#i feel like he’d definitely just be like ………shocked; stunned; completely surprised but also FLATTERED in a weird way
inkykeiji · 2 years
Sorry but I was looking for an old post of yours and scrolled past your FFXIV Dabu (very cute btw) and I'm just thinking of...
Touya-nii being bored because he's home alone, stealing MC's laptop, and logging into her account because she's been bugging him to try it so maybe they can play together. There's a moment of deafening silence. And then echoing through the house...
HAHAHAHA anon i love this!!!!! this made me giggle so much hehehehehe <333
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popatochisssp · 5 years
Make Your Mark, 10/10
Series: Undertale, Horrortale Relationship(s): HT!Papyrus/Reader Chapter Warnings: mentions of death, implications of past murder/cannibalism, nothing explicit; a panic attack
AO3 Link
In a world where soulmates exist, monsters and humans have one thing in common: the first time two soulmates touch, a mark randomly appears somewhere–anywhere– on their bodies to represent their match.
It still doesn’t make relationships easier…but maybe it does make them a little more interesting!
Papyrus could easily say that it was the best date he’d ever had in his life… and not only because he could count the number of dates he’d been on with one hand.
You, his wonderful datemate, had been taking it upon yourself to show him all of the cool, fun things a cool, fun couple like yourselves could get up to here on the surface and he really had to hand it to you: the waterpark was one of your most fantastic ideas yet!
He was…admittedly too big for a lot of the attractions—most of the high-velocity slides, as thrilling as they looked, just weren’t a safe fit for him, designed for humans roughly half his height—but Papyrus was delighted to find that there were plenty of things he could enjoy without risk of maiming himself.
(He’d made a point of doing a few mental calculations before waiting in line for anything dodgy-looking, anyway, just to be sure. Not for the first time, he thanked the stars that he was such an avid reader, and that Sans kept approximately ten billion physics textbooks around the house at any given moment for him to have read and reread a hundred times when he was bored!)
(…he was even willing to thank Sans for being so responsive by text whenever he wanted to be extra sure his math was right. The handful of thumbs-up emojis he’d gotten back with his waterproof phone before potentially risking life and limb had been really reassuring!)
He was having a great time!
The hot sun in the beautiful blue sky made every splash of cool, chlorinated water on his bones feel divine, rivaled only by your beaming presence beside him while he enjoyed it.
His favorite thing so far was definitely the wave-pool, watching you bob in the rippling water like the cutest buoy that ever was.
He’d managed to distract you twice before you caught on that he was doing it on purpose, because you were adorable when you caught a wave right to the face and had to sputter and shake it off, all embarrassed and disoriented.
You only got cuter when you tried to ‘yell’ at him for it and the urge to scoop you up and pinch your squishy human cheek was almost too powerful to resist!
It was good! It was fun! Papyrus was having a wonderful date with you!
Tense is important to note here.
Was, because it seems pretty clear to Papyrus that what he’s doing now is completely and utterly ruining everything.
Funny how one dying child could do that.
Papyrus isn’t sure on the details, it all happened very fast—a woman yelling, a gathering crowd, a lifeguard pulling a very small body out of the water—and he’d been three steps forward, ready to declare himself as a nurse, someone who could help…
And then there was a flicker of static in the air, the energy of a small soul winking out of existence.
And Papyrus just…froze.
He doesn’t know why.
He doesn’t, it’s stupid, he is no stranger to death, he’s seen it dozens of times, he sees it every day at work!
But it wasn’t supposed to be here…
All he knows is that it felt like everything in him was locking up at once and it took everything he had to mutter, “Excuse Me,” to you before running off to the nearest changing room.
To hide, like a coward.
He’s so mad at himself and he feels so helpless, slumped against a wall of lockers trying to make his own panicking body cooperate; trying to get his legs back under him, trying to breathe normally, trying to Stop. Fucking. Shaking.
But he can’t.
Even with sockets squeezed painfully shut, he sees that boy, his grief-stricken mother holding him…and he thinks of Sans.
Sans, looking devastated and broken, with blood on his hands and a disturbingly limp human in his arms, begging his brother to help him.
The body, just the first in a line of way too many, laid out on his kitchen counter, dead empty meat that he had to… because everyone was hungry, everyone was starving, and it was already done, Sans had already… so he had to do this part, for everyone, but stars above, the blood, the smell, the taste…!
It always comes back like this, crystal-clear, and Papyrus feels nausea roiling through the stomach he doesn’t even have.
He’s been out of his braces for years—why are his teeth hurting so bad now…?
He clamps his hands over his mouth and hunches down into himself, wishing his own rattling would drown out everything else in his skull.
And he freezes again.
No. No, Please, No, Not…
But he can’t catch a break because there you are, standing right in front of him, so sweetly concerned and the shame strikes like a lightning bolt, sizzling all the way down to his soul.
“No,” he gasps aloud, “I…You’re Not Supposed To…”
Be here, see him like this, know that he’s like this.
You’re supposed to see his good side: The Great Papyrus, cheerful and resilient and strong, recovered from the trauma of the Underground in every way!
You’re supposed to admire him, you’re supposed to think he’s cool and tough and never, ever see this weak and stupid thing he is sometimes when it all comes back…
The sound he makes is downright pathetic, dripping with despair, and he folds into himself even more, wishing he could disappear.
You…seem to have other plans.
Papyrus jumps when you throw your arms around his shoulders and squeeze him in the tightest hug you’ve ever given him—the first hug you’ve ever given him.
“Hey,” you say, and your voice is so soft and so kind when you say it that he doesn’t even think of trying to pull away. “It’s okay, you’re… I’m here, it’s…it’s okay.”
The words, so earnestly spoken, make Papyrus sob, just once…which is stupid, because…because he’s not even crying.
…Is he?
Suddenly, he’s not sure of anything anymore except what you said: you’re here and it’s okay, it’s okay, it’s okay…
He breaks.
Without a second thought, he picks you up, hugging you tightly against his body while he shakes and falls apart and even as it’s worse, somehow it’s…better than it was before.
You’re so warm and soft and slightly damp, like a soggy teddy-bear that can pet him and whisper soothing words and kiss the top of his skull, and Papyrus doesn’t think he ever wants to put you down again.
Especially when, ever so slowly, his body starts to cancel all the blaring Panic Mode alarms and he’s left weakly clinging to you with his face safely hidden in your neck.
It’s…it’s a real, actual struggle to put you down.
He’s pretty sure his cheekbones are glowing and he can’t quite make himself meet your eye.
“That… I’m Sorry You Had To See That,” he mumbles reluctantly. “That Was…Very Embarrassing.”
You stare up at him with hands on your hips and you cluck your tongue.
“No, it wasn’t,” you say, and the certainty in your tone is such that he almost believes you. “That was…a messed up thing that happened out there. I’d be more worried if you weren’t upset at all.”
Oh, Stars, The Child…
Papyrus frowns before he speaks, scared to hear the answer but also needing to know…
“The Boy,” he asks, “Was… Did He…?”
Your smile is the most reassuring thing he’s ever seen.
“He’s fine,” you promise, “the lifeguard did CPR and he coughed up half the pool. Guess he wasn’t a strong swimmer and took off his water-wings when mom wasn’t looking. He got an earful over that, but they left for the hospital just to make sure he was okay.”
Oh, Humans.
Papyrus would never cease to be amazed by their ability to survive the deadliest of things, even coming back from the dead if somebody fixed the problem quickly enough.
Humans were so strong, so incredible…
Papyrus looks at you and feels his expression soften.
So Amazing…
He opens his mouth, ready to deliver the most flattering, touching, affection-filled compliment he’s ever uttered…
Only for you to gasp and mutter a surprised expletive.
When Papyrus follows your gaze and looks down at himself, he sees the source of your impolite language and…may even repeat it himself.
There just aren’t polite words to properly encapsulate the feeling of shock at seeing your soulmark for the first time.
Even if you have no earthly idea what it is.
All Papyrus can tell, looking down at himself, is that it’s bright and it’s everywhere, yellow lines squiggling across his entire thorax and even tagging his humeri with a stray lash here and there.
“…Well,” he says at length. “That Certainly Happened.”
Papyrus has always had a talent for understatement.
But there are more important matters at stake here than that.
“I Hate To Ask, But You Seem To Have The Better Vantage Point,” he admits, “So… What… Is It? I Can’t Quite Make It Out From This Angle.”
You take a few moments to process the question.
Papyrus is happy to wait while you sort it all out—you can’t spell ‘patience’ without…at least two letters from his name!
“It’s…it’s a…” you sound so stunned to be saying it, like you can’t believe your own words, but eventually you manage, “it’s a sun…”
Papyrus isn’t surprised at all.
It’s perfect.
Unable to restrain his grin, he finally gets to his feet, his soul bubbling with excitement at this wonderful revelation.
It more than makes up for that bit of unpleasantness that he’s on a date with his soulmate, one date of surely many, and he’s sure he can salvage the rest of it!
But when he moves toward the exit of the changing room, you don’t follow.
Papyrus says your name, but it’s clear he doesn’t have your attention—not with the way you’re frantically examining your arms and legs and every bit of exposed skin you can see.
You’re looking for a mark to answer the one you’d left on him…and not having much luck, by the look of things.
“Come on,” you grumble to yourself, managing to sound both frustrated and distressed, “where is it?!”
Papyrus comes back over to you.
“Don’t Worry About That,” he gently chides you. “It’s Not Important.”
Your head whips up, your eyes comically wide. “What do you mean, it’s not important?! It’s your soulmark!”
Papyrus laughs. “Well, Yes, In Theory, But I May Not Have Given You One.”
You just gape at him that time, utterly bewildered by his casual tone.
“It’s Perfectly Okay If I Didn’t,” he continues, placing a reassuring hand on your shoulder now that he can; now that the touch-barrier between you has already been broken. “Just Because You’re My Soulmate Doesn’t Mean I Have To Be Yours—I’m Not Going To Break Up With You, Or Enjoy This Date Any Less, You Know!”
“…but it’s! Probably here somewhere!” you insist, starting to tug at your swimsuit, and Papyrus stills your hand.
“Maybe It Is!” he agrees. “But You Don’t Have To Get Naked Right Now Just To Look For It! I’m Sure There Are Much Better Places To See Your Soulmark For The First Time Than In A Filthy, Bateria-Ridden Public Changing Room, Don’t You Think?”
You pause, looking around like you were remembering where you both were.
And then you start to laugh.
“There, Now!” Papyrus grins triumphantly, “I Knew You’d See Reason! Now, Why Don’t We Go Try Out That Slothful River Of Yours In The Meantime?”
That makes you perk up a little. You had been so excited about that attraction and so (not so secretly) disappointed when Papyrus hadn’t really wanted to go.
“Really?” you wonder. “You want to, now?”
Papyrus shrugs. “I Suppose I Can Grin And Bear It, For You! Especially If We Can Share A Tube…”
He says this with the emphasis normally reserved for very saucy activities indeed, being sure to waggle his browbones at you ridiculously enough to make you laugh again.
“Alright,” you agree, revitalized, “alright, yeah, let’s go!”
Your mark is perfect: you truly are his sunshine.
…and as you bounce off just a few steps ahead of him, back out into the light of day, Papyrus sees what he is to you, painted across your back in a colorful tableau that nearly makes his jaw drop off.
He thanks his lucky stars that he’s composed and in control of himself again by the time he sees it.
It means that he’s able to play it cool until he can snap the ideal selfie for you about halfway through the lazy river, while you happily doze against his chest.
The hardy desert garden between your shoulder blades—a cluster of blooming cacti and colorful, concentric succulents bursting forth onto your skin—looks fantastic under actual sunlight, but even more incredible beside the daisy-yellow sun rays you’d seared into his bones.
Papyrus is willing to admit to…a small bit of bias.
But only a little.
UT!Sans | UT!Papyrus | US!Sans | US!Papyrus | UF!Sans | UF!Papyrus | SF!Sans | SF!Papyrus | HT!Sans
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twilight-mademegay · 7 years
These Things Take Forever, I Especially Am Slow
They're on a beach.
Where this beach is or the fact that it's freezing  and sprinkling rain doesn't matter. The two of them are on a beach and staring at each other. Well, Steve is staring. He's trying to physically will the unknown brunette to look at him. He was invited along to a picnic on the beach by his friends Clint and Natasha. Maybe "invited" wasn't the right word; the couple had all but dragged him out of his rundown apartment. It's not that he didn't want to go, Steve's just busy finishing the panels for the comic he's been working on for over a month. He's a comic artist. Spending days- weeks- cooped up in his apartment isn't something to worry about. But his friends had insisted and even packed an overnight bag for him while he pouted on the couch. Natasha "I dare you to say no to me" Romanoff had even taken his work and hid it somewhere his short frame probably couldn't reach.
"You can't stay in this dump every day." Clint "no filter" Barton was just as eager to get him out. "It's gotta be bad for your asthma not to mention you need sunlight, Rogers." Clint tugged him along out the door while Natasha made sure things were in order.
"I got a deadline, I can't just leave." Both friends audibly groaned.
Natasha locked his apartment door and led him out by the shoulders. "Yeah, yeah. We both know you're already done and just nit picking. Plus, Sam invited one of his vet buddies; thinks you'll like him." He rolls his eyes at that. Ever since Steve admitted- in a very inebriated state- he was up for dating, his friends haven't let up on finding someone for him. And Steve was always a sucker for a man in uniform.
Which is how he ended up sitting on a log freezing his ass off, watching said friend of Sam's. He's going to get sick, like always, but he can't make himself leave. Not when he say Sam's friend.
He nearly fell when he saw the brunette. He quite literally tripped over his own feet. He was gorgeous; in every way Steve could think of. God, he wanted to draw this man. Natasha had mercifully let him bring one sketchpad with him; he busied himself trying to sketch out the man's jawline for over half an hour. Every time he thought he had it, it was wrong. He managed to get the curve of his eyes down near perfect. His arched eyebrow when he talked. Steve even got the slope of his nose down to a T. His jaw- and those beautiful looking lips- were his biggest challenge. He needed the man to look at him fully so he could get them down. But drawing attention to himself was not an option.
"Hey man that looks great!" Steve froze before quickly turning around. Sam Wilson looked down at him with a gentle smirk. "You got him down perfect. Hey Barnes, come here." Sam looked away from him and to the brunette. Said brunette was having a deep conversation with Natasha; Steve had heard them speaking in what he could only guess was Russian. He hadn't been able to even guess what they were saying. Before Steve could protest, the man looked over. And looked directly at Steve. Steve's drawing did not do him justice with those piercing eyes. They were the color blue he would happily drown himself in. It took Steve all of three seconds to realize the man- Barnes?- was walking towards him.
"What's up?" He nodded to Sam. Steve felt very close to jamming his pencil into his friends kneecap. Steve tried to keep himself out of the conversation, keeping his sketchpad close to his chest.
Sam wasn't allowing that. "This is my friend Steve, the artist I told you about." Steve's tilted his head and glared daggers at his friend. He didn't like people talking about him. Even if it was to a certain cute brunette.
He looked down at Steve and held out his right hand. "Oh nice! Steve right?" The blonde nodded, wearily taking his hand and shaking it. "M'names James. But everyone calls me Bucky." Steve felt a shock run down his crooked spine as he spoke. He could definitely get use to hearing that voice. It's a good minute before Steve realizes he's been holding Bucky's hand for too long. He pulls back like he's been burnt; his cheeks go red. Bucky just smiles a crooked smile at him. "Whatcha got there?" He's looking at the sketchpad. Steve tries to hide it under his coat but is stopped by Sam yanking it from his hands. He's handing it to Bucky before he can stop him. He loves his friend a great deal, but right now he was okay with giving him a painful end.
"He's good at sketching. Look what he did." Sam's showing Bucky the page of the brunette portrait. Steve is definitely about to stab his friend with his pencil; he's busy finding out where it would hurt the most when he looks up at Bucky. He feels Sam squeeze his shoulder but doesn't hear the excuse for why he's leaving the two of them alone. Steve's eyes are locked on the shocked expression in front of him. He grinds his teeth. He can almost physically see the expressions change on the other man's face.
He's worried. "I- um sorry. I know I should've asked before I even started but I just..." He just what? His mind can't form coherent sentences as those dazzling blue eyes look back at him. "Sorry." He mutters and looks away. He's embarrassed beyond belief now and he seriously is considering never speaking to Sam "I'm the best wing man" Wilson ever again.
"These are really good." It's a quiet reply but a better one than what Steve was expecting. Steve's cheeks warm again and he looks back up. He's honestly still expecting to get hit or something because no man he's ever met was okay with him drawing them; especially when it was from a distance. Bucky's still smiling and he hands him back the sketchpad. "No one's ever drawn me before. I'm flattered." And that's the second Steve's sure he fell hard from this man he's never met before. "Can I sit?" Bucky motions to the seat next to him. Steve falters for a second before nodding. He scoots over. Which is apparently for nothing as Bucky slides up right against him. He's glad Bucky sat on his right side- at least he can hear without a hearing aid on that side.
Steve's suddenly too warm to notice the rain stopped. He's too busy studying the broad chest and slightly too long hair of the man in front of him to notice people pulling out blankets to sit on the sand. He doesn't even notice- amidst the idle chatter the two have- their hands find each other and fingers lace together.
He isn't too busy to notice Clint watching them- and when the blonde signs 'damn' and 'you got this' over his shoulder.
It's been a year and a half since they met. A year of friendship and honestly some of the best days of Steve Rogers' life. Three months of them being just friends, nine months of them actually dating. Everyone else saw it coming a mile away except the two of them. Natasha and Sam had all but forced them together; the two of them had been tiptoeing the whole time. Clint had been surprised when they made it official. Apparently, he thought they were together since the start. Nine months of them laughing, smiling, kissing, drawing, and loving each other.
But it's also been six months since they broke up.
Honestly neither knows how it ended. It just did. One moment they can't keep their hands off each other and the next...they can't stand to touch each other. Steve found himself working more and more just so he didn't have to see his supposed boyfriend. Not like said boyfriend was putting much effort into the relationship. They had one argument. Just one. But it was the one that ended everything.
"I don't get it, why can't you tell me?" Steve tossed his bag down with more anger than needed. The two of them had been out for dinner when Bucky got a call. A call he didn't seem to think Steve needed to know anything about. "Why is it a secret all of a sudden?" They went back to Steve's small apartment once the call ruined the mood. The shorter of the two was rightfully pissed at their evening being ruined. Bucky apologized but said he needed to go; he dropped Steve off and meant to leave immediately after. Steve wasn't having it and made him come inside.
"Look, Stevie. It's better I don't tell ya right now." Bucky ran a hand through his hair in the way Steve knew there was something he wasn't saying. On purpose. "I'll explain it later but right now I just need you to understand." Steve understood. Oh he did. Bucky never purposely kept something from him so why now?
"No Buck, I can't understand. 'Cause I have no idea what you want me to understand. Is it something with your ma? Your sister? You gotta tell me." It went back and forth until they were yelling. Bucky needed Steve to let it go for now and the blonde refused. Bucky threw cusses, Steve threw his sketchbook. It ended with Bucky slamming the door and rattling the whole apartment. Steve went to sleep angrier than he'd ever been and honestly wasn't surprised when he didn't hear anything from the other for a week. Then two. Then a month. After a month passed he worried and asked Sam how Bucky was. The box of Steve's things that just ended on his doorstep after a week was enough for him to get the message; they were done. Sam didn't know about any of this. His friend had blinked down at him, surprised.
"He didn't tell you?" They met up for coffee and the darker one was stunned. Steve shook his head in confusion; the look Sam gave him was one of near heartbreak. "Man, Buck got shipped out. His platoon was called out about a month ago and he left three weeks ago." Steve froze. Oh no. Oh no, no, no. That was likely what the phone call was and why Bucky didn't want to talk about it. He knew it would upset Steve for him to leave. But they had stupidly fought and he never got a chance to say anything. And Bucky had left angry; he wouldn't want to talk to Steve because he thought Steve was the one mad. Steve felt like a complete asshole.
But that was five months ago and he hadn't heard anything from Bucky. Steve had asked Sam if he could send Bucky a letter apologizing; his friend said he would make sure it got to him. Steve never heard back. Now he could understand why Bucky never answered. He had only asked Steve to understand and then he would tell him what was wrong. Steve didn't listen to his one plea. Months passed. There was a huge ache in his chest where it was once warm. But he could live with it. He did. He stayed focused on the comics he was commissioned for. He went out when Natasha and Clint dragged him. He visited Sam and helped out with VA counseling; who knew art could be a good outlet?
Five months passed and every single day he thought about James Buchanan "eyes that could pierce you" Barnes. He didn't admit it but his friends knew. They saw it in every pencil sketch and line filled. They saw it in the shadows under his eyes from tireless work. They saw it in the way he looked too hopeful when anyone resembling Bucky came into view. They saw it with the way his eyes and heart dropped when he saw it wasn't him.
He just wouldn't admit it. Only when he came home one night from helping Sam at the VA did he admit it to himself. He had stopped dead in the hallway and dropped his book bag where he stood. Steve wasn't completely sure he wasn't dreaming; he'd had this dream before. Maybe he fell asleep at his desk again and this was the result.
But no.
There, in Steve's favorite black jacket, stood one James Buchanan "likely the love of Steve's life" Barnes leaning against his door. There was a duffel bag by his feet and bruises under his eyes. And something didn't appear normal about his left hand. Which, he kept tucked at his side.
"Bucky?" Steve blurted it out. It got the brunette's attention. His eyes that use to shine were glazed over; it broke Steve's heart to see. He used to want to draw those eyes for hours but now he just wanted to wipe away any tears from them. He swallowed hard and picked up his bag, walking hesitantly towards the man. Bucky stood still. Steve worried a little as he came to stand only a foot away. If possible, Bucky had gotten bigger. Not that Steve was big by any means but still. The man seemed to tower over him even more. His hair had gotten longer and has haphazardly tied back. "Buck." Steve breathed and hesitated to reach out.
"Stevie." Bucky looked like he was going to collapse. There was no hesitance in his movements; he reached out and wrapped one arm- his right arm- tight around Steve's small frame. The blonde reacted and wrapped both arms around the man's waist. His face was pressed against his neck. He felt Bucky press his face into his hair and held on tighter. It shouldn't have been this easy, they coming back together. It shouldn't have been this easy for Steve to welcome and want Bucky back in his life; but it is. But he noticed something amidst their embrace. It did bother him slightly that Bucky was only using one arm. That's when he realized it. Steve pulled back slightly and brought one arm up to Bucky's left. Or where it should be. His hand was met with a long sleeve rolled and folded over a stump. Steve's breath hitched and he looked up. Bucky was biting his lip and not looking at him.
"Is that why you never answered?" Why it was the first thing out of his mouth, Steve didn't know. But it came out. His only answer was a tight nod. Steve took a deep breath and looked back at Bucky's shoulder. "Let's go inside." And so they did. Steve led Bucky into his apartment and made him sit on the couch. He went back into the hall and dragged the heavy duffel bag inside. When he shut the door, he took a moment to look at Bucky. He wanted to be angry. Not one word from him and then he showed up like this. But he wasn't angry. Because Bucky had a perfectly good reason. He just didn't want to listen. "I'm sorry." He says it first to get it out of the way.
Bucky just sits there for a moment. He's unblinking as he just takes in the blonde in front of him. He blinks once and holds out his hand. Steve looks at it unsure before he takes it. He forgot how small his hands feel in Bucky's; how small he feels and is in general. Bucky doesn't bring it up. He doesn't do anything really. Just holds Steve's hand. The blonde is more than willing to just sit there. Even if he wants answers.
"I should have said something before I left." Bucky's voice is hoarse. Steve feels himself unravel just hearing it, even if it sounds so different. "I should have told you about the call but I just couldn't make myself tell you, Stevie."
Steve panics for a second. He quickly kneels in front of the bigger man and looks him in the eyes. "You've got nothing to be sorry for. I shouldn't have yelled at you, should've understood you needed time." He's squeezing Bucky's hand and sighs. "We're both stubborn and I should've listened." Bucky was shaking his head and near interrupting him. "No, Buck listen. I was angry for no reason and I let you leave without letting you explain. I can't tell you how sorry I am."
Bucky pulled him in close. So close Steve felt the air leave his chest.
"I'm glad I didn't die before I met you." Steve freezes. He pulls back- tries to- but Bucky isn't letting him. He's keeping him as close as he can with his one good arm. Steve lets himself be held, be cradled against his ex's chest. "Every day I thought about you. Every damn day." Bucky's face was pressed against his hair and his breathing irregular. "I drove all night to get here. Was gonna be stationed in Jersey but I kicked up a fuss. I needed to be wherever you are." His arm tightens around Steve's waist and he's all but sitting in the other's lap. He resettles himself, leaning into the brunette. "Everything changed after I left. I was stupid to not tell you. Felt like I finally woke up when I realized I was leaving without saying anything. Like a cold rain."
Steve's chest feels tight. He can hear every ounce of regret and something else. He wants to soothe them, to tell Bucky none of that matters anymore because he's here now. And hopefully will stay. He wraps his arms around his neck and presses his face there. He should be mad, should be upset, should be a lot of thing. But all he wants is to stay where he is and never let go.
"I don't care where I am anymore. I just wanna be with you and I'm happy."
They have a lot to talk about. So many months have passed and they need to talk about them. Steve needs to tell him about how horrible it's been and how sad he is. He knows their friends aren't going to let this go lightly. They need to talk about Bucky's left arm- what happened and if he wants to do anything about it. They need to talk about communicating more and if they even want to be together- if they can. But now it's fine.
"I think I like you enough to keep you around." Steve's voice is small but he knows Bucky hears him. He knows because of the small quirk of his lips and the light kiss he places on his cheek. Yeah, they need to talk. But it's raining outside and it can wait.
Based on “First Day of My Life” by Bright Eyes
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thirstyfortom · 8 years
Hey hey hey hon, I luv everything tou write, you're so creative! Can I request a scenario when RFA + Saeran and MC really like each other, but are embarassed to confess, but they get drunk/high together and the truth comes out and maybe things get a little heated, and next day they aren't sure if It was real?
Thx thx! I decided to do this one as mini-fics. Hope you enjoy it! ^^
RFA + Saeran and MC getting drunk and heated (NSFW -ish?)
He saw your name on his screen phone and picked up without even thinking. “Hey, Zenny! Whatare you up to?” if you only knew the way his heart and his imagination raceeverytime you call him Zenny, maybe you would be more careful of your words. “Nothingmuch, MC…What about you?” “I’m just bored, do you wanna hang out?” “Yeah,sure!” he tried to keep it cool, but inside he was screaming “yes, yes, yes!”“Cool, your place, I’ll bring the booze. Just wait for me!” he would wait foryou forever if you asked him… no, focus! Now he needed to clean up his house alittle and make himself presentable for you.
He knew hewould look gorgeous wearing anything, but knowing you were coming made him feellike nothing was good enough to impress you. “What if I just open the doorshirtless?” he laughed at himself only imagining your face, no, he would neverdo that, what if he scared you or made you get the wrong idea? He could neverlive with himself if something so silly and vulgar like that made you run awayfrom him… he didn’t imagine his life without you anymore, even if it was justfriendship.“Here, I bought that grapefruit beer we talked about, I also gotvodka.” He was shocked at how much booze you brought, you shrugged and told himit was 25% off, so why not?
He was alittle nervous, you’ve never been at his place that late and with booze,especially that much! What if…? No, he was a gentleman! Taking advantage of youlike this would be wrong in so many ways! “What’s wrong, Zenny? Cat got yourtongue?” “Ugh, don’t even joke about things like this, MC! Just imagining oneof these fur balls that close to my precious face…” “Oh, I would be so jealous,you have no idea!” Oh… what? His heart just skipped a beat, he looked at youflustered, you weren’t even looking at him and just chugged the rest of thebeer. Were you a flirty drunk? What a grateful surprise! Grateful or… too muchtempting? “Uhh, I’m hot!” Yes, you were…wait ! Oh, you’re feeling hot! He got that when you threw your jacket at thecorner of the sofa… Dangerous thoughts, Zenny, dangerous thoughts! He wasn’tused mixing drinks like this, the effects were showing pretty fast on both ofyou.
“Hey, sinceyou’re here, would you mind helping me practice some lines?” he needed to makethose ideas go away from his filthy mind. “Sure! Can we go to your rooftop?It’s really hot in here…” “Yes, of course.” Yes, this was better, knowing somesneaky neighbor could be looking would be a good inhibition.
“So, uh…here, let’s start from page 4. On this scene, the guy confesses his feelings toa girl he’s in love with for a very long time.” “Oh, what made him decide toconfess?” “You mean, the character’s motivation? Hum… he’s afraid of losing herto another man, and would be such a tragedy, right? Losing the woman of hislife because he’s a coward?” “Yes, I could only imagine… so, I’m the girl?”WHAT? “On the scene…” you explained, as he looked puzzled. “Oh, yes! Yes! I’mgonna start now, ok?” you nodded and he cleared his throat. As he talked, youfelt like the sky was getting darker, the stars shining were nothing comparedto his scarlet eyes peering at you, waiting for your line… “You make my heartrace so much, Zenny…” “Huh, that’s not… the line, MC. Are you improvising?” hefidgeted through the script pages, and stopped when he felt your hand holdinghis. “Would you like to feel it? My heart…?” “W-What?” MC, what are you doin…oh god!” he let out a groan when you placed his hand on your chest. “MC, don’tdo this to me, please…” “Shh, it’s okay… see how much it’s racing? I want youto make it race even more… if you just…” your face was getting closer andcloser…
Zen woke upcompletely sweaty. What was that? Another wet dream with you? How many of thosedid he have that week? But this one felt a little more real…Part of him washoping for this to be one of his premonitory dreams… who knows? One day he’d bebrave enough to tell you how much he cherished you and wanted to hold you tightand never let it go… he was took aback by his phone, where a text of you couldbe read. “Hey, Zenny! Are you okay? Think I forgot my jacket there, can youbring it for me? See ya ;)”
Youappeared at his apartment out of the blue. Well, you told him you were comingover, he didn’t take it seriously, but there you were, standing at his doorwith a bottle of vodka on your hands. “What’s that, MC?” “I heard you killedyour mid terms, so I thought I could stop by to celebrate. But I understand ifyou’re too busy…” “N-no! Not at all! I was going to play LOLOL, but this lookslike more of a celebration for a college student, I guess… Come in, MC!”
You wouldalways look perfect at his eyes, but there was something about you that nightthat made you look hypnotizing. Your eyes, your smile, the way you tucked yourhair behind your ear and chugged the vodka. “Ugh, my hair is a mess today!Would you mind borrowing me one of your hairpins?” he would gladly do so, eventhough he couldn’t really see the mess, your hair was flawless as usual… but hetook the one that was on his hair and handed to you “Can you tie it for me?”you grinned, he blushed as his fingers slightly touched your forehead. “Comeon! I can’t be the only one being drunk here! I won’t look like a fool bymyself! Drink it just a little? For me?” he drank staring at you, he would doanything you wanted asking like this.
He feltloosening up pretty fast after he drank. His face was burning and he wasfeeling tipsy, maybe he was a little stronger than he thought? That was cool…“So, I told you on the messenger, but I’m gonna say it again, congratulationson your mid terms! I’m so happy for you, you have no idea!”
“Thanks,MC, I… I was only able to do it thanks to your encouragement, you know that? Ifeel like I’m going back to my high school days, when I felt so motivated…you’re a great motivation for me… I mean, for my studies and… you know.” Yougiggled. “I’m glad to know that! So… Yoosung in high school… I gotta say, youlooked cute, I would totally have a crush on you if we studied at the sameschool…” “Y-You would?” he felt his throat get dry. “Yep! I mean… I definitelyprefer you blonde now… but back then I would still fall for you, and… wait tosee you at parties, so we could play spin the bottle or 7 minutes in heaven…”What were you saying? You were talking so naturally, like it was nothing,couldn’t you see how thrilled he was getting? “I… I was… a big nerd backthen, I didn’t go to parties… so I… I… never played any of these… games…” “Oh,what a shame, isn’t it?” “Iguess…”
You lookedat him, his cheeks were so pink, his wide eyes were half closed, his hairlooked messy… he looked so sexy right now, his hands were so pretty… howwould it feel having these skillful gamer fingers tangling to your hair?Touching your body?
“So… do youwant to make it up for lost time?” “What?” “Do you want to play right now?”“P-Play what, MC?” “It’s your choice, but if you ask me, I would prefer 7minutes on heaven, so I guess I’m a little biased here…” he gasped, what washappening right now? You were so close to him on the couch, he could feel hisarm rubbing in your shoulder, you looked so soft, so smooth… and you smelledamazing! So he took the empty bottle of vodka, placed in the table and spun… itpointed to him and… the lamp? Oh crap!
You laughed, took the bottle and placed it to point to you and him. You leaned to him, hecould feel your breath on his face…
Yoosungwoke up feeling like he got hit by a truck, his head was about to explode! Hiseyes were close, he was afraid to open them up and get hurt by the daylight…but then he remembered, and he opened his eyes in surprise… you weren’t there…oh no! Did he have one of those naughty dreams? This was so embarrassing, howcould he look at you again if the only thing he had in mind was that dream? Hewould act even weirder around you… yeah, like he had a chance with you before!Wake up, Yoosung! A girl like you would never even look at him, on high school,college or in the RFA… you were too much for him! All he had was these filthydreams…
He runnedhis fingers through his hair and noticed he didn’t have the hairpin on, hedidn’t remember taking it off… it must be on his nightstand… oh! He found thehairpin, along with a note: “Tnx for the hairpin and for last night. Call youlater ;)”
You invitedher to go to a bar with you, you were feeling stressed because of work andcould really use a girl’s night. She gladly agreed to, she loved the idea of agirl’s night because she never had many girls as friends, this made her feelso… normal. And it was you, so she knew she was in for a very fun night.
You lookedstunning, she felt like she wasn’t properly dressed for that bar, you told hershe looked amazing and she couldn’t help but blush, a goddess like you tellingshe looked amazing? She never felt this flattered.
A few guysapproached you two at the bar, you politely refused , telling you were just infor some fun with your friend. Her heart was racing everytime you waved agoodbye to a guy and came back to her smiling.
“So, have Itold you about my boss? My god, Jaehee, what a prick!” and she listened toeverything you had to say, you were adorable when you were mad, the way youmoved your hands to accentuate your words and the way your voice got into ahigh pitch, ah… it was just… so charming.
“Seriously,what’s wrong with him? He’s the worst boss ever!” “Hmmm, I’ll have to disagreeon that one, MC.” “Oh my God, yeah, Jumin! I totally forgot how much… handfulhe is…” “Handful? We’re talking about the man that made me cut my hair and useglasses just so I didn’t look attractive to his father.” “Well, if it makes youfeel any better, you looked totally attractive to me…” and you took another sipof your drink. “I… looked?” “I mean, you look gorgeous right now too, but Iliked your androgynous appeal very much, it was… sexy…”
She couldnot believe what she was listening, gorgeous, appeal, sexy? She never heardthings like this referring to her, she didn’t know how to respond, so she justmumbled a shy “thanks” and you winked at her!!! Oh my god! What’s gotten intoyou? And why was she feeling so hot? Maybe it was because of these fancy crazydrinks?
You knewwhat you were doing, those drinks really boost your confidence to finally makea move on her, you’ve been gathering courage to do this for months, it was nowor never… “You look so cute when you’re shy, Jaehee…” “M-Me? Cute? MC,what’sgoing with you today? You’ve been complementing my… looks too much…” “I woulddo everyday if you let me, Jaehee. Will you let me?” “Oh, I… yes, thank you,MC.” “No, thank you…” and you leanedto her to tuck a locket of her hair behind her ear, her heart was racing likecrazy! “So… my place or yours?” you asked playfully. Your lips were so close…she closed her eyes in anticipation…
Jaehee wokeup still a little dizzy, she sighed knowing she was still a little drunk, andthe hangover would be a torture! She could use a cup of coffee right now! Soshe went to the kitchen, and then she remembered… oh my, drunk dreams can beso… real. She blushed remembering the things in her dream, your soothing voicecomplimenting her beauty over and over… if only it was real…
She grabbedher favorite mug, poured the coffee… weird, she didn’t remember making anycoffee… and she gagged when she saw a post-it on the coffee machine. “Thoughtyou might need some after last night. Call me :)”
He invitedyou over for some wine, he didn’t think you were actually gonna say yes, butyou did, and now he was nervous about what would be the perfect tie for theoccasion. “What about this one, Elizabeth the 3rd?” the cat meowedloudly, so yep, it would be that one, he just hoped you would like too.
Buy why washe so worried about this? What was about you that made him get worried aboutthe silliest things made him feel afraid it wasn’t enough? He wasn’t enough? Tobe your friend or… oh, what was he thinking?
“Thanks forhaving me tonight, Mr. Han.” You smiled cheerfully. “No need to be so formal,MC.” “I know, I was just messing with you, where’s Elizabeth? I brought her alittle treat…” and you handed him a tiny bottle of wine for cats, you messingwith him and now this? He couldn’t help but smile softly. “Oh, that’s a nicetie!” and now he was almost grinning.
As soon asyou started drinking, he felt loosening up as his weird jokes started comingout and he even laughed! Truth is he couldn’t stop smiling everytime he glancedat you. That night was all about you, he asked you a million questions aboutyour family, friends, work, and he was living for the stories of you incollege. “You were very eccentric, I suppose.” “Nah, I was just trying to havefun, studying, going to frat parties, playing Truth or Dare, you know, thingsall college students do…” “I… never played Truth or Dare… on college or…”“Really? Not even with V?” “No, I wouldn’t be comfortable with him either.”
There wassomething adorable about him looking so vulnerable… you admired Jumin’sconfidence, but seeing him open up a little stirred something inside of you.“Are you comfortable right now?” “I suppose.” “Okay… ask me!” “Pardon?” “Truthor Dare! Ask me if I want Truth or Dare!” your voice sounded very enthusiastic,the wine was getting to you.
“Truth orDare, MC?” he smirked. “Hmmm… Truth.” He looked at you, confused. “Oh, I didn’texplain the rules, right? You just have to ask me a question, and I have totell the truth, usually you ask something I can only answer yes or no, but I’llmake an exception since it’s your first time. Ask me anything!” This wasdefinitely interesting…
“Why didyou accept my invitation to come here tonight?” “That’s easy! I enjoy yourcompany, Jumin, very much!” “Oh… I… enjoy your company as well, MC.” Your eyeswere locked, you looked dazzling, he was fascinated by your honesty,spontaneity and uniqueness… “Truth or Dare, Jumin?” Oh… now it was your turn…the wine made him curious and adventurous “Dare.” “Okay… I dare you to show mehow much you enjoy my company, Jumin…” you made your way to him and sat on hislap, Jumin was shook, this was so bold and… exciting! You felt his hand move tothe back of your neck and pull you closer…
Jumin wokeup when Elizabeth climbed up to the bed, next to his head, her whiskers tickledhis forehead and he opened his eyes, longing to find you beside him in the bed…you weren’t there. It was all a drunk delirium? You were being the death of himthat much that he was dreaming about you again? He felt a little disgusted athimself for covering an adorable sweet lady like you of impure thoughts! Impure and delicious thoughts…
His phonebuzzed and that smile from last night was back on his face again when he readyour text: “I hope Elizabeth enjoyed the wine and you enjoyed the night. Seeyou at my house tonight!”
He usuallywouldn’t drink, but you were so adamant about it, pouting and begging him tojoin you it was impossible to say no. And he knew it was the right decision assoon as you turn your pouting into the brightest smile he had ever seen. If youonly knew how much he loves your smile… especially when he was the reason foryou to be smiling…
“But… Ihave one condition. It has to be on my terms!” he said on a very teasing tone.“You name it!” he wasn’t expecting you would agree so quickly, that got himexcited. “So… I propose a drinking game featuring the RFA chatroom!”
Yoosungmakes a typo? Shot! Jaehee scolds Yoosung for wasting his life over LOLOL?Shot! Jumin posts a blurry picture? Shot! (Bonus shot if it is a picture ofElizabeth)  Zen uses the words:“handsome”, “jerk” or “furball’? Shot! Anybody ask you if you have eaten? 3shots!
Two hoursand 16 shots later, you two were turnt! Laughing of everything and youunconsciously started being a  littlehandsy, resting your head on his shoulder, touching his arm without apparentreason… he noticed and got nervous. You two chose some light drink knowing itwould be a lot of shots, and he knew he was losing control of his good judging,and you leaning over him like this… lord help him, he was shivering!
“Are youcold? I can warm you up!” you told him smiling. “I’m fine, MC.  Hey! We didn’t… we didn’t finish our game! Weshould do an edition featuring… us!” “Us?”
“Yeah! Youknow, everytime I do a crazy joke, I take a shot, and… everytime you… do thatthing with your… no,forget it!” “I do what?” “Nevermind, I don’t know what I’msaying!” “Saeyoung…” oh! He melted everytime you said his real name… “Yep, thatthing with your… breasts?” “What about my boobs, Saeyoung?” he didn’t sense anyhint of teasing, you genuinely didn’t know what he was talking about. “It’sjust… you… use your arms to… push them together and… MC, I’m really drunk!” hewas so embarrassed.
“Yeah, noshit!” you laughed. He was blushing so much, it looked so sweet! You loved howhe was always trying to play cool and be the memelord, but whenever you were ableto get him like this, it was just… too much satisfying!
“So… wereyou looking at my boobs?” “Well, it’s hard not to look when you… you do that…but it’s nothing dirty, it’s just… cute.” “Cute?” “Yeah…” “I see… do you wantto feel  how cute I am?” “What? MC,I…”“Because I think you’re pretty cute too, and I can see your… cuteness showingup right now…” you moved your hand to under his shirt, he was gasping… “Comeon, Saeyoung, show me your cuteness…”
He woke upwith Saeran throwing a pillow at his face. He dozed off on the couch and hishead was spinning around a little… but most important, where were you? You werehere last night, weren’t you? Drinking with him, laughing at and with him, andtouching him… oh hohoho! What a nasty dream! You would tease him forever if youheard about this. But what other reactions you could have? Could you enjoy this as much as he did?
“Get off,you fool! It’s my turn now! Don’t try to play funny and break our deal!”Saeyoung looked puzzled from what his brother was saying. “Seriously, you andMC had the house for yourselves last night, now it’s my turn! Go to her place orsomething, she said you could go when you wake up, so move” and boy did he move
You justwanted to run away for a few hours, work was stressing your mind off and  your family was bothering you with nonsense.Seeing your struggle, Saeran kidnapped you, sorta.
He justtook you to this motel out of town and explained he would go there once in awhile to run away from his brother a little and just enjoy some alone time. Hewas sharing his secret place with you, how cool was that?
You broughtsome whisky along with you. Usually he didn’t drink, but he decided to joinyou, it’s been a while since he haven’t drink anything but Dr. Pepper, since itwas the only drink available at his house.
“To ourproblems” you proposed a toast. He laughed softly, “To being fucked up” and youboth chugged. You loved how comfortable he would be around you, it made you feel special, and he looked so handsome under the moonlight coming inside the bedroom by the window. And a chug quickly became a few chugs, and then a lot…
“Hey, isthis one of those motels with pools?” you asked. “Yeah, I guess…” “Cool! Comeon!” you dragged him out of bed, which was a relief, because he was starting tofeel weirdly aroused with you beside him in the bed.
“Wanna gofor a swim?” you asked him. “What? No! You’re drunk and you don’t even have aswimsuit!” he was sitting on the board of the pool, looking at the water. “Sayswho?” he just saw you jumping in the water and your dress thrown at his face.
He wouldn’tdare to look, were you… in the buff? He sighed in relief when he saw you werewearing underwear, a lacy black bra and dark pink panties… you looked…beautiful… “Won’t you join me? The water is great!” “I… I don’t know how toswim.” “Oh, it’s not even that deep. See?” you stood up and now he could seeyour whole body, he looked away, blushing.
“It’s okay,I can teach you to float, at least.” You went to him on the board, he felt hiswhole body tensing up. “N-No! I don’ want to! Get away from me!” “Are youafraid?” you teased him, he glared at you. “I’ll show you afraid!”
He took hisshirt off and jumped in the water, the – thank god – cold water. You made yourway to him and  put your hands on hisshoulders. “Do you trust me, Saeran?” “Unfortunately, I do…” you giggled andrested your head on his chest, when you looked up, your eyes were locked to his, hishands slipped to your waist…
Saeran wokeup screaming out your name. He looked everywhere in the house for you, but youweren’t there? A dream? Really? Well, this was better than all his terriblenightmares, so much better! But still… why couldn’t it be real? He wanted totake you to his special place and make you feel special… would he ever be ableto or should he just settle with his dreams?
“Hey, bro!Are you okay? You got home all soaked last night! Oh, and MC left a message,you should call her” he never thought something Saeyoung said would make him sohappy.
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