#i dunno if ive posted much about pixel
spaceraceart · 2 years
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ive been on vrchat a bit recently, and have even begun to mess with making my own avatars! im definitely not the best with 3d modeling, but heres some ive made heheheh
first two i made myself (pixel and big pixel), last two i configured and retextured (glamo unicorn for @/thenyanamo and mellin rabbit for @/DarkTwinTeeko , both on twitter)
and then i made a bunch of silly flat avatars of spaceton scamton and sharkton lmao aghsdjahsd
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theycall-vn · 6 months
started drawing bgs - mostly just piecing things together but ive started lining one too
have to hold off on implementing more sprites because i have to refine bb's. when i first did the line work i made An Oopsie and blurred it to hell, then the "fix" resulted in a pixelated look.
so i will be awkwardly relining everything 😭😭😭
also need to redo the grin that i still haven't gotten around to yet, and add some more shading. it looks flat and i hadn't noticed til now
also gonna go ahead and make the other two hair styles i wanted for them while im at it. still can't brain the code for randomizing the hair yet but im getting there!!
i also found a very helpful forum post about how someone else did something similar, (in a not scary way) which i want to try out so ill need to make a test thing and some placeholders lol
gone through and did a lot of edits to fix some flow issues. i also may have added a handful of things to chapter 1 in the process so it's still not done
but the added things are important details for me so
OH REMINDER TO ME fucking fix that goddamn inconsistency you keep putting off!!! before you forget!!
uhhhm let's see. still collecting ref pics and working out what else i need to look for and smoosh together
oh!! also put together "chasm critter studios" stuff. which is what i will be releasing they call under. i have the first version of my logos, itch page, and official tumblr done and up.
will def need to revisit the logo/icon thing because it's... i dunno. i was proud of it at first but not so much now. need ideas more than feedback but feedback is also very necessary lmao
design is not my strong suit but for now, it'll do
cant think of anything else right now, so im gonna go back to drawing
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castlehark · 3 years
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i bought the new corpse party remake (1 millionth remake)
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himbos-hotline · 2 years
I’ve been thinking about watching Markiplier (most cuz you keep posting about it) but like I don’t really get what it is? Like it’s a YouTube guy right, but the different things he has, are they like one-shot kinda things or like long form tv? What’s his deal? (Idk just tell me about Markiplier)
Okay so his "deal" is that none of his fans know what it is. Mostly he is a gaming youtuber but sometimes we get videos where he is bullying corperations and tormenting del monte until theyre dead to him or him "eating" takis which was....
he also owns many tatical shovels and so many flashlights and one of them harbours the power of the sun. So yknow- the man is a god and could kill any one of us if he had the brains to do it.
He is full of ADD and its great to watch because I dunno its relatable. also theres not that many content creators that I know off that talk about having adhd/add other disabilities which makes me feel less, awkward and subconcious about having it.
trust me friend, none of us "get" what markiplier is. My big sibling and I have this running joke where he is just a forth dimentional being.
also, apart from gaming and random "I BROUGHT A THING!" videos and some other videos like Pain where he talks about the different accidents/illnesses he had and how pain isnt something to be ashamed off because we all go through pain and its okay to feel hurt and emotional and stuff because thats what makes us human- us feeling pain and being able to still exist and be a good person. He is a very big supporter of like queer community and other communities which is another reason why I like him.
There is a story about what Mark really means to us but thats long and sappy and emotional and kinda depressing so we wont get into that right now. But yeah hes just a really cool dude who to me, growing up in a very catholic household showed me than masculinty doesnt equate to being strong or handsome [and he is both, very much so, men my beloved] but its also about having a good heart and making people laugh and not having the fear or guilt of disappointment around our emotions. that crying is okay because the tears will grow the flowers of new emotions. That people matter regardless of who/what they are. Like there are videos where he wears dresses and is just "it spins!" and being like 15/16 growing up and being surrounded by a lot of catholics seeing an AMAB be in "womens clothing" was really special too me and caused me to look into it. There is also a video where he asks someones pronouns and not only sticks to the "he/him, she/her but also xe/xem" which is also very cool!
Watching Mark is a bit like having a dad, a big brother and a seven year old wrapped into one body and sometimes hes all of them but also sometimes he is none of them and were just "..cool!"
also, from a video perspective. there are also the "aventures with markiplier" or the markipler cinimatic universe or simply the micu. It starts with who killed markiplier, a who done it which dives into the story of a cheating wife, a depressed husband, the lover being a former best friend with supernatrual bullshit and ends well....as far as we know its not ended yet.
I can go more into his channel or the MICU or the man himself because ive been watching since I was 12 and have a lot of feelings and thoughts about the stupid little youtube man who does the sceme at pixels on his compooter
he also has a super cute doggo Chica and another good boy called Henry whose technically his girlfriends dog, but chica and henry come as a pair and they are really the reason why people watch [/hj]
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dramallamadingdang · 7 years
Now that I’ve dumped stuff in the queue, time for...
For @kayleigh-83, @jellybeanery, @clericalrodent, @acquiresimoleons, @dunne-ias. @sim-boo, @didilysims, @twofingerswhiskey, @penig, @nanashi-sims, @eulaliasims, @zoragraves, @taylors-simblr, annnnnnd @nerianasims...
kayleigh-83 replied to your photo “Steven’s grave got struck by lightning, so he popped out for a daytime...”
What the frick, I have catching up to do! I didn't know Steven died. :(
He did. Came home with a cold one day, went to work the next, and died on the sidewalk when he came home. So sad. Ah, RealSickness... Usually, I like it to hit later, when I’ve got a larger population that’s actually in need of culling. I’m just glad it didn’t kill the whole household, like it sometimes does, because otherwise there’d only be Sharon and Gwen’s daughter Amelia to spawn the third born-in-game generation...
kayleigh-83 replied to your photoset “Up-Front Confession: I am knowingly breaking the creator’s terms of...”
I'm absolutely DYING over their grinning faces in the last picture HAHAHAH
It’s a thing of beauty, isn’t it? :D Although I don’t know why Cyd’s grinning, since he’s got Julien’s face impaling his abdomen. That just can’t be comfortable...
jellybeanery replied to your post “jellybeanery: @dramallamadingdang Do you still have the high-res...”
CuriousB's desert terrain works for me, so I don't think it's the chipset.
Hmmm...Well, I had a look at the uploaded file, and it appears to be the right one. :\ I have no idea what’s going on. Give me a day or two and I’ll make a new file and maybe also make a high-res one, and then you can see if one or the other will work...
clericalrodent replied to your post “Civilization V”
Thought I'd ask - would you like some tips that aren't in the in-game tutorial? Nothing absolutely necessary, but might make your life a bit easier.
Sure! I still haven’t installed the game, but I probably will this weekend since we have no plans and it’s too darn hot around here to do much of anything outside. Maybe send me an ask or whatever with tips?
acquiresimoleons replied to your photoset “Up-Front Confession: I am knowingly breaking the creator’s terms of...”
Omg. This is awesome, thank you, my sci fi hood is gonna get a swingers club now ����
Well, it’s certainly a perfect object for that! :) There’ll be other stuff you’ll probably be interested in for such a club, too. I just need the time to make it...
dunne-ias replied to your photoset “Up-Front Confession: I am knowingly breaking the creator’s terms of...”
I both want this and also would be scared about what would happen if I put this on a commercial lot in my story hood. I have the original, but honestly I think I only used it once, in a Bacc household full of romance sims because I had a rule against TV and well, what else would they do on their days off?
HAH! Sex is better than TV by a mile, so... :) Anyway, the advertising on the thing is set so that if you use this on a community lot Sims don’t get overly obsessed with it so long as there are other fun things of equally-strong advertising around. That’s how I wanted it to be because it’s basically going to be an avenue for Sims to meet people in this wacko neighborhood, but I do want them to do other things when they’re on the lot where this will be, too. 
But yeah, I suppose it has the potential to screw up stories. But it also might give you ideas, too. If you keep the characters for whom you have planned storylines away, others in the population might do interesting things to spark some ideas.
sim-boo replied to your photoset “Will took his boatload of scholarships and headed off to join boring...”
Lol personally id consider it a blessing to not be related to goopy gilscarbo ;)
Heathen! Nah, I kid. I know he’s an acquired taste. You have to like Romance Sims, and a lot of players seem to not like Romance Sims. You also have to like Sims who aren’t conventionally beautiful. I like Romance Sims (They’re my faves, actually), and I like “ugly” but not deformed-looking Sims. So he’s totally win-win for me! :) I do change his outfit, though, because that pixel-man has very questionable fashion sense. :)
I also like Ben Long a lot, but he’s a Knowledge Sim and I find them rather boring in general, so when I play him, I have to do terrible things to him to make him interesting. :)
didilysims replied to your post “Civilization V”
Never tried it myself, though from what little I've seen, it looks like something I could get interested in. All friends who have played it said Civ IV was better though. :P
I still haven’t installed it because there’s stuff for TS2 that I want to get done, and I know I’ll get distracted. But I’m really looking forward to trying it out. And as for the version...Well, Civ V is what was there at the shop. :) And for $5, even if I ultimately don’t like it it’s not like I’m really out much.
didilysims replied to your photo “I just noticed that the binoculars that Sims use to birdwatch have red...”
They always looked like nebulae to me. I figured they were really powerful lenses.
SO POWERFUL THEY REFLECT THE LIGHT OF THE ORION NEBULA!! Yeah, that should be the advertising slogan on those puppies. :)
twofingerswhiskey replied to your post “jellybeanery: @dramallamadingdang Do you still have the high-res...”
could be they have graphics chipsets that are defaulting to the maxis terrain due to inability to store it effectively in the graphics memory?
Apparently not in Jellybeanery’s case. :\ I’m still at a loss. If you’ve got any ideas about what else it might be, I’m all ears. Or eyes, as the case may be. :)
penig replied to your photo “I just noticed that the binoculars that Sims use to birdwatch have red...”
I think it's the light glaring off the lenses.
The light from the red district? :) No, you’re probably right, but...Geez, what color is the sun supposed to be in SimWorld? :)
nanashi-sims replied to your post “@bunsblr asked for a tutorial about how to do this a while back and I...”
Wow this is fabulous! So many objects that need to be recloned, but so worth it!
Yeah, there’s a lot of Maxis stuff that’s used outdoors that ought to be neighborhood-visible but isn’t. Especially when it comes to outdoor-type seating. And I don’t think the telescopes are neighborhood-visible, either, now that I think about it. Once you get used to doing it, though, it goes quickly.
eulaliasims replied to your photo “Steven came home from work the next day and….Oh, dear. Well. That’s...”
Steven! No! D:
I KNOW! I was bummed. Frankly, I could stand to lose Arcadia, but I was hoping Steven would spawn some more, if nothing else. I need more population that “counts,” and he had that convenient Family aspiration... 
sim-boo replied to your photoset “Arcadia and Aaron, as the only two non-infant people in the household...”
usually they cry for sims they have memories of. like if the dead sim taught them to walk/talk, i've seen before that they cry sometimes even if theres no blood relation.
I’ve never seen that happen in my game. In this case, I know Steven taught Will to talk, at least. But, no mourning from him. Now I’m wondering if I’ve got a mod that’s interfering. Hmmm.....
didilysims replied to your post “Aww you almost had the Aristocats in your game <3”
A lot of Disney is overrated. Emperor's New Groove? Seriously underrated. But I got The Aristocats for my birthday as a kid and watched it probably 100 times at least, so it's near and dear to my heart.
I really don’t know why I never saw The Aristocats. I mean, I was a kid when it was made and all, but I only ever saw the older Disney movies from the 40s or so. (Fantasia is another favorite.) I saw the later Disney movies from the 90s and 2000s because I had kids then, so we saw them in the theater, and I got them when they came out on video, and they watched them ad nauseum. (And The Lion King is one of Ethan’s favorite movies; it resonates with him because he lost his dad at an age when he really needed one. So, we watch that one a lot and I bristle because of all the hyena maligning.) But I don’t think I’ve seen any Disney movie from the 70s in its entirety,
Now as for Emperor’s New Groove: I will argue (and HAVE argued) that it’s the best buddy movie ever made. Kronk and Eartha Kitt’s scenery-chewing (She did it SO well, always did) is just bonus. 
zoragraves replied to your post “So, um....”
Now I want to know what those objects are, at the very least :D
Ohhhhh, you probably really don’t. *laugh*
taylors-simblr replied to your post “@bunsblr asked for a tutorial about how to do this a while back and I...”
Thank you so much for this, I might give it a go tonight! I surrounded my campsite with nengi's bigger bourgainvillas and it's been driving me crazy that they are invisible from any other lot ^__^
Good luck with it! I thought those bougainvilleas were already neighborhood-visible, though...Or maybe I made them so. I don’t remember... Anyway, let me know if you have any trouble!
nerianasims replied to your post “re. StarTrek Multi-PT: I'm pretty sure I remember someone creating the...”
What is this Enterprise show you mention? I am sure it does not exist.
I dunno, I heard a rumor about it. Something about a prequel sort of thing, only done way after the other shows were produced. Seems like kind of a dumb idea... 
(Seriously, I really wanted to like Enterprise. I really, really like Scott Bakula. Quantum Leap is one of my favorite shows. And while I enjoyed a few of the episodes, the writers just didn’t seem to know what to do with any of the characters, especially the poor helmsman dude, which is sad because he was a very pretty black man. I mean, I don’t even remember his name... And of course they had to sex up the female Vulcan. *sigh* They get points for destroying Florida, though. No, I’m kidding. Well, sort of...)
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