#pls know this is the first like. proper but of writing ive done in a while- not counting the small snippets or therapy au
? *pleading eyes emoji*
Roleswap au???? >:D why of course~
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hehehe buckle in and strap up, i wrote something :) (doesn’t exactly fit the drawing but anyway-)
Very mild warning for smoking and mentions of blood (and some slightly suggestive bits)
“Well well well, look at what the cat dragged in.” A blond figure drawled from where they were draped over a rather old-fashioned red and gold chaise longue.
“I thought we knew it was rude to linger in the shadows of someones doorway,” the lanky figure took a long draw from their cigarette and sprawled out in a manner befitting a cat, before slowly rising to their feet, exhaling the smoke in whirling patterns around them. “And yet, here we are.”
Shinya let out a growl as he glared at said person and harshly pulled his wrists from the cold bony grips of the ‘guards’ that were restraining him.
He had approached the hidden building in the night, after a job nearby, not originally planning on entering. However, curiosity got the best of him when he noticed that he was inside, and he simply had to follow. How could he resist sneaking up on his old rival?
He was caught, though, so that defeats that whole plan.
“You’re saying my manners are bad?” Shinya scoffed as the other sauntered closer. “Y’know, after all these years, one would think the Puppeteer would become less of a hypocrite.” 
He gestured to the almost lifeless bodies that were practically breathing down his neck- if they could breathe-
The blond puppeteer laughed, his signature crazed grin spreading across his face as he got closer. “Why, of course~”
With a simple flick of his fingers, the walking corpses were flung to the opposite sides of the room, coming apart at the seams as they hit the walls with a loud thud.
Shinya watched this and huffed, crossing his arms. “So I’ve been demoted to being escorted by the flesh puppets now? How harsh.”
Tsunagu squinted and puffed a cloud of smoke into Shinya’s face, causing him to cough and throw up his hands before rather elegantly giving him the middle finger. “Don’t push your luck, Edgeshot- I’ll be tempted to give you the all denim monstrosities next.”
So he was just as bitchy as always, huh? Good to know.
Tsunagu was wearing a rather tightly tailored suit, with a vest that trailed down at the back, a deep blue tie and a black shirt. It accentuated his sillhouette in an amazing way, Shinya was struggling to stop his eyes from tracing over it-
‘nO- stop that-’ He very quickly cleared that train of thought. No thirsting over his rival while he was right in front of him. He cleared his throat.
“You’re all dressed up nice and fancy,” Shinya blew a strand of hair out of his face, “What’s the occasion? My arrival?~” He teased slightly, grinning wide with a smile concealed by his mask, very obviously shown in the glint of his eyes.
“Oh you wish, don’t you?” The Puppeteer rolled his eyes and put out his cigarette, fixing his hair so it was brushed back neatly, revealing his usually covered and completely messed up eye.
This made Shinya’s stomach turn in a mix of pride and a tiny bit of what he’d refuse to call guilt. They had both left their marks on each other in the past, and this was one that happened in a moment of genuine emotion, betrayal, angst and heartbreak. So he wasn’t sure how to react to that.
“It was a date, and it was wonderful.” The blond continued, his expression unreadable as he slowly closed the gap between the two of them. “We talked, and had drinks and shared the stories of our past-”
Oh. That made his stomach flip even more- why did that happen? Why did that make Shinya feel so… disappointed? And why was he getting… so… close…
“-and then he got up and left. I understood, since emergencies happen.” Tsunagu whispered with a straight face, it was unusual to see him with this minimal level of emotion. “And when our next little meet-up was due, he didn’t show up. And when I got caught and wound up in a situation that he promised he’d take care of if it ever happened…… he never showed up.”
Shinya closed his eyes and breathed softly, feeling the warmth of the other’s breath brush against his cheek as he got closer to whisper.
“Tsunagu…” only the smallest of words came out. Was this guilt?
The taller figure laughed bitterly. “First name basis? You’re still that eager, yet you refuse to apologise for abandoning me?”
“I was being held captive.” Shinya growled softly. “I’ve told you that I’m sorry- but don’t act like only one of us abandoned the other, you didn’t come for me when I had been captured and fucking shipped to another country!”
“Oh don’t give me that shit again-” Tsunagu cursed and straightened himself up, beginning to circle around the silver haired assassin with sharp eyes.
The two of them had a past. Oh, they had a past alright. A past of friendly rivalry, murderous competition and pining-
And yet, the one time they decided to lower their masks and actually try to be friends -or hopefully more- it all went wrong.
“You left me there- you left me in that restaurant while I waited so patiently for you to come back- or at least tell me what was going on and you didn’t!” Tsunagu hissed, adjusting his gloves and waving his hand at the decorative curtains, ripping them down and scrunching them into a ball, throwing it down with a huff.
“And it’s my fault I couldn't tell you?”
“You. Left. Me. Shinya.” His mouth formed his name as if his tongue had traced it with poison. A poison that Shinya would gladly drink up as if it were honey from a glass. “But then, it’s not like you’d be the first…”
Tsunagu’s eyes flickered around distantly, as if in sudden recollection and thought, and Shinya used this opportunity to spin around and pin him down on the ground by his neck with a thud.
Green eyes widened and pierced into his own, his usually grinning face had turned into a shocked and stuttering one. The threads around Shinya’s waist and neck tightened slightly on instinct and he could feel the skin on his arms being pinched and pulled.
Stretching an arm out with his quirk, Shinya closed and locked the big heavy hall doors and brought his fist back to the other’s neck, dagger now in hand and pressing against his skin delicately. He couldn’t have them being interrupted by the puppeteer’s little guards -the alive ones- now could he?
“What are you doing- bitch- get off me-” Tsunagu gargled, his teeth bared and his eyes glowing as threads wound their way in and out of Shinya’s skin in a stitching pattern. It stung a little, but he was used to it. “You’re fucking heavy.”
“Oh, honey, we both know that isn’t true,” Shinya laughed and brought his knife up and pressed it into the others cheek, allowing it to pierce and draw out a few drops of blood as the taller figure seemingly didn’t react. “You could very easily throw me across the room if you wanted to, don’t bluff.”
Neither of them were new to this. And the numerous scars from each other and their competitive -and very physical- natures, could prove that to you.
Tsunagu averted his eyes and Shinya had to resist the urge to trace his fingers -or his knife- over the scars over his eye. The scars that he had put there when they both felt that they had been abandoned and betrayed by each other. Scars that branched out like the legs of a spider with the body of it being that glazed over orb with specks of green and blue and white and red.
They were rivals, maybe enemies even, but they had only ever truly fought three times.
The first was when they met. Shinya had been sent by an anonymous client to track down The Bloody Puppeteer and kill him. They had paid a lot of money, too.
But, it was when he got there that he realised this guy wouldn’t go without a fight. And when he left, barely with his own life, he realised he’d met his equal for the first time.
The second was in the night. That lunatic had somehow managed to break into one of Shinya’s built up bases and came looking for a rematch- revenge for killing one of his ‘living puppets’ (henchmen), maybe. They both had the intent to kill, yet they simply couldn’t.
And the third…
“You know, I almost didn’t answer that phonecall. I only left because my family was in trouble…” Shinya’s gaze softened and then grew sharp once more as Tsunagu’s eyes flickered back to focus on him. “How could I have known it was a trap? How could I have predicted that as soon as I stepped into my home, I would be ambushed again, and sent to who-knows-fucking-where to be tortured for half a year??”
“You still got out of it, didn’t you? You’re Edgeshot, you know how to do these damn things. It’s what you do for a living, for fuck’s sake.” Tsunagu muttered.
“Yes. And when I came back, I had to rebuild my home. Again.” Shinya explained, this was the first time they had been able to talk properly and it was with his hand on the other’s throat and Tsunagu’s nails in his skin. “I came looking, but no matter how hard I tried, I still couldn’t find you.”
Tsunagu’s eyes seemed to soften slightly as he said this, but he quickly averted his gaze once more with a scowl.
“I assumed the worst and left it be. Not because I wanted to leave you, Tsunagu, but because I was… I was scared of how I’d find you if I did.” Shinya’s grip loosened and he thought back to how he felt those few years ago. The blond’s face seemed to twitch in thought at the masked assassin showing this much emotion… towards him.
Shinya recalled how angry he had felt when he couldn’t find him. How scared he was that he lashed out and got reckless, almost getting himself caught… he’d lost another person he cared about, how could he possibly not be scared.
But this was his rival. They were at each other’s necks at all times, trying to kill each other and finding new ways to do so- they were meant to despise one another-
So why did he care so much? Why? Why had he gotten attached to something he wanted to destroy so badly?
Shinya growled, blinking away tears that he hated his body for creating, and pressing the knife further into the other’s cheek, earning a small gasp this time.
“So when I found out you were alive? That the dear Bloody Puppeteer had survived- I was so… relieved.” He muttered, getting closer until their foreheads almost touched. “But then- I was greeted by a knife to my throat, talons ripping at my guts and words that fucking hurt.”
Tsunagu’s grip tightened and his eyes flitted across the other’s face, trying to read his expression. “You left me… that’s all I knew. I had been abandoned by another person that I ca- that I thought cared for… fuck it, it doesn’t matter.”
Shinya tried to speak again but he couldn’t find the words to say. He wanted to curse him out, call him a hypocritical bitch or something, and stick that knife straight through his gorgeous skull, but he couldn’t do any of those things. Instead he dragged the dagger across Tsunagu’s cheek, leaving a line of fresh blood and an open shallow cut.
Tsunagu flinched and dug his nails further into Shinya’s arms, his gloves torn at the tips of his fingers. “Shit- that hurt.” He hissed out with his usual venomous tone.
“Oh?” Shinya laughed bitterly, “and here I thought you loved pain- or did those fun little nights in the past run from your memory?”
Tsunagu flushed red and attempted to kick out at Shinya’s general crotch area, but got stopped by a hand on the thigh and pinned down once more. 
“Oh fuck you-”
“Hm. Tempting, but I’m on a bit of a tight schedule tonight, I’m afraid.” Shinya let out a huff of amusement and leaned in closer. “I’d much rather carve up that pretty little face of yours and mess up this annoyingly attractive suit you’re wearing. Wouldn’t that be fun… Tsunagu?”
“Don’t you dare.” The blond let out a rather loud growl and snapped his teeth at the other’s fingers, which were currently tracing over his face delicately. The tops of his ears were burning and he wanted to rip that mask off of Shinya’s face and then also rip off the grin that was clearly present underneath.
“Oh, but Tsu~” Shinya smiled wider, his eyes glinting with mildly malicious -but somewhat affectionate- intent. “You’d look so pretty~”
“Really, I think it would be nice, Tsunagu…”
“Stop it.”
Shinya’s obvious teasing was cut off as the taller villain gave a rather loud yell of exasperation and flipped them both over, turning the tables with Shinya’s head now pressed to the floor and a dagger held to his throat.
“You betrayed the right to call me by that name.” Tsunagu said, his voice dripping with a venomous tone and his sea green eyes burning holes through his conscience. “Shut the fuck up.”
Shinya licked the blood from his lip where the other’s head had hit his nose when switching places. His mask had been ripped off by Tsunagu’s quirk and flung to the other side of the room. Usually he’d get defensive over this, but they’d seen each other unmasked plenty of times, this was fine.
“Or what?” He teased further. He enjoyed pushing his buttons, it was entertaining to watch a madman go feral… and slightly attractive- though, he’d hate to admit that.
His thoughts were interrupted by the other lifting him by the neck of his shirt and bringing their faces so close they could feel each other’s heavy breathing. 
“I’ll cut that impudent tongue right out of your annoyingly smart mouth!” Tsunagu hissed, his quirk causing his shirt sleeves to unravel slightly.
Shinya chuckled, earning another pissed off growl from the other. “Oh be my guest, I’m sure you’ll find a better use for it anyway~”
He stuck his tongue out playfully and laughed as the murderous marionette’s first instinct was to chomp at it in anger. “Whoa- like that? How unhygienic-”
“OH YOU LITTLE FUCKER I COULD JUST-” Tsunagu exclaimed, pulling him even closer and stopping abruptly as his eyes faltered momentarily. “I could just……I could-”
Green eyes flitted across the smaller figures face, and softened with a mixture of restraint and temptation. Shinya could feel his gaze hit his lips and the warmth from Tsunagu’s face as his cheeks dusted pink.
“You could just… what?” Shinya muttered softly, trying not to break the sudden shift in mood that made him feel all warm and fuzzy.
They were… so close.
“I… I- I…want…” Tsunagu’s words completely faltered as the heat spread across his face and his grip loosened, his usually bold and loud and emotional mannerisms faded away to show the truly nervous wreck underneath and their faces got closer.
It had been so long- years- since Shinya had last seen Tsunagu like this, and the last time was… well, it was that night. The night he left him all alone at a “dinner meeting” that was truly almost a date… he had forgotten how… nice… it was, to see him like this.
“What…” Shinya murmured, the other’s breath tickling across his lips as they almost touched. “What do……you…want?”
Tsunagu’s breathing grew shallower as he forgot how to talk and slowly closed the gap between them, both trying not to rush as if doing so was the equivalent of stepping on a thin pane of glass and shattering it.
Shinya’s eyes almost closed as his face grew warmer and-
A loud crash and the sound of a bell marking 2am startled them both out of their moment and caused Tsunagu to practically launch into the air like a scared cat while Shinya clutched his chest and pretended he didn’t just give out the wimpiest little scream anyone’s ever heard.
“I- wh- you still haven’t got rid of that stupid fucking clock???” Shinya panted, scrambling to his feet and checking his pockets on instinct.
“Oh well I’m sorry, mr ‘part time assassin, part time interior designer’, I didn’t think it mattered so much what my own place has inside!!” Tsunagu shot back, brushing himself down and fixing his hair. He was averting his eyes in slight embarrassment for what had happened before the interruption.
Shinya rolled his eyes and took a step towards Tsunagu, before realising he was being forcefully held back and slowly pushed away by his quirk. “What are you-”
“Ahem, I think it is time you took your leave, assassin.” The puppeteer cleared his throat and coughed for exaggeration, giving a wave of his hand to open the doors and reveal that his sidekicks had been very obviously eavesdropping as they scuttled away.
Extending an arm to grab his mask and fitting it to his face rapidly, Shinya scoffed. “That eager to get rid of me, huh? How polite.”
“Yes well… I’ve got a tight schedule.” Tsunagu stated with a mocking smile, elegantly draping himself back over the chaise longue that he’d been lounging on when Shinya first arrived. “Don’t you also? Oh, I dont know, maybe with a client up north in a certain bigger city who paid a lot of money?” 
Shinya gritted his teeth and fought the urge to run and punch the smug bastard in that pretty little mouth of his. “Smartass.” He tutted and turned on his heel.
“Be a dear and close the door on your way out~” Tsunagu called out with a hidden laugh, pulling out another cigarette and using his quirk to summon one of the previous puppets severed arms to be fixed.
“Oh fuck you-” 
Before he got to the doors, Shinya snatched up the rather expensive looking bottle of whiskey that was sitting on the coffee table in the corner. “A little souvenir, thanks dear~”
“Oh you little prick!” Tsunagu yelled across the hall and threw a knife towards him, aiming perfectly for it to just skim past his head and land in the bookshelf.
Shinya very quickly stuck his finger up at the lanky annoyance as he left and slammed the doors shut, gliding through the long halls and running into the shadows of the surrounding buildings once he was out.
He smiled to himself as his silent footsteps hit the floor rapidly, making his way home.
“Well…” he chuckled, bottle still in hand, pulling out Tsunagu’s favourite lighter, pocket knife and set of keys from his pocket. It wouldn’t take long for him to notice what else was missing. Their next meet up would be quite soon.
“That went well.”
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rodolfoparras · 6 months
So yesterday marks the very first time I’ve posted a fic on here
I had written fics before but this was my first ever 18+ fic
Before I started writing for the cod fandom I had stuck to reading cod fics on ao3 specifically price pieces and I rmr one day wanting to read a fic where price teaches reader how to smoke cigars but I just knew there wasn’t an x male reader piece around so I decided to write it myself
I spent a month researching how to write smut trying to get a proper feel of price’s character and translate those very same traits into my own fic
And when I was completely done with it I almost didn’t post it but I did and I believe in one day I got 200 notes which was insane. I didn’t know how active people were on tumblr I really just wanted to create a price piece and do what I love which is writing
The next piece took 3 weeks before I posted it mostly because I was picking and poking at it but then I told myself you know if I’m going to be running a writing blog I have to write more often
So I pushed myself to write more often and back then I had just started to become fixated with price so I had plenty of ideas at hand
Slowly but surely I started to post more and more pieces and my blog started to grow. From April to maybe June month I had gotten two requests and maybe one ask where it was an anon who was just interested in talking to me and I rmr feeling over the moon about it
And then June month I started to grow rapidly like I really was there like whats going on 🧍🏻 i rmr the writers i looked up to became mutuals with me and i genuinely couldnt believe this was happening.
june- september i felt myself become more confident in my writing and i started to write like every 2-3 days and that’s when so many of you guys joined my blog and i rmr just being surprised that so many of you wanted to talk to me and that i went from one anonie to having a little council of yall
then november - February came around and that period is usually the worst for my mental l health but writing and having you guys show so much love not only for my work but also and it genuinely helped me so much
now its been a year of writing fics and im just really appreciative
also its so cool to be able to see how much ive grown how i went from spending a month on writing a fic to being able to produce pieces im actually proud of in the span of 3 days it's also fun to see how much knowledge ive gained by just writing like ill find myself reading pieces and im able to see minimal adjustment i can make that while make the scene flow whiles before id be questioning my grammar in every sentence
so what i want to say with this yapping is thank you guys and if youre someone who wants to get into ff writing pls do so
at first you'll feel like a weed in a garden but as times goes on you’ll realize how much you and your work has made the garden bloom🫶🏻
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mardytoast · 6 months
i thought you were referencing a song coming out from this band i know and i was like ?
but omg ask game!!
🍓how did you get into writing fanfiction🍓
omg this is serious loree. so ive been reading ff for a good few years and so do two of my irl friends (the only ppl who know i read ff in this day and age irl) and we were all in the harry potter fandom. then we were like, we should make our own JOKE fanfic, and we're were like planning it all out for fun w y/n and shit and then we actually wrote it😭 it has four chapters and it's on wattpad but it's the most insane cliché shit and probably the funniest thing I've ever done LMFAOO
and then months and months after that i tried to do my own little things but they were all terrible. but then jan 2023 i started like seriously writing. the first proper fic (multichap) i tried to do kinda crashed and burned and the other ones never made it past a few thousand words. the writing was good i just dk how to make a story😭 anyway then in september i wrote a full hp one shot even though im not in the fandom anymore?? tried to reform my multichap and wrote a few more chapters then was like wait, this still isn't working (for plot reasons).
writing is hard but rn im working on a clyde biography which is easy enough bc it's it's basically just all my head cannons❤️
🔪what's the weirdest topic you researched for a writing project 🔪
usa secret service LMFAO
i was writing this bodyguard x presidents daughter clybe fic and i was like.. is he even necessary??
turns out that yeah the american president has a stupid amount of guards for him AND his family and some of them live in the white house
i was basically js trying to figure out if a personal bodyguard was a reach
but that's been scrapped bc honestly it would've just been a rip off of an incredible bodyguard fic from another fandom that i read, but oh to dream
the first chapter actually bangs though i read it over a few months back and i was like damn who wrote thiss
im also considering on becoming a baby electrician bc i feel like electrician clyde x terribly built house bebe would be SO cute, but if need to know so much for it to work, thoughts?
☁️what made you choose your username☁️
basically there was an era where i was like oh i should probably get socials so i made an ao3, twitter, discord etc and i just picked two random words for each. for ao3 my first username was savage toes but i forgot abt it so i made a new acc
i picked mardytoast bc my friend, who knows i read ff has a cat called melba, and she was talking to me one time and she was like oh it's melba as in melba toast and i was like oh okayy
so when i was making my user i used that but obviously im not stealing her cats name so i chose some other word that started with m
and im actually not joking i literally created the word mardy scholars would say i COINED the phrase. like i remember i was just like okay mardy i guess. AND IN FEBRUARY I FIND OUT MARDY MEANS ANGRY GRUMPY MOODY?? like explains that arctic monkeys song but damn. so if anyone's wondering I DO NOT CLAIM THAT im just mardy with no meaning
and in september (?) i created this acc bc this writer i was going to beta read for wanted to be able to contact me outside of email so i really quickly made this and just used my ao3 username!
omg and whenever she sends me the doc with the chapter she titles it 'Mardy's Copy' and the first time I saw it i had this out of body feeling and i was like WOAH...i guess im mardy now
(and also our one on one channel in her discord server of betas was called mardy's seat like cutee)
so now me and my username have merged and i genuinely feel like my name is mardy😊
so mardy is the alias i use on all accounts where ppl i actually know don't follow me!!
send in more asks pls i love talking abt myself
the ask game is in my recent reblogs <333
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xxatinyminionxx · 3 years
Minion's Followers Survey (NSFW) #3 Results!!!
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I got a total of 115 responses this time.
As always, cut-off responses are below!
Q: Alright lets get this out of the way. What do you consider yourself?
- Hard dom but i have my rlly subby moments
Q: Your TXT/legal Enhypen bias wants you to suck his dick during a solo vlive. Would you do it?
- How can i say “HELL FUCKING YES FUCK ME RIGHT FUCKING NOW” without coming off too strong?
- Depends on how horny I am but ya know...need to please him…
- perhaps, but more likely not,shit to risky lol
Q: A legal Enhypen member thinks it would be funny if you two fucked to "Hey Tayo". What is your reaction?
- Depends on if i’m in a chaotic mood or not lmao
- Would die out of laughter but hell yeah i’m 100% in
- I’m down but laughing too hard to actually do it
Q: Are you a supporter of the hard dom!taehyun agenda?
- Yes but if he has feelings involved, he'll want to be hella soft and like make love with you from time to time... Especially if he's just stressed and thankful to have you there. It'll be soft sex for sure
Q: Which TXT member would you peg?
- not into pegging but if they really wanted me to then soobin.
- is "all of them" an option because i will go full writer mode on this little survey thingy and discuss in detail me pegging all of them — pengu
- Not into pegging. No butt stuff for either of us.
- None...I'm not confident enough to take the leads :')
Q: Which legal Enhypen member would you peg?
Q: Thoughts on threesomes?
- If the attention is well distributed I think yes, but if not I'm pretty sure I'd end up crying. ALSO I would love to be one of the people "in charge"? Just to make sure I don't cry at the end lmao (but imagine they finding out about this fear and trying to make you feel alright "subbing" during the threesome 🥺... to clarify, they'd be doms/switchs and you'd be a sub for the first time in a 3some))
Q: What if I was in that threesome?
- If there's chemistry, for sure! Although I'd be mindful that I'd need to look out for two young'uns rather than one
- I’m really only into mmf 3somes, but I’m down for fff
- I dunno 😂 i dont know you personally, a solid maybe 👍
Q: So how is No Nut November going?
- Definitely not doing this one lol, i cant deprive myself like that
- i never participate in first place cause ✨hormones✨
- Initially i decided that i was only avoiding reading smut so porn didn't count but um either way i failed
- i have been too sad to fail but i think that's gonna change 🥴
- No, I'm trying to have that as part of my self care ☺ fun fact: i didnt have my first proper O until i was 21 because I was disgusted by my own sexuality, feeling pressured to think about p*nis pretty much lmao. Im gonna turn 22 this month 😵 Ive missed out on so much omg. Im so glad I worked through the pressure of being straight
- Not participating because I get gassy and fart-play is reserved for my Beomgyu
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shiro-0197 · 4 years
Oh I see 😭😭 but that's so cool, you'll be a graduate by then!! Do you have a graduation party, or something like that? For when you graduate? Yes istg they have no chill whatsoever 😬 but I can't wait to go back and see my friends :) just the exam part that bothers me ugh.
you're right! And honestly, as long as you're enjoying yourself, it's worth every second. I wish you all the best, love.
you're right tho hhhh everyone is different 😣😣 what works for one may not work for another, but I think if you're earnest about it, no one is going to think you're a bad teacher. That'd be great. Tips on how to deal with people, and teach, right? If only there were classes on that xD
you're cuter than koalas tho💖💖💖🐨 and oh yes. I've taken to finding it on Twitter but it hasn't popped up. I hope it does.
Headbutt? He's so flustered ekdhwkkssk 😭😭😭💖 cute.
Omigosh yesss that's another thing you like. I can't believe I didn't write that alongside cheese haha >.< but ugh instant ramen is just wonderful. It's so spicy, but so wonderful!!
awww understandable. I low-key feel like skipping school on the days when I don't eat. But gotta go nonetheless. Or Angel might kill me. 😭😭 If I don't come without telling her, she calls me at 6.50 in the morning to find out why. Gotta love friends like that skhdksks 😭😭 but yeah!! I googled it yesterday and that came up somewhere on Google? Wait a sec, let me copy paste it: It consists of meat, rice, and fried vegetables placed in a pot which is flipped upside down when served, hence the name maqluba, which translates literally as "upside-down."
yasss nice :D pls do!! And oh skjdskjsk 😭😭 I wish we had some in common but I'm literally in none of those fandoms grrrr I've always been so bad at video games +_+ my old fandoms were mostly books (like the whole Percy Jackson series, and everything the author had written), Harry Potter, the mortal instruments, etc. Hamilton (the musical), and of course, Voltron, She-Ra, and Avatar (the last airbender. Not the blue people xD). I wish you luck if you do plan on catching up with them!! That's what I'm doing now, so I'm taking a break from anime >.< And don't worry! I'm sure you'll be able to relive your childhood and buy those video games soon. It might be fun to play them, when you couldn't as a kid.
Aww that sounds lovely I hope you had fun!! What'd you have??
yes it was well deserved. I didn't get much done today but I'm well rested for tomorrow. (Finished the latest season of money heist too. It's so good ughhhh) have you been sleeping okay tho?
The meeting went okay. I met with the other tutors and we decided on dates and times for us to hold our sessions. Mine's on the 14th, in the afternoon, after lunch, and I'll have 1 and a half hours to teach however I wish. I'm racking my brains for a lesson plan now, because I've never tutored people my age xD so I hope it'll be alright. that sounds so cool! Anything with anonymity in it is fun, in my opinion. I hope your classmates come up with some real cool stuff :D
and ah, Cookie you have my heart 😭I love you too.
— 😺💖
Yeah we do!! Though this year will probably be a class only party, if we even get to have a party XD yeah, my friends are really the best thing to get out of school. I wouldnt have any otherwise😭
Yeah!!! I'd really just rather die if I went to work as a cashier, or a waiter... not because the jobs are bad but because I have to speak? Say something? AND memorize the prices ????? No thanks. I'd get fired after the first hour😭 hmm, what about you?? What's your hell-no job?
Yeah!!! Literally the most important thing. To be honest, when I explain something, I sound like Hinata. "You know, it goes like this and that, and them whewww and woah and yeahhh you know?"
Yeah, it hurt like a bitch but seeing his red-ass face was the best reward I've ever gotten XD he stuttered!!!! Once, but he did, and that's worth more than a thousand compliments I think
Heheheh, how could you not remember?💔 Slkwkfkskx just kidding xD I can also add something else, for example soup dumplings. I love them so much you know?? Very much
It's nice to have friends like that ngl😭😭 sadly I'm that friend xD others are soooo irresponsible its embarrassing
Ohhh I see!! Makes sense, haha~ thanks!! I really need to start doing proper research.
That's so cool, to be honest. I've never been much of a bookworm... probably because we never could afford books so I was never really interested... so embarrassing😭💔 I actually really want to catch up on all those because I've seen them everywhere, so yeah, hopefully, I will😩
I did!!! I had a cheese sandwich (not surprising), and a strawberry milkshake. It was nice^^
Yeah, I've been sleeping alright! A little more than usual, which made me kinda more dehydrated, so I gotta drink more water~
Ohhh, good luck!! That's so cool tbh, I hope it goes well!! I'm sure itll go well, you can do it<33 I hope so as well, no one has done anything yet so yeah xDDD
I hope your day is going great!!! I really love youu🤍🤍🤍
Edit: I forgot about this wjjdkwkdk
I did it😼
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{Tag as Nathe pls?} Recently, ive been thinking about starving myself. My brain is in a dark place and i started looking into pro-ana stuff and i know its bad but theres this part of me that keeps telling me to follow it, and every time i go to eat i hear a voice loud and clear say “just fill up on water and be ashamed”. Im already diagnosed with Anxiety and Depression, and its been no secret people think i have body dysmorphia... could this be my way to cope with that or am i getting anorexic?
Hey there Nathe,
It sounds like that right now you have a lot going on for you! Are you receiving any help at the moment for your depression and anxiety? If so then maybe you could talk to your therapist or who you see about how you’re currently feeling in regards to your thoughts about wanting to starve yourself and looking into pro-ana stuff? I’m not a professional but it’s sounding like you may be suffering from an eating disorder of some kind and eating disorders can get so bad so quickly and so it’s important to talk to someone or get help before things escalate even more.
I’m sorry that you’re struggling so much right now but I want you to know that you’re just coping the best you can right now and I am so proud of you for reaching out to us, I know this wouldn’t have been easy to do at all so well done!
I myself have struggled with anorexia nervosa for a very long time but one thing that helped me at one point was keeping a diary. In this diary I would write down what I was going to eat and the negative thoughts/ voices that came with the anxiety of eating. I would then try my hardest to write down something positive, so for example I needed to eat to help refuel my body, or that I was worthy of food and eating. Could this be something that you could possibly give a go?
I know that your friends think that you might have body dysmorphia, but it’s really important that you get a proper professional diagnosis and not just one that your friends think you have. Even though your friends might know you really well and have good intentions to share with you their thoughts and what you are going through, friends can often be wrong. So if you’re not already getting professional help then I encourage you to do so, even if it’s only to get a proper diagnosis at first and then going from there when you feel ready. If you would like some information on getting help then please check out our page on getting help.
I really hope that this has been helpful. Just try to keep hanging in there the best yourself and look after yourself because you are what’s most important and you deserve to be loved and cared about no matter what may be going on for you right now. Also really think about getting help if you’re not already, even if it’s just contacting a counsellor from either a helpline or on web counselling for now.
Please know that I am thinking of you and hope that you’re going OK!
Take care,
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timextoxstart · 3 years
I sent that hours ago 😭 if I had to suffer, so so you <3 (why the fuck he drop his mouth like that when he winked in the 3rd blooDY WHORE)
Yes it was disguised, well I think it was, I never read the synopsis and was just going off the cute gifs going around lmao but it sounds reallyyyyy good from what my friend has been updating me on- a proper mindfuck. Omg yeah in the west you have to spoon feed the plot 😭
YEAH IDGI YOU SPEND MONEY TO TALK TO YOUR FAVE THEN FUCKING ASK THEM TO MEOW?!?! okay but did you see when Seonghwa voluntarily did it himself and when the fan didnt react he got embarrassed andndn
I need to marathon the whole franchise again at some point. The nun had potential, but so much of it was ?!?! BUT YEA THOSE SCENES!!! More memorable and felt more horror lol. Also random rec if you haven't seen but you should watch sinister. It's about a writer who buys a house where murders took place but the killings were done by some kind of evil entity so his family is next.
PLS THE GYMNASIUM ONE 🤢 Also the swimming pool still haunts me to this day
Omg not Hyunjae getting drunk :( reminding me of the fic 😓😔 but a vent fic would be so good from you 👀
- 💦
And i was asleep hours ago why are YOU still awake even amy's gone to sleep 😭😭😭😭 and yeah fuck that gifset idk WHY you felt the need to send it to me i never want to see that ever again
omg seonghwa is another breed of men on his own ill just let him dow whatever the fuck he wants he's my atz bias but like sometimes im embarrased by him 😭
The nun was stupid like it was a cliche plot the jumpscares were dumb and i was just kinda mad they got taissa farmiga and STILL fucekd it up djdjdjd also yes ive watched sinister! Omly the first one though, the second one i watched about 20 mins but it didnt stick :")
Wait are you still writing the fic???? I thought you're not gonna anymore 😭 also what is a vent fic and do i wanna know what that is TT
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bfknj · 7 years
tags masterpost (?)
I was tagged in a few tag games over the past few days and instead of posting them all separately I decided to just put them all on one! If I tagged you feel free to do any or all of these (including people who tagged me!!) As always, don’t feel any pressure to do any, I just think these are fun and wanted to share :)
- - - - 11 questions tag - - - -
Rules: 1. Make sure to post the rules!! 2. Answer the questions given to you by the tagger. 3. Write 11 questions of your own. 4. Tag 11 people
these questions are from @moonmyun !! michaela you had me stRUGGLIN OKAY YOUR QUESTIONS WERE HARD but ily still bless you for the tag you angel :”)
1 who is your bias group? why?
BANGTAN SONYEONDAN AKA MEME SQUAD !!!!!!! honestly they just make me so beyond happy wow holly nobody ever says that about their favs ur original a LOOOT of music is centered around love these days and not to say bts doesn’t do that with a lot of their music but they also tackle a lot of societal issues and I really respect them for that. From 21st century girls w politics, spring day mv and the ferry sinking, suicide in the I need u mv and many other things I feel like they take risks for the sake of portraying what they hold true to their hearts/morals not necessarily what will sell best and I can’t name many other groups who do that as well :( also my boys cute af I love those dweebs IM SO WHIPPED HAH
2 which kpop video do you find the most aesthetically pleasing?
this is hard :(( idk my number one but I really like seventeen hip hop unit’s check in, red velvet’s one of these nights, ladies code’s galaxy, kim lip of loona’s eclipse and crush’s fall ! they don't all match my aesthetic but I feel like they match the songs really well!!! watch them okay 3/5 of them are hELLA UNDERRATED bye
3 if you could instantly learn one choreography, what would you pick?
something by either gfriend or bts?? love whisper or not today or blood sweat tears?? OOOH or red flavor by rv!! tbh though I’m really skinny so my limbs look weird af with a lot of dances rip
4 who do you look up to as a role model (in the kpop community or not)?
there’s no person in particular that really sticks out but I will say I’ve always admired jungkook, and really all trainees for that matter, who leave their families to start training really young because its a process thats hard physically, emotionally and mentally for late teen/early twenties trainees but there’s sO many kids who enter in their pre-teens and idk how they survive also I realized this doesn’t answer your question at all I'm sorry its 1:28 AM I’m just waiting for the DNA mv to drop
5 whose concert would you go to if you could and why?
DAY6 DAY6 DAY6 DAY6 !!!!! THEY INVENTED LIVE SHOWS DONT FIGHT ME ON THIS or shoot maybe dean or crush or heize?? I LOVE TOO MANY TALENTED PEOPLE also I would say bts but although there are countless amazing beautiful armys there are def some crazy scary ones that are known to be horrible at concerts so
6 if you could pick one idol to be best friends with, who would it be and why?
OK YALL IVE THOUGHT ABOUT THIS A LOT IN MY DAILY LIFE SO S/H TO MICHAELA FOR ASKING ILY either boo seungkwan or ahn heeyeon!! I feel like hani would be so fun to have girl time with bc I feel like we’re really similar in some ways ?? IDK I LOVE HER bUT overall I’d say boo seungkwan because istg we are 100000000% the same person only he has a weenie ok just trust me I am boo and boo is me
7 would you want to be a part of a kpop group if you had the opportunity to be?
I’d absolutely love to be in the entertainment industry and I think the staging, costuming, group dynamics and publicity (variety shows, fan service/interations) in the kpop industry are all really cool but I honestly don't think I have the mental strength to do it lmao idols go through so much and I don’t think I could handle it regardless of how much I enjoy singing/dancing/performing etc.
8 what languages do you speak, and which do you want to learn?
english and some spanish??? I understand a lot because quite a bit of my family speaks it but my conversational skills have gone downhill recently because I haven’t had a lot of opportunities to practice :( with that said, I’d like to be fluent in spanish and - BEFORE YOU COME FOR ME READ IT ALL OK - I’d like to learn korean BECAUSE!!!!! when I was little before I moved I would go to a farmers market by my house and a lot of the older ladies there spoke korean and little holly though it sounded so pretty and I always wanted to chat w them ok THATS WHY I’m not a creepy koreaboo this has been a thing since before I even knew what a kpop was ok bye 
9 what song cheers you up when you’re sad?
fire by bts bc I get hella turnt to that song its a pROBLEM also jackpot by block b, baby/puss in boots by astro, chained up by vixx, not today/bst by bts, knock knock by twice, i think I love you by sonamoo THE LIST GOES ON I HAVE A WHOLE PLAYLIST OK
10 what things do you associate with your bias?
dimples!! pretty hands, closing one eye in selcas, ootds, happiness so cheesy ik sORRY, ryan, studying, awkward dancing, open mouth laughs, second hand embarrassment, sentimental rants
11 what’s your favourite thing to do in your free time?
cry over namjoon tbh I’m one of those people who is constantly listening to music so I’m always doing that and singing along regardless of if its free time or not HAH then I really like reading and catching up on my youtube subscriptions
my questions!
what is your dream job?
favorite book of all time?
what is your current fashion like and what is your dream fashion?
if your best friend was cloned, how would you know which one of the two was your best friend?
what song got you into kpop?
which idol do you think is most similar to you?
favorite kpop lyrics?
if given the opportunity to collaborate with any group/soloist of your choice, who would you choose and why?
what is your favorite physical and character trait of your ult?
which underrated groups/soloists do you believe deserve more recognition? any song recs?
do you read fanfics? if so, what are your favorites?
- - - - song title game - - - -
I was tagged by @kihani, your song choices were 12/10 
rules: spell you your url with kpop songs and tag ten people! (all of these happen to by song recs too so listen nd be happy friends)
mysterious - hello venus
i think i love you? - sonamoo (a fav ok listen pls)
life in color - beenzino
knock - knk 
jelly - hotshot
only u - daze
out of sorts - vixx
night rather than day - exid
she’s a baby - zico
- - - - get to know me tag! - - - -
1ST RULE: Tag 10 people you want to get to know better.
2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true. tagged by @sleepysugarmoon, thank you friend!! APPEARANCE: I am 5'7" or taller I wear glasses (or contact lenses) I have at least one tattoo I have at least one piercing I have blonde hair I have brown eyes I have short hair My abs are at least somewhat defined I have or have had braces PERSONALITY: I love meeting new people  People tell me that I’m funny   Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me I enjoy physical challenges I enjoy mental challenges I’m playfully rude with people I know well I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it ABILITY: I can sing well I can play an instrument  I can do over 30 pushups without stopping I’m a fast runner I can draw well I have a good memory I’m good at doing math in my head I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch I know how to throw a proper punch HOBBIES: I enjoy playing sports I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else I have learned a new song in the past week I work out at least once a week I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months I have drawn something in the past month Fandoms are my #1 passion  I do or have done martial arts EXPERIENCES: I have had my first kiss I have had alcohol I have scored the winning goal in a sports game I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting I have been at an overnight event I have been in a taxi I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year I have beaten a video game in one day I have visited another country I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts RELATIONSHIPS: I’m in a relationship I have a crush on a celebrity I have a crush on someone I know I have been in at least 3 relationships I have never been in a relationship I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them I get crushes easily I have had a crush on someone for over a year I have been in a relationship for at least a year I have had feelings for a friend MY LIFE: I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” I live close to my school My parents are still together I have at least one sibling I live in the United States There is snow right now where I live I have hung out with a friend in the past month I have a smartphone I have at least 15 CDs I share my room with someone RANDOM SHIT: I have breakdanced I have had a teacher with the last name that’s hard to pronounce I have dyed my hair I’m listening to one song on repeat right now I have punched someone in the past week I know someone who has gone to jail I have broken a bone I have eaten a waffle today I know what I want to do with my life I speak at least 2 languages I have made a new friend in the past year
tagging some mutuals bc ily and why do you even follow me I'm a wreck tbh OK i tag: @kihani, @21jd, @lapatronakim, @94seulqi, @gayoongi, @springdqy, @medina-kim, @15minss, @je0n, @cottontae, @taebaeul, @booty-baekery, @lalisl, @babekhyun, @voidpjm and anyone else who wants to try any or all of these!! 
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stew-chan · 7 years
Tagged by @genderfluidintake (I saw this this morning but forgot about it til like midnight lol)
1ST RULE: Tag people you would like to know better
2ND RULE: BOLD the statements that are true
I am 5'7" or taller (5′6 club )
I wear glasses
I have at least one tattoo (i wanna get em one day but im scared ;-;)
I have at least one piercing (same as above + and cant use at work)
I have blonde hair
I have brown eyes
I have short hair (compared to a lot of girls but almost a personal record)
My abs are at least somewhat defined
I have or have had braces (they sucked and my teeth r still meh)
I love meeting new people
People tell me that I’m funny (monotone +dry humor is good apparently)
Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me
I enjoy physical challenges
I enjoy mental challenges
I’m playfully rude with people I know well
I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it (lowkey, highkey, my dude, my guy)
There is something I would change about my personality (still need to stop at the personality store and buy one ive been procrastinating )
I can sing well
I can play an instrument
I can do over 30 pushups without stopping (30 is my limit lol)
I’m a fast runner
I can draw well
I have a good memory
I’m good at doing math in my head
I can hold my breath underwater for over  a minute
I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling
I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch (im a cook at work)
I know how to throw a proper punch
I enjoy playing sports
I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else (was in xc somehow)
I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else
I have learned a new song in the past week
I work out at least once a week
I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months
I have drawn something in the past month
I enjoy writing
I do or have done martial arts
I have had my first kiss
I have had alcohol (stuff sucks i feel cheated :v )
I have scored the winning goal in a sports game
I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting
I have been at an overnight event (senior lock-in!)
I have been in a taxi
I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year
I have beaten a video game in one day
I have visited another country
I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts (ive seen red 3 times but i havent listened to them in a while >.>)
I have a crush on a celebrity
I have a crush on someone I know (lowkey crush on everyone honestly)
I have been in at least 3 relationships
I have never been in a relationship
I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them (pls dont assume im a top it was one of those they wouldnt do it so i had to things)
I get crushes easily (online, literally never irl )
I have had a crush on someone for over a year
I have been in a relationship for at least a year
I have had feelings for a friend
I have at least one person I consider a “best friend”
I live close to my school
My parents are still together
I have at least one sibling
I live in the United States
There is snow right now where I live
I have hung out with a friend in the past month ( ;u; )
I have a smartphone
I have at least 15 CDs (do blanks/burned ones count? )
I share my room with someone
I have break danced
I know a person named Jamie
I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce
I have dyed my hair (i want to! but highschool wouldnt and work wont let me)
I’m listening to one song on repeat right now
I have punched someone in the past week
I know someone who has gone to jail
I have broken a bone
I have eaten a waffle today
I know what I want to do with my life
I speak at least 2 languages
I have made a new friend in the past year (i really only talk to 3 people but i think of all yall as friends ;u; )
I tag @g0thric @sacred-oath @chleborzoi @vozella @rubinsammler and anyone else that wants too!
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jennyquill · 8 years
some kara/lena headcannons + ramblings
ok this is just for me and for funsies ive got a lot of thoughts and not a lot of people to share them with but we might as well start somewhere. 
it’s really long fam
Who’s the cuddler: definitely both? kara really likes closeness in general and lena is an absolute sucker for cuddles and + homegirl’s probs really touched starved too so they probably have major cuddling sessions where nothing really happens they just want to be as close as possible to each other. i’ve also seen some headcannons where kara’s basically a human furnace and i can see lena getting *lovingly* frustrated at her girlfriend’s ridiculous body heat but also consider: lena luthor being a cuddle slut and absolutely adoring kara’s eternal warmth
Who’s the big spoon/little spoon: kara likes to default to big spoon but doesn’t mind when lena takes the reigns. they’re probably switch in this.
Fav. non sexual activity: this is a huge fanon thing and i totally am on the bandwagon for it: lazy sundays. just. an entire day where sluggish, hedonistic desires are met and they close themselves off to the world um yes pls this is very kara/lena. also music. i like the idea of them being well-read in the music world and just going to concerts ranging from mahler to andrew bird to nicki minaj and selena gomez and probably some other hipster bands. sharing each other’s spotify’s and sending each other youtube links of cool obscure bands they find. kara discovering someone’s bandcamp and lena anonymously donating to their page. lena loving the opera and introducing kara to verdi. lena having a guilty pleasure for 21 pilots or smth and kara being ???? ok let’s jam. i just really! love! music! and! kara/lena!! (omg kara teaching lena advanced music theory??? maybe lena was semi trained in her youth but never really went past building chords and one afternoon kara just takes her aside and teaches her part writing and its weird ass rules and lena catching on in an instant bc all music theory is an extension of math and logic. them writing songs together im???)
Who uses all the hot water: KARA her apartment may be big and spacious but that don’t mean her water heater is up to date
Most trivial thing they fight over: shoes. they’re like, a half shoe size a part even though lena’s smaller and maybe with certain styles kara can fit in some of lena’s nice loafers or lena lowkey uses this one specific pair of black heels of kara’s and this leads to the pettiest arguments of “those are my shoes and today is my day no you cannot wear them.” also kara accidentally putting things in hard to reach places bc she’s still getting used to living with someone who can’t just fly up to get the pans on top of the fridge.
Who does the most cleaning: they’re both pretty good at keeping things neat. lena’s not used to kara’s ‘throw this here and pick it up later’ system but they work things out. lena’s also really bad at keeping track of how fast her messes pile up and even though she always cleans after herself sometimes kara comes home and there’s just trails of paper and books and like five computers running and she’s like babe ur home office took over the house. also what’s that saying that really intelligent people are the messiest or smth? smth like “an empty desk is an empty brain” idk. i’m just thinking that even though lena presents herself nicely and clearly has a grip on herself just think about her home office being a small battlefield of stacks and files and prototypes. also lena with a messy closet is pretty believable like she may know how to match her clothes but that doesn’t necessarily mean her closet is in pristine condition idk i present to you: kara, organized closet by color and design and lena, these are my yoga pants and they’re hanging next to my 200$ suit
Who controls Netflix queue: kara is queen of netflix and all things to watch. lena doesn’t know how she manages to afford netflix and amazon prime at the same time but then again she also doesn’t know how kara affords her apartment in the first place.
Who calls the landlord when the heat doesn’t work: lena gets it done faster; kara doesn’t even notice the temperature has dropped 20 degrees until lena puts on her winter coat
Who leaves their stuff around: kara’s constantly dropping her clothes in the most random places bc supergirl reasons. lena finds her tights and button up in the bathroom at the beginning of the week and by the end of the week she’s found her shoes in the potted plant, her pants on the kitchen island, and various shirts smashed between things ranging from the stereo set to the fridge. lena’s one of those people who can always remember where they’ve left their stuff even if they’ve left it in a maze
Who remembers to buy the milk: kara’s shopping lists aren’t always practical but she does remember to buy the milk
Who remembers anniversaries: both. at the start of their relationship ena’s afraid to make it a big deal bc fear of rejection and commitment but kara rubs those fears away by being the most supportive girlfriend. also kara having her own reservations about commitment. kara knowing that relationships ask a lot out of people, that both have to work to make it happen. kara trying, despite her previous relationships to go forward and build something strong for lena and her. kara forging on, ignoring the demon in her head telling her that she can’t have it all, that she’ll never be able to find balance, that no one will truly take her for who she is. lena recognizing and soothing these fears, destroying these fears by staying steadfastly by kara’s side and saying fuck it and falling hard and fast for the girl of steel. lena being a dramatic gay and showering kara with expensive gifts and bringing her as her date to exclusive parties. kara bringing lena gifts from the sea and pretty rocks from mountains that humans can’t climb, kara finding the quiet corners of the world and bringing lena there and they build their world from each other’s strength and their secrets bonding them and told through trust. lena and kara in love and a super and a luthor defying the odds because they can and because they will.
Who cooks normally: i love the headcannons of kara being the cook bc hello it’s kara and this girl’s first love on earth (besides alex) was probably food. but i also like the idea of them both being hopeless in the kitchen? like. imagine them both trying to save money and taking cooking classes or watching baking videos online. going to the library and trying out a different recipe each week. lena making a pinterest of all the breakfast items she wants to try on lazy sundays. together, learning how to cook and messing up and getting distracted by each other so their meals turn out just a little bit burnt. kara trying to make homemade icecream. kara eating half the ingredients before lena has a chance to put the roast in the oven. them making thanksgiving dinner and it’s kind of horrible but mostly alright and eliza makes them promise to let her help them out for christmas dinner. kara and lena slowly learning to cook and turning out to be kitchen moms with a wicked way with the cookbook.
How often they fight: god just they can either have the best arguments or the worst ones. they’re both really good communicators though and they’re respectful and sure things get heated and complicated but they live by the “don’t go to bed angry” rule and it really helps. lena can close herself off, be a little dramatic, maybe be a bit reckless when it comes to her self care and kara’s got a huge heart but she’s also terribly headstrong and sometimes their respective stubbornness blinds them. kara can be extra and make rash decisions. but at the end of the day they talk things through and their similar backgrounds help them reach understandings.
What they do when they’re away from each other: kara can visit lena wherever she is in the world but she’s also got her own job and while she’d gladly visit lena everynight lena knows better than to ask her to, knows that space can be good. if lena’s gone for extended periods of time they’ll arrange call times and kara visits when she can so long distance isn’t a main concern between the two of them. supergirl duties take kara away at really random and sometimes inopportune times but lena’s a patient soul and kara always makes sure she’s communicating to lena, making lena a priority but also lena knows that supergirl is The priority and she loves her hero girlfriend. also distance makes the heart grow fonder so imagine maybe their busy schedules overlapping and them not being able to be together for two weeks to a month and both are just going crazy like. kara wanting to rush off to her girlfriend every chance that she gets but lena’s on the other side of the world and up to her neck in corporate shenanigans so when they finally are able to orbit each other again it’s like a supernova and it’s handsy and desperate but also really nice and they just kinda hold each other for awhile and take their time regrouping after the initial homecoming. also kara/lena + reunion sex. bonus points if the next day is a lazy sunday.
Nicknames: idk? i don’t really see them having nicknames unless it’s the teasing miss luthor/miss danvers. they have pet names tho. lots of babes and darlings and sweethearts.
Who is most likely to pay for dinner: lena.
Who steals the covers at night: kara likes the comfort of being in buried in covers even though she really doesn't need them. lena’s a sheet goblin and probably lowkey hogs the bed. not the kara minds bc that girl sleeps like a log in one place.
What they would get each other for gifts: kinda already answered this but also wanted to add that idk where i saw this and i wish i could find it and link it but i read a really good one somewhere where somebody was like “lena gets kara lingerie and it’s an experience” and um yes??? if someone knows what this is pls tell me and i’ll link it/give proper credit im sorry. also! kara getting lena really practical things or gifts from around the world. lena going full out billionaire baby on kara and just the two of them being high end fashion, high end living, high end everything. but also enjoying the other spectrum of comfort and maybe for kara’s birthday they go on a road trip and stay in crappy motels and eat greasy diner food and have the quintessential american experience and it’s cathartic and slow and totally theirs.
Who kissed who first: i love the idea of kara making the first move and a surprised but delighted lena being like yesss.
Who makes the first move: kara’s the one to make all the first moves i’ve decided this. lena’s always just a lil hesitant, always thinking in strategies and kara’s the one to be like ok let’s do this when and where do we meet and they just progress from there.
Who remembers things: lena’s google calendar gives onlookers heart attacks on the spot. kara balances her duties pretty well but sometimes she can slip up and something will go over her head but she’s always responsive and owns up to her actions. they remember big days and lena’s always the one to follow up on dates or plans and kara’s the one that reminds lena to eat or rest or just take some time to herself.
Who started the relationship: their lunch dates turn to dinner dates that turn to hang out sessions until they’re three months down the road in a muddle of uncharted intimacy and one day alex goes “hey where’s ur gf” and kara’s like ??? oh lena. oh. well she’s probably running late bc i know she had a meeting or smth. and alex is like. ah. and kara’s like. ah? and alex is like “u didn’t question that lena’s ur gf? gay.” and kara’s like “omg” and then shenanigans ensue and long story short they’re dating.
Who curses more: lena luthor is a very attractive curser and kara doesn’t know what to do with this information. also. kara cursing in high stress situations or when something takes her by surprise. bed cursing. also kara whispering ‘fuck’ bc of smth and lena doing the side eye emoji.
What they would do if the other was hurt: lena’s become accustomed to seeing supergirl get whipped around on the tv screen but her heart rate still speeds up everytime kara gets hurt. they learn to trust one another and just build this really lovely relationship where the worst has already happened to them so they know that together they can get through anything. lena staying by kara in her sunbed. lena taking care of her helpless gf when her powers blow out. lena being a shoulder to cry on, lena understanding when kara needs someone to understand what kara doesn’t understand. kara doing the same for lena. kara protecting lena to her last breath. kara defending lena until her voice is hoarse. kara bringing lena food. them giving each other backrubs out of comfort or out of need. both of them being just as protective as the other with just as much concern and love and care and tenderness.
Who is the dirty talker: im blushin thinking about this. lena being the vocal one but also kara being really responsive to her? yes. someone fic this. someone probably already did.
Any headcanons? i’m really into kara and lena going to galas/parties and dressing up idk it’s just the aesthetic that gets me. also the music headcannon. i want kara who sings around her apartment or whenever she’s comfortable or when she’s doing work just singing all these songs and some lena recognizes and others are hymn songs from krypton or songs from her childhood. kara being a theatre nerd and geeking out to lena and lena lowkey understanding all of kara’s references. lena knowing piano and kara knowing like twelve different instruments. idk where that huge “kara loves music and learns to control her powers through it” post is but yeah im all for this mmhmm.
i’d also like to add: cello player kara. strings are a hard discipline to learn and you have to have the right amount of pressure and speed to pull the sound out of these types of instruments. also, the cello is low and kara would probably have perfect intonation with the low rumble of the strings, the orchestra, and her super hearing. kara having an extensive knowledge of baroque music and string quartets and being a nerd and analyzing bach chorales. also choir kid kara! being a voice within many and listening to the counterpoint and changing harmony. kara danvers, not a sports kid in high school, but a fine arts kid. going silly and goofy in the drama club, painting in the art club, being in two orchestras and a band on the side. trying out the glee club (ha) and being put in the top choir bc she’s strangely and inexplicably fast at learning the languages and parts. kara forming her own string quartet with her buddies. kara being in the pep band. KARA BEING IN THE MARCHING BAND. DORKY KARA WITH GLASSES AND A HUGE TROMBONE. MAYBE A TRUMPET IDK. OMG KARA DANVERS, BASSOON PLAYER EXTRAORDINAIRE. kara slaying it at karaoke so hard that she’s not allowed back until she learns that karaoke is for fuNSIES and not for taLENTED PEOple kar a stoppppPPP. kara being That Kid that makes all the statewide festivals and competitions. kara not being in it for the glory but for the discipline, the physical balance and strain it takes her to master her craft and this makes her stand out but not in a bad way but in an inspiring way. kara rising to the top bc she practices for herself, because music is an escape like it is for a lot of kids, but especially for her.
also: kara applying her music theory knowledge from krypton to western styles of music???? im??? is it like atonal music or do they have notes that the human ear can’t pick up? what are the scales like/modes?? i don’t read the comics and i have no knowledge on the superman lore but if someone knows pleaSE SHARE. kara likes atonal music bc it’s fun to follow. kara missing krypton’s instruments and subconsciously choosing her earth instruments based on what she remembers from krypton, what feels familiar. kara liking certain pop songs on the radio because the modes are similar to a hymn she heard when she was little. kara getting lost in the dazzle of theatre bc the storylines about going home and finding one’s true self hit something deep within her. kara and music. kara and the fine arts, finding a different type of strength.
also one last thing for all you music nerds out there: don’t think about how ungodly fast she’d be at part writing and finding errors. or how she’d ace all the aural skills parts of theory exams. kara gets a music minor in college in theory and composition and it’s a breeze ok ok im done this was too much fun omg.
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learnislam-li · 7 years
"TERM 1" 'Weekly Test for WEEK 8'
"TERM 1" 'Weekly Test for WEEK 8'
 Rules: -
First & foremost Remember we are doing this for The Sake of Allah so keeping Him as the Witness answer the Qs without going back to the Notes.
Please send your answers to [email protected]
For sisters who do not want to send in emails please send me your answers in the Inbox of my id 'Learn Islam', following is the link…http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1156976901 but PLEASE don’t just inbox because its easier, who ever doesn’t have an issue for the privacy of the email try to send it on email i.e. [email protected] it will be easier for me InshaAllah. Inbox only for the sisters who don’t want to share their ids pls.
You have 24 hours to submit your answers. If in case you are busy and are not able thn please just send in a one liner informing us so that we atleast know that next time InshaAllah U will be around. Also for genuine cases extensions might be given on time to submit the answers.
Please write the full name on top of the answer sheet.
For Brothers & Sisters who are weak in English please still try there will be no marks deducted for Sentences framed incorrectly, spellings etc etc
I will InshaAllah send in the results to the personal emails. And only display the top 10 Students of the week on the page. So there will be nothing to be shy of to try InshaAllah.
'Marks 50
40 + 10 (Test paper + activity on the page)
11 Questions & 1 Bonus Question.
Time limit: Sunday Midnight (Your local time)
Time needed to write: 2hrs. 
1. Allah called Prophet S.A.W. ____________________ (1 Mark) 
a) His associate.
b) His inspiration.
c) An ‘Abd (Servant)
d) His noor. 
2. Why Praise (of Allah) was mentioned First? (1 Mark) 
3. What is the meaning of As-Sirat Al-Mustakhim? (2 Marks) 
4. What are the 10 contradicting aspects of Islam ? (10 Marks) 
5. Write one of the opening Supplications. (Supplication to be recited at the beginning of the Salaat after Takbeer).  (2 Marks) 
6. Write the Second Tashahud. (At-Tahiyyat & Durood Ibrahim) (8 Marks) 
7. The person raises up the head from the first prostration saying "ALLAHU AKBAR", and sits up resting on the left foot keeping it _______________________ while keeping the right foot __________ with the toes of the right foot firmed on the ground. While in this position, both palms are to be placed on the knees/thighs and the person recites the following supplication:________________________________. (1+1+1=3 marks) 
8. Prophet S.A.W. said, “Adjust your prostration, keep straight in it and _________________ as dogs do” (1 Mark) 
9. Enlist any 3 Sunan each for while Standing, in Rukoo and in Sajood. (Apart from the Duas) (3 marks) 
10. Choose the correct Answer: - (1/2 x 4 = 2 Marks)
i) After Takbir al Ihram Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم used to recite
a) اللهُ أَكْبَـرُ كَبـيرا ، اللهُ أَكْبَـرُ كَبـيرا ، اللهُ أَكْبَـرُ كَبـيرا ، وَالْحَـمْدُ للهِ كَثـيرا ، وَالْحَـمْدُ للهِ كَثـيرا ، وَالْحَـمْدُ للهِ كَثـيرا ، وَسُبْـحانَ اللهِ بكْـرَةً وَأَصيـلا . ( ثَلاثاً )أَعـوذُ بِاللهِ مِنَ الشَّـيْطانِ مِنْ نَفْخِـهِ وَنَفْـثِهِ وَهَمْـزِه .  Allahu akbaru kabeera, Allahu akbaru kabeera, Allahu akbaru kabeera, walhamdu lillahi katheera, walhamdu lillahi katheera, walhamdu lillahi katheera, wasubhanal-lahi bukratan wa-aseela.
b) حَمْـداً كَثـيراً طَيِّـباً مُـبارَكاً فيه .Hamdan katheeran tayyiban mubarakan feeh.
c) أَسْـتَغْفِرُ الله Astaghfirul-lah
d) None of the above. 
ii)  لا إلهَ إلاّ اللّهُ وحدَهُ لا شريكَ لهُ، لهُ المُـلْكُ ولهُ الحَمْد، وهوَ على كلّ شَيءٍ قَدير La ilaha illal-lahu wahdahu la shareeka lah, lahul-mulku walahul-hamd, wahuwa AAala kulli shayin qadeer
a)      Dua after Takbir Ihraam
b)      Dua after Tashaahud
c)      Dua during Adhkaar after Salah.
d)     None of the above. 
iii) اللّهُـمَّ إِنِّـي أَعـوذُ بِكَ مِـنْ عَذابِ القَـبْر، وَمِـنْ عَذابِ جَهَـنَّم، وَمِـنْ فِتْـنَةِ  المَحْـيا وَالمَمـات، وَمِـنْ شَـرِّ فِتْـنَةِ  المَسيحِ الدَّجّال . Allahumma innee aAAoothu bika min AAathabil-qabr, wamin AAathabi jahannam, wamin fitnatil-mahya walmamat, wamin shari fitnatil-maseehid-dajjal.
a)      Dua after Takbir Ihraam
b)      Dua after Tashaahud
c)      Dua during Adhkaar after Salah.
d)     None of the above. 
iv) اللّهُـمَّ أَعِـنِّي عَلـى ذِك��ـرِكَ وَشُكْـرِك ، وَحُسْـنِ عِبـادَتِـك .Allahumma a’innee ‘ala thikrik, washukrik, wahusni ‘ibadatik.
a)      Dua after Takbir Ihraam
b)      Dua after Tashaahud
c)      Dua during Adhkaar after Salah.
d)     None of the above.
 11. True or False: - (1/2 x 4 = 2 Marks)
It is Sunnah to lie down and talk to your wife between the Adhaan & iqaamah of Fajr.
It is highly recommended to offer 4 Rakah sunnah before Jummah just as we do before Zuhr.
The Adhkaar after Salaah compensates for the mistakes done during it.
It is Sunnah to pray make the First Rakah longer than the 2nd.
12. Read the Passage on the Seerah of Prophet (S.A.W.) and answer the Questions given below.
In Rajab, the tenth year of the Prophethood, Abu Talib fell ill and passed away, six months after leaving the confinement at Ash-Sh‘ib. In another version, Abu Talib breathed his last in Ramadan, three days prior to the death of Khadijah (May Allah be pleased with her). On the authority of Al-Musaiyab, when Abu Talib was on the death bed, the Prophet (Peace be upon him) entered the room where he saw Abu Jahl and ‘Abdullah bin Abi Omaiyah. He requested his uncle:
“My uncle, you just make a profession that there is no true god but Allâh, and I will bear testimony before Allâh (of your being a believer)”.
Abu Jahl and ‘Abdullah bin Abi Omaiyah addressing him said: “Abu Talib, would you abandon the religion of ‘Abdul-Muttalib?” The Messenger of Allâh (Peace be upon him) constantly requested him (to accept his offer), and (on the other hand) was repeated the same statement (of Abu Jahl and ‘Abdullah bin Abi Omaiyah) — till Abu Talib gave his final decision and he stuck to the religion of ‘Abdul-Muttalib and refused to profess that there is no true god but Allâh. Upon this the Messenger of Allâh (Peace be upon him) remarked: “By Allâh, I will persistently beg pardon for you till I am forbidden to do so (by Allâh)”.
It was then that Allâh, the Magnificent and Glorious revealed this verse:“It is not (proper) for the Prophet and those who believe to ask Allâh’s forgiveness for theMushrikûn (polytheists, idolaters, pagans, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allâh) even though they be of kin, after it has become clear to them that they are the dwellers of the Fire (because they died in a state of disbelief).” [9:113]And it was said to the Messenger of Allâh (Peace be upon him):“Verily! You [O Muhammad (Peace be upon him) ] guide not whom you like.” [28:56]It goes without saying that Abu Talib was very much attached to Muhammad (Peace be upon him) . For forty years, Abu Talib had been the faithful friend — the prop of his childhood, the guardian of his youth and in later life a very tower of defence. The sacrifices to which Abu Talib exposed himself and his family for the sake of his nephew, while yet incredulous of his mission, stamp his character as singularly noble and unselfish. The Prophet (Peace be upon him) did his best to persuade his octogenarian uncle to make profession of the true faith, but he remained obdurate and stuck to the paganism of his forefathers, and thus could not achieve complete success. Al-‘Abbas bin ‘Abdul-Muttalib narrated that he said to the Prophet (Peace be upon him) “You have not been of any avail to your uncle (Abu Talib) (though) by Allâh, he used to protect you and get angry on your behalf.” The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: “He is in a shallow fire, and had it not been for me, he would have been at the bottom of the (Hell) Fire.”
Abu Sa‘id Al-Khudri narrated that he heard the Prophet (Peace be upon him) say, when the mention of his uncle was made, “I hope that my intercession may avail him, and he be placed in a shallow fire that rises up only to his heels.” 
Only two months after the death of his uncle, did the Messenger of Allâh (Peace be upon him) experience another great personal loss viz., the Mother of believers, his wife Khadijah passed away in Ramadan of the tenth year of his Prophethood, when she was sixty-five years old, and he was fifty. Khadijah was in fact a blessing of Allâh for the Prophet (Peace be upon him). She, for twenty-five years, shared with him the toils and trials of life, especially in the first ten years of his ministry of Prophethood. He deeply mourned over her death, and once he replied in an honest burst of tender emotions:
“She believed in me when none else did. She embraced Islam when people disbelieved me. And she helped and comforted me in her person and wealth when there was none else to lend me a helping hand. I had children from her only.”
Abu Hurairah reported that Gabriel came to Allâh’s Messenger (Peace be upon him) and said: “Allâh’s Messenger, lo, Khadijah is coming to you with a vessel of seasoned food or drink. When she comes to you, offer her greetings from her Lord, and give her glad tidings of a palace of jewels in Paradise where there is no noise and no toil.
”These two painful events took place within a short lapse of time and added a lot to his grief and suffering. The Makkans now openly declared their campaign of torture and oppression. The Prophet (Peace be upon him) lost all hope of bringing them back to the right path, so he set out for Al-Ta’if seeking a supportive atmosphere. But there too, he was disappointed and he sustained unbearable tortures and maltreatment that far outweighed his miserable situation in his native town.
His Companions were on equal footing subjected to unspeakable torture and unbearable oppression to such an extent that his closest friend, Abu Bakr, to escape pressure, fled out of Makkah and wanted to leave for Abyssinia (Ethiopia) if it were not for Ibn Ad-Daghanah who met him at Bark Al-Ghamad and managed to dissuade him from completing his journey of escape and brought him back under his protection.
The death of Abu Talib rendered the Prophet (Peace be upon him) vulnerable, and the polytheists availed them of that opportunity to give free rein to their hatred and highhandedness and to translate them in terms of oppression and physical tortures. Once an insolent Quraishite intercepted him and sprinkled sand on his head. When he arrived home, a daughter of his washed the sand away and wept. “Do not weep, my daughter. Allâh will verily protect your father.” The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said.
Rapid succession of misfortunes, led the Prophet (Peace be upon him) to call that period, ‘the year of grief and mourning’. Thenceforth, that year bore that appellation. 
HIS MARRIAGE TO SAWDA IN SHAWWAL, THE TENTH YEAR OF PROPHETHOOD:The death of Khadijah left the Prophet (Peace be upon him) lonely. The name of Sawdah was suggested to him for marriage which he accepted. This lady had suffered many hardships for the sake of Islam. She was an early convert to the Islamic Faith and it was by her persuasion that her husband had embraced Islam. On the second emigration to Abyssinia (Ethiopia), Sawdah had accompanied her husband As-Sakran bin ‘Amr. He died on their way back to Makkah leaving her in a terrible state of destitution. She was the first woman for the Prophet (Peace be upon him) to marry after the death of Khadijah. Some years later she granted her turn with the Prophet (Peace be upon him) to her co-wife, ‘Aishah. 
i)  How did Abu Talib’s death affect the Prophet (S.A.W)? (2 Marks) 
ii) Write briefly about the death of Khadijah R.A. and the after effects 2 Marks) 
iii) Who did Prophet S.A.W. get married to in the same year? Write briefly about her (2 Marks)
 Bonus Q (This can be used as a replacement if any answer is not known or answered incorrectly): -
What are the number of Rakaa's for the 5 Obligatory Prayers ?
Enlist the the 5 Sunnahs from the Etiquette Class of Week 7 that you have practices during the week + Comments + Share the notes on your wall 10 Marks.
Read and understand the Meaning of one Surah 5 Marks.
Comment + Share all four notes on your wall 3 Marks.
None (0 Marks)
ALL THE BEST...JazakAllah Khair...As Salam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barkaatuhu :)
0 notes
bloodorangeriot · 7 years
i was tagged by @lancemcclainjpg​ for this thing like 4 months aaand ive been putting it off lol but here i go! :^) APPEARANCE:
I am 5′7″ or taller I wear glasses I have at least one tattoo I have at least one piercing I have blonde hair I have brown eyes I have short hair My abs are at least somewhat defined I have or have had braces There is something I would change about the way I look PERSONALITY: My Hogwarts house is: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin I am an introvert I like meeting new people sometimes People tell me that I’m funny I’m really not don’t hold me to it pls Helping close friends with their problems is a big priority for me I enjoy physical challenges it honestly depends I enjoy mental challenges am i awful at them? usually I’m playfully rude with people I know well I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it There is something I would change about my personality ABILITY: I can sing well I can play an instrument I can do over 30 pushups without stopping I’m a fast runner I can draw well I have a good memory I’m good at doing math in my head I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch I know how to throw a proper punch HOBBIES: I enjoy playing sports I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else I have learned a new song in the past week I work out at least once a week I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months I have drawn something in the past month twas a noodle I enjoy writing or i would if i did it ha Fandoms are my #1 passion I do or have done martial arts EXPERIENCES: I have had my first kiss I have had alcohol I have scored the winning goal in a sports game w/ my cousins,,, I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting I have been at an overnight event I have been in a taxi I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year I have beaten a video game in one day I have visited another country I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts RELATIONSHIP: I’m in a relationship ?? I have a celebrity crush   I have a crush on someone I know I have been in at least 3 relationships I have never been in a relationship   I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them twas awful I get crushes easily I have had a crush on someone for over a year I have been in a relationship for at least a year I have had feelings for a friend MY LIFE: I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” I live close to my school My parents are still together I have at least one sibling I live in the United States There is snow right now where I live I have hung out with a friend outside of school in the past month I have a smartphone I have at least 15 CDs I share my room with someone RANDOM SHIT: I have breakdanced I know a person named Jamie I have had a teacher with a last name that’s hard to pronounce I have dyed my hair I’m listening to one song on repeat right now I have punched someone in the past week I know someone who has gone to jail I have broken a bone does a finger count,, I have eaten a waffle today I know what I want to do with my life (haha) I speak at least 2 languages fluently I have made a new friend in the past year
so yea im pretty lame but i guess i can punch? so that’s gr8
0 notes
thegeminisage · 7 years
i realized i had been typing up zelda blogging into notepad for like a week plus without posting, cause i didn’t wanna post everyday once i finished the main story? but then it got SUUUPER long. i waited for it to kinda taper down since now i’m mostly down to completionist stuff, and since it has, i’m gonna post it & just do small posts if i decide to blog abt anything else.
it feels rly weird not to zeldablog now
i ran into a blue? silver? lynel and got trapped fighting it on my way out of hyrule castle AND KILLED IT!! yay!!
also im going back to the mountain to check out that glow
i checked the shrine out next to it, since i was only activating them near the end and not DOING them
and they've gotten way more complex
now i understand when the monks commend your resourcefulness like before i was like, pls. that was way too easy. literally anyone could have done that
i went to the lake at night and it isn't glowing ): idgi did i see something else? does it only do that from a distance? on certain nights? i could see it from SO far away...
o my god theres a GOLF minigame the camera angles even do the thing
fucking fuck dinraal showed up WHILE I WAS PLAYING GOLF 
i MISSED him im so mad i couldnt fast travel away bc minigame!!!
WOW AND HERE COMES THE BLOOD MOON WHICH I WAS WAITING ON AT THE LAKE MOUNTAIN im so pissed i fuckin hate golf at this point its faster to finish than to run all the way back and quit :|
i finished golf but the blood moon just turned into?? a normal moon??
ah okay the glow is random and it's a rare mount!! thank god it wasn't just me losing my mind lol
haha i went to kill the shock arrow lynel just to see if i could and it only took like less than a minute with atk+ armor and decent weapons/shields
plus i'm just better at that special timing stuff now
figures it wouldn't happen til post-game
wtf another blood moon only a few nights later???
i read it was super glitchy but i never really realized until i was paying attention...
aww i bought a house!! maybe link and zelda can live there until the castle is restored YES THEY WILL BE MARRIED SOMEDAY
it's a cute quest i wish i had brought enough rupees to buy all the furniture in it
anyway like. it's super nice to have finally beaten this game's story?? i feel like now i don't have to Rush, i can stop and poke around and explore just like i want, tbh i kinda wish i had done it sooner
anyway im done for the night but i think i will rack up a bit more blogging before making a post i don't wanna be making one every day anymore
okay so im gonna wait for the blood moon at this shrine
ive been reading that its random and glitchy?? but had i never read any of that i would have been SURE it was just every full moon, like clockwork
so maybe i'm wrong or the internet is
anyway i have enough fire arrows and wood to camp for a full 10 nights, after which im bailing lol
only one way to find out
I CAN!!!!!
tonight's a halfmoon...if it's waxing then only 2 more nights, if the blood moon is the fullmoon
waning - 6 more nights :/
and who even knows if the blood moon is the full moon...
i've been reading so much and there's so much i was aching to do while trapped in bed that i don't know where to begin...! yet i am waiting at this dumb shrine, haha
i think i wanna to the terrytown quests? tarrytown? where you build a town, those sound so fun, but ofc i need rupees
three-quarters moon! pleeease letthe next one be a blood moon, i say for once in my life lol
oh no...full moon but no blood moon ):
ugh i do not WANT to camp here for a hundred years
i suppose with the nearby shrine i can get to it fairly quicky but not quickly enough for my liking...once the moon rises you only have literally like two minutes before it leaves
so i have to notice it, get out there, and get naked in less than 2 minutes, without warning :/
ok yeah no this is stupid i'll just do something else while i wait
ah, but what! this is what i was talking about earlier, where do you even BEGIN
i could go back and solve shrines, but puzzles are only fun for so long, i wanna explore and there's so much left to see
i could also rupee farm hahahaha
and for better or worse i do eventually wanna get all the korok seeds...
actually i think i wanna fight minibosses?? which is so weird but i feel like i can take em
i know the silver lynels will kick my ass from reading tvtropes but i can take the others!!!
i also read about the lon lon ranch ruins, which i either missed or didn't realize what they were...i don't have a clue as to where they are, but i wanna see them, i know i'll be Sad
omg people startle when i get close to them wearing dark link armor
oooh i was wondering what this big circular tower was...man i havent seen ANYTHING in hyrule field
apparently there are monsters inside...i see a blue lynel? silver lynel? who knows
but i fought one before, so maybe i can take it
i WAS wanting to fight stuff
camera says it's silver, tvtropes says silvers are harder than calamity ganon himself
but the ones that aren't red all look alike to me, so i have no idea which kind i fought in hyrule castle...and my sword had superpowers then
the problem is all these OTHER monsters...no way could i take them on all at once
so i gotta go around and pick them off first without being noticed if i can
omg i cant drop the master sword when electrocuted ahaha nice
oops i dropped a lizalfos down there with the lynel....lmao maybe i better just go fight him before i fuck up anything else
ah no it's coming back on its own. well done
ok, got em
man, wouldn't it be just my luck if the blood moon rose NOW
tbh if it did i would have to abandon this entire thing, which i would, reluctantly, just so i wouldn't have to wait anymore
ooh god he saw me i was hopin for a sneak attack ;w;
ok here we go i guess!!
i did it!!!!
it actually wasn't that bad, tho it got a bit dicey a couple of times
so much of this game is like, your buffs and armor and weapons, i've had harder fights against weaker foes just bc i wasn't properly equipped
but learning to dodge and use my shield a bit better certainly didn't hurt
tbh it looks like most of what i wanna do requires rupees, so i should go farm some i guess!
boring, but you know
apparently i was wrong about the music in goron city and the gerudo areas and they ARE the classic tunes...i just didn't hear it??
AAAAH the satori mountains are glowing!!
;w; i caught him
what a freaky-lookin boy
i wish i could keep him!!
jesus fuck the blood moon came up and i idled at the screen without looking, god, the ONE TIME
i bet i'll never make it in time but i gotta try
dark link armor will make me move a BIT faster at night for what its worth but i dont even think i have revali's gale ready jfc
thank god i made it with just a few seconds to spare
yikes its lightning af outside so im gonna quit for now
aww tarreytown looks so cute so far!! i wanna build it up ;u;
lol i hate when you know a guardian is nearby and can't find it even tho i can fight them now my heartrate is still so jacked up
god the tarreytown sidequests are so pleasant and relaxing like
i havent felt so calm playing this game since...i don't think ever
and like, they talk about the yiga clan and the monsters outside
and if i were a person with more time i would write the cute genfic about how tarreytown gets put under seige but their location makes that hard and they fight off the bad guys
it's always sunny there!!! no matter the weather elsewhere :')
also i finally did break the hylian shield cleaning out the guardian room on maze island and i got a replacement there......for3k, but still
anyway im finding all the chests from the shrines i missed and one is in the plateau ): my heart
like, i can't believe i used to think this mountain was massive, this plateau was massive. it's so small compared to everything else. and so lonely ;_;
like, i miss it, weirdly, but i miss the version that had the easy enemies and the old man and where when i looked outside of the walls it was all very misty and i couldn't even comprehend the true size of this world
so: nostalgia, i guess
jesus FUCKING christ i went out to see the ranch ruins with epona and i got attacked by a guardian, a yiga clan member, and two silver bokoblins on horseback
FINALLY fought them off, terrified the entire time something would happen to epona, and i got attacked by three stal moblins
fought THEM off and there's a stal bokoblin on a stalhorse! but i can't catch it or ride it because of all times, the blood moon is rising!! j e s u s c h r i s t
now i've gotta get on my horse and get the hell out of dodge before those things come back to hurt her
i was thinking of a nice relaxing-if-sad trip before bed but no i gotta come back on FOOT to kill these guys AGAIN and then bring her back during the DAY so we can properly look around
who KNEW this would be so awful, jesus
okay update i did get on the stalhorse bc i have about 30 seconds to snap a cool pic (no way i can ride it out to whatever stable i need for the quest...even if i could leave epona here, it's much too long of a trip) but fucking hell dude
FUCK i took too long it rose epona and i are STILL HERE LMAO (((:
i didn't know if i should get on epona and ride for it or teleport to the stable and then board her
i teleported and it looks like she's still safe bc they boardered her ;_;
i took her back out and gave her a bunch of apples ;____; my poor brave girl
lol as if that wasnt enough its about to start lightning
ugh i'm coming back tomorrow and cleaning that place out good and fucking proper
i'd kinda like to do it tonight but it's already so late and i don't feel well and it would take a long time and also be a bit stressful probably
at least now i know where to find lots of stalhorses lol
although if you think about it they're there bc a lot of horses died
aaaaand i'm sad again
(super mad i didn't get pics on my in-game camera of the horse, but the snapchat pic i snapped of dark link riding it under the blood moon was still pretty damn cool)
w o w
i kinda wish i had been able to bring epona, but i couldn't—it's so dangerous here
but after clearing it out and actually getting to look around, uh
this is brick-for-brick the most faithful recreation of oot's lon lon ranch
and i am SO sad
ugh i just had to restart an entire shrine bc i dropped my korok leaf at the last second bc i was trying to open all the chests and i had to go back and get my good spear that i had to drop to get the korok leaf in the first room...but i needed the korok leaf to get back to the end!!!!!
i hate the weapons system in this game sometimes i won't lie like sometimes it's really good and sometimes it drives me bonkers
oh my fucking god lmao
i can't even RESTART the shrine bc the leaf was in a CHEST which is now empty. holy shit
like, that is NONFUNCTIONAL
they should have had a tools section for leaves and axes and shit i swear to fuck bc i always drop korok leaves as soon as i can bc i don't ever use them to sail and i have so little room and there's so many weapons...jesus christ
i made a huuuuuge list of everything i need to fully upgrade all my armor. it took hours but i think i did the math wrong
remember when i said i was never going back to eventide? well here i am! i'm farming bokoblin guts/general monster drops lol and i knew there were a bunch here :|
but i'm better armed now! so it should be a cakewalk
even red hinoxes don't give me much trouble these days. we'll see
sniped the upper camp no problem with some pretty basic bows. don't know WHY i sniped it, i could have fought them...
haha just kidding. yes i do
time to fight the hinox, i suppose
tbh this is giving me trauma flashbacks lol
duuuude theres a lil star by this hinox's name!!
does that mean the game keeps track of which i kill.......awhile ago the fang and bone guy said he wanted me to kill every hinox and i'm like "fffft yeah right like the blood moon wouldn't come up halfway through each and every try"
but maybe that doesn't matter O:
now i can use stamps to only mark hinoxes i HAVENT killed............interesting
unfortunately i've also been stamping lynels, and i'd hate to take stamps off just bc i'd killed something...man
i wish i had more kinds of stamps and the ability to USE more stamps, geez
i could kill all four moldugas first and see what he did before deciding if it was Worth It
this doesn't make me feel like a badass and i'm not actually getting any great drops. i just have war flashbacks and feel slightly creeped out and anxious. so i'm leaving
holy fuck i finally got the rubber armor and duuuuude it really is shock proof! i got struck by lightning and it knocked me off my feet but only took a quarter of a heart!!!
guess i should make a list of taluses, hinoxes, and moldugas i KNOW ive killed :|
it won't be comprehensive but i wanna keep track of it, sigh
i'm trying to farm bokoblin guts but this one area is like all these high up bridges and platforms and they ALWAYS fall so every time i have to fly down and climb back up :|
this place was from one of the coolest parts of the trailer though i really like it
i thought foolishly to knock them all off and then go down and get them. of course they'd despawned by then </3
like tvtropes spoiled that for me i'll admit but im still cryin...hes so homesick!! he fulfilled a promise!!!! kass buddy i'm gonna clear those shrines for you ;_;
also update i get medals for killing all the things so ofc i gotta do that if i want 100%
i Dread the getting of the korok seeds i just dont know if i am Capable especially knowing there's no reward
like, i'm trying to get all the shrines done before i finish off the sidequests bc once i finish off the sidequests i am not gonna wanna play anymore, the story stuff and exploration stuff will mostly be over, my drive to keep going will drop dramatically, so like
gotta do the shrines first so i actually have time to WEAR the super cool armor i get
otherwise it would be sidequests, shrines, armor, but then no more playing lmao
(thats a lie i gotta wear other stuff until i can get this upgraded bc the stats are so low...but its BEAUTIFUL)
i did all the stables so why won’t kass come see his daughters? ;_;
oh ok i had to go get the cache
he finally knows it’s me!! furthermore zelink #confirmed thank u nintendo this is probably the most overt it’s ever been tbh
finally fully upgraded my armor & i never wanna see another dragon again
they kept failing to spawn where they were supposed to and the only one who spawns reliably/is easy to hit/doesn’t send scales flying 100000 miles away is farosh, naydra and dinraal are absolutely horrible, naydra in particular has nowhere you can fast-travel to, you have to fast-travel to a nearby shrine and then walk a good distance no matter where you drop in at. naydra was also the most finnicky about showing up when she was supposed to
at least i figured out i can use a flame sword instead of fire arrows to light campfires
getting honey was pretty easy there’s a fuckton next to those hinox brothers and acorns are kinda everywhere
the beetles were a little more tedious but once i put them on my sensor not too bad...the worst part was turning beedle down every time he wanted one because he does a LONG speech that is SUPER annoying after the 100th time and you’re just trying to buy arrows
anyway im gonna go test the defense
surprise! lynels and guardians can still kick my ass!
everything else seems to fly right off me tho so that’s something
it’s been ages since any hinox or talus was able to put up a fight against me
i’ve still only killed about half of each tho like :/ damn they are everywhere & there’s sooo many
i’m lowkey wondering if i will attempt to 100% this game like i do Not look forward to getting all those fucking korok seeds, at that point it is no longer fun, yk, and the reward is so stupid
also i saw a video about having to visit every major named place on the map as well
and both of those things obviously guarantee that you see EVERY INCH of this huge and exapansive and beautiful world, but i feel like if i forced myself to keep going and doing it i would learn to hate the game a little bit lmao. lowkey feel like that’s adding fake hours onto your game for something that stop being fun and turns into absolute tedium, but i guess i can understand wanting to give completionist players a reason to see EVERYTHING
we’ll just see how i feel - i still have quite a few sidequests left, and while i don’t wanna burn thru them too quickly (bc again, after they’re over my interest will drop dramatically) i also still wanna fight the minibosses and upgrade as much of my armor as i am able to
but like, who the fuck has time to farm 160ish star pieces...? not me my dude and that mmo-type drop rarity is like :/ i disapprove, that’s like...cheating. but anyway. we’ll see how far i get
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learnislam-li · 8 years
"TERM 1" Weekly Test for 'WEEK 8'
"TERM 1" Weekly Test for 'WEEK 8'
Rules: -
First & foremost Remember we are doing this for The Sake of Allah so keeping Him as the Witness answer the Qs without going back to the Notes.
Please send your answers to [email protected]
For sisters who do not want to send in emails please send me your answers in the Inbox of my id 'Learn Islam', following is the link…http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1156976901 but PLEASE don’t just inbox because its easier, who ever doesn’t have an issue for the privacy of the email try to send it on email i.e. [email protected] it will be easier for me InshaAllah. Inbox only for the sisters who don’t want to share their ids pls.
You have 24 hours to submit your answers. If in case you are busy and are not able thn please just send in a one liner informing us so that we atleast know that next time InshaAllah U will be around. Also for genuine cases extensions might be given on time to submit the answers.
Please write the full name on top of the answer sheet.
For Brothers & Sisters who are weak in English please still try there will be no marks deducted for Sentences framed incorrectly, spellings etc etc
I will InshaAllah send in the results to the personal emails. And only display the top 10 Students of the week on the page. So there will be nothing to be shy of to try InshaAllah.
Marks 50
40 + 10 (Test paper + activity on the page)
11 Questions & 1 Bonus Question.
Time limit: Friday Midnight (Your local time)
Time needed to write: 2hrs.
1. Allah called Prophet S.A.W. ____________________ (1 Mark)
a) His associate.
b) His inspiration.
c) An ‘Abd (Servant)
d) His noor.
2. Why Praise (of Allah) was mentioned First? (1 Mark)
3. What is the meaning of As-Sirat Al-Mustakhim? (2 Marks)
4. What are the 10 contradicting aspects of Islam ? (10 Marks)
5. Write one of the opening Supplications. (Supplication to be recited at the beginning of the Salaat after Takbeer).  (2 Marks)
6. Write the Second Tashahud. (At-Tahiyyat & Durood Ibrahim) (8 Marks)
7. The person raises up the head from the first prostration saying "ALLAHU AKBAR", and sits up resting on the left foot keeping it _______________________ while keeping the right foot __________ with the toes of the right foot firmed on the ground. While in this position, both palms are to be placed on the knees/thighs and the person recites the following supplication:
________________________________. (1+1+1=3 marks)
8. Prophet S.A.W. said, “Adjust your prostration, keep straight in it and _________________ as dogs do” (1 Mark)
9. Enlist any 3 Sunan each for while Standing, in Rukoo and in Sajood. (Apart from the Duas) (3 marks)
10. Choose the correct Answer: - (1/2 x 4 = 2 Marks)
i) After Takbir al Ihram Prophet صلى الله عليه وسلم used to recite
a) اللهُ أَكْبَـرُ كَبـيرا ، اللهُ أَكْبَـرُ كَبـيرا ، اللهُ أَكْبَـرُ كَبـيرا ، وَالْحَـمْدُ للهِ كَثـيرا ، وَالْحَـمْدُ للهِ كَثـيرا ، وَالْحَـمْدُ للهِ كَثـيرا ، وَسُبْـحانَ اللهِ بكْـرَةً وَأَصيـلا . ( ثَلاثاً )
أَعـوذُ بِاللهِ مِنَ الشَّـيْطانِ مِنْ نَفْخِـهِ وَنَفْـثِهِ وَهَمْـزِه .
Allahu akbaru kabeera, Allahu akbaru kabeera, Allahu akbaru kabeera, walhamdu lillahi katheera, walhamdu lillahi katheera, walhamdu lillahi katheera, wasubhanal-lahi bukratan wa-aseela.
b) حَمْـداً كَثـيراً طَيِّـباً مُـبارَكاً فيه .
Hamdan katheeran tayyiban mubarakan feeh.
c) أَسْـتَغْفِرُ الله
d) None of the above.
ii)  لا إلهَ إلاّ اللّهُ وحدَهُ لا شريكَ لهُ، لهُ المُـلْكُ ولهُ الحَمْد، وهوَ على كلّ شَيءٍ قَدير
La ilaha illal-lahu wahdahu la shareeka lah, lahul-mulku walahul-hamd, wahuwa AAala kulli shayin qadeer
a)      Dua after Takbir Ihraam
b)      Dua after Tashaahud
c)      Dua during Adhkaar after Salah.
d)     None of the above.
iii) اللّهُـمَّ إِنِّـي أَعـوذُ بِكَ مِـنْ عَذابِ القَـبْر، وَمِـنْ عَذابِ جَهَـنَّم، وَمِـنْ فِتْـنَةِ  المَحْـيا وَالمَمـات، وَمِـنْ شَـرِّ فِتْـنَةِ  المَسيحِ الدَّجّال .
Allahumma innee aAAoothu bika min AAathabil-qabr, wamin AAathabi jahannam, wamin fitnatil-mahya walmamat, wamin shari fitnatil-maseehid-dajjal.
a)      Dua after Takbir Ihraam
b)      Dua after Tashaahud
c)      Dua during Adhkaar after Salah.
d)     None of the above.
iv) اللّهُـمَّ أَعِـنِّي عَلـى ذِكْـرِكَ وَشُكْـرِك ، وَحُسْـنِ عِبـادَتِـك .
Allahumma a’innee ‘ala thikrik, washukrik, wahusni ‘ibadatik.
a)      Dua after Takbir Ihraam
b)      Dua after Tashaahud
c)      Dua during Adhkaar after Salah.
d)     None of the above.
11. True or False: - (1/2 x 4 = 2 Marks)
It is Sunnah to lie down and talk to your wife between the Adhaan & iqaamah of Fajr.
It is highly recommended to offer 4 Rakah sunnah before Jummah just as we do before Zuhr.
The Adhkaar after Salaah compensates for the mistakes done during it.
It is Sunnah to pray make the First Rakah longer than the 2nd.
12. Read the Passage on the Seerah of Prophet (S.A.W.) and answer the Questions given below.
In Rajab, the tenth year of the Prophethood, Abu Talib fell ill and passed away, six months after leaving the confinement at Ash-Sh‘ib. In another version, Abu Talib breathed his last in Ramadan, three days prior to the death of Khadijah (May Allah be pleased with her). On the authority of Al-Musaiyab, when Abu Talib was on the death bed, the Prophet (Peace be upon him) entered the room where he saw Abu Jahl and ‘Abdullah bin Abi Omaiyah. He requested his uncle:
“My uncle, you just make a profession that there is no true god but Allâh, and I will bear testimony before Allâh (of your being a believer)”.
Abu Jahl and ‘Abdullah bin Abi Omaiyah addressing him said: “Abu Talib, would you abandon the religion of ‘Abdul-Muttalib?” The Messenger of Allâh (Peace be upon him) constantly requested him (to accept his offer), and (on the other hand) was repeated the same statement (of Abu Jahl and ‘Abdullah bin Abi Omaiyah) — till Abu Talib gave his final decision and he stuck to the religion of ‘Abdul-Muttalib and refused to profess that there is no true god but Allâh. Upon this the Messenger of Allâh (Peace be upon him) remarked:
“By Allâh, I will persistently beg pardon for you till I am forbidden to do so (by Allâh)”.
It was then that Allâh, the Magnificent and Glorious revealed this verse:
“It is not (proper) for the Prophet and those who believe to ask Allâh’s forgiveness for theMushrikûn (polytheists, idolaters, pagans, disbelievers in the Oneness of Allâh) even though they be of kin, after it has become clear to them that they are the dwellers of the Fire (because they died in a state of disbelief).” [9:113]
And it was said to the Messenger of Allâh (Peace be upon him):
“Verily! You [O Muhammad (Peace be upon him) ] guide not whom you like.” [28:56]
It goes without saying that Abu Talib was very much attached to Muhammad (Peace be upon him) . For forty years, Abu Talib had been the faithful friend — the prop of his childhood, the guardian of his youth and in later life a very tower of defence. The sacrifices to which Abu Talib exposed himself and his family for the sake of his nephew, while yet incredulous of his mission, stamp his character as singularly noble and unselfish. The Prophet (Peace be upon him) did his best to persuade his octogenarian uncle to make profession of the true faith, but he remained obdurate and stuck to the paganism of his forefathers, and thus could not achieve complete success. Al-‘Abbas bin ‘Abdul-Muttalib narrated that he said to the Prophet (Peace be upon him) “You have not been of any avail to your uncle (Abu Talib) (though) by Allâh, he used to protect you and get angry on your behalf.” The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said: “He is in a shallow fire, and had it not been for me, he would have been at the bottom of the (Hell) Fire.”
Abu Sa‘id Al-Khudri narrated that he heard the Prophet (Peace be upon him) say, when the mention of his uncle was made, “I hope that my intercession may avail him, and he be placed in a shallow fire that rises up only to his heels.”
Only two months after the death of his uncle, did the Messenger of Allâh (Peace be upon him) experience another great personal loss viz., the Mother of believers, his wife Khadijah passed away in Ramadan of the tenth year of his Prophethood, when she was sixty-five years old, and he was fifty. Khadijah was in fact a blessing of Allâh for the Prophet (Peace be upon him). She, for twenty-five years, shared with him the toils and trials of life, especially in the first ten years of his ministry of Prophethood. He deeply mourned over her death, and once he replied in an honest burst of tender emotions:
“She believed in me when none else did. She embraced Islam when people disbelieved me. And she helped and comforted me in her person and wealth when there was none else to lend me a helping hand. I had children from her only.”
Abu Hurairah reported that Gabriel came to Allâh’s Messenger (Peace be upon him) and said: “Allâh’s Messenger, lo, Khadijah is coming to you with a vessel of seasoned food or drink. When she comes to you, offer her greetings from her Lord, and give her glad tidings of a palace of jewels in Paradise where there is no noise and no toil.”
These two painful events took place within a short lapse of time and added a lot to his grief and suffering. The Makkans now openly declared their campaign of torture and oppression. The Prophet (Peace be upon him) lost all hope of bringing them back to the right path, so he set out for Al-Ta’if seeking a supportive atmosphere. But there too, he was disappointed and he sustained unbearable tortures and maltreatment that far outweighed his miserable situation in his native town.
His Companions were on equal footing subjected to unspeakable torture and unbearable oppression to such an extent that his closest friend, Abu Bakr, to escape pressure, fled out of Makkah and wanted to leave for Abyssinia (Ethiopia) if it were not for Ibn Ad-Daghanah who met him at Bark Al-Ghamad and managed to dissuade him from completing his journey of escape and brought him back under his protection.
The death of Abu Talib rendered the Prophet (Peace be upon him) vulnerable, and the polytheists availed them of that opportunity to give free rein to their hatred and highhandedness and to translate them in terms of oppression and physical tortures. Once an insolent Quraishite intercepted him and sprinkled sand on his head. When he arrived home, a daughter of his washed the sand away and wept. “Do not weep, my daughter. Allâh will verily protect your father.” The Prophet (Peace be upon him) said.
Rapid succession of misfortunes, led the Prophet (Peace be upon him) to call that period, ‘the year of grief and mourning’. Thenceforth, that year bore that appellation.
The death of Khadijah left the Prophet (Peace be upon him) lonely. The name of Sawdah was suggested to him for marriage which he accepted. This lady had suffered many hardships for the sake of Islam. She was an early convert to the Islamic Faith and it was by her persuasion that her husband had embraced Islam. On the second emigration to Abyssinia (Ethiopia), Sawdah had accompanied her husband As-Sakran bin ‘Amr. He died on their way back to Makkah leaving her in a terrible state of destitution. She was the first woman for the Prophet (Peace be upon him) to marry after the death of Khadijah. Some years later she granted her turn with the Prophet (Peace be upon him) to her co-wife, ‘Aishah.
i)  How did Abu Talib’s death affect the Prophet (S.A.W)? (2 Marks)
ii) Write briefly about the death of Khadijah R.A. and the after effects (2 Marks)
iii) Who did Prophet S.A.W. get married to in the same year? Write briefly about her (2 Marks)
Bonus Q (This can be used as a replacement if any answer is not known or answered incorrectly): -
What are the number of Rakaa's for the 5 Obligatory Prayers ?
Enlist the the 5 Sunnahs from the Etiquette Class of Week 7 that you have practices during the week + Comments + Share the notes on your wall 10 Marks.
Read and understand the Meaning of one Surah 5 Marks.
Comment + Share all four notes on your wall 3 Marks.
None (0 Marks)
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Happy Learnin...JazakAllah Khair...As Salam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barakaatuhu :)
ALL THE BEST...JazakAllah Khair...As Salam Alaikum Wa Rahmatullaahi Wa Barkaatuhu :)
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