#i enjoy house's character
I am so obsessed with House MD and I haven't even hit episode 10 yet. It's just incredible!
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zivazivc · 4 months
@felsicveins headcanon about your guys be upon ye
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darkblueboxs · 2 years
Glass Onion Spoilers - Foreshadowing and Among Us
I’ve seen a few posts dunking on glass onion for being “cringe” because of the Among Us scene and a few praising it for accurately reflecting the fact that this is all everyone was playing in 2020, but I haven’t seen anyone really talk about how brilliantly Among Us works as a foreshadowing/storytelling device.
On the surface - as the film itself points out! - the game is a neat little parallel of the island: one murderer hidden among us, with the objective being to find them out. But this comparison goes far deeper than the basic premise of the film.
Firstly, Benoit appears as the game’s imposter, and then, it is later revealed, is literally an imposter, arriving on the island uninvited under false pretences - one of the first major twists of the film spelled out to the audience in the opening act. And he isn’t alone - just as two imposters generally work together to deceive the other players, so Benoit and Helen work together to infiltrate the group. BUT, and this is the bit that really drives me wild, the endgame format of Among Us perfectly reflects the endgame of the film. The way to win Among Us isn’t necessarily a case of killing everyone or surviving every round - the way to win is by convincing your fellow players to believe you, and to vote accordingly.
During the trial Andi loses because the imposter - the billionaire impersonating a genius - convinces the other players that she should be voted out; she is as effectively thrown out of the airlock as she is the business, and then literally killed to protect the [fortune of] the “crew.”
But, Andi was not the imposter, and so the game continues.
The imposter kills again, and when Miles confesses to causing the lights to go out, this is another excellent hint - only the imposter can sabotage the lights!
Then, with all the characters assembled much like an “Emergency Meeting,” we reach the climax of the film: Miles burns the napkin evidence, and immediately the ensemble is back to the voting booth as Helen, like her sister, fights for the players’ support in voting out the imposter. Any Among Us player will recognise the infuriating feeling when you literally just saw them vent for the love of god you were all there vote them OFF- and that frustration - of speaking the truth and not being believed - is evident in this scene.
But these players don’t care about the truth; they care about surviving (ie staying rich), and so they will vote off an innocent person to placate the shark. Which is absolutely not how you win the game.
Then, then, the game’s final round: the imposter has lost his tools, is revealed for the useless fraud he is, and it’s when he has nothing left to offer the other players that one more vote is held - the characters literally raise their hands as they pledge their support to Helen, in part to give the appearance of swearing in upon the witness stand, but also in part to give the visual of a literal vote... such as that of an Among Us emergency meeting vote.
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And it’s when Miles is finally, rightfully ejected that at last, the game is won.
Among Us is a game of social engineering, of lying and convincing others of your lies to prolong your survival, deception, and the malleability of truth. Presenting this game in the opening of the film is more than a gimmick or scene-setter: it illustrates the social structures at the heart of the story.
TLDR: Among Us foreshadows the film’s premise, but also plot twists, character choices, and significantly the film’s resolution by way of group vote.
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bamsara · 2 years
being an adult means we can buy or make as much self-indulgent shit (as we can afford) and unironically have trinkets of our fave things cause our teen years was bullied for liking things and hiding/denying we were ever neurodivergent to the point of suicide. sucks for anyone that thinks its weird cringe but I'm going to try and allow myself to love myself in little ways now
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sleepinglionhearts · 2 years
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Oh, it’s gonna be the way you always thought it would be
but it’s gonna be no illusion
Oh, it’s gonna be the way you always dreamt about it
but it’s gonna be really happenin’ to ya
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golyadkin · 4 months
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Last night was scary
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realbeefman · 1 year
if house md happened in 2023. first of all house and wilson would be explicitly gay and together which would suck because queerbaiting is awesome. but also there would be a period before they got together in which they would routinely send their nudes to each other to screen before sending them out to women. and it’d be a whole Thing. s1 wilson would go ON and ON about how ever since the infarction house hasn’t been sending nearly as many nudes back to wilson and “it feels, i don’t know, weird!” and then house would just straight up try to pull his dick out in the hallway because if wilson “wants to see it so bad, then [he’s] more than happy to oblige.” and then at the end of the episode house would send him a nude and wilson would reply with a “Looks good 💯 I like the smile. Who’s the lucky lady?” and house would just smirk because there, of course, isn’t a woman. house just doesn’t want wilson to stop sending him nudes.
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braisedhoney · 2 years
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the first thing a beast forgets is the taste of its own heart.
(a good luck (?) charm for those who are watching the owl house tomorrow since it’s all over the place rn. lemme know how that goes!)
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unhingedlesbear · 4 months
I'm sorry but it's the way I will ALWAYS see SMG fans have such aggressive hatred towards black characters and their only reason for it is "he's boring." and this kind of energy never seems to be extended to white characters they think are boring
You see it with Matt, Ryan, Alex, Nick K and Mark. Like yeah you don't have to like them, but people will put so much energy into hating these "boring" characters. Like if they're so boring surely you can just... not enjoy them and move on but no, it always has to be full on hate. Can't think why...
There's also something to be said about how SMG may often put less thought into characters who are poc which is an issue itself, but just focusing on the fandom here, the hate these specific characters get seems so iffy to me.
Anyway yeah, the SMG fandom has a racism issue. It has a lot of issues.
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aemonds-sapphireeye · 3 months
Still genuinely do not get the anti-Green, anti-Black stuff and the arguments over who is actually the Bad Guy here. None of these characters are supposed to be saints. They can be bad people and/or do bad things and you can still love them anyway because they are not real. Why tf do you think Light Yagami is so popular despite being a narcissistic, sociopathic twink murderer??
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peteytheparrot · 22 days
Ok but only A Series of Unfortunate Events could open with such a good quote every episode like ‘Darling, Dearest, Dead’ goes SO hard wtf…
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warlenys · 7 months
i like that they spent three seasons on taub’s tumultuous marriage where they took his unfaithfulness really seriously and we’d get these boring scenes of him and rachel just talking about their boring marital problems but then in s7/8 post their divorce they decided to take a hard left into having him cheat on a young nurse with his now ex wife and getting them both pregnant simultaneously and then having two daughters both called sophie. the sitcomification of house md has its issues but that was a definite win. they apologised for three seasons of the most boring plot you could possibly think up by just putting taub in a straight up farce. like he’s basically just in his own comedy show at that point
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yoshidatommy · 2 months
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Enjoying the fresh air 🌅
(Previous parts: 1 2)
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keepingmyoptionsfluid · 5 months
I don't know who needs to read this, but people who are pro Buck and Tommy having a healthy relationship with good representation on screen, whether it goes the distance or not, are not automatically against Eddie having a coming out arc.
Like guys chill the fuck out.
I would argue that 7x05 had too many storylines and felt rushed. I'd honestly rather have fewer stories an Episode and each is given proper time (so they don't skip over shit like Buck and Eddie talking post basket ball, or Chim and Buck talking post punch, or Bobby and Athena talking post ship disaster etc). They actually showed the Karen and Hen talks after the Eva storylines and that's so important and good.
Tommy isn't getting screen time without a main with him so stop pretending he is. He's a background character who is currently there to prop up other people's storylines. It's unlikely he will ever be a main as they already have 7 of them. Can you think if you've ever seen a Karen or a Ravi or a Lucy or a Taylor storyline that wasn't there to really be about one of the mains? No.
I am literally seeing BuckTommy enjoyers having to fucking preface their posts with the fact they obviously ship buddie too just so they don't get abused. It's genuinely disgusting that people are more fixated on their specific (and I would defo class it as fetishistic at this point with the obsession some people have with buddie) ship that they would actively damage other people's enjoyment of the show.
This accusation that people don't care bout buddie anymore because Tommy has kissed Buck and Tommy is white is fucking insane. This fandom regularly accuses anyone who says good things about Buck or Bobby of being racist. Maybe, and hear me out, people are happy that they are getting some bi representation? People who have been pro buddie since 2x01 are getting sent hate because they are happy that a character has come out, despite never turning against buddie.
It's literally normal to be watching a show and be like "yes, I want characters X & Y to end up together but currently they aren't and that's not an issue for me". It's a fictional show.
I want Eddie to get a coming out story line and I would not be upset if it didn't revolve around Buck because 1. Eddie is his own person, and 2. I KNOW that if it did revolve around Buck, you guys would immidiately say it's worthless because it's not an Eddie story but actually a story about the "white boy". Like you literally cannot have it both ways.
You can't beg for coming out story lines and then say "wait that's the wrong person they're kissing." It's a coming out story line. It's literally a gateway to a whole new world of stories in the show.
Chill out, go outside, maybe try to enjoy the show you claim to love instead of shitting on it, the actors and the other fans
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sunfyrisms · 2 months
team black this, team green that. have you considered i don’t give a fuck. have you considered the nuances and flaws and motives of the individual characters. have you considered this is a family of insanely inbred people who ride cool dragons. have you considered
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rowanoftheunknown · 5 months
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“I hope I’ll find all the pieces of my mind that fell out of my head over all those years, and that I’ll be able to put myself together again. I hope the echoes of pain will fade, and memories of sorrow will die, and that you’ll visit me here some day…”
“And I hope you have a happy ending of your own.”
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