#i fear for yangcha now
helianthus21 · 10 months
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sunlightnmoonshine · 5 years
One of the greatest moments in arthdal (nunbyeol V daekhan)
I think this fight is worth a specific post. As I rewatched it I realised so many specific details they had dealt with and it was true poetic cinematography. Initially arthdal chronicles had a few Eps that seemed unnecessary but if you've been here from the start you'd know that nothing they've ever done has been pointless. Maybe viewed pointless and irritating (cough eunseom being beaten and captured repeatedly cough) but theyve never actually put in any unnecessary scenes and I think this fight between nunbyeol and the soldiers clearly depicts that.
At first I thought that Harim was merely a character added to compliment Chaeeun and Nunbyeol because we can't really have a story without a family yknow. His presence served so much purpose. From being the one that contributed to Asa hons death to that guilt making him adopt Nunbyeol, to blocking her abilities to teaching her sword fighting, to training Chaeeun to become a doctor, to being a representative figure of the lack of loyalty that surrounds arthdal. Only he was on the victim end concerning the last point.
He's more or less caused the existence of an all powerful neanthal and saving her more or less indicates that the neanthal line might continue for at least a short while.
What's specifically so stunning about this fight is just the filming and the way it's portrayed. The ep was more or less hinting that Mugwangs death was near but they'd actually suggested that it would be Nunbyeols doing many Eps earlier. When tanya initially said he'd die under the crescent moon it was merely a curse a powerful one at that, not a prophecy. The prophecy revealed itself that day when she was trying to escape and with Chaeeun and Nunbyeol and she had the prophecy when Nunbyeol was close (I cant believe it didn't occur to me that nunbyeol might be the one to kill him when it's been staring me in the face the whole time). What adds to this is nunbyeol already fought him once with her sword fighting but her repressed self couldn't handle it. It makes it all the more better when she unlocks her self and really shows them what a neanthal is capable of. The added explanation from that other soldier happening along the way of the ep perfects it because its an inherent forewarning. And bam we've the hiss and the blue eyes and blue veins and absolute perfection that was her fight. It opened with such glory legit cut a body perfectly in half but the pure gold of this moment was the look on the daekhan forces faces.
For the longest time they've viewed themselves as the strongest. They've been under the impression that Neanthals are long gone and they've been proud of it solely because they think they had a role to play in it. The fear that suddenly overtakes them in those few minutes was displayed so magnificently and it depicts just how weak the daekhan forces are. They've used brute strength and useless reason to take lives over and over again and they've been proud of it. One might view this as because they are part of "tagons" army and this delusional ideology they've got going that by following him they are somehow stronger and powerful and worthy of their actions. Regardless the way that all comes crashing down in a matter of minutes.
The choreography of her fight was astounding, you could see the rush of strength like a moment of ecstacy. Perfect swordsmanship, perfect expression. Prior to her unleashing it all the helplesness that echoed though. You could see and feel the pain, their screams, their cries and Nunbyeol in particular being dragged like a rag doll because she's relatively weaker only makes her rise so much more stunning.
I'll remember Mugwangs eyes of fear for a long time to come. I've been waiting for it no doubt but the way they handled it was so astounding, the poetic cinematography. He was an unapologetic piece of shit until the end although he had countless moments to make amends and thats what this show is about. It gives people the chance to make the right choices, gives them the chance to be good just like life does but then depicts just how arrogance and selfishness and all negative emotions get in the way of it. Mugwang has been a villain from inception, whatever conscience he had is long gone so it makes sense that he didn't beg for forgiveness only that every mistake he made was reflected in his eyes and that he was completely helpless about it. It still amazes me how he simply followed orders because he revers tagon and knows taealha is his trusted comrade. His reaction however would have been completely different had he known Tagon was an igutu and that's what's so perfect he dies just like that serving a master he actually knew almost nothing about. Makes his life seem even more worthless really.
Arthdal chronicles has been cruel from the start. The merciless killing of innocent Neanthal, the burning of children of Wahan the endless pain caused specifically by the the Daekhan forces all reflected back on its perpetrators in a matter of minutes. I don't know the name of the other soldier who survived that fight but he more or less is a representation of what the entire force is about to feel. That fear, all of it coming back to them. It was so gratifying watching them have a taste of their own medicine. Him fainting by the end of it adds to what the daekhan forces really are. They are wimps disguised in brute force and strength.
I'm curious to see what will set aside Mubaek and Yangcha. They've so much potential to do more with their lives, Mubaek in particular. If he'd just opt to be more of an action taker than a watcher. He's hesitating too much but that's perfectly fine given his character. He's stood by and watched as the neanthals were killed, while the wahan were killed and now I wonder what else he'll stand by and watch. Had he been more forward with his actions he might have been able to save two dear people to him. Asa hon and Mugwang. It's too late now and his characters potential is going to be tested.
Praise to Arthdal Chronicles for delivering such fine characters. There's so many memorable ones that each own their moments regardless of whether you root for them or not regardless of whether they are in the light or the dark or even the grey area - arthdal chronicles gives you a fine set of people that represent what our world is like to this day
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thequeensjester · 5 years
Don't mind me, just liking all your Arthdal posts. Can I get your thoughts on the twin-swap the preview hinted at? Could Saya sending Eunseom to Tanya be a shift in his moral center, or is it him becoming the god that has a shot at destroying his father? I totally agree that Tanya should not be his moral anchor and I really enjoyed the hints at their give-and-take in season 1. I also find it compelling for him to keep being the chaotic asshole third wheel of Team Azure Comet, with no redemption.
I have so many questions about how a potential twin swap could happen in a battlefield. They’re not even wearing the same armor?! Yet, I see Gitoha and Yangcha (who I guess can’t communicate via writing?) next to Saya and I’m thinking “With company like that, why not?”
Without fully knowing why Tagon stole Saya (unless I forgot), Saya’s actions are really just driven by a combination of fear of being powerless and anger. Staying in control either through cruelty or pursuit of knowledge is what keeps him together. If he voluntarily switches with Eunseom, it would likely be because trolling Tagon will be delightful for Saya. For me, Saya wasn’t too particularly responsive to Tanya’s concern post-coup. He was surprised which was... interesting because he has experienced and received love from poor Saenarae.
Despite Saya wanting to be Tanya’s anchor through her emotional turmoil, the moment she withheld information from him, he want on his Oedipus-quest-for-knowledge that he’d regret to learn. He admits that Tanya wouldn’t like his method but he’s all, “Welp, lololol gonna do it anyway.” He was, however, touched by Tagon’s small affections but then, irritated when Tagon quickly shut him out again after all he’s done for his father.
If Saya intentionally swaps with Eunseom, it would be because Tagon wrecked his life and now wants to cause chaos. I do feel that it’s no coincidence that the show really hammers in the parent-child relationship in the final two eps with Tagon-Saya, Mihol-Taealha, and Cho-seol-Tanya.
With the women, their respective parent raised and guided them in the manner that they felt would secure their and their tribes’ futures. Though on the Mihol and Cho-seol raised their daughters to see the bigger picture.
The Tagon-Saya relationship is condition-based (like Sanung) and now, Tagon is getting everything he’s wanted, leaving Saya with nothing. On top of that, Tagon is pulling a Sanung and sending him on campaigns to do his fighting far away while he bonds with his blood-born son. Tagon hated Dan-byeok and Saya is going to hate the baby son. With the writers not showing Saya to have any shift in morals but being so dutiful to Tagon and then, left disappointed, we’re watching Tagon 2.0.
(IIRC Song Joong-ki mentioned that he felt Arthdal Chronicles had a Greek mythology vibe to it and this narrative of the son overcoming the father is a major Greek myth theme.)
Saya is likely seething at Tanya and jealous of Eunseom. Saya doesn’t just ask the question of what but also why? So even though he looked at Tanya like that scared, emotionally-wounded boy hiding the curtains, his hatred for Tagon should be enough to turn on him.
I don’t mind Saya not getting a redemption so as long as joins Eunseom and Saya to take down Tagon. I don’t think he has to, especially with where his character currently is. He’s proud to be Igutu in the way Eunseom doesn’t care and Tagon self-hates so I’d be curious if he goes on a path to avenge his bloodline and all the murdered Neanthals/ Igutu, no thanks to Tagon.
Like why bring back Sassy Rottip or keep Nunbyeol alive? Can you imagine the twist if Saya takes his place with them?
If the writers wanted him to have one and it fits his character arc, I wouldn’t mind it either unless the onus was put on Tanya. Let’s not. Selfishly, I want Saya to turn a new leaf because I’m hoping for a Gamora-Nebula sibling relationship but lol at the logistics on filming the twins for that to happen.
(yikes this went on forever)
How do those illustrated previews speak to you?
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