#i dont think the story takes place in korea but if it did he wouldve finished his service alr
milkbreadtoast · 6 months
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OC practice doodle... Siwon without jacket... he gets bigger every time I draw him lmao🫡
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letters-to-barton · 2 years
do you have any idea how many things had to go right for us to happen?
korea was closed for tourists, and i could only get a student visa. i was feeling kinda lazy, so although we got the offer to apply for a student visa and studying part time in a different location, i thought it seemed like too much work. i decided to postpone my trip, and left in late december instead of september.
you decided to come back to korea when you did. you could have likely chosen to go back sooner or later. it was for your enlistment that you came back after all, and although theres a time limit, you arent confined to a very specific timeframe to do it.
you got a job at EF. you befriended celia (to some degree.... lol), and accepted her invitation to join for dinner, which led to our meeting. celia happened to be in my class, which led to me going out to dinner with her in the first place.
you messaged me about valentines day after i posted a story on instagram, and although you maybe didnt intend it that way, i took it as a sign that you were interested. we made plans.
i think that after this point, we both made mistakes to some degree. some worse than others, obviously. although part of me regrets what happened here, its also a period of time that im grateful for; it led us to where we are now.
we met again at an activity, and decided to be friends. it gave me courage to ask you if you wanted to sit next to me on the bus to busan, the next activity. i dont even think i wouldve gone to the activity on my own, but me and aron thought it would be fun to see some place other than seoul, so we signed up together.
a lot of things happened in busan. refer back to previous post about your drunk behavior. anyway. you asked me to stay in your room, and we cuddled. i was lucky enough to have andreas there, who i explained the situation to (to some degree) and he agreed to switch rooms with me. hes the real mvp here
we decided to become fwb. i liked the arrangement, because i missed your closeness. and although you told me specifically "please dont fall in love with me", i did anyway. i swore to myself that i wasnt ready for a relationship after convincing myself i was the worst person alive, and you had already told me you would never consider involving yourself romantically with me again.
by some fucking miracle, you changed your mind. you slipped up, i dont remember the context, but you said something like "i wouldnt be dating you if you werent cool." "we're not even dating," i said. i didnt know how to take it. i was thinking about it constantly until you brought it up. i felt bad that i had maybe... gotten too close? i didnt want you to feel suffocated, or like you were getting into something you didnt want to.
you had to leave to get your drivers license. i was horribly in love, and i made time to talk to you every day. although i had more things i wanted to do in korea, i wanted to prioritize you not feeling lonely. i felt like you wanted/needed someone to talk to, and i wanted to be that person. i didnt want you to feel left out just because you werent here with your friends in person.
maybe it was just all the time we spent together the last few months. maybe it was the fact that we were fwb. maybe it was something else entirely. but holy fuck, so many things had to happen for us to end up where we are today. and i booked my ticket back to korea before even leaving korea. i had a lot of money left over from my initial EF budget, and it was enough to go back. you were so fucking worth going back for. and all these months will be even more worth it. i love you so much. i cant believe how many things had to happen before we could.
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