#i drew this from memory. thats the box with the buttons
solargeist · 5 months
your grian is literally so coraline coded
one of my favourite movies !!
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eddiescumfilledsock · 2 years
more (mostly romantic) eddie hc because this man never leaves my mind now
CW for having a kid and marrige if that bothers you, I think i made sure it stayed all gn though
-he would love to give you pretty flowers he saw on a tree or bush, even just nornal leafs and dandelions, as well as any cool rock or button skjdjdj
-if you do the same he will get so giddy and press them before glueing it to some paper and keep it in a shoe box with the other little things you gave him and theyre his most prized possessions hed say its a tie or right after his guitar but he's lying
-hes like that its a crystal nothing more meme but instead of a crystal its any neat little thing he found on the side of the road lmao
-him putting fruit stickers on you <3
-hed put it right in the middle of your forehead and say some shit like you cost 1.98 but are priceless to me like the sweet dork he is if you do the same to him he will stick them to the inside part of the lide in the show box too
-hhhhhnnnn him not being able to really buy you a big pretty bouquet of flowers so he picks a bunch of random ones he thinks look nice from peoples yards and those planters outside shops and gives them to you in a gas station cup
-he is kinda embarrassed once he gives them to you because he couldnt get you something fancy and is scared youll hate them but that all melts away when he sees how happy you are
-taking a couple polaroid pics of them so even when they eventually wilt and die you will both always have a physical memory :)
-he would also do that thing if you dont like the pickles on your burger or a specific flavour of skittle he will eat them even if he doesn't like them either instead of just like,,, neither of you eating them
-he doesn't do it becuase hes worried about wasting money or food or anything like that hes kinda stupid sometimes but its okay hes cute and means well <3
-hed do that shit where hed blow his nose and hand you the tissue or burp and blow it at you and say for you babe <3
-a menace
-if you draw or make him something he will cherish that shit until the day he dies, even if its just a random little doodle on a sticky note
-expanding on that, if you're an artist and draw his dnd character he would literally never recover im not even kidding it could look like shit and hed still show everyone, rub it into the guys faces that his s/o drew his character and only his
-if you did the hellfire symbol thing hed put it in the front pocket of the binder he uses to keep the papers and stuff in
-matching jewlery with him <3 whether it be a necklace or bracelet or even ring, if he picks it out itd be one of those silly little kid ones but if it's t o o childish hed probs just have it on his key ring or hanging in his van though :/ gotta keep up that bad boy rocker look
-if you guys have a special song together he would wanna get some lyrics tattooed on him, that or as cheesy as it is your name/initials in your hand writing
-hed wanna get one with your name and the day you met/started dating/got married at first but it looked too much like a remembrance one for someone thats died so he scrapped that idea
-hed be over the moon ecstatic if you did the same or something for him but would understand if you didnt want to get a tattoo, they arent for everyone :)
-fucking you know that scene from the movie up where they put their hand prints on the mail box? he would do that shit on his van and any other vehicle he gets
-when you guys get a house or apt hed wanna do the same on the wall
-if you have a kid(s) someday hed like them to add their hand print too <3
-carving your names into trees and picnic tables all the time
-hed want you to kiss his guitar pick before any shows he plays for good luck, if he ever gets famous in any capacity hed say your kisses helped
-if you have hiccups he would scare you by yelling as loud as he can no matter where you are then say you're welcome :)
-why do i get the vibes he would be the kid at lunch that just d r i n k s ranch
AN: i don't think giving gifts is his main love language so this might just be me projecting but i think hed also do these ksjdjd if anyone actually reads this and wants to share a hc pls feel free!! i love seeing content for this dude <3
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thejestersfool-blog · 8 years
Is Nintendo Switch too little, too late?
Since news first broke of the mysterious Nintendo “NX” project, the gaming world has waited with bated breath. A mixture of excitement, caution and concern has been on the lips of industry insiders and consumers alike. 
As I have just finished watching the presentation of what is now called the Nintendo Switch, I’m very aware of the general reaction being overwhelmingly underwhelmed. 
You know when sometimes you go over to a friends house and they might have a dog and the house absolutely reeks, however your friend doesn’t notice it because they are so used to it? I kind of feel that’s what has happened to Nintendo and the stench is disappointment.  
Since the slow agonizing death of the Wii U, there have been many comparisons made towards Sega, and that this is Nintendo’s last hurrah at a console. The Wii U drew so much criticism about it’s crazy controller ideas, lack of third party support, online features, processing power, lack of hard drive and hell even it’s lack of a DVD media player. 
Surely they saw the backlash to the Xbox one console launch presentation?! Surely they were listening to what everyone wanted from Nintendo?!
Apparently not. 
Following the initial reveal trailers there have been a trickle of stories coming out that the Switch was under powered and that the 3rd Party Support isn’t as hoped, it seems the stories were true. 
The Switch has a shocking 6 games available on launch day, some of which are re-releases of old games, some are nothing more than quick party games (1,2,Switch and Arms) and then there is Zelda which is the only game that looks like worth picking up the Switch for...What’s that? It’s coming out on Wii U? Oh ok maybe not then. We know the Switch isn’t particularly powerful as Skyrim is being released and it’s not even the recent HD remaster.So I imagine you won’t even seen a difference between the Wii U and the Switch versions of Zelda. 
And with that in mind as I watched the Switch presentation it suddenly hit me.  This is the Wii U repackaged. This is probably what the Wii U should have been when it was released in 2012. As I look at the pad with the screen on it when the JOY CONtrollers attached either side, all I can see now is the Wii U Game Pad. The JOY CONtrollers just now detach to become the Wii remotes we used before.  Talking of the JOY CON they now have HD rumble built in so that you can get the sensation of a glass in your hand with 1,2,or 3 ice cubes and the sensor on the controller can now tell whether you’re making a rock, paper and scissor sign with your hands in front of it. This was a very bizarre part of the presentation to me and seemed far too specific so I will not be surprised if we shortly hear announcements of Nintendo “Rock, Paper, Scissors HD” and “How Many Ice cubes are in the Glass: Day 1 edition”    
One thing I have hated with Nintendo that really seemed to start with the Wii is the amount of controllers you need and the price they come at. The Pro controller is almost £60 and another set of the JOY CONtrollers is £65 (which you can add another £25 to if you want the JOY Grip, to turn the controllers into a more traditional game pad). Well they certainly got the CON part right in JOY CON. 
The Wii U Switch has no internal hard Drive and it has no DVD player capabilities. Now the latter isn’t necessarily a bad thing as we move ever on towards a digital age, but then if that is the case, why isn’t there some form of Hard Drive, or a larger starter memory card. It just seems like a standard thing to have at least to battle that ever precious living room space from Playstation and Xbox. People need more reason to put that console in their living room and extra functionality is always a good start. They do seem to have leaned towards creating an online community at last though, however the details were limited and bizarrely it sounded very much like it all goes through your smart phone/tablet. WTF?! 
Going back to the games, even those shown reminded me of Wii U. The trailer for “ARMS” showed a side on boxing fighter game. However when you got to the actually game play it was completely Wii Boxing viewing from behind your boxer. Even the controls were the same.  1,2 Switch is a game where you appear to pick up the controller and click the button before your opponent does. The idea being that you watch your opponent rather than the game. I wasn’t overly clear on how it workerd but it struck me as literally one of the mini games in Wario Ware when you had to pick up the Wii remote when it started to ring. It’s a mini game. Splatoon was a late release on Wii U so Splatoon 2, is basically the exact same game with some additional DLC content in my opinion. And the fact thats not even a launch game is criminal.
Mario Odyssey looked good as Mario games always do, but I did take issue with him being in a city with “normal” people. Wasn’t Mario always supposed to be a normal plumber? If he isn’t a person what actually is he? Apparently he’s a halfling compared to the size of the normal people in the city he traversed. 
I would dare to bet that if the Skyrim you get isn’t even the HD remaster, then that’s the last proper Bethesda release you’ll see on the platform. 
And when one of your big parts of the presentation is EA taking what felt like a lifetime to announce Fifa 17, you get the feeling we won’t be seeing much from 3rd parties any time soon. 
Maybe I’m wrong, I hope I am but this appears to be the Wii U 2.0 and I have a sneaking suspicion it’s not going to be around as long as it’s predecessor. 
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