#i feel like everyone knows how bad rpo is by now
asexualbookbird · 1 month
ok, so, the first 3 books on your top5 hatelist i totally agree with. although the only one i've actually read front to back was 13 Reasons Why, it's understandable to feel nothing but contempt for that book, especially in the wake of that godawful show that never should've been given 4 seasons, much less greenlit in the first place!
never bought ready player one, but i read half of a friend's copy and listened to my favorite booktubers critique it. saw the movie mostly for olivia cooke. ngl, mr. cline feels like an incel who somehow got lucky by latching onto the 80s pop culture revival a few years ago. too cringey for me.
hemlock grove is an odd one, because i got introduced through the show (hello fanke janssen and bill skarsgard!) when netflix first became an online streaming service. what can i say about it other than GROSS! that series just makes me viscerally disgusted.
the other two i have not had the misfortune of reading, but i will take your word for it and stay way.
13RW GOT HOW MANY SEASONS, ive had that black listed since i finished the book 💀
im sorry to be the one to tell you this, but Netflix's Hemlock Grove live action series was worlds better than Brian McGreevy's books. Did the show follow the books? yeah! almost exactly! until the dinosaur baby, HOWEVER. THE BOOKS. God. okay the line that really stuck with me was "go suck an egg" and "go eat a tampon" what the fuck lol also i forget all their names but skarsgards sister? in the books? she gets out of the abusive family (YAY) by *checks notes* running away and marrying a 30 year old man. she is 16 years old. this is seen as a happy ending.
like the show was awful it sucked (mire than eggs) but it was awful in an entertaining way! you could laugh at how awful it was! if netflix hadnt removed it i probably wouldve rewatched the last season because the dino baby is HILARIOUS. The book was disgusting. Skarsgards character was a rapist but we loved him for it. Why, after nearly 10 years was this the book that stuck in my head.
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shima-draws · 3 years
ALSO I just wanted to say sorry for the lack of art recently;; I’m kinda taking a little break from it atm so thanks for your patience. Commissions are still a top priority and smth I’ve been working on in the interim so there’s no need to worry about that :’)
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smolbeandrabbles · 4 years
When The Wine Wears Off - Nolan Sorrento x Reader (Ready Player One)
‘Direct’ Sequel to Sugar... I might have skipped a scene or two
@wltz-bby​ @happyskywhale​
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Author’s Note: Oh my gosh, okay. Okay. The thing I’m most worried about... and why it’s taken me more than a year after finishing it to post it is that it detracts from Sugar.  I don’t want it to do that. But I also talked to my girl, my partner in crime ms. @mandy23b​ extensively about this and we came to the conclusion that I should post it.  Sugar is the 4th most popular fic on my blog. And every time I get a note on it I get a shot of serotonin. I know how much it means to you. I would like to tell you, have no fear, there’s a third part.
@alotofrandomfangirling​ - as you are the original brain behind Sugar, I just wanted to personally thank you (again!) for all the joy Sugar has brought to me and others 💕 
Disclaimer: RPO & associated characters nothing to do with me / I literally cannot not make everything I do have some kind of angsty twist to it and really someone should stop me / gifs not mine / lyrics not mine / completely tonally different from its predecessor. 
Premise: You know the exact 3 word phrase that Nolan Sorrento wants to hear, but saying it will end up more trouble than it’s worth...
Words: 5013
Warnings: Angst/hurt / swearing / a massive misunderstanding & twisted viewpoint. / sexual connotations
______ The keys are still hanging in the front door You're hanging all over me And in between kisses I hear you whisper something 'bout loving me There's a half a glass sitting on the table The other half spilled on the bed I'm halfway believing you're really meaning Every sweet word you just said Or is it just that bottle of red When the wine wears off And the buzz is gone When the room starts spinning around and 'round Will you still be holding on Have we lost our minds Or is your kiss that strong Tell me will you still be mine Baby when the wine wears off When I wake up in the morning Will you be in my arms When the sun starts shining through those blinds Will you mean what you said in the dark Or will I have a headache and a broken heart I don't want you to stop kissing me now Keep on loving me laying me down I close my eyes and hide from these doubts Do my best to not worry about When the wine wears off ---
Nolan grabbed another bottle - one you were too busy kissing him to find out the year or place of - and carried you from his office. That tub of ice-cream was long finished, but you were still feeling the after affects; he was careful down the stairs and out onto IOI plaza. You'd both hastily re-dressed - but also knew there was no way that you were making it back to his apartment. Luckily, Nolan had his own (barely used one) on the plaza that offered the same kind of comfort. Hell; would it have mattered as long as it had a bed?
He pushed you up against the glass of the elevator, your legs around his waist and you sighing his name - it slowed for the floor both too quick and not quick enough. You already knew a multitude of bruises would be present along your neck and shoulders tomorrow. Nolan was only too content to add to them.
You reached his apartment and he finally put you down; but you were already loosening his tie again - Nolan chuckled, recapturing your lips, and pulled you into the kitchen. Setting the bottle down he collected two glasses, and poured as you teased his neck yourself - sliding your hands under his shirt as you undid the buttons; leading to you raking your nails across his skin. You liked the groan that rose in his chest to match the shiver that ran through him and into you at your close contact. You were sure you’d be drawing plenty of those from him before the night was through…
The wine was just as good, if not better than his 1999 bottle. But this one was clearly not designed to be drunk as slow. Or he simply didn't care; Nolan had downed the glass and was pouring another by the time you reached the bedroom, and you had a distinct feeling that it was the after effects of the first bottle calling the shots here. You were determined to keep up with his glasses though; so maybe it was all going to your head too fast... Dragging him down onto the bed you relieved him of his clothing far quicker than you had in his office - and soon enough you were one again. (This time ice cream not included.)
This was heaven and, with your hands in Nolan’s hair and him sighing your name just as often as you were moaning his, you knew you were exactly where you wanted to be. Probably for the rest of your life. And you had to tell him that... Kissing him you had to tell him that. NOW. Right now. No other time would possibly be more perfect. And you sighed it, about as romantic and blissful as you thought you could get, and every word the truth: "Nolan, I love you...”
He almost snapped out of it right then, almost a little confused. Nolan’s heart began to race but he swallowed hard to keep that feeling at bay. You were just saying what he wanted to hear... That was all, nothing more to it than that... But you'd never said it before. He didn't ask you to. Because that wasn't the relationship you shared. You were tipsy, hell, maybe you were completely drunk by now. But... I love you? There was no way you were saying that and meaning it. It just felt right to say it in that moment, he got that. He felt that too. But he fought the elation that made him feel - after all, how could a girl like you possibly love a man like him?
 When Nolan awoke he had a pounding headache, and cursed himself. He knew he'd wasted a pretty good bottle of wine; and half of it was probably spilled around this apartment...
He rubbed his eyes, aware you were still there tangled up with him. Nolan turned with a gentle smile, you were good to him, and exactly what he wanted and needed when he needed it. You'd come into his life at a good time... Maybe the perfect time... He tucked stray locks of hair behind your ear to frame your face. And that made him smile even more. You stirred momentarily, mumbling something in your sleep, but didn't wake. Which was probably good, considering you'd have as much of a splitting headache as he did.
Nolan slipped from your embrace and crossed to the closet. He supposed that the board might call him in for a meeting today about Parzival and the big scoreboard... He cursed under his breath; this would all still work out. He had to believe that it would. He selected his suit, tie and shirt - dressing quickly he left you to wake up naturally, and decided the only thing for his headache was about as many aspirin as he thought he could handle! Nolan waited up for you, but as he did bits and pieces of the night previous flashed in his head, and that ‘confession’ of yours came around, and around, and around again… And he couldn’t shake it, or suppress it, no matter how much he tried.
His bedroom door closed, and you were already dressed and ready for the day, another flatteringly short black dress. Nolan smirked at that, shaking his head before turning back to his computer as he caught up on all the latest business news. “Morning…” But you still had that sweet as sugar voice. And ‘I Love You’ resounded in his head once more. “Morning.” His reply was almost too short, and his glance to you was wary. “…Are you okay?” “Yes.” Again – Nolan was playing too short. And you thought he knew it as much as you did. “Are you sure?” You took a step forward, unsure yourself. “Uh…” He looked around his apartment, anywhere but at you, and he took several deep breaths; most of which evoked sighs “Uh, I…” Nolan realised he might have to ask you about it, because you were getting close and closer and he couldn’t not answer you now. “Y/N… L-Last night you…” You weren’t sure where this was going to go, and part of you flushed because there wasn’t a lot you remembered, was he about to tell you something really embarrassing?! “…You told me… that you loved me.”
You stopped your walk, opening your mouth without a sound. Did you? Maybe that was accidental… but you couldn’t deny that was how you felt. But why did Nolan look so nervous about it? Did he think it wasn’t the truth? Was he worried it wasn’t the truth? “If I did, I meant it.” His face scrunched for a moment in confusion, like he wasn’t sure he’d heard you, “What?” but there was something seriously wrong with the tone of his voice, and the clarity that rose in his eyes – that you didn’t notice until it was too late. “I do, I love you.” You only wanted to give him assurance. To turn that confused frown into a smile, to make Nolan feel like you knew he wanted to feel. That man was starved of touch and love… And you were quite prepared to stand here and admit that you could step up and give him both.
It was a fatal mistake. “Don’t.” “Nolan… Wh…” “Stop it!” That confusion across his face was quickly turning to anger. “Why? Don’t you want me to… didn’t you hear what I…? I love you-!” You didn’t understand, why would he act like this over something he wanted so bad? He grabbed your wrist, and it was tight and painful, making you gasp. "N-Nolan-!" "Shut up! SHUT UP! I told you to shut up!!" You didn't think you'd ever seen him so mad, and that look in his eyes made you scared. "But I..." Your voice was meek against his tirade, "Nolan I lo-" "STOP IT! STOP-! DON'T YOU DARE SAY IT AGAIN!!" Apparently, that vice grip could get tighter, and when he was satisfied that you weren't about to open your mouth again, he yanked you out of the apartment. Nolan didn't once let you go, nor look at you, or talk to you. And you were on the verge of tears.
So this was the truth; that you would be just like everyone else. That you would tell him something like that to mock him in the cruellest way. Nolan might have been used to this, but it didn’t mean it didn’t hurt any less when it happened. But he wouldn’t have thought that you would be one of them; taking advantage of the fact that Nolan wanted to hear it more than anything. That you would make him believe it – just to make him weak and vulnerable, so he would say ‘I love you’ back heart bleeding just for you to flash a smirk, and laugh, and say ‘I’m joking. Who could love you?’. Well this time he wasn’t about to stand for it. Everything he loved always left. Nolan was beginning to think it wasn’t even worth considering, let alone waiting for. That he would every truly be loved by anyone. His behaviour right now was a trigger response, something he found uncontrollable because he was so afraid of those closest to him leaving. What it created in Nolan was a person angry and volatile, violent, unforgiving. A heartless man.
 You entered the IOI HQ and his walking pace picked up. "Nolan-!" You tried again, hoping the panic was present in your voice and would let him know how scared you were, "Nolan-! Please-!" To no avail, he just kept dragging you.
Your eyes widened when you realised what floor he was taking you to. LOYALTY. Now you were desperate; you would do anything to fix this. You would do anything to fix it anyway - maybe you'd said it too soon. Maybe he didn't feel the same - and didn't want to feel the same. But to you that was okay. You could go back to what it was - why couldn't he let you apologise and go back?! "Nolan, I'm sorry---!!!" Your wail and pull against his grip didn't even make him turn around. He stopped, finally, outside a room and pushed the door open. "In here." "Nolan... I'm sorry... Let me fix this... Baby, I-" "DON'T." He raised his voice again, and like yours was shaking in panic, his was shaking in anger. "Don't make me say it again." He turned those horrifyingly cold blue eyes on you, "And I'm not your baby."
You stepped into a grey room, with tables and chairs - and a single window looking out onto the loyalty centre blocks. He slammed the door behind you and disappeared. You bit your lip and tried to take a deep breath; nothing helped as you rubbed your wrist - now red, and indented with his fingers. The tears started running. You couldn't go back here... Surely he wouldn't make you go back to loyalty over this? It was three little words. It didn't even have to mean anything no matter how serious you were about it. Nolan wasn't taking it well, and maybe he needed a minute to calm down... Maybe he just needed a minute... And you could talk it out, he could tell you there was no love between you and there never would be love between you. And that was fine with you, if that's what he wanted. If you got to be close to him that would have to do. You sat, body shaking, and covered your face with your hands.
Nolan please... Anywhere but loyalty again...
F'Nale almost looked at him in disbelief. "No." "No-!? Why not- I cannot go back in there-!" She folded her arms; "You made your bed Nolan, you can go lie in it now. I didn't drag her down to loyalty. I'm damn well not putting her back in the box." She jabbed her finger at him, "If you want her back in the loyalty centre, put her there yourself." "I can't." He looked away from her momentarily and bit his lip. "Then get her out!" F'Nale almost couldn't see the problem here, and she also kinda liked you. You seemed to do good things for Nolan that put him in a good mood - which made him so much easier to deal with. But, no, apparently now he wanted to be an idiot. Though she wasn't exactly sure what about, and wasn't about to ask at the way he was being so vague about it. He gave her a dark look. That was a no too.
She sighed, exasperated: "Nolan. You cannot keep her in holding. Either get her out, or put her back in loyalty. But if you put her in loyalty - you're dragging her to that box yourself and turning the system on. I'm having nothing to do with this. Last time I arrested her and put here in there YOU were the one that got her out!" "I know." He gritted his teeth, "And I shouldn't have." Oh. F'Nale hoped her face was stoic enough. This wasn't good.
 When he returned and opened the door you had stopped crying. Nolan stepped back from the door, "Ms. L/N, please step out." "Nolan-" "Come with me." Even now he wouldn't look at you, or let you finish any sentences. But you were determined to show him you would do exactly as he said; nothing less. Damn her! He could tell as his eyes flicked to your face that you'd been crying. And that sent a shot of pain straight to his heart that he couldn't ignore.
‘Nolan, use your head. She's lying to you. A girl like that would never love a man like you. She's telling you things to get something from you. Who is she working for, who does she see and contact when you aren't around...? Remember what she's here for in the first place. And you know this is the right thing to do...’
 He walked you down the rows of blocks, and you wondered where exactly he was taking you. You knew that the stairs at the end of the room would lead up a couple of floors to the War Room, and then his office, because you'd been escorted there by an employee when Nolan had given you his original proposal. Maybe he'd rather have this conversation there. That would make sense - it might be a screaming match of both of you trying to get your points across, even though you'd hope not. But he stopped suddenly, and turned to you. "Get in." You weren't sure he was serious at first, searching his face, with those hard grey-blue staring eyes. For once there was no getting passed that look."Nol-" He indicated to the tiny cell again. And you recognised the number immediately. It had been the one you'd been placed in originally. "No...NO, no, no, no!" His name became panic and refusal; "Nolan, please don't do this--!" "Don't make me pick you up and throw you in there, Y/N..." "Nolan what did I do-!? Please let me fix this...!" Why could he see how you felt about him? Why wouldn't he believe you? He was breaking your heart - couldn't he even see that?! "Begging won't save you now..." Nolan shook his head, and there was almost amusement to his voice. And you realised; he didn't believe a word you said. He thought that ‘I Love You’ was messing with him. That you couldn't possibly just say that for any reason other than wanting information that you might give to a clan... Maybe even this Parzival guy. Was that really what he thought of you?
But you were desperate: "Nolan, whatever you think of me, I swear I haven't done anything! I would NEVER do anything to hurt you... Nolan, please, I mean it... I-" He placed his hands either side of you, forcing you through the open door of the box, "Nolan, I love you." "Don't you DARE fucking say that lie again." He spat it. And you realise exactly what you'd done wrong. "Nolan-" "Don't even say my name again." "But, I-" He pushed you backwards, hard, and you tripped, slamming into the back of the glass structure hard. Ow-! Was about the last thing on your mind as the doors began to close on him. "NO!" You screamed it, running for the opening but all too late. "NOLAN PLEASE!!! PLEASE DON'T LEAVE ME HERE!!! NOLAN!!!" You slammed your hands against the glass, "Nolan! PLEASE!!!! I WANT TO FIX THIS!!! PLEASE!!!!" Anything but Loyalty. You knew what happened, people died here… And you knew your debts were about to increase tenfold.
Nolan Sorrento took one step at a time backwards, shaking his head. But he looked at you, he could hold your eyes. He could see how afraid you looked, how upset, how heart broken. And somehow all he could think was that you deserved it. He kept walking like this, when he could still see you hitting the glass but couldn't hear your voice... And eventually had to turn away. His heart was breaking too; but how else were you going to learn? The last thing you saw, even when you vision was blurry with your tears running, was his back as Nolan walked back up those stairs to his office. And you knew it was over.
You would be just another girl stuck in the system; and you'd never get to love Nolan again.
It felt like the easiest thing to calmly, coldly, walk away from you.  He didn’t even feel the need to look back, and as he climbed those stairs out of loyalty and to his office, he was already planning to get rid of every trace of you from his apartment. It would take him no time at all and he would feel nothing. Nolan was done with you, and now you were back in loyalty, he’d more than just dealt with it.
It didn’t take long for his feelings to fine tune themselves and hit him full force – at first Nolan was incensed. Your lying to him had broken his heart, he could have had you with him forever had you not betrayed him in such a way. So anything he needed his loyalty workers to do that sounded hardest, he made sure went on your roster. And there was no shame in that. He wanted to make you pay. “Sounds hard?” “Probably, Sir…” Then he gave that spiteful nod that F’Nale was starting to hate seeing: “…Send it to 25-N.” He didn’t even use your name anymore. You were nothing but a number on a glass box to him now. She couldn’t say she cared all that much for you, besides improving Nolan’s mood - except now any mention of you did the exact opposite. But she had seen you, and she thought some of these more physical tasks would put way too much strain on your body. Nolan didn’t care; and F’Nale thought if she pointed it out, he’d only give you more. You were being physically exhausted, for emotionally breaking him. "Mr.Sorrento..." He pressed the button on his comlink; since that first Key things had gone from bad to worse. Parzival and his little gang of friends now had two Keys each. Nolan thought he had Wade Watts dealt with – but that plan had also obviously failed. And although the Sixers were getting keys themselves, it was still a high score system. They would have to crack that third clue quickly if he wanted any chance of taking over the OASIS... "What is it?" Nolan snapped; he had no time for this. "There's a problem down in loyalty." "Well, why isn't F'Nale reporting to me on it then-!?" "Well - she told me to contact you, Sir." "OH." Why!? "What is it?" "There's a medical emergency going on down here." "What kind of medical emergency?" With one of the people stuck down there? Why should he care? Come to think of it - why was he asking? He wasn't interested. "One of the women here has collapsed. She's unconscious but still breathing... We're administering care right now." He raised an eyebrow - why would F'Nale… "SHIT!" He yelled out loud, and panic hit him, "Which capsule!?" "25-N Sir..." Y/N-! "I'M ON MY WAY!"
 *** He nigh on sprinted down to loyalty and took those stairs two at a time. Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! What had he done-?! At what cost had he been so hateful? Even Nolan realised why he was running. It had haunted him for a while, but it was his decision, and he would own that decision. And he would keep you there to prove himself right. Still, that didn’t stop him from lying awake at night, or endlessly dreaming about your body wrapped around his… Awaking to hope this was all a bad dream and you would still be there. You never were. Nolan knew right then he was wrong, you never had any reason to lie to him. When he woke up like that all he wanted to tell you was that he felt the same about you too. But it wasn’t like you were out there living your life and he could call you up, and cry down the phone, and beg for you to come back because of how wrong he was. No. You were in Loyalty. And Nolan Sorrento had put you there himself – and now he’d damn well almost killed you…
But he knew, now more than anything, what he wanted. He wanted love, he always wanted love… but running faster than he probably had in his life, Nolan also knew this: he only wanted your love.
When he reached your block, you were crowded by a number of loyalty workers and Nolan’s own employees, including F’Nale and a medic. “MOVE!” He fought his way to you and everyone else stepped back. Those in Loyalty knowing better than to stick around whilst the CEO was in the room. You were breathing, barely conscious but Nolan didn’t care – and would ignore the medics protests to gather you in his arms. “Y/N?! Y/N, oh God… I’m sorry, Y/N…” “No…lan…?” Your brain was a little bit fuzzy and your vision blurry as you opened your eyes. Last thing you remembered you were in the OASIS, strength waning. And you weren’t anymore… Anyway, it couldn’t have been Sorrento, he never wanted to see you again and he’d put you here. But everything cleared, and you felt his familiar warmth and breathed him in. And then you were screaming at him. “YOU---! YOU FUCKING MONSTER!!!” You tore yourself from his arms, taking a few steps back, a little steadier on your feet than you expected considering your head was still spinning, “GET YOUR FUCKING HANDS OFF ME!” Nolan drew himself to height from his knees, in silence. Looking to F’Nale and the rest around you, he gave a signal for them to back off.
Whatever you were about to do, you both thought he deserved. So you went for him; nails at his face, fists to his arms and chest, as you screamed god-knows-what at him. “YOU BASTARD!! HOW FUCKING DARE YOU COME DOWN HERE!!! HOW FUCKING DARE YOU PRETEND THAT YOU FUCKING CARE ABOUT ME!!” Nolan took every blow you dealt him without much resistance. You weren’t exactly at full strength either; so both of you were also wishing that they hit harder. But you had enough power to scream at him like this. And those words echoed around the complex. And yes, Nolan though he deserved that too. “You better not think I’m gonna fucking THANK you for this! What, does rescuing me make you fucking feel better?! Asshole!” You spat, taking steps that he conceded. “At least you have the balls to look me in the fucking face…” And Nolan was; because he wanted to punish himself just as much – look at what exactly he had done to you, so that he could burn this into his mind forever. Just to show himself what a fucking idiot he was.
You backed away from him because he still hadn’t said a word, and you were just as furious with him for that. Because you wanted a screaming match – so you could watch him misstep all the way through it. “YOU BROKE MY FUCKING HEART, NOLAN SORRENTO. DO YOU EVEN FUCKING CARE?!” Then you snapped, “Don’t answer that, I know the answer. You’re here for your own selfish reasons. Wouldn’t let the girl you used to fuck die – huh?! Couldn’t have that linger on your conscience with all the shit I know you do in the name of this company!?” There was a slight flicker of emotion across his face, but he held firm on his silence. You wanted to break him. But even you weren’t sure you knew how you break a man who was already broken.
You shook your head, and felt your tears start to run; “…Do you even know how to love Nolan? Do you know how to feel!?” There was more emotion here, and his mouth opened, chest contracting. “Whoever hurt you did a damn good job…” You let your tears drip; you weren’t about to hide this from him. He’d made this. “…I don’t think you can know how to love – else you wouldn’t run from it. You would have just loved me back. How can someone who wants it so badly turn it away?” You took steps towards him again, “What kind of man are you!?”
It was the first time his eyes had lowered from yours. And still there was silence. Nolan didn’t know if he looked like he felt nothing, but it felt like his heart had been ripped from his chest. Numb and hollow and all his fault. His heart was broken too, and he’d done that to himself. ‘You have no one else to blame. How can you even stand to let yourself look at her…? Do you know what you’ve done? Do you REALISE what you’ve done, Nolan?’
That didn’t help either. Because you wanted him to look at you and see what he’d done. And you wanted words. No matter what he was going to tell you. If Nolan was going to pathetically apologise then fine; even though you’d laugh in his face about it. Those beautiful blue eyes raised to you again – you hated yourself for even thinking that - and suddenly he was once again stoic, his eyes just a little wider. You gave that silence 10 more seconds, to see if he would even attempt to say something pitiful. He didn’t.
You folded your arms, shaking your head at him and how unbelievable his whole attitude was; "Aren't you even going to say anything!?" Nolan Sorrento blinked, and swallowed thickly. He might as well be swallowing sand. Everything was ringing in his ears, and the silence was deafening. He felt void of everything save one emotion, and that look in your eyes. So he took that deep breath he should have taken before… "I love you too." The silence that hung over the room this time was much more awkward. Nolan wasn’t sure exactly what he expected from you, he knew you probably weren’t about to give him some kind of fairytale ending. To run those steps back to him, take him in your arms, kiss him and it all be forgiven – not after what he’d done to you, not after what you’d just screamed at him. But you didn’t give Nolan an emotional response at all. Your face wasn’t even shocked to hear it, there was simply nothing there. But the silence kept hanging, and he almost wanted to ask you the same thing – to beg you for a response. How could he? Nolan knew he had no right.
Instead you took another step back, the shake of your head steady and slow. You might have still pitied him, even if you hated him right now. But you couldn’t give him what he sought. “That’s just, way too little way too late, Nolan.” You swallowed, “That isn’t an apology. That’s almost worse than an apology.” Was he thinking you’d just accept his love now? That any of his actions - from your confession of how much he really meant to you to this one - showed any act of love from him whatsoever. Quite the opposite; a quest to make you pay for your ‘trickery’. Your eyes flashed as they hardened; “I know this is wishful thinking, but GOD I hope I never have to see your face again!” You shook your head once more, he had to know. Nolan had to know he couldn’t do this to people. That even the all-powerful CEO of IOI couldn’t make people bounce back. The only way Nolan would ever learn was if you walked away – and you prayed whoever the next girl was, that he treated her better.
You began walking, knowing exactly where the exit was; time to test his mettle. Test that ‘love’ he apparently felt. There was a murmur from the onlookers and security began moving to stop you, to haul you back to your little pod. Nolan was still watching you in silence, numb… heart broken. Deservedly so. But he stopped them, hand out. “Let her go.” “Sir!?!” “Just…” Nolan held, realising how much he was struggling to breathe. Lump caught in his throat. Maybe he’d cry; in fact he probably should. “…let her go.” And so he watched you leave, he didn’t know where you would go, or who you’d go to, but he knew they deserved you a damn sight more than he did – he watched you walk out of his life. And as he did Nolan Sorrento really wished that he couldn’t feel a damn thing.
Thank you for reading. I’m as sorry as I am thankful-! 😬🙈
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Chapter Ninety-Three: A Council from the Past
Disclaimer: see Prologue
A/N: I know it’s been months and a lot has happened to everyone and to the real life Harry but onwards with the history. No interferences from the real world shall come into this story. So I’ll continue with what I had already planned and finish this story in the coming months (finally!). Hope you’re all staying safe and healthy. Lots of love, Bea.
A few days after Owen’s birth, they released his full name to the press: Owen Charles Philip Augustus and their son would be known as HRH Prince Owen of Sussex, like his older brother. They had traveled to London by helicopter on the next morning to have the baby accessed properly at St. Mary’s Hospital. Once mom and baby where both cleared, they decided there’s no point in travelling again and decided to remain in London. So Elle’s parents and brother were the ones who made the trip to Kensington to meet the newest addition to the family. 
“ Oh, he’s so precious, sweetheart.”, said Victoria, holding her youngest grandson in her arms. Elle and Harry smiled at her, while Arthur snuggled on his father’s lap. 
“ I really the name you’ve chosen for him. Strong name, a family name no less.”, said her father smiling to the couple.
“ Yes, I quite agree”, said her brother. “ But maybe next name, could you make him an Edward?”, he continued and the room was filled with laughter.
And so the Sussexes spent their Christmas and New Year at home, relishing in the company of their sons and close family as much as they could for they knew that in the coming month they’d have many engagements to attend to with their renewed and fuller schedule, which included new charities and a much awaited christening to plan and execute. 
March 2020
Dressed in a white a floral dress with a matching fascinator, Elle walked beside Harry carrying Owen in her arms, as he held on to Arthur who had insisted on walking. The flashes of the cameras slightly blinding them as they made their way towards the Archbishop. Much like at Arthur’s christening, the service was a private one, with family and guests present, including the Queen, Prince Philip and the closest members of the royal couple at the Chapel Royal, in London. 
For Owen’s Godparents they chose Valerie & Edward, Catherine & Mr. Richard Collins. Harry and Elle walked in first towards the altar, as Elle carried Owen in her arms while the godparents followed behind them. Elle then passed the baby to Valerie, while Catherine held the towel to dry the baby's head.
" Your Majesty, Your Royals Highnesses, Your Graces, ladies and gentlemen... Parents and Godparents, the Church receives this child with much joy. Today we are trusting God for his growth in faith. Will you pray for him, draw him by your example into the community of faith and walk with him in the way of Christ?", asked the Archbishop.
" With the help of God, we will.", they replied in unison. The Archbishop lit a large candle and the service proceeded with prayers and blessings. 
" Owen Charles Philip Augustus, I baptise you in the name of Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen.", he said. Elle and Harry smiled as Owen cooed and Arthur clapped, making the congregation chuckle. The day was filled with joy and love, a bit different from their previous christening experience. No big revelations or problems this time around. The bells rang as the people left the chapel and moved to the palace itself. Little by little they made their way inside. Elle was holding Owen in her arms as Harry held Arthur, gleaming as the press snapped picture after picture that would soon be all over the world. 
After the service, the couple, friends, family and guests enjoyed a luncheon at the grounds of St. James’s Palace. While the guests mingled, Mario Testino once again was asked by the couple to take their official portraits. Since it was a bit chilly for them to be outside, they took the photos in the Yellow Drawing Room, whose pale, pastel colour along with the sunlight coming from the window, made it seemed as if there was a halo surrounding the family. All in all, the pictures portrayed a very sweet and touching moment, that would be recorded on their minds and on paper forever.
Once the pictures were taken, they moved along to the grounds of the palace, with Valerie and Edward constantly bantering who’d be the best godparent as well as keeping the infant in their arms, switching every so often from one another. Owen, of course, loved the attention. On the other hand, Arthur was relishing on the undivided attention he was receiving from his parents. As per tradition, once again a piece of their wedding cake was defrosted and served to the guests, along with refreshments, sandwiches, canapés, confections and some stronger beverages such as brandy and whiskey. 
A week later…
Harry and Elle had travelled to Scotland for an engagement in Perth, which was their first visit to their Earldom of Atholl. They had been visiting distilleries, churches and schools. They were in the middle of a guided visit at the famous St John's Kirk church, all was going very well when suddenly Ingrid, Alfred and Leo rushed to their sides along with Daniel and Lisa.
“ Apologies, Your Royal Highnesses, may we talk in private for a moment?”, said Lisa. The couple excused themselves and joined their staff on a corner of the church.
“ We’ve just received news from Her Majesty’s office. You’re needed back in London as soon as possible.”, said Lisa. Elle and Harry looked at each other alarmed. 
“ Has something happened?”, asked Harry urgently.
“ We don’t know for sure, sir. But it’s the Duke of Edinburgh.”, said Daniel. Elle’s eyes widened and she reached for her husband’s hand, giving it a squeeze, which he returned.
“ We can’t simply rush outside. People will think it’s strange.”, whispered Elle to Harry. He hummed in agreement. 
“ What is the plan?”, she asked in a low tone their RPOs and secretaries. 
“ The helicopter is ready on the outskirts of the city to take you back to London. We’ll make an orderly exit to the car, as if nothing has happened.”, Lisa whispered back. 
“ We should thank them and excuse ourselves, darling.”, said Elle, making Harry nod his head. Together with trained smiles, they returned to their hosts and very politely thanked them for the wonderful tour, took a couple of pictures and exited the church with cameras flashing in their direction. Inside the car, they kept their smiles up until they were out of reach from the paparazzi and the public.
“ Dear God… what could have happened now?”, wondered Harry, running his hands on his face. Elle’s hands ran up and down his back, comfortingly but her eyes held the same worry as his. 
“ Sir, ma’am… we’ve got news. Apparently the Duke of Edinburgh and Her Majesty were in Sandringham for the weekend when His Royal Highness started feeling ill. They then travelled from Norfolk this morning to the King Edward VII Hospital in London for observation and treatment in relation to a pre-existing condition.”, said Daniel. 
“ So grandad is sick again…”, said Harry. “ But that’s not new. He’s been on and off the hospital for the past year or so. What’s wrong this time… what are you not telling us?”, he insisted.
“ I’m afraid we don’t know sir. They are making tests but we can assume that…”, began Lisa.
“ Assume what?”, said Elle. Lisa and Daniel looked at each other and sighed. 
“ …that it’s not looking good if they asked you to return to London with such urgency. They are saying… that Operation Forth Bridge is on high alert.”, continued Daniel. The couple looked at each other, eyes wide at the severity of what might have been waiting for them in London. They held their hands tighter as they got nearer to the helicopter. Soon, they’d know for sure how bad it really was.
Upon arriving in London and making sure their sons were okay with their grandparents, the couple was taken to King Edward VII Hospital, a place they knew well enough and brought back a few memories, specially to Elle. She pushed those aside and hand in hand with Harry, she was guided by their staff to a private ward where as soon as they arrived, they could see Charles & Camilla, Anne & Timothy, Andrew, Edward & Sophie and the Queen. 
“ Nobody said what’s happened. What’s going on?”, asked Harry, looking around the room. The Queen, visibly shook, was being held by Andrew and Edward. 
“ It seems his heart is in a bad shape. His coronary artery was clogged again but when they were making tests in order to operate him, they discover that… his heart is failing. They can’t operate. It would be too risky.”, said Charles, misty eyed. Elle and Harry breathed in deeply and looked at each other.
“ What can they do then?”, asked Elle, sympathetically.
“ They’ve given him some medication to help with the clog and he’s being monitored but there’s not much they can do. The doctor’s said that… due to the severity and his age…they are just trying to make him comfortable.”, replied Charles. Elle and Harry hearing his words then realised why they had been called to the hospital. They were not only there for moral support. They were there to say goodbye.
For the next few days they came and went to the hospital to stay with the family and talk to Philip as much as they could. The older royal was struggling a bit with the idea of departing against his own terms but was comforting to the fact that there was nothing he could do. Even thought he general mood was gloom, the Duke of Edinburgh tried to remain in good spirits, cracking a joke every once in a while and terrorising the doctors from time to time. Though there was no joke or funny comment that could make up for the look of utter loss and sadness that had taken over the Queen.
By the end of the week, the press and public had caught up with the news but they didn’t yet know the extent of Prince Philip’s condition. As soon as the news began to travel, messages were pilling up on social media, prayers and good wishes were sent from all over he Commonwealth, vigils were held from all over the UK and the press, for once, tried to keep their distance and remained alert but respectful. One afternoon as Harry and Elle were keeping him company by relieving the Queen, Prince Charles and Princess Anne so they could rest, the older prince asked to talk to Elle alone.
“ Now my dear… what I have to tell you is simple but extremely important.”, said Philip. She leaned closely to him, listening attentively.
“ Being a member of this family is not easy and you’ve had your fair share of tribulations along the way. I cannot guarantee they are over for in my experience, there’s always something or someone who’ll come along to test or threaten you.”, he continued.
“ I know Charles won’t be king for a long time. He’s already old as it is. And soon it will be Harry’s turn. And one day, your son’s. Being the spouse of a monarch is much harder than it looks. But what you need to know… or better yet, what you need to do… is stand by him. Stand by him, Eleanor. Talk to him, advise him, comfort him but also challenge him. We live in a position of privilege but they hold the real power. We cannot govern for them, but we can try to do it with them.”, finished Philip, closing his eyes momentarily. 
“ Promise me you’ll do that. I see so much of myself in that boy… I want him to accomplish all that we could not. And by God I wish you both to have a long life together.”, he continued. 
“ I promise.”, said Elle, teary-eyed.
“ Good… good. Now… I must rest. Call one of the nurses, will you?”, he said and she nodded her head, quickly calling one of the nurses with the buzzer. 
On the following week, per Philip’s and the Queen’s request, he was taken from the hospital back to Buckingham Palace where he’d have all the medical care and attention needed but would be at home and away from all the atmosphere of a hospital, which was what he wanted to have. His condition, unfortunately, did not improve and he weakened further throughout March. On the afternoon, March 14th, 2020 Prince Philip, the Duke of Edinburgh died, with Her Majesty and Princess Anne at his bedside. Queen Elizabeth was devastated. No one had never seen her so sad or distraught apart from her own mother’s death. 
His body was taken to the Chapel Royal at St. James’ Palace, which only a few weeks prior had been visited by the family at a much happier occasion. There he remained in the lying in state, with a guard os 20 British Grenadiers soldiers guarding his body. The Queen and all senior members of the Royal Family broadcasted tributes to him. William and Kate also paid tribute. His wishes had been for his funeral to be a private affair, unlike the state funeral he could have if he so wish it. But he had been a soldier his whole life and that’s how he wanted to depart it. As a soldier as well. 
And so, on March 28th the funeral was held at Windsor Chapel. His sons and grandsons walked behind the coffin from the short distance between Windsor Castle and St. George’s Chapel. All close members of the Royal Family attended the service, as well as friends, the military associations he spent years as patron of or colonel and the heads of the Commonwealth countries, past and present whom he had had a contact with. He was laid to rest opposite to the Queen Mother, his father-in-law and sister-in-law. A mourning period of thirty days was installed on the family and no one performed any duties for the duration of it. 
The Queen retired to Sandringham, away from the public eye, with her dogs and Princess Anne. William, Kate and their children often visited her from Amner Hall. In that period, Harry and Elle also moved away from London with their sons and took solace in their home in Sussex. Renovation had been made to make a new room for Arthur and adaptations into the nursery so it could better suit Owen. Sir Lancelot was delighted to have the free space and wild animals to chase about the property and the couple was happy to be away from all the fuss of the city. Elle took the time to put some of her writing in order and to dedicate some of her time to start a vegetable and spices garden at the property, with Harry’s help. Taken up much of what Charles advised them, they started sustainable farming the estate so it could produce the food they consumed and also created more jobs for the people in the village they lived in. 
“ Do you think we’ll be able to go back to normal after this?”, Elle asked him as they were planting some rosemary in a patch of their garden.
“ I don’t think we can go back to normal at all, my love. And honestly, I’m not sure granny ever will.”, said Harry sadly.
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reedrph · 5 years
Advice to a new rph blog?
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Oof, okay, let’s see what I can come up with.
Know what you want to do with your blog: By this I mean have a WID page, and go into it knowing what you’re going to do. You can always expand on this, but it’s good to have some perimeters to start with. For instance, are you good at faceclaim help? Specify that. Maybe you love making masterlists or guides? Put that down too. How many promos do you think you’ll do in a day at max? These are always good things to know.
Post regularly: Now I either don’t post at all for like...months, or I post way to much and annoy the shit out of people. But keep yourself in the tags, make at least one post a day in the rph/rpt/rpc/rpa/rpo tags so people know you’re there and will come to you. If you only post once a week in the tags, then people won’t know you’re there to help. So if you’re serious about it, make sure to keep yourself relevant this way.
Do your research: This goes for two things, if someone drops the name of a group or player in your inbox and it seems scandalous don’t just post it right away, look into things. I’ll message groups to see what’s going on and ask them about it, because if what was sent was a misunderstanding, you’re damaging a good group. Also sometimes you may not know the exact answer to a question, so I always personally try to google for it. 
 Know it’s okay to say no:  You’ll get requests, and you don’t always have to say yes to everyone. If you don’t know how to answer a question, that’s okay. If you’re uncomfortable with what someone is asking, that’s okay too. It’s your blog, you make the choices.
Try to avoid drama: Honestly I can’t say I’ve never been involved in drama in the tags, I have made posts regarding stuff going on,  however I can say I’ve never been the root of it, and that’s how you want to keep things. Pick and choose your battles, if there’s something going on in the tags, and you feel passionate about it, you can post about it. But sometimes, it really isn’t worth it. So try to avoid that whole realm of things. 
Be nice: You almost have to kind of have a bit of a customer service persona sometimes, but it is always best to be nice in the RPC in general. There are somethings that people used to do that would irk me a little bit like when a group wouldn’t read my WID and sent me a shoutout request, but I’ve found these days if I reply  politely and explain the issue, people appreciate it. That’s not saying you aren’t allowed to have bad days, or get angry, I just find I’ve had a better experience being nice.
Honestly, there’s probably so much more I could talk about, but I’m drawing some blanks. But if you have  any specific questions feel free to ask!!
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elegant-phff · 6 years
Eleven.Hollywood Halloween
Prince Harry of Wales
29 October,2015
London,United Kingdom-Los Angeles,California,United States of America
Ever since the phone call with Alexandra regarding the Halloween party,Harry had been rather excited about going to Los Angeles.He didn't even like Halloween that much.Every year he'd spend the festival by staying at his apartment and binge watching Halloween movies.When he was with Meghan,the plan was also the same since she'd spent the occasion filming.
But this year was different.This was going to be their first meeting after they 'got together'.Harry and Alexandra both knew why they were taking things slow.They both had gotten out of very serious relationships and it would take them some time to cope with it.However,Harry couldn't help but feel so drawn towards the woman he had come to know.She was different,different than everyone else he had been with.
She could brighten up an entire room just by her smile,she was unintentionally funny,the way her face would mold into a funny form as a reaction could easily make a person laugh.She loved kids more than she'd like to admit and she was more extraordinary than she thought.She was humble in a oblivious way.She is the type of person who would cancel everything just to make sure you are okay.That is what made Harry attracted towards the woman.Three years ago ,it was his playboy ways for getting her number but as he got to know her more he found her even more incredible.Her looks were just another bonus.
"Harry,make sure to tell Alexa that she has to meet me once she arrives in London,I have a lot of questions,"Kate said pointedly to her brother-in-law.Once she had found out about the couple's blooming relationship,she was ecstatic.She loved Alexandra and she knew that the younger woman was an amazing person."Yes,ma'am,"Harry rolled his eyes.The older couple had been persistent about meeting both of them as a couple more often.
"When is your flight leaving?"William asked entering the living room."Uhh,in a few hours,"Harry replied looking st his watch.William nodded."Want any drink?"He asked his younger brother as he opened the refrigerator."No thanks,might want to be sober for the flight,"He replied.William nodded.
"Uncoo Hawwie?"George's little voice spoke from Kate's lap."Yes,Georgie?"Harry asked in a baby voice,taking his nephew in his lap."Where are you going?"He asked squeezing his uncle's cheeks."I am going to America baby,"Harry spoke,his voice muffled because of George's tantics."Can you bring me some candies?"He whispered,trying to make sure his mum didn't hear it.
"I heard that,"Kate teased.
Harry made a mocking face at his sister-in-law and turned to George."Don't worry,I will bring tons and tons of candies,"Harry smiled,his eyes twinkling towards the little boy who was giggling in amusement.
"You know,I was talking to Pa the other day..."William began,making his way towards the trio.Harry turned his attention towards his older brother as he took a seat beside them."He was talking about Air Cdre Larsson...who happens to be Alexandra's dad,if I am not wrong,"William said suggestively.Harry raised his brows in confusion,"What are you trying to imply?"William huffed in response,"Are you really that dumb?"
"Apparently he and Pa are really close,as he was saying.Don't you think you guys should tell them?"
"I didn't know that they were this close,"Harry began.
"Yeah,apparently they play golf together,"William interjected.The three adults shared a chuckle,while the toddler future king began to grow fussy."I think he is sleepy,I will put him to bed,"Kate said,taking George in her arms.The two brothers nodded.
"Anyways,we just got together and it isn't even official yet.I will tell them when we are like together together,"Harry explained.William nodded,satisfied but asked curiously,"Do you wanna make it official?"
Harry thought for a few seconds,"Yes."William's face formed into a cheeky smile,Harry was about to question the reaction but was interrupted by William."Look at the time!You will be late for your flight,"William ushered Harry."Oh crap!Yes,I will get going,"Harry exclaimed forgetting about his earlier thought.
"I will go say goodbye to Kate,"Harry said.William nodded.Once he came back,he hugged his older brother and bid his farewell."Let me know if anything happens,"William smirks.Harry rolled his eyes,"Shut the fuck up,I will see you."
"See you!"William then closed the door of apartment 1A.
"Are you sure there are no paparazzis?"Harry asked his private secretary,Edward Lane-Fox."Yes,nobody is notified of your arrival in the States so the paps are not aware.Although it would be best we move discretely as if anyone from the public notices you,it would be a mayhem,"Edward replied,his words coming out as if he had memorized it by heart.Accompanying Harry to the States was Edward and his two RPOs,Lucas and Mark.The two bodyguards were right behind Harry and Edward in normal clothing trying to blend in as much as possible.
"You sure about staying at Mrs.Jonas's place?"Edward asked as they hopped into their designated vehicle."Yup,"Harry replied settling himself."I was specifically instructed to not stay at a hotel by yours truly,"Harry added snickering.Edward couldn't help but chuckle."She seems to be keeping you on your toes,"Edward remarked."Oh please,she truly is scary,"Harry exaggerated.Even the Lucas and Mark couldn't help but laugh at that.
Ten minutes or so later,they arrived at the very posh and Hollywood filled neighbourhood of Beverly Hills."Are you sure this is the correct address?"Edward asked,marveling at the view in front of him."Yes,this is the location Alex gave me,"Harry said,looking at the address in his phone once again.
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"Let me call her,"He added,dialing Alexandra's number."Hey,I am outside,yeah..if you could come out...Thanks,"Harry finished the call.A few minutes called,Alexandra came out of the house--more like a mansion.She smiled as she made her way to the SUV."Hi,"Alexandra said hugging Harry.Her face flushed a deep red and Harry kissed her cheek."Hi,"Harry breathed out.Damn he forgot how breathtaking she was.
"This is my private secretary Edward,and my two RPOs Lucas and Mark,"Harry introduced."Ma'am,"Edward said with a polite smile."Please call me Alexandra or Alexa,"Alexandra said.
"I think we should head inside before anyone sees us,"Alexandra advised."Yes,of course,"Harry responded,prompting for his companions to follow him."Are you sure your sister is okay with all of us staying?"Harry asked as they entered the house."Yes of course,it was rather their idea,"Alexandra reassured.
"Summer,they are here!"Alexandra yelled."Do not yell at me,young lady,"Summer scold wadling down the stairs.Alexa rolled her eyes and muttered under her breathe,"Hormones."Harry tried to conceal his laughter but it turned into a snort.
Alexandra looked at Harry with a bewildered expression."Harry,it's nice to meet you!"Summer greeted,reaching to shake his hand."It's good to know the feeling's mutual,"He flashed his charming smile.Alexandra grinned at her sister's flustered face."How is the little one doing?"Harry asked gesturing to Summer's now gigantic bump.
Summer rubbed her hands around the bump as she answered,"Oh the baby is getting restless,constantly kicking,"He was cut off by Alex remarking,"Definitely doesn't get it from you."Summer was quick to glare at her sister with a murderous look but the younger Larsson only smirked.
"A couple more weeks,so I can't wait,"Summer said looking at Harry.Completely ignoring Alexandra.Harry couldn't help but grin at their banter.It reminded him of his and William's relationship.A lot of teasing and joking.
"Are you planning on keeping all of these guys at your living room?"Alexandra asked sarcastically."Alexandra Chase Larsson I will cut you if you do not shut up,"Summer clapped back.
"Let's ignore my dipshit sister,why don't you guys sit down?"Summer said gesturing to the sofa."Oh yeah,sure but before that do you mind if they check around a bit?"Harry asked rubbing the back of his neck.It was evident that he disliked that part of his life."Yeah,of course,no problem,"Summer smiled. With a nod Lucas and Mark made their way around the house.
"Would you guys like anything?"Summer offered."Oh no,we are alright,"Harry politely declined.Alexandra scoffed,"Bullshit,I am making you guys Earl Grey." "Is it okay with you,Edward?"Alexandra stopped to ask the private secretary.Edward on the other side looked baffled,"Uh-yeah yeah,I it's fine.Thank you."Alexandra smiled and made her way to the kitchen.
Harry turned to Summer and asked,"Where is Nick?" "He is showering,he will be back soon,"Summer smiled."So how was your flight?"She inquired."Not too bad considering the weather,"He answered.Summer nodded understandingly.
"How is the States treating you?"Harry asked kindly.Summer took a deep breathe,"It's a lot of American accent and dumb questions."They both stayed silent before burst out in laughter.
"Everything okay,you guys?"Alexandra asked with her brows raised, emerging from the kitchen with a tea trolley.
"Oh we are fine,I was just hearing about Summer's American adventures,"Harry chuckled.Alexandra snickered as she handed him a cup of Earl Grey."Thank you,"He whispered finally recovering from the laughter fit.
"Ray's stories are worth a Jimmy Fallon Mad Libs scene,"Alexandra laughed,placing herself beside Harry."I am willing to give my stories to them as a plot.Only if the world realised how dumb the people of the great USA actually are,"Summer exclaimed.
"I mean come on,they are so fucking racist and gosh,I never thought they'd be this sexist,"She added."I agree to the racist and sexist part.Especially this industry,they are shit,"Alexandra agreed."The Obamas are great though,"Harry interrupted.The sisters nodded in agreement."Probably the only thing good about this country,"Alexandra rolled her eyes.
"Don't say that,you might cause an angry mob,"Summer joked."Yeah,it would only get worse if they hear me agreeing with you guys!"Harry added jokingly."An international scandal!Prince Harry hates Americans?Is this a sign that the Queen wants to take over America again?!"Alexandra exclaimed imitating a deep voice.The group,including Edward burst out laughing.
"Don't let my Gramp hear that,he would love you say too much for that,"Harry added,containing his laughter.Alexandra threw her hair back with a smirk and sassed,"What can I say?I am very lovable."
Their playful banter was interrupted by Lucas and Mark returning from their tour,"All clear."Harry gave them a awkward smile.Summer-who was quick to notice the sudden awkwardness,changed the topic."You know what?You guys had a long flight,I will let you guys rest before dinner'"Summer exclaimed standing up.She gestured for Alexa,"Alexa why don't you show Harry his room,while I show his fellow companions where they are staying?"Alexandra resisted the urge of rolling her eyes at her sister's cheeky tone.
"Sure,"Alexandra replied with a sarcastic smile before dragging Harry by his arms.They ascended the stairs,with a giggling Harry,"Slow down,I will fall!"
"Under my watch,nothing is happening to you,Prince Charming,"Alexandra threw him a playful wink.Once they reached the room's door,Harry decided to play along."Oh,really?"Harry asked in a deep husky voice---his playful tone long gone.He placed his arms in a secure lock around her waist.They fitted perfectly like a puzzle.
Alexandra could feel his hot breathe fanning over her lips.She has missed him,more than she'd like to admit."I've missed you,"She whispered.Harry finally broke the painful distance between them by capturing her mouth in a slow and gentle kiss.They both were trying to savour the moment but it was long overshadowed by the sudden desire that sparked inside them.Soon the kiss became heated.
"We should probably not have sex,literally the first time after we meet each other,"Harry chuckled breaking the kiss but his arms were still securely wrapped around her waist."You are right,"Alexandra laughed,straightening Harry's shirt."I have missed you so much,"Harry said,staring right into her soul.Alecandra felt her cheeks heat up due to his intense gaze.
She finally looked up---only to be met by his goofy smile.Her lips formed itself into a huge grin.gosh the effect he had on me."You are so goddamn cute,"Alexandra exclaimed,the grin never leaving her face.Harry couldn't help but laugh."Look at you,so whipped,"Harry teased.By now,they had moved to the bed.Both laying comfortably beside each other.
Alexandra simply smiled in response.They both stayed quiet for a few minutes.The silence was not awkward,it was peaceful.Both of them trying to savour the presence of each other."I forgot to tell you,this is my room,"Alexandra broke the silence.Harry,who was facing towards the ceiling turned to look at her."Well for now,but I mostly stay here when I am in California,"She added.She was staring at the fairy lights dangling loosely from the ceiling.The dazzling of the lights reflecting in her green eyes.Her mouth was tugged into a faint smile and her posture relaxed.
To Harry,she looked like an adorable puppy.Excited by small things and definitely by getting attention.It wasn't difficult to make her happy,literally anything could get the job done.
"It has a lot of your element visible,"Harry finally spoke."I always thought of it that way,"Alexandra smiled."What's the point of staying if it doesn't feel like home?but for me the two of them are home,"She added.
That's when Harry knew he was gone for."Be my girlfriend?"He blurred out. "What?"Alexandra asked how facing him."I asked you,be my girlfriend?"He said again,slower,as if her hearing was the only problem."Harr--"She began but Harry cut her off,"I know this is the most unromantic and weirdest way to ask you this but come on,what's normal about us?I just need you,so ?"
Alexandra was speechless.Did he really just ask that?"Yes,"She smiled.She knew it wasn't going to be easy but she knew they were in this together.
Harry's mouth stretched into a huge grin and he leaned forward to kiss his girlfriend.
30th October,2015
The day before Halloween consisted of all the last minutes touches to Harry's costume which was the most basic vampire costume.Although,according to his now girlfriend,he was not going to be basic at all,since he was going to be one of the few ginger vampires and also a prince.To which he couldn't help but feel a bit narcissistic(in a good way).Alexandra had insisted on not doing matching outfits because a)it was cliché as fuck and b)there was not way in hell she was brainstorming or changing her costume since it took her 39273 years to convince Marvel to let her borrow the Scarlet Witch costume.
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           "I still can't believe you are going as Scarlet Witch,"Nick exclaimed.Summer and Harry snickered as Alexandra rolled her eyes."I am not original and I do not want to be original,"She responded."I mean come on,I am a superhero which is an amazing thing and I so will go as my character.What's wrong with that?"She added."You would look like a narcissistic arsehole,"Summer piped in.
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"Or I would look like a badarse Wanda Maximoff,"Alexandra implied."In my opinion,I know you will look great,"Harry defended.Alexandra smiled largely at the comment.Summer pretended to barf,"You guys already make me want to vomit and it's not because of my pregnancy."
"That's what you guys made me feel like,"Alexandra clapped back,making her way towards Harry to side hug him.
"We are getting sidetracked,"Nick said,interrupted the moment.The rest of the three rolled their eyes."You are lucky they allowed you the costume from Civil War,or else what would've you done ?"Nick asked.Alexandra shrugged,"I would have worn the costume from Age of Ultron,it's more comfortable than this one."
"How did they allow the new one anyway?"Summer asked.Harry leaned back,listening intendly to the conversation."They released the costume pictures earlier anyways so I begged them a bit and they agreed!"Alexandra exclaimed.
"Lucky bastard,"Nick murmured,only to be slapped on the head by his sister-in-law.
The rest of the day however,was quite uneventful.The married couple were out at Target getting candies last minute since Summer decided to munch most of them.Alexandra and Harry spent most of their time making alterations to both of their costumes.
"I feel odd wearing this costume with blonde hair,"Alexandra commented as she tried on the iconic Scarlet Witch costume."You look odd as well,"Harry replied.
"You don't look scary and fierce like Scarlet Witch,you just look adorable,"He added with a cheeky smile.
Alexandra looked up from the mirror and smiled,"You really are smooth,Wales."Harry simply shrugged in response,"What can I say?I have always been smooth."
"And you ruined it."
Harry smiled."Anyways,what can I expect tomorrow?"He asked,changing the topic.Alexandra looked at him quizzically,"As in?"
"I mean,who are going to be there and what type of people?"He replied.
Alexandra nodded understandingly."I don't know all of the people.But I do know that some of the Marvel cast is going to be there,Kim K,Kendall and Kylie are going to be there and ---Oh David Beckham!"She replied enthusiastically.
"I know him,"Harry replied happily.
"Also,my friends are going to be there so be prepared,"She added in a warning tone.Harry furrowed his eyebrows,"Why?"
"They might just interrogate you,"She said.Harry cringed,"Fuck."
31st October of 2015
"I feel like this makeup is never going to get off,"Harry whined as Mario,Alexandra's trusty makeup artist did his make up.Mario chuckled,"Don't worried sir,it would be out in seconds." Harry groaned,"Please don't call me sir,it makes me feel like I am in an engagement."
"Sure thing."
"How is the progress?"Alexandra asked,emerging from her closet.
Harry looked up from his position,much to Mario's dismay."Holy shit you look hot,"Harry exclaimed with his eyes widened.Alexandra chuckled,"Thank you,kind sir."
"Harry you might want to look forward if you want to get things done,"Mario warned.Harry looked front and apologised.
Twenty minutes later,the group finally emerged from the house and made their way to the Halloween party which was taking place at the Beverly Hills Hotel.
"Fair warning,people here are crazy,"Nick warned Harry.Harry although quite puzzled,nodded.
"My,my,my is that Alexandra?"A Colombian accent exclaimed."Sofia!"Alexandra replied,stepping forward to embrace the older woman.
Sofia looked around the younger woman,noticing her sister and brother-in-law when her eyes landed on the British Prince."Is that Prince Harry?"She asked.Alexandra frantically nodded,"Let's not get things exposed."Sofia nodded understandingly,"No worries,but introduce me!"Alexandra laughed and dragged her to her boyfriend."Harry,meet my good friend Sofia Vergara.Sofia,this is my boyfriend Harry,"She introduced each other.
"Your Highness,it's a pleasure to meet you,"Sofia said politely."Ms.Vergara,please call me Harry.I must say,I am a huge fan,"He responded with his signature smile.They chatted along for a while when Sofia had to go."It was a pleasure meeting you."
Soon enough,the couple met Taylor and Selena,which was rather interesting.They immediately took Harry to a corner and started interrogating him,which much to Alexandra's dismay was out of her eyesight.
The ending to the night was rather interesting."Paparazzis got a tip about the party,"Taylor whispered to Alexandra minutes before they were about to leave.
The party had a no phone rule so nothing inside the party would get leaked for the privacy of the celebrities.The media as well,was unaware of the party until now.
"Fuck,"Alexandra exclaimed."Yeah,paparazzis are rounding up around the entrance,"Selena informed.
Alexandra walked away to make her way to Harry who was talking to David Beckham."Excuse me,mind if I steal him for a bit?"Alexandra asked with a polite smile."Sure,"David smiled.
"What happened?"Harry asked as she dragged him away."The paps are rounding up in the entrance.Which means we will be photographed when we leave,"Alexandra explained.Harry's face turned to a frown,"Shit,what now?"
"Well,we could simply leave separately but the thing is we came in the same car so it wouldn't make sense.Or we could go together--"
"Let's do the latter,"Harry quickly said.
"Harry,don't you think it's a bit too early?"Alexandra asked,concerned."I know,I know but here is the thing.We have to come out sooner or later.Let's do it now.We have each other,we will be there for each other,"Harry explained.
"But we haven't told anyone,"She argued."That's the first thing we do after we leave,"Harry reassured.
Alexandra sighed,"Fine."
Few minutes later,they bid their goodbyes and prepared to exit the hotel."Ready to tell the world you're mine?"Harry asked taking Alexandra's hand."With you?Always,"She grinned.
With that,they exited the hotel.Harry leading the way.The screams of the paps got louder.
And that's how the world found out about the new ground shattering couple.
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vaeliris · 6 years
Mid-year Freakout Tag
I’m 14 days late but I hope this still works. I’m reading quite a bit this year so I’m super excited to answer these questions! Let’s hop into it.
Best Book You Have Read Yet in 2018
Lady Midnight by Cassandra Clare! At first I was ashamed of saying so because I was such an anti when it came to CC. I finally read Lady Midnight and I’m so glad. Clare has improved so much over the years so it’s exciting to see what Lord of Shadows has in store for me.
Honorable mentions because this was so so hard to choose:
Crazy Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan
Furyborn by Claire Legrand
Eliza and Her Monsters by Francesca Zappia
I enjoyed all of these novels very much, but Lady Midnight took the cake! I was blown away by it!
Best Sequel I Have Read So Far
I haven’t read any sequels...To be fair 2018 was all about starting series so valid excuse??? Let’s just skip over this question before I get attacked for not reading sequels 😂.
New Release You Haven’t Read Yet But Want To
Do you mean: every single 2018 release?
There’s an entire list to this but let’s make it snappy, shall we?
Lifel1k3 by Jay Kristoff
From Twinkle, With Love By Sandhya Menon
Bring me their hearts by Sara Wolf
Children of Blood and Bone by Tomi Adeyemi
And a million more I could list but these are the ones I either 1) already have or 2) need to buy and read! This isn’t a definite list, but ones that I have off the top of my head.
Most Anticipated Release For The Second Half Of The Year
Do I really have to say? Fine, I’ll say it for those who don’t know! QUEEN OF AIR AND DARKNESS BY CASSANDRA CLARE BECAUSE IT WILL KILL ME AND I AM OKAY WITH IT.
Also Not Even Bones by Rebecca Schaeffer because BLACK MARKET MAGIC. The cover is...unsavory but I know the insides will make up for it. P.S publishers pls send ARC, I’m dyin over here.
Biggest Disappointment
*looks at camera* The monster that is Mistborn by Brandon Sanderson. I get angry every single time I think about it and my blood pressure doesn’t need that so let’s just move on mkay?
Biggest Surprise
And I Darken by Kiersten White. This is a surprise because of how much I hated it. NO ONE TOLD ME IT’S A BOOK ABOUT A CHILDHOOD AND THAT IT WAS BORING. I gave it 2 stars because I’m a nice person but never again. NEVER AGAIN. Also ACOTAR wasn’t that bad so there’s that.
Favourite New Author (Debut or New To You)
Obvi Cassandra Clare. I’ve mention her books or her in this post how many times again? Oh yeah a million....Personally I find that favorite authors(like Leigh Bardugo or CC) can be hard to come by because I am such a picky reader but maybe 2018 will change that?
Newest Fictional Crush
Julian is hot and I stan this Shadowhunter queen. Also Adrian from Renegades by Marissa Myer was adorable. Meanwhile Levi from Ace of Shades was a pretty bad Kaz impersonator but I guess I’m not too mad so he’s in there too. He’s not even new but Kaz from Six of Crows and Harry Potter are good characters and I would die for them.
Newest Favourite Character
*insert gif of me shrugging* yeah….no. It’s gonna take a lot for me to have a new favorite. Inej Ghafa is my boo and I’m sorry, but NO ONE CAN TAKE HER AWAY FROM ME. Ew I sound Tamlin in any ACOTAR book.
Book That Made You Cry Crooked Kingdom ending, nuff said.
Book That Made You Happy
Crazy Rich Asians is hilarious and everyone needs to read it! Seriously, I can’t wait to pick up the next book in the series and see the movie.
Speaking of movies: Favourite Book to Film Adaptation
Let’s just RPO because it’s the only I have seen. I’m hype for many others to come out though!
Favorite Post You Have Done This Year
THIS POST IS NOW CANCELLED. THIS IS ME-NOT-DOING ANY-ORIGINAL-CONTENT ERASURE. I DEMAND RESPECT. I’m kidding, I’m kidding. I haven’t posted original content in a while but I do enjoy my WIP page (shameless self promo,amirite ladies?) so check that out!
Most Beautiful Book You’ve Bought This Year
What Book Do You Need to Read by the End of the Year
Not Even Bones, Six of Crows(again), Strange the Dreamer series, and a million other books that await on my tumblr.
I hope you guys enjoyed this 14 day late post! Feel free to call me out! I tag @time-to-write-and-suffer @thesaltrepository and @memorants to do this challenge! You guys probably don’t know me but I enjoy your content so valid excuse???
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avoutput · 6 years
Please Press Start || Ready Player One
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There are certain moments in life that must appear to everyone around you as an auspicious occasion. Such an occasion occurred to screenwriter and author Ernest Cline when the megaton bombshell landed. Steven Spielberg, the man whose films fueled the background of the very novel that marks this very occasion, decided to make your book a movie. Ready Player One was scooped up and sold almost as soon as it was released, from what I understand, but it took 7 years to cobble together a release. In part because of the sheer volume of licenses required to undertake such a grandiose vision. A world made up of every childhood fantasy found in film, video games, books, and comics dating back to the mid-70’s. If there was one man that could conjure up enough Hollywood mojo to obtain every lisence for every major and minor characters over the years, Spielberg is it. Now, I could talk about the differences between the film and the book, its strangely single-minded, layer-less prose, or its paper thin characters, or the fact that it probably didn’t deserve to become the single biggest gaming/film/book/comic mashup film in history (or at least since Wreck-It Ralph). I assure you this review will stick to the movie. And obviously, I didn’t have the greatest experience with the book, but I had to wonder, what magic did Spielberg have left up his sleeve? After all, I am the only one I know that liked Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.
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Ready Player One has an enormous amount of potential, all but ready to be unlocked by a steady hand and ingenious mind. The Berg made one of the best choices possible and almost completely divorcing the plot from its smaller details, but in doing so he opens up a completely different box. By far, this feels like one of the least well thought out projects he has ever undertaken. His lightest, and earliest films measure far ahead of this. Films like E.T. are delicately balanced, with honest characters and realistic backdrops. Ready Player One however, is much less delicate, less deep, and ultimately much less affecting. But, it doesn’t appear that the purpose of this movie was in any way meant to touch anyone. RPO is a toy box. A treasure chest of the imagination with a thin plot that keeps our character moving through the world so we can see ourselves playing in an environment where everyone is a nerd, a geek, involved in the digital, obsessed with trivia, and a winner, even when you are the loser. I just can’t say this in any way makes up for how lackluster the film ends up being.
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In the past, a similar situation had happened, although much smaller, and with much less commercial success. The Wachowski’s ventured to Australia and made a little film called Speed Racer. When I heard Hollywood was making a live action Speed Racer from the very same team that made The Matrix, I was ecstatic. It was only when the trailer hit that my heart sank. It looked nothing like its source material. It was then that a vowed not to see or support it. I judged the book by its cover. A year after its release, at a viewing friends had scheduled to discuss on their podcast, I finally was stuck in the same room with it. I tried to continue working on my laptop, eager to ignore it, but it was impossible. I couldn’t look away. It was brilliant. It somehow captured the heart of the series without ever looking anything like it. Ready Player One shirks this concept in favor of pure flash and awe. It captures nothing about any of the memorabilia it employs. It feels disingenuous and at most points doesn’t resemble anything in Spielberg's catalog. But could that be a good thing?
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Well, in a way, once you free yourself of trying to meet the insurmountable expectations of each group of fans from every camp, including those of the book, you are truly free to make anything you want. You get to play with your building blocks any way you want. The problem with this method is its hard to imagine what someone else is imagining. As I watched the blandly realized  avatars of our heroes, Parzival (Tye Sheridan), Art3mis (Olivia Cooke), and Aech (Lena Waithe), there is never a connection made. They just kind of flail around on the screen, shoving solutions down our throats to problems we haven’t even had a chance to digest. On the flip side, when our characters are in reality, Wade, Samantha, and H, are much more, well, real. These moments are the where most of classic Spielberg is instantly recognizable. Where he has a real camera in his hands, maneuvering around real people, and while most of these scenes are not very interesting on their own, they do live in a real, vibrant world. However, there is one amazing moment that recalls the dual directed A.I. but turns into a unique homage to Stanley Kubrick, a true highlight of the film. I would say that the atmosphere is much better directed then any of the people interacting with it. This is because they are simply lame skins of your favorite characters. They show up, maybe with a catchphrase and then poof, they’re gone.
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This was a tough call for me. I did have fun watching the movie, but that’s about it. I have fun watching plenty of other bad films. This was unique opportunity backed by a powerful legend and yet it fails to even look as good as some of his worst work. It’s hard not to compare. Blockbuster was, supposedly, coined in reference to Spielberg's works, dating back to Jaws. While Jaws represents this term at its best, surely Ready Player One represents it at its worst. And for all of that, it’s still not the worst thing to go and see. It’s just a fun and mildly engrossing film with intermittent glimmers of genius brought to you by a giant as some kind of knee jerk reaction to YA fiction adaptations and the age old story of a young man from nothing trying to save the world. I honestly urge you to catch this while it’s in theaters, because it really does shine when it’s big, but I feel that most of its luster will be lost by the time it makes it into your home.
~* 7/10 *~
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booksaremyoxygenn · 6 years
Ready Player One: Book Review & Discussion
“We’d been born into an ugly world, and the OASIS was our one happy refuge.”
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If you love video games and the 80s, you MUST read this book. USA Today’s comparison of Ready Player One to Willie Wonka & the Chocolate Factory couldn't have been more spot on, but instead of the inheritance of a man who owns a chocolate factory he is playing for the inheritance of a video game creator.
Overall Rating: 4.5 / 5 Stars
My biggest argument is that because there was so much info and teaching about the 80s and video game references it felt choppy and it was hard to get lost in the book. However I absolutely loved learning all of those fascinating pieces of information. There were surprisingly many great life lessons in this book and I feel like I am walking away more knowledgeable. 
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Age Recommendation: Well.... it depends on the child. It does curse a few times (but let’s be honest the kids already know the words, the aim isn’t for them not to learn it but to know not to use it.) However there is a bit of a lengthy section on things I would not even want my 13 year old sister reading on 193-194 so I recommend you take their book, rip that page out and then they are all ready to go. They will never even miss it. I think there are great life lessons in this book though for a young teen age group like the importance of logging off and living offline and not getting wrapped up in trying to constantly escape the real world. It talks about how people should be judged by their personality not their appearance. If we could simply choose out skin color, gender, and appearance like an avatar, life would be easier but life doesn’t work that way so accept people the way they are. You may surprise yourself with who your closest friends up being. 
Spoiler- Free Review: 
Wade just really doesn’t like his lot in life, whether that be in the real world when he’d rather be in a video game or that he is in the 2040s when he’d rather be born in the the 80s, or at the least before the Global Energy Crisis. Though he doesn’t mind living in OASIS soaking up the endless knowledge. The vast source of all books, movies, art, history, videogames, and, most importantly, information on James Halliday. OASIS is like the internet but with VR glasses only 10x more detailed, advanced, and infinite. Wade doesn’t even go to a real school he goes through the virtual reality of OASIS. “In OASIS, you could become whomever and whatever you wanted to be, without ever revealing your true identity, because your anonymity was guaranteed.” (pg 57) When James Halliday, inventor of OASIS, dies and leaves his fortune (240 billion dollars) to the first player to find the three keys hidden within his own video game, the world goes crazy in pursuit. Though after numerous years no one had found a single key, until Wade. That’s how the story begins. 
I loved that Cline’s writing encourages readers who know nothing about the 80s or video games to read this book. That has been a massive concern for people before they pick up this book, that they won’t understand the references. To be honest, there were many hidden “eggs” in the text that I saw that I knew were references that I just didn’t understand. (Which was still cool and I enjoyed looking them up and learning more.) However, all of the big, important references he explains in the book and he doesn’t make you feel stupid for not knowing but explains it clearly for those of us who aren’t experts. I genuinely feel more intelligent by reading this book and now know a lot more about pop culture in the 80s. Who knows this all may come in handy on Trivia Night? I highly recommend this book for a fun, nostalgic read. 
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SPOILER Review / Book Discussion: 
Isn’t it scary how possible this all could be? With virtual reality continually advancing (in real life) how much longer will it take until people go to school in virtual reality like Wade or before the internet takes on this new form?
Though obviously in Wade’s world as technology has advanced his real world has been given up on. The stacks, while a great concept and super cool looking on the front cover, are atrocious living conditions. Though I must give Wade kutos on his battery powered heater and computer but really just his van in general. It makes me want to make my own Bat Cave inside a van. This was when I knew what his advantage would be in this game, he was a self-teacher, self-motivator, and dedicated his whole life to the hunt. 
One of my favorite parts about Cline’s writing was how it was constantly breaking stereotypes and speaking about important topics. I really appreciated the backstory that he gave Halliday. Especially how even though he wasn’t good at school he became a multi-billionaire. I am so tired of the assumption that being good at school has a direct correlation with future success. So many people who have changed the world never went to college, dropped out, or did poorly in high school. Another thing that I loved was the fact that this whole story wouldn’t have happened if Ogden Marrow (Og) wouldn’t have walked over to Halliday when he was sitting alone and invited him to play Dungeons and Dragons. It reminds me how much can change by a simple act of kindness and stepping out of your comfort zone to talk to new people. This whole story wouldn’t have happened, their world may have been drastically different if it wasn’t for Og’s invite. My favorite part though was how he had Asperger’s autism because my older brother has it as well and I could see the connections. Halliday’s lack of desire to express social skills, inability to step into other people’s shoes, and his few unhealthy obsessions were the most common traits. However I wish he wouldn’t have made the connections between Halliday’s crazy side and his Aspergers because that gives a bad name to this type of autism. (I mean you can’t win every battle right?)
One thing that really bothered my is how indifferent Wade was to risking everyone’s lives in the Stacks during his meeting with IOI. Once he realized he wasn’t actually gambling his own life because he wasn’t at home then it didn’t bother him anymore. He was willing to risk that. I understand that his aunt was cruel to him and that there were thieves and rapists roaming around the stacks but that’s not a good enough excuse as to why his conscious was clear about all those people he played a part in murdering. He said that there were no survivors. I understand that his other option was be enslaved to IOI but he is very smart, he could have figured out an alternative where hundreds of uninvolved people don’t die. (pg 146)
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I personally love when authors put deep meaning into characters, places, animals and other things’ names. I loved that Art3mis was the greek god of the hunt and that Wade was Parzival. “On the day the Hunt began, the day I’d decided to become a gunter, I’d renamed my avatar Parzival, after the knight of Arthurian legend who had found the Holy Grail.” (pg 28) I love when author’s twist different stories together like that and give character’s deeply meaningful names. Like Alaska in John Green’s Looking for Alaska, or Katniss from The Hunger Games whose name is from a plant that is latin for archer. I prefer a bit more meaning than when Rainbow Rowell named the twins in Fangirl Cath and Wren because the mother didn’t know she was going to have twins so she split up the name Catherine. Though I do apprecaite it more than when authors just randomly name thier characters. (Also, Darth Vader’s name is literally Dark Father in Dutch so his name is a spoiler in itself.) I applaud Cline for his good choice in names. 
The first task was where players went into the Tomb of Horrors from Dungeons & Dragons to play Joust against Acereak. It was amusing to me but as someone who doesn’t know the first thing about Dungeons and Dragons the references were lost on me. However this line really stuck me as funny..... “It suddenly occurred to me just how absurd this scene was: a guy wearing a suit of armor, standing next to an undead king, both hunched over controls of a classic arcade game.” (pg 82) The whole time after he met Acererak I just imagined him going from his scary, glowing eyes to his best friend playing a video game and them fist bumping each other. Like I genuinely wanted them to become friends. Haha.
The first gate was where players played Dungeons of Daggorath to open the gate where they had to say and act all the lines of the character David Lightman in the film WarGames. This was my favorite task / gate he had to do and I wish I had my own version for The Hunger Games where I could be Katniss. Anyone else agree? They called them “Fliksyncs” (112) and I genuinely think if they make something like it in real life, it could be my favorite invention of all time. You would get to walk, talk, and live the life of your favorite character, your heroes, or be 1/2 of your favorite OTPs. ( I would gladly be Clary to play besides Jace from The Mortal Instruments... just putting it out there.)
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A really important message that spread throughout the span of the book was that the internet (OASIS in RPO’s case) can take over our lives. ”It had become a self-imposed prison for humanity,” he wrote, “A pleasant place for the world to hide from its problems while human civilization slowly collapses, primarily due to neglect.” (pg 120) How much truer does that get?? Than once Wade won the egg even Halliday admitted that that was one of his biggest regrets, not logging off and living life the way it was meant to be, truly using your senses and awakening your body instead of constantly trying to mute it and hide yourself.  “I created the OASIS because I never felt at home in the real world. I didn’t know how to connect with the people there. I was afraid, for all all of my life. Right up until I knew it was ending. That was when I realized, as terrifying and painful as reality can be. it is also the only place where you can find true happiness. Because reality is real. Do you understand?” (pg 364) I think that is something people across the globe can relate to. We could all use a lesson in learning when to turn off our screens and fully engage in the world around us. 
Another really important message was during that OH MY GOSH! AECH REVEAL!.... which at first I felt like it changed everything but that’s the whole point, it didn’t change anything. She was still the same person she had always been. We see what we want to see in a person when we make assumptions about them from what they look like. It’s just a genuine reminder of how the lines between gender are so fluid and it doesn’t matter what you are born but how you act. I’m not even referencing transgender specifically but just boys being free to like pink and girls feeling free to be obsessed with Star Wars and video games. Though there was another lesson in this which was how she chose to be a white, male avatar, because her mother told her it would help her get treated better, even in the virtual world.  “In Marie’s opinion, the OASIS was the best thing that had ever happened to both women and people of color. From the very start, Marie has used a white male avatar to conduct all of her online business, because of the marked difference it made in how she was treated and the opportunities she was given.” (pg 320) Why is this so painfully true?? I really loved what Wade said after he found out,  “We’d connected on a purely mental level. I understood her, trusted her, and loved her as a friend. None of that had changed, or could be changed by anything as inconsequential as her gender, or skin color, or sexual orientation.” (pg 321) Though I will admit I am glad that Cline made Ache a lesbian because I was worried she was going to confess her love to him and then Wade would have to choose.... and there just wasn’t enough pages left in the book for all that drama. Plus I really love when books allow guys and girls to just be friends without every liking each other romantically. 
The final thing, that I wouldn’t dream of ending this review/discussion without talking about is... Art3mis. Can we talk about how she started out such a strong character who was a fighter, independent blogger and full time badass who knows exactly how she plans on saving the world with the prize money from the egg. But then as time goes on she transforms more into a love interest than a fierce competitor. I think she sees this as well which is why she leaves him to focus on the competition. Though at the very end when she finally meets Wade in person she does that thing that Reese Witherspoon talks about in her Woman of the Year speech. Where Art3mis, the female,  turns to Wade, the male, and pretty much says, what do we do now? This is a phrase Reese says she hates reading the most and is usually written by scripts with no female involved in the writing.  She says “Now you do you know any woman in any crisis situation.. who has absolutely no idea what to do?” Reese made a good point in saying that it’s top woman stop playing the damsel in distress because we so rarely are. Art3mis went from this total badass who could carry her own to a self conscious, love interest. However, I am so glad that Art3mis gave up Wade for the hunt in some ways because if she would have given up her passions and her life long goal for a boy, I would have been more insulted. Personally, I just really like strong, female leads and am getting tired of women being accessories to males. I’m also tired of the never ending line of self conscious characters (both female and male) who find their self worth and beauty once their romantic interests informs them that it exists. So thank you to characters like Celaena Sardothien, Alaska Young, and Margo Roth Spiegelman for showing the world that it’s cool to love yourself and know you are amazing. Though I was still rooting for Art3metis because of her strong will and good intentions for the prize. 
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In the end everything seemed to fall perfectly in place which made me so happy. No loose threads and a beautiful, sappy, happy ever after. The character development for Wade was so great and I felt happy walking away from this book knowing that things were going well for him. 
Favorite Quotes: 
1.) How the protagonist, Wade, feels about video games is how I feel about books...
"Playing old video games never failed to clear my mind and set me at ease. If I was feeling depressed or frustrated about my lot in life, all I had to do was tap the Player One button, and my worries would instantly slip away as my mind focused itself on the relentless pixelated onslaught on the screen in front of me. There, inside the game's two-dimensional universe, life was simple" (pg 14)
2.) Me when I get into a good book series....
“I was obsessed. I wouldn’t quit. My grades suffered. I didn’t care.”  (pg 63)
3.)  “Spending time with her was intoxicating. We seemed to have everything in common. We shared the same interests. We were driven by the same goal. She got all my jokes. She made me laugh. She made me think. She changed the way I saw the world. I’d never had such a powerful, immediate connection with another human being before. Not even with Aech.” (pg 174) 
4.) “I was watching a collection of vintage ‘80′s commercials when I paused to wonder why cereal manufacturers no longer included toy prizes inside every box. It was a tragedy, in my opinion. Another sign that civilization was going straight down the tubes.” (pg 176)
5.)  “And then one night, like a complete idiot, I told her how I felt.” (pg 179)
6.) “No one in the world ever gets what they want and that’s beautiful.” (pg 199)  
7.) “I stood outside her palace gates for two solid hours, with a boombox over my head, blasting “In Your Eyes” by Peter gabriel at full volume.” (pg 203)
8.) “Art3mis had led me to believe that she was somehow hideous but now I saw that nothing could have been further from the truth. To my eyes, the birthmark did absolutely nothing to diminish her beauty. If anything, the face I saw in the photo seemed even more beautiful to me than that of her avatar, because I knew it was this one was real.” (pg 292)
9.)  “In Marie’s opinion, the OASIS was the best thing that had ever happened to both women and people of color. From the very start, Marie has used a white male avatar to conduct all of her online business, because of the marked difference it made in how she was treated and the opportunities she was given.” (pg 320)
10.)  “We’d connected on a purely mental level. I understood her, trusted her, and loved her as a friend. None of that had changed, or could be changed by anything as inconsequential as her gender, or skin color, or sexual orientation. (pg 321)
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Discussion Questions: 
1.) Would you apply for the virtual OASIS education like Wade?
When Wade talks about his classes and how he is able to travel through a human heart, visit the Louvre, Jupiter’s moons and more it makes me think that our education system could be so much better with this technology. For one, he discusses how discipline isn’t a problem, how Wade can mute out bullies, and how even the teachers liked the system so much more. It gives students the ability to do things like Wade did and go to chat rooms with his friends in his free time and hang out with people he likes and avoid / mute the ones he doesn’t. I think there are major problems like affordability and the fact that you miss out on real human interaction that scientists have proven is needed for a healthy mind, body, and soul. 
2.) If you were a gunter, would you join a clan or stay solo? 
In the end I think that part of the lesson Holliday was trying to teach is that you need other people to succeed. You need help and can’t do everything on your own. Why else would he have made the door only open with three keys?
3.) If you were Wade would you sell out to sponsors, movie and book people, and the Suxors? or would you risk it all on the chance of being the first to find the egg?
4.)  What movie would you want to enter into like Wade did for the first gate for a “Syncflik”? Could you complete the dialogue for a whole movie?
5.) Did they fake drink at the bar at Og’s party because they hadn’t ever been able to eat or drink inside the OASIS before? 
6.) Has social media become obsolete in their world or is the avatar practically their form of social media? Or instead of trying to impress people with how they went to the beach or the expensive Louis Vuittons they just bought, do they put their energy into impressing through their OASIS accounts?
7.) Doesn’t IOI trying to capitalize on OASIS sound a lot like the government trying to end net neutrality? I think this whole story is a lot more realistic than most of us would like to admit to ourselves. (pg 33)
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Movie Trailer: 
I really hope they keep the Rocky Horror Show scene (pg 179) in the movie because I want to see them have fun and be laid back together. Plus it would be really funny. It was super entertaining in Perks of Being A Wallflower when Charlie has to be in the show. Also, I saw the zero gravity dance floor and the revamped Delorean in the movie trailer and can’t wait to see more of that. (pg 182)
The only thing that would make me immediately hate this movie is if they don’t give Art3mis her birthmark and so far in the trailer I noticed that they have only distinctly shown one side of her face but in the clip where she is sitting in a chair across from Wade you can see most of her face and I didn’t see any scar. What a missed opportunity? Unless they are having her cover it in the first half of the movie with makeup or something. The greatest parts of this book were the lessons learned and I think him meaning that he would love her no matter what she looked like in person because he loved who she was is a crucial part of the story and the birthmark plays a large role in that. It was an opportunity to give people who had similar situations like birthmarks have someone that looked like them in a movie to relate to. I think it really could have been something special. 
The other thing that is a bit of a turn off is the body form they gave Ache in the movie because it means that she won’t be able to have that moment talking about how she chose a white, male avatar because of how she felt at a disadvantage as a African American woman and wanted her avatar to be able to escape that. Also the actress they cast is thin so it is another missed opportunity. 
Also the choice of the song from Willy Wonka “Pure Imagination” was genius for the trailer. It was beyond perfect!
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Side Note:
Also, if you would like to watch part 2 of this book... it’s called WALL-E. There are different characters but it is definitely what Wade’s planet earth is going to look like very soon. They were all absorbed in the internet and forgot about real life and how to make connections, just like this book. I mean Wade even notices his weight gain from being overly absorbed into the game. (pg 196)
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rebeccaheyman · 4 years
reading + listening 9.21.20
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The Bookshop of Second Chances (Jackie Fraser), eBook ARC (pub date May 2021). Four-star NetGalley review:
At first, THE BOOKSHOP OF SECOND CHANCES just seems like a charming tale of a down-on-her-luck, 44-year-old woman finding a new life in a small Scottish town. But in a neat trick of smart plotting deft characterization, Fraser turns the narrative into so much more.
Thea is a refreshingly direct, introspective, infinitely relatable woman who's been dealt two very different hands at once: she's been laid off from her job right around the time she discovered her husband of 20 years has been having an affair, but she's also inherited a house -- complete with rare book collection -- and a not-insignificant sum of money from a dear but distant great uncle. With little keeping her anchored to her old life, Thea travels to Baldochrie to see about the house. Once there, she finds life in a small town on the Scottish coast suits her rather well, and then of course, there's Edward.
Edward has, like too many of us I suspect, based much of his life on the hurts of his youth. He's a modern-day Heathcliff who's moved past the romantic fixations of yesteryear long enough to become a curmudgeonly adult with a rather dysfunctional sex life. He's at war with his brother, the literal lord of the manor in Baldrochie, and spends his days holed up in his rare books shop. Until Thea walks in, and something like friendship begins.
I savored the slow unfolding of these two characters, who I grew to care about immensely. Fraser's is a nuanced portrait of a woman in middle age, facing the necessity of beginning again. To say Thea is an "everywoman" discounts her uniqueness, wit, and rather special charm, but she's not *not* everywoman, either. She feels like someone I know, or someone who could, in another life, be me. So it's a particular kind of triumph to see her grow and change and find joy.
Comps to EVVIE DRAKE STARTS OVER are warranted only in the loosest sense; the storytelling and writing here are far superior. Readers who enjoyed WOULD LIKE TO MEET will appreciate Thea and Edward's later-in-life romance, and fans of Graeme Simsion will find a lot to appreciate in Fraser's three-dimensional characterizations and excellent dialogue.
Tall, Duke, and Dangerous (Hazards of Dukes #2), (Megan Frampton), eBook ARC (pub date October 2020). If you’ve been reading these reviews weekly, you’ll know that I listened to the first-in-series, Never Kiss a Duke, last week. The sophomore installation was... not good. Two-star NetGalley Review:
If you, like me, felt that the first installment in the Hazards of Dukes series was a knockoff version of Kleypas's DEVIL IN WINTER, you're going to feel more of that "recycled trope" vibe in the second book-in-series, TALL, DUKE, AND DANGEROUS. While Ana Maria and Nash, our main couple, were introduced in book 1, the characterizations here seemed to come out of nowhere; our heroine is a literal Cinderella -- a girl of noble birth, forced to act as a maid by her now-blessedly-dead stepmother, and newly restored to her proper place in society -- while our hero was the victim of parental abuse at the hands of his father, which has left him isolated from his emotions and hopelessly taciturn. Ana Maria is fluent in Grunting Duke, so she can decipher Nash's true feelings even when he can't. And lucky for both of them, he wants her to be a Regency-era MPDG, and she's totally fine with it: "I want you to help me find the good parts of being who I am, of using who I am to do better for everyone. Joyfully." In other words, "I'd like you to make me the best version of myself, because that should definitely be your responsibility, o ye of the lesser sex." 
I've given Megan Frampton a very fair shake -- in fact, I've read three of her books in the past seven days. Each has felt like a faint echo of better HRs I've read before. While the writing is serviceable enough, the storytelling is weak. Here particularly, the ending comes fast; there's no denouement, not even the Epilogue one expects in this genre. I'd wager my last crown that book three sees Thaddeus and Olivia making an unlikely pairing. All in all, I have to let go of my hopes for Frampton's work, which seems derivative and predictable at best, and dangerously familiar at worst.
Lady Be Bad (The Duke’s Daughters #1), (Megan Frampton), aBook (narr. Jilly Bond). Please let us never try to parse why I leaned in so hard to Megan Frampton this week. After NEVER KISS A DUKE last week, I just... wanted to see what she was about, I guess? Which makes no sense, because if we’re talking about HR authors I read for the first time last week, I should have latched on to Julie Anne Long, whose LADY DERRING TAKES A LOVER I actually really enjoyed. Like I said -- we shouldn’t overthink this. 
Here’s the deal with LADY BE BAD: If Sarah MacLean’s NINE RULES TO BREAK WHEN ROMANCING A RAKE (2012) and Tessa Dare’s SAY YES TO THE MARQUESS (2014) had a scandalous affair, this book would be the chaise longue they fooled around on in the drawing room. That’s it. That’s the review.
The Mighty Oak (Jeff Bens), aBook (narr. Adam Barr). You might be wondering what business I had reading a literary character study about a violent, drug-addicted hockey player, so I will tell you: Blackstone Audio, publisher/producer of innumerable aBook titles I have listened to and loved, started a GoFundMe to help those employees who have lost everything in the fires raging across the western US. I don’t personally know anyone at Blackstone, but I can hear the echo of Mary Jane Wells saying “Blackstone Audio presents...” on every intro track to The Ravenels series. This company is responsible, in part, for many hours of joy in my life, and now their employees are suffering, and if we’re not committed to small acts of kindness to help those who have totally, inadvertently helped us, what the hell are we doing with ourselves? Cutting this tangent short to say that Jeff Bens saw my tweet about the GoFundMe and very kindly emailed to say thanks for donating, so I said hey let me know when your forthcoming Blackstone title releases and he said actually it’s today and I think you know what happened next. Before I get to my review, I’m going to repost the link to the Blackstone Audio GoFundMe, and I truly hope you will donate even a single dollar. The book community is vast and beautiful, and for all its flaws, I want to believe we take care of each other. SECOND ACTION ITEM is to peruse the catalogue and buy or borrow a Blackstone Audio title. Might I suggest...
THE MIGHTY OAK is about Tim “Oak” O’Connor, a hockey player lauded for his violence and intensity on the ice. Tim’s body is breaking down under the stress of his lifestyle, which involves a lot of OxyContin, and it’s pretty clear his mind is likewise struggling under the weight of drug abuse and, probably, CTE. The thought that kept resonating with me while I listened to Adam Barr’s excellent narration was this: Tim O’Connor is a drowning man who doesn’t realize he’s wet. The portraiture in THE MIGHTY OAK is powerful, visceral, and heartbreaking, even as Tim’s journey resolves in something like victory. CW for drug abuse, physical violence, and -- no other way to say this -- an eyeball dangling from its socket. 
Ready Player One (Ernest Cline), aBook (narr. Wil Wheaton). I’m generally a sucker for books about puzzles -- even puzzles based on 80s pop culture and video games. RPO is what would happen if The Westing Game and Ender’s Game made crossover appearances on an episode of The Twilight Zone. The world-building is top-notch, if belabored at times; in a version of our world that has departed so completely from the reality we know, the temptation to narrate quotidian minutiae was too strong for Cline to resist. It’s not uninteresting, for example, to hear every painstaking detail about how Wade sets up the gaming system in his apartment, but it’s not exactly page-turning either. The story’s peaks more than compensate for its valleys, and you can’t beat Wheaton’s narration. 
0 notes
thearrangment-phff · 7 years
XV. Exile
December 2016
Christmas was spent Sandringham for Harry and Luxembourg for Isabella. Harry spent every Christmas at Sandringham with his family, while Isabella usually went from country to country on Christmas. Last year everyone was in Belgium. This year for Christmas, Isabella’s grandfather Jean asked for his family to spent it at Fischbach Castle in Luxembourg.  
The last time Isabella stepped foot in that castle was when she was with Harry. She remembered every detail of that weekend including her grandfather’s smile as he told her what a good match Harry was. Her grandfather told Harry goodbye with a nod, a handshake, and a promise to give him more accounts of World War Two from his own point of view when they meet again.
The day of Christmas Harry was pulled away from the rest of the family by his father. Charles and Harry had begun the design of Isabella’s engagement ring the day after he returned from Luxembourg two weeks ago. Charles and Ed explained to him that Harry would have to propose by January in order to have a June wedding. Harry was clueless at to what Isabella would want in an engagement ring, of course, she didn’t even know he was already planning to propose.  
Marie Astrid advised the best she could, but there was little help. Charles and Philip helped greatly. Since Philip helped design his wife’s engagement ring, Charles felt that he should help. Philip was reluctant to help seeing how his grandson was going to propose to a girl he had never met. Charles persuaded Philip to help and so he did.
Eventually, Harry, Charles, and Philip designed the perfect diamond engagement ring for Isabella. It was a slight mix between Marie Astrid, Josephine Charlotte, and Astrid’s engagement rings. Finding pictures of Astrid’s engagement ring was tough, but Charles was able to pull it off. Harry had gone to pick up the ring the day before Christmas Eve, and thankfully the royal jewelers put the ring on the rush so it was done on time.
Now Harry stood in a small room with his father and an engagement ring between his fingers, “I want to thank you for agreeing to this. I was hoping by now the relationship would be more serious, but being friends at this point is better than anything.”
“When will I be going to see her?” Asked Harry not bothering to remove his gaze from the engagement ring.
“Morning of Boxing day you will fly to Luxembourg. We have been advised that Isabella is with her mother’s family at Fischbach Castle. We have spoken to the secretary of the Grand Ducal Family and they were made aware that you will spend a couple of days with them but will not tell her of your plans,” explained Charles.
Harry nodded and looked at his father, “Will I be going alone?”
“Would you like someone else to go with you?” Asked Charles.
“I was thinking you could come with me. Will and Kate won’t come and I know Camilla will spend boxing day with her kids. Will you come with me to Luxembourg?”
“I can arrange something. Is that all?”
“Do you think Bea and Eugenie would come to Luxembourg as well? I just want some family there, you understand right?”
“I do understand. Why don’t you ask your cousins if they would like to come and then I’ll make some phone calls to see what we can do on short notice.”
“Thank you,” Harry let a couple of seconds of silence go between them, “I know why you chose her and I understand that this arrangement is becoming more than anyone could hope, but I was wondering if there was ever another girl. Was there ever another choice?”
Charles couldn’t answer his son so he replied to Harry the best he could, “Do you know how many non-Catholic princesses there are in Europe?”
“No,” answered Harry.
“Not many. Protestant princess are mostly in Germany. Besides the fact World War One happened a hundred of years ago, a German marrying into the British royal family would not sit well with the public. Do you know why?”
“Because of World War One. We changed our name during the war so we wouldn’t end up like the Romanovs,” replied Harry earning a nod from his father.
“Partly. There is over 500 German Countess from ages 19-35 all over Europe. With only a small title to their name and few to no connections, I wasn’t going to choose one. My first option was an Aristocratic girl like your mother. She was loved and perhaps another daughter of a duke or earl could fill the gap your mother left behind. Want to know why I didn’t choose one of them?”
“And, partly. We can’t be associated with one political party, something some in this family and I are guilty of. Though the daughter of Scottish Duke was our main goal, none had lasted the course. I didn’t want any foreign nobility for fear of our public image. If you marry a foreign princess the public will believe us to be this older image of us. The image of royals marrying royals is not something we need right now,” explained Charles.
“But Isabella has a title and a bloodline that traces back as far as ours,” questioned Harry.
“Do you happen to know how many Catholic princesses there are in the world?” Asked Charles.
“No idea pa.”
“Over 500 titled girls with the address of Her Royal or Serene Highness and that includes the almost 100 Archduchesses of Austria and Austria-Este. I didn’t bother to count the Countess, Baronesses, Ladies, and so forth in different European nobility. You marrying a Catholic would appease the Catholics of this country. But I didn’t want you to marry someone from a dissolved monarchy. There were too many complications.”
“Then why her?” Pressed Harry.
“I went over profiles of over 300 girls from different countries and found none that I thought would suit you. It was late, there were papers up to my knees, and I had given up. I saw a picture of a blonde girl and my first thought was she looked like all your former partners. Once I found out who she was I simply chose her,” clarified Charles.
“You chose her for her looks? That’s it?”
“Her looks stood out to me because of the similarity, but once I looked at her profile again I found that she wasn’t a match to what we were looking for but it was worth a try. Isabella cared deeply for refugees and worked for the United Nations. She went to an American Ivy League University and graduated Cum Laude. She came from a good family, who’s the only scandal was her cousin Prince Louis of Luxembourg having a child out of wedlock about 10 years ago.”
“Pa I’ve had more scandals than her,” interrupted Harry.
“Yes, but she hasn’t had dozens of men and women shove cameras in her face since the moment she was born. Isabella may have a title and ties but she did not have a similar life to you. Besides your brother, no one could understand the life you’ve had, and even then, you and your brother are different.”
“She’s told me a bit about her family. Her grandfather Jean told me stories about fighting in World War Two and living in exile. She told me about her great-grandfather King Leopold and I guess part of me couldn’t help but feel… bad? I don’t know pa. I’m afraid. Afraid of something. Does that make sense?” Wondered Harry.
“You’re afraid to get too close? Is that it?” Asked Charles.
“Yes and no. There’s this small voice in the back of my head telling me that I’m just not good enough for her somehow. I forget sometimes that she’s titled but she told me her full titles when I was in Luxembourg and I couldn’t help but feel small compared to her. I know the Austrian-Hungarian empire doesn’t exist but still. Pa, you should have been at her birthday celebrations, titled people everywhere. And all related to her somehow. I don’t have that, at least not on her level.”
“Okay, your insecure about Isabella’s standing. This is where you can improve on that. When you marry you become a Duke of Sussex or Clarence. Isabella will most likely remain an Archduchess and she will be addressed as one should the government allow it and the media’s reception of her. You cannot avoid that, but you can use her title to your advantage. Use her family ties to your advantage.”
“Should the government allow it? What does that mean?” asked Harry.
“Isabella is in a unique position. Not only is she a Roman Catholic she comes from a dissolved monarchy. Should the government call for it, Isabella will forgo her titles and citizenship like your grandfather to marry you. Except we have not just come out of a war and Isabella has strong ties to several other functioning monarchies. She is neither an Austrian or Hungarian citizen so there is no alliance with another monarch allowing her to swear her fealty to your grandmother. She has Dual Citizenship in Belgium and Switzerland and could also gain a British one as well since there are no laws against that.”
“I haven’t even thought about that. I haven’t even thought about the press,” mumbled Harry.
“They point out the fact that you go for aristocratic blonde women, some like Isabella, but more hate her. Though I don’t know if the hate comes from their love for you or the fact that Isabella is titled. There are few to no pictures of her because of Swiss photography laws.”
“That’s why she won’t come to London, isn’t it? Because she’s safer to Geneva. When we were in Luxembourg I saw her. She wasn’t used to the cameras and no one knew I was supposed to be there. I can’t even imagine how she would react in London,” acknowledged Harry.
“When she does come to London she will need RPO’s. That’s why I wanted you to meet in Geneva. Safer, smaller, and quieter. But do not forget to use this situation to your advantage. When you are married her family will also become yours,” replied Charles.
“That seems a bit… much? Is that the appropriate word? Maybe dirty would be better used? I know that point in marrying Isabella was to bring other royal houses on our side, but I don’t think I can do that,” protested Harry.
“From what I hear you already have. The secretaries of the former Grand Duke and a future one have contacted the Royal Palace to attend the Invictus Game next year. The Hereditary Grand Duke has even agreed to become a Patron of the Invictus Games. It might not seem like a big deal but it is,” argued Charles.
“They both went to Sandhurst and it was easy to get along with them. I had things in common with them. But what if I don’t have that with the rest of Isabella’s family?”
“You have no problem talking to strangers when you do on engagements Harry. Besides princes of Luxembourg, Nassau, and Liechtenstein go to Sandhurst. It’s a family tradition so you will have no trouble with them.”
“It’s different with them. They’re her family, not strangers. Some of them don’t even like me and they really don’t try and hide it pa. They may respect granny and you, but not Will and I,” began Harry but was cut off by his father.
“That is why we must get other royal families on our side. When things get tough we have to rely on our royal counterparts. Can you honestly believe in 100 years half of these monarchies will still exist? Jordan and Spain are facing a backlash in their own countries. Where do you think their royal families will go when their country abandoned them? King Constantine of Greece came to London because of his strong ties to our family. Emperor Charles of Austria went to Portugal because his mother in law was a Portuguese Infanta. Kaiser Wilhelm fled into exile in the Netherlands. Where do you think you will do if this monarchy was abolished?”
Harry thought about it. He didn’t have family out of England and he was going to answer Africa but he remembered he would be married to Isabella, “Africa, Luxembourg, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, Belgium, or France.”
“And where do you think the rest of us will go?” Asked Charles.
“France… maybe Switzerland?”
“Isabella has Swiss and Belgian citizenship. Should we go into exile you will most likely go to Belgium. Isabella is a Princess in the Belgian nobility so the Princes of Ligne or Merode would more than likely open you and Isabella with open arms. Her grandmother Archduchess Yolande was born a Princess of Ligne and the current Prince is her nephew. Isabella is also godmother to the King of Belgium’s youngest daughter. Should you choose Luxembourg you would most likely be at Fischbach castle where Isabella’s grandparents lived most of their lives after Jean’s abdication or Berg Castle. I’m sure Henri or his son Guillaume would grant you a title or King Philippe would take that honor first if you don’t live in exile in his country. Geneva is another option because most of Isabella’s family live, like Prince Felix of Luxembourg who may one day become Grand Duke of Luxembourg should his elder brother never had children, currently live there as well. Isabella’s godfather the Regent of Liechtenstein would no doubt welcome Isabella will open arms as well,” explained Charles.
“This was the goal all along wasn’t it? Find a woman that has the best connections and marry her off to me. You and Will have the option to marry women you’ve known for years but I am forced to marry someone that I haven’t even known one year?”
“You weren’t always angry with this arrangement. Please don’t start now. This marriage will benefit us all. Are you going to back out now? If so tell me now or we will all go through with this arrangement.”
There was a hesitation from Harry. He could end this all with a couple of words. It was all on the tip of his tongue, but somehow there was something stopping him. With his mouth open, he remembered Isabella and the memories of these last few months. In a swift moment, Harry walked away from his father with a nod and Charles got his answer.
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smolbeandrabbles · 4 years
Money, Honey - Nolan Sorrento x Reader (Ready Player One)
@happyskywhale @wltz-bby​
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Author’s Note: Thank you for requesting @babydoll97!! 🥰🥰🥰🥰 Thank you for also letting me write him the way I see him - that’s very sweet of you! Although I think I mixed in a fair amount of how I usually see him written, so hopefully he turns out okay for everyone! 😁
I’m also so sorry that it sat half finished for so long! 🙈
Also, for my favourite of all of Ben’s characters it sure has taken me a long time to get this ‘explicit’ with him... 🤔 Disclaimer: RPO Characters not mine / GIF not mine / lyrics not mine Premise: Nolan is supposed to be away on business, it doesn’t stay that way for long. Both of you need a little something-something... 
Words: 2761 Warnings: Sinday/Sunday Smut / Swearing 
--- Damn, I love the Jag, the jet, and the mansion (oh, yeah) And I enjoy the gifts and trips to the islands (oh, yeah) It's good to live expensive, you know it But my knees get weak, intensive... When you give me k-kisses (that's money, honey) When I'm your lover and your mistress (that's money, honey) When you touch me, it's so delicious (that's money, honey) Baby, when you tear me to pieces (that's money, honey) That's M-O-N-E-Y. So sexy, I... Damn, I'd love a boat by the beach on the West Coast (oh, yeah) And I'd enjoy some fine champagne while my girls toast (oh, yeah) It's good to live expensive, you know it But my knees get weak, intensive... You know I 'preciate the finer things But it's not what makes me happiest, baby (I can do without it, babe) Your tender loving's more than I can handle Never burn out this candle baby, baby ---
It was just a normal Saturday night of missing the man you loved.  You were lying in bed, propped up on your elbows listening to your favourite playlist and scrolling through IOI news you’d seen 100 times. If for no other reason than you got to see his face, and occasionally if it was a video hear his voice. You groaned gently, wondering if it was okay to try and get off to news reels. Why, when you needed him so damn bad, did he have to be out of town? You sighed, wiggling your hips around and swinging your legs in the air in discontent. You pouted and continued your scrolling – also why did he always look so fine in these pictures!? Why did you have to scroll through some particularly delicious ones of fashion shoots in sharp suits – some of which with buttons undone a little lower than necessary – but also exactly what you needed right now. And the thirsty comments that followed them weren’t helping you one little bit either. Yet you had to agree with them, and you got to lie there with a smug smirk – seen as you were the person with the man they were all talking about. You groaned again running your hands over your face and through your hair with a sigh – as soon as he was home in a few days you weren’t going to be able to keep your hands off him. Or, maybe it would have passed by then. All you really knew was right now it was agony – and not even sweet agony. You were frustrated. You needed him. Desperately. ** Nolan had the same problem – he couldn’t stop thinking about you. Usually being away wasn’t so bad – but he’d had a hard day of answering a lot of tough questions. The kind where he’d get to go home afterwards and fall into your welcoming arms – that he’d at least have that thought in his head all day as relief. Not so today. And he couldn’t deal with it – so he’d driven all the way back to Columbus (even if it meant getting up insanely early to drive back; he still needed to be there tomorrow) just to see you. He was surprised that you weren’t running to him the moment he opened the door. Nolan tentatively called out your name, but gained no reply. Deciding instead he’d like to surprise you with his return, he followed the light trail up to your bedroom, smirking. Perfect! It was obvious why you’d not heard him as soon as he entered; with headphones and your attention on your phone, you were in your own little world. His smirk only broadened; slipping from his suit jacket and unfurling the knot of his tie before undoing a few buttons. Nolan Sorrento didn’t even give you fair warning before he grabbed both your ankles and dragged you down the bed towards him. You immediately gasped, it was sharp but not quite a shriek, adrenaline spiking in the situation as you were flipped from your front to your back – coming face to face with your partner. Your cheeks flushed – bright red. As if Nolan had heard every little dirty thought that had run through your head as you’d lain here without him. In reality, your prayers had just been answered, and you didn’t know who you were supposed to thank first. You removed your headphones and reached up to touch his face, as if you needed to check he was real. “Nolan! You’re home-!?” A great surprise, but he wasn’t meant to be, you knew that for certain. Not about to count your blessings twice on perhaps the whole thing being cancelled… He twisted to gently kiss your palm, “Baby, I couldn’t be without you…” Your smile was gentle, “Me either.” His eyes traced your body – you were wearing an old IOI t-shirt and sleep shorts, with the way he’d pulled you both had ridden up dangerously and Nolan bit his lip hard, groans rising in his chest. That was unbelievably sexy. With his body weight pressing down into you, you moaned gently, feeling how desperately he needed you. Nolan Sorrento was aching for you – if he’d really driven all this way to do to you what you been lying here wanting him to, it was either the craziest coincidence or the best case of stars just aligning. Nolan kept his weight on his knees, running his hands up your body; you responded immediately with tiny little groans, shivering under his fingertips as they glided over your hips. He put just enough pressure on your body to pull your shorts and underwear too. That sent you another set of shudders and you bit your lip; the friction against your clit exactly what you craved. “Nolan…” If he wasn’t already smirking before, he was now; “That’s my girl…” His hands ran higher, over your ribs. One stilled, but the other travelled; over your shirt – which was much more of a tease than going under it. Nolan’s fingers brushed your nipple, circling it, and you lurched into him. You very nearly cursed yourself for spending so long thinking about him and your eyes fluttered closed. “Nolan-!” He chuckled, re-pressing his weight into you and you groaned again, it was clear that both of you had it bad. And as his hands roamed you to a series of excited mewls, Nolan’s lips found your neck, your shoulders and then your ear, the nip was small but a shiver ran through you again. You were probably wet before he’d even come home, but now you just wanted to be one with him. And even just that small nip had you pushing up into his body again – that friction was exquisite. Nolan laughed, hot breath against your ear as his voice dripped lust; “Someone missed me…” “Nolan… God, baby please…” He smirked, “What were you doing sweetheart… without me, hmm?” Nolan’s hand travelled back down to your panties, running his index finger teasingly over them as your hips rose to meet the friction – mhm, he knew it now too. “Nolan, please!” “You want me, don’t you?” Yes. Yes you absolutely did, but he wasn’t going to get away with something like that, you pushed your knee up between his legs and his grip on you tightened. “As bad as you want me.” His kisses transferred to your lips with a smile and you tangled your hands in his hair; Nolan pushed your leg back down and apart but was wasting no time, pushing your shorts to one side he slid his thumb up to your clit. You gasped against his kiss, body quaking underneath his, before Nolan inserted two fingers – at first tentatively, but you were so wet and ready for him that your hips instinctively widened as you gripped him tighter. Pulling from your lips Nolan tsked you, his lazy smirk teasing you: “Oh, darling…” and you hated him for it, for how desperate he was implying you were. Of course the problem was tonight he would be right. He was slow and careful with you though, thumb brushing you in leisurely, gentle circles as he focused more on stretching you; you were still going crazy, because although Nolan was touching you it wasn’t enough. And whining for him did nothing more than make his smirk widen. Nolan Sorrento wanted nothing more than to be inside you, but he knew how much your pleasure mattered: determined to be patient and satisfy you. Your hips jerked upwards as he varied his pressure, pressing his thumb a little harder over your clit and this time you did curse. “Do you like that, hmm?” It didn’t help that you were also aware of how eagerly your body was clenching around his fingers, still moving inside you, “Oh, you do, don’t you?” His voice was dark and husky and you weren’t sure if that was just your affect on him that he couldn’t control, or Nolan was doing it on purpose. As his fingertips brushed what he was really looking for, your body gave another jolt up into his; and the friction of how hard he was against you had you calling his name as you moaned, once… twice… head tipped backwards as he touched your G-spot again. “Baby- Please-!” You were surprised you managed to be even that coherent. Nolan just chuckled; “Please what?” “Finish me… fuck me… I need you.” Need you. Not just want you. Need you. And you said it like you’d die without him. “My pleasure.” Nolan kissed you again, and you were already drunk on him. The feel of his body pinning you down, of his hands on you – within you, the way his scent surrounded you, the sound of his voice, his laugh, his breathing… the taste of his kiss – you were having a complete sensory overload. He didn’t withdraw his fingers from you; and his continued attention to that spot had you very nearly writhing beneath him. Shit, Nolan, please… just let me--! Just LET me-! And at the sound of his belt buckle and the zipper on his pants coming undone, you very nearly did. Nolan’s lips left yours at the same time that his fingers did – and you’d have been pissed, if he didn’t immediately push into you. He filled you completely, and you moaned at how wonderful he felt. One with you once more. Exactly where you wanted him. You locked your legs behind him – pulling him as deep as he could go. Nolan choked out a gasp; he wasn’t smirking anymore. Your hands framed his face for a moment, as he reigned his composure in enough to actually move, you were quiet, watching every emotion that crossed his face. You knew he was half way there already, so your sweet sigh coupled with letting yourself clench freely around him drew a full body shudder as Nolan dipped his head. “Fuck-” You very nearly laughed triumphantly at that; but the look in his eyes as he brought them back up to your face stole your breath instead. That intense dark blue was not to be messed with, rimmed with the same lust that dripped from his voice – you were prepared for this sex to be quick and dirty. You weren’t even sure you particularly cared, you just wanted him. Nolan withdrew from you enough for the loss of him to have you whining, and as your body moved beneath his, he pinned your wrists back. “Stay still for me.” His voice broke over his command, and you mewled again as he pushed back into you, a little slow and sloppy as Nolan tried to gain control of himself. Clearly your writhing was not helping the situation. Yet, to you, his pace was torturous – and you were beyond caring about how many times you moaned, or that his name tumbled from your lips – needy. He responded to you, mercifully and, letting you slide your hands to entwine with his, intensified his pace. But not in increments; Nolan wasn’t taking you higher and higher every second – but from relaxed and sweet to hard fucking near instantaneously. That only made you louder; squeezing your eyes tightly shut, you lost control of all your senses. Everything was screaming, you could hear his panting and your heart pounding, feel every single small point of contact where his skin brushed yours – and you were holding him so tight; nails digging into his hands you’d be unsurprised if he was left with 10 little indents. “No-lan-!” You couldn’t even say his name in a single breath, from the pitch in your vocals you were surprised you could speak at all. Having gained some semblance of control over his body; even if only for your sake, Nolan was having no trouble, “You like that, baby, huh?” You weren’t going to bother try to be coherent, a nod of your head would have to do – but how could he not know? Nolan could hear how he was making you feel for himself. All your lack of response invited was another delicious smirk and his pull of your body, to thrust into you a little harder at just the right angle. He felt so good, so damn good - all you wanted was for him to keep fucking you like this, endlessly – but it couldn’t be endless, even if you could dream of such things. It was what made you crave him so much. “No- No- No-” After the third attempt you gave in again. Close enough to a one-time nickname he hated, you weren’t even going to bother with that second syllable, barely manging the first between sharp pants. God, you were so ready… He must have known that too, and Nolan read every sign of your body, changing his rhythm just so slightly to match the way your body was quaking, keeping you comfortable. You were on that edge now, even when being tipped from it was the main goal it was about keeping there, for maintaining that pleasure for as long as possible. “That’s it…” Now his voice was shaking in pleasure too – you weren’t surprised, you were certainly being greedy with him what with the way you clenched around Nolan to keep him within you, “…Good girl.” Good girl? He’d never called you something like that before – where did that come from? The sudden shift in mood in Nolan somehow excited you more, and your body couldn’t maintain the high he was giving you. Your gasp was sharp; this time managing his full name before your ecstasy stole the air from you once more. That was enough for him; and his choked breath followed your climax, before he stilled. Nolan’s spine curved and his head bowed as he groaned, grip on your hands tightening as he finished within you. His heavy breathing matched yours, and the sound mixed, filling the stillness of your softly lit bedroom. Nolan growled softly as he withdrew from you – you whimpered quietly at the loss of his body so close to yours, as he afforded you both some breathing room for a minute. When Nolan finally raised his head to look at you, he was panting and sweaty, dark grey hair very nearly back to its natural colour. He looked like a mess – albeit a hot one – as he nestled into the sheets next you, drawing you nearer to him to hold you close in his arms, rubbing his hands comfortingly over your back and shoulders: “Oh, babe, I’m so sorry… I’m so sorry…” You shook your head, snuggling into his chest and holding him just as close, running your fingers through his hair as you hushed him. Speaking gently between kisses; “It’s okay… I needed it too…. Nolan it’s okay…” His kisses back were slow; all his energy spent. But the content sleepy look on his face was insanely cute and you got to bask in that for a moment. It wasn’t so often you saw him this relaxed; maybe he could unwind, for just five minutes – here in your arms. Until you suddenly thought on possible consequences of what had just happened, eyes wide: “Wait… did you-!?” Nolan’s eyebrows knitted and he frowned, before he caught on and his eyes too widened: “Fuck! Oh god, I’m so sorry-! Do you have…?!” It wasn’t like you hadn’t thought about children, it wasn’t like you didn’t want them with him, it’s not like it would just happen, but it was always a possibility. Still, you didn’t currently have any form of protection with you: “I could… get some.” “You don’t sound so sure you want to?” Nolan shifted as he propped himself up on his elbow, mysteriously curious about it – was that a small smile or was he more perplexed? “…Would it be such a bad thing?” You weren’t sure how else to voice such a question. Even if it deserved a little more gravitas. “…Do we want to take that chance, right now?” It wasn’t a no. “Do we NOT want to take that chance right now?” The look on his face as he took your hand in his told you Nolan had no answer for you, before he turned those perfect blue eyes back on you – brushing his lips to yours. “Okay, well let’s see.” He pulled you close again as he lay back in the sheets, you cuddled into him with a nod, closing your eyes and settling to the sound of his heartbeat, “One step at a time…” 
--- Thank you so much for requesting-! 🥰🥰🥰 Thank you for reading! 
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Chapter Sixty-Five: Party in the USA
Disclaimer: see Prologue
A/N: Thank you for your kind words of encouragement! In other news, there are  parts of Harry’s speech from the Orlando Invictus Games here, just so you know. As always, xx Bea _____________________________________________________________________
They were flown by the Royal Helicopter from Kensington Palace to Heathrow Airport VIP lounge to take the jet to Florida that morning. Hector, as ever, was their pilot, and this time they were accompanied by Ronald, Daniel, Lisa, John, Leo and Alfred. The staff still hadn’t hired a still female RPO, as Elle had requested, but they were getting into that. According to Lisa, John - being the senior of them all - was soon to become the head of hers and Harry’s security team, dealing with things from London and a position would be open for another officer.
At the airport, they walked to the landing field while all their things were loaded unto the jet. Harry talked to Hector before they boarded and Elle was checking recent weather reports with Lisa, trying to decide on what outfit to put on for their landing. That was when Ronald approached her, holding his old-fashioned pocket watch in hand.
“ Your Royal Highness, I believe we better be off. We wouldn’t want to be late.”, he said, in a short yet gentle voice.
“ Of course, Ronald.”, Elle replied. Turning to her left she saw her husband still talking to their pilot.
“Harry, darling!”, she shouted. He turned his head and gave her a smile. “ We must be off.”, she continued, receiving a nod from both men, as Hector too checked his watch. And in a moment, they were all aboard the plane, heading for Orlando.
Mid afternoon, Elle had changed into a knee-high, sleeveless, stripped white and blue summer dress while Harry had put on his suit, with a light blue tie that had small owls printed into them, making it all a little funnier.
“ I love this tie, you know?”, she told him. “ It’s cheeky… very you.”, she continued grinning, which earned her a smirk from her husband. “ Well, it does gives it a bit more personality.”, said Harry, making Elle chuckle. She adjusted his tie knot, when Ronald approached them smiling.
“ We’ll arrive in two hours’ time, Your Royal Highnesses.”, said the man. The couple nodded their heads and took a seat next to each other. Soon enough, tea and biscuits were brought to all for a light meal before they arrived in Florida. Due to time zone differences, they’d arrive in Orlando a few minutes past noon.
A few hours later, the summer breeze blew on Harry’s dress as she as Harry walked hand in hand down the steps of the airplane towards the Vice President of the United Stated, Joe Biden, his wife, Dr. Jill Biden and a few representatives of the armed forces. The couples shook hands, and Elle received a kiss on the cheek from Dr. Jill, while Joe gave her a polite kiss on the hand.
“ Welcome to the United States, Your Royal Highnesses.”, said Joe Biden. “ And it’s a pleasure to officially meet you, ma’am.”, he said to Elle, who smiled.
“ It’s wonderful to meet you both, as well.”, she replied. “ Oh, and thank you so much for receiving us.”, said Elle smiling. The men shared a few joked around while Elle and Dr. Biden walked side by side towards the car.
“ Is this your first time in the United States, Your Royal Highness?”, the older woman asked.
“ It is... and please, call me Elle. It’s incredibly strange to hear people calling me that.”, said Elle and both chucked. “ Truly. It’s still something I have to get used to. And in any case, I much prefer being called by my name.”, she continued. Dr. Jill grinned and nodded her head.
“ I can see why Harry’s chosen you. You’re very much alike.”, she said. “ We’ve watched your wedding on the tv. My… you looked stunning. But, the most beautiful part in all of it was when he…”, she continued, eyeing Harry who was currently engaged in a deep conversation with her husband. “… saw you. You could that he held his breath as you stood next to him.”
“ I remember Joe saying, ‘Jill, that boy’s got it bad. I know he does, because he’s looking at her the same way I look at you everyday.’. And seeing you both here, just this quick moment of you getting down those steps together - not one before the other, but together - proved his point.”, Jill finished.
“ Wow… I… thank you.”, said Elle, not knowing exactly how to respond to something like that.
“ Don’t thank me, dear. I’m just glad to meet you.”, said Dr. Biden kindly. “ And I’m told you’re a Historian?she asked.
“ I am. A Medievalist, actually.”, Elle replied smiling as they approached the car.
“ I was also told you’re interested in education and has worked on it extensively?”, continued Dr. Jill.
“ Yes, I’d not say extensively but,  while I was completing my masters and then my doctorate, I took part in a tutoring and mentoring programme, helping teenagers and young adults on their studies. It was very rewarding and something that I’m very keen on.
“ Well, then we have to sit down for some coffee - or tea!…”, she quickly added and Elle chuckled. “… and you can tell me all about it.”, Jill continued as an army officer opened the door to the car for them. The couples sat together on the black SUV and were escorted to city hall, where they’d meet the Mayor of Orlando and his wife for lunch.
After an uneventful lunch with the politicians, Harry and Elle toured some of the facilities in which the sport competitions would be held. She received a posy of sunflowers and verbena from a daughter of a US navy competitor. Almost kneeling down tot he floor, Elle smiled as the little girl extended her the flowers.
“ Thank you very much. They’re lovely.”, she said to the black-haired girl.
“ I think you're very pretty.”, said the little girl. “Thank you.”, Elle said and smiled kindly at her.
“ My name is Elle. What’s your name?”, she asked the child.
“ Lilly.”, she replied in a quiet, timid manner.
“ Now that’s a very pretty name. It’s the same name as a flower. Did you know that?”, she said and the girl nodded her head. “ And how old are you, Lilly?”, Elle asked. Putting four fingers up, the girl gave her a shy smile.
“ Wow, four already! My, you’re such a big girl and with such a beautiful smile!”, said Elle, making Lilly and her parents, that stood behind her, smile.
“ You know what, I think a big girl like you deserves to get a flower too.”, said Elle. And so, she smiled kindly and gently, took one of the smaller sunflowers from her posy and extended it to the girl. “ Here, now you have flowers just like me.”, Elle finished and the girl looked at wide-eyed.
Harry, who had been watching his wife’s interaction with the little girl, grinned proudly at the red-haired woman who was walking back to his side. As she approached him, he laced their hands together and kissed her cheek, lovingly, making her smile. “ You’re something else, wife.”, was all he said to her, while they walked through the facilities, smiling, waving and shaking hands with the people around them. That afternoon, they watched one of the sitting volleyball matches between the Netherlands and Canada, which to their happiness, Canada won.
At four in the afternoon, they were finally escorted to their hotel - where they’d spend the week at - for some quiet and rest before the opening ceremony of the 2nd Invictus Games. As they stepped into their suite, Elle sighed seeing her dress was already hanging in the corner of the room, along with Harry’s navy blue suit. Walking closer to her husband, she pulled him by the hand and put her left hand on the back of his neck, smiling.
“ So, tell me husband, what do you intended on doing until the Opening Ceremony?”, asked Elle smirking.
“ Well wife…”, he began, walking forwards, which made Elle walk backwards, until her legs hit the bed. “… I have a few things in mind…”, he finished by pushing her into the bed, which made her giggle.
With her hair in a half updo, dressed in L.K. Bennet’s Lasana, bold yellow and black poppy print knee-high dress and black Jimmy Choo’s, Elle left the hotel with Harry in a black SUV towards the ESPN Wide World of Sports Complex, where the games, opening and closing ceremony would held.
They could hear the cheer from the crowd as the car pulled to a stop, near the stage. Joe Biden and Dr. Biden were already there, as well as members of the military. Dr. Biden, The First Lady, Michelle Obama and actor Morgan Freeman would also co-host the opening with Harry. Taking his hand, Elle stepped out of the car, smiling as the flashed of the cameras almost blinded her. She waved with Harry at the public and took her seat onstage, near Vice President Biden.
Dr. Biden began the evening by thanking everyone’s presence and reminded them of the true spirit of sportsmanship and companionship between each and every one of those brave and fearless men and women who served their countries proudly.
“ Now, ladies and gentlemen, please welcome, the Duke of Sussex, Prince Harry!”, introduced Jill, and Harry walked up the stage to the sound of thunderous applause. Elle beamed and clapped harder as she watched Harry take a deep breath before beginning his speech.
“ Hello Orlando!”, he shouted and the crowd cheered. “ Thank you Michelle, thank you all. I cannot tell you how proud and excited I am to open the second Invictus games here in the United States. I'm a long way from London tonight. But when I look out and I see so many familiar faces, servicemen and women, and all the people who have got them here - I feel like I'm at home. “, he said and glanced at Elle.
“ I spent 10 years in the British Army and I was deployed to Afghanistan twice. I served alongside soldiers from all over the world. I saw the sacrifices you and your families made to serve your nations.”, he said. “ And… when I travelled back from the battlefield on a plane carrying the body of a Danish soldier and three young Brits, fighting for their lives, I began to understand the real, permanent cost of war.”, he continued on a more somber tone.
“ I joined the Army because, for a long time, I just wanted to be one of the guys.”, he said Elle felt her heart tighten. “ But what I learned through serving was that the extraordinary privileges of being a Prince gave me an extraordinary opportunity to help my military family. That's why I had to create the Invictus Games - to build a platform for all those who have served… to prove to the world what they have to offer.”, he continued and the crowed cheered more.
“ Over the next four days, you will see things that in years past just wouldn’t have been possible. You will see people who by rights should have died on the battlefield - but instead they are going for gold on the track or in the pool. Mark my words, you will be inspired, you will be moved, and I promise you will be entertained.”, Harry said, taking a deep breath from what was to come next.
“ It is not just physical injuries that our Invictus competitors have overcome. Every single one of them will have confronted tremendous emotional and mental challenges. Let’s cheer for the woman who fought through post-traumatic stress…”and the cheer grew louder. Elle’s eyes misting as Harry kept on.
“… and let’s celebrate the soldier who was brave enough to get help for his depression. Over the next four days you will get to know these amazing competitors. They weren't too tough to admit that they struggled with their mental health, and they weren't too tough to get the help they needed.”, Harry finished, and by then, Elle had tears streaming down her cheeks.
“ To end, can I just say thank you to all of you guys.You are fierce competitors.You are role models that any parent would be proud to have their children follow.You've made me a better person. You are about to inspire the world and I’m proud to call you my friends. So, let’s put on a hell of a show in memory of all of our fallen comrades who didn’t make it back. We are Invictus!”, he shouted and the cheers and applauses grew even louder than before.
Harry waved at the audience and made his way back towards Elle, who stood from her seat and clapped along with he crowd. As he got near to her, she walked the remaining steps towards him and hugged him, while Michelle Obama took over the stage once again.
“ I’m so proud of you, my darling. So very proud.”, said Elle, smiling and sighing, as a few tears still stained her cheeks. “ What you’ve done… what you’re doing here, is changing people’s lives, Harry. It’s changing how we see the world. And it’s changing it for the better.”, said Elle. She then pulled him to her and gave him a quick peck on the lips than a tight hug, and pulled him to where she had been sat, to listen to the First Lady’s speech.
“ Well hello everyone! It’s truly an honour to be here tonight and help quick-off this year’s Invictus Games. I wanna start by thanking Prince Harry for his outstanding leadership and for bringing the Invictus Games here to Orlando. He is truly our prince charming, isn’t he?”, she began and there was a roar of laughter in the crowd.
“ Mind you, he’s recently married and his wife is here as well. Let’s give her an applause too.”, said Michelle and Elle blushed as the public cheered. “ I’m sure, like us, you are very proud of the man who stands beside you. And he should be proud of himself for this work. I’ve loved getting to know Prince Harry and his family and I am thrilled to be here tonight, supporting this amazing work and all our veterans.”, she carried on. “… lastly, I wish you all, all the best of lucky in the competitions to come and I hope you have a lot of fun along the way!”, she finished her speech to more applauses.
The evening went on, with Morgan Freeman reading a poem with words of encouragement and bands from each military force playing along as the Invictus Anthem was sung by Laura Wright, with the same lines as the poem. Military drills and an explosion of lights and fireworks concluded the night.
At the small reception at the mayor’s home, Elle had the time to finally talk to both Dr. Biden and Michelle Obama. The trio sat on the corner of the spacious living room, and she could see Alfred from the corner of her eye, keeping watch. She could also see that Harry had engaged in a deep conversation with a couple of representatives from Team GB and Team USA and she smiled seeing him talk so energetically with them.
“ He’s in his element there, isn't he?”, said the First Lady making Elle break her daydream.
“ I’m sorry…”, said Elle. “… but yes, he truly is in his element. Harry loves talking to people and they, to him. He has this incredible ability to make everyone feel at ease.”, she continued and the women smiled.
“ Well, Your Royal Highness, may I just say it’s an honour to now properly meet you. In your wedding reception, my husband and I barely had time to talk to you. But now we’ll remedy that. I want to know all about you.”, said Michelle.
“ True… there were so many people to talk to, to greet… some that I didn’t even know. In fact, the entire reception seems just a blur in my memories.”, she comment, chuckling.
“ And please, no need for formalities. As I’ve told Jill, you can call Eleanor, or Elle. Either works fine by me.”, said Elle.
“ Very well. Eleanor then, so tell us about you. I know that you’re a Historian and has worked with education, according to Jill.”, said Michelle.
“ I am… Medievalist, actually. And yes, I’ve worked with an education’s programme back in the UK. I mentored and tutored a few students whilst completing my Masters and Doctorate in Scotland. I took a few of them under my wings, per say, and one of them, Trevor, ended up being my assistant at the Tower of London, where I worked until last year.”, replied Elle. “ That’s interesting. And what are your thoughts on higher education?”, asked Jill.
“ It’s something to strive for and definitely something that needs to be available for all. I was fortunate enough to have been born in a wealthy family, whose name and position, allowed me to study in one of the oldest, most respected and recognized universities in the world. But not everyone has that chance. Actually, most people don’t have that chance. I believe scholarships are the path to those who can’t afford higher education but not the solution. We need to stop thinking about meritocracy and start thinking about equity, which is more than equality. It’s the idea of eradicating the differences by giving the same chances for rich and poor in the most basic level of learning.”, said Elle, passionately.
The women before he were speechless. They didn’t know quite how to respond to what they had just heard. Seeing their faces, Elle realised she had, perhaps, spoken out of turn; maybe even lectured a little.
“ I’m so sorry for rambling… I just can’t seem to stop once I’ve started it.”, she apologized and the women, finally broke their trance and smiled brightly at her.
“ Not at all.”, said Michelle. “ It’s just… I.. we weren’t expecting such a passionate and well-thought reply.”, she continued.
“ Not that we don’t think you’re capable of it, far from it, but we’d just never heard something like that from a member of the British Royal Family.”, said Jill.
“ I understand… and don’t worry about it. I’ve became accustomed with the stereotype that surrounds me, my family, the way I was brought up and so forth. I know it’s uncommon for aristocrats and royals to have such social political views, but our not all of us are single-minded or conservatives.”, Elle replied and the women nodded their heads.
“ I’ve seen first hand the struggle of the lower classes and so did Harry. He has never spoken something like this openly because there’s a certain unspoken rule that the royal family cannot openly speak or protest against politics from the government or any kind of politics at all. We can’t intervene. Only the monarch can, and even so, not that much.”, Elle continued, sighing.
“ I know I’ll probably be called a revolutionary due to my views on society and politics, specially by the senior generation, but I have to do something. When I married Harry, I made my decision very clear to him and the staff. I want to work not only with the things that fall into my area of expertise, History for example, but also with the needed, the hungry, the sick… all of those whom are left behind and overlooked. If we don’t take a stand, even a small one, nothing is going to change. Fortunately, people like us, who are in the spotlight, have the power to raise awareness to a multitude of themes and subjects, that can benefit from our voice, from the light we shine on them.”, finished Elle.
To say Michelle and Jill were impressed with the young woman before them was an understatement. They certainly weren’t expecting her to be so vocal and passionate about her beliefs. But then again, Harry was just the same. It seemed fitting that they’d be together. Grinning, Michelle chuckle and said:
“ I can see why you and Harry are married. You’re a team, complete in sync. I knew you had to be someone incredible to be with him, but girl, you’ve got you’re own thing going on. You’re your own person, with strong ideals and beliefs, and I like it!”.
Elle chuckled as did Jill. “ We should get you to speak to a few organisations here in the US about education. We can arrange a visit for when you’re able and, in the meantime, we can keep talking about your ideas and see if we can, somehow, create a joint venture on the theme. A partnership between the US and the UK, providing good education for all.”, said Jill.
“ I’d like that very much.”, replied Elle smiling.
“ So it seems you and the presidential duo of ladies had a good time together…”, commented Harry, as he loosened up his. Elle smiled and nodded her head. They had been back to their hotel for a few minutes and were desperate for some quiet and alone time together.
“ We did. As it turns out, we have much in common.”, replied Elle and her husband grinned.
“ I knew you would.”, he said, leaning down to peck her lips. “ I was certain you would get along splendidly. Great women tend to bound together.”, he continued and she smirked.
“ They want to start a project on education with me.”, she said, seating of the edge of their bed.
“ That’s awesome, Elle! I’m happy for you! This can be a great opportunity to strengthen out relationships with the USA.”, said Harry, seating beside her, beaming.
“ Well, I hope so. I… I want you to be proud of me, Harry. Just as I am of you.”, she confessed, looking down at her hands.
“ I already am, my love.”, he replied. Placing his hand under her chin, he lifted her head and looked into her eyes.
“ Where did this sudden lack of confidence in yourself come from?”, he asked her and she shrugged. “ You’re are brilliant, Elle! Never doubt that. Everything you do, you do wholeheartedly.”, said Harry, kissing her cheek.
“ You, my dear wife, is the most incredible, clever, intelligent, beautiful, passionate, caring and loving woman I have ever met. And that’s saying I lot.”, he continued and she chuckled.
“ I just don’t want to embarrass you. Specially on our first official visit overseas.”, said Elle, sighing.
“ You won’t.”, he assured her. “ Did you not see how they were all entranced by you tonight? How they all cheered and smiled at you? You’ve already conquered them, my love. And they barely know you. Wait to they see the amazing person you are. They’ll love you! But not as much as I do.”, said Harry. Elle smiled and leaned in, closing the gap between them.
“ You’re so cheesy sometimes. But thank you… my husband.”, she replied. Smiling, she joined their lips, pulling him by the back of his neck, keeping their kiss. Pulling apart smiling, Harry said:
“ Well, as much as I’d love to continue this, we have a full day tomorrow and we need to rest.”
“ You’re right. We have not only tomorrow but the next three days full of competitions to see and award.”, said Elle and Harry nodded his head.
On the four days of Invictus Games, Elle and Harry attended almost every major competition, awarded a few medals and saw the motivation, strength, resilience, joy, achievement and determination of the competitors. On the third day, just before the closing ceremony on the following evening, Harry finally took Elle to visit the Walt Disney World Resort themed parks. To her delight, she was able to meet her favourite characters from her childhood movies, go the famous rides, including Splash Mountain, which left both herself and Harry soaked.
“ I can’t believe I had never been here before!”, she exclaimed as they left the ride. Harry chuckled and smiled at her.
“ What else shaw we do? Where do we go next?”, she grinned, excitedly. Her husband laughed at her childlike excitement and pulled her to next ride, which was the Haunted Mansion. They spent the morning and afternoon as carefree as they possibly could in the themed parks, stealing an ocasional kiss or two, here and there.
Back in their hotel room, Elle threw herself on the bed and sighed deeply. “ Gosh, I’m worn out. I never thought I’d be this exhausted after visiting a few themed parks.”, she said and Harry chuckled.
“ Oh, I believe I warned you, dear wife. Disney World is not for the faint-hearted.”, he joked, throwing himself on the bed beside her. She humphed and nudged his ribs with her elbow.
“ Are you calling me a light-weight?”, she questioned him, raising an eyebrow.
“ I was joking!”, he said, throwing his arms in surrender.
“ You better be! Or else…”, said Elle, looking mischievously at him.
“ Or else what, wife?”, he asked, smirking. turning her head to face him, she grinned and said:
“ Or else… you’ll have to be punished, husband.”, and she pulled herself on top of him, straddling his hips, holding his arms above his head as he stared at her in awe.
“ Well, I’m sure I won’t mind being punished…”, said Harry huskily. She giggled and kissed him fiercely, leaving bite marks on his neck and jaw, only to suddenly get off of him and run to the bath room, smirking devilishly at him as she did so.
“ Oh you’re such a tease!”, he said. “ You can’t leave me like this! Elle! Come back! Oh... you’ll pay for this later.”, he shouted from the bed as she shut the bathroom door.
“ I told you you'd be punished.”, she replied, opening the door just at little, a smirk gracing her lips and very little clothes adorning her body.
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Chapter 9
AN: Hello lovely readers! Thank you for the notes, messages, etc. I always love reading them. Also, check out the new character page! Enjoy the chapter!
Harry’s POV
“Am I invited to celebratory drinks as well?” Ed asks when we get inside the SUV. He’s smirking, an almost constant state for him by now.
“Of course you are.” I say, meaning every word. “Why wouldn’t you be?”
“I didn’t know if you wanted to speak to Miss Randolph privately.”
“Stop that. I realized something today.”
“Do tell.”
“Both the First Lady and I are above the petty, back and forth we’ve had for the past few weeks.”
He raises his brow, “And what led to this conclusion?”
I almost shrug but I know exactly why I’ve decided this.
“I watched her speech today and was blown away.  She has poise, grace, humor. I was selling her short. And for Invictus I should stop playing around.” I shake my head in disbelief. “Her father announces his re-election campaign without her knowing-”
“We’re just assuming she didn’t know.”
“Fine. Regardless, she still steps out tonight and delivers. As fun as it’s been teasing her, neither of us can afford not capitalizing on this arrangement. She’s a formidable ally and I want her on my side.”
“About time you came to your senses.” Ed says smugly.
“Yeah, yeah.”
“If Miss Perez comes with Miss Randolph, I’ll stay. If not then the two of you can have a nice, friendly evening.”
Sounds fair enough, I suppose.
My mobile rings and I reach into my pocket. “Hello?”
My father’s warm, rich voice drifts through the phone, “Good evening son. I wanted to call and congratulate you on tonight.”
I smile. That always feel good, to hear from your father that you did a good job. “Thank you. Overall, I’m really happy but-”
He tsks, “Harry, take this evening to enjoy the success. There is time for evaluation and reflection once the Games are over. I watched the ceremony, it was brilliant. Let this first success keep you motivated and grounded for the rest of the week.”
And he always seems to know what to say. My father has the uncanny ability to tell me what I need to hear, whether good or bad. Father is always able to put things into perspective.
“All right.” I acquiesce.
“Good.” He declares. “Camilla sends her love.”
“Return the sentiment.” I say honestly.  “And how are the Cambridges?”
My father sighs, “They are relaxing from their trip to India. I tried to convince your brother to visit for a day or two bring the kids to Disney World.”
“It’s fine.” I say. And really it’s probably for the best. I have enough going on without having my niece, nephew and brother running around the place. “I need to focus on the Games.”
“Quite right. But that doesn’t mean it has to be your singular focus.” My father pauses and I wait to see if he’ll clarify his statement. “How is Miss Randolph?”
I roll my eyes, but can’t help but smile. “The First Lady is fine father.”
“She’s a beautiful woman, and intelligent, comfortable in front of crowds…” he trails off.
I’m surprised he waited until we got to Florida to start singing Margaret’s praises. “Dad…”
“What? It’s my job.”
“To list the positive attributes of the Miss Randolph?”
“Not quite. My job is to sometimes point to the beautiful, eligible bachelorette standing in front of my very driven, focused son.  Who can occasionally miss things or people that are right in front of him.”
I’m touched but mostly embarrassed by my dad’s words. For Christ’s sake she’s the daughter of a world leader. “She is all of those things, but-”
“But nothing son. I know you’ve struggled finding a woman who can deal with our lifestyle. I would be remiss if I didn’t point out that the First Lady is a woman who has proved she can.”
He has a point, but I bristle when he calls her the First Lady. It bothers me viewing her in those terms.
“I don’t want to date the First Lady of the United States.” I say, hoping my father knows what I mean by that.
Ed turns to me, eyebrows raised. I roll my eyes, gesturing to my mobile.
“You have a point.  At the very least be friends. After all very few people know what it’s like to be a Royal. Miss Randolph could relate.  You two could help one another.”
“I don’t think she wants me to be her psychiatrist.” I remark dryly. “Or vice versa.”
“Fine then. Just appreciate her, as a woman.” I think my dad may be enjoying this too much. Also, I don’t think I liked the way he emphasized appreciate and woman.  “You might be surprised.”
“Have you been drinking tonight dad?” I ask jokingly.
“You know I can handle my liquor.”
“Oh, I know. Who do you think I got my tolerance from?”
He chuckles, then pauses. “Son?”
“I am proud of you always, I hope you know that. But watching what you do with these veterans and the Games-” He clears his throat. “I’m honored to be your father.”
A wave of emotion washes over me. I close my eyes, knowing that they must be glassy with unshed tears. I nod my head then realize I have to say something. “That means-” I take a deep breath. “Thank you, dad. I love you.”
“I love you too, son.” He sighs. “Now I must retire for the evening. It is much later here.”
“Of course, goodnight.”
I hang up the phone.
“That sounds like it went well.” Ed remarks. “How is the Prince of Wales?”
“He’s good.  He’s happy I think.”
Ed slaps me on the back, “He’s proud as well I would imagine.”
“Yeah, he is.” And I can’t help smiling when I say that.
When we pull up to the hotel we head straight for the elevators and our floor. I appreciate the peacefulness of the private floor, especially after all the excitement today.  Moreover I’m looking forward to a relaxing drink…and the First Lady’s company.
As I walk to my suite I can’t help but hear noises, like garbled voices. I glance at Ed who looks confused. “It’s a private floor, yes?”
“It is.”
Odd. I know none of the RPOs would be loud and neither would the secret service.
We continue to walk down the hall and the voices grow louder. “What room is Margaret in?”
Ed thinks for a moment, “A few more doors down, she’s just a little closer to the elevator then you are.”
“Are the voices coming from her room?”
“I would hope not.  It’s yelling, or at least it sounds like it.”
We continue walking since there’s no other way to go. I feel more than see my RPOs close in around me just in case there’s a problem.
And then I hear what is clearly the First Lady’s voice.
I don’t fucking care.
All of us freeze for a moment. What in the world is going on? I’m about tell my men to investigate, worrying that she’s in danger when there’s another voice.
Margaret Kennedy Penelope Frances Drayton Randolph, watch your mouth.  You’re the First Lady of the United States of America. Act like it, goddammit.
“Is that the President?” I whisper.
Ed nods.
“We should keep moving.” I say, but none of us move.
We’re frozen outside of what I’m assuming is the First Lady’s suite.
What does that even mean? How should I act? Prancing around walking, waving, smiling, like a fucking puppet?
Shit, this is serious. Margaret is obviously angry but she sounds so frustrated as well.
Yes! Exactly right. Christ on a crutch Margaret. Your role is fucking simple. God dammit you aggravate me.
The president pauses for a moment.
Just act like before, before all this Invictus nonsense.
We hear a broken gasp. My heart twists, it sounds like she’s about to have a break down.
That’s what you want. That’s the daughter you want?
And with that I know we’ve been listening too long. “Gents, let’s keep moving.” I don’t know how I decided it was time to go.
Maybe I realized we were invading her privacy or maybe I just didn’t want to hear the President answer the question. I feel like I knew the answer and it wasn’t going to be the right answer.
In my suite I dismiss the RPOs. Ed sets his stuff down then grabs two water bottles from the fridge. He hands one to me, “Harry?”
“Thanks.” I take a swig. “Jesus Christ, I can’t believe we just heard that.”
“I know.”
I pause, staring out the window. “I thought, I thought that the two of them were close, inseparable.”
“That’s what everybody thinks.”
I squeeze the water bottle in my hand, angry, “How can he talk to his daughter like that? Like she was worthless?”
“It’s baffling.”
I honestly can’t wrap my mind around it. I go over every piece of information that our researchers got to me about the President and Margaret, there’s not a single shred of evidence that would point to this. They’ve fooled everyone.
And I feel bad for her, it hits me sharply. She can’t be happy, I mean it doesn’t sound like it. But everyone assumes that it’s perfectly fine. They’ve put her and her life on a pedestal and I’ve finally discovered that the pedestal is cracked.
An hour passes, I’m waiting in the main area of my suite. Hoping to hear her knock on the door. Nothing happens. When she’s thirty minutes late for drinks I remove my tie and jacket. I’m sure she’s going to come.
Then forty minutes pass. I stand, with every intention of going over there myself.
There’s a knock on the door. Ed and I look at each other. He shrugs then opens the door.
“Miss Perez, welcome.” He opens the door more widely. I see Anna standing there, still in her suit from earlier today.  Beyond that nothing seems amiss, she has her same unflappable expression on. “Is the First Lady with you?”
She shakes her head and stays firmly planted on the other side of the threshold, “I’m afraid the First Lady will not be coming over for drinks.”
My hopes fall slightly. Ed glances at me hopelessly. I clear my throat, “Miss Perez, I insist you join us for a drink then.” She opens her mouth, no doubt ready to decline. “Just one.”
She’s still going to say no, but likely Ed intervenes, “You must. I actually had a question about which scheduling software you use.”
“Scheduling software?”
“Yes,” Ed deftly ushers her in the doorway during her moment of surprise. He then shuts the door, “I’ve been impressed with the movement of the First Lady, no doubt you use an excellent program.”
“Well actually, I use one of my own design.” I can hear the pride in her voice.
I motion to Ed to keep her talking. He coughs, “Your own design? So not one of the big-three?”
I have no idea what he means, but apparently Anna does. She laughs, “No, I found those rudimentary.”
“You’ll have to tell me more,” He leads her over to the couch. “What can I get you to drink? White wine?”
“That will be fine.” She pauses. “So, you use Acquity? Planday? Not IFS?”
I officially have no idea what they’re talking about but Ed seems to be in his element. The two are weighing the pros and cons of appointment by day versus appointment by hour software, or interface or something. And also the cost-benefit analysis of cloud storage versus hard drive.
Really, I’m about to fall asleep.
But Anna isn’t.  She’s engrossed. I didn’t know she could talk this much. More importantly though, she seems to be distracted. This is my opportunity.
Carefully, I slip out of the suite, closing the door very slowly.
I walk the short distance to the First Lady’s room. The secret service men nod when they see me. “I just have a question about the schedule for tomorrow.”
Neither of the men react, but they drift away from the door. Good.
I knock on the door and then very quietly say, “Room service.” It’s the best I can do without having a key to the room, something I doubt Miss Perez would just offer to me.
There’s shuffling behind the door and I hold my breath.
The door opens. For some reason I’m surprised that she’s actually standing there. It looks like she’s surprised to see me as well.  Her hair has been thrown up into a messy bun, but she’s wearing her dress from earlier still.  “Harry? What are you doing here?”
I ignore her question. “Can I come in?”
“Uh, I guess-” Then she shakes her head. “Wait. No.”
I freeze. Okay, not what I was expecting. I know I shouldn’t play this card, but I need to talk to her. “The longer I stand out here the more likely it is that someone from the lobby may look up and see me.”
She raises her brow in challenge I would imagine and leans against the door, but kind of misses the door frame. “You are not manipulating me to get into my room.”
“It’s just the truth.”
“I could just close the door, leave you out here, then you would have to leave.” She says triumphantly.
“You won’t.”
“You don’t know that.”
I shrug, then look her straight in the eyes. Her usually hard, focused eyes are bleary. The delicate skin around them a little puffy. She’s been crying, and that bothers me more than it should. “I know you don’t want to be alone.”
Her mouth parts open and she looks away. I’m holding my breath. Her hands tighten on the doorframe. I’m willing her to step away so I can come in.
She looks back up at me, “I don’t need a colleague right now.”
“I come as a friend.”
She bits her lip, no doubt wondering how sincere I am and what’s brought about this change in my attitude. “One drink.”
I nod, “One drink.”
I follow her into her suite.
It’s clean, immaculately so. And a little disorienting because it looks exactly like my suite, which means I know that the door that is ajar to my right leads to her bedroom. I turn away from that room.
“I can’t believe you’re holding my Chief-of-Staff hostage.” she asks lightly.
I shake my head, “No, but you wouldn’t believe what the two are talking about.” I pause. “Scheduling software.”
She laughs, it’s light, carefree. It soothes me. “Doesn’t surprise me at all.” She walks towards the bar and I notice that while she’s still wearing her dress from earlier she’s missing the shoes. So when she reaches the cabinet she has to stand on her tiptoes. I smile, well that is freaking adorable.
“Need any help?” I offer walking over.
“No, I uh-” she stretches more, her dress inching just a little higher. “I’ll get it.”
She keeps stretching and I try not to focus on the exposed skin of her leg. For both of our sakes I step forward, “I got it.”
She huffs, then kind of stumbles again. “Fine. Thank you.”
I have to suppress my laugh.  “You’re welcome.  Is this for you?”
“No, my glass is over there.” She points to the coffee table where two wine half full glasses of white wine. “This is for you.” She holds up the small glass.
I shake my head, “Thank you, but I think I’ll go with this.” And I reach around her to grab an unopened bottle of red wine.
“Fine, but you need a glass.”
“You said one drink right?” She nods slowly. “well this…” I hold up the bottle of wine. “Is my one drink.”
She stares at me unblinkingly and I have to keep myself from laughing. “You’re going to drink straight from the bottle?”
“God, you’re such a-’’
“Fulcrum?” I supply, now obviously laughing.
“Fucker.” She says, very satisfied with herself. She walks over to the couches and sits down.
And I have to admit that hearing her say that word does things to my brain.  I’m a few steps behind her but sit down across from her.  “Let’s do a toast.”
“Why not?” She holds up her glass with an unsteady hand. “To Invictus.”
“To Invictus.” I take a sip. “And to friends.”
She tips her glass back without echoing my words.
I take a few swigs from bottle of wine, impressed that it actually tastes good. I’m not usually a wine kind of guy at least not in casual situations like this. When I stop drinking, Margaret is staring at me, rather intently. “What?”
“I wanted to thank you for giving me this opportunity.”
I’m shocked. “Marg-’’
“The opportunity to have some sort of active role.”  She interrupts me. “And I want to apologize for all the posturing, manipulating, stuff that happened when we first met. I’m committed to the Games and the good work they do. For the rest of my time here I’m working for you and with you. No other agenda. I’ll even forgive you for calling the paparazzi to our brunch.”
“I appreciate that.” I set the wine bottle down. “But I didn’t call the press to brunch.”
She sounds genuinely confused. “I didn’t. I figured you did since you were the one who asked for brunch in the first place.”
“Well, not to bruise your ego, but it was Steve Jenkins, my father’s Chief-of-Staff, who organized the brunch.”
I sit back, shocked and yes a little disappointed. Damn, that hurt more than I thought it would. “So, this Jenkins guy called the press?”
“Apparently.” She says scowling.
“Guy sounds like an arsehole.” I can’t help but remarking.
“Pretty much.” She tips her glass back.
I clear my throat. “Beyond that, I want to clear the air as well. I’ll admit that I had low expectations when we first met. Then shortly after I took a lot of pleasure out of teasing you and pushing your buttons. It was wrong. It was fun, but it was wrong.”
She blinks, I assume surprised that I said any of that let alone all of it.
“You’re right.”
“About what?”
“The flirting, the teasing, it was fun.” She laughs lightly then stops, trying to look serious. “But yes, wrong.”
“So a clean slate?” I ask hopefully.
“Yes. I would like to be friends after this is all over.”
“I would too.” Meaning every word. “On one condition.”
She looks at me warily. I can only imagine what she thinks I’m going to ask for.
“I can’t promise there won’t be more flirting.”
I’ve made her smile again. I relish this feeling. I’ve decided it’s one of my favorites. “Fair enough.  You have yourself a deal.”
“Deal.” And we shake hands. Her skin is smooth, warm underneath mine. We both pause for a moment, still holding one another’s hands. God, I’m tempted to pull her close, to hold her body against mine. However, common sense wins. I release her. And she sits back down, crossing her legs.
She smiles at me, god that smile. “You really are a good guy aren’t you?”
“I like to think I am.”
“A real life Prince Charming.”
“Now, it doesn’t sound nearly has sweet when you say it so sarcastically.”
“My apologies.” But she doesn’t sound sorry at all. She’s just has that teasing little smirk. I’m growing rather too fond of it. “So you’re a good guy, kind, passionate, hard-working, handsome…”
I look at her intrigued.
She shakes her head at me, apparently unwilling to deal with my false-modesty bollocks.  “You know you’re handsome.”
“Continue then.”
“And a prince.  So it begs the question…” I wait impatiently. “Why are you single?”
I’m immediately called back to the conversation I had with my father. Would Margaret understand? I have another sip, “Do you want the real answer or the cheeky answer?”
She puts a finger to her lips as if she’s thinking, “Both, of course.”
“Fine. The cheeky answer is that I haven’t found anyone worthy of me yet.”
She waves at me to go on. “The real answer is that it’s difficult to find someone willing to take on the lifestyle. It’s difficult for me to find a woman who can survive the press, the responsibility, the duty, the scrutiny.  When a woman dates me-”
“They’re signing up to be scrutinized.”
I sigh, “Exactly.” I drink more wine. “Additionally, I find it difficult watching people I care about being dragged through the press.”
She nods, “I can understand that.”
I know she does. I can see it her in eyes, they’re sad, dim.
“So there you go.  That’s the big secret.” I shrug.
She nods thoughtfully, “I think you have it wrong.”
“Oh, you do?”
“Yes. I do. Your first answer wasn’t cheeky.” She smiles. “It was the truth. We’re all looking for someone to be worthy of us. You haven’t found that girl yet, I could believe it.”
“And all that stuff about finding someone who could handle the job?”
“The PR bullshit you say to the papers because it’s believable.” She levels her wine glass at me. “But a girl who is worthy of you could put up with it, she’ll want to, because that’s the only way to have you.”
It’s a logic puzzle that I’ve attempted numerous times. Does a potential suitor lose some of her charm when she’s willing to put up with royalty? Or does that make her perfect for me?
This was not the conversation I intended on having when I came over here. I have to redirect.
“It’s your turn.”
She blinks, “What?”
“You’re intelligent, beautiful, passionate, I don’t know if I would say compassionate-” She sticks out her tongue. “Why are you single?”
“I don’t have time.”
She gasps, “Your Highness!”
“I couldn’t help myself.” I say unapologetically. I refuse to believe that’s why she’s single.
She takes a deep breath, “So, I don’t have a ‘cheeky’ answer. Basically, I’m single because I’m the First Lady.”
“What do you mean?”
“When I was casually dating that basketball player a while back the public was…not pleased.” She frowns. “Apparently, Americans love that they have a young, attractive First Lady, as long as she’s single.”
“Surely you’re joking.”
“Nope.” She takes a sip of wine. “My dad’s approval rating dropped ten points when I was dating.”
“I didn’t know your dad’s approval rating was your responsibility.”
She laughs again, “That’s a funny one.” And then she tries to put her wine glass on the table, only to miss it completely. “Shit.”
“You’re drunk.” And she actually is this time.  I know now that she wasn’t drunk at brunch, just faking it.
She winces, “Maybe a little. It was a trying day.”
Here’s my opening. For now I choose to play it nonchalant. “Seemed like a successful day to me.”
She doesn’t say anything, just picks up the other wine glass from the table.
“Want to talk about it?”
“I had a little argument with my father. It’s fine.” Then she eyes my bottle of wine. “Are you done yet?”
I would hardly call the argument I overheard, little. Additionally, a ‘little; argument doesn’t drive someone to drink like this. “Not quite finished with my drink yet.”
I lean back, trying to look casual. “What did you two argue about?”
Margaret looks at me, it feels like she’s trying to read my mind. “Why do you care?” She tilts her head to the side, confused.
I don’t have a good answer for that. I know I can’t tell her I overheard the argument and figured she would be upset. Then was worried that she didn’t show up for drinks and when I came to find her she had been drinking and crying.
“I just do.” I clear my throat. “Are you and your dad close? I mean uh, is it difficult to balance president and first lady duties with family life?”
She stares at me and I feel it all the way through my soul. Her brown eyes are hard, calculating. She’s searching for something and I don’t think she likes what she sees.
“How did you know?”
“It was just-”
“A guess?” She snorts. “Be honest Harry.”
“Fine.” I take a deep breath. “I overheard part of your argument with the President.”
She laughs harshly, “Wow.”
“I’m sorry.”
“So you came here to what? Comfort me? Pity me?” She scoffs. “I don’t want any of it.”
“Margaret, please. Don’t be mad.”
“Please leave.” We’re both standing now, face to face.  Her face is set, chin lock. She’s made her decision. “I’ll see you tomorrow I’m sure but for now, get out.”
The door opens then, Ed and Anna are standing there looking at us with suspicion, both strangely out of breath. “Miss Randolph, I’m sorry, I-”
“No problem at all.” Margaret says briskly. “Harry was just leaving.”
I open my mouth to say something, but one look from Margaret assures me that I shouldn’t. So I turn away approaching the door. Anna steps away from Ed and moves toward Margaret.
With a hand on the doorframe I turn, “I meant what I said. I’m here as a friend, if you want it.”
I close the door without hearing a response though I doubt there would be one.
Chapter 8                                                                                          Chapter 10
AN: When I first started writing I didn’t realize how much of a slow burn it would be. But I would say that this chapter is the beginning of the fun parts (without giving away too much). 
20 notes · View notes
vrdeals-co · 5 years
This Haptic Suit Lets You Touch and Feel Virtual Reality - Teslasuit
so quite a while ago I got the opportunity to try the Tesla suit at a meet-up in Hamburg Germany and I can tell you it was truly amazing today I'm going to share my story with you of what happened that day and yeah I hope you are going to enjoy it this meetup was organized by the VRA our association it's a global member community that connects businesses with brands and customers they are pretty much trying to bring the VR and AR community closer together by you know doing these meetups it's it's very cool and if you want to be a member too then you can I will make sure there is a link in the description B hello but let's go back to the adventure itself so yeah I booked a session with the Tesla suit folks that for this occasion traveled all the way from Belarus to Germany to give a couple of private demos and I was very eager to try it since I heard many good stories about their haptic clothing many people refer to it as the first ready player one suit and when I heard that I got even more enthusiastic I'm sure you all remember the x1 haptic boot suit right that weight Watts is wearing in the movie it gives him the ability to feel the interaction he has with other avatars in the Oasis and also lets him experience the impact of getting hit honestly you would think that a haptic suit like this wouldn't exist right now RPO is set in the Year 2045 so we have a long way to go but turns out we have already arrived in this era the Tesla suit is very similar to the boot suit because it lets you experience heat and cold but also lets you feel something like getting hit or getting touched by a person it's funny that when I mentioned all of this to the team they were well aware of the fact that all the hype surrounding their product had everything to do with ready player one yes co2 expanse youth and if you if you noticed they the moment where a wildly possible opening the box with X once youth was like very similar render it associated with our all drained us on our like all these prototypes of this you all this privilege yes it's not all this like that it's kind of yeah so yeah there you go that's the answer we were all waiting for but anyways we're traveling a little bit too fast through time because before I could hop into VR I first had to get into one of the suits I had to email them upfront what my size was so they were well prepared on location Tesla suit comes in many sizes from an extra small to an extra extra-large so for everyone out there there is a suit available sadly I only got to wear the vest they do have trousers too you can combine them pretty much with the vest itself and go for a more immersive experience so hopefully later down the road I will be able to try that to the overall comfort level of the vest alone was great by the way my first impressions were that the suit was stretchy enough durable and was properly breeding too although I do have to say that it was a little bit on the heavy side that does make sense since the suit is jam-packed with 60 electro sensors plus it's completely wireless the team told me the battery gives juice for around ten hours and communicates through Bluetooth or Wi-Fi before we could get started they first had to do a test to find out how my body would respond to their te and s system this stands for transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation in other words it gives force feedback to your muscles by using electroshocks the suit can accurately simulate this through 260 haptic channels it has well they were doing all of this they could go as far as taking control over my muscles by using software crazy okay that was a lien trust me but there was even more that they wanted to show me because they were also able to pool in data with the biometry trackers that are built inside the vest with this system they can monitor your emotional state and stress levels but also scan your vitals with life health data such as your heart rate after this quick setup I finally got to go into virtual reality and they had a serious game ready and where I had to escape a building that was on fire and about to collapse at first I was a bit excited and scared too I mean this was this was just right after the moment they showed me that they can control my muscles with software so I was like I don't know what to expect anymore but the adrenaline was pumping for sure I can't share any gameplay footage here since I wasn't able to record the laptop its screen so instead I will just describe what the experience was like so here we go first of all I got thrown into a hallway that was completely filled with smoke I can tell you that I could barely see anything and that's where the tesla suit came in action because while I was standing there people started running around in an attempt to find the exit I could feel them yes I could feel them rushing right past me and I could even sense the speed they were moving in and even how close they were to my physical body that was completely blowing my mind but I had no time to waste I had to find a way to escape before it was too late so navigating with a fission of zero I was able to make my way to a door the moment I grabbed the steel knob of this door I could feel that something was wrong since it gave me a light shock my first response was nope I'm not going in there it's it's just too dangerous but the tesla team told me there was a switch inside that would turn on the power and also the sprinkler system so I had no other choice than to just enter this room that was already swimming in a sea of flames the suit I was wearing here did not use thermal feedback so I didn't feel a sensation of heat but with the newer versions you would be able to sense exactly how close you are to the flames how hot they are and where it's safe to go throughout the entire demo the te NS system was active sometimes I could feel it lightly and sometimes it got more intense but this all depended on what was happening in game but I can confirm that it was physics based it's so strange that you can feel every interaction you are having from you know grabbing the power switch to pressing a bunch of buttons it's impressive that it can let you experience all of this without a pair of pants or gloves although being able to gear yourself up with a complete package wouldn't be a bad thing so yeah I turned on the sprinkler system and then I started to feel the water hitting me at that moment I really thought I was getting wet I'm not joking little drips big ones I could indentify them all and with the terminal feedback system you would even be able to feel the transition of going from hot to cold or even a mix of the two finally the smoke disappeared and I was able to walk through the hallway without having to use the walls for guidance the last challenge I had to face was crouching under a part of the ceiling that was still on fire while I ducked under it I could sense that it was about to collapse and the flames that were coming off this ceiling slowly came more and more to life again super realistic and accurate it really made me hurry up in a way where I thought there was danger coming closer and closer the moment I took off that hat said I realized that haptic suits are going to be the future and that ready player one is slowly becoming a reality this was definitely one of the most awesome things I tried so far I just love how physical your adventures in VR can become with a haptic suit like that after the VR a our meetup was over I got told that the Tesla suit can also be used for motion tracking and that if you want to you can wash it by simply pulling out the power bank and that's where I'm going to end today's video I'm sure a lot of you now want to buy a suit like that and you are wondering how much it is well if you want to know its price you gotta go to the Tesla suit website and ask for a quote but you can only do that when you are running a business at this very moment this haptic suit is for enterprises only it's mainly getting used in healthcare and military sector it's for training purposes don't worry though there is still hope because haptic suits like the one I tried are going to come to the consumer market they will make their way to the gamers out there but for now it's too early it's not the right time just yet so let's say you are interested in this in this Tesla suit make sure to you know check out the website there is a bunch of information on there and you can also find locations where the Tesla suit is getting demoed because the team is traveling around the world to preach the potential of haptic suits and that's where I'm going to end today's video I want to thank you all for watching and now it's time for me to sign up and as I always say and I see a guys next time see you in the metaphors imagine that in the near future you can go to a virtual store and buy a haptic suit there and moments later it arrives on your doorstep in real life stay tuned
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vrsdeals-com · 5 years
This Haptic Suit Lets You Touch and Feel Virtual Reality - Teslasuit
so quite a while ago I got the opportunity to try the Tesla suit at a meet-up in Hamburg Germany and I can tell you it was truly amazing today I'm going to share my story with you of what happened that day and yeah I hope you are going to enjoy it this meetup was organized by the VRA our association it's a global member community that connects businesses with brands and customers they are pretty much trying to bring the VR and AR community closer together by you know doing these meetups it's it's very cool and if you want to be a member too then you can I will make sure there is a link in the description B hello but let's go back to the adventure itself so yeah I booked a session with the Tesla suit folks that for this occasion traveled all the way from Belarus to Germany to give a couple of private demos and I was very eager to try it since I heard many good stories about their haptic clothing many people refer to it as the first ready player one suit and when I heard that I got even more enthusiastic I'm sure you all remember the x1 haptic boot suit right that weight Watts is wearing in the movie it gives him the ability to feel the interaction he has with other avatars in the Oasis and also lets him experience the impact of getting hit honestly you would think that a haptic suit like this wouldn't exist right now RPO is set in the Year 2045 so we have a long way to go but turns out we have already arrived in this era the Tesla suit is very similar to the boot suit because it lets you experience heat and cold but also lets you feel something like getting hit or getting touched by a person it's funny that when I mentioned all of this to the team they were well aware of the fact that all the hype surrounding their product had everything to do with ready player one yes co2 expanse youth and if you if you noticed they the moment where a wildly possible opening the box with X once youth was like very similar render it associated with our all drained us on our like all these prototypes of this you all this privilege yes it's not all this like that it's kind of yeah so yeah there you go that's the answer we were all waiting for but anyways we're traveling a little bit too fast through time because before I could hop into VR I first had to get into one of the suits I had to email them upfront what my size was so they were well prepared on location Tesla suit comes in many sizes from an extra small to an extra extra-large so for everyone out there there is a suit available sadly I only got to wear the vest they do have trousers too you can combine them pretty much with the vest itself and go for a more immersive experience so hopefully later down the road I will be able to try that to the overall comfort level of the vest alone was great by the way my first impressions were that the suit was stretchy enough durable and was properly breeding too although I do have to say that it was a little bit on the heavy side that does make sense since the suit is jam-packed with 60 electro sensors plus it's completely wireless the team told me the battery gives juice for around ten hours and communicates through Bluetooth or Wi-Fi before we could get started they first had to do a test to find out how my body would respond to their te and s system this stands for transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation in other words it gives force feedback to your muscles by using electroshocks the suit can accurately simulate this through 260 haptic channels it has well they were doing all of this they could go as far as taking control over my muscles by using software crazy okay that was a lien trust me but there was even more that they wanted to show me because they were also able to pool in data with the biometry trackers that are built inside the vest with this system they can monitor your emotional state and stress levels but also scan your vitals with life health data such as your heart rate after this quick setup I finally got to go into virtual reality and they had a serious game ready and where I had to escape a building that was on fire and about to collapse at first I was a bit excited and scared too I mean this was this was just right after the moment they showed me that they can control my muscles with software so I was like I don't know what to expect anymore but the adrenaline was pumping for sure I can't share any gameplay footage here since I wasn't able to record the laptop its screen so instead I will just describe what the experience was like so here we go first of all I got thrown into a hallway that was completely filled with smoke I can tell you that I could barely see anything and that's where the tesla suit came in action because while I was standing there people started running around in an attempt to find the exit I could feel them yes I could feel them rushing right past me and I could even sense the speed they were moving in and even how close they were to my physical body that was completely blowing my mind but I had no time to waste I had to find a way to escape before it was too late so navigating with a fission of zero I was able to make my way to a door the moment I grabbed the steel knob of this door I could feel that something was wrong since it gave me a light shock my first response was nope I'm not going in there it's it's just too dangerous but the tesla team told me there was a switch inside that would turn on the power and also the sprinkler system so I had no other choice than to just enter this room that was already swimming in a sea of flames the suit I was wearing here did not use thermal feedback so I didn't feel a sensation of heat but with the newer versions you would be able to sense exactly how close you are to the flames how hot they are and where it's safe to go throughout the entire demo the te NS system was active sometimes I could feel it lightly and sometimes it got more intense but this all depended on what was happening in game but I can confirm that it was physics based it's so strange that you can feel every interaction you are having from you know grabbing the power switch to pressing a bunch of buttons it's impressive that it can let you experience all of this without a pair of pants or gloves although being able to gear yourself up with a complete package wouldn't be a bad thing so yeah I turned on the sprinkler system and then I started to feel the water hitting me at that moment I really thought I was getting wet I'm not joking little drips big ones I could indentify them all and with the terminal feedback system you would even be able to feel the transition of going from hot to cold or even a mix of the two finally the smoke disappeared and I was able to walk through the hallway without having to use the walls for guidance the last challenge I had to face was crouching under a part of the ceiling that was still on fire while I ducked under it I could sense that it was about to collapse and the flames that were coming off this ceiling slowly came more and more to life again super realistic and accurate it really made me hurry up in a way where I thought there was danger coming closer and closer the moment I took off that hat said I realized that haptic suits are going to be the future and that ready player one is slowly becoming a reality this was definitely one of the most awesome things I tried so far I just love how physical your adventures in VR can become with a haptic suit like that after the VR a our meetup was over I got told that the Tesla suit can also be used for motion tracking and that if you want to you can wash it by simply pulling out the power bank and that's where I'm going to end today's video I'm sure a lot of you now want to buy a suit like that and you are wondering how much it is well if you want to know its price you gotta go to the Tesla suit website and ask for a quote but you can only do that when you are running a business at this very moment this haptic suit is for enterprises only it's mainly getting used in healthcare and military sector it's for training purposes don't worry though there is still hope because haptic suits like the one I tried are going to come to the consumer market they will make their way to the gamers out there but for now it's too early it's not the right time just yet so let's say you are interested in this in this Tesla suit make sure to you know check out the website there is a bunch of information on there and you can also find locations where the Tesla suit is getting demoed because the team is traveling around the world to preach the potential of haptic suits and that's where I'm going to end today's video I want to thank you all for watching and now it's time for me to sign up and as I always say and I see a guys next time see you in the metaphors imagine that in the near future you can go to a virtual store and buy a haptic suit there and moments later it arrives on your doorstep in real life stay tuned
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