#i dont usually do these but i was in a good mood because of ff lol
walmart-icarus · 10 months
May I request an angst request for Marko and/or Paul? no Y/N usage, but I’ve been looking for a decent fic that has only a brotherly (or Poly!) gang and there are hardly any that I can find- Basically, Marko had actually survived the attack from the frog brothers! And the Emerson’s never actually went after the Lost boys because- why not- anyway, this takes place only a couple of days after the attack! Marko had been on edge and refused to go out in order to recover, and Paul thinks it’s a good idea to scare him! He does so and by instinct Marko attacks him, leaving Paul in a bit of a gory stated (mainly his arm and leg-), eventually Marko snaps out of it when Dwayne pulled him off, and if u want you can write more after that because I have no idea-
anyways here you go
usual warnings except we added a new one! ANGST (exept this was my first time trying so it watered down ffs)
I did however change the reason Paulie got attacked if you dont mind UEEHUEHEUUU
It wasn't exactly something Marko expected when he steals buys a comic book. Nobody expects a stake in them when they want to read Superman. Thankfully, they barely miss his heart.
The Frog brothers took him behind the store where he could die. He figured that if this is the way he was going to go, forgive him if he wasnt really exstatic.
Laying on the floor while listening to the laughter and well ... life on the boardwalk didn't really improve his mood either. It hurt, and he was bleeding. His breaths became ragged and shallow. Of course, if you drive a stake into a vampire's heart, it kills them like 5 seconds later- so what the fuck??? Must've hit right under the heart.
He decides that this generation of kids are royally fucked up.
Dwayne finds him, just an hour before sunrise looking and feeling panicked. He does his best to drag an impaled Marko with him to the bikes and back to the caves
Star managed to patch him up pretty good for someone who has no idea what's going on or what happened. Poor boy had to explain under a mix of adrenalyn, zaza and tequila.
Fast forward to *checks notes* 3 days later
He doesn't think he's spent this much time in a bed when he was living. Vampires are always on edge. Marko somehow got worse.
Among other things, I would not want to be this guy. Can't blame him though.
The boys knew that they shoud keep their distance and check on him once in a while. Of course, like roomies, they took turns. This time it was Paul's.
One thing about ya boy Paulie, is that he can be really silent if he wants to. So Marko didn't really appreciate the "hey-".
In other words, Paul was greeted with a sucker punch and other things i suppose.
The muffled screams from the other room sent David and Dwayne speed running. Paul silently noted to himself that he should thank Dwayne for having muscles (although he could use a shirt)
After Paul got his bandages and his scolding from David, he also got to spend some time on a couch across the bed Marko was resting on.
All apologies accepted of course.
"dude do you sharpen your fangs goddamn"
a/n: this isnt as good as i wanted it to be!! i really wish this came out sonner and i felt guilty leaving you waiting!! writers block is a bitch
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Love how the mood of basically anyone who decides to write fics for ffxv is “god i love this game but also there are more plotholes than actual plot i need a construction crew” and isnt that the truth lmao. The main reason my reverse au is on a bit of a hiatus is because firstly making ardyn and noctis talk is like pulling nails, and secondly i also in fact need a construction crew for that lore despite already having written down the timeline of events and everything hut its still now enough okay
Its funny how usually ff game have a lot of worldbuilding to go around, but due to cursed production ffxv has been changed so much there are some threads just going fucking nowhere, not even mentioning the whole big plot with the gods. PERSONALLY when writing my reverse au i took an angle that both the crystal and gods and the scourge are probably from space and the reason scourge is here in the first place is because its after the gods. Whcih is also the reason they can’t destroy it and have to rely on crystal and the bloodline that it chose. Like i havent decided if the crystal is also from cosmos or its something inherently from Eos, but gods and scourge are for sure for sure
Like as much as its fun to go and blame everyrhing on rhe gods in ffxv, im actually pretty sure they’re scrambling as much as we do lmao. Like they really kept people in the dark, then Ifrit gave them fire, then people stopped being obedient and sweet and they went to war lmao. And then we see Ardyn corrupting Ifrit, and also the fact that Empire was confident they killed Shiva. It wasn’t true but it’s a good question how close they were. Titan is busy holding the meteor, Leviathan has a horrible personality and would rather chill under the sea. Ive seen people say that Galahad specifically worshipped Ramuh which is why we don’t see him much, with Galahad kinda destoyed and i guess the old man is sad. Garuda is. Well. Scrapped for the collaboration i guess. Odin was demoted to messanger lmao, we just find one sword in game implying he was one of the messangers fighting is astral wars. Bahamut sure is fancy but we see him like once at the end? Also we know he was showing Regis the visions of bad versions of the future, was doing some training or whatever to Noctis in the crystal, and in the dlc conjured Ardyn’s beloved so that she would stab him with a trident
So like yah. Idk i dont think gods in ffxv are in no way omnipotent or even compenent, like genuinely even dominants in xvi have a better grip
So yeah, as much as its tempting to say they are the cause of everything i really dont think they are lmao. We can even assume they genuinely wanted to make Ardyn the king of kings, Somnus just was faster. Im pretty sure all they want is to eradicate scourge cause as much as human are insolent and bla bla bla its much better to have some heretics but still be a god rather than get corrupted
Dont get me wrong i would still prefer them dead esp Bahamut but like. I can in fact believe that they did what they thought would be the best course of actions because to them a thousand years is really not that much. What they did to Ardyn is endlessly fucked up and i want Bahamut dead, and scourge might be here becsuse of them, but its interesting to think they’re grasping as much as we do. That at the end Noctis after ten years in the crystal knows that gods genuinely cant do anything and have no way of saving the world, and unless he does something they die too. Its an interesting thing to think about
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no-shxme · 2 years
if you feel like giving a stuck writer advice.... how do you get inspiration when head no work right or produce the right words
hey anon, sorry to hear about mush brain :C my advice is scattered but i'll list what helps for me. it's long because im verbose, i hope you dont mind. skip around or whatever (SOB)
something that might help is literally writing about that shitty writer's block feeling. i dont know about you but when i write i usually have to write towards something. usually i have a fragment of a sentence or scene that i want to get to, or just a mood, etc--as specific or unspecific as possible. Then its simply a matter of spewing enough words to get there. I'm not sure what you're trying to write (or maybe you dont have an idea, i'll get to that) but if you're looking to warm up and loosen some brain cells and you can't think of where to go with your words then you could always write about how your head-no-work. cause that's a very powerful and potent feeling in itself. i dont worry about a full scene or anything, just spitting some words on the page about how im feeling, or a character that's feeling the same thing, is often enough to spark more. i think too often people get stuck in their writer's block bc it understandably SUCKS, but there's often something to be explored there, in a good way.
sometimes to get inspiration or get out of a funk i have to really switch things up. i listen to new music or stuff that i haven't listened to in a loooong time. i'll read a book or a comic or ill go look at some pretty art and see if anything clicks. adding to that, a break can really help. a day or two or a week or whatever where you tell yourself that you're absolutely not allowed to write anything. a break! usually i can do that for a day or half a day and then i'll be good to go. (that's also because i write every single day so writing is very much a habit for me, which helps. if it takes longer then that's okay.)
opposite of this, sometimes i'm especially desperate to get something done so i just brute force it. i dont really believe in only doing something when inspiration strikes, (though inspiration is helpful and so are breaks) so sometimes i just throw up all over the page. the worst dogshit ive ever read. and that's ok, because at least it's on the page and not trapped in your brain. even if it's literally just a summary of what happens in the scene. you can always go back later and add more/flesh it out/etc.
back to idea generating. sometimes if im out of juice i literally just take something i already like (movie, book, trope, for example: indiana jones) then plug characters into it (ff or otherwise), and then just twist said material until it becomes its own thing. usually the characters will do that themselves. for example. if i inserted sett and talon into a jungle traversing indiana jones au i know just based on their characters that there'd be friction, so we'd already be looking at conflicted allies (since i want them to be allies). but then you ask, how would they even be allies in the first place? logically i decide that they must want the same single objective in order to work together in an uneasy alliance, even if i havent yet figured out what that objective is. that's a start. then i can begin thinking about that dynamic and how itd work and how i can still generate tension. thats how i end up with the idea of them handcuffed together, both fighting over the same objective even tho they both don't get along. that was a really long winded way of me saying that sometimes writing character focused stories/fanfiction can get you bogged up because it's hard to get your character to do something. it can feel like a slog. dunno if you're having that problem or not but sometimes i gotta take a step back and figure out if there's a better way for my character to do things. i try not to force anything and think about how a character would actually approach a situation and then a scene pretty much writes itself. for comparison, my train of thought for building scenes isn't "character Y is going to do xyz and abc." instead it's "these are my goals for character Y, now how do they GET there?" and designing the plot around that. which i guess doesn't' seem like that much of a difference but,, imo it's a big one. maybe that doesn't apply to you, in which case ignore it lksfdjjklfsd.
uhh i know i have other tidbits or crumbs or whatever but this is what i can think of off the top of my head. i know those mucky muddy brain times are such a struggle so maybe something here can help. just know that it'll pass, eventually! whether you take a break, brute force it, fight it, etc. everyone's different, don't be discouraged! and remember that even dogshit on a page is better than nothing. there's no rule saying you can't revise your own stuff 15 hundred bajillion times. good luck anon!
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kindaline · 4 years
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since i just announced an almost 2 week hiatus on wattpad, i wanted to post something writing (fanfiction) related here!
(i saw a youtuber do this, here’s the link to that vid xxx)
also because i can’t explain the way she did why she put certain ones higher or lower, i’ll just write a lil explanation for every one of them!
let’s get it! (woah been a while since ive said that jsjdajdf)
‘i- pls no’ category: 
amnesia fic; i just don’t really like this plot in anything, so this ain’t really a surprise tbh
arranged marriage; this fits the category name very well, just don’t pls... it’s not a fun dynamic to create romance by forcing characters together
baby fic; there are a few exceptions, but i usually don’t start reading something for it - but will keep reading a fic if its introduced further down the line
body swap; that is just a NO. that creates awkward and perverted situations, and i honestly hate both with a burning passion. to feel second-hand embarrassment is not why i read ffs.
major character death; i already am depressed af so i don’t need this in my life
fairytale au; i just don’t enjoy the magic element, i grew out of it pretty quick. the last time i liked something magical fairytale-ish related was when i was like 6.
gen fic; okay i did not know what this meant, but my hopeless romantc soul ain’t about that life kjdsnfdks
magic au; same thing could be said about this one and the fairytale one.
time loop; it’s just idk, not something i would read - even in shows i don’t really like it, since i think it makes the story hard to follow
pregnancy fic; as someone who reads mostly taekook and a few exceptions but still mlm fics i think that speaks for itself, not an mpreg kinda gal
sex pollen; this concept started out well, then went down the drain with the alien-y vibezz, other than that it would be good ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
‘depends on the execution’ category:
abo; i don’t really read abo unless im there for the smut tbh... (i do be getting real comfy here tho saying that kdfskdjf)
crossover; same goes for this as for the pregnancy fic one, i read bts fics so the only crossover we gettin’ is other kpop idols showing up aka jackson wang lmao
dark fic; although this is what you could categorize the story im writing but not publishing as of my ocs, as i said before im depressed af and dont need to be even more
canon divergence; i mean as a taekook fic writer this be what im doing with everyone of my stories dkjsfdjs
established relationship; i put this in this category bc i can’t execute it without it being boring since i build most of my plots around the relationship that’ll be the end result, but i do read it if someone manages to pull it off
fix it fic; i mean depends what we are fixing, bc in my context i be just going au all the way lmao
miscommunication; again, awkward situations are my worst nightmare so-
unhappy ending; i guess depends on how bad it is, if it ain’t like character death i can bear it
‘sure ¯\_(ツ)_/¯‘ category: (this a mood tho jdksj)
angst; i can take some of it, it be making things interesting - or like i use it to make things that lmao
bang or die; tbh i was this close to putting it higher... but also by ‘sure’ i mean that i’ll read it 9 out of 10 times so...
crack fic; for entertainment porpuses and an easy read (for ex. insta/twitter au) it’s good ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
humor; all stories should have at least a lil in them!
fake relationship; it’s arranged marriage’s long lost sister who is the less toxic version of that 
high school au; i read a ton of it since most aus are set in a school environment, but usually its not the main focus so ended up putting it here
in vino veritas; aka drunk confessions - it’s good, something you can spin things off of or help build the tension with (saying that like im a professional lmao)
unrequited love; i don’t read a lot of it, but i’ve read ones that keep up with that through 90% of the fic and it was good so thats a sure
‘i like it, its okay’ category
college au; as someone who’s written more than one and mostly reads taekook fics set in college that’s a yes from me, not something i am actively looking for tho
fluff; i write and read it, sometimes i melt from it sometimes i don’t ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
first kiss; i’ve done this almost every time in my fics, sooooo-
historical au; IF ITS DONE WELL ITS GOOD AF!! (my hamilton phase having ass thrives off of it kjfdskfjsv)
missing scenes; i think as someone who writes taekook and includes actual moments of them in my stories i kind of have to fill up the missing pieces of said cute moments so i do this, and see others do so as well
royalty au; i don’t read a lot of it, but sign me up for some majestic beauty of a kim taehyung being royalty anytime
slow burn; don’t read much of it on wattpad, but all my fav ao3 fics are slow burn and like a lot of words ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
love triangle; i don’t openly say this or anything but i do read it from time to time and enjoy it those times so...
‘LUW IT’ category:
sharing a bed; if you look at my reading lists on wattpad you’ll know why this is here ksjfsjfk
mutual pining; i do be writing this each and everytime without even meaning to, so that also explains why this is here
coffee shop au; AS THE WRITER OF STUDY SESSIONS, no but really i do be writing and reading a lot of it lmao
enemies to lovers; read a lot of it, love it a lot - fav ao3 fics are almost all enemies to lovers soooo-
friends to lovers; all my favs are either enemies to lovers, friends to lovers or bed sharing ones i-
hurt comfort; my heartu we luw luw emotionally supporting others in this house
huddle for warmth; sharing a bed and this go hand in hand and we love to see it
pwp; i *cough* yeahhhhhh, just yeahhhh
soulmate au; we love soma-ultes lfjskdjfksdjf
and that would be it! <3 
until my hiatus ends on wattpad i hope to be more active on here, so the ppl who follow me with tumblr accounts can be happy lmao
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verdigrisprowl · 7 years
Feb 7 Blurr’s Horror Stream - IT
Only Blurr and Soundwave showed up. The stream kinda stopped being IC halfway through.
Welcome to the 'speedxstealer' room. The chat room has been cleared by the moderator. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Peek.* B l u r r: / Here he is. Arriving in all of his pirate style / ItsyBitsySpyers: *Will follow in and park himself. No minis tonight. Rumble and Frenzy are on balcony washing duty.* B l u r r: [[ okay. got my foood. I haven't eaten all day yikes ]] B l u r r: / wiggles claws at Soundwave / ItsyBitsySpyers: *Bob bob.* B l u r r: Good to see you, as usual. B l u r r: mechlets busy today, hn? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Mechs, full. And, yes. They're busy seeing the error of their recent ways.]] B l u r r: Oh? Punishment, hnn? K-Kyehehheh. Got into trouble? B l u r r: [[ lemme know when y'all are ready! ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((ready whenevs)) ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Quite a bit.]] B l u r r: A pity. I certainly hope they're easy to educate? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...Sometimes.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[This particular incident's a bit of a repeat. Work in progress.]] B l u r r: Ah, a repeat offense, then? K-Kyeheheh. B l u r r: They'll learn eventually, I'm sure. So long as the punishment is something they hate. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[You'd think that.]] B l u r r: Do they enjoy getting punished then? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[You'd think that.]] B l u r r: / shrugs slightly/  Teaching is a concept I'm well versed in, though I admit, not EVERY mech is able to be educated. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[In truth, he would not change them too much. But he would prefer they targeted someone other than him.]] B l u r r: Ahh... pranked you, hn? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Mhm.]] B l u r r: K-Kyeheheheh. Well, that's not /so/ bad. BoneAndHook: ((what is this?)) B l u r r: [[ In the Heights ]] B l u r r: [[ it makes me an emotional meSS but here we are ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He's considering turning the tables on at least one of them. Rumble is typically the ringleader. A dating application for him might be amusing.]] B l u r r: K-Kyehheeheh. You want to prank them back? Sounds amusing. I've got down time. If you need some help with that. BoneAndHook: ((feel free to start, i'm not feeling up to hauling a structie in at the minute but i might later in the movie)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Turns his head to the side. He's... not so sure he wants help from a murderer like Blurr.* B l u r r: [[ okie dokie. ] B l u r r: / Hey, a murderer and then some. / ItsyBitsySpyers: *Especially after the talk with Prowl.* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...He'll think about it. But he should be capable of it himself.]] B l u r r: / shrugs a shoulder / If you'd like. B l u r r: We're currently in a lull. Stocking up on supplies before our next chase. B l u r r: We've got quite the lead on a relic, you see. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[What relic would that be?]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *If he hears one more person talk about the blasted Covenant...* B l u r r: Hnnh... what was it called? B l u r r: / fiddling through datapads / The speed ring was one thing... then we located another. Some sort of... giant hammer from Malgus. ItsyBitsySpyers: *THAT?* [[Good luck with that one.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Try not to let yourself get boxed in.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soft huffing.* B l u r r: K-KYAHAHAHA!! I'm not that idiot. B l u r r: I wouldn't get stuck. Besides... if it's not worth grabbing, there are /other/ things in that universe. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[There are.]] B l u r r: [[ honestly tho like is this what people do in these back country towns? ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Vent snort.* ItsyBitsySpyers: ((well i mean the story was originally set in the 50s, paper boats -were- a thing)) B l u r r: [[... true. i am a fool ]] B l u r r: [[ captions are okay, right? ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((captions are very helpful)) B l u r r: [[ okie! ]] B l u r r: / snort / I hear their Magnus is out of commission anyway... B l u r r: Now the hammer sits in the hands of some... idiot. Or was it Optimus? I can't recall. B l u r r: [[ this guy deserves an award 4 how creepy he is ]] BoneAndHook: ((he does)) B l u r r: [[ cause i am terrified of clowns ] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((well you're in for fun tonight)) B l u r r: [[ but IT never scared me ??? Like. IDK B l u r r: Maybe it's because I know he's not really a clown?? ] B l u r r: [[ ALSO IM SORRY BUT Have you guys seen the freaking second take of this scene?? ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Startled.* BoneAndHook: ((YES)) B l u r r: [[DSNFKADFS ]] B l u r r: [[ THE ONE WHERE HE GETS THE BOAT? ?] ] BoneAndHook: ((yes lmao)) B l u r r: [[ I was wheezing. ]] B l u r r: [[ ' shiit ' ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...Does Earth have an Underworld of its own?]] B l u r r: Earth? Not that I know of... B l u r r: Well... I do know of SOME places. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Such as?]] B l u r r: Well, there's been a few anomolies we've detected. B l u r r: I know that the Earth in my universe has a belief of the Underworld, but there's so many different things people believe. B l u r r: [[ oh my god I thought that was the actor for Carl Grimes for ten seconds and I was like wHAT ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Rude.]] B l u r r: But, I /have/ found something. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Go on.]] B l u r r: It's a little hard to get to, but if you give me some time... I could show you. B l u r r: I bet you would enjoy it. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Possibly. He's willing to see what it is.]] B l u r r: I've been there only once. It was a complete mistake. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[And?]] B l u r r: It's something I think you would like. B l u r r: It has a lot of... color. B l u r r: / wiggles claws/ and music! B l u r r: [[ oh hELL NAH KID RUN ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...Is it that tiny alternate toy of his.]] B l u r r: No no. B l u r r: It's an Earth I've never been to before. B l u r r: We stopped by to seek out some resources, but I ended up getting into a bit of trouble. B l u r r: What else is new, right? ItsyBitsySpyers: *Huff.* B l u r r: / smirks and leans forward / But this place. Well, if you're into music, you'd love it. Even /I/ liked the way it looked. B l u r r: And, you know me, I'm a fan of dark and gloomy. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Are you going to hint all night or do you intend to tell him?]] B l u r r: [[ I am A) not used to seeing this kid outside of Stranger tThings and B) not used to the glasses ]] B l u r r: ... Well, I don't know what it's CALLED. B l u r r: They call it the Land of the Dead. Very typical. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[-No.-]] B l u r r: No? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[No. He goes nowhere the dead rule.]] B l u r r: Oh, please. They don't RULE. B l u r r: They just... it's like a whole city. B l u r r: They even have jobs. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Suspicious as all hell.* B l u r r: Listen, I don't usually go where the dead walk either, but it isn't something as scary as it seems. B l u r r: Or unsettling. Whatever you'd like to call it. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Corrupted.]] B l u r r: That, too. ItsyBitsySpyers: ((also: stream ded)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((pennywise too scary, gave up the ghost)) B l u r r: [[ i pause it ]] B l u r r: [[ is it back? ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((ye)) B l u r r: [[ its good, yeah? ]] BoneAndHook: ((lagging tho. only JUST paused)) B l u r r: [[ want me to reset it ? ]] BoneAndHook: ((nah, it's technically looking okay)) B l u r r: [[ lemme know if it isn't ]] B l u r r: [[ it's dropping it isnt it? ]] BoneAndHook: ((no, it's fine)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((sorry i had to grab drink)) B l u r r: [[ no worries. Welcome back! ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Irreverent, isn't he.]] B l u r r: I suppose. B l u r r: [[ it's a no for me, dog. I would not go in there ] B l u r r: [[ not without two bottles of pink fairies and a sword ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Armor clamps down.* B l u r r: / reaches over and pat / ItsyBitsySpyers: **Human terrorcons. No better than their own kind.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *SMACK the hand away. Do not touch.* B l u r r: / B( / B l u r r: / wiggles claws at and settles back in seat / B l u r r: [[ eW ??? fsbhgjsf EW ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((creepo)) B l u r r: [[ so gross ]] B l u r r: [[ I always hated her dad, too fbgjkfdss ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...Why is that on the television.]] B l u r r: who knows? Human television is weird. B l u r r: [[ awww she's cute with short hair ]] BoneAndHook: ((giiirl nooooo don't put it in the sink, it's gonna clog the drain and then you have filthy nasty wet hair clogging it up)) B l u r r: [[ i knoooow it's gross ]] B l u r r: [[ true horror of the night: the government shut down again ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((lord)) BoneAndHook: ((at least they can pass fewer shiitty laws while they're closed)) B l u r r: [[ truth ] BoneAndHook: ((i like that wild musical interlude)) B l u r r: [[ yesss ]] B l u r r: [[ they aged the kids up for this movie, eh? ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((no idea)) B l u r r: [[ Honestly, I haven't read the book in so long, so I dunno ]] BoneAndHook: ((don't put your eye over the talking drain ffs)) B l u r r: [[ nah fam. nAH ]] BoneAndHook: ((don't you know what's down there? HAIR)) B l u r r: EW DONT OPEN YOUR MOUTH  ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((god this grosses me out so bad)) B l u r r: [[ IM SORRY ;A; ]] BoneAndHook: ((ugh. ugh. ugh. ugh.)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((lmao it's okay)) B l u r r: [[ to be fAIR I have never seen this ]] B l u r r: [[ i mean not this version ]] BoneAndHook: ((and both of us have lmao)) B l u r r: [[ oh yeah , i forgot. lmao ]] BoneAndHook: ((there's something in this movie for everyone and FOR ME IT'S HAIR)) B l u r r: [[ i thought something was going to go in her eye tbfh ]] B l u r r: [ i had a leg up in defensE ]] BoneAndHook: ((i had an arm up to block it and i still gagged lmao)) B l u r r: [[ big mood ]] B l u r r: [[ NAH FAM I SAW THIS PART IN A PREVIEW NAH THIS IS SOME CLOWNERY ]] BoneAndHook: ((if i had been in her place i would have just. thrown up the moment the tape measure came up with hair on it. just. straight into the sink. it would have been like "the FVCK")) B l u r r: [[ truth ]] B l u r r: [[ how do people take him seriously with the goofy eyes. He got TFP Megatron eye syndrome ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((it's supposed to be extra alienating or somethin)) B l u r r: [[ im wheezing ]] BoneAndHook: ((yeah it helps give IT away as a lure rather than a real person)) B l u r r: [[ i like it. ]] B l u r r: [[ but i keep snorting ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((nobody's gonna bribe the kid on the steps to shush?)) B l u r r: [[ first of all, they are cleaning all of that wrong ]] BoneAndHook: ((didn't the kid come in with them?)) B l u r r: [[ nah richie is outside ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((no no there was richie as lookout but also some kid on the steps)) B l u r r: [[ ooh. ]] BoneAndHook: ((no the one who was waiting on the steps, i thought i saw them get up and follow them in. i wasn't paying attention to which one it was)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i'm not sure now)) B l u r r: [[ she's a cute kid ]] B l u r r: [[ just drop ur bikes in the street wtf ] B l u r r: [[ i can't fdbkda ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((HELL NO not this)) B l u r r: [[ is there a thing i should know? ]] BoneAndHook: ((yes. hold onto ur seat.)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((literally)) B l u r r: [[ gsbhjfksd ]] B l u r r: [[ thats not helpful ]] BoneAndHook: ((here we go)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((*crawls under blanket*)) B l u r r: [[ see, i can dig this version of this movie a lot ]] B l u r r: [[ I appreciate its appeal ]] B l u r r: [[ bRO WHY WOULD YOU GO ]] B l u r r: [[ nah faqm im good fjks ]] BoneAndHook: ((u just know IT heard "scared of clowns" and went "oh this one's gonna be so easy")) B l u r r: [[ me tbh ]] BoneAndHook: ((me getting out of bed in the morning)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((LMAO)) B l u r r: [[ LMAO ] B l u r r: [[ well, don't be scared of it, u fool ]] B l u r r: [[ u go, bill. u fight that *** ]] B l u r r: [[ he is not gonna shoot that fuccking cat, is he ]] B l u r r: [[ im gonna scream ]] B l u r r: [ please tell me if he does or not because i can't watch that shyte. ]] BoneAndHook: ((i don't remember if he gets it)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((iirc no)) BoneAndHook: ((... notice we see this weirdass show in the houses of abusive parents)) B l u r r: [[ right ? ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((didn't catch that before)) B l u r r: [[ why would u hide in the bathroom ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((so you can do that)) B l u r r: [[wow guess who missed all of that ] B l u r r: [[ because this dang woman had to yell at me to put one fuckking bowl away ]] BoneAndHook: ((you can rewind if you want)) B l u r r: [[ nah it's fine ]] BoneAndHook: ((dad followed her into the bathroom, she was hiding behind the tub curtain)) B l u r r: [[ i saw up to when she hit him ]] BoneAndHook: ((he fell down and died, she tried to walk out the bathroom door, IT grabbed her throat)) B l u r r: ahh ]]] BoneAndHook: ((we cut to bill out in the park, probably waiting for bev, but she doesn't come so he goes to her house. finds dad dead in the bathroom and YOU DIE IF YOU TRY written on the ceiling in blood)) B l u r r: got it ]] BoneAndHook: ((and now the avengers are assembling and you're caught up)) B l u r r: [[ sweet ]] B l u r r: thank ]] B l u r r: [[ well this shows his collection and hideout better ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((what's really behind slendy's mask)) BoneAndHook: ((LMAO)) BoneAndHook: ((it's an accurate amount of teeth)) B l u r r: lmaooo ]] B l u r r: [[ thats stanley. Always causing issues. ]] B l u r r: [[ i remember that from the book ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((CRIMINY, CATS DID YOU HAVE TO CHOOSE THIS MOMENT TO BOTH STARTLE)) B l u r r: [[ omg ]]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((hfff i'm so tired but i wanna see the rest)) B l u r r: [[ it says it's almost over ]] BoneAndHook: ((we're close!!)) BoneAndHook: ((i was so terrified that georgie wasn't going to start moving again)) B l u r r: [[ omg ]] BoneAndHook: ((i was like "oh no what if IT left him alive as bait and he kILLED THE REAL ONE")) B l u r r: [[ right? ]] B l u r r: [[ *has flashbacks to boggarts* ]] B l u r r: [[ Sequel is this or next year I think ]] B l u r r: [ anywaYS. Thanks for dealing with me for a lil while with the horror filmies. Next week is horror aND cute ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((yaaaay)) B l u r r: [[ HOPEFULLY I can squeeze both in. ]] B l u r r: [[ neither movie is terribly long ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((we shall see! but for now.... zzz)) B l u r r: [[ but thank y'all for coming! ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((yw!)) B l u r r: <3 ]] BoneAndHook: ((ty for hosting!))
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levinssword · 7 years
All the questions all the cliche romantic questions
hOW DID I MISS THIS DARN YOU TUMBLR.... and this is actually kinda embarrassing to post............................................Coffee Shop: How do you take your coffee?haha jokes on you I DONT TAKE IT I THROW IT INTO THE TRASH WHERE IT BELONGS..... I only drink frappuccinos from starbucks..... double chocolaty chip...... venti is the only acceptable size............ No other coffee is acceptable.... Train Station: Where do you want to travel?I don't usually think about this sorta thing, so there are only a few places that I ever considered. @ff-15 and I have been talking for literal years about flying out and visiting Yellowknife to see the Aurora Borealis, though we're probably going to get eaten by a fucking wolf or something. I'm also weeb trash so I want to go to Japan and get me some spicy pokemon merch directly from the pokemon center... and to eat food... Honestly, I'll go anywhere with street food ( the superior and only way to truly eat ). Whenever I do get to Japan, I need to find the nearest takoyaki vendor (though this can be hard because they don't have a lot of street food outside of festivals from what I hear :'/ ). Apparently, that is a ball of octopus and other shit and I want it BADLY. I need that fish ball and I will not try one until I get to Japan to have a real one. Okonomiyaki, yaki tomorokoshi ( It's grilled corn jett.. GRILLED CORN), and bebi kasutera are just a few that I can think off of the top of my head that I also need before I die. I just want to eat everything to be 10000% honest if somewhere has good food I'm down to go...I think this question was about traveling but I started thinking about food sorry,,,,,Picnic in the Park: Do you enjoy people watching?I like watching... I need to know what people are doing and if I need to run or fight them. It's also a bit of a habit that I picked up from school. My first design instructor had us go people watching as a sketchbook assignment and encouraged us to do it so... I sorta never stopped. I'll just watch people because I'm so used to watching n drawing them all the time. Oh and since I have to watch people like a hawk at my job to see if I have to be at the counter.... honestly I don't even know if I enjoy it it's such a habit at this point I just can't NOT watch people. If you ever go anywhere with me you'll see me looking around CONSTANTLY because I have to see what everyone is doing.... It's weird I'm sorry hah,,mmmmKiss Under the Rain: What sounds help you sleep?Hmmmmm this is a hard one... I always have a fan on for one and it's always on the highest setting! I can't sleep without it and if it's not on I won't sleep. Also my old roommate used to have the single SHITTIEST bed EVER and for like half a year all we'd here at night whenever that nerd moved was this terrible creaking noise... and now I'm so used to hearing that.... creeky beds.... also if the bed didn't creak that meant they probably died so o>ooh and rain!Butterflies: What unique thing would you/do you enjoy in a partner?FSDFSDFADFASDFSF ASD I GOT REALLY EMBARRASSED AND CANT POST THIS ONE IM SORRY VIOLENT SWEATINGSnow Angels: What's your favorite kind of weather?I love fall when all of those trees are orange and red and just DYING and dropping their flakey little corpses everywhere... it's radical... I do go through and play in the leaves. Do I jump in them? not really. I make a pile and crawl under or lay on top of it. It's my nest now.I also like that short time between fall and winter where its bitter cold and chilly windy and just TERRIBLE OUT.... ya know... right now... this is my shit I stand outside in a tshirt and shorts and just feel so ALIVE. AND THEN I LOVE ALL OF WINTER. SNOWING? I LOVE IT! BLIZZARD? I LOVE IT MORE! ICE FALLING FROM THE SKY? I EMBRACE IT LET IT KILL ME! SNOWMANS? YESYES YES YESYESYESYESYES I MADE A SATAN SNOWMAN A COUPLE YEARS BACK! I just l love it so much.... It's a frozen hell outside and it spares noone it's wrath.... it's so great.... I like looking outside at into this abyss while I sit in my ugly room chugging mug after mug of hot chocolate. I drink only the liquid chocolate goodness through winter. Or milkshakes.... ALSO STILL WEARING THOSE SHORTS N TSHIRT ALL WINTER LONGBed & Breakfast: What do you like to do on Tuesdays?I'm laughing, of all of the days that this could have listed it chose one of my days off! WELLLLLLLLLL Since I didn't have to work the night before and also have this night off I have a full day to do absolutely anything. ANYTHING.Tuesday is the best day of the week! It's one of the few things I actually have to look forward to anymore... What do I do on Tuesday? I spend the entire day talking to my boyfriend! If I'm extra lucky I can even call him! Sometimes we watch things together... or watch each other draw ( the purest form of trust between artists :3c ), we play games too! Honestly, we do lots and lots of random things... I mean we do these every day, but because of my trainwreck of a work schedule, this is the only time we can spend the entire day together... It's very nice... just the thought always puts me in a good mood... this is..... really embarrassing.....Kiss at the Door: When you hold hands, do you interlock fingers? Swing your arms?I've only ever held hands with one person and we just held them.... but If given the chance I would both interlock them fingers and swING THAT ARM SO FASTBowling: Do you laugh loudly or giggle more?When I do laugh I laugh loud :3c Otherwise I don't usually... make noises..... I don't like it when people hear me laugh or giggle because it's embarassing ;;;;;Chocolates: What's your favorite kind of sweet thing?HMMMMMMMMM other than you? I guess.... Icecream? Cheesecake??? I am not super big on sweets now that I'm a filthy bakerRoses: Do you blush easily?I've been blushing this entire time :ICheesy Pick-Up Lines: Are you more of a comic or a romantic?I don't think I'm very funny.... so I guess I'm a romantic o7Candlelight: What romantic cliché do you wish for most?:eyes: Can I choose all of them or? Because I want them all.
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survivormarmoreal · 6 years
Episode #4: "I made James quit accidentally because I rigged a random.org" - Brian
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So.... BC quit. Don't know why (and I am not gonna enquire, I just know he is hella busy). But ya I don't know what this means going forward but im gonna roll with it. If i'm not flexible, then that is not a good winner. so ya looking forward toi see whatever happens, and if Madigan go to tribal again, all i know is that i will still be safe cause james and I will just get Keaton involved
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I’m SHOCKED BC quit because I thought I was going home lmao so now I have no idea what the hell is gonna happen I’m praying we swap tbh so I can meet up with Brian or Bryce who I know sbsbsbs.
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Okay I'm super sad BC quit. They seemed like such a sweetheart. And I always hate to see anybody quit. I'm usually kind of annoyed about quitters but I hope BC is all good and it was just because they were busy... :(
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This game has been really good to our tribe. We havent gone to tribal. I have a majority alliance of 4. Everyone is active and does 100% on the challenges. Its been good. Havent had much luck in idol hunt tho so probably someone already found it. Still nervous for the challenge. I want to keep winning but the bad thing in the eyes for the other tribe.
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The game is always changing... and someone quitting just shows how quickly everything can change in the game. Plans set forward destroyed... alliances ruined just due to what the game might throw at you at any given time. It’s always scary but you know what... sometimes you gotta look at something bad and say hey let’s test my gameplay a little bit... that is what I’m good at and that is what I plan to do!
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So we have swapped. and im not with james. This is hateful huh. first bc quitting today and now this. fuck this. and im with marie and keaton as well. ffs. oh well. time to get socialising and do this shit!
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I KNEW A SWAP WAS COMING!!! I felt it deep in my bones. Do sharks have bones? I actually don't think they do. Oh well. I KNEW IT WAS HAPPENING. Obviously I'm super nervous now because I was in a great spot before. But luckily I still have my #1 Brian. And Charlie who is a part of my Four of a Kind alliance and he has an idol. Plus Anna and I hopefully can work together like we have in other games. I just hope she trusts me. Ugh and I freaking hope we win this challenge. Because OG Dinah members definitely have a target as the last intact tribe. SO much is going on in my little gay brain.
Okay my brain is going a mile a minute with this swap. I'm reconnecting with Anna. She seems excited to see me and she told me she isn't super close with Jayden or Nick so that's amazing. I told Brian about Charlie's idol. So this is good. We're surviving.
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omg so we swapped and im so sad nathan isnt here but thats about it. happy to be away from jayden since he IGNORES me. when i read these after the game im gonna seem so obsessed huh KJDFSHFAKSJD. but anyway. dennis is here and hes one of my fave ppl ever! hes just so nice. we shared idol guesses and i really wanna go to the end with him. matt is pretty cool and we both stan the good place and naomi smalls so i feel like we'll be good allies. marie is a queen and super nice but maybe not super active but we both love ari so yay. naptime maynor isnt really liking my humor JKASDHF but thats ok. and kirby guy is alright too!! nicole seems nice enough if not a little standoffish but hoping for the best :s love this tribe overrall tho and really hoping to avoid tribal
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I got ZType for the duels! Blessed. I can do well in this game and I can't be the reason our tribe loses in the RARE chance we do. So i'm feeling okay.
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Too annoyed to write too much right now. But yet another org, and yet another swap fuck! Honestly, this is ridiculous. We have three members on either 7 person tribe, and even if we do manage to succeed in surviving another non-dinah is going to replace the voted out member... you can't make this shit up.
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I knew the swap was coming. But im with Dennis which is good. He has some connections with Bryce and Nicole so hopefully they work with us. Keaton is also here like oh Boi. 👀 going to see if he wants to work with me this time. Having him around could help me in this game.
James quits by leaving the server and ignoring everyone.
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https://gph.is/1neigCU my mood at my initial alliance members both qutiing time to die?
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Ok so Klick quit which is kinda upsetting cuz I was grinding tf outta that challenge and I lowkey played a game with him about a year and a half ago and kinda wanted to reconnect. BUT Nathan is now on the tribe which is like the nest possible scenario. Also we have Anna so hopefully we have an easy majority. Also I assume Dennis has began running the game over on the other tribe because he is great and will probably end up voting me out at f9 or something. But YAY F14 IM NOT OUT YET ANSNSKDKLZLXKC
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MY IMPACT?  I made James quit accidentally because I rigged a random.org to save Charlie from doing Multitask and then James had a fit because he got it and was sleeping so he couldn't pick... I... can't believe how I'm WINNING this game?  Anna, I hope you get my winner's crown READY because I'm doing the damn thing!  I am sorry I made him quit because I didn't think he would kjHDAJK... but wow...
Although I am in the minority right now based on tribal lines, Nathan is someone I've wanted to work with for like eons, and I feel so much more comfortable with him on my tribe than James and letting Annabelle hold my fate in her hands.  I think I have an upward battle, but I know Charlie has the idol and will warn Sharky in the case I need Charlie to use it on himself.  The two from my OG tribe I got stuck with is by far the only two from Dinah that I would go out of my way to protect in this game and knowing Charlie has the idol... ugh... I don't even have to DO anything and tea gets served to me.  Love Sharky.. love Charlie.. love Nathan... can't wait to thrive in this game now!
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So the swap, i thought would have been really bad for us original dinah people but so far it looks like we might pull through. Nicole told by Dennis to me that she is willing to work with us but im a little sketch because she hasnt really responds to me exept like one message and then it stops. Im trying to get info from keaton and see if he wants to work with me. I have to keep an eye on him cuz he’s messy af. 👀 I think we could be a strong tribe so hopefully we win the next immunity. I rather have my no going to tribal streak going. I need to start talking to our new tribe members as well.
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well james left so we got nathan i'm not upset about it i love nathan he's my person this game i think and we swapped with sharky on the tribe and i just played with sharky and we're in majority so things are really looking up here for me tbvh i feel like sharky might want to get rid of one of my OG tribe people but we'll see how it goes.
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This game is weird man. I was so ready to play 2048, but Kirby Boi #2 was a quitter, so now I'm not playing 2048, both people I trusted QUIT, and Dennis is on my tribe. I am going to lose really soon. But hopefully I can find an in on my tribe and survive.
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i just want an advantage. but oh so now 4/5 of my tribe is together and im just here.. love that! not sarcastic!! miss nathan tho! so far clicking with dennis still and naptime. hes a true carly rae jepsen fan i asked his fave and he said sour candy which is like (bad) but not well known so he must actually like her!! nicole left me on read.. love that! sarcastic!! and yaa wooh loving the new tribe that guy who quit bc of multitask kind of a flop but go off now im closer to merge!
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This morning finding out that James was removed was suprising. It sucks cuz i was enjoying doing the ztype. I got to 7,100 which i think its good but idk if it actually was. But im ready for this challenge and hopefully we could win in it. Definately dont want to go to tribal.
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Okay Nathan is AMAZING. I love him. And I'm totally going to work with him for sure. i'm so glad he didn't flop. And Honestly I'm glad James quit so that I could work with Nathan. This lip sync challenge is going to be silly. I offered to do the editing which honestly is a big undertaking but I like to be in control and It's definitely going to paint a target on my back but if we win it'll be so great.
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OMG SO FUN CHALLENGE THAT I HATE WOOH. i love this but i hate it. idk. i REALLY dont want to do a queen song so i pretended to not know who they are NNN but all that caused was my tribemates shading me... and its like... matt says beyonce is just "ok" and i need to listen to real music.??? just say u hate women and go. JK. maybe. but ANYWAYS. love dennis still and naptime is so funny love his pins! nicole left me on read some more so i sent her demi lovatos GET BACK music video and she finally responded with two 5 word msgs and ghosted again so um really loving that! kirby guy also doesnt reply a lot but thats ok totally loving only talking to 4 ppl!
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edit: quitters are shitters
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Our song is Dont stop me now by queen which is awesome. I just need to find the time to work on it later today or tomorrow morning but have an idea what imma do so thats good. Still talking to keaton but no game talk it. Hopefully soon because im still feeling sketch on this tribe. I dont wanna get voted out pre-merge. *knocks on wood* ✊🌳
Making the video was really fun. Had more fun and felt more comfortable after making the ones before were i wasnt as comfortable. This is one of my fav comps now. Cant wait to see how it turns out.
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UM?? I'm CACKLING?? So Sharky showed me the clips he got from Nick and Jayden, and I'm just so confused how straight men get any sort of action when they're as stiff as them?  I mean I guess they're not ugly so that probably helps, but neither of them are good at using a camera... So I'm just SO ...
I have nothing else to talk about other than how fucking STIFF the straight men are in their lip sync videos, so whew... love visibility…
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worst comp for me ever like i was fine doing 2048 i could have probably helped with that but like a music video? YIKES that's not my thing at all i didn't know what to do or what to help especially since i'm so not gonna get on camera >.< i hate being useless if we lose like ugh lmfao
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Okay so this challenge was...a disaster. I asked everyone to just do the song and then I'd make it look good with editing. That didn't work out. And I had more trouble editing than i thought. I feel like I dropped the ball and I'm not sued to being someone holding my tribe back. I tried to hide our bad lipsyncers. Charlie got sick. And something happened in the rush of uploading it that gave me a weird crop and a couple of cuts that I screwed up but I ran out of time. I'm feeling really disappointed in myself.
Okay we lost. This sucks. two of the judges called out the edit/effort specifically so that doesn't feel great. But I'm going to look at this as a positive. Maynor and Dennis stay safe on the other tribe. And Now I can use this to make some real connections and alliances on this tribe. Like Chad Michaels I will rise from the ashes and be the gayest winningest phoenix you have ever seen.
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Ok so me Nathan and Nick should really stick with Annabelle. Easy majority makes easy game which makes happy Jayden
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So we lost the challenge, but I don't feel too... bad about that.  I mean if I go home, clearly I fucked the fuck up and felt too confident... but I think that I feel... good?
Firstly, thank you to the judges for recognizing my SNAP in the lip sync.  I wasn't sure they were going to do my rap in the challenge, so I'm glad it was in there hehe... Now... going to tribal is a part of the game and the strategy has been lacking up till now, so I'm excited to jump in and finally explore that part of the game.  It'll be a nice start to my resume, following accidentally make James quit LMFAO.
Right now, I think I'm in a solid spot.  Nick said he wouldn't vote for me and I mean.. we haven't talked much, but I expect him to not lie for no reason... and I'm going to make sure to increase our conversation and expand on what HE wants to happen to just have that tea under my belt.  I think Jayden is who I would like gone, and I think I'd be able to gather the votes to get that to happen.  It's not like I have anything against him personally, but I just feel it's hardest to talk to him because him and I are not alike from what I've gathered.  I'm the uber gay and for the uber gay and the Travis Scott fanboy to get along?  Would be shocking.
I like Annabelle and Nathan a lot and I don't think they'd throw votes for me.  I have my little final 2 deal going on with Nathan, but highkey I don't think I'd keep him as my #1 over Marie, if I get to the point where I meet with her, so I have no problem cutting him or Annabelle in the future.  I do think it'd be better to work WITH them, especially for now, and I think they feel similar sentiments, but I don't know for sure!
But now we come to the real people I would like to protect going into this vote, Charlie and Sharky.  I love my OG Dinah babies so much, and I will make sure their names aren't the targets of this vote.  I think Sharky has set himself up well, and since he told me Charlie has the idol, I think we should especially be OK.  I also think Annabelle and Nathan seemingly want to work with us, so .... whew...
ALSO, this is a mid-confessional update, but 2 alliances were formed.  We have the "Tea Party" alliance with Sharky, me, and Nathan (the gays) and then the "Dinah Dudes" alliance with Charlie, Sharky, and me (OG Dinah's) and then I think another sub-alliance with the "Tea Party" and Annabelle is coming to fruition, so kjHDKAS... ya... I think I'm SET.  I can't wait to wreck shit!
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So we swapped tribes and here I am with 3 from my original tribe, 3 from the other tribe and Bryce from the third tribe. Bryce and I know each other, and by that I mean I just blindsided him another org... oops! Hopefully he doesn’t come after me but who knows because I literally did not participate in this challenge at all! We still won though so hopefully I’ll get to redeem myself in the next one
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My arms are SORE from pulling all my best Freddie Mercury moves out for this lip sync, I am SO tired. But I honestly am so glad i gave my 100% effort because I truly needed to pull through for this tribe and show them I’m not just a sitting duck. (Is that the term? Idk.)
Either way I’m glad we all got to bond through this and here’s to being safe ANOTHER round (I’ve never gone to tribal so wooooo!)
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i want an IDOL or sth. but um dennis is so fun love that man. always asks daily to work with me. like idk how many times i have to tell him that he is literally the only person on this tribe to pm me first without me having to (NOT EXAGGERATION). marie and matt? no reply from marie in like 30 hours and matt hasnt been talking to me since i said idk queen. kirby guy? replies with 1 word answers and taste in music offends me NNN. nicole? who. all she does is ignore me and like somtimes she replies and ill reply in the SAME LIKE 10 SECONDS, and she'll just leave me on read JKADSFHAKSJ. comes back like 9 hours later with no reasoning on why she stopped talking and with just a "hi", and thats if im lucky! idk i hope we swap soon or merge. like the whole preswap i was praying for a swap to find some good allies bc all i had was nathan really, and now i just have dennis. maybe by merge ill have a whole 3 allies??? oh wait theres um maynor hes cool i always have to pm him first but hes at least responsive and can hold a conversation! black bear diner goes off and i WILL be eating there the next time in houston
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We lost, which was hardly surprising when I saw the other tribe's video lol. So now it's not looking good for us dinahs... but luckily I have the idol up my sleeve hehe. Gonna tell Brian and Sharky so that we can use it to save us…
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I was so happy that we won immunity. Stil feeling a little sketch on this tribe. Injust hope that the vote isnt charlie, brian, or sharky. And especially sharky cuz he’s my duo. Now dennis, nicole, and i are the only 3 to not go to tribal yet. Its pretty awesome amd kinda scary.
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Down with the straights!  I still think Jayden is going, but if Charlie ends up going I'm JUMPING because that means I've been lied to by people that want to claim to be my final 2... I do trust in Jayden going but we shall SEE!
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So the tribe lost and I’m a bit nervous because I’ve only heard one name... I would have loved to saved my idol until I needed it but I think it’s very likely my name could be the second one going around... we shall see what happens though.
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Ugh okay so I was hoping for a simple easy vote. But as usual there is just a little bit of drama. Nick told Anna/Nathan that he has a legacy advantage to be used at F13/F6 which is trash because that means if we lose next time he'll use that and be safe. But if we vote him out he'll gift it to Jayden and we have the same problem. Plus Charlie is wigging out because he has a bad feeling about the vote, which is totally fair because he isn't talking very much. And Nick told Anna her name got thrown out which is just untrue. This is just kind of messy and not in a cute way.
Jayden is voted out 5-2.
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