#i dont usually write angst between ppl like this but its their whole flavour so it was fun
? *pleading eyes emoji*
Roleswap au???? >:D why of course~
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hehehe buckle in and strap up, i wrote something :) (doesn’t exactly fit the drawing but anyway-)
Very mild warning for smoking and mentions of blood (and some slightly suggestive bits)
“Well well well, look at what the cat dragged in.” A blond figure drawled from where they were draped over a rather old-fashioned red and gold chaise longue.
“I thought we knew it was rude to linger in the shadows of someones doorway,” the lanky figure took a long draw from their cigarette and sprawled out in a manner befitting a cat, before slowly rising to their feet, exhaling the smoke in whirling patterns around them. “And yet, here we are.”
Shinya let out a growl as he glared at said person and harshly pulled his wrists from the cold bony grips of the ‘guards’ that were restraining him.
He had approached the hidden building in the night, after a job nearby, not originally planning on entering. However, curiosity got the best of him when he noticed that he was inside, and he simply had to follow. How could he resist sneaking up on his old rival?
He was caught, though, so that defeats that whole plan.
“You’re saying my manners are bad?” Shinya scoffed as the other sauntered closer. “Y’know, after all these years, one would think the Puppeteer would become less of a hypocrite.” 
He gestured to the almost lifeless bodies that were practically breathing down his neck- if they could breathe-
The blond puppeteer laughed, his signature crazed grin spreading across his face as he got closer. “Why, of course~”
With a simple flick of his fingers, the walking corpses were flung to the opposite sides of the room, coming apart at the seams as they hit the walls with a loud thud.
Shinya watched this and huffed, crossing his arms. “So I’ve been demoted to being escorted by the flesh puppets now? How harsh.”
Tsunagu squinted and puffed a cloud of smoke into Shinya’s face, causing him to cough and throw up his hands before rather elegantly giving him the middle finger. “Don’t push your luck, Edgeshot- I’ll be tempted to give you the all denim monstrosities next.”
So he was just as bitchy as always, huh? Good to know.
Tsunagu was wearing a rather tightly tailored suit, with a vest that trailed down at the back, a deep blue tie and a black shirt. It accentuated his sillhouette in an amazing way, Shinya was struggling to stop his eyes from tracing over it-
‘nO- stop that-’ He very quickly cleared that train of thought. No thirsting over his rival while he was right in front of him. He cleared his throat.
“You’re all dressed up nice and fancy,” Shinya blew a strand of hair out of his face, “What’s the occasion? My arrival?~” He teased slightly, grinning wide with a smile concealed by his mask, very obviously shown in the glint of his eyes.
“Oh you wish, don’t you?” The Puppeteer rolled his eyes and put out his cigarette, fixing his hair so it was brushed back neatly, revealing his usually covered and completely messed up eye.
This made Shinya’s stomach turn in a mix of pride and a tiny bit of what he’d refuse to call guilt. They had both left their marks on each other in the past, and this was one that happened in a moment of genuine emotion, betrayal, angst and heartbreak. So he wasn’t sure how to react to that.
“It was a date, and it was wonderful.” The blond continued, his expression unreadable as he slowly closed the gap between the two of them. “We talked, and had drinks and shared the stories of our past-”
Oh. That made his stomach flip even more- why did that happen? Why did that make Shinya feel so… disappointed? And why was he getting… so… close…
“-and then he got up and left. I understood, since emergencies happen.” Tsunagu whispered with a straight face, it was unusual to see him with this minimal level of emotion. “And when our next little meet-up was due, he didn’t show up. And when I got caught and wound up in a situation that he promised he’d take care of if it ever happened…… he never showed up.”
Shinya closed his eyes and breathed softly, feeling the warmth of the other’s breath brush against his cheek as he got closer to whisper.
“Tsunagu…” only the smallest of words came out. Was this guilt?
The taller figure laughed bitterly. “First name basis? You’re still that eager, yet you refuse to apologise for abandoning me?”
“I was being held captive.” Shinya growled softly. “I’ve told you that I’m sorry- but don’t act like only one of us abandoned the other, you didn’t come for me when I had been captured and fucking shipped to another country!”
“Oh don’t give me that shit again-” Tsunagu cursed and straightened himself up, beginning to circle around the silver haired assassin with sharp eyes.
The two of them had a past. Oh, they had a past alright. A past of friendly rivalry, murderous competition and pining-
And yet, the one time they decided to lower their masks and actually try to be friends -or hopefully more- it all went wrong.
“You left me there- you left me in that restaurant while I waited so patiently for you to come back- or at least tell me what was going on and you didn’t!” Tsunagu hissed, adjusting his gloves and waving his hand at the decorative curtains, ripping them down and scrunching them into a ball, throwing it down with a huff.
“And it’s my fault I couldn't tell you?”
“You. Left. Me. Shinya.” His mouth formed his name as if his tongue had traced it with poison. A poison that Shinya would gladly drink up as if it were honey from a glass. “But then, it’s not like you’d be the first…”
Tsunagu’s eyes flickered around distantly, as if in sudden recollection and thought, and Shinya used this opportunity to spin around and pin him down on the ground by his neck with a thud.
Green eyes widened and pierced into his own, his usually grinning face had turned into a shocked and stuttering one. The threads around Shinya’s waist and neck tightened slightly on instinct and he could feel the skin on his arms being pinched and pulled.
Stretching an arm out with his quirk, Shinya closed and locked the big heavy hall doors and brought his fist back to the other’s neck, dagger now in hand and pressing against his skin delicately. He couldn’t have them being interrupted by the puppeteer’s little guards -the alive ones- now could he?
“What are you doing- bitch- get off me-” Tsunagu gargled, his teeth bared and his eyes glowing as threads wound their way in and out of Shinya’s skin in a stitching pattern. It stung a little, but he was used to it. “You’re fucking heavy.”
“Oh, honey, we both know that isn’t true,” Shinya laughed and brought his knife up and pressed it into the others cheek, allowing it to pierce and draw out a few drops of blood as the taller figure seemingly didn’t react. “You could very easily throw me across the room if you wanted to, don’t bluff.”
Neither of them were new to this. And the numerous scars from each other and their competitive -and very physical- natures, could prove that to you.
Tsunagu averted his eyes and Shinya had to resist the urge to trace his fingers -or his knife- over the scars over his eye. The scars that he had put there when they both felt that they had been abandoned and betrayed by each other. Scars that branched out like the legs of a spider with the body of it being that glazed over orb with specks of green and blue and white and red.
They were rivals, maybe enemies even, but they had only ever truly fought three times.
The first was when they met. Shinya had been sent by an anonymous client to track down The Bloody Puppeteer and kill him. They had paid a lot of money, too.
But, it was when he got there that he realised this guy wouldn’t go without a fight. And when he left, barely with his own life, he realised he’d met his equal for the first time.
The second was in the night. That lunatic had somehow managed to break into one of Shinya’s built up bases and came looking for a rematch- revenge for killing one of his ‘living puppets’ (henchmen), maybe. They both had the intent to kill, yet they simply couldn’t.
And the third…
“You know, I almost didn’t answer that phonecall. I only left because my family was in trouble…” Shinya’s gaze softened and then grew sharp once more as Tsunagu’s eyes flickered back to focus on him. “How could I have known it was a trap? How could I have predicted that as soon as I stepped into my home, I would be ambushed again, and sent to who-knows-fucking-where to be tortured for half a year??”
“You still got out of it, didn’t you? You’re Edgeshot, you know how to do these damn things. It’s what you do for a living, for fuck’s sake.” Tsunagu muttered.
“Yes. And when I came back, I had to rebuild my home. Again.” Shinya explained, this was the first time they had been able to talk properly and it was with his hand on the other’s throat and Tsunagu’s nails in his skin. “I came looking, but no matter how hard I tried, I still couldn’t find you.”
Tsunagu’s eyes seemed to soften slightly as he said this, but he quickly averted his gaze once more with a scowl.
“I assumed the worst and left it be. Not because I wanted to leave you, Tsunagu, but because I was… I was scared of how I’d find you if I did.” Shinya’s grip loosened and he thought back to how he felt those few years ago. The blond’s face seemed to twitch in thought at the masked assassin showing this much emotion… towards him.
Shinya recalled how angry he had felt when he couldn’t find him. How scared he was that he lashed out and got reckless, almost getting himself caught… he’d lost another person he cared about, how could he possibly not be scared.
But this was his rival. They were at each other’s necks at all times, trying to kill each other and finding new ways to do so- they were meant to despise one another-
So why did he care so much? Why? Why had he gotten attached to something he wanted to destroy so badly?
Shinya growled, blinking away tears that he hated his body for creating, and pressing the knife further into the other’s cheek, earning a small gasp this time.
“So when I found out you were alive? That the dear Bloody Puppeteer had survived- I was so… relieved.” He muttered, getting closer until their foreheads almost touched. “But then- I was greeted by a knife to my throat, talons ripping at my guts and words that fucking hurt.”
Tsunagu’s grip tightened and his eyes flitted across the other’s face, trying to read his expression. “You left me… that’s all I knew. I had been abandoned by another person that I ca- that I thought cared for… fuck it, it doesn’t matter.”
Shinya tried to speak again but he couldn’t find the words to say. He wanted to curse him out, call him a hypocritical bitch or something, and stick that knife straight through his gorgeous skull, but he couldn’t do any of those things. Instead he dragged the dagger across Tsunagu’s cheek, leaving a line of fresh blood and an open shallow cut.
Tsunagu flinched and dug his nails further into Shinya’s arms, his gloves torn at the tips of his fingers. “Shit- that hurt.” He hissed out with his usual venomous tone.
“Oh?” Shinya laughed bitterly, “and here I thought you loved pain- or did those fun little nights in the past run from your memory?”
Tsunagu flushed red and attempted to kick out at Shinya’s general crotch area, but got stopped by a hand on the thigh and pinned down once more. 
“Oh fuck you-”
“Hm. Tempting, but I’m on a bit of a tight schedule tonight, I’m afraid.” Shinya let out a huff of amusement and leaned in closer. “I’d much rather carve up that pretty little face of yours and mess up this annoyingly attractive suit you’re wearing. Wouldn’t that be fun… Tsunagu?”
“Don’t you dare.” The blond let out a rather loud growl and snapped his teeth at the other’s fingers, which were currently tracing over his face delicately. The tops of his ears were burning and he wanted to rip that mask off of Shinya’s face and then also rip off the grin that was clearly present underneath.
“Oh, but Tsu~” Shinya smiled wider, his eyes glinting with mildly malicious -but somewhat affectionate- intent. “You’d look so pretty~”
“Really, I think it would be nice, Tsunagu…”
“Stop it.”
Shinya’s obvious teasing was cut off as the taller villain gave a rather loud yell of exasperation and flipped them both over, turning the tables with Shinya’s head now pressed to the floor and a dagger held to his throat.
“You betrayed the right to call me by that name.” Tsunagu said, his voice dripping with a venomous tone and his sea green eyes burning holes through his conscience. “Shut the fuck up.”
Shinya licked the blood from his lip where the other’s head had hit his nose when switching places. His mask had been ripped off by Tsunagu’s quirk and flung to the other side of the room. Usually he’d get defensive over this, but they’d seen each other unmasked plenty of times, this was fine.
“Or what?” He teased further. He enjoyed pushing his buttons, it was entertaining to watch a madman go feral… and slightly attractive- though, he’d hate to admit that.
His thoughts were interrupted by the other lifting him by the neck of his shirt and bringing their faces so close they could feel each other’s heavy breathing. 
“I’ll cut that impudent tongue right out of your annoyingly smart mouth!” Tsunagu hissed, his quirk causing his shirt sleeves to unravel slightly.
Shinya chuckled, earning another pissed off growl from the other. “Oh be my guest, I’m sure you’ll find a better use for it anyway~”
He stuck his tongue out playfully and laughed as the murderous marionette’s first instinct was to chomp at it in anger. “Whoa- like that? How unhygienic-”
“OH YOU LITTLE FUCKER I COULD JUST-” Tsunagu exclaimed, pulling him even closer and stopping abruptly as his eyes faltered momentarily. “I could just……I could-”
Green eyes flitted across the smaller figures face, and softened with a mixture of restraint and temptation. Shinya could feel his gaze hit his lips and the warmth from Tsunagu’s face as his cheeks dusted pink.
“You could just… what?” Shinya muttered softly, trying not to break the sudden shift in mood that made him feel all warm and fuzzy.
They were… so close.
“I… I- I…want…” Tsunagu’s words completely faltered as the heat spread across his face and his grip loosened, his usually bold and loud and emotional mannerisms faded away to show the truly nervous wreck underneath and their faces got closer.
It had been so long- years- since Shinya had last seen Tsunagu like this, and the last time was… well, it was that night. The night he left him all alone at a “dinner meeting” that was truly almost a date… he had forgotten how… nice… it was, to see him like this.
“What…” Shinya murmured, the other’s breath tickling across his lips as they almost touched. “What do……you…want?”
Tsunagu’s breathing grew shallower as he forgot how to talk and slowly closed the gap between them, both trying not to rush as if doing so was the equivalent of stepping on a thin pane of glass and shattering it.
Shinya’s eyes almost closed as his face grew warmer and-
A loud crash and the sound of a bell marking 2am startled them both out of their moment and caused Tsunagu to practically launch into the air like a scared cat while Shinya clutched his chest and pretended he didn’t just give out the wimpiest little scream anyone’s ever heard.
“I- wh- you still haven’t got rid of that stupid fucking clock???” Shinya panted, scrambling to his feet and checking his pockets on instinct.
“Oh well I’m sorry, mr ‘part time assassin, part time interior designer’, I didn’t think it mattered so much what my own place has inside!!” Tsunagu shot back, brushing himself down and fixing his hair. He was averting his eyes in slight embarrassment for what had happened before the interruption.
Shinya rolled his eyes and took a step towards Tsunagu, before realising he was being forcefully held back and slowly pushed away by his quirk. “What are you-”
“Ahem, I think it is time you took your leave, assassin.” The puppeteer cleared his throat and coughed for exaggeration, giving a wave of his hand to open the doors and reveal that his sidekicks had been very obviously eavesdropping as they scuttled away.
Extending an arm to grab his mask and fitting it to his face rapidly, Shinya scoffed. “That eager to get rid of me, huh? How polite.”
“Yes well… I’ve got a tight schedule.” Tsunagu stated with a mocking smile, elegantly draping himself back over the chaise longue that he’d been lounging on when Shinya first arrived. “Don’t you also? Oh, I dont know, maybe with a client up north in a certain bigger city who paid a lot of money?” 
Shinya gritted his teeth and fought the urge to run and punch the smug bastard in that pretty little mouth of his. “Smartass.” He tutted and turned on his heel.
“Be a dear and close the door on your way out~” Tsunagu called out with a hidden laugh, pulling out another cigarette and using his quirk to summon one of the previous puppets severed arms to be fixed.
“Oh fuck you-” 
Before he got to the doors, Shinya snatched up the rather expensive looking bottle of whiskey that was sitting on the coffee table in the corner. “A little souvenir, thanks dear~”
“Oh you little prick!” Tsunagu yelled across the hall and threw a knife towards him, aiming perfectly for it to just skim past his head and land in the bookshelf.
Shinya very quickly stuck his finger up at the lanky annoyance as he left and slammed the doors shut, gliding through the long halls and running into the shadows of the surrounding buildings once he was out.
He smiled to himself as his silent footsteps hit the floor rapidly, making his way home.
“Well…” he chuckled, bottle still in hand, pulling out Tsunagu’s favourite lighter, pocket knife and set of keys from his pocket. It wouldn’t take long for him to notice what else was missing. Their next meet up would be quite soon.
“That went well.”
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