#i feel like he'd have more tattoos in this au than he does in canon
cordeliawhohung · 9 months
y'all are feeding me SO WELL in my inbox rn but i am so goddamn tired from work today ): i'll respond to more tomorrow!!! i love you all so much i hope you all have sweet dreams mwah <3
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lokisprettygirl · 2 months
Rain to his Fire (Modern! Daemon Targaryen x Female Reader) (Non Canon 80s Au) (18+)
Read Chapter 11 here // Series Masterlist
Chapter 12
Summary: In search of the truth about Daemon's life you find yourself in trouble.
Warning: 18+, kidnapping, assault, smut, crude language, kidn description of Statutory rape, discussion of mental health (it's a fic based in a mental health facility), mention of child molestation, mention of physical assault, the fic would contain several mentions of several disorders like mpd, did etc, if something triggers you don't read, smoking
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As you awakened in a dark and unfamiliar setting, a sense of unease and dread overcame you as the only light in the dingy, filthy space was the flickering torch in the distance, the smell of dirt, oil and rot engulfed you. Your head felt heavy as if it were being weighed down by a heavy rock, making it difficult to focus and fully comprehend your surroundings. Suddenly, a sharp pain shot through your arm, and you realized that a needle had been driven into it. The next time you opened your eyes, you were still in the same spot, but you felt even worse this time.
“You have a fight in you.. I like that” you heard his voice so you looked ahead of you. Suddenly everything came rushing back.
As you had came out of Daemon's room last evening you were startled to see Caroline standing on her doorway, half naked, there was a deep red mark on her upper thighs in the shape of an angel’s wings but in the dark of the night and dim lighting you were unable to discern whether it was a tattoo or a birthmark.
You had just hoped that she wouldn't snitch on you and Daemon. You knew Breaking and entering Viserys's office was probably a bad idea but it seemed like a good plan to you at the time, you just wanted to help Daemon and you got caught certainly but last evening you had found more than just that book in his office.
“And you have none..you're such a coward that you won't even accept the truth” you spat at him angrily but he only snickered sinisterly in response.
“Truth? You think you know the truth about who he is? Do you think fucking him is going to fix him? He can't be fixed you see, I have tried. God knows I have I tried to fix him but the monster that lives inside him would come out sooner or later and once it does it would burn down this world that we know of and i can't let that happen..it's my responsibility to put a stop to this”
Daemon was losing his mind, when Criston had relayed the news of your disappearance on him, he immediately felt nauseous and didn't know what to make of it, a part of him didn't want to believe it, he didn't want to think of you finding yourself in harm's way
He remembered your foolish plan to sneak into Viserys's office and he thought he had shut down the notion of you wanting to execute this plan or be any part of it but what if you had done just that and Viserys had caught you in the act?
What has he done to you after that?
A part of him knew you were somewhere in the building itself, it was as if he could sense you still and feel you around him, he knew he'd have to find you before it was too late. Later that afternoon he sat down on his bed and thought about you, the thought of you being in imminent danger was what helped him transform into his natural form, he was marveled by his ability to transform with such ease. All he had to do was think of you, he was starting to realise that the only reason he found his way to king's landing was not just due to his brother's supposed conspiracy but just so that he'd find you.
The sweet, serene peace to the raging maddening chaos inside of him, the calming, gentle rain to the fire that was consuming him every second of his life.
Since your room was sealed for the investigation he carefully stepped out of his window and climbed up until he had reached yours, the window was shut from inside and he had no choice but to break it. As he stepped inside the scent of you immediately engulfed him completely, his eyes welled up as it was in the moment that he felt the worst pain ever known to him, just the thought of never being able to see you or kiss you again was devastating.
As Daemon searched your room for any clues as to your whereabouts, he came up empty-handed. The cops must have already searched the place, but he was still holding out hope that he might find something, anything that would lead him to you. Just as he was about to fly out, a sudden realization dawned on him. He remembered the note that you had told him about, the one that Tanya had left under the mattress that nobody had looked for until you found it.
Quickly, he turned back around and flipped your mattress off the bed. To his relief, he found a piece of paper.
“Hey, Dragonbabe,
I'm leaving this for you here (Just in case) and hopefully you'd be the only one to look for it (in case I'm not there, though I'm sure I'd be the one tearing it apart as soon as I have returned with that book). I know you asked me to not do it, but I really think I can get it for you and I'm pretty sure that's where I'll find it. I have already found the duplicate keys and it would probably just take a minute.
All of my life I have been pretty selfish about my own needs, it's always been about what I wanted and desired, and I never really had this urge to do something for someone else but I really want to do this for you and I just want you to find the truth about yourself. If you're reading this it means I didn't make it back to my bedroom from his office and it sounds silly I know, it's not a horror movie, nothing is going to happen but you know. Just in case, you don't see me the next morning, you know where to begin looking for me.
Love, y/n”
Tears rolled down his cheeks as he finished reading the note, he could almost imagine hearing your voice as he read it.
“You daft precious girl” he sat down on the bed and placed his head between his palms as the gravity of the situation had finally settled in and he knew Viserys had something to do with your disappearance.
He could sense it, your presence in this building, that feeling was so strong but his senses could only help so much, he knew he couldn't rely on the coppers to do their job, he was going to find you before they could.
Later that evening he was called in for questioning that was being held in Dr. Lisa's office. Cole and Otto were waiting for him as he was escorted in by the guards and as soon as he entered both of them eyed him suspiciously.
“Why Is it that wherever you go people end up dying and disappearing?” Otto questioned him, making Daemon scoff in response.
“Did you find something? Where is she?” he answered the question with the question, Cole responded this time.
“That's none of your concern. So yesterday evening someone had seen y/n stepping out of your room. Her assigned time slot is 9 am in the morning, what was she doing there after her shift had ended?” Cole asked him and Daemon was surprised to say the least.
“If you're trying to pin this on me let me tell you something. There's nothing I want more than to find y/n” his voice raised due to the frustration that he was feeling so Otto glared at him.
“And why is that?” Otto asked, his eyebrows raised in suspicion.
“What do you mean, 'why is that?'" Daemon replied, his voice dropping low. “I've known y/n for months now, she's –” He paused as he caught sight of Cole's eerie misplaced smirk, that's when he realized that your friend Cole wasn't nearly as concerned about your disappearance as he should be.
“What are you doing to find her? She's your old friend, is she not?” Daemon turned his attention towards Cole, driving Otto’s attention to him as well.
“She's your friend? When were you going to tell me?” Otto cleared his throat as he questioned Cole.
Suddenly the young man was filled with nervousness and Daemon could tell Cole wasn't really the nice guy he was pretending to be..
“Not friends per say, last time we came here for Tanya's inquiry she told me that we were in 5th grade together or something like that. Pretty amusing that she remembered that. After much thinking i realized that she was that eccentric girl in class nobody spoke to”
Daemon's jaw clenched as Cole spoke so callously about you, he just couldn't decide whether it was the rejection you gave him which was making him spew this nonsense or something else.
After his questioning was done, Daemon was led to a different room, rather than 393. This room had no windows, and Viserys had given explicit instructions for a guard to be stationed outside his door to prevent him from leaving. Daemon couldn't sleep, knowing that you were trapped somewhere you couldn't get out of was gnawing at him, he knew he was losing time but as he laid down on the bed, his eyes drifted into a momentary dream state.
“Kiss me” you mumbled softly as you looked at him, he had you on his bed underneath him, a slip dress perfectly cladding every curve of your body and he was absolutely enchanted by the sight. He leaned down and cupped your cheeks to kiss you, your arms wrapped around his neck, his moans slipping into your mouth.
“Where did you go? I never thought I'd see you again” his eyes teared up as he spoke but there was a faint smile on your face as you rubbed your fingers over his cheeks to caress and comfort him..
“I'm right here sweet boy, you see me, you see me even when you don't” You spoke gently, but your voice sounded so distant to him. He snaked his arm around your waist and sat up on his knees taking you along with him, your legs curled around his waist, a gasp escaped him as he felt your hips grinding against his bulge.
“You're not scared of me?” He asked as you caressed his cheek, your fingers tracing the scales that ran from the sides of his cheeks and covered the rest of his naked body.
“Scared? Why would I be scared of you?” you let out a small giggle as if the notion of you feeling afraid of him was nothing but comical. He didn't understand that, why wouldn't you hate him when he looked like that?
“I'm a monster, look at me” he mumbled, his voice full of somberness so you gave him a haunting smile.
“I am looking at you and all I see is beauty and perfection”
His lips latched onto your neck as you praised him, fingers worked with the straps of your dress as he lowered them down to reveal your naked bosom, he buried his face between the warmth of your soft flesh but as he looked up instead of a pleased expression he found you looking scared and in pain instead.
“Daemon” you cried out his name, voice filled with fear “Help me.. please.. I'm here, I'm right here”
As you regained consciousness again, you instinctively moved to check your arms and found that they were free of their binding somehow. Your body felt weak, but you knew you had to get out of there before he'd kill you how he possibly killed Tanya. Upon seeing the door just a few feet away, you ran towards it, twisting the knob with all the strength you could muster and it was open.
However as you stepped out, you found yourself standing in Viserys' office so you looked behind again and realized that there was a hidden chamber of sorts built in his office, hidden behind the huge creepy painting of the clowns. The chamber was completely obscured because the painting made the door seem as if it was part of the wall itself. “Sneaky bastard”
You muttered under your breath as you quickly rushed out of his office but you had barely gotten a foot away when you collided into someone. Much to your relief it was Cole.
“Oh god please help me” you pleaded with him, his eyes widened as he looked at your shaken form.
“Y/n.. where have you been? We have been looking all over for you..i was so scared that something awful had happened to you” you lost your balance so he grabbed you by the arms and you were grateful for it but your relief was short lived as he began to walk you back into Viserys's office.
“No not in there please.. he's the one who's doing this, he's the one who killed Tanya as well ..I swear to god we need to leave” you begged with him so he cupped your cheeks and made you look at him.
“Shhhh calm down y/n…i have a gun alright? He won't hurt us, you need to sit down my dear” he wrapped his hands around your shoulders and dragged you back to his office while you continued to protest.
“Please try to understand..he's going to come back anytime” you said to him but it was as if he wasn't even listening to your pleas. He made you sit down on the chair in his office but you couldn't stop crying in fear that Viserys would return.
And then you heard the footsteps so you clutched onto his arms as you cowered behind Cole. It was Viserys, he entered his office and stared at you both menacingly.
“Don't worry, y/n.. I'm right here okay?” Cole comforted you so you nodded but then he let go of your hands and walked towards Viserys with his gun pointed at him.
“Lock the door” Cole said to Viserys so Viserys immediately followed his command. “You bloody fool, she almost escaped” Cole said to him before he turned around and smiled as he looked at you but the smile only brought you to your knees as you felt doomed now.
It wasn't that Cole was someone important to you, you didn't even know him that well but the betrayal still hurt. The man who was supposed to protect you had no qualms about harming you, and for what? You didn't really understand his motives here.
“Y/n.. darling turn around and walk back into that hole where you came from” Cole said to you as he approached you but you shook your head so he cocked the gun to your head, the muzzle pressing into your skull and as brave as you wanted to be in that moment, dying such a death wasn't something you wished to happen to you.
Due to Cole's involvement in the matter you knew if you were dead nobody will ever be able to figure out what has happened to you, your body would be found in the woods someday. You'd be forgotten, just like Tanya was and nobody would find out what had gone down with you.
So instead of arguing with him you turned around with his gun still pinching the back of your head as you let out a soft whisper, wishing that somehow Daemon would be able to hear you.
“Daemon.. help me ..please..I'm here..im right here”
Cole shoved you back into the hidden dark compartment in Viserys's office and tied your hands with handcuffs this time around. You struggled a bit as he pulled out a syringe to pump you with drugs again but it was futile.
“You know if you had just gone out with me, I'd have protected you. I was nice and respectful to you, asked you out like a lady and what did I get in return?” Cole's words triggered the anger that had been building within you, and your voice wavered as the intensity of your feelings became more apparent.
“I'd rather die than let you touch me,” you said to him and that seemed to only incite him even more. He smiled for a moment before he leaned down to your level and slapped you, he then grabbed your hair in his fist and pulled harshly. The pain was almost too much, but you refused to give him the satisfaction of seeing you cry. Instead, you stared at him, your eyes full of fury..
“Keep talking bitch, you're never getting out of here and I'm definitely going to fuck that cunt once everyone has forgotten all about your worthless arse”
Fear crept in every cell of your body as he threatened you with rape, this was a nightmare and you didn't know if you'd ever wake up again, nobody would go out of their way to look for you, except him, the only man who would find you now was Daemon.
As Cole turned around to leave you cleared your throat,
“You know what? In middle school kids didn't avoid you because you collected rocks, they avoided you because even as a child you were a nasty little weasel”
He charged towards you but then he heard a loud thudding sound coming from the office so he ran out of the chamber and left you behind in the dark space.
As Daemon opened the door of the room he was being kept in, the guard tried to stop him but Daemon immediately had him by the throat, he choked the guard until he was unconscious, albeit still alive, he didn't want to kill someone for doing their job.
When Daemon stood in the corridor, his mind drifted to you, and the thought of your scared little face being locked away somewhere filled him with a sense of urgency. He closed his eyes and felt a sharp, searing pain in his back, and his wings slowly unfurled, pain shooting through his body as the scales began to form. His fingers remained clasped tightly to the ledge as he transformed into his full glory.
The sound of whimpering broke through the quiet, and Daemon turned his head to see the guard still staring at him, wide-eyed and fear-stricken. The guard's hand reached for the stun gun so Daemon shook his head condescendingly.
“I wouldn't do that if I was you” he warned the guard, his red, glowing eyes narrowing. The guard stopped in his tracks and slowly took his hand away from the stun gun, his eyes still locked on the mystery unfolding in front of him. After what this poor sap had to witness, Daemon was assured he'd need to admit himself to this very place.
As he reached Viserys's office he stormed inside and he could smell your scent but you weren't in there ofcourse, nor was Viserys but the presence of your scent was so strong, it was as if you had been here not that long ago.
He sniffed deeply to follow the trail and it seemed to have faded around the creepy painting Viserys had hung behind his desk, but something didn't seem right. Something –
In a flick of his wrist he had the painting slashed into half and he saw the door leading into the dark, dimly lit chamber. The opening was narrow so he coiled his wings to fit through.
As he went deeper he immediately found you collapsed on the ground..
“Y/n--” Daemon whispered as he checked your pulse , relief flooding through him as he felt your heart still beating in your chest. He broke the cuffs from your wrists, it didn't really require much force from the man of his caliber, then lifted you into his arms, carrying you like royalty, and walked back into his office to lay you down on the desk.
“Y/n ..darling wake up” he called out to you but then heard footsteps approaching the room and knew he had to act quickly. Without hesitation, he broke the window by using his wings, picked you up bridal style, and flew to the roof of the building with you in his arms.
A part of him wanted to destroy Viserys for what he had done to you but his main concern was your safety at this point. He was worried about you, you were alive but he didn't know what he had done to you, he just wanted you wake up and look at him once,
As he put you down on your feet, one of his hands wrapped around the back of your neck for support while he held you by the waist with the other.
“Y/n darling wake up please..I'm begging you” he whispered again, his voice gentle but filled with urgency, he kissed your cheek and it might have been his utter desperation to have you look at him but your eyes soon fluttered open, slowly at first but then as you looked at him properly they widened in shock and a sense of bewilderment.
“Daemon??’ you muttered his name him so he nodded.
He truly was who he said he was all along, you had believed his words but watching him like this was nothing short of a miracle for you, a part of you still couldn't wrap your head around it. How was this even possible, physically, scientifically, molecularly?
You brought your fingers up and caressed the scales on his face, the wind blew his hair all over, he looked magnificent and you were in awe of the sheer glory of the man standing in front of you, perhaps the sight would have scared you if it was a stranger but it was Daemon, your Daemon , he had looked for you, he had come for you..
“Godddd..you are…you are” you stuttered on your words and his eyes teared up with the overwhelming emotions he was feeling at the moment “You are beautiful..oh god you are beautiful” you gave him a small smile as you whispered softly. He then bundled his wings and wrapped it around your body, cocooning you in his safety and warmth.
“Daemon..it's Viserys and Cole-” you tried to warn him but he placed his thumb on your lips, he wasn't surprised that Cole was involved in this.
“I know..I am going to take you away okay?” he assured you but you shook your head in response.
“No, we need the book.. and there's something in his desk I saw it, we need that too” you argued with him but he wasn't having any of it at the moment. He had the worst possible day of his life today and all he needed in that moment was to protect you and keep you away from these men that wanted to harm you.
“Shhh I'll come back for it sweetheart..i promise yeah?” he mumbled softly but your eyes welled up.
“No they'd hurt you, you can never come back here”
“I know..shhh they are coming, hold onto me tightly alright my love?”
You nodded as he whispered in your ear before he pecked on your lips tenderly.
He then picked you up in his arms, you placed your head between the crook of his neck as if to hide from the eyes of Viserys and Cole, his wings stretched out again ready to take off.
Viserys then came running along with Cole who was terrified to say the least, the sight of Daemon’s inhumane animalistic form made him recoil and he ran back out the way he had stormed in. Daemon's eyes met with his older brother for a brief moment, all he felt in that moment was betrayal and confusion. He knew Viserys always thought of him as deeply disturbed but knowing that he was the reason why Daemon never could figure out himself was heartbreaking, his own brother was out to get him since he was a child and the thought shattered him.
Without a word from either side Daemon flew you away from the treacherous atmosphere of King's landing.
You must have passed out again amidst it because you didn't remember the journey, the next time you woke up, you were lying on a soft comfy bed, there was a comfortable warmth and orange hue in the room attributed by the fireplace in front of you, as you sat up you noticed you had a shirt on your body that probably belonged to him. The sound of the rain pattering outside was soothing.
As you looked to the right side you spotted Daemon sitting on the chair in front of the desk, he was reading with his back to you.
“Daemon?” You called out his name so he immediately turned around and got up from the chair to reach closer to you
“Hey” he mumbled softly as he climbed the bed and cupped your cheeks “You gave me a scare, don't ever do that and don't ever try to help me again” he mumbled softly but his voice was equally stern so you got up on your knees and wrapped your arms around his neck to kiss him. Perhaps it was the terrifying situation you had been in just a few hours ago but all you needed in this moment was him, you just wanted to wrap yourself around him and feel safe in his warm strong arms.
As the kiss heated up he laid you down slowly on the bed, his lips never left yours, he grabbed your chin between his fingers and used his thumb to pry open your jaw before his tongue slipped inside, a ragged moan spilled into your mouth.
“Where are we?” You whispered softly so he pulled away to look at you.
“A cabin outside the city, it's mine” you looked around as he said that.
“What if they find us here?”
“He doesn't know about it” you nodded as he said that. His long wet hair, smelled like rain so you scratched his scalp with your fingers.
“And how did I get in your shirt?” you smiled mischievously, making him smile too in response.
“I had my eyes closed i promise”
“I believe you” you said as you rubbed his lips so he kissed the pad of your thumb. The smile on his face faded as he thought about the hours you had spent in the captivity.
“What did they do to you? I want to know everything”
“Mmm why? So you could go back and hurt them?”
“Yes. Exactly” you sighed as he said that. He had hurt those guards for making a joke about you so you could only imagine what he wanted to do to Viserys and Cole, especially the latter, he didn't like that man even before he had put his hand on you.
“Well Viserys found me snooping in his office that night, i found the book but i found something else too” you said to him, making his brows crinkle in intrigue.
“What did you find?” you gulped as he asked you, not knowing how to phrase your words.
“Pictures of you, as a baby”
“There are no such pictures of me darling” he chuckled but then he realised he had been a fool all his life, trusting Viserys's words as truth even though he could always tell that his brother was never an honest man.
“I saw them, you in your crib as a baby and pictures of you with your mother and father as they held you, they looked so happy”
His eyes teared up as you said that so he sat up on his knees to process your words, he had never known his parents or what they were like. All he knew was the fact that his father had left them when Daemon was born and his mother passed away when he was barely 4.
Grabbing his forearms you gently ran your fingers over his skin to comfort him,
“What did..what did I look like?” he asked you so you scooted closer to him.
“Adorable, you were adorable.. but different”
“Different?” He asked like a child, the look of wonderment on his face was tugging at your heart, so you held his cheeks to kiss his forehead.
“You had scales on your body and red eyes, tiny angel wings on your back” his eyes flickered as you said that, you could see the wheels turning in his head, he was born this way, it wasn't something he had become, he was meant to be this and his parents knew, they looked happy in those pictures so they knew, they loved him and accepted him as who he was..
“He lied about everything, he never wanted me to find out..did he?” he spoke so you nodded in response.
“That book has everything you need to know about yourself daemon, it's not just some lore written by a mythology writer, it's history about you, your family, your ancestors” he placed his forehead down on yours as you said that, his mind refusing to come with terms with the revelation.
“What if I won't enjoy whatever I'm going to find in that book?” he asked you so you sighed.
“Then we can forget about it and pretend as if nothing had happened..but you need to go back and find out the truth. Viserys is hurting people, he's hurting women, nobody is safe there, we need to figure out why he's doing that and Caroline is still there” his eyes widened as you said that.
“Caroline..oh god..i left her there, I'm fucking awful as a friend”
“I'm sure they're not going to hurt her after the ruckus today but yeah you should get her somewhere safe soon especially if Viserys is already onto her” you said softly so he gave you a smile and cupped your cheeks to kiss you.
“You must be starving darling”
“Now that you have said it..yess”
“Well let me cook for you then” you smiled as he said that. When you had met him the first he just seemed angry and delusional, but now the truth about him had changed the world as how you knew of it. You wondered how plenty of the other myths in the universe might not just be myths afterall.
“Alright” you said to him so he smiled but then his expressions turned serious again.
“Hey?” you hummed as he made you look at him.
“Tell me ..did my brother or that motherfucker Cole hurt you? I see the mark on your cheek”
“Well I was threatened but luckily you found me before anything else could happen so that is all that happened..Okay calm down?” you whispered, sensually, almost seductively as you kissed his clenched jaw, he couldn't help but smile at the gesture.
“Okay, now you stay here like a good girl and I'll fix something for you, I bought groceries while you were taking your nap”
“You're so cute” he rolled his eyes as you said that.
“Shut up princess”
He got off the bed and you wanted to follow him too but your body felt weak and battered so you just laid down instead.
You felt at peace in the moment but deep down you knew your life won't stay that way, this moment was just a calm before the storm, you had chosen to get yourself involved with a man who was nothing more than a fairytale for this world.
Daemon finding that book would not only change his life but would also change the course of your relationship with him. None of you knew that though, not yet.
And ignorance? Well it truly was your bliss at the moment.
@anukulee @ammo23 @littledark11 @stupidthoughtsinwriting @daenny-t @avalyaaa @shuichiakainx
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Back In The Ol' Days [2014] we had the punk/nerd AU... but I have my gripes with the PNAU; it feels outdated to me. In 2014 I ate that shit up, but it's 2024 and the rampant micro-trends have me re-thinkin modern Hijack portrayals...
So here I am to propose a new PNAU: Grunge X Emo.
Hiccup as a cozy grunge kind of guy- basically just classic comfy casual clothes but with earthy tones, ripped up jeans covered in motor oil stains, and loose flannel shirts over worn-out tees.
Jack as a casual emo kind of guy- Skinny jeans with rips (often on the end of the legs cause they annoy them when they're too long), tight band tees, and his classic hoodie he can disappear into the shadowy hood of to sulk.
Elaboration ⬇️
I think it could be fun to explore the way Hiccup has a ton of hand-me-downs and spends a lot of time patching up old clothes, or adding custom painted patches to his bags. Maybe he knows how to sew just from patching/mending. I like that in the movies we see him doing bith heavy work in the forge, and having gentle hands as an artist. I think he'd be good at a ton of different diy skills and put them to practical use with his wardrobe.
In canon, Hiccup does have a lot of leftist and punk ideology; The Edge is literally equal-ownership equal-imput everyone else just decides he runs the show. And he literally changes the dominant mindset of the society he lives in to better the life of both his people and the ones they've been at war with for decades. Hes pretty punk... but I don't see him going so far aesthetically as to be a full Spiky Punk TM. He's always on the move, working on something, or chilling outside with Toothless, so I think a more casual comfortable style suits him. Though I do think he would like jackets with extra straps and buckles on the pockets and stuff, and maybe a good belt bag + leatherman combo. Totally the type to always have a pocket knife. He'd paint himself patches and slap a few of em on his bags, coats, maybe over that burn hole in his jeans that's been annoying him. He'd favor practicality over aesthetic, but he still has a sense of style. As he gets older he probably leans into the edgier style, wearing more black and red combos, more strappy belts/coats/bags, and even gets a few tattoos. But I do see him as a grungey earthy engineering guy with comfy, often oversized silhouettes.
Jack I could see being super impulsive and latching onto pop culture; something emos were notorious for. I, personally, was clamoring for a branded tee shirt the moment I deemed a band good enough to youtube->mp3 to my ipod. I could see Jack doing that kind of thing, and latching onto this misunderstood invisible-yet-visibly-different identity. He probably favors dark blue, brown, and black. Deffinitely the type to get on the colored jeans trend when it hit. Maybe he even doodles little swirling patterns on his clothes when he's bored- an adhd habit I know all too well.
Without being, yanno, dead, Jack's Different Look would probably come just from him wanting to express himself. He feels isolated and finds it hard to make lasting friends because when people *do* notice him, they tend to see him more as a silly little jester than a person worth getting to know. He copes with humor and trying to get attention every now and again but ends up with a closer knit group of oddballs. He's good with kids, of course, and tends to take on a cool-big-brother to anyone in need of one. All of this playing into this casual and easy-going but edgy, kinda emo look. He probably listens to sad emo music while sitting on a roof, staring at the moon, contemplating his purpose in life. He pretty much does that in his movie so it isn't much of a stretch lol.
Anyways, feel free ro give your 2 cents and build onto or off of this as you please, I'm just brainstorming I guess. Thinkin aloud... visually. I tend to like psychoanalyzing characters and it's interesting to me to think of Hic & Jack's canon portrayals and what they would mean in a modern-human AU.
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phoenixyfriend · 2 years
hi, What do you Think a twilight starWars crossover would Look like¿
send me an au and i’ll give you 5+ headcanons about it
This ask meme is from over a year ago. Please don't send new prompts.
I think we ought to go full on intrusive crossover here. Couple of SW characters get dumped in Twilight via Weird Sith Temple. Somewhere midway through New Moon, after Edward leaves but before Bella starts clawing her way out of depression, some new people show up in town. "Ben," Anakin, and Ahsoka. (Obi-Wan quickly realized that his full name got weirder looks than the others, and Ben didn't, so he shifted.)
Ahsoka doesn't go out much, but fully disguises herself when she does. It involves a whole lot of tattoo-coverup foundation to disguise her marks, keeping her mouth mostly closed when she talks to hide her peculiar teeth, and wraps her lekku and montrals up in a weird way that ends up looking like a cross between horned hennin (the medieval veil horns, think "Disney's Descendants" Maleficent) and a hijab (deeply uncomfortable, because this is not her religion and, even if there are other religions that engage in similar coverage, she doesn't belong to any of them). It nets her a decent amount of attention, which she hates, so she usually stays in the small house they've gotten, or runs off to spend time alone or with Anakin in the forest. With the Force, she can stay warned of random hikers well enough to avoid running into strangers when she isn't in disguise.
Since Anakin and Obi-Wan are both too old for high school and do not have any interest in it anyway, and Ahsoka's definitely not going to do anything in that regard because she's not going out into public unless she absolutely has to, we do not have the usual Twilight crossover situation of running into people at high school. Instead, there are three separate incidents that lead to these lives intersecting: - Obi-Wan gets investigated by Charlie, because quite frankly people are concerned about His Daughter being such a shut-in and Charlie figured he'd check in personally before trying to get CPS involved. - Bella's old truck has a problem, and before she can take it to a mechanic or call Jacob (as suggested by Charlie), that Weird New Guy who's a few years older than her sees her staring under the hood of her truck with a look of pure confusion. - Ahsoka, who can usually avoid people in the forest, runs into one of the early pack members, who are much much faster than the humans she's been doing just fine circling around. Paul or Sam, probably.
Results: - Obi-Wan manages to talk his way out of trouble by being himself, but also by successfully explaining that Ahsoka, due to some bodily traits she was born with, finds herself very uncomfortable in public due to people staring at her, which does get corroborated by Ahsoka herself a few days later. - Bella, who gets 'this is a weird ass person who is very dangerous' vibes from Anakin, feels alive for the first time in months. She decides to seek him out for more of Danger Adrenaline Wakefulness to combat her debilitating depression. He handles this by deciding she should learn how to fight. It's not a great solution but it's... a solution? (Anakin would much prefer if she'd gone her canon route and started hanging out with Jacob instead. The only teen girl he wants to spend time with is his little sister. Why is this girl here? Anakin hopes she doesn't have a crush, he's definitely told her he's married in hopes of heading that off, which led to a very uncomfortable conversation with Obi-Wan.) At some point, Bella does start hanging out with Jacob, because their friendship means a lot to me, but also because Charlie's not exactly comfortable with Bella hanging out around that twitchy veteran who gets a far-off look in his eyes sometimes and is a few years older than Bella, just dashing enough that if she falls in love with a guy who moved in from out of town again, he's not sure she'll recover when he leaves. (Charlie's much less worried after Bella mentions, once, that Anakin's hoping to leave soon to get back to His Wife, whom he clearly loves a lot according to Bella, but Charlie's still much more comfortable with her hanging out at La Push.) - Ahsoka has some new friends, who are weird enough that she doesn't have to hide being weird too. Sure, she's a space alien with horns and fleshy tentacles and stripes, but they can shapeshift and are theoretically immortal, so who's counting?
Alice and Jasper show up a few weeks later, because 'being around Anakin' is actually not great for Bella's future being visible (because he's not actually 100% human, for Force baby reasons, so everything about him makes Bella's future fuzzy), and now they run into Ahsoka, and. That's not really great for anyone? Ahsoka isn't fast enough to run away from them without using the Force but she is tricky enough to trip them up and run off and trained enough to shrug of Jasper's emotional manipulations. She runs to the house and hides in her room after letting Obi-Wan know what happened. She's pretty sure these are the 'vampires' those shapeshifter guys told her about.
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eirasummersart · 2 years
1 & 4 under Eros on the love questions for Oriol and Dillon?
Refering to this.
Thanks for the ask, anon! The questions on this ask meme are so interesting, I'm happy to be able to answer some~ Here you go:
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Is your OC romantic in the traditional sense? Do they enjoy giving or receiving gifts of flowers or confectionary? Or are there other courtship traditions from their culture of origin that are important to them?
In some ways, he is. But he's the kind to prefer those romantic gestures to be done for him than doing them for his lover. He loves the gifts and flowers and any declaration of love towards himself, along with any typical cliché love gesture.
Although, more in aligment with traditional romance, if he does love someone truly, he'll love them forever and never forget them. In the case of him falling in love with someone with a shorter lifespan than himself (which does happen often), he'll love that person until they pass away. And then move on to some other beloved after. But he'll never forget any of them.
In my idea of Oriol way in the future, he has his body full of tattoos and each one represents one of his lovers in a simbolic way, signifying that they're forever a part of him and he never forgets nor stops loving them. I often try to not think of this since it's angsty and makes me sad, so I go for "happier AUs where they have the same lifespan because of some deus ex" but yea, in a realistic canon au, it would be like this 😔
Also, as an end note here. I would love if there were some "canon" fae traditions or anything of the sort that we knew of. It would be so good 🙏 Hopefully ch7 provides us with something like this!
Do they believe in love at first sight? Have they ever developed a crush or romantic (or erotic) fixation upon a stranger based on their appearance alone?
Yes, definitely yes. Although his "love at first sight" moments usually end in disaster and in him crying not long after, when the person rejects him xD But still he does love the idea of it and stories that feature it. Also, if he's giving advice to a friend he'll push that idea on them as well or encourage them going after a crush that happened from a love at first sight hahah
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Is your OC romantic in the traditional sense? Do they enjoy giving or receiving gifts of flowers or confectionary? Or are there other courtship traditions from their culture of origin that are important to them?
Not really. He's more the kind to show his love in his own way, which is announcing it openly and spending lots of time with his love. He'll definitely treasure any gift his beloved gives him, but he'd be happy with anything (specially food, tho). As for giving, he does often give gifts. Is one of his ways of showing care too. But he'll just give a bit of anything and everything. If he found it and it's nice/he thinks his beloved would like it, he'll give it to them.
Also, from his upbringing as an orphan with not much security in food or shelter, he does take those very seriously. He has no need to worry about it much now, but he still will make sure his partner has enough food (Dillon'll also always share half of what food he has with his partner, no questions asked) and he'll make sure they are safe and healthy. He takes that very seriously and, if needed, will do anything to provide for his beloved.
Do they believe in love at first sight? Have they ever developed a crush or romantic (or erotic) fixation upon a stranger based on their appearance alone?
Not at all. To be fair, he doesn't really think of love and how it happens too much. It did take him a while to even realize he was in love, and he needed help from his friends to notice XD
And so, the answer to the second question is also no. He does not care that much for appearances either. If asked, he just thinks everyone has their own charm and good points, appearance wise, and will praise those~
I'd even say he's probably some sort of demisexual? So until he he has some feelings for a person he's not attracted to their appearance. I might change this in the future, since the exact labels for Dillon still escape me xD
--- That's all! Thanks everyone for reading and for Anon again for sending the ask~ Feel free to send more, everyone! They're really fun to think about and help me flesh the ocs better 😌💕
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earthbovndmisfit · 2 years
ok idk if the mer au has a canon but it's just a scenario: what if merman jonathan saved human speedwagon who was drowning but in the process has to turn him into a mer as a last resort to save his life? and it's like a one time deal with no turning back? would speedwagon be upset at having to live the rest of his life as a mer but at least he gets to be with jonathan?
This is gonna be long, but here we go:
For starters, I think he would be shocked and upset once he wakes up. Not upset or mad at Jonathan tho! I think Speebs would be upset because, as much as he's learned about merpeople and is used to them after meeting Jonathan (and possibly living with him for a while, too) and that mer stuff may not be as much of a huge surprise to him like it would be to most other people, its safe to say that it would still be a huge and drastic change for him. It's not the same to learn and even live with a merman than to one day just wake up and find out that you're no longer a human. Not to mention all the physical changes that all this implies, along with the fact that, even though Speedwagon survived and he’s still alive, his life as a human is over anyway, and that, while he can still roam around on the land and etc like Jona does, Robert will now not be able to do much there (not as much as he is used to, at least), and that, since him and Jona are both mermen now, the best they can do now is live underwater, as there is pretty much no way they can live on land on their own without someone to make a living and supporting them, unless this falls with the mer au with the aquarium? in which case they may be able to live there and Speedwagon can still retain part of his previous life in a way.
Even then, though, the shock would remain for a bit since this would be such a huge change for Speedwagon, all paired up with the trauma of just having been through a near death experience, which is basically why all this would be happening in the first place.
There would be so much going on through his mind at the time, and I’m sure Jonathan would be by his side all the time, supporting him and trying to comfort him, but also having mixed feelings himself and what he did. Like, he’s absolutely happy that he was able to help and save Robert but, after seeing the struggles and concern and shock in Robert’s face, Jona is also not sure if his decision of turning him into a merman without his consent was the right decision and etc. However, once Speebs is out of his shocked state, he would definitely thank Jonathan for saving him, all with genuine gratitude and not just some empty words to make Jona feel better with himself.
Much like their og versions, I think they would have to go through some kind of process of getting adapted to all these massive changes, and maybe some healing process for Robert since I’m sure it wouldn’t be too easy for him to lose his previous life so abruptly from one moment to another. He would also miss his friends on the land so much -namely, Tattoo and Kenpo, Hat Lad too-, thinking that he won’t be able to see them again (this in the case of merpeople having to remain hidden from humans?) but, eventually, finding a way to let them know he’s not dead or gone and staying in contact with them by visiting each other and maybe even regaining some sense of "normalcy" from his previous life in regards to his friends on the land.
All that said, I absolutely think he would adapt to his new life after some time! Og Speebs is remarkable for his adaptability even in situations that might not be the optimal for him, and I think that would also apply here. Besides, and like you pointed it out, anon, Jonathan and him get to be together and share their lives in a way that they wouldn't have been able to had he remained a human, for example. Speedwagon is also an adventurous man, so this new life would be a wonderful start, as he now has a whole new world waiting for him, and he'd be more than ready to explore it along with Jonathan, and which would also be some kind of a new start for him as well (as he too has probably never had the chance to do so before, given all the bad stuff he's been put through in his life and being pretty much alone all the time before he met Speedwagon).
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talkfantasytome · 3 years
Would you be open to writing a Gwynriel piece? I'd love to see your interpretation of them!
Helloooo! I'm going to be honest, I'm not entirely sure if this is just a question out of curiosity, or a request for a drabble or something. 😂
So, to answer the question, YES! Absolutely. They're probs a top 5 SJM world ship for me (maybe top 3?) and, to be honest, in my little side Gwynriel convo in 'Don't Forget Your Orgasm', I shocked myself in the banter I wrote - in a good way. Something about them seemed to inspire me, and I hope it'll do the same in a full Gwynriel fic.
Sadly, I often find myself struggling for the inspiration/motivation to start or fully create Gwynriel pieces. But I do wantttt to do more with them. And I do hope to have at least one or two stories in the Velaris State Chronicles be focused on them.
I would love more info on what interpretation you mean - just, in general? Canon compliant? Modern AU? etc. Or if you have a prompt in mind? Just lmk - since I do struggle, I'm all for hearing extra ideas.
That being said, in case this was just a request, here's a small drabble (a true drabble 👀) of Az coming to pick Gwyn up for that date mentioned in 'Don't Forget Your Orgasm'. Az POV, it's a bit short, but it does capture (I believe) what I think they'd be like even in canon compliant once there's healing on both sides.
P.S. Other nonnies - I see you, I love you, I WILL answer you. But it's now past 10 and I'm not the fastest writer. Not the slowest, but not the fastest. lol But if you're in my ask box currently, you will get an answer and/or a piece for the prompt sent - most likely tomorrow when I'm supposed to be working. I've seen you, and I'm all for it. XD
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Azriel pulled up to Gwyn's apartment complex, breathing deeply
He couldn't believe what had happened today. Gwyn was a spitfire, to be sure, and she'd definitely not shied away from some flirtatious banter on their first date - but that? That he wasn't expecting.
If he were being honest, he hadn't been expecting the words that came out of his own mouth. In fact, he'd kicked himself internally for that stupid comment on finding her new tattoo…until she replied and he felt himself go hard right then and there.
Thankfully, her two friends - both terrifying in their own right - weren't paying attention to that. One just didn't seem interested in what happened below his belt, and the other was far too interested in what was happening beneath his brother's. Based on the little he saw, he had a feeling Cassian would be having a good night.
After a minute of just sitting in his two-door Jeep Wrangler, Az finally turned the car off and got out of it, heading toward the door.
He buzzed Gwyn's number and was greeted by a quick "Hi! Come on up!" and then a ringing sound to let him know the door was unlocked.
He spent the entire journey to the third floor schooling his features to not look surprised.
None of it mattered when Gwyn opened the door, bathrobe still on, portable curling iron in her hair, still looking like the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen.
Yeah, he was done for.
"Hi hi! So sorry!" Gwyn sighed, opening the door wider so he could come in. "Emerie and I were about to leave the tattoo parlor, but then Nesta decided to go back into it, and we just ended up talking for way longer than expected. Oh, and for the record, your friend Cassian definitely got lucky."
Azriel couldn't help but laugh as Gwyn just rambled on.
"I had a feeling he would," he sighed, taking in the apartment.
It was cute. Decorated mostly with an ocean décor - lots of shades of blue and green, and a few 3D pieces of art featuring colorful fish. It fit.
"Make yourself at home," she said as she started back toward the bathroom. "I know it doesn't look it, but I'm almost ready!"
"Take all the time you want," he offered, smiling more to himself than anything. "I'm not going anywhere."
Gwyn popped her head back out into the open threshold of her bathroom. "Why would you?" She smirked and winked before her head vanished again.
"Great question," he breathed to himself, leaning back into the couch.
It didn't matter that they'd only had one date so far. There was nothing that could make him leave, could make him miss out on time with Gwyn.
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sucker-for-minyard · 3 years
I can't escape from Butcher!Neil/Nathaniel so I'll write random stuff about him
First of all Nathaniel Wesninski is a very sexy sensual gorgeous name oh god i love saying it in my mind
Imagine Butcher!Nathaniel playing for the Ravens like it was planned. He'd look so pretty in the black and red uniform.... With his ginger hair and the tiny tattoo under his blue eyes......please.......
How would he interact with the Foxes???
In a scenario where he does get to play for the Foxes, his relationship with them would be a lot different. Nathaniel is colder, quieter and not as lively as he is in Canon. That would change his dynamics with them significantly.
The team, initially, would probably see him as another Monster, or even worse. I doubt Andrew would say anything about his past and his father but the team would know. There's something off about Neil. They can feel it deep down and they're scared of it. For some time, at least.
Renee, as the brave queen she is, would trust Andrew with all her heart and try to trust Neil too, after observing him from afar.
Imagine if Nathaniel was as impulsive (violently) as Andrew was in the beginning. He won't hesitate before grabbing a knife from his pocket and that's not a good thing, especially coming from him.
>>I think that if Andrew had to put himself in a role where he has to be the one controlling his impulses to be able to control Neil and his outbursts it would be really interesting<<
And Neil isn't really like "oh I'm going to kill you because I like killing people". He just can't help but react to minor threats with extreme violence. That's the way he was raised. that's what he was taught by his Father.
Really daydreaming here about impulsive and violent Butcher!Nathaniel
Beside his violent outbursts, Nathaniel is extremely reserved and doesn't really react to things in the very expressive way. He won't show his emotions openly.
I know I'm being edgy please let me be happy and cringey
Andrew would be a lot more cautious about Nathaniel, specially if Aaron is near. He doesn't trust Nathaniel's self control and he shows it.
Matt would have a harder time to bond with the man now. But i believe that his sweet and genuinely caring nature would touch Nathaniel (eventually). He'd have a harder time adjusting to the healthy way people were treating him, but he'll be fine.
OK BUT what about his name 😔
(im asking myself this is a Q&A with myself)
WELL. Nathaniel came from the Ravens. He is already somewhat known, especially being Riko's number 3.
Differently from Kevin, Nathaniel can't just switch teams and hope for the best. And in this AU, changing his name also won't do him any good. People already know him.
He'd still be Nathaniel after joining the Foxes
He would be Abram with Andrew.
Andrew was the one who asked about his middle name. The blonde felt the name 'Nathaniel' too heavy in his tongue everytime he said it. It was a name drenched in blood and suffering. If Andrew can make Nathaniel feel at least a little bit better and ease some of the weight everything in his life has, he'll do it.
And that would be enough for Nathaniel. He won't change his first name, because being Abram to someone he loves is more than he ever could ask for.
Nothing in here makes any sense AT ALL and I'm not happy about it. I just wanted to write about my dear baby Nathaniel :( ily butcher!neil ily
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Chopped: Holiday Trope Exchange Masterlist 
A huge thanks to every person who signed up for our gift exchange, we got 18 really wonderful fics! For anyone who isn’t sure what this was all about, this was a double blind gift exchange where each of our eighteen (18!!!) writers were assigned four tropes from an anonymous recipient, and were tasked with writing a fic that fit our holiday theme, and included all the tropes. The only guidance from their recipient were a couple of brief notes they included during the sign up, and both the writer and recipient were revealed when we shared all the fics! These fics, as with all our Chopped fics, were creative and unique, and found ways to utilise tropes that may seem so simple in really spectacular ways! If this gift exchange, or any of our other Chopped events, have sparked your interest, keep your eyes peeled on this page for some future events we have planned, and sign up to join the fun! In the meantime, we hope you enjoy these wonderful holiday fics!
Love to everyone who participated, Bailey and Sara <3 
Let it Snow (And I’ll Get Sentimental) [G] (Memori) 
Written by @mylifeiskara, for @hostagetakerandhistraitor​. The four assigned tropes were 1) friends made a bet, 2) one character kisses the other and the one who got kissed is shocked still, 3) amnesia AU, 4) ark AU (or any other AU where the story takes place in space).
All John Murphy wants for Christmas is for Emori to remember who he is.
Won’t let you go [G] (Clurphy) 
Written by sapphictomaz, for @vmreed​. The four assigned tropes were 1) childhood friends-to-lover, 2) grounder au, 3) tattoos, and 4) body painting
There is nothing shared in Clarke and Murphy's lives. They come from opposite clans who have a history of warfare between them. She lives in the jungle, while he calls the mountainside home. She celebrates the holidays by dancing the year away, and he does so by claiming dominance on another year that has passed.
They meet, anyways, and realize that sometimes, you have to make your own traditions.
Contained Constant Chaos [T] (Murven)
Written by @vmreed, for sapphictomaz. The four assigned tropes were 1) Post-Apocalypse AU (different from canon), 2) Found Family, 3)Hurt/Comfort, and 4) "You're an asshole to everybody else, but you're nice to me"
“Please don’t kill me.” He said, stupidly.
She raised an eyebrow, saying nothing, but offering him a box of tampons.
and i’ll die by your side if you want me to [T] (Memori)
Written by @dylanobrienisbatman​, for @justbecauseyoubelievesomething. The four assigned tropes were 1) based on a tv show (author chose Timeless), 2) soulmate AU, 3) fake dating, and 4) timeloop/groundhog day AU.
Murphy got tapped to come work for a special project after he was arrested for stealing a military vehicle right off of the base (long story). Turns out the special project... involved time travel... so theres that. About 6 months after he signed on, it all went horribly sideways, and now they were chasing their friends across history, trying to stop them from making a horrible mistake.
Thats how they end up in the middle of World War I France on Christmas day in 1914. Thats how she dies.
And then... somehow... the day begins again. Can he figure out a way to stop The Blake Siblings from wrecking history forever and also save the girl?
This Christmas, You're All That I Want (Just Don't Tell Anyone) [G] (Bellarke)
Written by @bellarkestitchdelena​, for @captaindaddykru​. The four assigned tropes were 1) Joke kiss turned serious, 2) The main ship must share something (can literally be anything), 3) Two characters giving extremely biased flashbacks to an event, and 4) Secret Relationship.
It all starts trying to prove Murphy wrong
Season’s Grievances [G] (Multi)
Written by @hostagetakerandhistraitor​, for @teeandsnowflakes​. The four assigned tropes were 1) a terribly loud crash and one of the characters yelling ‘IM OKAY’ from another room, 2) huddle for warmth, 3) found family, and 4) one character is ‘icy’ and slowly defrosts. 
Bellamy and Raven have been best friends for over 3 years. They found each other at their low points and bonded to turn each other into better people. But when Bellamy starts dating Raven's ex, Echo, things get icy. This is a story of family, friendship, romance, betrayal, culinary inaptitude, with a slight zest of things I wanted to be canon. Also a Blake family Christmas party.
Kiss Me Babe, It's Christmas Time [M] (Bellarke)
Written by @eyessharpweaponshot, for @shen-gong-oops​. The four assigned tropes were 1) One character has a child, 2) Characters are not together but are mistaken for a couple, 3) Terribly loud crash and one character goes ‘oops’ in a casual voice, 4) Two characters giving extremely biased flashbacks of the same event.
How long have you been in love with him? Seven years now?’ ‘Eight’ Clarke corrects him, her voice muffled through her hands as she cups her face. She’s still trying to calm her heart rate down. Murphy simply laughs, his amusement of this clear as day. ‘Don’t know what you’re laughing at. You were in the same boat with Raven’ Clarke reminds him. ‘Not for eight years, I wasn’t.’ Clarke rolls her eyes. She should never have told Murphy. The results of too much wine and being the last ones standing after a night in Grounders a couple of years ago. ‘Look, all I’m saying is it might be worth telling him’ he shrugs, leaning against the broom in his hand. Clarke gives him a pointed look. ‘Nobody is telling Bellamy anything.’
Christmas time, a harbouring secret and a festive get-together. The perfect combination.
where the love light gleams [T] (Murven)
Written by @teeandsnowflakes, for @kuklash​. The four assigned tropes were 1) meet cute, 2) first kiss, 3) surprise proposal, 4) pregnancy AU.
Raven hadn't been home for Christmas in four years, but the one year she did, she met Murphy, new in town since she had last been there, and learns a very important lesson about the holidays.
i know you can feel the magic we don't need to talk about it [T] (Bellarke)
Written by @captaindaddykru , for @eyessharpweaponshot​. The four assigned tropes were 1) exes, 2) jealousy, 3) protectiveness, 4) modern au. 
Christmas eve, Clarke's sort-of-ex shows up at her door in the middle of an awkward family dinner and so she ends up flashing him. Holiday spirit and all.
Dance Your Way Home [T] (Becho)
Written by @justbecauseyoubelievesomething​, for @dylanobrienisbatman​. The four assigned tropes were 1) historical AU (1920′s or earlier), 2) almost kiss/interrupted kiss, 3) holiday party, and 4) sunrises.
“We need to get you home. You’re freezing.”
Home. She has no home.
Everyone Telling You Be of Good Cheer [G] (Clurphy)
Written by @kinetic-elaboration​, for @hopskipaway​. The four assigned tropes were 1) amnesia, 2) found family, 3) oblivious pining, and 4) and mistletoe kiss.
“Merry Christmas, by the way,” Clarke adds, which settles that.
“You too. Merry Christmas.” He takes down Bellamy’s NYU mug without thinking, tries to shake the feeling that he’s no more than an extra in Clarke’s amnesiac version of Groundhog’s Day. That this is, somehow, normal. That he is not wondering, the thought like an invasive little jingle in his ear, what she thinks yesterday was.
The day after Murphy, Clarke, Bellamy, and Raven return from disappointing family Christmases, Clarke wishes that they could have spent the holiday together instead. A fall down the stairs, a bout of amnesia—and suddenly it’s Christmas again. And again. And again. Reliving the day puts even Murphy into the holiday spirit, and helps him learn to open his heart to his friends, and to the possibility of love.
3 Times Murphy Lost a Fight, and 1 Time He Didn't  [M] (Clurphy)
Written by @kuklash​, for @mylifeiskara​. The four assigned tropes were 1) 3+1, 2) Oblivious Pining, 3) Work Party, and 4) First Kiss.
Dec. 20th, 2003
"This party is gonna fucking suck, Clarke."
"Of course it’s gonna suck, Murphy, but if you want this job you have to schmooze," the blonde said with an eye roll. "The best place to schmooze is the company Christmas party."
A Little Brighter [G] (Bellarke)
Written by @shen-gong-oops​, for @bellarkestitchdelena​. The four assigned tropes were 1) Rivals to Lovers, 2) Arranged Marriage AU, 3) Pregnancy, and 4) Sunsets.
Taking a deep breath, he turned towards Clarke. "If I were to take up your father's offer for knighthood, please know, I do not wish to be the knight to the princess of all Arkadia."
Or: Bellamy takes a really long time to realize he's being a hypocrite.
when i’m feelin' alone (you remind me of home) [G] (Clurphy)
Written by @hopskipaway​, for @probably-voldemort​. The four assigned tropes were 1) royalty au, 2) marriage pact, 3) clumsy character, and 4) roommates. 
Within the walls of the palace, Princess Clarke of Arkadia lives a quiet and lonesome life.
That is, until John Murphy waltzes into her life and changes it forever. She’s not complaining.
sweet dreams of holly and ribbon, mistakes are forgiven, and everythin' is icy and blue, and you would be there too
make my wish come true [T] (Murven)
Written by @probably-voldemort​, for @kinetic-elaboration​. The four assigned tropes were 1) almost kiss / interrupted kiss, 2) holiday movie (as in being in a holiday movie), 3) friends with benefits, and 4) band au. 
It's been ten years since the Delinquents went off air, so clearly it's time for a reunion in the form of a Christmas special. Yeah, it sounded like bullshit to Murphy, too, but he hadn't seen the crew since Raven's wedding a few years back, and he'd managed to convince Kane that his character should have a dog, so there was no way it could be all bad.
Last Christmas [NR] (Bellarke)
Written by @bellarkeshoe​, for @hiddenpolkadots​. The four assigned tropes were 1) Exes, 2) Fake dating, 3) Kiss under the mistletoe, and 4) Modern Au.
Bellamy Blake never thought he would see Clarke Griffin again in his life. At least, not after the way things ended. He wished that things had gone differently because well, he cared about her. He loved her and he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her. He never even really got the chance to tell her that.
Everything happened so fast. One moment he is as happy as he can be, enjoying his life as a professor with an amazing girlfriend, and just like that, his world came crumbling down and over one huge misunderstanding.
But when they ended it, they both said some things they didn’t mean, or well he hoped she didn’t mean what she had said, he knows he didn’t.
But that is all in the past now, he can never forget about her, he still thinks about her everyday, but there is nothing he can really do about it. Clarke hates him for some reason and he doesn’t know if he’s totally over the fact that she ended things.
He is sure she had a good reason to. I mean at least that’s what he hopes. If the love they felt for each other was genuine and real than she should have had a very good reason to end things, right?
your eyes outshine the town, they do [T] (Bellarke)
Written by @hiddenpolkadots​, for @thelittlefanpire. The four assigned tropes were 1) magic au, 2) competing businesses, 3) secret relationship, and 4) kiss in the snow.
“I’m going to make you enjoy Christmas,” she tells him, her confidence in herself almost overwhelming. “I can’t do anything about the weather but I’m pretty sure I can handle the rest. By the time the season is over you’re going to love Christmas.”
“I highly doubt that,” he says, staring at her hard. “I may just tolerate it at best.”
“I’ll take it,” she says, “Bellamy Blake, prepare to have the best Christmas of your life.
or, sometimes christmas is you and your rival falling into a snowbank together.
Taste of Arkadia [G] (Bellarke)
Written by @thelittlefanpire​, for @bellarkeshoe​. The four assigned tropes were 1) Rivals to Lovers, 2) Character A catches Character B crying, 3) Modern AU, and 4) Competing businesses (author’s choice).
Before Christmas, the Chancellor of Arkadia charges his son with the task of repurposing the city’s warehouse district into a cool, hip hub for commerce and camaraderie.
At its opening, an impromptu competition among the many businesses in the area begin for the best spot in the ARK.
Take a read! Leave a kudos/comment! These fics are so unique and fun and the authors worked so hard on them. Thanks so much!
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