how-to-be-a-tree · 1 year
the urge to find this place, WAIT and MEET a Neanthal....
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gizkasparadise · 11 months
arthdal thoughts for the week:
"they cant set us on fire if we set them on fire first and set them on fire more" you know what eunseom? 10/10 respect
yangcha's just....hanging out in recurring character purgatory i guess? lol
all i want in the world is a tanya + taealha teamup but it looks like im not getting it unless the preview is deliberately misleading
im glad saya's not dead. now give him something to fucking do!!!
eunseom's whole plot reads like the "forest of coincidence" bit from galavant but im gonna let it ride since this is supposed to be divinely inspired hero's journey stuff
we're introducing shahatri lore now? in the year of ep fucking 10/12???
im waiting for the neanthals to be relevant. the dudes just seem to be sort of burning man wandering from place to place until their nunbyeol gps is activated
this show is giving us many "distressed ljk in a fur-covered bed" scenes and i dont have a comment for this i just feel the need to point it out
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bitacrytic · 11 months
end of ep8: Tagon was scared when he learned that Nunbyeol was a neanthal
beginning of ep9: he managed to survive
end of ep9: he was scared because he finally understood what Saya meant by "his face" killing tagon
beginning of ep10: he still managed to survive
end of of ep10: he was scared because of the whirlwind fire
call me crazy, but I do not want him to suddenly get out of this for the third episode in a row. the episodes keep ending with him looking like something will destroy him, only for him to plot-armor his way out of it in the beginning of the next episode.
I get it. he's smart. he's diabolical. but come on! he's won enough for the season. it's time to start seeing some consequences and failures.
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backhugtrope · 3 months
아스달 연대기: 아라문의 검
man it's taken me like 8 months to watch arthdal 2 after it came out.... it's not like i didn't want to but tbh i was scared it would suck. I hadn't heard much about it either, but i guess that's bc it was on disney+ for some reason instead of netflix.
ANYWAY i watch it all last week and honestly it was lit. i thought about rewatching some of season 1 first, but i'm glad i didn't, there was a recap anyway and the 4 year wait helped me forget the actors that got replaced. well, not ALL......but i will say that lee joon gi did a great job. like, as a saya fan i did miss SJK ofc but if i'd got to choose his replacement it might've been lee joon gi! actually i felt so bad for saya this season, why is everything all about eunseom, he gets the girl, gets to be inaishingi AND aramun haesulla? .....dude leave some prophecy for the rest of us..... i'd be jealous too
and it's always a pleasure when my fave eum moon suk makes an appearance.... he was sooo good and MADE the 2 eps he was in
while i've never minded her as an actress (i know she gets some hate), unfortunately shin se kyung WAS kinda flat as tanya. ALSO even tho she's apparently in love with eunseom --they have this weird kiss when finally reuniting after 10 years apart-- the only times she ever shows any emotion are when yangcha is in peril (understandable!!), which brings me to....
as my season 1 fave, i was sooo glad we got more yangcha scenes and background this season! the new hair was dubious & i was sad to see the mask go after only one ep (bc hellooo his main appeal was how masked and silent and mysterious he was) but we do learn about WHY he was masked/couldn't talk (he was a child of shahati but tagon saved him!!), anyway ofc he switches loyalty from tagon to tanya bc he gets his emotions back bc of her and he loooves her. he also tries to die for her a couple times but thankfully survives the season. so tanya. girl. yangcha's right there, like eunseom who?? couldn't be me.
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who knows if there'll be a season 3, i mean the setup is there (with saya sailing off somewhere with those neanthals and taelha raising an army + kid to take back arth from eumseom) but not sure the ratings were. if there's ever a S3 though, i'll watch it
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passionforfiction · 9 months
Arthdal Chronicles
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The first season of this fantasy story hits close to home. It depicts the cruelty and greed of villages that have the resources, food and technology to take advantage of others. The story doesn't waist time, the first episode starts with the Arthdal leaders asking the Neanthals to become part of their power. The Arthdal are afraid of the peaceful but strong Neanthals and pretend to negotiate, knowing they are not interested. And what do they do? The Arthdal leaders trick their own people and kill the Neanthals in order to take their lands. Asa Hon learns this when she is in the middle of the attack, and in order to safe Neanthal children, she leaves with a child and Ragaz, with whom she later has children with.
Arthdal continues to annihilate weaker villages, taking them as slaves for hard labor. It is Tagon, an Itgu in hiding, that makes all this possible for Arthdal. And even though he is loved by the village as a hero, his father and other leaders are trying to find ways of killing him, including making Mihol's daughter, Teaelha, into a spy. Even though Tagon is cruel, there is an innocence to his longing to be loved and accepted by the people. His relationship with Teaelha is of a love stronger than their ties to their families and interests. And even though we don't like what he does, some times we do wish him success in his endeavors and fight against the Arthdal leaders for power.
But it is the story of the Wahan Tribe that reminds us that Tagon and all Arthdal are cruel and greedy people that have no respect for others. This is a peaceful tribe in a far away land. They are more like Neanthals in their believes but they are also prejudice against Itgus like Eunseom, whose mother leaves him there before she dies. Eunseom's only true friend is Tanya, the daughter of the priestess and scientist of the village.
It is almost impossible to reach the place but Tagon and the Arthdal leaders find the way to reach the land, it takes them 10 years to reach it and less time to destroy it and take its people as prisoners and slaves. Here we see the struggle of these people who get separated, sold into slavery and fight with each other and their enslavers in order to survive. But it also shows the Wahan people mesmerized by the innovations and way of life in this civilized village.
Tanya ties Eunseom to her by naming him her dream and he will do anything to save her, but destiny takes them into two different paths. These two characters are also very naive, their innocence and sense of justice is what makes others follow them. They both want to forge a world where everyone is equal, no prejudice against people that are different, everyone on equal standing.
Tanya's relationship with Saya is a sad one at best. She is using Saya while Saya genuinely likes her. And even though, at some point she sees him as a friend and cares about him, she still uses his affection towards her. But she is not the only one using Saya, so is Tagon who separated him from his mother when he was a child and Teaelha who became his caregiver for Tagon. Still, Saya is not stupid and he knows how to play the game.
This first half ends with the downfall of the rule of the Arthdal leaders: Daekan, White Mountain, and Hae tribes; giving way to Tagon's rule under the name of Aramun; which damages the relationship he had with Teaelha. Tanya is now the high priest while Eunseom becomes a god for the Ago tribe and starts unifying weak tribes to end fights among them and focus on fighting against their common oppressor.
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The second season starts 8 years after the final events of the first one. And the fighting is no longer centered on colonialism, but on taking down a threatening force that is not letting them continue with their expansion of territories. I have heard of people wondering why the change of actors for critical characters. I wouldn't have minded seeing the same actors since they are excellent ones and we got used to them. But I didn't mind the changes, I think that these new actors, brought some darkness to the characters that had been innocent and naive in the first season. They have learned to play the game and they are using what they have learned for their gain.
Tagon and Teaelha are no longer the close couple they had been, but they still love each other and have a son that unites them. Theirs is a tragic and powerful love story, tainted by the struggle for power.
In this half, we see Tagon's fall, and the rise of the ideology that drove Tanya and Eunseom into battle. But we are left with an open ending that promises more blood and restlessness. Saya wants Arthdal for his own since he can't have Tanya's love; and Teaelha wants to take Arthdal back as she promised Tagon; while Eunseom struggles to make Arthdal the land he and Tanya had envisioned.
It is the bloody story of a civilization in this fantasy world that reflects the truth about the history of our world so full of tyranny, blood and inequality.
It is not a story with clear lines and we will switch sides as their goals become twisted, but so is the story of rulers in the past and the present. This is a fantasy story, but it also criticizes what makes a country a country - it's bloody history of greedy men.
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skz1-4-3 · 1 year
Something else
Arthdal chronicles
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So heres my theory for arthdal chronicles (in honors of s2 i will finally speak my mind for this show)
Kanmarou is the horse of aramun haesulla and the fastest ever (hes not really the fastest he just can make other horses slow down with some manipulating eye contact) and thats why mubaek thought eunseom is aramun but i think hes inaishige and that hes also the mirror with saya and that nunbyeol is the sword and tanya the bell.
Bc : nunbyeol is the first ever neanthal to learn the art of swordsmanship even tho neanthals cant do so and i think that eunseom and saya are the mirror bc if they both look at each other they would see a „reflection“ and eunseom can copy every movment he saw only once as if hes „mirroring“ them.
Idk about saya tho , to me he seems like he cant do so. But i do think that while eunseom is inaishigi, that saya is aramun bc asa sin brought aramun to arthdal and now tanya does the same to saya bc after she came arthdal found out abt saya. And the horse was like „eunseom is weak“ even thi he let him ride on him so maybe he confised saya w/him bc they are twins and kanmarou isnt really that much of a god , more like a server to one.
But maybe tagon could be aramun after all everything tanya said became true so maybe she forced aramun upon tagon and since inaishige is the only one that can beat aramun it has to be someone from arth if theres no one eunseom wants to beat uppp
Also it was said THREE CHILDREN were born on the SAME DAY in the SAME HOUR. So my question is how tf did asa hon(?) (eunseoms mother) give birth to twins in the same hour without problems? Like , no doctor , no medicines no nothing. Just in the forst without any warning like „yo baby about to pop out“ so maybe saya doesn’t belong to the prophecy at all . Cause he cant mirror the movements he saw right away like eunseom and we all know that tanya is the bell and im still putting my head on it that nunbyeol is the sword.
So what do you think of my theory? (Nunbyeol - sword ,eunseom-mirror , tanya-bell)
And whats yours?
(Also im upset about the new actors of arthdal chronicles s2 bc saya was so hot and now some random 40+ yrs old dude plays him 😔 and tanyas new actress is so bad at portraying emotions like her face always looks like this 0-0)
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Finished arthdal chronicles, and gonna tell you, I did spend many episodes thinking "wait a minute, asa hon left that place she was living to go to iark, like, okay, but she left those 2 neanthal children in there alone in the florest and those soldier just killed the other adult that was taking caring of them with her.... Like, yeah, neanthal are stronger than saram people, but they are still kids and no more than 10 years old and they are still being hunted........ and there isn't a kid missing? ragaz had two babies with him when he found asa hon......." Only after Yiseuroobeu said that he was many years older than Rottip that I was like "phew, those two kids wheren't left by themselves" bc at first I thought Yiseu was that other kid that was holding newborn eunseom
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noxdwn · 2 years
The third chapter of the Arthdal Chronicles script book volume 1 is now available to read in English
— Arthdal : The people of this world
Saram | Neanthal | Igutu | White Mountain Tribe | Saenyeok Tribe | Hae Tribe | Arth's Alphabet | Wahan Tribe Villagers
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purplishblood · 5 years
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asa hon x ragaz aka the best parents.
like or reblog if you save✨
drama : arthdal chronicles.
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veronicaxavie · 4 years
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exilelore · 5 years
people need to wake up and watch arthdal chronicles because WHOA
(just saw ep16 and it’s the best thing ever)
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gizkasparadise · 1 year
spoilers for ep 8 under the cut! mixed feelings on things atm
on the one hand, i am happy that tagon is more of a threat and they're not going the Mad King route because im so sick of that trope
on the other hand, it was stupid obvious that his OG crew weren't executed. idk how 2 of the consummate schemers of the series, especially the 2 that know tagon best (taealha, saya), didnt see this trick coming from 900 miles away
overall i dont think they know what to do with saya this season. he doesnt have as much screen time, feels pretty inconsistent, and they're (imo) downplaying his intelligence/ruthlessness as well as his spirituality quite a bit :/ i had hopes when he tricked the ago into thinking ipsaeng attacked him but him (& taealha) falling for this really obvious scheme aint it
adding onto that point, s1 pretty firmly established that saya is good at calculating but his big gaping weakness is how he craves validation, particularly from tagon and tanya (and this season even hints at that when he meets eunseom again!!). idk why they didn't do something more in that vein??? because saya throwing taealha under the bus in favor of an alliance with a finally-father-figure!tagon makes 100% more sense for subverting the coup (and i thought that's where they were going when tagon hugged him!!)
me @ ep 7: damn i think yangcha/tanya might be my season 2 ship, #conversion is the theme
me @ preview for ep 9: oh nevermind he's super fucked
all the actors are doing a great job! but i think the writing is fumbling it on some of them -- eunseom and saya in particular feel off to me. that said, i like how tanya & the wahans have been written this season (and prefer s2 tanya to s1 tanya, oops) -- ive seen people complaining about her dad but his character development (or rather regression?) feels right. the little reunion moments behind the scattered tribe members are also a really good touch, and i like that they did something with mungtae + dalsae despite the fast-track pace we gotta run to tie everything up
can we please streamline the ago plot. please. i beg you. im about to start fastforwarding on it
i think the nunbyul = sword theory might not be as dead in the water as i thought! she's featured a ton, and there's also something poetic about the three world-enders being saram, igutu, and neanthal. eunseom's sword is also not God Legit, and the fact that nunbyul is the only neanthal that can use a sword was referenced again
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l-a-r-a · 5 years
OMG! NUNBYEOL! You are the MVP of this episode, I just, I can't.. I am so proud of my repressed homicidal neanthal, I have no words!
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sunlightnmoonshine · 5 years
One of the greatest moments in arthdal (nunbyeol V daekhan)
I think this fight is worth a specific post. As I rewatched it I realised so many specific details they had dealt with and it was true poetic cinematography. Initially arthdal chronicles had a few Eps that seemed unnecessary but if you've been here from the start you'd know that nothing they've ever done has been pointless. Maybe viewed pointless and irritating (cough eunseom being beaten and captured repeatedly cough) but theyve never actually put in any unnecessary scenes and I think this fight between nunbyeol and the soldiers clearly depicts that.
At first I thought that Harim was merely a character added to compliment Chaeeun and Nunbyeol because we can't really have a story without a family yknow. His presence served so much purpose. From being the one that contributed to Asa hons death to that guilt making him adopt Nunbyeol, to blocking her abilities to teaching her sword fighting, to training Chaeeun to become a doctor, to being a representative figure of the lack of loyalty that surrounds arthdal. Only he was on the victim end concerning the last point.
He's more or less caused the existence of an all powerful neanthal and saving her more or less indicates that the neanthal line might continue for at least a short while.
What's specifically so stunning about this fight is just the filming and the way it's portrayed. The ep was more or less hinting that Mugwangs death was near but they'd actually suggested that it would be Nunbyeols doing many Eps earlier. When tanya initially said he'd die under the crescent moon it was merely a curse a powerful one at that, not a prophecy. The prophecy revealed itself that day when she was trying to escape and with Chaeeun and Nunbyeol and she had the prophecy when Nunbyeol was close (I cant believe it didn't occur to me that nunbyeol might be the one to kill him when it's been staring me in the face the whole time). What adds to this is nunbyeol already fought him once with her sword fighting but her repressed self couldn't handle it. It makes it all the more better when she unlocks her self and really shows them what a neanthal is capable of. The added explanation from that other soldier happening along the way of the ep perfects it because its an inherent forewarning. And bam we've the hiss and the blue eyes and blue veins and absolute perfection that was her fight. It opened with such glory legit cut a body perfectly in half but the pure gold of this moment was the look on the daekhan forces faces.
For the longest time they've viewed themselves as the strongest. They've been under the impression that Neanthals are long gone and they've been proud of it solely because they think they had a role to play in it. The fear that suddenly overtakes them in those few minutes was displayed so magnificently and it depicts just how weak the daekhan forces are. They've used brute strength and useless reason to take lives over and over again and they've been proud of it. One might view this as because they are part of "tagons" army and this delusional ideology they've got going that by following him they are somehow stronger and powerful and worthy of their actions. Regardless the way that all comes crashing down in a matter of minutes.
The choreography of her fight was astounding, you could see the rush of strength like a moment of ecstacy. Perfect swordsmanship, perfect expression. Prior to her unleashing it all the helplesness that echoed though. You could see and feel the pain, their screams, their cries and Nunbyeol in particular being dragged like a rag doll because she's relatively weaker only makes her rise so much more stunning.
I'll remember Mugwangs eyes of fear for a long time to come. I've been waiting for it no doubt but the way they handled it was so astounding, the poetic cinematography. He was an unapologetic piece of shit until the end although he had countless moments to make amends and thats what this show is about. It gives people the chance to make the right choices, gives them the chance to be good just like life does but then depicts just how arrogance and selfishness and all negative emotions get in the way of it. Mugwang has been a villain from inception, whatever conscience he had is long gone so it makes sense that he didn't beg for forgiveness only that every mistake he made was reflected in his eyes and that he was completely helpless about it. It still amazes me how he simply followed orders because he revers tagon and knows taealha is his trusted comrade. His reaction however would have been completely different had he known Tagon was an igutu and that's what's so perfect he dies just like that serving a master he actually knew almost nothing about. Makes his life seem even more worthless really.
Arthdal chronicles has been cruel from the start. The merciless killing of innocent Neanthal, the burning of children of Wahan the endless pain caused specifically by the the Daekhan forces all reflected back on its perpetrators in a matter of minutes. I don't know the name of the other soldier who survived that fight but he more or less is a representation of what the entire force is about to feel. That fear, all of it coming back to them. It was so gratifying watching them have a taste of their own medicine. Him fainting by the end of it adds to what the daekhan forces really are. They are wimps disguised in brute force and strength.
I'm curious to see what will set aside Mubaek and Yangcha. They've so much potential to do more with their lives, Mubaek in particular. If he'd just opt to be more of an action taker than a watcher. He's hesitating too much but that's perfectly fine given his character. He's stood by and watched as the neanthals were killed, while the wahan were killed and now I wonder what else he'll stand by and watch. Had he been more forward with his actions he might have been able to save two dear people to him. Asa hon and Mugwang. It's too late now and his characters potential is going to be tested.
Praise to Arthdal Chronicles for delivering such fine characters. There's so many memorable ones that each own their moments regardless of whether you root for them or not regardless of whether they are in the light or the dark or even the grey area - arthdal chronicles gives you a fine set of people that represent what our world is like to this day
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passionforfiction · 10 months
Arthdal Chronicles (Part 1)
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Human greed that destroys innocence and harmony among different tribes and Neanthals. Destruction, slavery and death. . .
The Arthdal Union is made up of four tribes that understood that in strength is in the coming together for a common goal. These tribes are: Daekan tribe led by Sanung (the greediest of all leaders), White Mountain tribe led by Asa Ron (the religious leader), Hae tribe led by Mihol who holds the key to building arms and other useful objects, and the Bachidoore represented by Hae Rim, who - together with his family - who was a doctor.
The story begins on the night when Arthdal leaders ask the Naenthals (who are very strong and fast) to become part of the union. These people were feared among the people of all human tribes, but they were peaceful beings who only used violence to defend themselves. And the night they refuse, is the night Sanung orders his army to kill all Naenthals. Asa Hon, finds herself among the Naenthals when the destruction begins and she helps Ragaz save one of the Naenthal children, while Daekan army murders everyone in sight.
On the night Asa Hon has Ragaz's twin sons, Tanya was being born in Lark by the priestess and leader of the Wahan tribe. These three children have different paths all connected by their fate. . .
It is heartbreaking and frustrating to see how greed brings so much pain to the victim of those who become blinded by this insatiable desire to possess all. Sanung, Asa Ron and Mihol were constantly stabbing each other on the back in the cold war they had in order to have power over the Union. Sanung had the strongest army, and he used his son, Tagon as a weapon, destroying tribes, and taking peaceful people away from their homes to make them slaves. Meanwhile, Mihol uses his daughter, Taealha, as spy against Tagon and Sanung.
But mistreated children rebel against their parents and Tagon and Taealha hold on to each other and their love as they fight against their fathers and destroy the union to form a kingdom they can rule over. By the end of this part of the chronicle we see the transformation of these two characters: Tagon, who wanted to be loved by his people and who wanted to rule in a peaceful way, becomes a tyrant, feared by his people. Taealha, who was always calculating her next step, gave her all for Tagon, only to resent him for not sharing his power and going behind her back.
But these two would not had been able to accomplish this rebellion if they hadn't used Tanya who gave into her true path as priestess, Saya who was separated from his parents and grew as Tagon's son, and Eunseom, who in his efforts to save his people from slavery captured Sanung, giving Tagon the opportunity to kill his father.
We also see the transformation of these three young people as they become entangled in the Arthdal political struggle in their desire to save themselves and the people they love.
I liked how the story explores the creation of empires through conquering, destruction and slavery. It also presents the pain and negative side of fear as it blindly kills the Other because of their differences. The need to hide who they really are can also trigger the need to destruct blindly.
I loved the series and will start watching the second part this weekend.
Poster from the Korea Herald - https://www.koreaherald.com/view.php?ud=20190908000107
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latikaskingdom · 5 years
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Arthdal Chronicles Ep9
The Rise of Neanthal
Is that Nickhun? the other nweantal?
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