE RED GUY WITH THE FINS. She's pretty sure he's a guy who would angry squat.-
URSAIS: -VAGUE SWEEPING GESTURE.- arRight well you lot get all yerRR shit redy trRy to travel as light as possible tho.
REDGLARE: W3 lost most of our b3long1ngs.
REDGLARE: 1t's just us.
URSAIS: -grunts- we gon have to do sum walkin firRst and no offense but y'all look like yerR one foot in the grR...-stops..glances at all these people with amputated limbs- o sorRy...um
URSAIS: ...nyways. ye. bundle up n stuff and we'll go.
URSAIS: the trRuck is a little too conspicious so we'rRe just gon leave it. -glances at Heitor apologetically.-
REDGLARE: -wise...-
LATULA: 41ght.
URSAIS: ey y'all elp anybody that can't make it on theirR own.
HEITOR: -he can and will carry u-
HESONY: =so could he but no one want him to touch them=
MINDFANG: -Yeah jeez.-
HESONY: =Then maybe warnings should be heeded next time, sheesh.=
URSIAS: -FUCKIN highbloods.-
MINDFANG: -Gets the urge to punch Hesony again. But thats pretty normal.-
MINDFANG: Then lets get moving.
LATULA: -she is not lumbering... but she ain't sprightly, either.-
LATULA: soz w3r3 you 4t th3 4tt4ck down th3 w4y wh3n w3 got p1ck3d up?
HESONY: =you castist pos. there's at least five highbloods in this UU group.=
ULFURA: -she will be sprightly for the BOTH OF YOU. bounces ahead of them-
MINDFANG: -Goodbye comfortable wall, shes walking.-
URSAIS: -PROBABLY HELPING DAELOS WALK. Anybody else? She's got a free arm.-
MITUNA: -Floats quietly-
[[ It's cold and snowy out still, and that and the darkness offers them a fair amount of general cover. It shouldn't be a terribly far walk to the lusus holding encampment, but they'll have to go through some woods on the way. ]]
MICEXA: -redglare pls...-
MINDFANG: -Redglare please.-
URSAIS: -Just gives her a weird look??? Buti it's noen of her business.-
MINDFANG: -Keeping her eye on Redglare just in case she falls.-
MICEXA: -she hesitantly... offers Redglare an arm.-
MINDFANG: -Redglare dont do, dont let them help you. She squint.-
DAVE: -with the gang- do we have to go through the woods again
REDGLARE: -WELL if mindfang is gonna refuse then shell take it-
MINDFANG: -Shes judging you so hard right now.-
MICEXA: -thank u... she wraps the arm around Redglare to help support her-
HESONY: =makes a frustrated noise somewhere in the back=
MICEXA: -between the two of us we have two whole legs-
MICEXA: -it's like we're almost a whole functioning person-
REDGLARE: -minus one eye-
TEREZI: =eyes are overrated=
URSAIS: -She's scarcely seen a sorrier looking group of people.-
LATULA: uh y34h 1m w1th h1m tbh.
LATULA: gonn4 h4v3 fuck1n for3st n1ghtm4r3z.
MITUNA: -Flaps his nub-
MINDFANG: Just do your 8est to ignore it. -At Latula and Dave, despite feeling pretty on edge about going into the woods too...-
DAVE: got it DAVE: great
LATULA: 1m just s4y1n fuck tr33z.
URSAIS: o yea i ferRgot ta answerR ya. we weren't so much in the fightin as mowin thrRough it.
AQUILA: and it turned out just beaut. :)
LATULA: r4d.
HEITOR: O (oo) O
HESONY: (Must be mowing through small fry. Of course you'd be able to beat fodder.)
HEITOR: O (oo) O
MITUNA: 7alk 5hi7 ge7 hi7
MITUNA: (he5 a one man apocalyp5e)
HESONY: You don't know that. You only just met these people!
MITUNA: L00K 47 H1M -Gestures at him-
HAITOR: -reaches a meaty hand over and ruffles ulfura's hair.-
ULFURA: -punches Heitor in the buttcheek. She's buttcheek height right???-
HAITOR: -yes-
HESONY: =Just...DRAGS his hands down his face=
URSAIS: acutally thas a preddy accurRate scription..
MITUNA: you merely adop7ed 7he darkne55 he wa5 born in i7 molded by i7 by 7he 7ime he 5aw 7he ligh7 he wa5 a man
URSAIS: -looks at this tiny psiionic. who hurt you to make u like this.-
HAITOR: -vents some steam from his backpack-
URSAIS: jesus trRoll chrRist.
MITUNA: -Sunny!-
URSAIS: we know u got koali-fee-cations. we GED IT.
ULFURA: -grunts also, but HIGHER, and more sassy.-
MITUNA: -Floats around Roadh-- Haitor-
HESONY: =snaps at mindfang and gestures at...ALL of Haitor= Here's your fucking certification, must be your lucky day!
MITUNA: (he big mad)
MINDFANG: -Slow turns to Hesony and raises her fist ever so slightly.-
URSAIS: -also gives him a Look like boy she redy 2 fight.-
MINDFANG: Calm down already.
URSAIS: -elirah would get mad at her tho for gettin off task...-
MICEXA: Hesony--!
MINDFANG: We get it, it is o8vious you do not like them. But good news no one else here enjoys your presence either.
HAITOR: -he'll totally fight... but the mention of his koala fictions distracts him a second and he TURNS towards Mindfang.-
HAITOR: -slaps his own arm corresponding to mindfang's cybernetic limb and points to her-
HESONY: =He's smiling. All the stress of the past month has totally worn him down= You sure you wanna do that?
HESONY: Your arm will likely break before my face does. :D
MINDFANG: -Looks at Haitor, and others. You see him asking for it right?-
NYALAH: -turning in her grave being in proximity to the magnitude of this blueblood fuckboi. Jfc.-
URSAIS: -GROWLS- ey! quit yer shit 'fore i get angrRy this ain't no leuiserRly strRolll this is serRious.
HESONY: =Nyalah, you dont even get to, youre the reason Terezi died=
MITUNA: Y34H 817CH ehehehe
MINDFANG: -Better be calling Hesony a bitch.-
MITUNA: -He'll leave it to interpretation-
MINDFANG: -She huffs though and turns her gaze forward again.-
URSAIS: less play the quiet game, yeah? til we get therRe.
URSAIS: we'rRe nearRly to the encampment.
URSAIS: got some steep turrRain comin up firRst tho.
MITUNA: 573PP1N 0N 7H3 834CH
HESONY: =His face is just=
MINDFANG: How steep is steep?
DAVE: im guessing steep
HESONY: What? Can't Handle a little rock wall?
MINDFANG: I can. 8ut we have group mem8ers missing lim8s thanks to you.
REDGLARE: -well she wasn't going to point it out but-
MINDFANG: And so traversing any extreme terrain might prove extremely difficult on them. 8ut yeah clearly they are fucking weak 8ecause they cant "Handle a rock wall." thank you for pointing that out.
HESONY: (I'd say it's pretty much even. Terezi's dead thanks to you.)
URSAIS: shut yerR damn mouth, i don't wanna hafta say it gain.
MITUNA: (no you)
HESONY: (No, you.)
MINDFANG: -Wigglers. Both of you.-
URSAIS: fuck me right up my furRy nook. -grumbling.-
HEITOR: -stares at ursais. maybe they can throw them-
URSAIS: -it's seeming more and more appealing...-
MITUNA: -Flips sunny off-
HESONY: =Tuna gets the double bird=
MITUNA: -Plarps him in the face with a psionic snowball-
MITUNA: ehehehe
HESONY: =beans Mituna dead center with a manually made one.=
MITUNA: -That's it, he just shakes lose an entire tree branch of snow onto Sunny's head-
REDGLARE: -she's not even gonna try to stop this.-
HESONY: =Takes out his shield and uses it to scoop snow off the ground with it= HESONY: EAT POWERDY WHITE SHIT!
URSAIS: -that's it. she's grabbing Hesony by the arm and dragging him none to gently to the front of the line with her-
MINDFANG: -Jfc guys.-
MITUNA: -makes a lil psionic barrier. Unbothered.-
URSAIS: -barks in his face- WALK! AND DON'T DO NOTHIN ELSE!!!
HESONY: =Wrenches his arm from Ursais's grip. There is a brief staredown=
HESONY: Don't. Touch me. Again.
HESONY: =And with that he does start walking again. If they're good at anything it's following orders.=
MITUNA: -snrks-
URSIAS: -SNORTS, her nostrils flaring and just keeps up her pace.-
MITUNA: -Slides up next to the pig-
MITUNA: doe5 your arm 5hoo7 la5er5
HEITOR: -NO RESPONSE. snorts piggily-
MITUNA: dude you go77a 7ell me
HEITOR: -VENTS STEAM FROM HIS BACKPACK. holds up his arm. Wiggles his fingers. NADA-
MITUNA: awwww
MITUNA: do you 7hink i could ge7 one 7ha7 5hoo75 la5er5
DAELOS: -speaks up for the first time this entire time- I thought you could already do that
HEITOR: -SNORTS AGAIN.- HEITOR: -also, lowers his arm.-
MITUNA: yeah bu7 how 5wee7 would i7 be 7o 5hoo7 la5er5 from your hand5
MITUNA: back me up here 7ula
AQUILA: i knew a guy once who could do that i'm pretty sure. it was a real rip snorter of a pahty trick let me tell ya.
MITUNA: -Looks down at his crotch a tad too long-
LATULA: lm4o.
MITUNA: im gonna do i7
MITUNA: im gonna
0 notes
viralhottopics · 8 years
Janelle Mone: I am the whole package
Shes a musician whose work has brought her massive acclaim. Shes also an outspoken activist in the Black Lives Matter movement, and now Janelle Mone is in Moonlight, one of the most talked about films of the year
One of Janelle Mones earliest childhood memories is of being hugged by her grandmother, a former sharecropper from Mississippi, and listening to her stories from the past: her years as a cotton picker; how their family came to be in Kansas City; the importance of connection to others. It was there, in her grandmas arms, that a slip of a six-year-old girl decided that one day she would become a storyteller, too. She wrote precocious plays and poems, sang and entered talent competitions that she often won, and gave her mother the winnings to help towards the electricity bill.
Twenty five years later, and Mones an acclaimed musician, record label boss and activist who is about to make her acting debut. Ive never viewed myself as just a musician or singer, she says. Im a storyteller who wants to tell untold, meaningful, universal stories in unforgettable ways. I want to do it all, study it all and find my place in it.
Her first role provides a great opportunity for telling an unforgettable story. Barry Jenkinss Moonlight is the coming-of-age tale of Chiron, an African American boy dealing with his sexuality. Its based on the play In Moonlight Black Boys Look Blue by award-winning writer Tarell Alvin McCraney and is all but certain of Oscar nominations when theyre announced on Tuesday. Mone plays Teresa and she and her drug dealer boyfriend Juan become surrogate parents to little Chiron. Mone calls it her Neo from The Matrix moment, explaining that this film, and her recent move into acting, has always been her destiny, that she doesnt believe in coincidence: Things dont just happen, she says. Its all connected.
Its odd to hear her say this, as in person Mone doesnt feel very connected. When we meet she wears huge, round mirrored shades which obscure her face and stay firmly on throughout our interview, reflecting my own face back at me twice over. She sits neatly at the table, her legs curled beneath her. Shes courteous and friendly and businesslike. She chooses her words carefully.
I had a strong visceral reaction to the Moonlight script, partly because I felt I knew all of these characters, she says. I grew up with a drug dealer like Juan in my neighbourhood who was a mentor to local young people. I had a family member who was addicted to crack, like Paula [Chirons biological mother, played by Naomie Harris]. Chiron himself reminded me of my little cousin they were all characters I could relate to from my upbringing. And Ive played the role of Teresa in real life: my family and friends always have a shoulder to lean on with me, she says.
About 40 minutes into Moonlight, Chiron, sitting at Teresa and Juans table, asks what a faggot is and whether he is one. Theres no music in this scene; Juan doesnt grab a gun and try to blow anyone away. Instead, he gracefully picks the word apart. Its an unexpected reaction.
The misconception is that drug dealers are all monolithic, says Mone, that what you see on TV is how they are in real life. The dealers I knew growing up were hustling and making choices they may not be proud of, but they were also giving back to the community, mentoring young boys and girls, helping people to pay their bills. They can be surrogate mothers and fathers to people in their communities, just like in Moonlight.
Mone grew up in Kansas City with her mother, a janitor, her truck driver stepfather and a sister. Money was tight but her large, devoutly Christian family she has more than 50 first cousins were close. My grandmother had 11 children and although we didnt have a whole lot of money, what we did have was a lot of love, she says. My grandmother was the matriarch. If you didnt have a place to stay, if you needed food, if you were just coming out of jail or rehab, you went to her. Watching her in our family and our wider community was what inspired me and still does.
Doing her sums: in Hidden Figures with Taraji P Henson and Octavia Spencer. Photograph: Allstar/20th Century Fox
Life was tough. There was a lot of nonsense growing up so I reacted by creating my own world, she says. The arts local theatre groups, singing and drama classes gave Mone the drive and focus to finish high school and temporarily work alongside her mother as a maid to save enough money to study at the American Musical and Dramatic Academy in New York.
She then moved to Atlanta, Georgia, after she finished her studies. Shed update her MySpace profile while working at Office Depot to make ends meet, and came to the attention of fellow Atlantan Big Boi of Outkast. They became collaborators and, in 2006, he introduced her to Sean Diddy Combs, who offered her a recording contract. Mone was initially wary of signing her creative control away, but took the chance and it paid off. Diddy was hands off and wanted me to do my thing. Thats why hed offered to sign me in the first place, because I was different and I was the whole package.
For Mone, at 31, with three albums and six Grammy award nominations under her belt, her own record label up and running and two film roles in the pipeline (she also co-stars in the film Hidden Figures, the true story of the African American female mathematicians who helped catapult US astronaut John Glenn into space in the 1960s), 2016 was a year of professional triumphs but personal heartache. She had spent the early part of the year working on new music with her close friend and collaborator, Prince. He was actually helping me with my new music during the time before he transitioned. I was lucky enough to see his last show and tell him how much I loved him. He was a giver people dont know that. He gave so much: advice, very quiet donations to charities. He was a truly incredible soul.
Making her point: on a Black Lives Matter march in San Francisco. Photograph: Breningstall/REX Shutterstock
Still mourning for Prince, Mone was grief-struck a second time last year when, in August, her cousin was killed in a drive-by shooting. The 37-year-old was shot several times when the gunman sprayed bullets into the Kansas City home where she and her three children were sleeping. The gunman remains free. Mone, a long-time advocate of tighter gun control and an active voice in the Black Lives Matter movement pauses, and says quietly: My family is heartbroken and Im still devastated. My cousin was an innocent mother of three children. How? How can this be real life? She continues: We have to do something about gun laws. And we also have to do something about police brutality towards African American people. She points out that they are two different issues, but that we need more allies. People need to continue to speak out about the way African American people are being treated. An injustice to one black man or woman is an injustice to everybody.
Mone has led marches for Black Lives Matter, performed at a concert in aid of the water crisis in Flint, Michigan, alongside Stevie Wonder last year, and released a protest song, Hell You Talmbout, in October in response to the police brutality. Unsurprisingly, she is no fan of Donald Trump. Millennials will not be silenced were the powerhouse now. Were not going to let those who want to make America great again truly take over. Because what Trump means by making America great again is oppressing women, oppressing minorities, creating hate. Were not allowing him to run the world, even though he thinks he is.
I ask her how she feels she can make a difference personally. Mone takes a deep, considered breath and says calmly: Music is my weapon. I wont remain silent. Michelle Obama having been our First Lady for eight years set an example of how we need to be. We need to be visible and we need to be loud. Were not objects. For the first time during the interview, Mone shows more than a crack of emotion not much but enough to know that the sunglasses stay on for a reason.
Moonlight opens in the UK on 17 February
Read more: http://ift.tt/2jk9GDX
from Janelle Mone: I am the whole package
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