#i dont want to have to block the middleman but i really dont want them in MY space
arabaka · 5 months
eugh. my post found someone i rly don't like
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feuilletoniste · 4 years
Are you genuinely stupid? Being a pedophile online is dangerous bc fiction does affect reality and yall are constantly grooming children too. I dont want to hear that pedophilia is the same as being lgbt either bc it isnt being lgbt isnt inherently being attracted to people who have no ability to consent. You are really gross and if you really are a pedophile please seek out help...
This is like an example bingo card, lol.
Quick question for you, Anon -- if places like the AO3 are such bastions of CSEM, why has no one, and I do mean no one, ever done anything about it? Surely the FBI would want to take down such an incriminating site, right? If this content is soo harmful, why has nothing been done -- and, in fact, why would organizations dedicated to prosecuting actual predators continuously say that they don’t want to be sent examples or art or fiction? Riddle me that, okay? I’ll accept your answers on my desk next Monday.
“Being a pedophile online is dangerous”: It’s no more dangerous than being anyone else online, Anon. “Being a pedophile” does not predicate being a child molester, or someone who actively seeks out minors to groom and abuse; it simply means that you have an attraction. You might be conflating that word with someone who has pedophilic disorder, which is marked by uncontrollable impulses lasting longer than six months -- I’m not a medical professional, but this is easily accessible information if you bother to read it properly. Just because someone is attracted to a certain demographic does not mean they will ipso facto be a creep about it. Got it?
“bc fiction does affect reality”: Actually, I’m doubling down on my spitballing from a couple of days ago. Fiction is inherently neutral. It has the ability to influence people, who can then influence reality, but words on a page are not going to physically leap up and smack you, or rape you, or kill you, because that’s not possible. You’re removing the middleman here. Don’t do that, please. The cause of abuse is abusers, not whatever influenced them to abuse someone. That’s a typical justification tactic. We can certainly look into what influences might have contributed to the abuse -- in fact, I strongly encourage it -- but the influences themselves are not to blame for the actions of a person. Mind control isn’t real, and brainwashing doesn’t work like Hollywood thinks it does.
“and yall are constantly grooming children”: Constantly? Yowch. Don’t we ever take a break to sleep or eat or go to work? (NB, no clue who “yall” are, here.)
“I dont want to hear that pedophilia is the same as being lgbt either”: And that’s fine. If someone is saying that, I encourage you to unfollow and/or block them. Mute certain words, blacklist certain others; the tools of the Internet and social media are at your disposal, Anon.
“bc it isnt being lgbt isnt inherently being attracted to people who have no ability to consent”: I don’t think I ever argued that pedophilia should be included under the LGBT acronym -- in fact, I don’t much care for the LGBT acronym, myself. If I ever did draw a connection, it was probably to say that people draw that connection, quite frequently actually. You do know queer history, right? You do know what religious groups have been saying about us for ages, right?
“You are really gross and if you really are a pedophile please seek out help...”: I personally think I’ve made it abundantly clear that I am in no way shape or form interested in children, yet somehow this misconception abounds. It’s nice that you think I should get help, though. Here’s a bit of personal information for you, Anon -- I’ve been seeing a therapist, taking medications, and managing my of experiences since (probably) before you were born. Do you seriously think I would have gotten this far in life without any of those things? I mean, who do you think I am, a white man, or something? Sorry, neither!
I do always find it hilarious when these messages close with ad hominem. Do you think I’m going to take you more seriously because you called me gross and told me I need help? Honey, get real. I don’t care what you think about me, because I don’t know you, and you don’t know me. Don’t waste your time.
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