#i dont want to spend money but i miss photoshop so much
kingshovelbug · 4 months
Hii what is your best advice to younger adults trying to make it independently and make a living? In art, savings or anything you think of. Thank you in advance!
dont be too hard on yourself. its tough out there right now in regards to like everything regardless of what old people say. also this is going to be a lot so im slapping a read more on here
⭐️ first thing id recommend for anyone is to start figuring out a budget. figure out how much youre making monthly. keep all your food receipts for a month or two to see what youre spending on food. find out what youre paying for thats necessary like utilities and whats not
the goal for a budget (or at least mine) is to find a good balance of earning vs spending. im paying off my credit card right now because i ran through all my savings after we had to move last year but my goal used to be to save 1/4 of what i earned after bills and putting money into an emergency fund (usually an emergency fund is 3 months worth of expenses). but it depends on how much you can comfortably put away. if you can put more away do it. but if you never spend money and deprive yourself of joy youre going to burn yourself out regardless of what your job is
⭐️ if youre not already buy store brand for as much shit as you can. if its an ingredient i promise as someone who cooks and bakes you probably wont notice the difference. if its an actual snack it depends. again both from a money perspective and to boycott pro-isreal companies we get a lot of snacks from aldis and theyre awesome. i dont miss anything from mars, oreos etc when i have my chocolate coconut wafers
⭐️ if you have any subscriptions and you need to get rid of something you can probably cancel them. for *most* things theres some kind of free alternative. but again just like with a budget. there are going to be some subscriptions that make your life easier and while youd save money without them it would lead to extra work and burning out. ex willow has kofi gold because it has really cool extra features that help with running the shop. but for streaming services? im going to be so honest. both to save money and with how cheeky streaming companies (in a bad way) have been getting… you can find whatever you want to watch online for free
if you need to use anything from the microsoft office suite, but youre not required by youre job to specifically use microsoft, libreoffice is a free alternative that i actually like better. its what i use to help willow run their shop and its free
for art programs. if you still have photoshop switch. not just for money reasons. adobe is getting bold with what they can claim as their content and use from what people produce in their program. the switch isnt the easiest but there are a bunch of alternatives. some free some like csp offer one time licenses which are so much better than subscriptions. will has spent almost $2k on photoshop and after effects from using it as long as they have. when csp is $50 and they like csp better anyways. i also know of krita and fire alpaca which are free
⭐️ also theres stuff about being an adult that i thought you had to pay for but you dont? like for car insurance i went through an independent insurance agent and they found me a cheaper plan than i could find myself. i didnt pay the guy. they get a cut from the insurance company for finding them another customer. some banks or credit cards offer financial advising sessions to users. its boring but if you can get a copy of your health insurance see if they have any free shit on there thats available for you. my brother gets free doctor finding? like i can call them, tell them what specialist he needs and instead of me calling around to find one that can take him, they connect me with someone. my work offers 3 free therapy sessions (better than nothing) and free food that i take advantage of
⭐️ i think one of the biggest things that makes an impact for us is researching before buying stuff. sounds like a no brainer but you dont just want to find the cheapest deal. you want to find the best bargain, the best bang for your buck. whats the best quality thing you can get that you can also afford? itll prevent your from having to replace stuff all the time and by extension spending more than you need to. we have nonstick pots and pans that are scratched and starting to peel (which apparently can cause cancer??) that were cheap because of being on sale. now after looking into what makes quality cookware i know i should of just slowly bought stainless steel
⭐️ last big one. credit cards. unfortunately we need them so find one with a low apr and that offers decent cash back. use it up to like 20% of your limit and pay it off every month. focus on using it on things that will get you cash back so you can essentially get free money
im sure i could ramble more but this is already super long
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roseworth · 2 years
someone hold me back im thinking about purchasing adobe again
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bloodydamnit · 5 years
You went to MICA, right? I’m currently going there and it’s good (stressful as fuck, but good) and I wanna know; what did you hate and what did you love about it? (Oh my god I sound like those end of year surveys they give you)
Hello there!!! Omfg I’m literally on campus right now for pride!!! LOL just got myself a smoky burger from OTH what what. okay okay okay good questions. 
MICA has changed quite a bit since I was there. Like, my freshman year was fucking lit. If you take the shuttle and get Mr. Robert or Ms. Yvette, ask them about the nudists. Shit was wild. 
Our freshman/foundation year was different in general too? Like
Okay. So. lol. Our classes were:
Elements of Visual Thinking - Which was a chance to explore concepts, mediums, learning how to properly critique, etc. 
Critical Thinking - Which was just critical theory, but more on your own practice I guess? I don’t really know how to explain it. 
EMAC - Which was exploring different forms of digital media and how to use them (Premier, Photoshop, Audacity, recording devices, etc)
Sculptural Forms - Which was a chance for you to explore 3d media. So it was held in what used to be 15/15 and it was woodshop, plaster, 3d printing, and cardboard. 
Then, this is where I get pissed off and seriously fucking angry about this change. 
But we USED to have Painting and Drawing. Now, if you got a 5 in AP art, you gained an extra credit and could skip Drawing/Painting 1. HAH. IMAGINE THAT. HAVING A PAINTING AND DRAWING CLASS AS A FOUNDATION FOR YOUR ART. BECAUSE IT’S KIND OF NECESSARY. 
can you tell im a bit fucking salty?
They were separate classes and I think, they were extremely fucking important to the development of not only my art but my peers. For example, I fucking hated painting when I went to MICA. Literally fucking refused to touch the medium. 
I went to my first class with Latoya Hobbs, tried oil paint, and everything fucking changed. I was a GD major (or that was my plan) and I immediately switched to Painting and I never looked back. 
Unfortunately, yall don’t have that opportunity anymore. Especially since when you choose your major, you tend to stick with those classes. Which really fucking sucks, because you can tell the variety of art has gone down since this change happened. And I think that’s the thing that I dislike about MICA NOW the most. I had the chance to take things, was required to take them, and then I knew how to do a variety of things BECAUSE of those changes. And from what I understand, you don’t have those opportunities anymore. Which really fucking sucks. Because you also miss out on the amazing fucking professors in other majors as well. For example, Karen Warshal. I HIGHLY recommend taking her Portrait class and her Anatomy class. I swear to god, those were the best, more useful classes I’ve ever taken. Is she crazy? A bit. But she’s the most genuine, caring, supportive, and one of the hardest professors I’ve ever had. And thats what you WANT. You don’t want someone to butter you up, tell you your art is poppin when it’s not, and to try and let you off easy because you look upset. Karen tells you how it fucking is and that’s so god damn important. no matter what major you are, TAKE HER FUCKING CLASSES. They’re important and they’re necessary to your development as an artist. Even if you’re not into figural art. - also she makes food and brings it in. and if you’re sick she might make you chicken noodle soup. shout out to karen
Honestly, Karen was probably one of my favorite things about MICA. Along with Mark Karnes,  TONY FUCKING SHORE. LISTEN. YOU NEED TO TAKE A CLASS WITH TONY SHORE (PAINTING). I think he might be doing a class on race (which haha he knows hes white as fuck) and i think it will be fantastic. so keep an eye out, AND RUTH TOULSON THE ANTHROPOLOGY TEACHER. IT MIGHT STILL BE A REQUIREMENT. HER CLASSES HAVE AN 80+ WAITLIST. IF YOU GET ON. ITS SO WORTH IT FUCKING TRUST ME. SHES OUT OF THIS FUCKING WORLD. PAUL LONG, HE’S AN ACADEMIC TEACHER (TEACHES POETRY AND SOME OTHER SHIT. HE’S GREAT. BRINGS SNACKS EVERY DAY), and others?? if you want to know more, please message me and i’ll give you them!
Anyway, I havent really answered your question!
Dislike:Housing situation fucking sucked. getting a room was fucking ridiculous. They ran out of room for us because they started accepting more (this happened when sophomore housing was required. My year was the first year that went into effect and they had to buy out bolton hill apartments. people had to break leases, etc. it was fucking ridiculous). 
The MICA store is eh? It used really good and held in dolphin. But it was literally falling apart. Now its too.. idk. It’s fine. I prefer artists and craftsmen. 
Access to studios and equipment is eh too. Because of time constraints. 
How the student body treats the fucking faculty is DISGUSTING. One girl literally called one of the sweetest security guards the ‘help’. Ms. Gloria (senior in security) is fantastic, Officer Green is everything, Ms. Yvette is so fucking sweet, and Mr. Robert makes my heart sing. 
The student body in general LOLOLOLOLOL. ‘Surround yourself with good juju’ - Former MICA Grad (my best friend) The fucking student body mica page is a fucking dumpster fire lol. 
I don’t like how white MICA is and how entitled a good part of the student body is. The amount of entitlement is fucking ridiculous. And the amount of ignorance is astounding. Also the obviousness to what fucking city you're in, is so wild i cant fucking even. Like. MICA is deceptively beautiful (the MICA bubble). Which is why it is high in crime lol. Just be alert and don’t be a god damned dumbass walking around at 3 am with your fucking headphones in, smoking a cigarette, and acting like you’re fucking immune to being mugged. Just saying. Take the shuttles and you’ll most likely be gucci. 
I don’t like how MICA spends its money (our money). And what they choose to invest in - like buying random fucking buildings and not telling the students what it’s for, and fucking raising the price of tuition and living in order to compensate. 
The total and utter lack of transparency, etc. It felt eehhhh I don’t know how to explain it. 
But really. I loved MICA. I wish I could go back. I met so many amazing people, made great connections, and I don’t think I would have had the same love at any other art school. (I have friends in SAIC, Pratt, Parsons, FIT, SVA, RISD - they all complain about the same things. they in the grand scheme of things, are material. Which important because, hah, money. But, material nonetheless. If you have the means, I don’t think these things I explained are deal breakers)
Now what I loved about MICA. Because honey. I fucking LOVED MICA:
When I was touring schools, I was kind of eh about them? Not in the sense that I wouldn’t have a good time or be ungrateful, but I didn’t get that feeling. Does that make sense? For example, I took a tour at SVA and I have very very strong opinions about SVA, I had no feeling. When I stepped on MICA’s campus, that was fucking it for me. Not only was I comfortable there, but the professors that were at the tour, made it their duty and went out of their way to make myself and the other potential students feel welcome. They were personable, they were kind and welcoming, they were warm, and that continued even after I decided MICA was the place for me. 
My class at least, had no drama lololol. Again, my freshman year was a hell of a lot of fucking fun. We didn’t have any big racist shit going on like other years (ahem ahem 2018, 2019). INSTEAD, we had the nudists, we had carrot videos (ask around about that), it kind of felt less cliquey? Because everyone was generally interested in being friends? Idk. Like we definitely had groups and they became more evident as majors really clicked in, but in the beginning, everyone was pretty much together (this was the first year that the grill opened and leake was a thing. So we were all figuring out the dorms together). I mean we had drama but it wasn’t... idk. It wasn’t like mica student body (maybe its because we didnt have that to fuck shit up lolol). 
On The Hill was my shit. Still my shit. I fucking love on the hill with a fucking passion. Pom Iced Teas, where you at. The neighborhood in general was really nice. Baltimore is one of my favorite cities and the stigma of it will be broken as soon as you start exploring it. HOWEVER, BE FUCKING SMART. DONT BE A FUCKING IDIOT. IF YOU DON’T FEEL COMFORTABLE SOMEWHERE, YEET THE FUCK OUT OF THERE. TRAVEL WITH OTHERS. DON’T BE THOSE DUMB ASS WHITE GIRLS FROM RURAL FUCKING TOWNS THAT THINK THEY CAN WALK AROUND AT 4 AM OR JUST WHEN IT’S DARK OUT, ALONE, AND BE OKAY. TAKE. THE FUCKING. SHUTTLE. 
The studio spaces were really nice so as they’re taken care of. the equipment is really nice. take advantage of it while you can. because once you’re out of school. hah. you’re screwed. 
Networking was nice. 
Being close to the Walters was amazing and the ability to go to DC for the day only spending 8$ on the Marc train to get there was amazing. Having Penn right on campus. 
Again, the professors were in majority, fucking amazing. 
Some professors had classes outside of MICA (karen has model drawing classes at her studio) take them! They’re really worth it!
I actually didnt mind the dorms. 10x better than most colleges. 
Accessibility was amazing. Especially since its not a closed campus, but everything is in one place. That’s not the case with a lot of Art colleges. 
And most of all, I just loved being there. I loved learning. I loved the people. I loved baltimore, i loved the professors. MICA 10000% shaped how I am as an artist in the best way and I think it’s an amazing place to be despite the downfalls. 
Don’t take everything I said as gospel. like I said, these are just my experiences as well as a few of my friends in the same fine arts department. The others, I’m not sure about. But yeah. I hope this helps! You can always message me and I’d be happy to refer you to classes, professors, etc. Good luck with next year!
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amaloaf · 7 years
All of them
3 Fears3 things I love2 turns on2 turns offMy best friendSexual orientationHow tall am IWhat do I miss right nowFavourite colorDo I have a crush ^ already answered these
Favourite place
my room of the senior lounge in my school
What am I listening to right now
a davenchurch playlist (current song: Something I Need- One Republic) 
Shoe size
9-10 womens
Eye color
brown and gold
Hair color
ALSO brownish-gold
Meaning behind my URL
haha Fenton called me a walking paradox as a joke and it stuck!
Favourite song
literally dont have one but im currently loving “Waving Through a Window” from the dear evan hanson soundtrack
Favourite band
either panic! at the disco or fall out boy
How I feel right now
absolutely awful but you sending this completely boosted my mood!! 
Someone I love
oh sweet jesus, Fenton and Ellie and Pear and Cade and Vinny and Dylan and Sydney and Daffy and Simon and Nico and Jayme and Kiwi and Arily and this is going overboard but i cannot hold all my love in
My current relationship status
painfully single and desperately needing to get laid
My relationship with my parents
Favourite season
Tattoos and piercing i have
none, unfortunately 
Tattoos and piercing i want
a septum piercing, 1mm gauges, a second piercing, an outer ear ring, sleeve tats of intertwining roses and dandelions, magnus’ railsplitter somewhere (im still deciding on where..) 
The reasons I joined Tumblr
all my middle school friends had it
Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts?
not anymore
Have I ever kissed the last person you texted?
i kissed my dad before 
How long does it take me to get ready in the morning?
cosmetically? five minutes max
Have you shaved your legs in the past three days?
unfortunately i did yesterday  
Where am I right now?
at my desk, sitting on pile of laundry im neglecting 
Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level?
i like it quiet
Do I live with my Mom and Dad?
both, but unhappily 
Am I excited for anything?
death, also graduation i guess
Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to?
my friends Cade and Dylan are good buddies 
How often do I wear a fake smile?
….. next question
If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
the mcelroys, specifically travis 
What do I think about most?
not to be dark but death 
Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
neither, but behind if i have to be
What was the last lie I told?
“no mom i totally bought this”
Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
i dont do either v much but i really like vids when i can get them
Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
yes and yes (i saw three ghosts in my life)
Do I believe in magic?
hell yeah
Do I believe in luck?
What’s the weather like right now?
clear night skies with a slight fall nip in the air
What was the last book I’ve read?
animal farm by george orwell 
Do I have any nicknames?
M.K., M, Loaf
Do I spend money or save it?
Can I touch my nose with a tounge?
Favourite animal?
hgnnnnn cant choose, maybe sharks?
What was I doing last night at 12 AM?
What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it?
Hips Dont Lie! 
What is my favorite word?
bludgeoning because im a nerd 
If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say?
Do I have any relatives in jail?
i deadass dont talk to my family but im p sure one of my cousins was arrested last week 
What is my current desktop picture?
that picture of the sloth photoshopped on a dolphin with the P!NK lyrics
Had sex?
Bought condoms?
Gotten pregnant?
oh god no
Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain?
no but my first kiss with a boy i got sprayed on at a waterpark 
Had job?
im a partime paralegal 
Smoked weed?
Smoked cigarettes?
for a long ass time in middle school (if im bein real honest im going to pic it back up again probably)
Drank alcohol?
Am I a vegetarian/vegan?
definetly not
Been overweight?
currently am
Been underweight?
when i was born
Gotten my heart broken?
plenty of times
Been to prom?
Been in airplane?
oh yeah, i love flying
Learned another language?
took spanish for 10+ years and dont know a damned word of it 
Wore make up?
Dyed my hair?
no but i really want to 
Had a surgery?
yes! some work on my ear after i fucked it up as a baby
Met someone famous?
a band called After Romeo 
Stalked someone on a social network?
i tend to go through social media when i find new accounts i like but its never stalkerish 
Been fishing?
got the license and everything
Been rejected by a crush?
yea, ive only ever had one crush where it panned out 
What do I want for birthday?
a binder 
Do I like my handwriting?
Where do I want to live when older?
idk, im praying i dont end up back in vegas
Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad?
got caught reading awful porn once does that count
What I’m really bad at
ohh im really holding back on saying “everything” but if i had to choose wind instruments 
What my greatest achievments are
my art, my relationships, my baby handling skills
The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me
ill give you the second worse: “ well at least being a fattass made you bouncy”
What I’d do if I won in a lottery
buy a house, get a super crazy nice computer, give some money to the friends listed up earlier on the list and draw for all eternity 
What do I like about myself
my eyes and my good heart and my ability to fake good things
My closest Tumblr friend
oh definitely Fenton or @whyldkratts
Any question you’d like?
feel free to send in your own question! 
Are you outgoing or shy?
What kind of people are you attracted to?
soft bellies, thick legs and hips, nice pecs, soft long hair, nice lips
Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
idk maybe? i hope so, yall can feel free to make the first move ;3
Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
no, i actually like it! 
Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
my buddy Cade
What does the most recent text that you sent say?
What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
Something I Need, Michel in the Bathroom, For Forever, Waving Through a Window, and Freeze Your Brain 
Do you like it when people play with your hair?
oh yes!! please play with my hair!!! ((and playing with OTHER peoples hair??? oh boy howdy dont even get me started!!!!))
Do you think there is life on other planets?
hell yes! 
Do you like bubble baths?
sure, no real pref either way
Do you like your neighbors?
Where would you like to travel?
Favorite part of your daily routine?
What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
*sweats* yes?? (probably my boobs and stomach, also my arms)
What do you do when you wake up?
stare at the ceiling and mentally prepare myself for the day
Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
darker, it lost a lot of melinin when i hit puberty for some reason??
Do you ever want to get married?
yes! even if its just a platonic life partner marriage! 
If your hair long enough for a pony tail?
Would you rather live without TV or music?
telivision my man
Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
yep! one time it went to shit the other time it went fairly ok
What are your favorite stores to shop in?
target and hot topic
Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
normally yes but you gotta kno when to get the hell away from certain folks
Do you smile at strangers?
Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
OH yeaaah
Ever wished you were someone else?
every god damned day
Favourite makeup brand?
Last thing you ate?
mashed potatoes
Ever won a competition? For what?
won a college science fair in middle school once 
Ever been in love?
im always in love
Facebook or Twitter?
twitter always (pst mines @emiglody95
Twitter or Tumblr?
Are you watching tv right now?
What colour are your towels?
beige and brown 
Favourite ice cream flavour?
cookie dough or coffee 
First person you talked to today?
my mother or Ellie i can remember 
Last person you talked to today?
Pear or my day, again i cant remember 
Name a person you hate?
Prestly, Kevin, Zoe, Mike
Name a person you love?
hmm ive already listed a lot of people already so lets go with: Wilson
Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
remember Kevin from two asks ago? 
Do you tan a lot?
im outside a lot but my tan is mostly natural 
Have any pets?
my dog, Gus! 
Do you type fast?
yes actually!! 
Do you regret anything from your past?
im not lookin to type a paragraph so lets go with yes
Ever broken someone’s heart?
Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
every day
Is cheating ever okay?
no, but if your partner got seriously fucked up and it was a total accident and you trust them then MAYBE you can reconsider not throwing their asses out
Do you believe in true love?
to an extent 
What your zodiac sign?
Do you believe in ghosts?
id better ive seen three of ‘em
Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
“ Its fine”, she said primly as she turned back to the trays of jewelry. 
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