#i feel better ab gtg
izukult · 4 years
and that actually brings to my next fact about me! I’m very blunt and straightforward but I swear I don’t mind you 🥺🥺 I just like to say what’s on my mind lolOkay so my music taste is kinda hopeless romantic vibe and screaming??? I DONT KNOW LMAO- ITS JUST WHERE ITS VERY LOUD AND I- I just yes. Makes me feel powerful 😌😌 2/3
hey bubs🥺 ( @simplyyyy ) so, i picked yamaguchi for you!! i feel like because he’s so used to tsukishima’s personality, he wouldn’t be as sensitive about your blunt nature (i feel like tsukishima would kinda be an ass ab it and it would cause fights LMAOO). i tried to come up with a vibe you’d like the most, and for all of these playlists i’m going to use 15 songs!! if there are any songs you absolutely hate you can lmk and i’ll change em🥺
i’m gonna tag the playlist and also list the songs.
i named it that because your name LOL i like to think i’m funny😎🤳 i tried to get a good mix of hopeless romantic vibey and angry god (within limits). i think this would be like a collaborative playlist and youd both add songs to it (obviously there’d be a lot more,) but yams does enjoy the occasional headbanger. some of the songs remind you of each other, while some of them also have a complete meaning of their own and they’re just fun for you two to scream together. there would be a few songs neither of you even considered “good”, it just gave you a good feeling to blare them in your room.
here’s a list of the songs (incase you don’t have spotify) & if u wanna know the reasons for why i put them, message me pls!!! :)
1. ivy- frank ocean
2. stay with me- better love
3. scream- kevinkempt (sorry for putting a song you said on there lol)
4. darling- christian leave
5. another hero! whats he going to do, bleed on us? (can’t tell if this song is awful or not🤨)
6. verbatim- mother mother (yall scream to this one nonnegotiable)
7. shampoo bottles- peach pit
8. interlude: i’m not angry anymore- paramore
9. beachboy- mccafferty
10. faggot (i’m gay dw😀)- mindless self indulgence
11. gtg- freddie dredd
12. coffee- early eyes
13. tongues- the frights
14. song for me- greer
15. breezeblocks- alt-J
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beecherdrysdale · 4 years
Hello my bbs, hope everyone’s ok!.
The amounts of screenshots I took for this....
To start: haha I guess brigid and Dylan are in the same car together, but who’s at the front? Like Dylan better keep his hands to himself of Jamie’s gonna get jealoussssss. And it’s gonna be chaotic and quinton is gonna jump out of the car lol. Unless you put quinton upfront with you? Haha yes you ignore them and just talking to quinton hehe.
Brigid I do that as well, so get ready to lose when the light turns green! Kesh also likes to drive fast so it’ll be chaoticcccc.I am banishing Ryan to the back because I would definitely lose concentration. Quinner or Braden are the only ones that can sit upfront. Preferably Quinner so that I can hold his hand🥺 but I love you too braden. There is so much to see while driving in Canada, so frequent stops will be made. Plus the boys love Canada #nostalgic.
Lmao being in the car together would be so fun!!. Haha Dylan and Jamie braiding your hair would be hilarious, like they get into the biggest knot, why do I feel like Ryan would take a picture of it and post it on his insta story and would write “nice”😂 I do wanna see it tho. but like kesh said they would be giving you puppy eyes because they don’t want you to be mad at them, I’m not sure how you would react tho?. Hehe me pulling over, and quinton and devon just redoing your hair, and then I’d make them do my hair as well:). Ok so driving with the windows down and blasting music is good with everyone, I think we would playing all music lol , country for Brigid and Kirby? I think you like country? I’m playing 2000’s music- like a g6 would be so fun to blast in the car. Everyone is just dancing in the car. Some rap will be played for the boys. Kesh what music do you like? Does anyone else have any music suggestions? Haha cozzy, Devon and Braden just being passed out for the drive and literally not waking up to the music. Late night drives are adorable, esp with the make outs hehe.
Ok so we have decided that kesh is the most responsible on the trip which I totally agree with, somebody’s gotta keep us in check. Cozzy is apparently still sleeping, boy must be tired from all those nhl games hehe. Lmao sending Kirby with us, and you yeeling at Dylan not to buy a tv😂. We would so chaotic in the grocery store, like riding in the shopping cart, but also everybody’s racing to get their food, which would be majority of junk food hehe. Honestly we would buy so much food we are literally on a vacay with hockey players who eat a lot haha. The cash register would be shocked. Awww kesh, you being like “kirbs I didn’t even give you that many directions” but him being totally clueless and just trying to kiss you. him being “hmmmm but we didn’t get a tv, and we got some carrots and veggies” lmao I love that kesh please keep writing those.
Haha you got it right, I would be so confused, like how did we get so much food ?! Brigid, you did go overboard but I love it and we will eat our candy :) Dylan bring a ps5 is the funniest shit ever. Food discussion: yes to all of those candies, all dressed ruffles are delish so imma throw in a few bags. Dark chocolate is a must, hehe we should buy fruit and veggies. I don’t think I last that long with junk food hehe. Oo yess we are go a get an Nanaimo bars and poutine :) ooo and BEAVER TAILS . Those are sooo good. I can buy for everybody, esp quinner so that we can recreated that gif of him eating one.
Haha yes, Ryan and I will be there with the non stop chirps. We love them, but still you and Dylan getting 🥵 is 🤌. Hehe yes I mean Dylan h is gorg as well so quinner better work quick lol. Ooo brigid is feeling up some muscles, we love that. But also yes to the straddling and being soft w Jamie. Kesh they are a blushing mess, because they wanna be with Brigid all the time. We are absolutely recreating those wakeboarding lake pics, we have to witness that again- esp you brigid w Dylannnnn. We love some sunscreen and aloe vera.
Thank you, boats are fun! Yess Brigid is sharing the tube with Dylan and Jamie or just making the boys jealous 😏 and me or Ryan would probably make you intentionally fall off the tube lol. Maybe I can get quinner to go with me. Ryan is just waiting for that moment for Quinner to leave to push me in but I would be to quick and grab him as well 😂. Haha brigid needs a break and is just watching us lol. Haha Braden and Ryan pulling pranks on dyl and Jamie we love that. Aww kesh Quinner is being protective and wants to be with me.oh yes, Jamie and dyl staring at Brigid cuz she’s gorgeous in her bikini. We all look hot tho. Kesh is just chilling w kirbs. Lmao “I feel like we should stop Dylan and Jamie before they hurt themselves” and then kirbs being like “Devon is with them, there goes Dylan and Jamie” I love these.
Awww Quinner following me around 🥺 we’d be cute drunks. Ooo yes, Dylan and Jamie getting jealous, but they wanna be constantly around you, so I understand. Clubbing is a success, we are all pumped up w alcohol hehe. Lmao Devon and cozzy trying to get a girl but Ryan and Braden keep foiling their plans 😂 hehe kesh just chilling and wanting to help dev and cozzy but Kirby is to busy watching quinner, also question who is he doing the body shot on?
Yess the locked room would be not a Lexi and Ryan chaos, aw yes I get to know Dylan better:)) I wanna be friends! He he yes he would start getting jealous but then maybe I’d help him get your attention, but we still gotta let you have your Jamie moments🥺
Awww we do love a body positive Queen, y’all are gorgeous !! Haha yes we need a girls day! Some good shopping will be happening, we gotta get Brigid some summery clothes. The guys would be in awe, esp Jamie Dylan and kirbyyyy !!. I do wanna steal their clothes tho. We got so handsy boys over here!. Aww kesh you would looks so cute in kirbs big shirt but also in a bikini.
Yesss Dylan and Jamie are in awe, like she’s gorgeous. Same with Kirby m.
Aww kesh you’re to nice😭 you made me cry. Me abs Quinner!
Ok imma add more gtg to practice
Xo Lexi
okkkk so i’m finally home from school and practice now so i’m ready to respond. i’m taking notes from kesh and adding a keep reading bc this is gonna be longgggg so be warned to anyone reading this
haha yes i’m keeping quinton up front with me bc i don’t want him to jump out of the car lmao. i’m not going to subject him to the possible sexual tension that would be going on in the car if dyl or jamie were in the front. like if one of them were in the front they would just start touching my thigh or something knowing the other one could see it but couldn’t do anything about it. and then i would get distracted from driving and we wouldn’t win lol. so i���m making jamie and dyl sit in the back so they mostly dyl can just yell at me to drive faster so that we win. and then i’ll just chill and talk to quinton bc i want to annoy the other two lol
haha don’t worry, me and dyl (and jamie and quinton) will dominate once again. like you guys might drive fast, but i can guarantee i drive faster. especially if dyl is yelling at me to go faster lol. haha but yes you’ll definitely have a better chance if you banish ryan to the back so he can’t distract you. so you let quinner sit in the front with you and hold your hand 🥺 but as soon as he tries to put it anywhere else you banish him to the back so you don’t get distracted lol. but we would definitely have to make a bunch of stops for the boys bc they’re back in canada
haha yes dyl and jamie try, they really do, but they can not seem to get the whole braiding thing down. and then it ends up in a huge knot and ofc ryan just laughs at my misfortune and takes pics of my hair to post on his story. haha and i’d pretend to be soooo mad at them, and i can be scary when i’m mad so they’d be freaking out and just giving me puppy eyes and being like i’m sorry i’ll make it up to you. but then eventually i can’t keep up the act anymore and just start dying of laughter and then they would be annoyed bc they were freaking out lol. but then we have to stop so that our hair can be fixed.
yesss i love driving with the windows down absolutely blasting music and then whenever you drive past someone they just turn and look at you lol. i’m really into rap and i feel like a lot of the guys are too, so we have to have a lot of rap lol. and then country for kirby and i like country too, so i’m down with that. and then for lexi we have early 2000s music, which i also like and i feel like the guys would be down with that judging by the fact that they played it in the locker room at wjc lol. kesh any other music suggestions? and somehow even tho the music blasting cozzy, devon, and braden are just out, like nothing is waking them up. omg yes late night drives are so cute 🥰 esp with a make out sesh lol
haha yes, kesh is definitely the most responsible one, bc most of the rest of us just have sm crackhead energy it’s unbelievable. somehow cozzy is still sleeping, like how? idk, but then he’s not coming with and neither is kesh so she sends kirby as the responsible one, and let’s just say that doesn’t end too well. haha us getting a million things, and then i, for once being somewhat responsible, say no we’re not buying a tv or a ps5, that’s so expensive. and they’re just like, but babe we have our nhl salaries, we can pay for it, so then i give in lmao. and everyone in the store would just be judging us bc we would be so chaotic and be running all over the store lol. and riding in the cart too lmao. and then we also have a shit ton of food and the cashier is just like wtf, but yk it’s fine. like we would have sm candy and chips, and then we would also get poutine and nanaimo bars and beaver tails. omg i want to try beaver tails soooo bad they sound so good. and then we can recreate the quinner gif lmao. but then we also have to have at least a little healthy food so we feel better about ourselves since we’re all athletes who are supposed to be following diets lmao
haha yes you and ryan would be chirping everyone for literally everything. but mostly me with dylan and jamie lmao. like literally anytime i even touch one of them you guys are all over us, and i’m just like whatever, but the guys are blushing sooo hard lol. but then since i don’t care i keep doing whatever, so like putting sunscreen/aloe vera on them and i’m straddling them, and ik we’re gonna get chirped, but i just don’t care
haha yes boats are so fun, but us on a boat = chaos. hehe all of us on our tubes, but then we’re all trying to flip each other over. and then when we’re finally being slightly calm on the boat and just sitting on the railing, ryan has to come and push lexi in, and then she pulls him in with her and it’s just chaos again. and then i’d be sitting there laughing my ass off, and then someone else decides to push me in lmao. and we’re all looking hot in our bikinis obviously so our boys are all trying to get our attention the whole time. lmao and then kesh is just chilling with kirby and trying to be the voice of reason to get jamie and dyl to stop trying to show off and then kirby’s like no they’ll be fine. they are not fine
hehe yes lexi and quinner being the cutest drunks, just being super soft with each other and clingy 🥺 but then also kind of wild bc apparently quinner is doing body shots off of you. which also i really want to do. like i don’t care if it’s jamie or dyl, but please can one of them do body shots off me? and then let’s say dyl does it first, then jamie sees him doing it and ofc he’s jealous so then jamie has to do one too. and then kesh is chilling with kirby and she’s like hey you should go be a wingman for devon and cozzy, make ryan and braden leave them alone. but kirby’s too busy watching the rest of us do body shots lmao
yes lexi finally gets to actually have an extended convo with dylan, when they’re not trying to annoy everyone who’s actually trying ofc. but then you notice him getting jealous of me with jamie, so you chirp him at first but then he’s getting really annoyed. so then you have to be like calm down, let them have their moment, you’ve have plenty lol. she likes both of you, you know
haha yes we def need a girls day where we’re not being chaotic for once lol. and then we get a lot of cute clothes and stuff. and then when we get back the guys make us model all of it for them lol. and all of them are in awe. like kirby and quinner are just like 😍😍 about you guys bc they think you’re so cute. but then also they love our clubbing clothes and are getting super handsy when we go lol. but then after clubbing we just steal their clothes and live in them for most of the rest of the vacation and they pretend to be annoyed, but they secretly don’t mind bc they think it’s hot when we wear their clothes, esp if it has their name
overall, yes i love all of this and both of you 💖 sorry it took so long lol
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sarohara · 4 years
Stranger: Hi
You: heyo
Stranger: How ya doing?
You: Doing fine, how ya doing?
Stranger: Bad but life is to short to be negative
You: Well, but do u wanna talk ab it?
Stranger: Not really
Stranger: What did you ask for, for Christmas?
You: Oh okay! :) i hope life gets better to u! :)
You: Well, i didn't ask anything
You: But if i would, i'd ask covid to end, i'm sure
Stranger: That's cool
You: what about u?
Stranger: New skate board, new ps4 headset, clothes
You: Oh that's cool, do u skate?
Stranger: Yeah I'm not that good though
You: Well, i'm sure u're gonna improve it :)
Stranger: Thanks 😅
You: Anytime!
You: ahahahah so, what brings u here/
You: ?*
Stranger: I'm lonely
You: Oh :(
You: I feel like you sometimes
You: Life's not easy
Stranger: Yeah I feel like me all the time
Stranger: It's alot harder that way
You: But u know that u're not alone, right?
You: I'm so sorry :(
Stranger: Thanks I appreciate it
You: You don't need to thank me! :)
Stranger: How old are you?
You: do u wanna guess?
Stranger: Uhh 16?
You: Yeah!! is it that obvious?
You: ahahah
You: how old r u?
Stranger: 13
You: Ooh
You: Aw
You: May i ask ur name?
Stranger: Anyway gtg to class my name is santino
You: Oh okay, it was really nice talking to u Santino
You: I'm sarah btw
Stranger: Yeah thanks for the interaction!
You: Yeah sure :) Thank u too!
Stranger: Ok bye cutie 😚
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crispyninjadonut · 8 years
Keeper Group Chat Chapter 2
A/n hey guys sorry I don't have a schedule set up for updating I procrastinate and end up writing this on notes going to and from class XD  Enjoy
  As always under the cut for people that don't want to read (but why wouldn't you)
Linh: fitz did you have that science test yet Fitz: yeah earlier today Linh: how hard was it Fitz: define hard Fitz: like bash head against the wall hard Linh: definitely not that hard hopefully Fitz: yeah it wasn’t tHaT hard Linh: phew Sophie: hey guys Fitz: yo soph Linh: how was your morning Sophie: tiring Fitz: I don’t blame you Linh: yeah Sophie: I wonder where everyone else is Fitz: probs getting to class Linh: yeah doesn’t biana have maths across the school next? Sophie: tru Fitz: yep Sophie: I am sooooo ready for lunch Linh: saaaame Fitz: gtg bells about to ring Linh: me too Sophie: bye
Keefe: I have the fear Biana: you okay Keefe Keefe: t h e l u n c h l i n e Dex: oh my god Biana: how long have we been going to this school Tam: too long Biana: -_- Biana: my point is that you’ve gone through the lunch line before stop being so dramatic Dex: ohhhhhh Dex: she told you Keefe: if i die you aren’t getting any of my stuff Biana: just go! God Tam: see you at the table Dex: ugghhhh why does my locker have to be so far away Biana: c'mon Dex stop talking more walking Dex: I’m coming sheesh
Sophie: I don’t wanna go to maaaaath Fitz: c'mon that’s our only class together Keefe: I see why you don’t wanna go Fitz: -_- Keefe: ALLL byyyy myyyseeeeelf Keefe: don’t wannaaaa beeee Biana: oh my god Sophie: I know Tam: keefe could you shut up Keefe: nevverrrrr Fitz: uhoh Biana: the bells gonna ring you better shut up Sophie: if you make my phone go off in class Ill kill you Fitz: hahah HAHA Fitz: go to class Sophie: I swear if you are ditching again Keefe: me? Pfft Keefe: no way Biana: -_- Keefe: maybe a little Fitz: KEEFE Biana: you are so getting detention Fitz: don’t skip the detention Keefe: of course I’m gonna skip the detention Sophie: Keefe no Keefe: Keefe yes Tam: I do not condone this Keefe: hahaha see ya later guys Fitz: are you serious
Dex: FREEEDOOOOOOM Linh: yep Biana: let’s freaking go Im ready Sophie: where is my bus Keefe: with all the other busses Sophie: thanks Keefe Fitz: UGH I’ve got so much homework Dex: haha sucks to suck Fitz: what Dex: forget it Sophie: I CANT GIND MY BUS Biana: noooooooo Keefe: Foster it’s right over there Sophie: where the heck is that Keefe: the front Sophie: whys it over there Linh: go before you miss it Dex: oh my god soph XD Fitz: what are we gonna do with you Biana: :P Sophie: ha ha ha Sophie: ha ha ha haaaaa Sophie: -_- Dex: it’s okay Sophie: I’m disowning all of you Biana: you do that Sophie: jk jk love you guys Tam: I’m trying to do homework can you guys SHUT UP Keefe: you can’t tell us what to do bangs boy Biana: so what do you guys want to do on the ride home Dex: cry Keefe: um Dex: ;-; Linh: you okay there Dex: nO Fitz: do you want to talk about it Dex: no I’m just never okay Sophie; IM NOOOT OKKAAAAYYY Sophie: IM NOT OKAAAYYYYYYY Biana: sophie stap Sophie: ok I’m good Keefe: that happened Fitz: indeed Biana: I see the house on the horizon Fitz: woot let’s go Keefe: see ya guys Sophie: byyyye Dex: ughh five more stops Dex: I’m gonna do a little homework Sophie: ok talk to ya later Dex Keefe: bye!! Sophie: and then there were 2 Keefe: make that 1 my stop is in a minute Sophie: ugggggggggggg Sophie: alllll by myyyyyseeeelllllllfffff Sophie: fine I’ll do homework then
Sophie: HOMEWORK SUCKS Linh: I feel you Sophie: math Sophie: I hate math Dex: *maths Sophie: yeah yeah whatever Biana: XD Fitz: you having trouble Sophie: AM I HAVING TROUBLE Fitz: *? Fitz: need some help Sophie: yea Fitz: FaceTime me I’ll help Sophie: omg thanks Dex: hey linh do you get the music homework cause I don’t Linh: what part Dex: every part Linh: well that’s helpful Dex: wait google is being helpful Linh: okay Linh: am I being replaced by a computer? Biana: XD Dex: nooooo Dex: it’s just that google understands me Linh: XD okay
Keefe: it is already dark out!!! Tam: yeah that happens Keefe: but I have practiiiiiice Tam: deal with it Keefe: sigh Keefe: oh I see how it is Keefe: your just gonna leave me here with my boredom Keefe: ugghgggggggghhh your all so boring
Biana: hahaha sorry Keefe Keefe: -_- Biana: :P Keefe: hey hey did you know Biana: the more you KNOWWW Keefe: did you know that how to save a life is ten years old now Biana: WHAT Biana: ARE YOU SERIOUS Keefe: yep Biana: man I feel old Keefe: I know right Biana: wooowwww Biana: welp I gotta go Keefe: ugh just leave me be Biana: XD see ya
Sophie: hey at least its not math Dex: *maths Sophie: sigh Dex: technically it is like maths though Sophie: oh shut up Dex: XD Dex: I win Keefe: foster nobody calls it math Sophie: AMERICANS CALL IT MATH Keefe: I rest my case Sophie: ohhHHHH ITS ONN Dex: look what you did Keefe Dex: I just wanted to complain about my homework Dex: but nooooo Keefe: hehe sorry Sophie: UGH Sophie: you disgust me Keefe: I try ;) Dex: ew Sophie: omg Dex XD Dex: ^-^ Keefe: I am highly offended Biana: why am I not surprised Dex: heyy biana Dex: you have mister austin for music right Biana: yeah Dex: did you have any music homework Biana: nope we were running late Dex: are you serious Biana: sorry buddy Dex; well im gonna fail Sophie: no your not Biana: why are you taking music anyway Dex: my parents like TORTURING me Sophie: -_- Biana: cmon music isn’t that bad Dex: you know im terrible at it Sophie: your never gonna get better with that attitude Biana: yeah Dex: hmf Keefe: Guess who’s back Dex: an idiot is back Sophie: ab argumentative idiot is back Keefe: ack I am highly offended Biana: good Keefe: why do yall hate me Sophie: keefe Keefe: yah Sophie: never say y'all again Keefe: okay Dex: XD Keefe: hey Keefe: hey hey Sophie: yeah? Keefe: biana Sophie: oh Dex: XD Keefe: bianaaaaaa Biana: what is it keefe Keefe: is fitz around Biana: -_- Biana: he’s shut up in his room doing homework Keefe: ohhhh Biana:facetime him or something Keefe: I can’t he set it to do not disturb Dex: what do you want wonderboy for anyway Sophie: dEX Dex: yeah yeah don’t call him wonderboy anymore I know Sophie: :-: Biana: welp I don’t know what to tell you Keefe: tell FiTz that there’s a rugby game this saturday Biana: fine Sophie: ope Sophie: dinners ready bye! Keefe: bye foster! Dex: see ya soph Keefe: sooo Dex: I’m doing hw talk later Keefe: mkay
Biana: just told him Keefe: thanks Keefe: imma go take a nap Biana: XD okay Keefe: see ya tomorrow
 Chap 1
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