#since hes like 25ish
milkbreadtoast · 3 months
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OC practice doodle... Siwon without jacket... he gets bigger every time I draw him lmao🫡
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verianal · 6 months
Cw: Heavy scarring, cigarettes/smoking, Jeff the killer ( he is like 20% 2000s anime twink and 80% lore accurate so take that as u will )
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Yeah he might be evil and he might kill people but what if that was just him serving mitski realness :/
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fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
I think one of my wisdom teeth is coming in and like. Can It Not
#like on the one hand heyyyyy girl i was wondering when you’d join the party. but on the other.. this is like the worst time for this#to happen. i haven’t factored dental bills in my budget?? i only go like once a year or less#and i just blew a lot of cash on a kindle and a switch and accessories for both because it is my birthday on wednesday and i feel strange#i have not budgeted for dental surgery!! and ya girl is not eligible for nhs dentistry#also there’s only one in my town and those people rejected me for a job so i cannot go there ever lol#also. like. can we talk about the fact that i’m nearly 27 and my wisdom teeth are only showing up NOW. like. that’s so weird#i know technically they can come in any time up to when you’re 30 or even beyond. but i really thought i was clear when i hit 25ish#also since i was 19 my dentists have been telling me ‘your wisdom teeth are barely there’ like i only have two of them#and they’re not doing anything. until now#i don’t know for certain it’s a wisdom tooth but there is some tomfoolery happening. that side of my mouth feels tender when i eat#on it; especially right behind my back molar. and i thought it was the molar itself so i decided to take a look and see if there was#a cavity; and instead i saw that my gum is really swollen and it looks like something is trying to poke through???#hahaha i hate my life. omg#at least my dentist is really nice and i don’t think he’s gone on a permanent sabbatical right after meeting me; like my previous 2 dentists#did. literally i seem to have a talent for making dentists quit#i think it’s the way i refuse anaesthetic/numbing (because my body is resistant to it) and then i just close my eyes for the duration of the#procedure and look like i’ve fallen asleep#like it’s gotta be fucking unnerving. tallest palest person you’ve ever seen walks in and doesn’t flinch while you drill into her teeth#sans anaesthesia#i don’t even really have a high pain tolerance. i just hate the whole situation with the needle so i refuse it and try to endure#what i’m more worried about than anything is the recovery from surgery. 7-10 days???? wdym#at least i’ll have stuff to do 🤪🤪🤪 maybe i knew something when i bought the devices#oh god i hope i don’t say something stupid while i’m loopy. oh god#personal
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gorgeys · 11 months
Come to get your fix? - (Margot Robbie x Reader)
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At an afterparty, you see Margot for the first time in a long time…
Margot Robbie x femsinger!reader
Warnings: slight age gap (Margot is 30ish, reader is 25ish), mentions of sex, just sexy vibes
A/N: this got a lot longer than it was supposed to be cuz I kinda got carried away with the beginning and the backstory but I hope you enjoy!
2.6k words
There were seven different Met Gala after parties, all of which you had been invited to, but of course you chose the only one that she would be attending.
Well, you really had no other choice.  You had to go to Dua Lipa’s party at Virgo on the Lower East Side.  You and Dua were close friends and all the biggest celebrities were going to be there.
And you were excited for the most part.  It was one of the few nights where you got to hang out with your most famous friends as you danced and drank the night away.
When you arrived, ditching your Chanel gown for a sheer, golden chain dress that resembled royalty, you dove right into the many greetings you’d have to make throughout the night.  Of course you got many congratulations on your new album which had easily risen to the top of the charts with several hit singles.  And, since you had released new tour dates only last night, several celebrities were already expressing their excitement over attending your LA shows.  You thanked them like always, being sure to compliment Zendaya on her new movie and thanking Rihanna for sending you a new package of Fenty Beauty products.
Only after at least an hour did you even find the bar.  You ordered your go-to cocktail and paid for whatever your team wanted to drink, exhaling a long sigh.  Your voice had already gotten scratchy and hoarse from the day’s events plus the long press tour you had endured the past few weeks.  You craved a moment to relax.
But not even a few seconds later did Jack Harlow appear behind you to question why you left him on read for the past three days.  Internally rolling your eyes, you mumbled a vague response while your eyes scanned the room for a distraction.  You only half listened to him as he tried to get in your pants once more, but you fully stopped paying attention when you finally found her.
There she was, sitting in a booth beside Cara Delevigne across the room.  You could tell she was looking for a way out of the situation from the way her shoulders were angled away from Cara and her nails tapped anxiously on the table.
You shamelessly stared, watching her eyes retreat from Cara’s face every once in a while to venture out into the crowd.  Her legs were crossed and she sat as straight as a pin like she always had.  You remembered how her perfect posture alone always made you feel small.  She carelessly flicked her blonde hair back away from her face, smiling at whatever part of the long, winded story Cara was on.
You told yourself so many times that you had moved on. It was a repetitive thought that pounded into your brain each night when you were partying in cities all over the world.  And sometimes it felt like you really did move on. You would naturally send a flirty wink to the cute girl at the bar or grind on the hot guy on the dance floor, enjoying the fruitful chase.
But each morning, when you woke up in an expensive hotel room beside a stranger, you always wished she was laying beside you instead.  It felt hopeless at times when you were stalking her Instagram or scrolling through your camera roll at the many, many pictures of you and her.
You only truly believed you had moved on when you met your most recent girlfriend.  She was finally the breath of fresh air you were looking for.  The thoughts of Margot soon felt far and few in between as a new woman consumed your everyday life.  She was beautiful and sweet and loving and everything you needed.  It was rare for one of your partners to even last more than a couple weeks since you had a reputation of being quite the maneater, but you were glad it did.  She was everything.
Until you were gaping at Margot from across the club.  You could barely remember your girlfriend’s name when blue eyes finally met yours.  They were piercing, like you remembered, and they seemed to look right through you, even from the other side of the room.  Her smile melted as she realized who she was looking at.
You took your eyes off of her for a moment as you accepted your drink from the bartender.  You thanked him and glanced back.  To your satisfaction, she couldn’t take her eyes off of you.  You lifted the glass to your lips and took a teasingly slow slip without breaking eye contact. You watched her take a deep breath, slightly pursing her lips, as she silently contemplated how to handle you.  Oh, how you loved to be handled by her.
Her attention was stolen for a moment as Cara excused herself from the table.  Margot sent her a forced smile and a slight wave before she was lost in the crowd.
You had been dreading this moment for weeks, the inevitable moment when you’d meet her sculpted face that always begged you to come closer.  But now that it was happening, it almost felt euphoric.
“Get lost, Jack,” you said, shoving his shoulder out of your way. He groaned but didn’t protest.  You had set your path of destruction and now there was no stopping you.
You focused on making long, smooth strides in your tall heels and swaying your hips a bit more than usual as her eyes wandered your incoming figure.  Her face was stoic but her gaze was so familiar.  It always made you want to impress her, to be extra good for her.  To be wanted by her was a better feeling than any number one album or one-night lover.  You were glad your dress didn’t leave much for the imagination.
And then, after cutting through the dance floor, you were there, placing your hand upon the table as you slid into the seat beside her.  You pressed your thigh into hers, the only thing between them being the golden chains of your dress.  The rounded booth kept the two of you secluded from the other happenings of the club.
Although you were beside her, you had each turned your heads to match one another, face to face.  Her eyes had never left you and now you could feel her breath against the sensitive skin of your upper lip.
“Hi,” she said.  You were envious of how confident she sounded with your face inches from hers.  Your only relief was the faint quirk of her lips.  You couldn’t tell if it was well-intentioned or mischievous.
“Hi,” you whispered breathlessly, leaving your lips slightly open.  She seemed to take the bait as her eyes devoured your glossy, inviting lips.
“Come to get your fix?” she teased, sliding her tongue across her top lip.  It was something she always used to say to you when you sneaked into her trailer or violently tugged her into the bathroom.
It reminded you of the times when her soft fingers molded your body into whatever piece of pottery she wanted you to be.  The lick of her lips reminded you of all the times her tongue rewarded you afterward.
You clicked your own tongue against the roof of your mouth.
“Something like that,” you mumbled, almost annoyed by all the memories she awakened.
“I was surprised,” she began, her nails skimming the chains along your hip, making a high-pitched noise.  You tried not to show how the closeness of her fingers made you feel.  “I didn’t see you with anyone.”
She was obviously referring to the fact that you hadn’t brought a date to the gala.  Of course, knowing your long history, she had expected you to have someone young and new by your side.  After all, TMZ had claimed you were dating four different people in the last two weeks.
You weren’t surprised by her prying.  She always cut right to the chase whenever she was with you.  But you were a little taken aback that she had asked it so outright considering how things had ended between you.
“Well, I was surprised I didn’t see you with anyone.”  You couldn’t help the accusatory attitude that dripped from your voice.
“Hmm,” she hummed with a small smile as if she was expecting that response.  She peered down at her hand as it climbed the chains to sit comfortably atop your thigh.  
It was her “date” that had ruined your “relationship” in the first place.  By “date,” I mean husband and by “relationship,” I mean affair.
It was your first acting gig and in a blockbuster movie at that.  Before you had even introduced yourself, you locked eyes with her across the table at the first script reading and you knew you were hers.
But when she began shooting seductive glances from across the set, you assumed your eyes were playing tricks on you.  When she began grabbing onto you anytime you were in arms reach, you assumed she was just one of those touchy people.  And even that one time when she asked you to “be a good girl” and grab her a water, you just assumed it was a thing she said, even if it made your chest feel tight and your thighs squeeze together.
Because, after all, she was an older, straight, married woman.  Or at least that’s what you thought.
It wasn’t until she got you alone in her trailer, pushed you onto the couch, and attacked you with kisses that she made it clear.  From that moment on, you were her secret and she had to be yours. It wasn’t ideal, but it was still as perfect as could be.  Until it wasn’t.
Before she had even made an advance on you, you knew you were bound to catch feelings.  But you weren’t expecting it to hit you like a load of bricks.  Nevertheless, you knew you were just some affair to her, some sex toy for her to play with, so it was easy to keep quiet and occasionally dream of what could be.
The real kicker was when, a couple days before shooting wrapped, she admitted she had fallen for you.  Your whole world lit up and came crashing down on you simultaneously.   
Hearing those words felt like hearing the song of the ice cream truck on a hot summer day: pure relief. You had loved her unwaveringly.
But what trumped that was the undeniable realization that you were only second to her.  Second to her husband and the life she had created with him.  She could never love you the way you loved her.
So, when promo for the movie was coming to an end, you had to give her the ultimatum. She had put off the decision for as long as possible.  That was until you confronted her in her hotel room in a wreck of tears and rage.
You weren’t surprised, but disappointed when you weren’t her choice.  She had begged you to stay, to spend one more night with her, but you left in a disheveled hurry, refusing to let her see the effect she had on you.
Sometimes, when you lie awake at night, you wish she had never told you she loved you.  Then maybe it would have been easier to walk away and forget about her.  It would have been easier to accept that she was just using you for a couple good fucks.  But here you were, sitting beside her, rehashing your inevitable heartbreak because she was always so irresistible and she loved you
She looked back up at you, pushing her face even closer to yours.  Her smile grew when she saw your lips tightly pressed together and your eyebrows furrowed.  You were always so bad at hiding your frustration from her.
“I left him,” she said, squeezing your thigh.  You could see the excitement within her, begging for a release.
Meanwhile, you felt dizzy.
“Wh-What do you mean you left him?”
“I mean that I left him,” she repeated, smiling wider at your shocked expression.  You were sure you looked so stupid, almost like a dead bug with your eyes wide and your jaw hanging open.  “Just waiting to finalize the papers.”
“Oh my god,” was all you could manage.  Your hand came up to your mouth, covering the gaping hole.  “Oh my god.”
It was the words you had always wanted to hear but at the most unexpected time.  Her hypnotizing smile made your head spin as the colors of the club swirled together in your peripheral.
“I just-I don’t understand.  Why…now?”
She shot you a slightly confused look, as if the answer was obvious, but a lot of time had passed and you finally needed her to be clear.
She used her free hand to remove your hand from over your mouth and drop it into your lap.  Then she firmly grasped your chin, ensuring your eyes never left her candid ones.  Her touch shot warmth up your cheeks and down your neck, just the shock you needed to wake you from your daze.
“Because I know I want you.  And I tried being without you but I just…I can’t,” she confessed, the words scrambling out of her throat as if they had been trying to for days.
Your heart swelled in your chest at her pure sincerity.  Instinctively, you wanted to jump into her arms, to let her have you in every way.  But that little bit of insecurity still creeped up your spine.  The insecurity she had created when she chose him all those months ago.
“Are-Are you sure?”
She only laughed.  Honey may as well have been dripping from her lips as the sound was so sweet.  Every sound that left her lips was angelic.
“I’ve been thinking about this every day since you left.  I’ve never been more sure about anything.”
Her hand left your thigh to tuck a few pieces of your loose hair behind your ear, her hand lingering on the side of your neck.  You felt like you were on fire and she reveled in the way the heat flooded your irises.
But then you felt like you were forgetting something, something important.
“I have a girlfriend, Mar,” you suddenly said, your fingers wrapping lightly around the forearm of the arm that held your chin.
Margot certainly wasn’t expecting that confession this late in the conversation.  But your relationship couldn’t have been too serious if your new girlfriend wasn’t there, hanging off your arm.  She proceeded without caution.
“Well, I don’t see her anywhere,” she said, tilting your head downward with the pull of her hand, forcing you to stare up at her through hooded eyes.  She always adored when you looked at her from that angle, especially when she was knuckle deep inside of you.
You don’t even really know why you said it.  You knew, girlfriend or not, you would always choose Margot.  And she knew that.
“So, you want me or not, baby?”  She pursed her lips in a fake pout, so close to yours.
You couldn’t control yourself and you heard yourself make a faint noise of unbridled temptation.  She seemed quite satisfied by that as her thumb rubbed small circles into your chin, the nail grazing your lip every once in a while.
You both already knew the answer.
“Yes, fuck, I want you,” you said, your voice the most confident it had been all night but still the most desperate.
A feeling of pure bliss consumed your body.  Just hearing yourself say it made a smile creep onto your lips.
Margot quickly copied you.  She raised your chin to meet hers and wasted no more time.  Finally, finally, she kissed you.  She didn’t care who was watching as she firmly held your face, guiding you in every which way.
She was the only person in your universe and you were the only person in hers.
lmk if you guys want more Margot or any of her characters!! I will def write for Barbie, Harley, and even Naomi.  I will prob write something for Barbie soon so stay tuned!
And if you have a request I haven’t responded to, I’m really sorry it’s taken a long time but I am working on it!
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🦐 to recognize my post
Am I the asshole for asking my grandmother if I can move in with her?
This’ll be one of your classic reddit-style family dramas, I think. Back in late 2019 just before COVID, I (freshly 18 at the time) had run away from home with my mom and moved in with my best friend (R, 17 in 2019) and her (60s, deeply depressed) dad. Her dad and I were on good terms for a long time, but respectfully, he has a tendency to repress any issues he has with someone until they build into a bigger issue. Near toward November of 2020, he kicked me out on account of ‘not keeping a job and not doing anything around the house’ (I washed stagnant dishes often, took care of their several animals, and took out trash whenever I could, R and I think he was projecting his shitty roommates from when he was 20 onto me), so I needed a new place to move.
My own beloved father lives ten hours away, and offered for me to live with him. For months, I was preparing to pick up my entire life from the hometown I had lived in since I was 2 years old to move to a new state, and in the last month, I got cold feet and said I couldn’t make such a large change like that. My dad completely understood, and I went to look for a new place to stay, still living with R and her dad at this time.
During this period, I was getting closer with my grandmother on my mom’s side again. She was one of the few family members I felt comfortable with, and we often went to Panera for lunch dates to catch up on things. I won’t go super deep into why I’m so anxious about the rest of the family, because that would require an entire several page google document to explain (especially now that we’re actively banned from holidays).
It was around this time I asked my grandmother if I could move into one of her five or six spare rooms upstairs. My grandfather had died in the last couple of months, and I was confident that if she needed any help (she’s in her mid eighties) moving things upstairs or cleaning the house, I would be beyond glad to do it for her. She then hesitated and said it may be a better idea for me to move in with my dad after all (which was odd, because she hates my dad’s guts, as does the rest of my family), and I let it go after that. I didn’t push, I would just need to find a new place. 
Well, word got around, and she told my aunts and older cousins in passing. I don’t remember if I got sent anything in specific, but one of my aunts (mother’s older sister who I'm genuinely terrified of) absolutely fucking exploded on my (54 at the time) mom, giving her a several paragraph long shitstorm of a message saying she was a terrible mother for letting me take advantage of my grandmother, calling her horrible things, slurs, and insulting her wife, and it got back to me somehow. I was fucking shredded apart emotionally.
Since then, I have moved back in with my mother out of necessity and we have totally reconciled our relationship in the three or so years I’ve been home, and my entire mother’s side of the family- aside from my grandmother- has completely cut contact and don’t invite us to holidays anymore, for significantly more ridiculous reasons than me asking my grandmother what I did.
My mother’s side of the family ostracized her, myself, and my sister since my mother first married my dad 25ish years ago, and has just never treated her the same since, which explains some of the hostility (I want to specify, I’m confident that my mother did nothing outright wrong for this, my family is extremely far-right and EXTREMELY judgemental, and my mom bore unnecessary vitrol for everything she went through), but I need to know if I was actually the asshole for asking to move in with my grandmother, who even now still cares about me as family and lives alone. I could give less of a shit what my aunt thinks now (she lives an entire day’s drive away, in a different state as well), but I can’t help but shake the fear that I was actually taking advantage of her kindness or something of the sort. Was this a wrong thing to ask? Was this actually too much, and should I not have bothered?
What are these acronyms?
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anonthefold · 2 months
I just want to talk about something real quick. In honor of the bestest boy's borthday I've been playing a lot of Lifeweaver since I got home from work. Now I consider myself to be a better than average Lifeweaver. Not insane but I know his kit well enough to make the enemy frustrated with ability denial. I have 69 (nice) hours on him since he came out with 25ish of those beating my head against a wall with how bad he was. One of the things that absolutely melts my heart when playing him is when I have a Bastion on my team and I leave a nice little petal near a good off angle for them. It is like watching a nature documentary as they walk near it and look around to find me. I've gotten used to just saying yes. Like I put that there 30 seconds ago. I'm not using it, it is off cool down, it will give you a strategic advantage where you otherwise wouldn't have one. And they just look so cute going up there and destroying the enemy team in turret form from the most illogical angle that you would never expect a Bastion to attach from. Or when I life grip them to the high ground and they are like thanks or hello it makes me so irrationally happy. It is like no little robot friend gravity won't define you today as you will defy it.
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cutegirlmayra · 1 year
This is probably really out there but here we go. A mysterious lavender hedgehog with familiar jade eyes comes from the future (25ish years) trying to get future Eggman back from destroying the past (modern) verisons of the heroes. She's pretty fast and Sonic finds she's weirdly familiar especially when the insane elderly Eggman goes on about keeping his promise to never touch the girl. Modern Eggman then attacks her, it's revealed she is Sonic's future daughter Velocity (best name I thought of)
“And that’s the gist of it.” The Girl finished tying her dark purple hair up, with streaks of magenta that sparkled like stardust for some reason… There were highlights of gold, but probably from when she turned Super just a few moments ago with Future Chaos Emeralds that helped her to get here with this ‘Uncle’ of hers’ invention. Sonic thought long and hard, his thumb pushing up against his squishy pink muzzle as he contemplated all he had heard. “So,.. our Eggman discovered your other Chaos Emeralds… resulting in that powerful blast that took out so much of that valley..." He looked a little like he was reserving how upset he was at that.
Amy placed a hand on her heart, "That beautiful valley..." She gripped some fabric of her dress, both by her chest and at the white rims of its ends.
"That's awful." Tails looked down, his eyes also twitching as he tightened his jaw, holding back wanting to say more.
"Yeah..." Knuckles looked perturbed as well, folding his arms before looking over at the Girl. "And you say you're a hero from your time?"
"That's right." She tried to be sensitive to the fact that half the crater in the ground just now was her doing... "I apologize." she put her hand to her heart, a bit more firmly than Amy did, as everyone looked up to her at the sudden shift of action. She was holding herself well, taking responsibility, "If I hadn't chased my timeline's Eggman, then none of this disaster would have happened." She looked to Sonic, "I ask you all," then to the others, "Forgive me." and bent her eyes before lowering her head, "I swear I'll make it up to you."
They smiled at her trying to take all the blame.
"It's not your fault alone," Amy interjected, taking a sweet step forward to comfort the kindhearted heroine.
"That's right, how could you have known..." Tails also held his head a bit more higher, and the Girl smiled gently to each of them.
"Thank you, but let me make it up to you. Since I don't know where my time's big baddie went into hiding here in your time, I may as well plant some trees and try and help the scarring." She offered her hand up as a way to symbolize her 'gesture of help'. "Sonic, Knuckles... we'll need someone to till the land and collect some berries."
Sonic smirked, "You got it!" and darted off, not even questioning her sudden leadership.
Surprised by that, Amy also lifted up her hand to volunteer, "I'll help too!"
"Right!" The Girl nodded, eagerly, "Your hammer can pack a wallop, it'll be useful for breaking rocks, creating holes for the seeds to be planted in, and then I'll speed by to bury them up again."
"... How did you..?" Amy looked a bit surprised, but she took off.
"While Knuckles is tilling and digging around, I'll help Sonic collect berries. We should probably figure out an irrigation system first... I'll find a local source of water and use my power to help it reach the crater." She stated, looking over her shoulder as she dashed off before speeding off... so similar... her dust of wind, the blur of color in her wake...
Even her mannerisms... the confidence in her words and abilities...
"O-oh..." Amy narrowed her eyes a bit, "She knows..."
Later on, Amy was hammering away, swinging rocks that were too hard to smash and powder down out of the way to keep the ground soft for planting while Knuckles dug about, shouting out a battle cry of efforts as he did so.
She paused only a moment to lean on her Hammer's stem, wiping the sweat off her face, when Sonic appeared with berries all in his arms.
"Think this will do?" He asked her.
"Yeah, thanks." She smiled gleefully, giggling as he plot them down for her and let them rain from his arms to rolling beside her. "Got quite a haul there, did ya?"
"Yeah. Where's the girl?" He looked about, "She didn't even properly give us a name..."
"Yeah,... like, she's avoiding it... or something." Amy looked around, "Come to think of it... she even knew about my Piko Piko Hammer without ever seeing it before." she looked at her hammer a second, lifting it up as Sonic ducked over the berries.
"Ahhh! Amy, no! The berries! You'll squash them!" he joked about and she puffed up a side of her cheek, successfully being distracted by his antics.
"Oh, you! I wasn't gonna hit them!" she laughed and playfully smacked his back as he closed his eyes and smiled too, pretending to defend the berry patch. "Get up from there, haha!"
"Nooo! The berries, Amy! I worked so hard to find them only for your incredibly hard-hitting and infamous hammer to squish them all into oblivion!" he continued to be dramatic but then his word struck her...
"Oh." Her eyes blinked a second, and she stopped all movement. "Infamous?" She leaned away as he got up, stretching out his 'lightly patted with scolds' back, and looked cheerfully back to her with his arm behind his head, pretty relaxed, but still fully stretching towards the sky.
"Well, yeah! It's obvious to me that in the future, we'll be pretty popular!" he looked out at the crater they were cultivating for vegetation and put relaxed hand down and the other on his hip. "Look, Amy... just look at it." The wind blew gently by them... and the sun illuminated the space as it rose over the curvature of the earth. "Velocity really wants to set things right, we shouldn't question her on this... I'm sure we'll find her old egg-gramp, soon." he put his arms back up over his head... when Amy looked a bit sorry for doubting her.
"Yeah... you're right, she really doesn't mean any harm-... Wait a moment!" Her eyelids bounced up wide, "You-!" she turned to him, as he looked at her with an innocent expression on his face.
"Hmm? Amy? What's wrong?" He asked while Amy pointed to him and moved away.
"You... Yo-yo-yo-you called her Velocity!" She exclaimed, and Sonic jolted in spot, "You-... You know her name!"
"Ah-oh-uh-Gotta run!" he darted off with a few awkward poses of trying to 'negate' her obvious suspicion of him now, too.
"Ah, wait!" she reached out for him... but there was just a pile of loose dirt and dust behind where he must have sped off, too... "Hrmm... Why does that worry me even more?" She bent her ears and head down, not liking the secrecy that swarmed around the girl. But she sighed, "Well, if Sonic can trust her... so can I." she looked up with determination and continued to hammer the ground repeatedly, looking like she was getting it out of her system... the berries lightly bounced and rolled a bit on the ground as she carried on...
Later, Tails reported that he had found the other Eggman, who was trying to snatch the remaining 'Past Chaos Emeralds' from Shadow, but was thwarted and tied up by him and Rouge.
"Awesome!" Amy exclaimed, "She'll be so happy to hear that!" she beamed, as Knuckles pounded his fists together.
"Can't wait to show her the work we've done on the valley! She must be having trouble locating water this far out into the mountains, though." He looked to Amy who nodded to his deductions.
"Sonic told me a little while ago that there are heavy rains coming down from the mountains, and monsoons usually reach this bit of land during the stormy seasons... If he had known she was looking for water, he would have said something sooner." She lifted a hand to explain, as Knuckles looked down and folded his arms tightly again.
"Poor girl..." He stated, "She only wanted to help..."
Amy also looked down... "I'm getting kinda worried..."
"Hey, gang!"
"Ah!" Everyone turned back to see Sonic and Velocity racing back, dragging two sticks behind them. "Sonic!" They seemed to all resonate their voices together in joy at seeing him and the new girl returning... but Amy didn't race to meet them like the others.
She held herself back... seeing Sonic waving and then looking back at Velocity with a charming smile... and her returning it happily...
Her heart hurt suddenly...
She gripped it tighter than before, "What... is this feeling?"
Although happy they found a way to trickle some freshwater towards the valley, Sonic had mentioned they should dig more smaller canals to have the water transport more down the mountain and not drown the new trees that will sprout here.
As they worked, Amy kept looking over her shoulder at the laughter and growing bond between Sonic and...
She gripped her hammer a bit tighter.
The campsite was moderately damp from all the water they were dealing with, making mud and finding it hard to light a fire without dry branches to use, but Velocity used her speed to quickly dry and spark wood together, and everyone seemed to praise her.
"You're pretty useful, Velocity," Amy stated, trying to be polite and kind as the girl looked up with alarm.
"You... You know my name?" She inquired.
"Y-Yes." Amy noticed her slowly coming up from warming herself near the fire. "Sonic... He... He let it slip by." she tilted her head, bending her eyes before smiling and closing them fully. "You two get along great together!"
"You think so?" Velocity wiped her hands off from a job well done and placed them on her hips, stretching herself up to the sky, breathing in the world around her. "Ahhh... the air is always so much clearer after a hard day's work!" she cheered, then winked to Amy, "You weren't half bad yourself there, hammer-girl!"
Amy had an anger mark on the side of her head, but kept her composure, twitching an eyebrow, 'H-Hammer... girl..?'
Velocity snickered a little, "Opps, my apologizes. You're super cute, Amy!" she tried to backtrack but Amy was already twitching a bit.
"It's fine." she held in her annoyance.
"You... planning to go back home, soon?" She asked as the girl twitched a second, scratching the side of her neck.
"Actually..." She blushed a little pathetically, and looked away at the side of her eyes, "Even though my timeline's Eggman is back, I would still like to finish what I've started, and get the crater looking good as new! Tails said he can get some Flickies to fly grass and flower seeds over the wide crater... I think that would be pretty and wonderful to see, don't you?"
Amy was fuming with fire... "Yeah, that's wonderful." she dipped her head down, and getting up, Velocity could definitely tell something was wrong, and that she angered the poor girl.
"U-Uhh... You know, you kinda remind me of my mom..."
Amy stopped a second, "I should go-... Huh?" She was completely shaken out of her previous feelings. She shook her head multiple times and then reached out gently to Velocity, stepping forward a bit tentatively before pulling back, "I-... what was that?"
"My mom." Velocity smiled, distilling the obvious hostilities that must have been created somehow... though she didn't seem phased, and had no desire to question it. "When she got irritated with me, she would always say, 'You're just like your Father! Augh!' but when she was happy with me, she'd always say, 'Ha! Like Father, like Daughter, eh?' and I knew she was proud of me." She turned her body to the side and looked up at the moon.
Her profile...
Amy admired how it looked just like Sonic's...
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Her mind flashed to that image of him... and seeing so much of how similar they were, looked away.
"Velocity... I'm sorry." she closed her eyes, as Velocity looked back to her.
"What for?" She wondered.
"I've... I've just been awfully jealous of how you and Sonic get along so well..." She sighed and held her arms together, looking off to the side of the crater, "You can race alongside him... make him laugh... and you both have the spirit of heroes about yourselves... The more I watched you two work together, the more insecure I became... and that was unfair to you." She opened her eyes gently and turned back to Velocity, taking her hands. "But not any longer!"
Velocity lurched back a second, looking awkwardly with her mouth hanging open at the girl's sudden jump towards her and seizing her hands. "W-wha?"
"I won't lose to you, Velocity!" Amy looked pretty stoked, determination coursing through her eyes as Velocity slowly shook her head in utter horror.
"N-No, no, it's not like that-!" she tried to state but Amy continued, letting her hands come up as though the two were praying, putting Velocity's sweating face up near hers as well.
"Two women in a fierce duel of love, each fighting with all her soul and might for her one true love to take notice of her more than the other..!" Amy's eyes gracefully lifted to the stars, shining like gemstones as she declared her intentions with Velocity about to fall on her shaking knees.
"Please, no more..." Her eyes were shaking, "This is not what I meant to-!"
"No woman expects to fall in love, especially with someone as elusive as Sonic The Hedgehog." Amy took a deep, respectful breath in. "But alas, we are what we are. We are made to love, and Sonic just happened to squeeze our hearts without us knowing... it was too late when we did, anyway." She shook her head, "Can't be helped."
"M-Miss Amy, please-!" Velocity's lips trembled, tears on the side of her eyes.
"I won't ask you to back down, Velocity... don't worry." She then looked with a fire blazing in her eyes as though the reflection of the campfire, but even more brighter and powerful than its flames!
"Eeek!" Velocity jolted in spot, "Really, this is so not necessary!" She kept trying to protest but Amy 'marched' on in her 'Woman's suffering' act.
"Two women locked in an endless spiral of longing and envy, each trying their hardest to obtain a heart as free as the wind... But I won't back down either, Velocity! I'm confident in my feelings for Sonic reaching even through the whirling wind!" She leaned forward as Velocity kept trying to get away but Amy's grip was too strong.
"Please, this is a bad dream! A bad dream!" Velocity shook her head, this being too much for her. "Please let me go..!" she fell to her knees at last, her eyes now crying blobs like connected pearl strings down her cheeks, each having a differing shape to them as though morphing with her plight.
"We can't be free of our feelings, Velocity, but although I won't lose Sonic to you, it won't stop me from maintaining a cordial and friendly rivalry with you." Amy let her go but kept a hand still on one of hers.
Velocity was now on her literal KNEES, her other hand on the ground, "It's just a friendship..." she pleaded.
"Exactly... we'll maintain our relations so as to not have anyone suspect us of bad conduct. We'll fight equally and on similar grounds. Hmm-hmm." She nodded at those rules, finding them fair. "But Sonic's mine, you hear me!?" She grinned widely as Velocity seemed to finally take the fatal, ending blow and fell to the ground.
The following day, Amy was constantly trying to intercept Velocity, who kept her distance from Sonic, confusing him.
Plowing and watching the Flickies fly over the Crater, Velocity said her goodbyes and--as a small joke, blew a kiss to Amy before waving things off.
Amy was confused, but Sonic just sniggered.
It wouldn't be until years later... Amy discovered that Velocity...
Was Sonic's own flesh and future blood.
And hers', as well. ^^
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silvermaplealder · 1 year
Speaking of Lost Boys OCs...
Okay so since we're all sharing our Lost Boys OCs, I figured I'd share mine lol. I had one wayyyy back in like 2011 or whatnot that I wrote about on fanfiction .net. But now I've been working on a new one that's way better lol. Also I never made art of my old one. Anyways! My new guy Erik Vernon:
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I made him a different type of vampire than the lost boys and Max. He was sired by a pack of vampires in Monterey (approx. 30ish miles south of Santa Carla) that can transform into these bat monster things. And while most of them are less than 25ish pounds as a bat monster, he is 5500ibs... He's MASSIVE.
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He's very self conscious about it, but obviously he can't control his size. I'm still working through the details of this vampiric breed to keep him from being too OP. But some things I've worked out so far is:
They cannot see at all in sunlight, and have severely limited vision in bright spaces (rip ever going into any supermarket). Erik always has sunglasses on him, but they rarely help.
They do have an echo location ability for when they are blind, but Erik prefers to also have a companion guide him when possible
Their fangs are non-retractable. They are constantly present, and it is a clear way to out them as being vampires. They have both top and bottom honed canines
They take a while to heal, unlike most vampires. But they are a pain in the ass to kill.
Larger ones cannot fly very well... they can glide though. To fly, they'd need a running start or to get speed by falling.
The large ones are prone to starving to death. They need to eat 6-8% of their bodyweight a day. So in Erik's case, he needs around 440ibs of meat per day :') not including the fact that his vampire self also needs to drink blood! So... he's hungry 24/7.
They aren't very strong as just vampires (not being in their bat/monster form). They have the same strength and abilities as they did as a human.
They have no mind powers or ability to talk telepathically.
They purr. Erik's monster form is MASSIVE and his purring is VERY loud. Everyone will hear it. It's a deep and throaty kind of sound, and is similar in pitch to his roaring, but more rumbled
He can roar, and it sounds like a mad angus bull specifically. Erik doesn't roar frequently, but he will if he's very mad or to scare someone off
Here's the size they're supposed to be that the rest of his OG pack was:
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Each bat/monster varies a little per person. But none are as large as Erik. It made it hard for him to fit in with his pack, but they liked having a massive beast around in the event of a fight. I'm still working through his backstory before he ends up in Santa Carla. His OG pack is essentially killed and he goes to Santa Carla to avoid being hunted. He and David don't get along well, so he lives with Max at his house until the two can come to some mutual terms. David is too touchy and aggressive for Erik, and while Erik cannot overpower him as a human/vampire, he can easily overpower him as a bat/monster. So David being... well, David, only targets him when Erik cannot transform to protect himself. The two fight constantly for months any time they come across one another. David's faster than both of Erik's forms, so he constantly taunts Erik. Somehow (I having worked out how or why yet) David backs off with his taunting and lets Erik finally become comfortable with the gang. I keep imagining how when it's time for bed the boys hang upside down and Erik sprawls out on the cave floor below as his monster self and blocks the entrance from any intruders. Also even though Erik's monster form is huge, he's relatively short. He's 5'6", so just an inch shorter than Marko. He also loves to dye his hair, so it can be any color at any point in time. But he's naturally strawberry blonde.
Anyways, a lot to think about on my end! I haven't even started writing his story, just traits for his vampiric breed so I can have it logged somewhere.
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bladesofkyber · 2 years
since god of war has become my new personality for the next few months, i’ve decided to figure out how old kratos is.
considering he’s spartan and mentions wanting to die at the hot gates, which was 480 BC. there was that earthquake in sparta around 464 BC. so if i assume kratos was mortal at the battle of thermopylae, he’d prob be about 20-25ish making him born about 500-505 BC.
the runes in the game are elder futhrak (i think). that’s like the 2nd century at the oldest.
thereforeeee he’s about 700, at the youngest, in GoW 2018.
edit: looking up the uses of runestones (which look like the lore markers in the game), those date to about the 4th century. so kratos could be about 900
edit 2! Kratos is over 1600 years old
He tells Mimir his favorite poem is a story of a war fought over forbidden love. Mimir asks if it involves a horse. Kratos states he was there and he prefers the poem.
The Trojan War is estimated to have taken place around 1200 BC ish. Using that as a starting date and the upper limit of 400 AD with the runestone clues, Kratos has to be over 1600 years old.
thank you for coming to my mentally ill ted talk
if there’s any other real life events mentioned in the games, lmk. i know i’ve got to be forgetting something.
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exitpursuedbyavulcan · 5 months
I’ve thought of a few questions about What Is Broken
1.How has Aemond learned so much about taking care of a pregnant woman and keeping her comfortable if his involvement with Alys was only sex and visions about the war and no romance and no love? If he doesn’t care about Alys why was he taking care of her instead of ordering servants to help her or just ignoring her discomfort? (The thing about holding her and the thing with the pillow)
2.How far along in her pregnancy is Alys?
3.Since we don’t know what Alys’s relationship with her family is like in canon is she relieved or sad that Aemond killed them all? Is she mourning them because they were kind to her even though she is a bastard or is she glad they’re gone because they mistreated her because she is a bastard?
4.Was Alys a willing participant in the affair? Or was she forced/pressured into this situation?
5.Does Alys know Aemond was happily married and that his wife was pregnant when their affair started? Or was she not up to date with the personal lives of famous nobles?
6.If it was initially only the war vision stuff, who initiated the sex?
7.Does Alys have any romantic feelings towards Aemond? Or is she just using him to try to elevate herself into a position of safety and power?
8.Does Alys expect to become Aemonds official mistress like the noblemen had living in their castles in real life history?
Also I’m really excited to find out what happens next in the story. I’m sorry if I accidentally asked something you already answered, it’s been a few days since I’ve read it but I haven’t been able to stop thinking about What Is Broken
Hi! I’m so glad you liked the story so much that you can’t stop thinking about it! Honestly, I’m kind of the same lol
Unfortunately, I can only answer one of your questions without spoiling the final two parts of the story. But rest assured, they will all we answered!
2. Wifey is currently at around 34 weeks, while Alys is at 25ish weeks.
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dany36 · 10 months
after months of putting it off i finally finished xc3 future redeemed with 25ish hours in yaaaay time to put this thing to rest with some extremely junk thoughts below (with spoilers of course)
i gotta be honest, i wasn't really looking forward to playing through this dlc ever since it was announced. it came out in...what? april? may? i forget, but it was around the time that i was playing the dlc for horizon and then i think totk dropped after that and i just kept using that as excuses to not pick it up and play through it. plus i wasn't a fan of the design for older shulk (yeah yeah i know inspiration from dunban but idk just personal preference that i didn't vibe with it) and well rex is probably my least favorite protagonist tied with the dude from tales of arise (lmao i forgot his name), and really overall i didn't care to play as them again, so i mean not the most perfect material for me to look forward to.
anyways, some positives:
-seeing colony 9 again was cool but the excitement to callbacks to places in xenoblade 1 kind of wore off in xc3. so when i heard the original colony 9 overworld music it didn't make me flip my shit as when i would see references to it in the base game. it was more of a oh that's cool i guess. same with valak mountain even though when i played DE i was so excited to see it again.
-might be because it was a dlc and the world wasn't as unnecessarily huge and empty to explore as in the base game but i actually was having a better time exploring this world than the base game's. finding relics and containers was actually useful and rewarding (and necessary i'd say!) this time around instead of finding your nth useless drop-off container or whatever those things were in the base game that i just stopped bothering to pick up.
-oh in comparison to finding and sending of husks which i again lost incentive to do very early in the game, finding city survivors was better because at least you would get to see colony 9 grow etc.
-the chain attacks are still as fun as ever and FR is no exception. it was great hearing the chain attack music again!
-i felt like the bosses were harder this time around? alpha kicked my butt several times before i was able to beat him. i mean i certainly didn't have the best gems (sorry, not gonna go farming!) and didn't unlock all the slots for accessories/gems/affinity growth but it was a nice change having to be on my toes and carefully plan my chain attacks instead of just doing whatever like i would do in the base game lol.
-glimmer actually? sorry that your dad is rex but your healing powers saved my ass so many times in the last battle that now you get an honorific mention. like...this girl was just ON. TOP. OF. IT. i'm a bit confused about the instrument theme that she had going on though--was this an xc2 reference that i'm forgetting or something? like did pyra/mythra really like music? lol. anyway i really liked her and nikol's friendship and the bits that we got to see of it, it's why i never changed their unity combo because they are besties and they always attack together :) OH and that sidequest that ends with A volunteering to teach glimmer how to play the lute was cute, especially since that sometimes you get to see them practicing together at rest spots. i wish we had gotten more types of those sidequests but well, can't have it all i suppose.
-A. i was very wary about her character starting the dlc but she actually ended up growing on me, design-wise and battle-style wise. her friendship with matthew was interesting and i liked how she would compliment matthew's wild and reckless side. idk not much to say here other than i thought she was cool despite me being judgement about her character initially lol.
-matthew. pretty fun protagonist. it was like having reyn as a protagonist except with a bit more smarts. again i was wary about his character starting off but his personality as a protagonist was refreshing and he was pretty fun to play as, too.
the negatives:
-the secret locations were...pretty lame? they were in the base game as well so idk what i expected. i'd get to a secret location and i'd be like oh....is that it? i don't remember xc2's secret locations or how they'd compare but i know most of the time xc1's would get a little bit more of a reaction from me.
-the affinity scenes oh my god. they were so boring and meaningless to watch most of the time. i think i watched at least like 80% of them and there wasn't really anything that would make me look forward to watching them like xc1 future connected's. i think in one of them you're just talking about the fighting machines that they're building in colony 9? or looking at a tomb?? like idk i certainly wouldn't feel like i was growing my "affinity" with any of the party members! plus the fact that they were just like shots of the scene you were looking at instead of seeing the characters interact (like with FC's) would just make them feel even more souless. idk maybe i'm just so jaded about this whole thing now but i just didn't really feel it when shulk talked about fiora at the overlook park or dunban outside of his house. i guess it also doesn't help that he's talking about them with people who don't know anything about his world so that must be weird to him too. so i mean idk i'd always look forward to the heart-to-hearts in xc1 and affinity scenes in FC and here it was just like maybe one or two that i was like "wow i'm so glad i got to see this!"
-ok this is pretty random and i'm not sure it's a negative but i was just reminded of this when talking about the previous point: towards the end the whole party is walking together towards prison island and within earshot of everyone else shulk is talking to A and he's like "hey, A, when I refused to become a god..." like lmao imagine being nikol or glimmer and hearing THAT sentence. like WHAT hahahaha like SIR what do you mean!!!! anyway!!!
-na'el. i'm sorry but...why am i supposed to care about her again other than she is matthew's sister? she likes kids and likes to play the piano? unlike N who i got to sympathize with after learning his origins, i never really cared much for na'el and actually was like "whatever lady, i don't care much for you!" whenever she'd show up, so i wasn't able to really to connect to matthew's struggle or whatever. like i know she's supposed to remind us of N/moebius with her being like "i don't wanna fight anymore i just want things to stay as peaceful as they are RIGHT NOW in the city!!" but idk i never found her character to be too sympathetic or interesting for me to care about, so her whole thing was just....pretty weak to me which is kinda bad considering how much of the game seems to revolve around her.
-again this isn't exactly a negative but one thing that confused me was that i'm PRETTY sure matthew mentions the queen of keves being imprisoned in the castle, which is something that nia also mentions when you rescue her in the base game. so is the reason why shulk and them are not worried about that atm is because...of the truce...with Z...and...alpha being the main threat?? i mean I GUESS but unless i misunderstood (not sure because as soon as i heard that i was like uhh HELLO??) it just seems kind of weird knowing that melia is captured (unless matthew meant the "fake" melia which to him would be the "real" one since he wouldn't know) and they're just like yep!! that's right! she's imprisoned! anyways.
uhhh this is getting way longer than i wanted it to be so i'm just gonna wrap it up and say yep, that was A DLC alright. i mean again this is just me being jaded but after i finished xc2 and saw that they were trying to connect xc1 with xc2 i was just like...why lol. considering how i thought xc1 ended pretty well?? i just never really cared about how this whole thing would connect, so i don't really remember ANYTHING about xc2 other than how much i did NOT enjoy it, i never played its dlc because i didn't care about the lore. while i was playing the dlc i know some xc2 stuff flew right over my head, and i'm rusty on my xc1 lore, but again, xc2 disappointed me so badly that i just never really bothered to keep up with the overall lore. i enjoyed some parts of xc3 yes but after i finished it i was never like oh i hope they make a dlc of this and that!!! unlike when i finished xc1, where i DID want to play Future Connected because of how miserably things ended for melia in regards to her dead family, her people, her half-sister who apparently hated her (BUT LUCKILY RECONNECTED WITH AT THE END), and her whole hometown being fucking destroyed. might be me being biased because melia is like one of my favorite characters ever but i mean...who wouldn't want to know what would happen post-xc1 to such a tragic character? which is kind of funny to say considering that we more than likely would not have gotten FC if it hadn't been for xc2 lol.
anyway, overall i don't really feel too strongly about this dlc. i was just mostly going through the motions and trying to get it done so i can just move on with my life lol, i got other games to play. like sure it was great seeing the worlds at the end unite once and for all and apparently there were some xenosaga references towards the end to make this whole thing be in the same universe (which flew over my head since i'm not that familiar with xenosaga), so that's cool and all, but idk rex and shulk sacrificing themselves and the game trying to make me feel sad by having nikol and glimmer run up to them because those are their dads!!! ;( just made me shrug and be like "ok i guess??" yeah i'm tired lol.
oh well, for now time to wait for the next game in the xeno series!!!!
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beck-a-leck · 14 days
Hello, what are your headcanon ages for the 3ot characters?😊
Oh my gosh, Nonny, this ask has been sitting in my inbox since January, and I completely forgot about it! it must have come in shortly after I answered a similar ask about the RF4 characters ages and then just fell through one of the swiss cheese holes in my brain. 😓 Sorry about that!
Funny coincidence, I've recently gotten back into playing 3oT, so all of the characters are fresh in my mind. So I guess I was cleaning out my inbox at just the opportune moment.
3oT has a ton of characters, so I'm assuming you're asking about the Marriage Candidates as opposed to Every Single Character. And I don't have any real solid numbers, just more like general age-ranges for the characters. So here goes!
Holly/Henry - They're young adults. Young enough to still be living at home with their parents (which for an American-coded family is not something that typically happens past the earliest of your 20s in fiction), and not yet have settled into a career. I know in Earth and Rebirth, I wrote Holly as being 21 (20 when the story starts), and I based that strongly off the vibes I got from the game. When you start the game your parents seem ready and accepting that the player character wants to set off on their own because you are of that age, the only push back comes when the PC says they want to be a farmer. So yeah, I really seem them as being a very young adult, no older than a recent college graduate, so in the 18-23 age range.
Lisette - She's in her mid-20s, I think. She says once that she took over the flower shop from her parents after she finished horticulture school, which I imagine was like a college program or some equivalent. So her years from 18-22 were likely spent in school. And I also believe she mentioned having run the shop for a few years by the time the game starts, so I've always placed her around 24-27ish. She could easily be read as older, she doesn't get specific about her age, and since this game does better than most with regards to characters close to 30 complaining about their age.
Wayne - He's a mid to late 20s guy. I think he mentions having lived in Westown for several years by the beginning of the game after getting assigned there as the postman. He doesn't talk about other previous assignments, but that doesn't mean he didn't have any. I believe he did mention doing the "normal schooling" before he became a postman, so it's possible he went to college as well and didn't start working until he was in his early 20s. But even getting "several" years into his 20s that can still put him at 23-25 at the young end. But I can easily see Wayne being anywhere from 25-30.
Ford - He's definitely in his 30s. I'd have to say somewhere in his mid-30s if I needed to be specific. He's a doctor, and assuming he didn't fast track himself through college and med school and graduate med school at an early age, then he would have been about 26 at the end of med school. There's mention of Ford having been Westown's doctor for the better part of a decade, so following that logic he's probably somewhere from 34-37. He's definitely the oldest of the marriage candidates (not counting the supernatural ones)
Komari - She's a tricky one to place. Her general energy and mannerisms can definitely skew her to the younger end of the 20s. But at the same time, that could just make her appear younger than she really is. I don't remember much of her later events (and haven't seen them since I started my replay) but I remember her seeming to be caught between needing to figure out what to do/how to grow up and be taken seriously. But in her early dialogue she very quickly seems to take the PC under her wing keeping an eye on them like an older sibling might. I think given the mix, I tend to read her in her early to mid-20s. Grown up, but maybe not fully matured, and not yet seen as full grown in her father's eyes. So 22-25ish.
Kasumi - I think she's younger than Komari, not by much, maybe a year or two difference, but I think she is the younger of the two. If I recall correctly, she's still a relatively new teacher when you're introduced to her. So if she's finished her own schooling and just in the first couple years of being a teacher, she's probably somewhere from 21-24 years old.
Hinata - Like Holly/Henry, I think he's a young one. Probably the youngest marriage candidate. He's been in Tsuyukusa for a while when you meet him, I believe he came here to work for Moriya when he was 13, but he still hasn't been working there for as long as Shizu and Ittetsu. So probably less than 10 years. And given he's still seems to be in the early stages of his acting training when he mentions it, it points to him being younger. I've personally headcanoned him as the same age as the PC, but really he could be anywhere from 18-23 years old.
Yuzuki - He's another tricky one to place. Given his life experiences with his illness in his youth, and his continuing fight with chronic illness, it could very easily account towards "aging" him prematurely, so he looks older than he really is, not to mention forcing him to mature much faster than he otherwise might have. However, I think Komari mentions growing up with Yuzuki and being friends, and Hinata and him became friends shortly after Hinata moved into town. So I think their ages are pretty close, within a few years of each other. So I could happily put him around 23-26ish. But honestly, an argument could be made to put Yuzuki in his late-20s. Having been sick for so long could also just mean he made friends with whatever kids he could keep up with, and that would have been the ones younger than him.
Iluka and Siluka - being twins, obviously they're going to be the same age. I generally place them in their early to mid20s. Somewhere from 23-27 I think given their experiences as children they all matured a lot faster than they would have otherwise. And given their town's culture, once they were able to do real work, they started working. So they probably started their training as priestesses in their teens and have been at it for a while now. So even if they're young, they've still probably got a decade of experience under their belts. Arguments could be made for them to be older, but I think if they were closer to their 30s or in their 30s, they probably would be more like friends with Zahau and Caolila, but when they talk about those two, it's more like they were babysitters for the kids, as opposed to cool older friends.
Ludus - I've always headcanoned him as around the same age as the twins. Older, but within a year or two. So he's also mid20s. Same arguments for why he's not older as for the twins. Their experiences had them maturing faster, he was probably beginning his jack-of-all-trades work when he was still in his teens, though probably didn't start the heavy construction projects until he was older and more experienced. (and ya'know, despite the game's suggestion he can't be the only person building houses. there has to be a team of carpenters/construction workers who help him with the jobs) So like the twins, he's 23-27.
Now for the Special Candidates!
Stephanie - I could see her being in her late20s to early30s. She's clearly been at her MC career for a while by the time she settles down in Westown. She mentions having traveled and lived lots of places, but this is the first place she feels like wanting to settle in for the long term. So I can happily place her around the 26-32 age range.
Woofio - mild spoilers for his back story, but he's gotta be decades, if not over a century old. I don't remember if he specified how old he really is, but I know he's MUCH older than anybody else in the game (deities excluded). However, if I wanted to assign an age range to the way he acts, I think like Stephanie he's mid20s to early 30s. Old enough to have gotten lots of experience with animals, learning to care for them, and judge them, and build a career on the festival circuit. So 26-32 for him as well.
Inari - They're hard to pin down. Being a deity, I'm pretty sure they're several hundred years old, if not over 1000. They do mention something like for them aging one year is equivalent to humans aging 10 years. They also look very young. but they do insist to the PC that even if they might look childish, they are much much older and more mature than they look. However, given the way they act and behave, even if they're mature enough to be an adult, they're a very Young adult. Having never spoken to a human before, since mortals can't see them, they're very naive about a lot of things, particularly when it comes to relationships and such. if I had to stick an age on them, it's gonna be Babey Adult range, 17-19.
That's all a lot of text so the tl;dr version:
Holly/Henry: 18-23
Lisette: 24-27
Wayne: 25-30
Ford: 34-37
Komari: 22-25
Kasumi: 21-24
Hinata: 18-23
Yuzuki: 23-26
Iluka: 23-27
Siluka: 23-27
Ludus: 23-27
Stephanie: 26-32
Woofio: 26-32
Inari: 17-19
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cottelini · 3 months
i love the new bakugou art sm so i am here to thank you for sharing it,
and to ask you about your oc‘s
alright here we go
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Jay needs to use a cane to get around comfortably but he hates that he has to use it so he often goes without it, despite the fact he could really really use the help
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Robin left his hometown to go on a solo summer roadtrip after graduating high school. the drive lasted about 2hrs until the car spun out (he's fine) and he couldn't restart it, so he went into town for help. he's lived in that exact town ever since!
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Sherrie's magic type is air but she uses flowers and other herbs to make an aroma type magic-- great for personal and professional use as a healer! yes, she can and will knock you out with it lmao
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Sky has massive blue eyes that stare into your soul and while some find them very pretty others find them... unnerving. blink motherfucker!
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lifespans are a bit different in my story, Guardian of the Sky. each fae/demon has a different life expectancy, and hybrids are super murky on their estimated lifespans! nymphs like Sky can live up to 300yrs while elves like Clementine can live to 3,000yrs!
Grian is a fae-demon mix(faun and tiefling) so his life expectancy is somewhere in between those two, about 160yrs. even though Clem and Giran about the same age (Giran: 67yrs, Clem 65yrs) Giran is around 45ish in human years while Clem is closer to 25ish.
Per usual, I thrive off of your asks. Ask me anything-- Tumblr may hide it from me but I will persist💪
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faghubby · 2 years
Caught Fucking the Plumber
Brad and I bought our first house. We got married two years. The house needed alot of work. With some help from. My Dad We where learning to do alot ourselves. But we had to hire a few people one was a plumber. We met with him went over what we needed and wanted and worked out a budget. The guy who came to do the job was not the same 50ish Dad bod guy. No he was 25ish and in very good shape. I was able to work from home so I was there thru the construction which was good because questions came up.
Pete the young plumber made me tingle whenever he came there to work. At first I just went about just catching glances at him. I made sure I did my makeup and wore something that showed off my ass. It was harmless fun. Till one day he was the only one there working. I had made coffee and offered him some but as I turned away from he he stood in my way.
"I see how you watch me" he told me. I didn't deny it
"Sorry I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable" I told him.
"Well you do" he glanced down and I could see his bulge growing.
"Oh I see, I am a married woman" I told him half hearted as I kept watching as what must be an amazing cock continued to grow.
He stepped closer. I put my hand to his chest meaning to stop him but it just made it worse. I kissed him. He picked me up and set me on the kitchen counter. Where we kissed and his hands slid all over my body. He took off my shirt and then my bra. He kissed and fondled my C cups. He was at least ten years younger and I was married I kept thinking. I pulled off his shirt and ran my hands over his abs. He was like a statue. Next he lifted me again and pulled my leggings and panties off at the same time. I was naked on my kitchen counter. I undid his belt and pants he let them fall. He wore no underwear and his cock was hard. It was so thick I kept thinking. He took it and rubbed against my hole. Then slid it in nice and slow.
It felt amazing as he stretched me. I bit his neck softly trying not to cry out. After a few minutes he pulled out and flipped me around now bent over the counter he slid back in he was so tall my feet where not on the ground as he fucked me. I came hard pushing back to meet his thrust. As my orgasm was subsiding he filled me with cum. I was not on birth control I thought in a panic. I jumped up and ran up the stairs. I showered, I missed an important call as I did. I tried not to talk to Pete. He came and found me to let me know he was leaving.
"Pete, we I mean can't do it again" I babbled
"Do what?" He smiled and left. I felt so guilty. When Brad came home I gave him a blow job. I was that woman who sucked his dick twice a year on his birthday and out anniversary. So he was a bit surprised but didn't complain.
The next day, Pete was back. I took one look at him and stripped to my panties and bought him a cup of coffee. He tossed the cup breaking it and carried me to my bedroom. He tossed me on the bed. And offered me his cock. I eagerly took it in my mouth. God it was so big and he was just so hot. He came in my mouth and I swallowed most but he came so much more then Brad it spilled out of my mouth. He left me on the bed wanting him and went back to work. I spent every spare moment that day trying to seduce him. This kid who my father knew and I was trying to get him to fuck me silly. At the end of his day he cleaned up then came and carried me upstairs again he threw me on the bed. He pulled off dress. And panties and without a word drove his cock deep into my pussy in one thrust. I screamed in pleasure. Pete was a machine he fucked me for over an hour. I had cum so many times I lost count. Then he came inside me again. I had meant to ask him to use protection but had forgotten. I jumped out of bed and went to run down the hall to the bathroom. Since ours was being renovated. As I went out the bedroom door I walked straight into Brad.
"Oh, Brad I" I tried standing there naked with another man's cum running down my leg. Then I realized he had his pants around his ankles and had been jerking off in the hallway. I grabbed his arm and rushed him to the bathroom with me. We heard Pete leave.
"What are you doing" I asked him. He looked down his dick still hard.
"I came home to surprise you and heard noises the bedroom door was cracked and I saw him fucking you" he said.
"And you what decided to play with yourself" I asked
"It was so hot" he told me. I realized he had not yet cum. Pete's cum was still flowing out of me. I took Brad's cock and started to stro,stroke him.
"You are not mad?" I asked.
"A bit disappointed, but still so turned on" he told me.
"Can I fuck you before you clean up?" Brad asked and I took him to the bedroom. I laid down. Brad stripped and mounted me in his traditional missionary position. I couldn't feel him as he tried to fuck me. He slipped out twice.
" His big dick stretched you out" he told me. Even more arroused
"I can't even feel you" I told him. Taking him in my hand again.
"Go ahead baby cum in my hand" I told him and he did. Then he took my hand and kissed it. I was a bit shocked again.
"Do you want to taste it?" I asked. Offering my hand open.
He stuck out his tounge and tasted his own cum. Then I reached between my legs with my other hand and offered him a taste of Pete's. He again licked my hand a bit tasting it. His dick started to get hard again pressing into my thigh. I took both my hands and smeered them across his face. He licked his lips then slid down and buried his face between my legs licking my thigh even to get Pete's cum.
When Brad finished making me cum he was still hard.
"How do you want me babe?" I said running my hand down his chest. Till I fondled his balls. He didn't stop me as I started to jerk him off again. Rather quick. All over my hand again. I offered him my hand and he licked it clean. He had just consumed 3 loads of cum in the last 30 minutes. I hadn't had that much cum so far this year. We ordered a pizza and sat and talked.
I confessed it was only Pete and had just been yesterday and today. He asked for details about how where, was he good, did he make me cum, that I hadn't used protection. He also told me to do it again. But this time he wanted me to record it. He went out that night and bought nanny cams. And set them up in the bedroom. I took the day off of work. Pete arrived right on time I was depressed in sexy red lingerie. When his boss walked in behind him.
"Oh I am so" I ran off. Pete followed me up the stairs.
"John's a good guy" he told me. Holding me tight. "He has a big dick too" he told me. John was my Dad's friend they where the same age. I didn't think. Then I thought about Brad he would love it. I just nodded and Pete called John to meet us in 2 minutes. He then carried me to my bed. He stripped naked and I started to suck his cock when the door opened and I felt the weight of John get on the bed. I didn't move he just pulled my thong off. And I felt his cock press against my lips. As he gently pushed his cock in. I gasped. He must be bigger then Pete I thought. I continued to suck Pete's cock. But as John fucked me I was unable to continue I just laid there gasping and moaning.
"That's all 12 inches dear" John said bending over me.
" fuck me, fuck me with that huge cock" I told him. Pete stayed right where he was his cock laying across my face.
"You will never feel your husband's dick after this." He told me.after a few minutes I moved a little giving John more access. I wasnals9 able to suck Pete's cock as well. We fell into a rhythm but then John started to ramp it up.
"I am going to cum inside you, get you pregnant so your husband doesn't have to he said
"Yes, cum in side my cheating pussy" just then he came. A minute later Pete came in my mouth. I sat up as John was starting to put his pants on I dropped to the floor and licked his enormous cock. Even though it was soft now. It had made me cum three times.
"Your sister Sara loved it too" John laughed Pete helped me back up. As John went into the unfinished bathroom.
"Where is your lube" he said bending me over the bed.
"No, your to big you can't" I told him
"I am going to fuck this tight ass of yours one way or another. If you are lucky John will fuck it when we come back." He told me. That drawer I pointed behind me and Pete grabbed it he lubed his cock then my ass. Working two fingers in then a third. When Pete finished he pulled out.
"Your mine now. Your husband better not even try and stick his little dick in you" Pete told me. I just laid on the bed exhausted my ass hurt, my poor little pussy hurt. As both holes had cum leaking from them. I heard John and Pete leave. Brad called right awaay
"Show me" he said. I spread my legsntoward the camera and showed him my sore leaking pussy and ass.
"Pete says I am his and you are not to touch me again" I told him.
Brad ate my pussy every night that week. And wouldn't let me let him cum with anything bit my hand. I thought this silly. But it was his game. I didn't see Pete the rest of the week. The next time I saw him was at my Dad's house on Sunday. MY dad's traditional superbowl party. I was walking down the hallway and my sister Linda came out of the spare bedroom. She was walking strange but before I could ask Pete stepped out of the bedroom as well. Linda's face turned beet red. Till Pete took my arm and pulled me inside closing the door. He didn't say a word just took off his pants. And bent me over the bed. He lubed my ass and worked his cock in. I tried to be quiet as he fucked my ass with that monster cock. I kept thinking he was fucking Linda as well, for how long. They had redone their kitchen over a year ago. Pete finished and left me there. Linds opened the door and came in.
"Lily you ok" She asked.
"How are you even walking?" I asked
"Practice." She produced pantyliner. "You will be leaking all dsy" She stated the obvious.
"Linda how long?" I asked.
"Two years" She was ashamed.
"John too?" I asked she nodded. "Does Eric know?" I asked
"God know he would kill me" She told me "why does Brad know?"
"Yes he seems to love it. Some kind of fetish" I told her. I also told her how Brad had gone down on me every night since. We where laughing at my good fortune when mom walked in
"There you two are, and what is so funny?" She asked.
"You don't want to know" Linda told her.
"Oh now I do" she giggled loving a secret.
"Its about my love life mom" I added
"And Brad he is the cutest of my sons in law" She giggled.
"MOM" me and Linda both said at once.
"What I can't fantasy alittle at my age" She teased. And we all got upmand went down stairs.
"You ok Lily?" My mom noticed I was walking stiff.
"Hemroids mom" Linds stated.
During the game Pete managed to sit between Linda and me. His hands often groping a breast or thigh. I saw Brad notice. And when I went to use the bathroom he followed me.
"You too are driving me crazy and Linda too?" He whispered. He was rock hard in his pants. I knew we would be interupted so I told him to met me in the guest bedroom.
"Please just make me cum. I went to suck his dick but he stopped me.
"No just use your hand" he told me so I did. On the ride home I drove since Brad had been drinking.
"I love that you cuckold me now" he told me. Cuckold I didn't know that word I thought he was just drunk rambling.
"I think we should get a chastity cage so I can't jerk off" he continued
What the hell was he rambling about. Chastity what was this the middle ages.
"You know Pete fucked my ass before the game" I told him. He put his head on my lap.
"I would have eaten his cum from your ass" he told me. We got home and I put Brad to bed and did some research on Cuckold and chastity. Brad wanted me to do this to him I thought. I let Brad sleep in. When he woke up I made him breakfast as he ate I talked about what I had learned
"Do you really want me to lock you in chastity and make you eat other men's cum from me?" He almost chocked then realized I was serious
"Yes, I do" he told me.
"What about being a sissy?" I said
"I um, well yes" he told me.
"OK, after your finished I want you to shave all your body hair off." I told him. He didn't even finish he got up and ran to the bathroom. He emerged over an hour later. He missed a few spots so I helped him. He looked so wierd. Like an over grown little boy. I handed him a pair of pink panties. He slid them on. I called Linda. And invited her over.
Brad was nervous that I planned on exposing him to my sister. But his cock was hard as we waited for her. I asked all kinds of questions that I had read about online. Brad wanted it all. Had had no idea he had homosesexual fantasies. I had not told Linds why to come over so when I made Brad answer the door in just my panties. It was my mom at the door Linda was coming up behind her.
Brad handled it well. Inviting them in. While mupy mother was a bit more surprised. Linda actually rubbed his throbbing dick thru the panties. Brad bought us coffee and waited for instructions.
I tried to explain everything, to my mom and Linda. Mom asked Brad alot of questions as well.
"Can we have him put on a skirt or something it's very distracting" my mother said. I had not thought about other woman's clothes.
"Brad would you like to wear a skirt?" I asked he just nodded and looked at the floor. Linda jumped up and went to raid my closet. I went to check on Linda. When we returned we had found a mini skirt and a sports bra. But we both dead stopped when we say our mother up against the wall as Brad had his hand under her dress. From the look on mom's face she was enjoying what he was doing.
"Brad!" I yelled.
"Let him finish just another minute" my mother moaned.
"Well you might as well have him use his talented tounge then" I grabbed Linda's arm and led her to the kitchen for a cup of tea.
"I may need something stronger" Linda joked. But I poured whiskey in her tea. The noices got louder so we went upstairs to look at the work being done. Mom found us.
"Thank you Lilly your father doesn't do that" She told us.
"I could have gone the rest of my life not knowing that" Linda commented
We all laughed. We came downstairs and found Brad dressed in the skirt and sports bra. Linda took pics laughing. I explained to my mom that he wanted to get fucked by a strapon. She was amazed that this man she knew could be so different then she had thought.
"You can't let your father find out" my mother said.
"I dont plan on living a lie" I told her. "Well just don't bring him over dressed like that" my mother told me. Linda and my mom left.
"Did you like pleasing my mom?" I asked Brad. "That was very naughty" I told him. I picked up his belt. "Why don't you bend over that chair" I told him. He did so without hesitation.
"I read how sissies might like displine, but I don't want to hurt you. So if you say coconut I will stop." I then started slow. Smacking his ass thru the dress. After three smacks I pulled down his panties and flipped up his skirt. And continued three more. He was whimpering.
"Want more?" I asked. He shook his head no but didn't move. Three more smacks. Then I gave him three more to make it a dozen.
Brad became very helpful around the house, often cleaning up without being asked. He also became much more submissive to me. Letting me have whatever I wanted. He wore panties 24/7. I wasn't planning on him wearing them outside the house but he just did.
Pete would come by about once a month and just take what he wanted. I was powerless to stop him. Although Brad would go down on me whenever I asked. I was missing having sex more often. At first I bought a new toy. Much bigger. I also bought a strapon.
That first night that I got the strapon I had him on the bed face down. He moaned and begged for more as I pumped 7 inches of fake cock in and out of his ass. The next day I took him shopping.
We started with shoes, I made him try on high heels, slides, sandels, boots. He paraded around a woman Target for over an hour. So much so a wet spot appeared on his crotch. He got alot of stares and laughs. He didn't care. Then I had him try on dresses, skirts, blouses. The more femine the better. He couldn't get just a pink t shirt. It would have to have lace collar or a flower on it. Last was panties and bras, nighties and stockings and pantyhose. We maxed out a credit card by the time we left. I realized he wanted this and ordered him a chastity cage as well. A very small one.
I used that strapon on him everyday for a week. He still wanted more. He spent every minute he was home fully dressed as a woman. So I started to make him learn to suck my strapon as well. I did nothing to hide that he was a sissy fag husband. So more and more people knew. As a matter of fact when one of his friends started openly flirting with me. I had Brad ask him to fuck me. But after Pete's big cock I knew I was a queen size. So I went online to find a bull to fuck me and embarrass Brad. Who I called Brittany now.
That is how I met Tom. Tom was a big man. 6'8" tall and 300lbs. But he was quiet and gentile. His cock was massive at 11 inches long and 2 inches thick. He stopped Pete from taking advantage of me. And would take me on dates. Leaving Brittany at home to wash his car in a bikini. Brittany was no longer allowed to see me naked. He could still eat my pussy but blindfolded and only if it was full of a Tom's cum. My father did find out and disapproved but also liked Tom alot.
Tom even bought Brittany a bigger strapon so I could make him a queen size too. Brittany went thru some rough patches as well. I made him tell his mother and sister about his true nature. He also confessed to having worn their clothes growing up.
But Brittany had never had a man. He claimed he didn't want one but that wasn't true. So I went and signed him up for a gay meeting site. I arranged for him to meet several men on the same night. I rented a sleezy motel room. And tied him up. His knees tied to his elbows so he was bound with his ass in the air. I stayed until the first guy arrived then left only leaving a note to sign in and write what they did to him.
The first guy took a knife and cut a hole in his pantyhose ( he loved pantyhose) and panties and fucked him. The second arrived before the first one was done and had Brittany suck his cock. ( split roasted his first time) I had invited 5 men thinking only 3 would show. But when I returned 90 minutes later he had a line. Word had spread. He had already had 6 men. And two more where waiting. He was also unbound. At this point he was welcoming them to use him. I waited till he satisfied the last guy he had taken 6 cocks in the ass and sucked four. (One guy had both holes) but in one night he had sex with 9 men. I didn't take anything from that room. I had him shower and walk naked to the car. And then sit on a towel. That night he moved into the guest room. And a month later Tom moved in.
The house is finished, and Brittany does a wonderful job keeping it clean. She also took cooking courses and is now a better cook then me. She is an absolute slut. I swear she let's anyone fuck her. It's been almost two years. She has started hormone therapy. And Tom asked me to marry him. Brittany is to be my maid of honor.
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monstersinthecosmos · 5 months
this is such a silly question but... how old do you envision keith to be in ttsr!? i think about this fic all day every day to the point where i'm like filling in the gaps in my head and reconstructing his entire life before meeting shiro and whatnot so yeah just. wondering how old he actually is? (((also please know you are my favorite fic writer ever. and i'm the pickiest of picky readers, so it's like you've been inside my brain! IT'S EERIE! and i'm so grateful <3 <3 <3)))
sdgads oh my gosh thank you so much
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look at this fucked up little baby i love him SO LIKE INSOFAR AS THEIR AGES IN CANON ARE A LITTLE FUZZY I think he's 19 in TTSR. I think I'm using the idea that in S1 Keith is 19ish and Shiro is 25ish, and I go with the idea that they met when Keith was 15ish and Shiro is 21ish. And maybe by the end of canon, with Keith's time skip, Shiro is 27ish and Keith is 23ish? I sometimes adjust that number in my mind, it's not a hill I'm gonna die on in general, but for this fic I think those are abouts the ages I'm working with. It makes the most sense to me to imagine that Shiro would be recruiting from high schools, and I was comparing to like ROTC and stuff and they typically don't accept kids under 17, but it seems like the Garrison has younger students and since it's a space exploration program and not strictly a military institution that we have some wiggle room to make up rules haha. So maybe they meet, he finishes 10th grade or whatever, then joins the Garrison? Even though they use very obvious visual language on the show in the flashbacks to tell us KEITH IS SMOL BBY, he's gotta at least be a high school student. I also want to leave him a little time to get to know Shiro. In chapter 4 I wrote like a lil bit of exposition just to like keep everyone on their toes and I thought it would be a fun pacing shift to just start talking about his childhood out of nowhere which is why I sketched out that overview of like his JOURNEY REALIZING HE'S GAY LOL, but in that chapter I mentioned that Shiro leaves for Kerberos when Keith is 17 and he gets kicked out of the Garrison at 18/19. It says this RE:Keith's sexual history lol: But at seventeen with an NCO and eighteen on Iverson’s desk and nineteen with some grad student from the bar, all he knows is that he doesn’t want to give up control.
I also really wanted to give weight to how different he would've looked to Shiro when Shiro comes back, especially leaving Earth off a breakup. And the breaking up is relevant because like, Keith has always just been this kid that he mentors and Shiro is in a committed relationship up until the very end right before his mission, so there's no reason why he'd ever see Keith as desirable. Not just that Shiro is too much of a cinnamon roll and I think he's so faithful & committed to Adam, but Keith is also so fucking immature and messy as a kid right?
When he leaves, Keith is his lil buddy that thirdwheels him & his boyfriend and sleeps on their couch sometimes, and when he comes back Keith is like this angry shell that regressed on all the lessons Shiro taught him. But he's grown and strong and violent !!!! And Shiro sees him as a grown man now! And it's surreal to him! And he feels weird about it sometimes! And when Keith is ready Shiro wants to be topped & dommed because he's so burnt out from making decisions and being in charge and being responsible for everyone's lives and it would be so nice if this violent alien-man would dick him down please!
Sorry I got off topic lol I mean, I think 19 is a nice age where like, there would be a visible difference, he'd be taller, broader shoulders, (if he were fully human maybe he'd be fully grown but I think his Galra genes are gonna keep going lol but Shiro doesnt know that)!
I don't always stick to these ages because canon is so fuzzy so I think like for all writers, readers, & enjoyers we have some space to adjust as needed when it fits the story we're trying to tell. But I think this mostly is the story I'm telling this time and like, if I haven't nailed it down explicitly in the text already you never know if I'll wiggle later or even retcon it LOL. So anyway, the basic TTSR timeline
They meet when Keith is 15
He joins the Garrison at 16
Shiro leaves when Keith is 17
Pilot error etc happens when Keith is 18
He gets kicked out of the Garrison at some point! Do I know when in this following year? idk I didn't decide. Bonus question: Does Keith even know? Does he know what month it is? Does he know how old he is? Pilot error happens and time stops existing for him.
Shiro comes back/canon S1/TTSR begins when he's 19. I also didn't nail a number down yet but I think he was 6 or 7 when his dad died in this. In the upcoming chapter that I haven't finished, there's an extended scene about him and his dad from when he's 5!!!!!!!!!! You didn't ask but, in general if this helps you imagine the TTSR timeline lol. :) :) BOY. I'm upset lol.
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ashpkat · 10 months
answering the tags here bc (? YEAH HES COMING BACK!!! IN LIKE. 3 ISH DAYS??? IN THE NEW NATION and also his banner's coming back in uhhh like 23 days???? 25ish????? AND IM SO HYPED!!
OH MY GOD???? i haven’t played since fucking. before inazuma 😭😭 i think i was ar 46-50 i’m not sure
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