#i feel like i forgot someone shshsjhshs
ballisterboldheart · 5 years
Obviously you like Dinobutt, how do you feel about the rest of the beast wars characters?
dinothot has dethroned optimus as my favorite transformer i am a FOOL for not watching beast wars earlier but here we go:
rhinox: i LOVE this guy like he gives me the vibe that everyone thinks he's older than he actually is because of how competent he is akksks his model is butt ugly but hey. i support my gay rhino uncle
cheetor: he's just a widdle kitty yeah his beast mode in s1 looks like ass but its a cgi cartoon from 1996 you TAKE him and you LOVE him as he is also im so excited to see him in cyberverse
ratrap: he's..... alright sjdjjsjs he's probably my least favorite maximal idk i just do not get his appeal and that accent..... Awful. i do like his s1 model the best tho
optimus: he Hasn't replaced tfa optimus as my fave version of optimus but you know what? he's close. i first saw him in power of the primes and he bored me a little because i had No Idea who he was but now i appreciate and Love Monky Prime
silverbolt: im p sure that's his name listen he's just a lovestruck moron out here living his life i wish i could say i hate him but i really don't jajsjdjd
tigatron: MY MAN i love this widdle kitty too his character and his romance with airrazor chefs kiss love is beautiful one thing though i do wish he had gotten more of a dynamic w/ dinobot like C'MON the solider and the pacifist we could have had it All....
airrazor: her design is a little offputting but overall she's great and i appreciate her, wish she didn't die at the end :(
depth charge: i still don't know who he was or what he was like........... Doing.....i know everyone loves him but for the life of me i can't figure out why skskskskkss
megatron: what hasn't been said abt bw megatron he's just so FUN and such an IDIOT (really? cloning dinobot....twice???) that he's just. a great version of megs. bw megs > tfp megs
scorponok: he's an alright dude like he had his moments and i was kinda bummed when he died
terrorsaur: only cowards hate the screeching idiot baby
waspinator: HE'S JUST A BABY LET HIM LIVE aksjjdjss im firm believer in the #waspinatordeservesbetter cause
tarantulas: am i missing something or are all y'all really horny for....That
blackarachnia: why her badonkadonks so huge also she's morosexual
inferno: i really love his voice also just overall he's on par w/ wreck gar in being one of the best comedic characters
rampage: it took me like a minute to remember his name so do with that what you will
transmutate: haunts my nightmares like literally i couldn't finish the episode
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