#i feel like if i get no fellowships next year i'm going to be screwed getting any funding whatsoever
Witcher hot take 1. Why the wolf Witchers don't work in the show, and the hot take of why I  don't care about these changes  as much as other fans
this does have some criticism of the Netflix show but I won't be tagging it as that because I do not want to attract those 100% negative people   
I don’t like anything about how the other wolf Witchers were portrayed in the show, not just Eskel’s death but the overall toxic masculinity vibe ( the scene with the sex workers, really?)  and lack of soft moments with Ciri, unlike in the books,  Lambert and Coen were just boring and not fleshed out beyond teasing Ciri and Vesemir seemed miscast and not only written weird I did not get the fatherly vibe with him at all, not between Geralt or Ciri, It  feels really ooc that he would want more Witchers, even with the explanation they give  ( and I am someone who will defend Yennefer's actions in season two; we are getting to her next), they try but you never get the sense of comradery you get from them in the games/ books 
having a bunch of conflict in  Kaer Morhen is like having a scene in Fellowship of the Ring where there are murders in the shire in the beginning, this place  is supposed to be a contrast to all the horrors the characters will encounter in the future 
That being said, it doesn’t “ruin things”  going forward for me for a few reasons, Contrary to what you may think from the sheer amount of fanfic of them, the other wolf Witchers don’t have that big a role in the story, in fact, other than Coen showing up briefly in the final battle in LotL I don't think they show up past Blood of Elves in any big, important way 
Secondly , a good part of their characterization and backstory come from the games, (Eskel's scar and child surprise, Lambert's expanded backstory with his father and with Aiden, Vesemir`s encounter with the vampires and “reputation” in his younger years), and just the fact that they were portrayed so perfectly in the games already, I already have an amazing Interactive audio-visual representation of these characters, and hundreds of incredible fanfictions of them I feel like I already got  the best version of these characters and with the remake of the first Witcher game, I'm going to get even more of them 
in contrast, I will be mad and might drop the show if they screw up the hanza as badly as the wolf witchers because they ( minus Regis and Dandelion, who are fairly different from their book counterparts ) were not in the games,  and their isn't much fanfiction the hanza and they play a huge part in the story going forward  
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anishinaabequay · 5 years
If anyone wondered where I've been: I wasn't making a political stance on shitty policies and new guidelines that failed tremendously. I was just over here having an agonizingly slow mental breakdown over never getting funding and imagining a life in which I drop out of grad school because what's the point
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