#i dont want to possibly spread ship negativity so i wanted to be clear with what i was going for
envcry2 · 4 months
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To that anon tbh Sharon I don't think is uniquely unpopular by fandom standards. Maybe by MCU standards but not fandom in gen standards. Or at least its not that weird that she is.
Ship wars and just being bitter that the ship that became canon wasn't your ship and throwing salt at that ship was just always a thing. Especially if the fandom for the non canon ship thought they had a shot of being canon. See any fandom with a love triangle in the story ever.
Now its more the norm to pretend that its something deep. That the other ship is morally repugnant and you aren't just being petty af. When Sharon was the most unpopular it was still kinda the norm to just be openly petty but justifying your saltiness was becoming more the norm. Hence you'd get arguments like Sharon was a no homo and Sharon was abusive. But also just people just actively shitting on her for no reason at all apart from the fact they didnt like her not even trying to justify it.
Which again is nothing all that new. What makes it stand out imo are a few reasons.
1. Social Media being integrated- before the social media spread for fandom ships would be more diverse. There would be communities for specific ships or fiction archives and it was easy to avoid ships you didn't like. Sure if your ship was involved in a major shipping war or people were talking trash about it you could still know but the exposure to the drama wasn't always inevitable. But now if fans of more popular ships occasionally shit on your far less popular ship even if its only like 5 percent of the fans of the more popular ship that outnumbers your entire fandom. So you get drowned out for amount of content and then when anyone looks for content for the unpopular ship they mostly get negativity and its very hard to avoid.
2. MCU being such a huge fandom. Not marvel comic characters specifically the MCU and Steve being kinda a fandom bycycle. There was a good chance if you were in this fandom you had a favorite Steve ship and if you were a MCU fan primarily not a comics fan ( which let's be honest many were during hieght of Sharon drama) then that ship probably wasn't Sharon. I know in general people like to say it was primarily Stucky and Steggy fans throwing shade. But that was mostly because those were two of the biggest ships with Steve. Other Steve shippers did too. It was just that there were just less of them so it seemed like it was just Stucky or Steggy. For a while it was just a thing to shit on Sharon for not just Stucky or Steggy fans but like it was a MCU fandom thing. And the reason for this is-
3. The lack of MCU Sharon and Steve x Sharon fans. There were a few comic Sharon and SteveSharon fans. But not MCU ones because Natasha and Peggy had taken alot of comic Sharons moments and character. It was really common to see arguments like oh I love comic Sharon but fuck MCU Sharon. Why she even exist?
Pretty much all canon ships got hate. But it imo was less because they still had quite a few fans it was less cool to shit on it you got more push back. And it didnt always reflect on the characters. BruceNat was incredibly unpopular but Bruce and Natasha didnt become incredibly unpopular as a result. Sure they had haters but theyd already been established and had fans of their own ( especially Natasha). While others happened early enough and got development so the relationship got fans like PepperTony. There was hate but there was more push back for shitting on them and more people spreading love for them so the negativity wasn't drowning out the good.
But MCU Sharon and MCU SteveSharon could more easily be treated as a universal dislike by the whole fandom. Even people who didnt really care about Steve ships would joke about SteveSharon being shitty. It was just like the thing to do.
This changed when calling out mysogny in fandom became more mainstream. However those 3 reasons especially 1 and 3 remain the same except for characters too not just ships. Its hard to avoid what you dont like in a fandom on websites like Tiktok Tumblr and Twitter ( especially Tiktok) . So if negative opinions of a character are popular it becomes harder to avoid.
And MCU Sharon is still not that popular due to how MCU handling her.
I cant even say its just a ship thing anymore the vitriol continues despite her not being in any ship nor is it indicated she will be with any major character in the future. And still so many people act like they will act like they will break into hives at just the prospect of her with Bucky or Sam.
Its not just a ew girl cooties thing these same people will love the idea of Bucky with Sams sister or Yelena or someone in the Dora Milaje. Sam doesn't even have that many popular ships it basically just Bucky rn but ive seen people who dont even like this ship just see it as a friendship and have no other ships for Sam but want him to have a love interest down the line turn up their noses at SharonSam.
I will say things are definetly better than the post CW era Sharon is less the MCU fandom punching bag though she still doesnt have that much love. However more people are critiquing the handling of her character instead of being frustrated at her existence. So while I do fully believe she more than any other character could become the fandom punching bag again i dont think it will be as bad as it was in the past.
Oh, it will never be as bad as it was in 2016. There was a Sharon RP blog that one day cleared out all the hate she got in her inbox. Absolutely wretched shit was sent to her, and you could feel the exhaustion in her clearing them out. And she posted it to remind everyone that hey, liking a character doesn't equal sending fucking death threats to a person.
But the problem is the shit that the character and the fans AND THE FUCKING ACTRESS got were not only seen by Marvel, they reacted in the worst way possible. They just justified fans' actions. So while it's not the worst it has been, jesus they could have done anything but that in response.
~Mod R
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A Dance in Water Part III
continued from this post:
The sky was alive with fire and death. Imperial ships cracked apart and broke, tumbling into the atmosphere. a whole cruiser, burning as it went down, flattened itself into the crust of this planet, crushing a few of the massive, dug in orbital guns that lined its mountain range as it did so. Now, the survivors of that crew fought a maddening defense of the ship, using its collapsed corridors and skeleton as cover not unlike one would defend a city, firing from small holes within the hull out into the army of Xenos forces defending this place.
They were called the Inkom, and their machine minds and bodies terrified the mechanicum, for they sensed that Inkom had committed the sin of artificial intelligence and infested their bodies and minds with artifice. All would need to be expunged completely, and quickly- their rapid expansion and strip mining reminded legion commanders of the Men of Iron too closely.
But the Inkom were mighty foes. And they were prepared.
the 2nd Star Rifles, 9th Saki Light, and a dozen other regiments were given a simple goal: reach the downed cruiser from the beach-head Imperial orbital command said existed, and push through the shallow floodplains, water clogged from orbital debris raising the sea levels, to relieve the ship crew, and organize a proper offensive. Astartes units were torn between three seperate planets, and Dorn had already requested the aid of two additional astartes Legions; The Ultramarines and Iron Hands. It was Dorn’s opinion that the planets be rendered unable to operate their orbital defenses, and that his legion should establish strong footholds upon every Inkom world in their primary capitol system, to allow for swift death once reinforcement arrived. There would be no reserves.
At least, there was not supposed to be.
Major Hall and the Colonel committed a minor act of treason. Instead of giving their entire forces over to the assault, Hall and the colonel volunteered nearly the entire regiment over to shipboard Marine Duty, to relieve Solar Auxillia units who were needed as elite forces on the world below. They did this without high command’s knowledge. Harlock was left to take objectives fit for his entire regiment, with just a company. With disgust, Harlock said nothing; his silence being an acceptance of the orders and condemnation of the spineless wretches both at once.
Sergeant Jacobus sat across from the captain in the landing transport, filled with other Centauri from the company.
“Its pig shit and we all know it sir, pardoning my language. They can’t do it. I know you’re a good loyal man and you have a situation, but this is suicide. Not even the bloody iron warriors would toss away a combat element like this. If you dont sir, I’m going to ring the bastards up on criminal charges. I want to see Dorn hang our major and the colonel. Hang the sons of bitches! I heard it was General Landis who let them. Maybe he should try out colonel again, see how it feels to be in the shit. I just-”
Harlock raised a hand.
“I know. But the emperor hands us these orders. We must obey. This is what I want us to do. As soon as we are knee deep in the water, order everyone to spread out. I’m going to drop the vehicles a bit ahead, and ideally after we’re all landed up. So as soon as we are ground side, the order is to advance, as fast as possible, to our transport drop sites. When they’re here, everyone mounts up. Then we gun it like hell to our first objective. Its the Inkom artillery array. If we rush that then maybe we can dart over to the ammo dump and blow it up.
“Do we even know if that is an ammo dump sir?”
Naval command has them moving transports to the artillery batteries constantly- its probably an ammo dump. And the order on that is, engage it at range, and blow it the hell up. Mortars, rockets, grenade launchers, whatever we can shoot at it from a distance with. i want to light that place up without any of my people inside. Nobody knows how big the blast will be once it detonates. If it has to be sabotaged interally, you’re leading the demo team, so make sure everyone tries to get it done the other way. Understood?
“Crystal clear, sir. Damnit I hate Major Hall. That Fat F-”
“FIVE MINUTES TO LAND, GROUND TROOPS, READY UP!” the pilots voice spoke up, silencing Jacobus.
Harlock saw the transport door drop. He stood up, bore his blade, and charged into the light and water.
Inkom forces were on the beach. Deployed in bizarre pyramid like bunkers, equipped with massive naval guns, and missile launchers, Harlock’s eyes widened as he saw what had to be nearly one third of his company die to coordinated alien anti air artillery laser fire. They exploded in orange firebursts that shone in his eyes.
“What in the feth is this?! WHAT IS THIS?” Harlock screamed, as his men were frozen in place, standing amid the water.
“Imperial Command is confused sir!” Harlock’s vox man replied.
The vox-man began speaking hurriedly into his headset as Harlock surveyed the battleground. The pyramid-bunkers, black and alien, arched fire out toward the imperial survivors.
“Feth it! Feth! Feth it all and follow me! Chaaarge!”
“For the emperor!” The soldiers of the company shouted, understanding such a basic command.
Harlock ran forward as men to either side were gouged from hostile laser rays.
Harlock’s bunker advanced closer, and closer. He could see the Inkom soldiers, equipped with bizarre alien plate, their long intricate looking rifles. Unknowable. Inhuman. Incomprehensible.
Perhaps the emperor himself saved him, perhaps a pilot decided to make his death meaningful, perhaps it was luck, but a large dropship crash-landed into the pyramid, flattening it as it splashed and crashed into the floodlands. A few soldiers jumped out before the engines and fuel exploded, before they too were shot by Inkom forces.
Harlock fell back from shock into the water, and pushed himself back up. Next to him, a man carrying the regimental standard from his squad jogged forward, stopping for a second beside Harlock.
“I -ngh, I cant anymore, Sir. Apologies.”
The man unceremoniously collapsed. Harlock saw with despair that he was lacking an arm, and part of his face.
Harlock hoised the standard high.
“Men of Centauri Prime! On me! We’re getting the hell out of here! Follow me, we’re going to link up with the Saki! Dont fething die on me you apes! Onward!”
“Hurrah!” The remnants of the company shouted, as Imperial airstrikes that were meant to cover them were swatted casually out of the sky by an anti aircraft battery directly behind the artillery battery.
“Get orbital on the damn horn. Tell them to blast that fething artillery and anti air position. Perturabo himself would take a double take at this thrice damnable fething landing operation! Mortarion would suck start his rustiest pistol. Sanguinius would have a period before-”
“We GET it sir. I’m trying!” The vox man shouted.
Jacobus, thankfully still alive, put a hand on Harlock’s shoulder as the captain ran, standard in one hand, blade in the other.
“I’m going to skull fuck Major Hall and make it look like the Colonel did it sir. And I’m going to make the general watch, and then I’m going to slap the shit out of the admiralty with our love-rags, and the astartes I’ll-”
“I get it Jacobus! Feth!”
Jacobus hoisted his light machine gun, and fired half a bullet chain into a dark tunnel filled with Inkom troops. They were nearing the next Pyramid bunker. The Saki were close.
“Give me that.” Harlock said, shouldering the standard and grabbing the vox, switching frequencies to the Saki’s channel.
“Isoide! Tora Tora Tora!”
“Saki, this is Harlock, Centauri Rifles. We are moving up your right flank up the beach! This landing is completely Fethed! We’re attaching ourselves to you. Colonel, you have command of our forces.”
A pause, then, a firm masculine voice. “Fine. I am aware of your company’s situation. Your regimental officers are dishonourable. Eliminate their hard-point.”
Harlock nodded and focused on the pyramid before the Saki.
“Company, That door. I want it! Let’s go!”
“Form up boys!” Jacobus shouted, dashing furiously toward the obsidian geometry.
Inkomm troops saw them coming, but could not saturate two flanks with their troops, and Harlock’s forces were able to find purchase. Jacobus planted a melta charge, and grinned.
“Fire in the hole, you smarmy alien bastards!”
With a blast, Harlock and company dashed inside the alien pillbox, cutting down the surprised Inkom forces.
“Saki, this is Centauri Actual, we cleared the objective! Move in, repeat, move in!”
“Very good. Captain, We’ve arranged for an extraction. Imperial command has failed in its duty. We will occupy the hard point. Move your men in amongst ours.”
Harlock blinked.
“Say again? We are ready to move to secondary objectives!”
“Negative Centauri Actual, the entire landing is lost. We must await extraction. Our general has been... replaced. We are being called off.
Harlock looked to the burning wreck on the horizon as the sun set behind it. Columns of light barraged it and blasted the wreck into nothing. Similar blasts erupted across much of the planet’s surface. Orbital command had had enough of this planet. In the distance, the silhouette of a godlike Imperator class Titan wad deployed into the sea, causing a small tsunami, as it strode forward, blasting the side of a mountain defense gun. Its guns were deafening.
“This place is going to be burned away, Centauri Actual.”
“Ten-four, Saki actual...” Harlock said, handing off his vox link to his man as squads of Saki arrived to take this pyramid, each one bowing respectfully to Harlock’s men as they passed them.
“Centauri. We are falling back into the water. Move out.” Harlock said. Battle rage and adrenaline was full of his heart and those of his men. They were confused as they obeyed.
Harlock strode into the water, now marginally safer as laser bolts occasionally crasked far overhead, and forces on the beach itself kept the evac zone relatively safe.
Harlock jogged back towards the Saki command squad. Major Nakamura stood beside her tall, grim faced colonel. She smiled in relief. “Harlock, I-”
“I lost a lot of good men, Major. Colonel, what happened out here?!”
The Colonel winced, and glanced up.
“Incompetence, and dishonour! The shame is immense! Death and sacrifice for no purpose! It is the worst foolishness.”
Harlock nodded. Jacobus was about to break into another rant, before a massive artillery barrage was heard.
“What is that?” The colonel said, glancing up.
“OH FETH! THE COASTAL BATTERY. SCATTER! SCATTER!” Harlock jumped away into a vacant spot of earth as other soldiers did the same.
Harlock dived under the water and watched as bodies were thrown here or there, sometimes falling underneath, as small bits of shrapnel streaked by and the water was disturbed by the impacts. Harlock pulled himself up and looked about. Jacobus badly hit, but was alive. Treating the wound would be difficult in this watery mire. Harlock signalled a medic, and then cast his eyes to see how everyone else fared. The colonel Stood up and grimaced, as he looked on at the artillery position.
“Saki, call in an airstrike. If the aeronautica refuses, keep requesting it, until you found someone noble enough to try,”
Harlock noted that though the Colonel stood tall, he too was wounded.
But, where was Nakamura?
Harlock began trudging through the water, looking to and fro. In short order, he found her, sans a leg, and a chunk of her torso.
“Nakamura!” Harlock shouted, grabbing her in his arms.
“J-Jan-” the Major said, coughing up water and blood.
“I- I lo-”
Harlock desperately looked over her wounds. His mind told him, from years of field triage and experience- she was gone. If she didnt get an apothecary or the best damn medic in the army, RIGHT now, the shock, bloodloss, imminent infection- and probably a few things he couldnt see, like internal bleeding, Nakamura would die here, in this bloody surf.
The colonel took one glance at the major in Harlock’s arms and winced.
“Give her to our medics, Captain. Then prepare to leave.”
Harlock trudged to them as fast as he could, eyes locked on  Nakamura’s beautiful, now horribly bloody face.
“Jan-” she said, seeming to have coughed out all the water; only a stream of blood remained trickling steadily from her mouth.
“I love you, Jan.”
Harlock began to clench back sobs as he moved to Saki medics, who took one look at the major and frowned.
“I l-love I-”
Nakamura was delirious, her speech broken and discordant. Harlock groaned with rage and sorrow.
“Leave with us.” a medic said, with a thick accent. He had a steely eyed expression.
Harlock locked eyes with the man.
“Save your major.”
“Hai.” the man said, nodding. Harlock noted a third medic walking up, unholstering a small, well polished pistol, and unsheathing a small curved knife like blade.
“No. No, no no- you don’t get to do this. You save her Lieutenant. You dont fething dare-”
A few Centauri soldiers who were aware of what was going on grabbed Harlock from behind. Harlock watched as the medic with the pistol and blade presented them before the Major, who was held by the first pair of medics. She nodded at the knife, and the third medic, offering a deep bow, walked behind her, and cleanly used it to behead the woman he loved, before unceremoniously adding her corpse to a small pile of similar Saki infantry.
Harlock was overcome with grief. Shaking his head, the Saki colonel gestured to the remaining Centauri to take their captain aside and keep him restrained. In time, an airstrike came, wiping out the artillery and anti air firebase of the Inkom, before the evacuation came.
Harlock sat, hands holding his head.
... In total, he had perhaps a under-strength platoon to his name.
Such it was, the first week of the Inkom war ended in pyhrric victories and terrible defeats for the Imperium. But Harlock could not care less for the Inkom menace. He wanted revenge.
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ionproton · 8 years
One more...at least for now...
Mac was the computer and then Steve was the face.  If you want to change that around...cool with me...I’ll do my part!  I’ll totally be the first biomechanic...or the greeter of visitors...check my airbnb...we share and do our part around here.  Im trying to study time travel and stuff...
Thanks for letting me keep my brain and sanity...
Please accept my wings as sacrifice.  Is that enough?  I fight for good.  I fight for light.  I now believe in God.  Crazy....considering I used to be an atheist.  So all of you in the upper levels....wow....I have so much freaking respect for you.  As for the sober issue...I do recommend moderation be the answer.  If hot dogs were made illegal.  But you could eat hot dogs and still get your work done...then why not eat hot dogs....right?
After a long day of work...or a long day a head of you its clear some need java.  Thanks for opening my mind.  I try to be as fair as possible...but at some point I must say shit and thats it.  I keep my business safe.  I am the face they love....I dont know why...I always think I am an asshole.  But...I guess its just the jealous fools...
**Fun Mini game with Steve: Crowdfund a freestyle challenge.  Anywhere anytime....just have the guys try...I will make them look silly...it will be funny...I got the fire bars...at school they will be educational cyphers....
***I also think that stocking my dad’s AirBnB apartment with current IoT technology to let people test out our products.  That way I can teach marketing and troubleshooting.  Marcus is the tech guy...I just sell the shit because my brand is the best.
“You’re brand?”
“Yeah.  And its made up of a lot of companies all with amazing things we can highlight.  My site, Firesidechats.net or Firestoryboard.com
Oh yeah, it’s FireSideStories.net...Have a virtual fire in the center and we can have profiles Mark will figure out some way to link that shit from his facebook....if he is still around.  remember...no one comes down for me.  With me...only up and forwward.  I do know infinite though...Ill explain later...cant give all the details guys....come on!!!!!
We will still have some DLC and many more titles!!!
Video games stay!!!!
Working to keep them a job on boths sides :)
Dont be too literal.  I love yall and smiles from me.  Remember...while I am here...one of my students must have learned how to convert dark energy into usable energy.  
I have interpreted this as allowing me to remove the negative from people...I replace it with positive from me...its great...people have a natural release of dopamine and serotonin (lets experiment with this one....i dont want kids using drugs...they will anyway...some at least...thats a later discussion.  it could be bad for the business...no promises we cant keep...I will keep the peace.  The reason is that someone else...one of my students...found a way to work on nanotechnology....with enough money it helps change muscles into stuff..IDK...but I get muscles that are strong and big....it helps protect us from these fucking animals that think they can do this.    They wont sacrifice like I have though.  I promise to always write my streams of consciousness and describe just what I am doing.  
I save souls.   Since I know physics and infinite...I know Newton....so we need to make sure that I get as many trapped angels up now.  Let’s have a code word.  Mentor ship program....I will let you know agents later....as for now...let me just be the one to keep the secrets between us...I cant send everyone up and then have hoodlums up there.  I do that enough as it is...I know God is going to forgive...but I cant taint my reputation...
I was the best teacher in HISD...or at least at my school one year...but still...to one student I could have made the difference.  Erica...find her on marks site...facebook...its great!  He was worried I would steal it from him.   Never.  I help use it to drive traffic!  
Literally...the only evil in me...is in me....I hurt no body.  Please allow me to be the defender of Marcus and Valerie.  It is my sacrifice for the powers you grant.  I will always be at his beck and call.  Never ask questions.  I will be his yes man...I will even risk actions in case they could taint his image.  I want him president in 4 years.  
Or we could have a new site to battle his...i dont want to...I fucking hate this shit anymore...maybe it is a job for a new CEO though!!!
Just tell Marcus to meet me and Eric for the meeting at 12.  Ill talk to marcus.  He needs to meet Mac too.  Mac doesnt look like your standard business person....but he represents that you are willing to truly forgive.  He doesnt challenge that we talk to each other now...he is starting to believe!  its so much fun to witness!
I hope I dont ask too much.  Im learning so much myself and I just want my city, which could be my district, or region, or state, or country, or continent, or allies, or global communities stay blessed.  
Just realized...if you bless me...I bless you!  or at least someone from my team.
Please close off the pronoun to others.  Its ok allowing me to keep  the dialectic stuff but the blame and shit is causing people to talk too much shit  and keep the negativity...how about yall try something new!  no more of the rat race...until there is some new stipulations....oh i know!  I have to get marcus and val (if they are dating) but....I get marcus up to his next planet.  He leaves behind the technology.  In doing so...Ill learn the business and then find the mentor...I think I have some ideas too
Seriously though...check Erica...she did some cool stuff with bacteria and lattitudes and longitudes...its like she is tryoing to locate something on a map.  not sure if it is earth though
Peace. Love. Unity.
PS. I dont care what videos you change...but my rap bars...that shit is me.  Thats original....let me keep that...its a way to keep respect and relevance with the youth, spread and collect info, and also helps our race maintain true order and power.
And please...help Mac’s mom.  Ill pay whatever fee is needed.  I know investors will invest...just please help him during this time.  We have been through fucking hell together and we still do it daily.   Gotta get myself a girl though...im gonna become the third wheel soon if he keeps this up!  
I am a catch.  If B wants me...I would see her like new...I think she is in Austin...Ill get there when she is ready...if she wants...I cant force my will but I would (thanks to God) only remember the positive.  I wouldnt ask anything ....if I did I would be playing....just as a way to flirt.  But...I am not the ugly fat guy anymore...I am her catch...provided I can get to the meeting with marcu!1~
talk later 
Just soo much to tell you omg
or maybe its campfirestories.net
I like Ignite.com (Actually this is a good one for start ups to share their stories.  We can also have employees help out and figure out what needs new companies have.  However, hopefully my story of what I have been through makes fools come correct and we dont have to have this shit everyday!  but.....optimize work output and whats it matter if you can do 10-25 hrs but equivalent to 40-50.
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